Baskerville Dogs 166 / 16

Baskerville Dogs 166 / 16

Ɗɾ. Αʝϸσɭʝʈ

"Barrymore, what is this eerie howls outside the window?" 

"This is the Baskerville dog, sir!" 

"Barrymore, what is this wild wail in the swamps?" 

"This is the Baskerville cat, sir! 

"Barrymore, what is this deep, chilling silence?" 

"It's a Baskerville fish, sir!

"Tell me, Holmes, is your deductive method able to reveal that my glass of whiskey is half full or half empty?

"Elementary, Watson!" Breathe.

The Lord comes home drunk and says to the servant:

"Berimore, bring the basin, we'll puke.

A few minutes later:

Berimore, everything's canceled, we're ourselves!


💉 As part of a long-standing promise to link the vaccines - liars of a non-existent pandemic with the Communists - the fascists we keep our promise every time we release new material about liars Global - Kagal . We start today with the party of Britain and the wife of former Corbyn adviser Andrew Murray, a Labour Party donor and SAGE committee member Susan Michy.

Widespread asymptomatic spread does not occur, masks are ineffective, social distancing is inhumane. However, Friends, these are products of unelected think tanks and the media to change our behavior with you and make us more inhumane and ampmatic, will not go away. Global Kagal isolate and desocialize us so we can be resocialized. Not only that, very soon someone is waiting for the slaughter of cattle. I hope, Friends, you'll get two parts of our stuff below ⬇️ even more. 

The Covid-Plan / Rockefeller Lockstep 2010 They hypothesize a simulated global outbreak required steps, various phases, overall timelines, and expected outcomes. This was posited in the Rockefeller Lockstep 2010: • Create a very contagious but super low mortality rate virus to fit the needed plan.

Medical Test kits (300215) exports by country | 2017

Medical Test kits (300215) exports by country in 2017 Additional Product information: Diagnostic reagents based on immunological reactions Category: Medical Test kits/ Instruments, apparatus used in Diagnostic TestingThe data here track previously existing medical devices that are now classified by the World Customs Organization as critical to tackling COVID-19

On June 23, 2015, the U.S. Department of Justice filed a complaint with scientists at the Pirbrait Institute (England, Surrey) patent application No. 10.130.701 "a live attenuated coronavirus containing a variant of the resisea gene encoding polyproteins containing a mutation in one or more non-structural proteins (s) (nsp)-10, nsp-14, nsp-15 or nsp-16." 

And on November 20, 2018, this patent was granted to the Pirbrait Institute for a ready-made "invention."

The project was sponsored by Bill Gates, who is actively involved in vaccine development programs to reduce the planet's population. Coronavirus is another link in the actions of the supranational world elite in this direction.

Molecular biologists have seen structural details similar to 2019-nCoV in the electron microscopic image of the "English invention." This pathogen can be mutated into a very real biological weapon. 

Soros invested in a bio-laboratory in Wuhan at 666.

WuXi PharmaTech Inc., 666 Gaoxin Road, East Lake, Wuhan High-Tech Development Area 430075, China 🇨🇳 

1. Proof that Soros has a financial involvement in WuXi:


2. An article from Debtwire about his investments:

Boyu is also one of the consortiums that acquired WuXi PharmaTech's medical assets, previously listed on the New York Stock Exchange, for approximately $3.2 billion. The buyout consortium includes the company's founder, Ge Li, Boyu, Temasek, investment unit Ping An, Hillhouse Capital and Ally Bridge. The buyback was secured by a signed loan of $1.1 billion. U.S. from Shanghai Development Bank Pudong and Ping An Bank.

Boyu's first dollar fund reportedly raised $1 billion in 2011. It includes investors including the Singapore State Welfare Fund Temasek, the Li Kashin Investment Fund and the George Soros Fund.

WuXi's location in Wuhan is also interesting. The site address contains 666: WuXi AppTec (Wuhan) Low-Molecular Drug Search and Research Service 666 Gaoxin Road East Lake, High-Tech Development Area Wuhan 430075, China (86) 6539-0001

WuXi's Advanced Therapies website, which tells you what they offer, including gene therapy, virus production and various viral products.

The proximity of the alleged epicenter of the outbreak of coronavirus wholesale fish market "Huanan Seafood" and Wuhan Institute of Virology on the face or ass, who as it will be more convenient to pull this project.

And despite the fact that there is no evidence that WuXi has anything to do with the virus in Wuhan (coronavirus is not listed anywhere, and has not been able to find at all any lists of the families of viruses with which they work), but what is behind all can stand Soros with his 666, seems more than likely.

We hope that now you understand why you understand the picture of the pope of one of the main providers of vaccinations in the undeveloped and dependent countries of Bill Gates, a supporter of the policy of the golden billion, with Turner, Soros, Rockefeller.

Chinese media also questioned "Is the new coronavirus a wurs patented by the Gates-funded foundation?"

Automatic translation from Chinese: 

"These sensational news these days are widespread in various social networks in the United States," is the title and story about Gates' patent for coronavirus in one of the Chinese media. 

It's time for the Chinese to set up a memorial, which will allow future generations to remember this lesson of lies. who has cancer all over the world. 

💉 Biden: "America will become an arsenal of vaccines"

The old man said this in Cornwall on the eve of the G7 summit on Friday:

"It is in our interest that the world economy also begin to recover, and this will not happen if we fail to bring this pandemic under control around the world... America will become an arsenal of vaccines in our fight against couidosis #COVID19.... just as America was the arsenal of democracy in World War II."

Comparisons with wars you always have bad, Joe. It's time to change the record, because it's a shame 🙈👇

February 3, 2021 CNN Original: 

Biden: "More Americans died in a year than in World War I, World War II and Vietnam combined"

       Lies 🤥

🤡This people know how dangerous their fake couridosis is. That's why there are no masks, no social distancing. Well, their ignorant plebs let him continue to defend their right to do "publicly significant" act and heroism - to put on a muzzle and get vaccinated.

Information consent:

💉If your child dies as a result of vaccination against #COVID19, all responsibility lies with you.

Not at the pharmaceutical company.

Not on the government.

Not in the community.

On you. 

Vaccines have not been approved for human use.

An authorization for use in emergencies is not an endorsement.

Vaccines are experimental medicines that do not have long-term safety studies. 

You're a parent. 

So act like one of them.

How do we now evaluate the official appeals of the White House administration in the person of Vice President 🇺🇸👇

WASHINGTON, December 29 (S.C.) Vice President Kamala Harris vaccinated her for a vaccine against coronavirus live and urged all Americans to follow suit.

"I'm now vaccinated... I want to encourage everyone to get vaccinated. It's relatively painless, it's really fast, it's safe... My husband will do it today. I'm waiting to get the second part of the vaccine. It's literally about saving lives. I trust scientists," she said after the minute-long procedure.

She said she was vaccinated with Moderna.

The minute-long procedure of Kamal's injection when reviewing and analyzing the video by professionals, turned out to be a tough divorce or a banal deception of fake 👇

"Profiles in Corruption. Abuse of Power by America's progressive elite", by Peter Schweizer. Harper Collins Publishers, 2020 .

In 2016, Kamala Harris used her position to help Planned Parenthood emerge from a scandal involving the sale of tissues and parts of aborted babies. 

Back in 2016, David Dalyden and Sandra Merritt of the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) introduced themselves as businessmen and businesswomen who wanted to buy organs from abortion babies, and they were able to attend the National Congress on Abortion.

They recorded and published their interviews with the Director of Planned Parenthood and the National Coordinator, as well as with a doctor who confirmed that they could provide them with parts of the aborted children at their request. In 2015, when the recording/video scandal broke, current Vice President Harris held a secret face-to-face meeting with Family Planning executives to discuss the investigation; Two weeks later, the California Department of Justice raided Daleiden's home, recording and publishing the video. Now that Kamala has lost business and turned everything upside down, using her boat, Daleiden and Merritt could end up in prison, and "paternity planning" still kills babies for spare parts. However, revealing videos in which family planning officials sell parts of the bodies of aborted children have shocked many: 

In the first video:

We treated passer-by calls a little differently before taking office, believing those actions to be a common misunderstanding. But now it is the official position of the official with all the closed information about this product from the special services of the United States and not only, is available to the Vice President of the United States 🇺🇸👇

The official report of the world media 👇

Pandemic Coronavirus, 21 Dec 2020 

and Biden was vaccinated against coronavirus live

At a hospital in Newark, Delaware, the President-elect of the United States was given the first dose of the vaccine from Pfizer and BioNTech. In a few weeks the vaccination will need to be repeated. His wife was also involved in COVID-19. 

Photograph: Leah Millis/Reuters

U.S. President-elect Joe Biden has been vaccinated against coronavirus, Reuters reports.

Biden was vaccinated at ChristianaCare Hospital in Newark, Delaware. The procedure was broadcast live.

Photograph: Leah Millis/Reuters

U.S. President-elect Joe Biden has been vaccinated against coronavirus, Reuters reports.

Biden was vaccinated at ChristianaCare Hospital in Newark, Delaware. The procedure was broadcast live.

A German analyst talks about Biden's vaccination. We don't take an unscored German translation. This video is without comment by the 👇

We will leave 👆 without comment the speech of the German analyst as we do not know the perfect German . 

By the way, Rockefeller funded these series. 

as well as:


In a 2010 report, a reference to which is given at the beginning of our material, as well as a screenshot of the "philanthropic novel" from 1989 , the Rockefeller Foundation dreams of future principles of philanthropic activity almost one with the current epidemic of coronavirus. And with the details suggesting that the authors were planning the future...

In 2012, the pandemic that the world had been waiting for for years finally broke out. Unlike H1N1 in 2009, this new strain of influenza from wild geese was extremely virulent and deadly. Even the most pandemic-prepared countries were quickly struck when the virus spread around the world, infecting nearly 20 percent of the world's population and killing 8 million people in just seven months, most of them healthy young people.

yes, as long as it all starts, like a normal horror movie. "Virus Apocalypse" instead of a dull "zombie apocalypse." But this is not the beginning of a new fantasy novel. This is the report of one of the world's most well-known and authoritative think tanks, the Rockefeller Foundation's "Scenarios for Future Technologies and International Development." The text was published in May 2010.

Hence the natural allusions to bird flu. 

The pandemic has also had a deadly impact on the economy: international mobility of both people and goods has stalled sharply, depleting industries such as tourism and disrupting global supply chains. Even local, usually noisy shops and office buildings were empty for months, deprived of both employees and customers.

Good goes on: "The pandemic has spread to the entire planet , although a disproportionate number of people have died in Africa, Southeast Asia and Central America, where the virus has spread like wildfire in the absence of official containment protocols."

Pelosi tweeted about vaccination. 

The Speaker of the House said she did so with confidence in science.

If we are not blinded by 👀 we see a cap on the needle where the needle is usually located 💉. That's what Pelosi's shot was. 

The son of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi Paul Pelosi Jr.

Alexander Soros

(born October 27, 1985) [1] is the son of George Soros. He is Deputy Chair of the Open Society Foundations and one of the World Economic Forum's Young Global Leaders of 2018.

Despite requests to be dumped, the conman Fauci presses the subpoena and the purpose of PR support from the second lady of the United States . For the sake of keeping it close, the goal 🎯 Kids 👶:

"We expect that by the end of this calendar year we will be able to vaccinate children of any age, so we are getting closer to that."

We are not afraid to appear to someone indiscreet. It's really about children and saving them, but the limited number of children of the first responders is in question. In this context, the show is about saving your own children. In fauci's case it is a famous daughter - censorship 🤬, in the case of Jill is also a famous son

A brief official version of Jill Biden's biography from open internet sources: 

Jill Biden - Childhood, Early Biography

Jill Biden (nee Jill Tracy Jacobs) was born on June 5, 1951, in Hammonton, New Jersey, USA, but spent most of her childhood in Pennsylvania, where her father got a job as a bank teller. After her husband Joe Biden was elected 46th President of the United States in 2020, she became The American First Lady.

Always striving for independence, the girl worked from the age of 15. After graduating from high school in 1969, she enrolled in a local college for the specialty of "merchandising", but a year later left, finding this occupation boring. However, there she managed to marry Bill Stevenson, a player of the university team in American football. Later he became the owner of a successful bar, but their paths with Jill quickly diverged - she went to the University of Delaware, deciding to study the humanities and English. The marriage inevitably broke up, and in 1974 the couple filed for divorce. In addition, the woman took academic leave to work in a modeling agency.

Meet Joe Biden, family.

In March 1975, she met Joe Biden, then a member of the U.S. Senate. Their date was organized by the politician's brother Frank, with whom the woman studied at university. Jill later revealed that she was subdued by Biden's mannerisms and suaveness, after her first date telling her mother, "I finally met a gentleman."

The couple married on June 17, 1977. By then, Jill, who had a bachelor's degree in English, was teaching at the university. She repeatedly rejected Biden's offer, wanting to keep working. But in the end, the lovers found a way to combine the career of a woman and care for his two sons from his first marriage (the first wife of Joe Biden died in a car accident with their young daughter).

Jill quit her job in 1981 because she was pregnant. She gave birth to a baby girl, Ashley, on June 8 and stayed at home for two years, but then went back to work, teaching English to children with emotional disorders.

In 1987, the woman received a Master of Arts degree. She didn't give up teaching even when her husband became vice president of the United States, settling in a public college near Washington. Jill Biden became the first running second lady (the vice president's wife) in history.


Source: Jill Biden with sons Beau (left) and Hunter (right) in 1976. 

Source: Joe and Jill Biden the year before their wedding in 1976. 

🇺🇸Mteri of the three children of American politician Biden Nelia Hunter was only 30 years old when she at the intersection of one of the tracks with The Delaware highway number 7 went to the counter, where she crashed at high speed a truck with a trailer. 

Nelia and her three children - 13-month-old daughter Amy, sons Beau and Hunter, who were then 4 and 2.5 years respectively, were pulled from the car, but Amy and her young mother did not reach the medical center. They died on the road. 

However, the conflicting stories Biden has made about how the tragedy happened and how he met his future wife, Jill, are more than bizarre. When this happened, Nelly was on her way home and there is no evidence that the truck driver was drinking alcohol, as Joe publicly stated.

In fact, Nella Biden herself was drunk when she put all her children in a station wagon and drove off on a counter in front of a truck with a tractor trailer. Why she took with her all the children we do not know . But the au pair, as well as the children's nanny Biden was Jill, she was Joe's mistress. Maybe Nella didn't want Joe Gill's mistress looking after her kids. I mean, either Nelly killed herself and tried to take all the kids with her, or was there a really accident, but, provoked by Biden bringing his wife to this point? 

Joe tells everyone the story that the truck driver was drunk and destroyed his family. No, Friends, the truck driver wasn't drunk.

We can't vouch for the veracity of the documents below 👇, but they look like a civil case and are dated October 2020. 

After reading Ashley Biden's diary about how she showered with her father and how she knew it was inappropriate, we thought of one possible version: what if Joe's wife found out that Biden was touching their daughter.

Hunter and incest. 

Dozens of pages from the diary of Ashley Blazer Biden, the 39-year-old daughter of President Joe Biden, who the whistleblower identified as a 2019 diary. The diary was started while Ashley was in rehab in Florida, and details her romantic interests, a falling marriage, struggles with drug and sexual addiction, and family life when her father began running for president. 

In Ashley's diary, Biden reveals about child sexual trauma, drug abuse, resentment against Joe and much more.

🇺🇸Day Ashley Biden in full (112 pages) in pdf 

Two hares with one shot: got rid of the witness and the rite of passage.

If the first wife came out with this information in the divorce and in addition with information about the affair with the nanny (Jill) , the current wife of Joe Jill Biden, the future wife Jill had problems with reputation, public ridicule, all this would completely destroy the entire career of the U.S. senator, and the first wife in divorce would get all 3 children. At least Joe would be an antihero when he divorced. Any version has a place to be. If this information had become known to the general public then it would well be likely that the witness investigation would have been not just a colleague, or a former friend, or a random Jane from the street, but his WIFE. 

We found a picture of Joe and 15-year-old Jill sitting on their knees. And they married a week later, perhaps a day or two after the death of the first wife ...

Joe and his first wife. 


Mao Tse-tung and Richard Nixon, 1976.

Ending strictly from the age of 18 👇

Salvadoran guerrillas fire to defuse weapons and surrender them for destruction under UN control, December 14, 1992

An American soldier with a bullet hole in his helmet. Battle of Tarawa, 1943.

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