Baskerville Dogs 166 / 17.

Baskerville Dogs 166 / 17.

Ɗɾ. Αʝϸσɭʝʈ

It's "Fat Man" - a bomb dropped on Nagasaki.


The closed part of the material is 18. In this article photo of naked bodies . Be careful ⚠️

Rapper 50 Cent, at that moment - just a 19-year-old bandit, convicted of drug trafficking. 1994

Hoover Dam

A concrete arch-gravity dam 221 m high and a hydroelectric power plant built in the lower reaches of the Colorado River. 1936.

🤡This people know how dangerous their fake couridosis is. That's why there are no masks, no social distancing. Well, their ignorant plebs let him continue to defend their right to do "publicly significant" act and heroism - to put on a muzzle and get vaccinated.

Hunter Biden sexually exploited Barack Obama's daughter. 

If you add up the rumors that Biden Jr. had sex with Amalia, Obama's daughter, pictured with Obama's dog, in the frame during one of Biden Jr.'s at home, it's almost 100 percent likely to suggest that hearing isn't a rumor, it's a reality. Hunter really sexually exploited barack and Michelle Obama's daughter. Speaking of which, Jim Stone agrees with us.

"I didn't say it, call it a rumor, there are rumors right now," Jim Stone writes of it, "It's safe to say that he at least had a minor stroke. If Biden is really dead, he will survive until the election. If he's alive, he's really suspended his campaign. So, there are rumors that a deal was made, but I would not bet on it, I bet on two things: first, their servers are blocked, and secondly, they are under arrest and / or dead. At present there is absolutely no evidence of anything, no evidence of a stroke, no evidence of server lockouts, no evidence of arrests, but one thing is certain: something very suspicious has happened... From what I've found, it's clear that Malia Obama had a romp in Hunter's bedroom, and there's strong evidence that this is true, and that pictures of the cocaine tracks were taken when she was with Hunter. All this was forgotten at the same moment when the drops stopped. I've seen (several, but not enough) photos of this to understand that it's true, but not enough to convincingly confirm it. Yes, it's very likely that Malia is naked in the photos, and Hunter was there, but everything is photographed from behind, and the only link proving that it's Malia is a mole in the grainy photos. It's just not enough to say yes. So now we have: Biden may have suffered a stroke, may be dead, and REALLY suspended his campaign. Plus a good chance that there is now compromising material with Obama and definitely compromising material with Nancy Pelosi (which could also lead to the closure of everything)."

"No one talks about it, but the expression on everyone's faces speaks for itself. This campaign is over," writes Joe's campaign staffer, "I'm ashamed that I campaigned for Joe, and I'm not the only one who thinks so. Several campaign staff and volunteers have stopped showing up over the past few days. Everything here is basically like a ghost town. After I've done this post, I'm going to leave, too, and I'm never going to come back here. Joe is corrupt, and his family has serious problems. There's no way Joe's going to win this election. We made so many phone calls and knocked on so many doors. A lot of people basically tell us to go to hell right away, but most of them listen for a few seconds and then tell us they're not interested, but the way they say it, you just see and know they're never going to think about voting for Joe. There's something really weird about all this. I've been agitating for over 10 years, and this year is so different from how people react to us. Anyway, I thought you guys might like to hear it from the mouths of the horses. Helping to expose all this lies is the least I can do before I leave this campaign."


😳🇺🇸18' the second wave of selfie from Hunter Biden. We ask forgiveness for someone's feelings, possibly hurt by this material above and the video of the son of the President of the United States.

Biden Jr. is a pretty strong guy. He fried not only Obama's daughter, but he also used Lady Gaga. The same Lady Gaga (Stephanie), who learned in one of her freak shows in a suit of meat, from which the blood flowed, and performed in the walls of who IS, where the Ethiopian Gebreus, who is controlled by a friend of paedophile Epstein, a former IT-schish, the current chief virologist of Planet Gates. 

Yes, we agree, it👆 👇sur, but the reality is what it is. 

Robert Hunter Biden; born February 4, 1970) is an American lawyer, civil servant and businessman. Son of 46th U.S. President Joe Biden.

Lady Gaga on the walls of WHO: "Thank you very much, Evan-Hugh Evans. You're a miracle. I'm really speechless. I want to thank everyone who is on this challenge today. Thank you so much, Dr. Tedros. I can only speak for my own behalf and my mother. We are deeply grateful for the partnership and, yes, that is absolutely true; we all know the importance of mental health support that the medical community will need during and after. This will be extremely important and we are already preparing for it.

Thank you, Hugh Evans, you're a superstar at Global Citizen. Thank you for your continued leadership and for this fight against the covid is the fight that the whole world will lead together. Over the past week, I have witnessed an inspiring and fearless global effort. Health workers continue to fight on the front lines of this pandemic, leaders, other nonprofit organizations and people of all nations have joined forces to write a love letter to the world. At home, it's called One World for All Together.

This is a love letter to our doctors, a love letter to our nurses and other medical workers who risk their own lives for ours, to delivery drivers, grocery store workers, factory workers, public transport workers, postal workers and restaurant workers, all. We celebrate your bravery and your heroism.

During this time we have witnessed the unification of a united, good world community. This triumph has instilled in me and my colleagues a true call to address the private sector.

There are several dozen and dozens of donors, and we now additionally have donations from Proctor and Gamble, Johnson and Johnson, Citi, Coca-Cola, Target, the Ford Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation and from the Bloomberg Charitable Foundations.

The updates are such that we are now at the level of 50 million dollars and look forward to further contributions to the fund and to local community charities... 

We also hope that tomorrow night will be an event "One World Together At Home"., we will continue this by telling global stories of triumph and hope, telling them to a global audience, truly bringing the world together.

We can do something to bring joy and respite to all corners of the Earth. I agree with this and am happy to share with all of you some news that The Rolling Stones have joined the line and tomorrow the artists will perform. Let's keep gaining momentum. <...>. Thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart. I'm Lady Gaga. I'm an Italian-American patriot, but I'm also a Citizen of the World. Thank you." 

Despite the opinion that it is time for him to leave, and the special units of the story of the detention of this conman, he is still talking to MSNBC journalists about the Science of 🧐, and that it is not necessary to attack him, that he Is Faust - good: 

 "It's very dangerous, Chuck, because a lot of what you see as attacking me, frankly, is an attack on science. So, if you're trying to get to me as a public health official and a scientist, you're not really attacking Dr. Anthony Fauci, you're attacking science. And anyone who looks at what's going on clearly sees it. You have to be asleep not to see it."

Friends, you just imagine the level of administration of this conman, who is now acquitted and defended as a child, and we are forced to listen to this shit 💩 still, as this man is second only to Gates in influence in BigPharma, on whose recommendations now live absolutely the whole world. 

🇺🇸 many know, often many journalists are not journalists. Such people, apparently and perhaps, belongs to the American talk host - the show and conservative political commentator Sean Hannity. At least, judging by the badge on the lapel of his jacket, this guy, in addition to the media, also works for the CIA. 

In the next issues we will show two more men related to this TV company.

The first went: "Get a fascist grenade." 

U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn heard our "friend of paedophile Gates conman Fauci" that was noted in many of our materials about the head of the CDC (US Medical SS 🇺🇸) :

"I think it's only fitting that Dr. Fauci step back from his duties at NIAID and give Congress an opportunity to find out exactly how he colluded with Mark zuckerberg and BIGTECH."

And while it's not a solution yet, it's already a fork in the narrative of global kagal. There is no doubt about this to us and the path of a healthy agenda will continue and will receive its logical denouement - the plum of the scammers and their subsequent arrest 🚔. The only question that remains open to us is whether the White House conman instead of Gates, whom mainstream media has just begun to stoke, or just the evil doctor chosen first.

💉"We are chickens"

Sir David King, chairman of the Independent SAGE, the Independent SAGE, has issued a warning that there has been a recent rise in new SARS cases #COVID19, with 1 in 25 new cases being vaccinated.

The vaccine changes the direction of the virus and has huge, I would say, deadly consequences.☠️

Obama gave up all of them: Floyd- Operation under a fake flag.

Missing footage from all media 🎞 George Floyd. 👇

On May 25 (Monday), police in Minneapolis, Minnesota, arrested 46-year-old George Floyd on suspicion of using a "fake payment" to shop at the store. The rest you know. We decided to collect a small selection of accumulated inconsistencies in this narrative.

Derek Chauvin pictured before his arrest looks a little different than after his 👇

The two photos clearly shows the different size and shape of the ears, the size and shape of the chin, the size and shape of the forehead, the shape of the nose, the arcs. Although, perhaps, the events of recent days have changed the appearance of the ex-cop, because of the act of which the whole of America still stands on the ears.

The obama Foundation's official Twitter account posted a photo of George Floyd long before he died, and long before the world learned of the existence of this convicted, porn-actor drug addict, on May 17: 

"Did you tune in to start Barack Obama's message starting the message last night? Here are some of our favorite hour-long parties. Answer this theme with your photos from last night and continue the celebration in "-- said in a statement of the foundation on May 17.

Not only that, there is an even older message from the Obama Foundation of this kind. On October 29, 2019, the Foundation also published an image of a poster with Floyd:

The Obama Foundation: Michelle Obama and her brother Craig Robinson take the stage at the Obama summit. Tune in now to"

Attorney Timothy D. Jafett of Corpus Christi, Texas, also confirms that the victim, if at all, was not Floyd.

The real George Floyd died three years ago. Now is the time to reach out to your leaders... I saw a black man I played football against in college, allegedly killed on camera 30 years later... But it's not the same guy... I was his lawyer. He died three years ago...

1. Why in one photo (rear view) shows a man on the road not handcuffed, and in the video in front - that he is handcuffed?

2. Why is the police car outside the Sorvelance restaurant different from the one behind floyd (different car numbers)?

3. Why did the police officers in the Sorvellans video footage who arrested him differ from the police officers in the actual incident?

4. Why does the video show the price of diesel at 99 cents instead of the usual price at around 12.49?

6. Why does Derek have a completely different police badge on top of the second police badge, and match his partner if they work in the same station?

6. Isn't it strange that both officers, Tou Tao and Derek, were previously investigated for excessive use of force and were not charged by State Agent Amy Klobuchar? In addition, Officer Derek Chauvin is under the command of his partner Sister Kell.

7. Is there any policeman so blunt to continue kneeling on someone's neck for 8 minutes surrounded by people while he is being videotaped?

8. Is it possible that the deceased does not have injuries/screams/tears during what is happening? 

9/10 Why does the chief cop keep one hand in his pocket most of the time while he kneels?

11. Don't you think it's strange that Floyd and the officer who stood around his neck and killed him worked together in the same shit at the El Nuevo Rodeo club and had known each other for 17 years (both were fired because of a kovid)?

12. Why did the officer's neighbours say that they did not know he was a policeman and had never seen him in uniform?

13. Why was the same lawyer hired as all the other previous black deaths that caused the protests?

14. Why the surveillance video stored in the store shows Floyd dutifully walking with the officer and not resisting arrest, while the officer gently sits on his neck. Why did the officer feel the need to put the opposing guy on the ground and put his knee on his neck?

15. Why did ambulance workers (dressed in police uniforms, including body armor) treat an unconscious person so rudely and even throw his body to the ground? (Trained ambulance staff never lift a person with a neck injury in this way.) Why didn't they try to diagnose and/or give them artificial breathing?

17 Why did the police chief stresse that the instigators and arsonists were not from Minnesota, why the News crew was not only detained, but also arrested? 

Reflections of an unknown guy 👇

Anyway, until our assumptions are debunked, we will be confident that Floyd's murder was an operation under a false flag, not without the help of crisis actors, a hoax like the mountains of combined corpses in New York, which was piled up by a woman, with one left.

✈️ 🇺🇸

Controlled demolition of 🧨 9/11🧨

China has again hit the Marxism-Leninism. 

Recorded May 2018. 

If you ask why again ? Beijing in the 80s of the last century was hung with portraits of Stalin, Lenin, Marx. It was in those years that Rockefeller, Rothschild and the other red contagion carried the U.S. industry 🇺🇸 to red China 🇨🇳. It was then that catalogs, such as Kveli, began to appear, on which Europe and the United States ordered Chinese underpants 🩲 and bras. And it is today, for such frivolous behavior of the then U.S. government, the U.S. taxpayer 🇺🇸 forced to pay today the U.S. military budget 🇺🇸. Exactly the same was in the 30s of the last century, after the Great Depression in the United States, then the object of financing and technological improvement in the form of factories and steamships became the USSR. And then there was World War II and the arms race. And the U.S. taxpayer paid for this race. In short, there is a small group of 🎸 the finished morons in any country of the world, their main task is to live beautifully and sweetly now at the expense of the 🧾 population of their countries. They call themselves very loud - politicians. In fact, these are the most talentless people who can only lie and live at someone else's expense 🧮.

As the head of the Chinese Communist Party and state, Xi Jingping, increasingly concentrates power in his hands, the official ideology of the CPC is becoming more orthodox-communist, writes Australian journalist Bill Birtles. 

American Centenary of Rockefeller

In 1939, together with his four brothers - Nelson, John D.-III, Lawrence and Winthorpe - David Rockefeller and their Rockefeller Foundation funded top secret "peace and war studies" at the New York Council on Foreign Relations, the most influential private U.S. foreign policy think tank, which was also controlled by the Rockefellers.

Between before 1939 and the outbreak of war, the Rockefeller Foundation funded biological research at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in Berlin. It was Nazi eugenics - how to bring out a more perfect race and how to destroy or sterilize those they considered "inadequate." Rockefeller financed Nazi eugenics. Rockefeller's Standard Oil also violated U.S. law to secretly supply the Nazi Air Force with scarce fuel during the war. After the war, the Rockefeller brothers organized the arrival in the United States and Canada of leading Nazi scientists with cleaned documents, participated in terrible experiments on people to continue their research in the field of eugenics. Many worked on the CIA's top secret "MK-Ultra" project.

In the 1950s, the Rockefeller brothers founded the Population Council to promote eugenics disguised as population research for birth control. The Rockefeller brothers were responsible in the 1970s for a top secret U.S. government project led by the Rockefeller Kissinger National Security Adviser, the NSSM-200 project was titled "The Potential Impact of World Population Growth on U.S. Security and Overseas Interests." The project argued that high population growth in developing countries with strategic raw materials such as oil or minerals is a "threat to the national security" of the United States, as a larger population requires economic growth using these resources domestically (sic!). The NSSM-200 has made population reduction programs in developing countries a precondition for U.S. aid. In the 1970s, the David Rockefeller Foundation also funded with WHO the development of a special tethal vaccine that limited the population by not being able to sustain a pregnancy, literally opposing the human reproduction process itself.

The Rockefeller Foundation created an entire sphere of genetic manipulation through Monsanto's ownership and funding biological research at universities to create "genetic weapons" and other methods of artificially altering the expression of the plant's gene. The goal of GMOs since Rockefeller's sponsorship of the disastrous Golden Rice project in the Philippines has been to use GMOs to control the human and animal food chain. Today, more than 90% of all soybeans grown in the U.S. are genetically modified and more than 80% of all corn and cotton. But at the same time they are not marked in any way.

"Control oil..."

Rockefeller's wealth is based on oil produced by companies such as ExxonMobil, Chevron and others. Henry Kissinger, a political adviser to David Rockefeller since 1954, was involved in all of Rockefeller's major projects. Kissinger secretly manipulated Middle East diplomacy in 1973 to trigger an OIL embargo on OPEC countries.

The oil shock of 1973-74 was orchestrated by a secretive organization that David Rockefeller created in the 1950s and known as the Bilderberg Group. In May 1973, David Rockefeller and the heads of major American and British oil companies met in Saltsyubaden, Sweden, at the annual Bilderberg meeting to plan an oil shock. He will be blamed for the "greedy Arab oil sheikhs." That shock saved the falling U.S. dollar and turned Wall Street banks, including David Rockefeller's Chase Manhattan, into the world's largest banks.

The author has a "confidential" protocol for the meeting, which describes the price-raising strategy described six months before the Arab-Israeli war. Please read my book "The Centenary of War," there's this document. In the 1970s, Kissinger summarized David Rockefeller's global strategy: "If you control oil, you control entire countries; If you control food, you control peoples; if you control money, you control the whole world."

"Control the money..."

David Rockefeller was chairman of Chase Manhattan Bank, a family bank. He was responsible for getting Chase Vice President Paul Volcker to become chairman of the Federal Reserve under President Carter to create a shock from Volcker's interest rate, which again, like the oil shock, saved the falling U.S. dollar and the profits of Wall Street banks, including Chase Manhattan, at the expense of the global economy.

Volker's "shock therapy" of October 1979, supported by Rockefeller, created the "debt crisis of the third world" of the 1980s. Rockefeller and Wall Street used this debt crisis to force state privatizations and significant devaluations of national currencies in countries such as Argentina, Brazil, Mexico. Rockefeller and friends like George Soros then appropriated the most valuable assets of Argentina, Brazil and Mexico at exorbitantly low prices.

This was similar to the scheme used by British banks in the Ottoman Empire after 1881, when they effectively took control of Sultan's finances, controlling all tax revenues through the Ottoman Public Debt Authority (UGHD). Rockefeller business used the debt crisis of the 1980s to plunder most debt-laden Latin American and African countries with the help of the IMF as their police officer. David Rockefeller himself had friendly relations with some of the more brutal military dictators in Latin America, including General Jorge Videla in Argentina or Pinochet in Chile, who both owed their CIA coups to then-U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger for the Rockefeller family in Latin America.

Through organizations such as the Trilateral Commission, Rockefeller was the main author of the destruction of entire economies and the promotion of so-called globalization - a policy that benefits predominantly the largest banks from Wall Street and the City of London and elected global corporations - thereby being invited members of its "Trilateral Commission". Rockefeller created the Trilateral Commission in 1974 and assigned his close friend, Brzezinski, the work of selecting its members in North America, Japan and Europe.

If we are talking about an invisible, influential network that some call a "deep state," we could say that David Rockefeller considered himself the patriarch of this "deep state." His real actions deserve to be honestly seen as what they were - hateful, not human-loving.

A sampling from an article by F. William Engdahl for the online magazine 'New Oriental Review'. Endgal is a strategic risk consultant and lecturer in education as a political scientist who graduated from Princeton University and is the best-selling author of the best-selling book on oil and geopolitics, an article written exclusively for the online magazine New Eastern Review.

- What is this awful howl, Holmes, the dog of the Baskervilles?

 - No, this is Sir David being fed oatmeal ...

Lenin lived and Lenin is alive,

Lenin will live forever,

and what died is a myth

people know cities.

Everyone he cared about.

millions on Earth,

remembers and hasn't forgotten

never live in a cunt.

One refers to Lenin,

Paedophile priest - Scriptures.

But you can't make a genius blind from quotations,

And you will dip your conscience into suffering.

The quotes of the leader of the world proletariat: 

"Land to the peasants!"


"Peace to the nations!"


"Every cook must learn how to run the state"

"Learn, learn and learn"

It's not the brain, it's (about bourgeois intellectuals)

"There is such a party!"

"Political prostitute"

"Better less, better"

"Who doesn't work doesn't eat"

"Yesterday was early, tomorrow will be late, and today there is no time"

"The working and peasant revolution, which the Bolsheviks always talked about, has come true."

"There is no place for violence against people in our ideal"

The quotes of Lenin, the leader of greater Russia (USSR).

The quotes were long secreted by the Communists and hidden behind large castles in the cellars of the old square and Lubyanka. 

The quotes from which the blood 🩸 in the veins will run out: 

«... That's a great plan! Finish it with Dzerzhinsky. Under the guise of "green" (we then dump on them) will pass on 10-20 furs and outweigh the fists, pops, landlords. Award: $100,000 for a hanged..."

December 24-27, 1917 (Lenin V.I. Poln. op. T. 35. S. 200, 201, 204. - From the work "How to organize a competition?")

"War is not about life, but about death for the rich and the slackers, the bourgeois intellectuals... they need to be dealt with, at the slightest violation ... In one place will go to prison ... In another, they will be put to clean the toilets. In the third - will provide them, on the departure of the cell, yellow tickets ... In the fourth - shot on the spot ... The more diverse, the better, the richer the overall experience will be..."

June 3, 1918 (Wolkogonov D.A. Lenin.

Lenin's handwritten order to the chairman of the Baku ChK S. Ter-Gabrielyan)

«... Can you give Theroux everything to burn Baku in full, in case of invasion, and to announce it in Baku in print?".

August 9, 1918 (Lenin V.I. Poln. op. T. 50. S. 143-144).

"Penza, Gubi executive committee. ... to carry out merciless mass terror against the fists, popes and white guards; dubious lock-in in a concentration camp outside the city."

(Latyshev A.G. Declassified Lenin. M., 1996. S. 57.).

"Comrades Kurayev, Bosch, Minkin and other Penzen communists. Comrades! The uprising of the five parishes of the fist should lead to a merciless suppression. This requires the interest of the entire revolution, because now the "last decisive battle" with the fist is taken. A sample should be given. Hang (certainly hang, so that the people saw) at least 100 notorious fists, rich, bloodsuckers. Post their names. Take all their bread away. To appoint hostages, according to yesterday's telegram. Make it so that for hundreds of miles around people saw, trembled, knew, shouted: suffocate and suffocate the bloodthirsty fists. Telegraph receipt and execution. Your Lenin."

August 22, 1918 (Lenin V.I. Poln. op. T. 50. S. 165).

"Saratov, (authorized by Narcomprod) Pikes. ... I advise you to appoint their superiors and shoot conspirators and hesitants, without asking anyone or allowing idiotic red tape."

September 10, 1918 (Lenin V.I. Poln. op. T.50. S. 178).

"Sviazhsk, Trotsky. Surprised and dismayed by the slowdown of the operation against Kazan, especially if it is true to me that you have the full ability of artillery to destroy the enemy. In my opinion, it is impossible to pity the city and postpone it any longer, because it is necessary to mercilessly exterminate..."

June 3, 1919 (Lenin V.I. Poln. op. T. 50. S. 335).

"As for foreigners, I advise you not to rush expulsion. Isn't it better in the concentration camp..."

(Latyshev A.G. Declassified Lenin. M., 1996, S. 56).

"All foreign nationals who live in the territory of the RFSR from the ranks of the bourgeoisie of those states that are engaged in hostile and military actions against us, between the ages of 17 and 55, are to be taken to concentration camps..."

November 19, 1919 (Lenin V.I. Poln. op. T. 39. S. 315).

«... farmers do not understand that free trade in bread is a state crime. "I made bread, it's my product, and I have the right to trade it" - so says the peasant, out of habit, old-fashioned. And we say it's a state crime."

Lenin, August 26, 1921 (Lenin V.I. Poln. op. T. 53. S. 142.)

"T. Lunacharsky ... I advise all theaters to put in a coffin. The drug education should not be done by theatre, but by literacy."

March 19, 1922 (Izvestia of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. 1990. № 4. S. 190-193).

«... I come to the undeniable conclusion that we must now give the most decisive and merciless battle to the black-ish clergy and suppress its resistance with such cruelty that they do not forget it for several decades... The more representatives of the reactionary clergy and reactionary bourgeoisie we manage to shoot on this occasion, the better."

Lenin, August 1920 (Latyshev A.G. Declassified Lenin. M., 1996).

«... To take military measures, i.e. to try to punish Latvia and Estland militarily (for example, "on the shoulders" of Balakhovich to cross the border somewhere for 1 mile and hang there 100-1000 of their officials and rich people)."

May 17, 1922 (Lenin V.I. Poln. op. T. 45. S. 190).

Photo exhibition:

        Ilyich couldn't pass the exam 

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