Project No. The COVID-19 Strategic Training and Response Programme has been developed by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the Association for International Development. The program involves 25 projects at the 1st stage. This p…

Project No. The COVID-19 Strategic Training and Response Programme has been developed by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the Association for International Development. The program involves 25 projects at the 1st stage. This p… and" - - The World Bank. COVID-19 STRATEGIC PREPAREDNESS AND RESPONSE PROGRAM (SPRP) (P173789). 



The Rockefeller Foundation report, the pandemic scenario was calculated with risk analysis, back in 2012:

And now to the main positions of the Document of the Bundestag. It refers to the scenario of the "worldwide spread of the hypothetical modified SARS virus ("severe acute respiratory syndrome")" which is the causative agent of which "... could be SARS-Coronavirus." 

... First, the authors of the report note that "the epidemic will begin in February in Southeast Asia and from there will quickly spread to Europe and the United States. The list of measures that governments will take will be different in different countries, but the main ones are quarantine and self-isolation." 

Secondly, it is said that "the spread of the virus will not have a negative impact on the environment and wildlife, but some damage is possible for livestock and poultry production, as farmers will be sick. Cultural institutions will not be affected, especially those that are engaged in the preservation of historical heritage. The maximum damage, according to the forecast, will be inflicted on the branches of the national economy, which provide the daily needs of ordinary people in goods and services. It is primarily about medium and small business on the ground. And because ordinary people are going to have a bad time, and they're going to be desperate to protest, there's going to be a big change in politics. 

The Limits to Growth is a report to the Club of Rome published in 1972. Contains the results of modeling the growth of the human population and the exhaustion of natural resources. Donella Meadows, Dennys Meadows, Jorgen Randers and William W. Behrens III contributed to this report. 

The problem of overpopulation of the Earth was first raised by the Roman Club about 30 years ago. When I was a member of the Club of Rome, there were global issues - the nuclear arms race, missile defense and others. At the same time it became clear that the main problem is the problem of human growth. 

Sergey Kapitsa, early 2000s 

Since the Earth's resources are limited, the authors set out to define the limits of the economic and demographic growth of human civilization in the face of gradually depleting natural resources. The main purpose of the model was to mathematically calculate which scenarios of behavior would be most characteristic of the world system as it approached the limits of growth, as well as to find the most optimal (sustainable) scenarios of human development

The full documentary came a few months ago. Now we will only formulate something similar to the final summary. 

And so, almost all governments of the world have invited their own population in a deceitful and illegal form to participate in a criminal spectacle or occult ritual of crown-initiation, although not the entire population of the world realizes this. 

The measures and policies implemented by governments around the world since the beginning of the special operation corona 👑 virus, beyond false because there were no viruses. And quarantine, isolation, hand washing, wearing masks, social distancing and more are actually aspects of the occult initiation ritual. These aspects are skillfully adapted to the current fake pandemic and disguised as genuine public health strategies. The pandemic has been carefully planned for decades.

The financial mafia has gone bankrupt in the literal and figurative sense of the word, it's easier to say these elderly people have shitged themselves, but still feel like the New World Government is stinking of their senile shit 💩 to the whole world. These are real black magicians and sorcerers, they decide to control the world in the same way as they manage their secret satanic rituals. In both cases, the goal is the same: to bring huge masses of the population out of normal life, to break, to create subordination, and then to lead the world's population to a new norm and new rules of life 

Corona ritual initiation : blocking and quarantine (isolation)

Any good ritual requires preparation. The first part of the initiation ritual was isolation. This isolation served to separate people from the usual worldly affairs of life. They did this by severing all ties with the outside world. Sometimes the ordain can be sent to a dark room or cave; it also implies the coming rebirth from the dark womb. Isolation also requires separation from technology, de facto, American social networks have successfully blocked any other point of view. 

In the special operation, the corona 👑 virus 🦠 isolation and quarantine were one aspect of the ritual. Those who were aware of the situation noticed that the quarantine of an entire community of healthy people was a contradiction in terms, because the word quarantine itself means "state, period or place of isolation in which people or animals who come from other places or are exposed to infectious or contagious diseases are placed. Thus, by definition, uninfected, healthy people cannot be randomized; only infected, sick people can be treated. However, the programme was to isolate people by any means necessary to achieve the first stage of initiation.

Crown-Ritual Initiation: Washing Hands (Refusal)

Another element of the ritual was the obsessive and obsessive focus on hand washing. While hand washing is generally a good hygienic exercise that can help limit the spread of the disease, the operation of the corona 👑 virus has brought it to a whole new level of OCD anxiety (such is the intention of psychologists - terrorists). Symbolically, the washing of hands is like the biblical story of Pontius Pilate, who washed his hands about the fate of Jesus of Nazareth and refused to punish him or release him. From this point of view, hand washing is a failure. But who or what is rejected? 

The old norm of freedom?

Crown-Ritual Initiation : Wearing Masks (Censorship everywhere, Subordination in everything, Dehumanization ubiquitous, Alternative Persona ascended)

Masks are often used by the elites themselves at their parties and rituals. Remember the satanic sexual scene from Kubrick's Wide Eyes? Masks hide identity. They accelerate the "death" of old identity. Masks create an alternative personality. This is due to the incredibly important theme of satanic ritual violence (SRA) and the control of consciousness. In the control of consciousness, the "handler" uses torture and ill-treatment to force the victim to disperse. It is here that their minds are separated from reality to cope with the immense pain they cause. It's a built-in mental defense strategy. However, by doing so, the victim creates many "changes" or personalities that are not related to their basic identity. These changes are not aware of other changes; thus, the victims are programmed to perform certain actions (such as become a sex slave or murderer) and do not remember them because the alter can be called to come forward and then return to the subconscious after the event. When it comes to the control of consciousness, masks symbolize the hidden aspects or personalities of ourselves, to which the controllers of the NWO deliberately target their subconscious propaganda.

Wearing masks is a huge topic in many ways. There are well-known studies and they show that dehumanizing masks weaken you and do not protect I have highlighted some of the medical reasons why wearing a mask is not only medically useless if you want to protect yourself from COVIDA, but also potentially harmful to your health. However, there are many deeper layers when it comes to the ritual aspects of masks. First, masks mean censorship, mouth cover, gag and suppression of free voice. Think how many images depicting censorship show a person with tape in his mouth. Censorship Incredible, censorship is all-consuming with a monstrous deceitful agenda around the clock, even before it is officially announced. All fans of Event 201 from Rockefeller Cloak in New York spent hours practicing their simulation of how they would control the official narrative and censor alternative perspectives. Masks still symbolize obedience, the refusal of unlimited access to oxygen. This whole agenda is not about the virus, it's about control. It is about forcing people to obey the will of the manipulators of the NWO, even if it is legally and medically unreasonable. Masks made of people submissive robots. They became inhumane. They deprive a person of the ability to fully see another person's face. They create distance and separation in people, make it difficult to communicate through body language, and make empathy difficult for others, as this empathy is often based on the true vision of the other person. 

Crown-Ritual Initiation : Social Distanceing (New Norma)

As soon as the ritual nears completion, the dedicated one enters into a new way of thinking and a new demeanor, the same fact person has already remade in the image of his mentors or manipulators who performed the ritual. In the case of COVID, the ultimate goal is a new norm where everyone is permanently separated and disconnected (as well as being tested, tracked, tracked, monitored, monitored, monitored, falsely treated and falsely vaccinated). Social distancing is actually anti-social distancing; it's all about removing the human touch from our interactions. It's a touch and made us human once.

The main purpose of the ritual : the destruction of the old and the creation of a new

If we sum up the whole ritual of initiating the crown with one concept, it would be an old, proven and true concept. Ordo ab chao. Hegelian dialectic. Problem - Reaction - Solution. Phoenix rises from the ashes. All of these phrases point to the same method: the destruction of the old in order to make room for the creation of a new one. This method itself is not bad; It's all about how it's used. The true purpose of the ritual is to change the mind and character, and this has been done and done intentionally throughout the 2020-2021 period. Sometimes the ritual is used for white magic just as well as for black, for example you can use this technique to defeat destructive habits within yourself and become a better person. Just in the context of the World Conspiracy, this method is used by the conspirators of the NWO, in order to make the world in the end not free, not at all peaceful, with maximum strict control of the population and national territories and governments, with fully controlled presidents with a central headquarters at the highest hierarchical point of several dozen people making all strategic decisions. 

Special operations corona 👑 virus 🦠 

is a worldwide conspiracy of certain rituals, many elements are recognizable and very symbolic. People are led as unwitting participants, having no idea how they unconsciously support a deeper agenda (for example, cooperating with their own enslavement, agreeing to ridiculous restrictions and even actively controlling their fellow citizens 👑). Survivors testify and expose some of their satanic rituals. These include rape, hunting people as animals, mass, drinking human blood, cannibalism and sacrificing children. 

SCOOP - October 13, 2015 Patented covid-19 testing method 😷 EUROPE, ROTHSCHILD.

LIES OF A GLOBAL SCALE EXPOSED! Tests on Covid-19 were purchased by countries from 2017! Documents and evidence base of two parts a real bomb 💥 of the 21st century !
Special operation and lies of universal scale! Tests on Covid-19 were purchased by countries from 2017! (evidence below). Enjoy the beauty of the Friends plot

We move on to the main known to date defendants in the future criminal case. The plan of the epidemic they inscribed in October 2019 .

We can't call a ram 🐑 cow 🐄 as it's a 🐑 ram!!

We will remain vigilant, sober mind and cold heart towards you criminal Satan - Contagion . We're moving into a slightly different format of work. Consider: Bolshevism and fascism you will not go. 

Eɗiᴛ᧐r-iᥒ-ᥴɦiᥱf ദ 🃏 รཞ୲ദບℓ౿ ℓ.

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