Marleson Ballet of unspecified parts and sold-out.

Marleson Ballet of unspecified parts and sold-out.

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De facto it is a replay of material Material prepared for chats where ordinary living people are living looking for the causes of their suffering and deprivation. They prefer to read in this language. We take into account the desires of our readers and give them the opportunity to learn in their native language. But we do not forget the second common language in large areas of different territories. This language 👅 The Editorial Board speaks a little more than perfectly. It is not forgotten and we train in the pronunciations of obscene language often enough in different works and situations, simply put we are mothers like cobblers at the collective farm bazaar 😆 Small additions to the substance of the question in this text we have made, Friends, a pleasant time of reading and god bless you for pure thoughts and good deeds! 

The names of the "world government" that everyone is talking about, but almost no one knows them by name. Today is great stuff about those who staged this horror COVID-19.

Part 1

The Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Group, the Club of Rome are informal political structures that have united Western financiers, diplomats and prominent intellectuals since the 1950s. All of them became the prototypes of the "shadow world government" in the existence of which the proponents of conspiracy theories believe. There is no world government, of course, but the results of the activities of international elite groups should not be underestimated, believes Danish researcher Dino Knudsen. In mid-November 2013, he defended his thesis on "The Trilateral Commission: The Global Origins of Elite Governance and Diplomacy in 1972-1982." It was the Trilateral Commission that achieved, for example, japan's admission to the club of great powers in the 1970s. 

Knudsen is the only scientist to have gained access to the archives of the Trilateral Commission from the Rockefeller Brothers Foundation.

In the spring of 1972, David Rockefeller, grandson of oil empire founder John Rockefeller and chairman of Chase Manhattan Bank, arranged a friendly meeting. It was attended by the Council on Foreign Relations member Sbigniew Brzezinski, director of the Brookings Institution Henry Owen and Harvard professor Robert Bowie, all three of the largest foreign policy experts in the United States. The only topic of the meeting was the creation of an elitist expert group, which would include Americans, Japanese and representatives of Western European states. The fact is that not long before Rockefeller - one of the richest men in the United States, closely associated with the political circles (suffice it to say that one of his brother was governor of New York, and the other just lost the fight for re-election to the post of governor of Arkansas) - came to the disappointing conclusion: Washington "loses its grip", America and its allies are no longer able to adequately analyze the wide range of economic issues. , answering time calls. According to Rockefeller, the situation could be corrected by inviting Japan, a growing Asian country, to discuss vital issues in world politics, which has previously been turned off from the global expert community.

Earlier that year, Rockefeller had already proposed that the Japanese be invited to another "international club of elite interests" - the Bilderberg Group. At that time, he was refused, explaining that Japan is a former U.S. adversary in World War II and cannot discuss strategic issues of world development with it. After that, Rockefeller decided to act on his own. With the consent of American experts in the person of Brzezinski, Owen and Bowie, he invited his Harvard friend George Franklin to go to Europe to find out whether the Europeans would sit at the common discussion table with the Japanese. Franklin managed to convince European experts, and then Rockefeller himself, who was present at the meeting of the American Chamber of Commerce in Tokyo, addressed the Japanese. Finally, on 23 July 1972, the first meeting of the group called the Trilateral Commission took place at the Rockefeller estate in Pocantico Hills, New York.

Dino Knudsen


David Rockefeller, 1972

Photo: AP

The logo of the Trilateral Commission in the form of three aspiring shooters on the left side of the collage

"The Trilateral Commission was, by definition, founded in 1973 by private citizens from Western Europe, Japan and North America to promote closer cooperation between the three regions on common issues. It seeks to improve public understanding of such problems, to support proposals to jointly address them and to establish the usual practice of working together in these regions."

Trump's son-in-law and husband Ivanka Trump's son-in-law Gerald Kushner, a possible antichrist, has been on the net since he bought the long-awaited skyscraper at 5th Avenue, 666. 

Jared Kushner is also a close and personal friend of Benjamin Netanyahu, the head of the Israeli government. They say they are friends with families and Jared calls Netanyahu simply 'Uncle Bibi'

We will not change our traditions to speak directly and call things by their names. The Trilateral Commission is a frankly criminal structure, especially in light of the events of 2020-2021. This is exactly the company of scoundrels on biological shantan and international terror COVID-19, with the aim of fulfilling their long-standing goals of the New World Order, and the de facto usurpation of world political and economic power in the hands of the club, bypassing the elected presidents of the democratic countries of the world. That's it, neither much nor little. 

These three-sided bandits in white shirts and ties are enemies of freedom and serve to establish a monopoly on world political power in their own interests.

A few years ago, the Trilateral Commission had a very short history and its intentions were difficult to detect.

Today, we can look at the history of the Trilateral Commission and more accurately assess its objectives in light of past political actions.

Initially, in 1972, Rockefeller and Brzezinski elected 200 of its members worldwide, comprising about one third of North Americans, one third of Europeans and one third of Japanese.

In 1993, that figure in the world increased to about 325 members, described by the Trilateral Commission as "outstanding citizens", but in fact reflecting an extremely narrow spectrum of world opinion and culture, a layer completely unelected and representing nothing but David Rockefeller's personal views.

From the outset, the commission was called "private" and "unofficial," with the stated aim of "putting together an informal group of the highest level to jointly address the common issues facing our three regions" and "to strengthen cooperation."

In all reports of the Trilateral Commission, you can find a mixture between "private" and "public."

The commission is approved as a private group founded by a private citizen, David Rockefeller. However, its objectives and operations are focused on public policy.

From the documents of the Trilateral Commission:

"The Commission meets once every year.

In addition to special thematic meetings and reviews of current events in our regions, much of each annual meeting is devoted to reviewing draft reports submitted to the Commission.

These reports are generally a joint product of authors from each of the three regions who gather at the consultant level in the course of their work. The discussion at the Commission's annual meeting is followed by publication.

The authors are responsible for their final text. A separate publication is presented at the annual meeting. Informal work sometimes emerges as a result of regional activities.

Each regional group has a chairman and a deputy who jointly form the leadership of the Commission. The executive committee of the total number of members includes another 36 people."

In short, this group of private citizens is organized in such a way as to give its collective views a significant influence on public policy. They meet, they review, they discuss, they report and then they make their recommendations public.

For what purpose? The Trilateral Commission would hardly spend so much energy and funds for academic exercises... The aim should be to define public policy guidelines for all governments around the world.

further. Members are not elected - they are selected. David Rockefeller, the founder and chairman of the entire Trilateral Commission, was the chairman of the executive committee, the committee that selects the members. The whole structure reflects Rockefeller's choice, not impartial or representative choice.

This phenomenon did not pass the attention of observers.

On July 27, 1979, KMG radio station in Blafors, Iowa, interviewed George Franklin, then the coordinator of the Trilateral Commission.

This author was a guest of the program. Here's a recording of franklin answering a question about Rockefeller's influence.

Friday, June 13, 2014, at New York airport, the great-grandson of the first dollar billionaire Richard Rockefeller sat at the helm of the single-engine Piper Meridian. The plane took off, hooked the trees and collapsed, falling into many pieces. 

The entire 19th century the ball was ruled by the Rothschilds. In the 20th century, the Rockefellers came forward. The Rothschilds came to Russia even under the tsar.Partly financed the first five years of the USSR , industrialization. David Rockefeller met with Khrushchev, Kosygin, Gorbachev. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, everything returned to normal. 

"I returned the Rothschilds to Russia", - Nathaniel Rothschild . 

The original Forbes English version of this version will try to help Oleg Deripaska withdraw his assets from U.S. sanctions. This was reported by the Financial Times the day before. The billionaire needs to sell a controlling stake in the holding company Enz (unites energy assets and a stake in UC Rusal). The buyer will be sought by Rothschild Co, the flagship of the Rothschild Banking Group. There is not much time left for such a big deal. The U.S. Treasury Department ordered UC Rusal to cancel contracts with the aluminum giant by October 23. For the Rothschilds Deripaska is not the only client from Russia. The world-famous dynasty of European financiers has long been active in the countries of the former USSR. Forbes recalled key projects involving the Rothschilds and billionaires with whom they have partnerships. Old friends "We were hovered 25-year-old bather, a man who all his life improved in bath art. Then we jumped into the icy water. It was a great pleasure. The next day everyone woke up refreshed and with a sense of a beautiful day" - so Nathaniel Rothschild, heir to the British branch of the Rothschilds, recalled his trip to Siberia in late January 2005. Along with Rothschild in the bath then steamed Oleg Deripaska, European Commission Commissioner Peter Mendelsohn, Canadian businessman Peter Munch and Rothschild's friend Sebastian Taylor. This weekend's story, seven years later, was part of Nathan Rothschild's testimony at the High Court in London. The 14th Royal Court heard a story about the peculiarities of the Russian bath as part of the review of Rothschild's lawsuit against the publishing house Associated Newspapers. The reason for the lawsuit, which was later dismissed, was an article in The Daily Mail (included in the ID). It claimed that there was some "secret connection" between Rothschild Jr. and Oleg Deripaska, which allowed the latter to conclude a deal to sell two alcoa plants. It was after this material became widely known about the close relationship of the Russian billionaire and heir to the banking house Rothschild. The history of their relationship stretches back to 2002, when 31-year-old Nathan Rothschild met Deripaska and soon headed the supervisory board of the En-Group. Rothschild Co acted as a financial advisor at the UC Rusal IPO in 2010, and Nathan Rothschild even became one of the investors: through the NR Investments fund, he bought 0.47% of the aluminium producer's shares for $100 million. A Forbes interviewer familiar with the way last year's IPO in London took place, says that the Rothschild structures also acted as a consultant and one of the investors. Rothschild Co did not comment on this information. Deripaska is not the first client of the Rothschilds, buyers for the assets of which they are looking. In 2014, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko entrusted the British bank Rothschild and Cie (owned by Rothschild and Co) to sell its assets, which at that time Forbes estimated at $1.3 billion. "In fact, all interested parties have informed us that they are not ready to take such a high risk, and politely refused the opportunity," Mario Salvetti, head of Rothschild's Russian and CIS banking house, told Ukrainian Truth. "They all liked the company, but the context was too risky." Friends of the billionaires "I returned the Rothschilds to Russia," Nathan Rothschild told Vedomosti newspaper in 2010, adding that his ancestors left the Russian Empire after the 1917 revolution. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, European financiers really developed close relations with many Russian businessmen. Among them was Mikhail Khodorkovsky. When Nathan Rothschild joined the Board of Directors in 2002, his father, Jacob, the fourth Baron Rothschild, became one of the directors of the Open Russia Foundation with Khodorkovsky, according to the British register of legal entities. Former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and Hermitage head Mikhail Piotrovsky were also among the other directors of the company, which is dedicated to developing educational, scientific and cultural projects in Russia and Eastern Europe. A year later, in October 2003, Khodorkovsky was arrested at Novosibirsk airport. Soon after, the Sunday Times reported that Rothschild Sr. was a trustee of Khodorkovsky's stake in Yukos. Thus, the "extraordinary" scheme of management of Yukos, developed in case of death or incapacity of Khodorkovsky, worked. And Rothschild was only one of the possible "heirs" of the billionaire. Platon Lebedev had a much better chance of receiving Khodorkovsky's package, but he was sent to prison back in July 2003. Today, Open Russia Foundation has been renamed the Future Russia Foundation. He finances projects of Khodorkovsky's family, such as the Institute of Modern Russia of his son Pavel (the Prosecutor General's Office recognized the organization as undesirable). Jacob Rothschild only left the company in May 2016. Abramovich and Mechel Business Financial Group Rothschild Co stepped up in Russia after the appointment in 2002 of former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder, known for his good relations with Vladimir Putin, a member of the European Advisory Council of the Rothschild Group. Then the former head of the group David Rothschild said that Schroeder's arrival is connected with the strengthening of the company's position in Central and Eastern Europe. "Mr. Schroeder's exceptional knowledge of these countries, as well as his international experience and reputation, will be of great value to us," David Rothschild said in a statement. At the end of the following year, Rothschild co acted as a consultant to Highland Gold Mining on the sale of 25% of its shares in Roman Abramovich's Millhouse. The amount of the transaction was then estimated at $400 million. Since then, Rothschild and Co have participated in a number of large transactions involving Russian companies, according to its annual reports. For example, in 2012, Sberbank helped sberbank to buy Turkish Denizbank from The Belgian Dexia for $3.5 billion. In December of the same year, the head of Rothschild Group in Russia Giovanni Salvetti told Reuters that the company was involved in the restructuring of the debt of the steel company Mechel, and was also involved in the deal to buy "Alpha Group" Mikhail Fridman and its partners Ukrsotsbank from Unicredit Group in exchange for a minority stake in Alpha Bank's parent company. Well, Peter Aven, of course. 

SCOOP - October 13, 2015 Patented covid-19 testing method 😷 EUROPE, ROTHSCHILD

Special operation and lies of universal scale! Tests on Covid-19 were purchased by countries from 2017! (evidence below). Enjoy the beauty of the Friends plot

Depicted externally as a high-level discussion group, the Trilateral Commission is dedicated to the New World Order.

The most comprehensive concept of the New World Order can be found in the book by the co-founder of brzezinski's Trilateral Commission " Between Two Centuries: America's Role in the Technotronics Era," published just before the founding of the Trilateral Commission.

Senators and congressmen are members of the Trilateral Commission, which, given the negative understatement of the Trilateral Commission's views on Congress, is somewhat unexpected.

Members of the Trilateral Commission also hold key positions in the White House, namely, the chairman of the Republican Confederation of the White House, the white House majority party organizer, the chairman of the Democratic Confederacy and the chairman of the closed-door meeting of Democrats in the White House.

As a result, the members of the Trilateral Commission are at the helm of the legislative process.

The importance of this influence on the legislative process is manifested when we look at the political ideology of the Trilateral Commission expressed by Crozier, Huntington and Vaisiuki in the book "Crisis of Democracy":

❗, the democratic system no longer meets the requirements of the time;

❗- the concepts of equality and individualism pose problems for the authorities;

❗ - the media is not sufficiently subordinate to the elite;

❗- democracy needs to be balanced (i.e. limited);

❗ the authority and power of the central government of the democratic majority must be strengthened.

The top administration positions - Republicans and Democrats - are filled with talent from the Trilateral Commission.

This electoral process of filling the top vacancies in the executive department by members of the Trilateral Commission was deliberate.

Before President Carter officially took office, many members of the Trilateral Commission were appointed, namely:

Brzezinski, Assistant to the President for National Security; Cyrus Vance - Secretary of State Harold Brown - Secretary of Defense; W. Michael Blumenthal - Minister of Finance; Andrew Young is the U.S. representative to the United Nations. Warren Christopher - Deputy Secretary of State; Lucy Wilson Benson - Assistant Secretary of State for Security; Richard Cooper- Deputy Secretary of State for Economic Affairs; Richard Holbrooke, Deputy Secretary of State for East Asia and the Pacific; W. Anthony Lake - Deputy Secretary of State for Political Planning; Saul Linowitz is a member of the Panama Canal Treaty Negotiations delegation; Gerald Smith is special envoy for the nuclear negotiations.

All administrations after Carter had a particularly large number of members of the Trilateral Commission.

Nominally, they leave the Trilateral Commission when they join the government, but immediately return to the Trilateral Commission, leaving the government, "resignation" is a farce - part of the revolving door of the "government - the private sector" that retains influence in a small, equally-minded, most elite group.

Bill Clinton became a "former member of the Public Service Commission" when Clinton became president, but returned later.

The Trilateral Commission invites only members with the views and objectives of the New World Order.

At the time, President Bill Clinton was an ideal member of the Trilateral Commission, especially because his entire career was shaped by the guardianship and leadership of supporters of the New World Order (G.B.S. Bulletin, October 1992).

In 1968, Clinton received a Bachelor of Science degree in international affairs from Georgetown University. He studied there under Carroll Kwigley, whose famous book Tragedy and Hope was published in 1966.

He told the story of the most elite English group, funded by the Rothschilds and Cecil Rhodes, whose goal was to rule the world.

Rhodes established scholarships for his name at Oxford University and Clinton, a devoted student on the New World Order mission, was awarded a Rhodes Scholarship at Oxford University.

There's another little-known side to the story of quigley.

He genuinely believed in the New World Order, but did not know about the dark side of the globalists until they refused to reprint his book; He drew the attention of too many honest scholars and citizens to the shadow side of the New World Order.

It is easy to guess that the same ideas adhere to the wife of Bill, who recently lost the election. The very fact that the second candidate with the surname Clinton ran for the presidency of the United States in the last few years, suggests that the electoral process in the Democratic Party is quite fixated and revolves around the same clans. The situation is not better in the Republican Party. Suffice it to recall the presidency of the two Bushes - members of the Order of Skull and Bones, from which the history of the Trilateral Commission through David Rockefeller. In addition, Bush's brother was running for office in the last election.

The Rockefeller clan sits above the executive committee, and therefore above the Trilateral Commission itself.

 However, it is naive to regard Rockefeller as an omnipotent dictator or the Rockefeller family as an omnipotent monarchy. This is a trap for the reckless.

 The world is much more complex. The collective of those in power can number several thousand members who collectively seek to turn the world, and not just the United States, to achieve their own collective goals (we published articles about these people earlier under the hashtag Freemasons).

 Specifically, the Trilateral Commission was David Rockefeller's idea and implemented with the help of David's funds.

 Here is an interview with George S. Franklin, former Commissioner of the Commission, by Michael Lloyd Chadwick, editor of the Triman Digest, published in Provo, Utah:

 “Mr. Chadwick: Mr. Franklin, you were a member of the Trilateral Commission with Mr. David Rockefeller, Robert Bowie, Zbigniew Brzezinski and Henry Owen. Can you tell us briefly how this happened?

 Mr. Franklin: David Rockefeller gave several speeches in the winter and fall of 1972 at the Chase Bank forums in London, Brussels, Montreal and Paris. He recommended the creation of an international commission on peace and prosperity, which is now practically the Trilateral Commission. At these meetings, he did not receive an enthusiastic response and abandoned the idea. He thought, "If the 'Chase Bank' forums are not responding favorably to my proposal, this is probably a rotten business."

 Then he went to a meeting with Bilderberger. Mike Blumenthal was there, and Rockefeller said, “You know, I'm very worried ... Cooperation between these three regions - Japan, the US and Western Europe - is really breaking down, and I foresee all kinds of disaster for the world if this continues. Is there anything you can do about it? ” David then thought, “I’ll present this idea again,” which he did and this caused a lot of enthusiasm. The next eight speakers said it was a great idea; we will realize it by all means.

 And he took Zbig Brzezinski with him on the plane on the way home.

 Zbig thought it was a very good idea and wrote something about it. Bob Bowie also wrote something. Upon returning home, David asked me if I would go back to Europe and talk to some people, more at my leisure, and see if they really thought it was a good idea. It turned out that they sincerely believed so.

 David and I went to Japan in June 1972 and he spoke to a lot of people there. They thought it was a good idea, and we, of 13-15 people, gathered at his place in Tarrytown (New York). It was decided to go forward. "

 There is no reason to doubt that the process happened in any other way - at least we have no evidence that Franklin is hiding something.

 But notice that the way the Trilateral Commission is founded is more of a loose coalition of power, acting in rivalry and in cooperation, rather than a small, tight group of conspirators, gripped by an iron fist, led by the Rockefellers. "

 But even the Washington Post establishment newspaper has found alarming signs in the Trilateral Commission's real, seemingly uninteresting packaging.

 Actually, it is not surprising that the goals of the Trilateral Commission are not shouted from the rooftops, but they are implied from political statements, newspapers and positions, as well as the personal philosophy of those who are elected members of the Trilateral Commission.

 Here are the Washington Post quotes:

 “Members of the Trilateral Commission are not Trilateral People. They are members of a private, albeit not secret, international organization cobbled together by wealthy banker David Rockefeller to stimulate establishment dialogue between Western Europe, Japan and the United States.

 But here's the worrying moment with the Trilateral Commission.

 President-elect - Member of the Trilateral Commission. So is the vice president-elect. As well as the new secretary of state, defense and finance ministers, Cyrus R. Vance, Harold Brown and Michael Blumenthal.

 Also a member of the Trilateral Commission is Zbigniew Brzezinski, former Trilateral Director and Carter's national security adviser, as well as a bunch of others who will shape international policy for the United States over the next four years. "

 Undoubtedly, this statement by the Washington Post was brought to the attention of David Rockefeller, for by the 1990s, newspaper editor Catherine Graham (chairman of the Washington Post's board of companies) was appointed to the Trilateral Commission!

 Although Trilateral control continued, the Washington Post made no further comments about “worrying” points.

 This was the alignment in the White House in the early 70s. It has remained the same today.

 The position of the members of the Trilateral Commission on the New World Order is known from their speeches and letters written by them.

 When the Trilateral Commission met in Tokyo in January 1977, Carter and Brzezinski sent personal letters to the congregation, which were reprinted in the Trialogue.

 The key phrase in both letters is "a fairer world order."

 Does this emphasize that something is wrong with our modern world order, that is, with national structures?

 According to Brzezinski, yes; and since the modern structure is incapable of solving the world's problems, it must be eliminated and replaced by a world government.

 In the era of Brzezinski's technotronics, "the nation-state, as a fundamental unit of organized human life, has ceased to be the main creative force: international banks and multinational corporations act and plan in terms far ahead of the political concepts of nation-states."

 Understanding and overseeing the philosophy of the Trilateral Commission is the only way we can reconcile the myriad of apparent contradictions in the information leaked to us in the national press.

 Actually, the Trilateral Commission, it must be admitted, makes no secret either of its essence or of the goals of the New World Order.

 In 1978, in an earlier radio interview with George Franklin, Jr., then chief executive of the Trilateral Commission, these goals surfaced after questions from the author:

 Sutton: Time-Life's Mr. Donovan has just been appointed special assistant to President Carter. Mr. Donovan is a member of your commission.

 Franklin: That's right.

 Sutton: Doesn't that confirm the fact that people from an extremely narrow circle are getting into the Carter administration. In other words, from the Trilateral Commission?

 Franklin: I don't think it requires any confirmation. It is a fact that he chose most of his top foreign policy figures, I would say, from the people he met when he was on the Trilateral Commission.

 Sutton: Well, then I can only say that every sane person is left with the impression that the Carter administration has dominated the Trilateral Commission with specific ideas that many disagree with.

 Franklin: Well, I certainly agree that the former commissioners are in preferred positions in the foreign policy aspects of the Carter administration. They are members of the Commission controlled by us in every sense.

 I really think they share a common belief that it is very important that we work with Europe and Japan in particular, otherwise we will all be in trouble.

 Sutton: But this shared faith may not reflect the faith of the American people. How do you know that this is not the case?

 Franklin: I'm not sure if that's not the case. I am not someone who can interpret people's thoughts.

 Sutton: In other words, are you determined to continue with the creation of the Commission, which, as you say, does not necessarily reflect the views of the people in the United States? It seems to me that you have seized political power.

 Franklin: I don't think that's right at all. Anyone who creates a group for a specific purpose naturally strives to achieve these goals. We sincerely believe this is important when Europe, Japan and the United States go together. This is what we believe in.

 We also selected the best people we could find to be members of the Commission. Fortunately, almost all are accepted. The President was one of them and it so happened that he considered them really very capable people and asked them to be in his government, that's the whole answer.

 If you are going to ask me if I am very unhappy about this, the answer is no. I think they are good people. "

 This is an abridged interview with Franklin by the author.

Trilateral politics is global power and influence, politics best achieved through financial control.

 The interest of the Rockefeller family and international bankers in establishing a world order, world planning, in solving global problems is a sure indicator of what they mean by political control, which can be translated into dollars and cents.

 As one of the most elite organizations fighting for global control, the Trilateral Commission has organized small companies of influence led by its cronies. They facilitate more or less legal progress between contracts - government and corporate.

 Anti-lobbying laws are so cleverly written and so easily circumvented that they are practically the only ones to convince the public who perceive government contracts as free from any influence.

 The reality is that the revolving doors are largely controlled by Trilateral members.

 That is, they are under the complete control of the elite, including such organizations as the Council on Foreign Relations (long-term chairman was David Rockefeller) and Yale's Skull and Bones (which included George W. Bush, Averell Harriman and other authors and pushers of ideas in government).

 One well known channel from within is Kissinger Associates, Trilateral Commissioner Kissinger and its founder and chairman is a former Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs and a former US Secretary of State.

 In this role, Kissinger was able to apply his solid knowledge to establish and continue to use the right contacts in the business world.

 Kissinger Associates takes significant money from multinational corporations to act on its behalf within the United States.

 Kissinger uses his influence to advance his clients' affairs.

 Another example of influence is the Carlisle group. The Carlisle Group was founded by David Rubinstein, a former minor league merchant banker, and is named after the Carlisle Hotel in New York.

 The Carlisle Hotel is a long-standing corporate meeting place. The Carlisle Group holds most of the shares in firms that do business with the US government.

 Day-to-day operations are conducted by former Defense Secretary Frank Carlucci of the Trilateral Commission.

 Members of the Carlisle Group include former Secretary of State James Baker, a close friend of George W. Bush, former budget director Richard Darman, Treasury Secretary Donald Regan, Bush campaign chairman Fred Malek, George W. Bush, former CIA director Robert Gates, chairman of the Commission on Valuables securities and exchanges (SEK) "Arthur Levitt, deputy. Clinton's transition team director, Vernoy Jordan; and politician Bob Strause.

 These are former cabinet-level politicians who have nothing to sell except their access to the government, that is, their personal phone books. All are directly or indirectly related to the Trilateral Commission.

 Frank Carlucci openly identifies himself in Trilateral biographies as "Vice Chairman, Carlisle Group, Former US Secretary of State." Faithful Jordan passes as “Partner Aikin, Gump, Strause, Hauer and Feld.

 Carlisle has great experience in enabling firms to buy government property cheaply - and Carlucci has spent billions of dollars in taxes on contracts with large military-industrial firms.

 Carlucci, worked in all administrations from Kennedy to Bush, in many departments.

 The Trilateral Commissioners want a monopoly, a world monopoly.

 Therefore, a key fundamental statement should be kept in mind: Trilaterals are not interested in which monetary system works best or most equitably, or whether gold is a more efficient monetary mechanism than paper, or which monetary system supports a higher standard of living for the poor at all times. the world.

 The main aspiration of the members of the Trilateral Commission is the desire to rule the world economy (it should be noted that the Trilateral Commission is only the common tip of several icebergs. There are several such icebergs, and not only in the United States, but throughout the "Western world", which has already been written about in articles about freemasons and globalism).

 This control is carried out through the so-called coordination of macroeconomic policy.

 The main purpose of this control mechanism is said to be the preservation of world peace.

 The historical fact is nowhere recognized that such control has always led to conflict; that the denial of national ethnic independence is a sure way to fight and bloodshed.

 In Trilateral dogma, you will not find rational consideration of alternatives or weighting of options.

 But you can expect an irrational struggle, no matter what happens, for control of the world in the name of globalism and the New World Order.

 TC 14 report "Towards a Renewed International System" concludes that the 1944 Breton Woods system had already "come under increasing tension ... and events triggered traumatic changes, namely periodic attacks on the dollar and floating exchange rates."

 The current goal of the Trilateral Commission is to build an international system, a world order based on cooperation and focusing on two aspects that require such cooperation: international lending; creation of international reserves.

 The Trilateral Commission proposes to involve 5 to 10 core countries in the establishment of the new system.

 The rest of the world will have to get along as well as possible.

 Some ideas in this regard have already been implemented: for example, a new artificial international money, Special Drawing Rights (SDR.s), has been created for central banks.

 The link can be traced between the international bankers of New York, the Trilateral Commission and the proposals of the Trilateral Commission in Bancor.

 The profits generated by major banks from abroad are noteworthy and are indicative of the division between their domestic interests in the United States and the global economy.

 The degree of internal control over the economy by international banks is reflected in a report published by the late Senator Lee Metcalf, entitled Voter Rights in Major Corporations.

 Noteworthy are the names of international bankers who are members of the Trilateral Commission. If we combine these three kinds of statistics:

 a) source of bank profits;

 b) control over national companies and

 c) membership in the Trilateral Commission,

 - we will find a critical relationship between international banks and the Commission's desire to influence the global economy.

 Chase Manhattan Bank has the highest percentage of profits from overseas, with a surprising 78 percent, up from 22 percent in 1970.

 David Rockefeller's international trade made Chase a world bank.

 At the same time, Chase has a very low rating on the Metcalf index. As the largest, the bank is included in 8 out of 122 companies studied by the subcommittee (compared to 25 by Citibank and 56 by J.P. Morgan).

 At least six directors of Chase Manhattan (Kissinger is on the bank's international advisory board) were represented in 1976 on the Trilateral Commission.

 As a result, Chase is almost totally oriented outside the United States. His financial interest in creating the New World Order is more than obvious.

 Compare Chase to J. P. Morgan, where 53 percent of the income comes from abroad (up from 25 percent in 1970), with only one Trilateral representative.

 Banks such as Charter New York (formerly Irving Trust) and Chemical Bank do not appear in the Metcalf index at all and do not have Trilateral representation, that is, they are not involved in the creation of the New World Order.

 In a few words: The Trilateral Commission reports to very few international banks, essentially the Chase Manhattan Bank, and is an institution targeting outside the United States.

 At the same time, the Trilateral Commission oversees its executive branch in the United States.

 However, SDRs were not matched by gold. Attempts to keep the price of gold at the artificially low "official price" proved to be difficult and ultimately showed that even the power of the Trilateral Commission is subject to the action of world market forces, and world market forces are the sum of individual market decisions.

 The challenge for the world's Trilateral rulers is to integrate these monopoly ideas into the global monetary system and make them work.

 The immediate and most pressing challenge is to operate a floating rate system to dampen volatile changes in exchange rates, which of course harm international trade.

 Such volatile changes do not occur in fixed rates pegged to gold. But gold separates the world from the "co-operative" international arrangements required by Trilaterals, and gold is therefore more of a problem than the mess of floating rates.

 This is followed by the task of managing world reserves. Trilateral members want "greater cooperation, for the key to managing the world's reserves is the limited addition of gold and, naturally, currencies such as the US dollar, deutsche mark, British pound and French franc to the central bank's holdings."

 The falling dollar is also an unforeseen problem, especially as it inevitably leads to less use of the dollar as the world's reserve unit.

 The Treasury Department's views on gold (overseen by the Trilateral Commission) are well illustrated in a letter from Gene E. Gaudin, deputy. Secretary of Law at the Treasury Department, to Congressman J. Kenneth Robinson. 

Continuation after intermission. We recommend to stock up in the buffet life-giving cool moisture, for the use of liquid inside the body, with the possibility of external cooling application, in case of heat and its removal from the surface of the body ...

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