Continuation of our production of the 🎭 of the Merleson Ballet 🩰, a truly best crime ballet of the first half of the 21st century. 

Continuation of our production of the 🎭 of the Merleson Ballet 🩰, a truly best crime ballet of the first half of the 21st century. 

24-ዘዐሀዩ ጠልፘልጓፗበይ 📓 'ናልናዘዓሀልዩ'

⏳ƬɼⅈᎴʋℓɛ ℵ 🔬Ꮥɑℽʂ 🎙

The author of the production, Louis the Thirteenth, composed the sie in the distant seventeenth century.

In that ancient era, court ballets were traditionally held in palaces in honor of great holidays, starting with the reign of Henry the Third. French monarchs loved luxury balls and knew a lot about entertainment. These were bright and expressive for hours of performances. The current baronoviruses do not lag behind in luxury, and in part of their criminal talents bypassed decently, Louis Thirteen is just a child 👶 not reasonable compared to modern barges. 

Check 🧾 

 The Trilateral Commission is not the only organization working for the New World Order.

 The concept that gave birth to the Trilateral Commission derives from earlier ideas put forward by Cecil Rhodes and Lord Milner, who possessed funds from the gold and diamond mines of South Africa.

 Rhodes established the Rhodes Fellowships to enable outstanding Americans to attend Oxford University for a year.

 B. Clinton became a Rhodes Fellow after studying with Carroll Quigley at Georgetown University.

 Carroll Quigley wrote the voluminous Tragedy and Hope, which outlines the plans for the New World Order.

 Quigley was not a renegade; he agreed with the objectives of the Anglo-American New World Order.

 His disagreement with this company was that he believed that the common cause should be an open goal, and not a secret conspiracy.

 So the Rhodes organization and the Royal Institute of International Affairs in London were essential parts of the New World Order.

 The Royal Institution spawned the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) in the United States on a broader but still limited organization with the same missions.

 CMO has a wider range of views among its members (some even against the New World Order) than the Trilateral Commission or the Royal Institution.

 An interesting aspect is that the founder of the Trilateral Commission, David Rockefeller, was its chairman for a long time, and then he was the emeritus chairman.

 Another more limited part of the New World Order is the parent society Skull and Bones at Yale University.

 Historian Anthony Sutton was able to deeply analyze the impact of Skull and Bones and its infiltration into the US government.

 His book was titled America's Secret Establishment.

 Almost every supporter of the New World Order, from the earliest days of their activity, has a vague past that does not in any way correspond to the proclaimed high ideals.

 Cecile Rhodes himself was accused of deception and fraud in the fight for control of the gold and diamond mines of South Africa.

 His partner Lord Milner was the author of the infamous Milner Telegram that sparked the Boer War in 1899.

 The Rhodes diamond mines became the core of the De Beers monopoly and today still exercises monopoly control over the global diamond market - a model for the New World Order.

 Cecil Rhodes's views on the New World Order would hardly have inspired anyone other than the Anglo-Americans.

 And the past of individual Trilateral members and Trilateral-affiliated corporations is hardly comforting.

 Take, for example, Prudential Securities Company. Its chairman, Robert C. Winters, is a member of the Trilateral Commission.

 If you look at the press, Prudential is being screened on many charges (New York Times, 2/28/94).

 Prudential is at the center of an expanding criminal investigation into how customers were treated when the firm suffered huge losses.

 A few years ago, Wall Street brokerage firms could maintain accounts with zero balances, money was deposited only after a phone call from the bank. This is known in the same way as receiving money against a fictitious bill.

 Brokerage firms got away with it and made millions in this practice in a year. The main player in this swindle was E.F. Hatton.

 Kissinger Associates, an influential body founded by G. Kissinger to raise capital for its "public services", has repeatedly come under fire from unfavorable criticism, but the fact that its founder was a member of the Trilateral Commission was carefully hidden in the reports.

 The firm, for example, had a memorable day at the bankruptcy of the LTV corporation, when $ 144 million went to consultants for professional services in connection with the bankruptcy and the lion's share was received by Kissinger Associates. Nobody investigated gross exaggerations.

 Likewise, the United States avoided an investigation into the BBCI, a global scandal involving Kissinger Associates.

 In England, where many thousands lost their deposits, only a low-ranking manager was imprisoned.

 Although the Trilateral Commission was initially presented as a "research group" of interested citizens engaged in world affairs, we find that it is anything but this.

 The first discovery is that from the very beginning, the Trilateral Commission represented extremely small segments of the population in each individual country.

 The dominant influence in it has always been with David Rockefeller and bankers of his level abroad. The dominant influence is exercised by international bankers, those who exercise largely control over the direction of world events through financial control.

 Moreover, David Rockefeller was long chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank in this private system. The Federal Reserve System is not a public organization, but a private one, and this fact must be borne in mind.

 The distance between the federal reserve and the current dominant government is deliberately kept in order to control the financial system in the interests of those who hold the federal reserve.

 Rockefeller has a small executive committee that invites prominent citizens to join the Trilateral Commission. This perpetuates Rockefeller's influence, for the new members at least sympathize with Rockefeller's objectives in their private judgments.

 This in itself would not be objectionable if the Trilateral Commission were indeed a "study group" and if the Trilateral Commission showed the same interest in disqualifying the federal government from appointments as it does in the work of the federal reserve.

 But the Trilateral Commission is not a "research group." Her research is at the mercy of theorists who may also reflect the views of the Trilateral Commission.

 These studies are then the basis for discussion in the TC, and the agreed policy becomes the political views of individual members.

 When they are appointed to the federal government, and usually about one third of the members are always in the current administration, then they put this policy into practice.

 The conclusion is that the Trilateral Commission is a politically oriented group with the ability to translate policy into action regardless of the wishes of the entire population.

 We will not find anywhere political aspirations in favor of personal free enterprise and personal freedom.

 But we will find many claims that the world is "uncontrollable" and that government action is required to align citizens' goals with Trilateral ambitions.

 Examples of how they try to solve social problems through wars clearly demonstrate such ambitions.

 Whatever Trilateral members say, we conclude that their goal is a New World Order under the control of Trilateral members.

 The so-called problem wars are designed to shape problem solutions that would lead to the goals of the New World Order and for nothing else. Well, the Trilateral Commission itself, as it was written earlier, is only one of the cells of the world network of such "discussion platforms".

 By the way, the Russian Federation was represented in the 90s at the Commission's seminars as expert speakers by Anatoly Chubais (seminar on the global economy) and Grigory Yavlinsky (on the future of "Russia"). Chubais was also presented for the first time at the Bilderberg convention.

December 4, 2020. 

Putin appointed Chubais to a new position. What's important to know 

Anatoly Chubais became the President's special representative for relations with international organizations. What exactly he began to officially supervise , the Editorial Board is unclear - the project of reducing the population of the planet from the launch pad COVID-19. A formally in the realm of competence 

 nothing that means "country development." It would be nice to add about which country we are talking about 🗣 these two. 

Former head of Rosnano Anatoly Chubais was appointed special representative of the president for relations with international organizations. The decree was signed by Vladimir Putin, according to the Kremlin's press service.

Anatoly Chubais appointed Special Representative of the President for Relations with International Organizations

Vladimir Putin signed the decree "On the special representative of the President of the Russian Federation for relations with international organizations to achieve the goals of sustainable development."

December 4, 2020 8:30 p.m.

The text of the Decree:

1. Appoint Chubais Anatoly Borisovich as special representative of the President of the Russian Federation for relations with international organizations to achieve the goals of sustainable development.

2. This decree comes into force from the day it is signed.

Material status

Published in sections: News, Documents

Published time: 4 Dec, 2020, 8:30 PM

According to Dmitry Peskov, Anatoly Chubais will not have the status of a civil servant in his new position and "will not be an employee of the presidential administration."

Read more at RBC:

Putin's closest friend and accomplice Chubais in 2011 directly and openly on camera said that the number of humanity by the end of the 21st century should be reduced to 1.5 billion people, that is almost 5 times at the time of Chubais' speech, when the number of humanity was 7 billion people. 

Humanity is constantly breeding and multiplying, increasing its number, today it must be reduced to at least 500 million people, so that by the end of the 21st century the declared number of 1.5 billion people was reached. Thus, Chubais voiced the goal of the world government to reduce the number of humanity not even to the "golden billion" but somewhere to 500 million people, as inscribed by Freemasons on the tablets of Stonehenge.

Now pay attention to the last words of Putin's ally and friend in power for 30 years. He has stated bluntly and openly that "our country is capable of making a real contribution to these unprecedented challenges". 

That is, by this statement Chubais pointed to the goal of Putin's regime - a radical multiple reduction in the population of the earth ! 

That's why Putin and his kagal, who seized power in the country, all these cannibalistic laws are accepted. That is why the real genocide of our people is carried out for destruction: the deprivation of funds for normal existence, bringing tens of millions of citizens to poverty, lack of normal nutrition, treatment, social services, pensions, etc. 

And in this they have achieved a lot of success. For the first time, Ekaterina Ulitina, an employee of the Central Analytical Center of the registry office, was exposed to official statistics. She told the world that according to the registry office as of June 1, 2010 - in the Russian Federation according to the documents there are a living population of only 89,654,325 people, not 142,000,000, as stated officially in the census. And by 2020, we probably already have less than 80 million.

And from here we draw a simple and obvious conclusion that all this gang, which seized power, will never peacefully and voluntarily give up their power. Never and never ! No elections, no impeachment and referendums will allow them to deprive themselves of power. They will ruthlessly destroy and 90% of the population: will build up mutations of viruses for another 16 years, blow up houses, subways, railway stations, unleash another Ukrainian and pan-European war, drown in the blood of the country, but the authorities will not give up.

Here is the full video and focus on what Chubais mentions about the opinion of experts of the Roman Club, which is the Masonic structure of the new world government, that it is necessary to reduce the population of the planet to 1.5 billion people. Then he says that the way out should be found in the development of breakthrough technologies and all the remaining time hangs the listeners noodles on their ears about the coming achievements of his ROSNANO. participant of the Russian participant Davos , an ethnic German and apparently the son of our dear neo - Marx Klaus Schwab Herman Gref does not lag behind Toli Chubais. 

As soon as people learn the truth, it will be difficult to manipulate them - the head of Sberbank of Russia - Herman Gref

The head of the financial pyramid "Sberbank of Russia" Herman Gref, shockingly admitted at an economic forum in St. Petersburg. He considered himself to be an "elite" (however, like all abortions from the "Lake" cooperative), which is afraid that all people on Earth will become equal, happy and free.

The cynical revelations of Herman Gref, who, as runet jokes, "injected with a truth serum", shocked the public. 

The head of Sberbank at the St. Petersburg Economic Forum said that he would be afraid if the government was in the hands of the people.

"You say terrible things. You propose to transfer power in the hands of the population," Gref said. - As soon as ordinary people understand the basis of their self, self-identification, to manage, i.e. to manipulate them As it turned out, the era of the ubiquitous spread of the Internet also scares the head of Sberbank. "How to live, how to manage such a society, where everyone has equal access to information, everyone has the opportunity to judge directly, receive unpared information, receive it not through government-trained analysts, political scientists and huge machines of the media deflated?

"How can you live in such a society? It makes me feel a little scared of your reasoning, to be honest," Gref admits.

During his speech, Hermann Gref conducted a small historical and religious excursion, recalling first the history of Buddhism, and then moved on to Confucius, noting that he began as a democrat, and ended up creating the doctrine of dividing society into strata. The Taos, Gref continued, kept the doctrine secret for centuries because they understood that if the people were to give knowledge of who they were and what they needed, it would be difficult to manipulate them. Finally, Kabbalah remained a secret teaching for many years, as the powers that be did not want to remove the veil from the eyes of the people and make people self-sufficient.

Another "Russian, Sergey Karaganov, a member of the International Advisory Council of the SMO, is to mention the place.

He was presented at the ISS as "Chairman of the Defence and Foreign Policy Council; Deputy Director of the Institute of Europe at the Russian Academy of Sciences."


Sergey Karaganov (Putin's personal adviser, dean of Moscow's elite university and much more) recently gave an interview to the German magazine Spiegel (the interview has become a real hit in the German mass media)Spiegel: Sergey Aleksandrovich, NATO plans to expand its activities in the Eastern European region of NATO... Karaganov: I have been talking about a situation close to war eight years ago. Since then, the situation has only worsened.

We warned NATO in advance that we should not approach Ukraine's borders. Fortunately, Russia was able to stop NATO's advance in this direction. Thus, the danger of war in Europe in the medium term, for the time being, has been reduced. But the propaganda that is now being carried out is very similar to the state of war.

And so on and on and on. After all, he is an adviser to Putin, there are no others there. And that bald shit 💩 at the Rockefeller Club, too. 

ISS was founded by the SMO Board of Directors in 1995 under the chairmanship of David Rockefeller, Honorary Chairman of the SMO. He meets his annual meeting during the October meeting of the SMO Board of Directors to present his views on a number of issues of interest to the SMO. ISS members are given the opportunity to speak about various programs and strategic directions, as well as the real opportunities for cooperation between SMOs and institutions outside the United States. They also provide valuable international assessments of U.S. foreign policy, from the need for new strategies and organizations in the 21st century to the value of multilateral approaches to global challenges and ways to promote democratization.

The sold-out buffet is waiting for you at half-time, vodka beer 🍺 are included in the price of the ticket on the all-inclusive system, then the second part of the Marlezon (or Merlezonsky) Ballet," is a long-standing phraseology. But as with many other well-established expressions, its meaning is not yet clear to everyone, it seems. 

What kind of ballet is that?

Boring and drawn-out "Merleson Ballet 🩰 " - the play is invented and staged thanks to me, but the rights are transferred to the chef - Louis XIII in the 17th century (it is during this ballet there is a denouement in the novel by Alexandre Dumas "The Three Musketeers"). The play turned out to be bright, musical and colorful, but it seemed to contemporaries who lived then tightened, because it consisted of a long 16 acts. It was staged twice - in 1635 we put it at Chantilly Castle and Royomon Abbey. There's a central theme of thrush hunting. We have hidden this fact in the name - from the French "merle" translates "Blackbird".

Trilateral Commission : personal composition

In fact, it is a personalized annex to the first part and the personal composition of the performers on the field of special operations COVID-19, in the form of total lies, medical dictatorship and corruption of the creepy, which became a reality for the world from the shadow world government. 

The composition of the members of these organizations is known little for the unenlightened in the topic, perhaps the names of clans are more on the ear. And personalization brings greater clarity about one of their main executive bodies on the ground, the Trilateral Commission.

Material from the official website. 

In the process of work and familiarization becomes sickened by this criminal kagal . Sickeningly from the realization of how the power of money and position confronts the cause of peace. Obsessed maniacs captured almost everything and in all countries - but they can and should fight. The very logic of historical development stood against them, not to mention the humanistic principles that were expressed in the bloody history of mankind.



Continuation of the ballet in the next section with a wonderful view of the scene from the comfortable vip lodge ...

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