"Your time of invasion of privacy, promotion of toxic content and hunting for children and adolescents [Pedophilia, promoting pedophilia] is over. Congress will take action. Mark Zuckerberg, your time is up. We will act."
All this is somehow very suspicious, since Mark's problem is the monopoly ownership of social networks, the de facto media and the most severe restriction of freedom of publication and the content itself that contradicts the false agenda and installation of state structures. But it's certain that pedophilia isn't a Facebook topic. It's new nonsense switching to something else entirely, where we see this passage of another fossil on Capitol Hill.
Israeli former Prime Minister Netanyahu has entrusted Pfizer with protecting the health of the nation by entering into a secret contract and recording the Israeli people as guinea pigs without their knowledge.
Under the "Real World Epidemiological Data Cooperation Agreement," the Government of Israel has signed a pledge to vaccinate all seven million adults in the country and, during a 24-month follow-up surveillance study, to provide this nearly all-powerful corporation with weekly data on its citizens.
In connection with such a revelation, there may be reason to believe, Friends, that the news that ⚠️💉withising 78% of hospital patients in Australia vaccinated, 6 in 7(86%)❗️ people who "died of COVID-19" in one day alone at the end of September in New South Wales, Australia, have been fully or partially vaccinated, and that about the same is the case and the same thing is happening in
🔹 Britain
🔹 Gibraltar
🔹Singapur☠️ can be explained by this revelation from Israel about its former PRIME MINISTER B.B., who is now under criminal prosecution due to corruption and surrendered the country to the experiments of BiPharma.

There is not a single point in favor of the opposite of the last paragraph of the statement, and the words or order of the Minister of Health and Medical Research of the State of New South Wales, Brad Hazzard, where he stated "... We must recognize that this is a new world order...", make our thesis correct: the governments of these countries are in a criminal conspiracy and surrendered their Peoples to the torment of BigPharma, covered by oval terrorists and the Ethiopian WHO, become clear and indestructible evidence.
We're still talking about the NWO and the politicians driving it, and after NSW's Minister of Health and Medical Research, Wakehurst member Brad Hazzard, who called for NWO to obey when he said, "... We must recognize that this is a new world order...", a similar statement is made by the British MP.
Member of Parliament Tobias Ellwood in his congratulations to Barbara Woodward (Britain's new ambassador to the UN - which is also very important to keep in mind) said that she should "force the UN to urgently adapt to the New World Order".
Interestingly, the same woman who "must convince the UN of adopting the NWO" is also Britain's ambassador to China, who is one of the main authors of the introduction of the new normal and the establishment of the NWO.
"Congratulations to Barbara Woodward, our new ambassador to the Un," Ellwood writes, "She has brought tremendous experience to this role , not least because of her recent appointment as our ambassador to China. This is a critical time for the UK to force the UN to urgently adapt to the new world order."

We're still talking about the NWO and the politicians driving it, and after NSW's Minister of Health and Medical Research, Wakehurst member Brad Hazzard, who called for NWO to obey when he said, "... We must recognize that this is a new world order...", a similar statement is made by the British MP.
Member of Parliament Tobias Ellwood in his congratulations to Barbara Woodward (Britain's new ambassador to the UN - which is also very important to keep in mind) said that she should "force the UN to urgently adapt to the New World Order".
Interestingly, the same woman who "must convince the UN of adopting the NWO" is also Britain's ambassador to China, who is one of the main authors of the introduction of the new normal and the establishment of the NWO.
"Congratulations to Barbara Woodward, our new ambassador to the Un," Ellwood writes, "She has brought tremendous experience to this role , not least because of her recent appointment as our ambassador to China. This is a critical time for the UK to force the UN to urgently adapt to the new world order."
David and his Australia 🇦🇺 the first country in the world to initiate "Biosecurity Amendments" (Enhanced Risk Management) in Bill 2021, in particular in connection with the expansion of the scope of the current Biosecurity Act 2015 to include biosecurity orders for "classes of persons", in particular requiring them to wear certain clothing or equipment, be moved and detained indefinitely, and provide body samples to WHO.
These changes are intended for groups arriving in the country by plane or ships, and does not exclude the possibility of their application also to such "classes" of people as unvaccinated, or to certain ethnic, religious or political-social groups living in Australia.
All this together is very similar to how the implementation of a full-fledged tracking system, credit points system, etc. Things like all of the above should be rejected.
Human stupidity is grossly used against Humanity from the beginning of it, and those who cannot think freely and critically are the first to be deprived of their position in society if it allows them to influence global processes on a national scale by imprisoning them in closed medical institutions, and it is such demons that are deservedly considered their own, and they are hunted as the weakest and most vulnerable in the ranks of Humanity, because they are capable of destroying it.
Anyone who subscribes to this is not a sheep, he is an enemy of Humanity, for through his personal actions, too, Hell (NWO) enters our World as quickly as demons with their master and did not dream.
Try to prove otherwise!
If covid vaccine manufacturers were responsible for the victims, injuries, disabilities, deaths and damages, they wouldn't be creating it.
If covid vaccine manufacturers were forced to list side effects and the number of adverse reactions, no one would accept or approve it.
If people who fear covid knew that the actual mortality rate (CDC, WHO, except 80+, where the level is slightly higher) is 0.02% and that a tiny percentage of cases end up in a hospital, they would never give an injection.
If "vaccine fans" knew that the people who funded and created the virus were friends with the people who funded and created the vaccine, they would never have accepted it.
If there were no MAINSTREAM media and the group that controls it, THEN COVID19 would never have been born.
The main organizer and curator of everything that is happening now, the head of the WEF, Rothschild, is an old, standing with one foot in the grave, an unhealthy and deeply mentally and mentally ill man who gathered under the shadow of his stupidest, illogical "Great Reset" of the same as him psychos-marasmatics, including Gates, to whom he assigned one of the main roles "on earth", while assigning himself the role of a philosopher-ideologue, neo-quasi-Marx with his neo-quasi-quasiCaptil ("Great Reset"). I would still advise you to buy this book, Friends. It will be a valuable witness to modern utopian madness.
The mother of the head of the WEF, Marianne Schwab, née Rothschild, was born in 1919 in Frankfurt am Main, the daughter of Louis and Melanie Rothschild from Bad Homburg, Germany. Or are they namesakes?
Holocaust survivor warns 'Great Reset' is far worse than Hitler's master plan
Holocaust survivor Vera Sharav spoke with German-American lawyer Rainer Fuelmich about the similarities between Nazi Germany and the modern world elite. Sharav said the fomenting fear around covid is very reminiscent of the German medical establishment's propaganda campaigns.
"I know what it means to be stigmatized and demonized as a 'disease spreader,'" she said. We had to wear a yellow star. Our house was confiscated. We were not allowed to participate in religious and cultural gatherings. Jews were not allowed to travel."
Vera pointed out that as early as 1776, a physician and signatory to the United States Declaration of Independence named Benjamin Rush warned of the dangers posed by the medical establishment. There are many similarities between Nazi eugenics policies and modern propaganda about masks and corona vaccines "to help others." According to Sharav, the Nazis also fomented fears of pandemics to demonize Jews as spreaders of disease. Today, people who pose uncomfortable questions are demonized and called "anti-vaxxers and covid dissidents."
"The Nazis used fear and propaganda as a psychological weapon to establish a genocidal regime," Sharav said. "And now some are beginning to understand why the German people did not rise then and all the growth. Fear prevented them from doing the right thing."
Another similarity between the Nazi agenda and the agenda of modern globalists is that in both cases the global elite won. According to Vera, without the financial support of Wall Street and cooperation between large German and Swiss corporations, Hitler would never have been able to carry out this unprecedented operation. Holocaust survivor Vera compared the Wef's "Great Reset" to Hitler's "master plan": "Hitler looked only at Europe and wanted to take over Russia, but did not think globally. And that's global."
Asked what goal the globalists had in mind, Vera replied: "Read Klaus Schwab's The Great Reset. This goes beyond Hitler. It's global. It's about a global population decline."
Time is very short and autumn 🍂 winter 🥶 will be very cheerful if the guarantors of national constitutions continue anti-constitutional crimes and fascist acts.
Klaus Schwab "The Great Reset" book review
To understand and know the mindset of the globalist izrestny, who are the self-proclaimed "elite" of this world, while no one has ever voted for them, in order for them to rule our lives, we must read the book no Marx Klaus Schwab.
This book is good proof that these people live in a bubble, having lost all connection with reality:
1) The free market is responsible for all evil, we need stronger governments, preferably as "democratic" as in China. The book is full of praise for the Chinese way of life.
A few quotes from the book:
"[The situation may provoke such changes as] an intensified search for the common good as a political goal, the concept of justice acquiring political power, radical measures of social security and taxation, [ ... ] " (p. 18)
"Confucianism, prevalent in many Asian countries, puts a sense of duty and solidarity of generations above individual rights; it also attaches great importance to measures and rules that benefit society as a whole."
"The Covid-19 pandemic has once again made government important. Not just powerful again, but again vital[...]" (p. 89, Author quotes John Micklethwaite, British journalist, editor-in-chief of Bloomberg News, trustee of the British Museum)
"Acute crises contribute to the strengthening of the power of the state. It's always been that way, and there's no reason why it should be any different with the Covid-19 pandemic." (p. 89)
"[...] the role of the state has been greatly reduced. This is a situation that needs to change, because it is difficult to imagine how an exogenous shock of such magnitude [...] can be eliminated by purely market solutions" (p. 91)
"On the dial, which measures the continuum between government and markets, the hand has moved decisively to the left."
"For the first time [...] governments prevailed. [...] Instead of simply correcting market failures when they arise, they should, as economist Mariana Mazzucato suggests: "move towards actively shaping and creating markets that deliver sustainable and inclusive growth."
"A significant element of the new "larger" government (World Government, its outlines, approx. author) already exists due to significantly increased and almost immediate state control over the economy" (p. 92).)
"Looking to the future, governments are likely to [ ... ] decide that it is in the public interest to rewrite certain rules of the game and constantly increase their role (to turn their elders into dictatorships, author's note)" (p. 93).
"The role of the state will increase and at the same time significantly affect the way business is conducted. [...] business leaders in all industries and in all countries will have to adapt to greater government intervention. [...] Taxes will rise, especially for the most privileged" (p. 94)
"Whereas in the past the U.S. was always the first to arrive with help where it was needed, now that role belongs to China" (p. 123)
2) Representing nothing more than a visual example of a moral, moral and mental pervert, Schwab is imbued with a love for the concept of mass surveillance and writes:
"Containing the coronavirus pandemic will require the establishment of a global surveillance network" (p. 33)
"We will see that contact tracing has incomparable potential and a quasi-essential place in the arsenal needed to fight Covid-19, while at the same time being positioned as a means of mass surveillance" (p. 153).)
"An important lesson can be learned from the experience of countries that have proved more effective in dealing with the pandemic (in particular, China): technology in general and digital technologies in particular help. Successful contact tracing has proven to be a key component of a successful Covid-19 strategy." (p. 159)
"Contact tracing and surveillance are therefore critical components of our public health response to Covid-19" (p. 160)
"China, Singapore, Hong Kong and South Korea have implemented coercive and intrusive digital tracking measures. They decided to track people without their consent using their mobile phone and credit card data, and even used video surveillance (Schwab does not mention Moscow because it is about countries)" (p. 160)
"The digital tracking solution that was most praised and talked about was the TraceTogether app operated by Singapore's Ministry of Health. It appears to offer a "perfect" balance between efficiency and privacy considerations[...]" (p. 160)
"No voluntary contact tracing will work if people don't want to share their personal data with a government agency that oversees the system" (p. 164)
"[...] corporately we will move towards stricter supervision; we'll observe, and sometimes record what their workforce is doing." (p. 165)
"[...] any digital experience we have can be turned into a 'product' designed to monitor and [can] anticipate our behavior." (p. 166)
"Then, when the crisis is over, some may realize that their country has suddenly become a place where they no longer want to live."
Even after mentioning all the dangers of constant surveillance, the old man concludes that there will always be observation, "the genie of technical surveillance will not be put back in the bottle" and he really believes that "dystopian scenarios are not fatality."
How we can avoid this dystopia, he doesn't explain, but that doesn't seem to be the purpose of his writing. In any case, it is rather praise for mass surveillance, knocking, atomization of society and so on.
At the same time, the author acknowledges that "the health and mortality effects of Covid-19 will be mild compared to previous pandemics: "At the end of June 2020, Covid-19 killed less than 0.006% of the world's population" (p. 247) and "the average age of those who die from Covid-19 is almost 80 years" (p. 221), but this does not change Schwab's opinion, and he will continue to promote total mass surveillance of the plebs and the need for lockdowns.
What's interesting, Schwab uses surprisingly positive language during his analysis of the situation:
"The possibilities for change and the resulting New [World] Order are now limitless and limited only by our imagination," and "we must seize this unprecedented opportunity to rethink our world" (p.)
He uses phrases such as "don't let the crisis go for nothing" (p. 145 and/or p. 142) and "make effective use of the pandemic" (p. 145).
The impression of this guy's reading is that the author is very happy with the coronavirus and its induced capabilities. Sometimes it seems that Schwab praises his offspring. He also says the crisis is "accelerating progress towards the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals" (p. 248).
His statements about unemployment, work and poverty are also paradoxical. On one page, he praises the new jobs created by the crisis in the digital/online/robotics industry, but on other pages he also sees the danger that millions of people will be out of work. Sometimes it seems that the author is a real schizophrenic, and his warning about the danger sounds like an advertisement for danger, and looks something like this: "It's good that the ship is sinking, because we will create jobs when the wreck has to be lifted out of the water."
Throughout the book, he continues to talk about the "social safety nets" needed to prevent unrest and chaos, due to unemployment, which will be the result of lockouts.
The main message of the book is that we need global governance to be better prepared for such situations in the future. The virus, the C02 problem, climate change, etc. can be solved, in his opinion, only with global leadership. The idea is both ridiculous and stupid – how could a world government change the spread of covid? More surveillance and more lockdowns? How will this reduce C02 emissions? Banning industries and supplying 80% of the world's population in a pose, I mean, kicked out into the street? How will this reduce climate change? .
When he wrote about how the virus and the lockdown had ruined "the whole world," he completely forgot to mention countries that had no lockdowns at all. Many of his theses can be debunked simply by looking at Sweden, Tanzania, Madagascar and some other countries. It is not surprising that the author never mentions any of these countries in the entire book. On page 45, he talks about two studies that "simulated what could have happened without blocking, instead of just looking at the real example of Sweden.
Schwab often talks about "clean energy" (e.g., p. 145) and explicitly condemns fossil fuels, while wanting a future full of (electrical) sensors and "remote devices," surveillance cameras, etc., that need energy. Nowhere does he explain where this energy should come from. Solar and wind power have long been debunked. They are inefficient and unstable sources of energy. Nuclear energy and coal, most likely, are also not appreciated by the author. What's left? Maybe Schwab knows something and we don't know. It is also necessary to remind this lover of electrical devices about how batteries are made, and what huge damage to the environment is caused during their production cycle. Here's another "environmental" quote: "a group of green activists could hold a demonstration in front of a coal-fired power plant" (p. 149)
The old man is so confused in his vision of the future, economics, numbers and science that he makes a darkness of the most blunt assumptions in this book. Especially when it comes to human, social behavior. Here are some of them that are particularly interesting:
"As consumers may prefer automated services to direct interaction [...]" (p. 55
"Changing course will require a change in the mentality of world leaders to give more attention and priority to the well-being of all citizens and the planet" (p. 58)
"The idea [of helicopter money] is attractive and feasible" (p. 68)
"[Central banks] will have to set an upper limit at which inflation will become a destructive and real problem" (p. 69)
"The post-pandemic era will mark a period of massive redistribution of wealth from rich to poor [!!] and from capital to labor" (p. 78).
"In America, as in many other countries, African Americans are poorer and more likely to be unemployed or undereeth and victims of substandard housing and living conditions. As a result, they suffer more from pre-existing diseases such as obesity, heart disease, or diabetes" (p. 80) (Here the old man confuses again. In fact, obesity, heart disease, and diabetes are mostly caused by overeating, poor diet, or unhealthy lifestyles, rather than social inequality.)
"the three things that matter most to the vast majority of us: housing, health care, and education" (p. 96) What about family, friends, peace, and the like?
"calls for more spending (and therefore higher taxes) will be louder" (p. 99)
"A growing number of scientists are arguing that it is the destruction of human-caused biodiversity that is the source of new viruses such as Covid-19" (p.138) (of course, this has nothing to do with the Wuhan Laboratory, where Soros invested...)
Not only that Schwab in fact this book, because of which it is difficult to consider him for a holistic, sober, adequate person, signed his mind-mazing, so in the book there are also problems with the seal itself. The font has o. poor quality (you can easily see the resolution of the letters-pixels, which makes it difficult to read). On page 24 there is an image that should be in color because the text below it says that some elements are represented by red, green, purple, etc., but the image is black and white, which makes its description completely useless. Another picture on page 199 is also difficult to read due to poor print resolution. It doesn't look like it's unprofessional, it looks cheap and delusional.

This pamphlet is a valuable witness to the modern utopian madness and the full adherence of the national authorities of the world's administrations and international organizations to this madness organized by sexual and mental perverts in the most literal sense.
Call the teams of psychiatrists to these morbies, what can I say 🗣
Schwab-Rothschild on returning to dock: "It won't happen because it can't happen" - Some quotes from The Great Reboot of Rothschild (Schwab).
"cycling and hiking instead of driving to keep the air of our cities as clean as it was during the blockade, resting closer to home [...] can lead to sustainable reductions in carbon emissions" (p. 142) (I can even imagine the author of the Great Reset on a bicycle... enchanting, must be a spectacle, Friends...)
"[Mobile devices] help us on many different fronts, anticipating our needs, listening to us, and discovering us even when they aren't asked to..." (p. 152) (or ask, but not the owner, but, for example, the global kahal or, more simply, the owner of the owner of the mobile phone)
"[Instead of] going to a remote family gathering for the weekend using a 'WhatsApp family group' that isn't as fun, but again safer, cheaper, and greener" (p. 155)(WhatsApp is cooler, greener than family and family gatherings. Always knew it)
"[Robots] save nurses three hours of work a day" (p. 159) (vaccinated people will have to be fired too. dance on.)
"just as the terrorist attacks of September 11 caused greater and constant security in the name of public safety" (p. 168) (Sounds like a confession. So that's what it was for. Okay, thank you for letting us know...)
"It won't happen because it can't happen" (p. 173) (the old man in Darth Vader's costume talks about industry leaders who may want to go back to the old way of doing business and doing business)
"It is likely that markets or consumers, or both, will punish those companies that have not handled social issues well (p. 188).
"Simple pleasures, such as sniffing a melon or squeezing a fruit, will be condemned and may even become a thing of the past" (about meat, Friends, probably many already know that it will become a luxury)
Rothschild's worldview understanding of man is also very interesting, Friends, so I can't help but quote this piece:
"if we, as human beings, do not cooperate to confront our existential challenges, we are doomed. Thus, we have no choice but to call upon the best angels of our nature" (p. 217).
In other cases, the old man speaks of man as a "social animal" demonstrating the Darwinian way of thinking, but here it sounds quite religious.
Alas, we see, a typical contradiction of utopian thought, that will put this unrecognized genius in the stall of the balobols, where he belongs.
He also reflects further: "If in the future we abandon the position of self-interest that pollutes so many of our social interactions, [ ... ]" (p. 224), (Mda already.., this has not happened in the last thousand years, why did this pots decide that this would happen right now, with his remaining piece of life, which can be considered an error given his age? Therefore, I very much doubt the author's knowledge of the character of human beings, and indeed his knowledge of the World and its structure in the broadest sense of the word. Do you think, the world will go far if he does not get out from under this old man and his henchmen, who pressed the World with their covid scam to the abyss)
After clarifying the devastating psychological consequences of isolation and fear due to isolation, high suicide rates, depression, mental disorders, etc., he dares to see something positive about it:
"What the pandemic has achieved in terms of mental health [...] raised public awareness of the seriousness of the problem. [...] In the post-pandemic region, these issues can now be given the priority they deserve" (apparently, Rothschild proposes to resume the institution of forced psychiatry that existed in the USSR).
What a great consolation for all the mentally ill, but the author gives us even more reasons to "cheer up": He writes that "in times of high pressure and need, a lot of good world literature was written, because such times are so inspiring." (No kidding, see page 234) (Well, apparently for the sake of new and good books that this man is going to burn sooner or later, because, according to Orwell, the books are evil, covid was worth it to be)
Subsequently, Rothschild reminds us of how good it is to have more time now, as many of us are unemployed or work in a home office (p. 236), and how some of us can learn to appreciate being in nature.
He then touts a minimalist lifestyle (Marie Kondo style), which is likely to soon become not a free choice of some people, but a mandatory adaptation.
Perhaps, Friends, that I am wrong in my critique of this guy and his books and snabbles that are murky and illogical, and instead of living in a "dark future of techno-totalitarian government surveillance" (p. 170), we will all enter a "new era of prosperity" (p. 249).
And after all, someone, Friends, in all seriousness, and not within the framework of duty flattery and fear, looks this psycho into his mouth, ready to fulfill everything at his first request. It is bittersweet to see who controls the world processes, but, at the same time, it is gratifying to know that now the World has become open as never before, and people with a clear conscience, an unclouded consciousness, a broad Soul and the right attitude will not have much difficulty in paying attention to the svta and to its judgment what is under the spook. Internet gray area. And whether he turns white or black depends only on us, Friends, and on the goals that we pursue, yuzaya him.
🤡🇺🇸Chal visits the Denver airport and finds an unusual Masonic monument dedicated to the New World Order. The video was shot in 2013.

- Hey guys, it's Ron. I'm here in the new world order, it's Denver, the International Airport. Right there it says "New Era Airports Commission." Here at the airport, there is a sign that says "new world order or era."
I saw it on TV... I'm looking at it right now. I spent an hour looking for this sign..:
"Denver International Airport. Wellington... the time capsule under this stone contains messages sent in 2094<...>
Commission on airports of the New World Strand (*New Era) Grand Master..."!
⚠️🇫🇷 France will withdraw children from unvaccinated families and can make vaccination mandatory for all.
Until now, the "vaccination passport" in France has made life difficult for the unvaccinated. But legally, the French can still refuse the vaccine.
However, as gallia Daily noted, the French senator, as has already been done when it comes to the new world order, Covid, depopulation and population control, quietly introduced an amendment, supported by several parliamentarians, which aims to make COVID19 vaccination mandatory for all as early as January 2022.
👮🏻Familly, if the amendment is passed, unvaccinated adults will face a fine of several hundred or, most likely, thousands of euros.
But most importantly, this amendment also applies to children: if parents refuse to vaccinate their children after seeing children die in Britain, parents could be held accountable and possibly lose custody of their children.
American LOM (leader of general opinion)
American model, businesswoman, participant of the television reality show "The Kardashian Family" channel E!, founder of Kylie Cosmetics Kylie Jenner, who has 274 million followers to promote her line of cosmetics for Halloween, posted a video on Instagram in which she bathes in blood.
They are really sick and sick people, and ordinary puppets who are simply used, playing on their weaknesses, predispositions and using their commitment to everything crooked, fake, shiny, rotten, smelly, sinful and sick. Their "spiritual" guru and guide to what they call art is Abramovich M.
Bathed in real human blood, make sneakers with real blood, and obscurantists and "conspiracy theorists" are us.
Dark Mysteries of the New Age/Era

In the pages of this exposé book, the secret "plan" of the New Age movement is revealed for the first time in striking detail. Based on in-depth research of the Movement, author Texe Marrs included more than 600 actual quotes from New Age leaders that reveal their "plan" to create a New Age Messiah who will lead the One World Religion and global government.
Within the framework of the "Plan", the Movement intends to wage an all-out spiritual war against Christians. Their ultimate goal is the destruction of ALL traces of Christianity.
It is the most comprehensive and well-documented book ever published about the New Age. It will become clear from the book what new Age management is doing right now to gain influence in all areas of society, from the entertainment industry to public schools and government. Marrs details their plan to conquer the next generation, flooding the media, cartoons, comics, libraries, and everything it takes to achieve the goal.
A more accurate map of Australia:

Prison unit A, B, C, D, E, F
Judging by the Covid situation, the next country with similar measures and public health inadequacies that allow criminals to dispose of the plebs will be England or Israel.
And yes, the United World Government is not in the future, it is already here and waiting for legalization, mandate and universal recognition. It's up to Humanity.

🤡If we talk about FB and his attempt to take carte blanche in the Senate to strengthen further censorship, then the "informant" who came to allegedly merge Zuckerberg into the Senate, and accuse his platform of pandering to pedophilia, coped with the task successfully.
"Imagine you put your own whistleblower in jail to expose yourself for not censoring enough so you can censor even more." 😂
Meanwhile, the U.S. federal government is secretly ordering Google and other search engines to dispel all theories about tech giants' s quarrel with the fed. the U.S. government, track and provide data on anyone searching for certain terms through "keyword guarantees."
Pfizer scientist Nick Karl ran into James O'Keefe after a shocking admission to the whole world that Pfizer is stupidly made by grandmothers and therefore their "scientists" are simply lying about "natural immunity" and that the vaccine is much stronger than it at a time when, in fact, everything is, according to these same scientists, exactly the opposite.
In connection with all this, Friends, the psychosis of Nick Carl, who encountered the author of the Veritas project, who merged a video with a shocking confession of a Pfizer feeder, is quite understandable:
"I wouldn't want to see any of that. Are you fucking in your mouth, are you kidding me right now?"
At least 330,000 minors have been raped in the French Catholic Church since 1950.
The findings were published in an extensive 2500-page report published by an independent commission that was set up three years ago at the request of the Catholic Church.

Covididiotes are not as funny as they seem:
"Keep your distance ⬅️ 2m ➡️
It's sad to realize but now their time, just like this aunt in the photo, dictates the agenda breaking the world we are used to, they will abolish the community of people that we all knew before the false covid, and this is not the world of 🗺
At the end of the material are our traditional impressive documents and compromising material on the special operation corona 👑 19-21

German Emperor Kaiser Wilhelm II.
Silesia, 1913.

In 1939, Stalin wrote a note and gave it to Beria. After reading Beria decided to shoot 1000 people.
Upon learning of the incident, Stalin pretended to be infuriated, and Beria said that he had misunderstood the leader.
And only after the death of the bloody dictator in 1953, Beria was arrested and shot almost immediately after his arrest. About such a brave world 🗺 they want to offer us.