Stand up, the trial 👨 ⚖️ 👩 ⚖️ is going. 

Stand up, the trial 👨 ⚖️ 👩 ⚖️ is going. 

T ̲h ̲e ̲ ̲c ̲o ̲n ̲t ̲e ̲n ̲t ̲s ̲

Dud of Lisbon: Only 0.9% of confirmed cooida cases died from covid. 

"Of course it's a complete scam. Imagine that the number of people in the UK who were actually killed by the virus, instead of just dying with it, was only a couple of thousand, you would have already been on the streets with torches and pitchforks. That's the way it should be.

Governments everywhere have lied, lied and lied about each of the central points of the narrative about the virus.

Their ludicrous policies have resulted in the devastation and possibly economically destroying several G20 countries and actually increasing the number of preventable deaths, not least because of the deprivation of health care.

All of these people need to be locked up in a new high-security building that is being built rapidly in Wellingborough, North Carolina. The prima facie case against a dozen or so people in the UK requires awaiting their prosecution of their arrest," Michael Idaon, former chief scientist and former vice president of pharmaceutical giant Pfizer Inc., the most informed person in the field, writes in telegrams.

However, the bottom line is yes, and meanwhile, Friends is yet one of the most informed about vaccines and vaccination people on the planet, the former chief specialist. Pfizer, who is not allowed to say a word in the media, but who continues to cut the truth-mother about vaccines and in general about vaccination, wherever he can, the court of Lisbon decided what once again proves the obvious to so many the fact that the statistics on the covid is often a set of figures not related to reality. 

According to a Lisbon court ruling, only '0.9% of confirmed couida' cases have died from #COVID19, and there are only 152 people in the country between January 2020 and April 2021, with just 152 of the 10,295,909 people killed, residents of the country, not the 17,000 claimed by WHO and their agents of influence in the country, all sorts of ministries, including "guardianship and guardianship", ministry of justice (INMLCF) and other "consumer surveillance".

The autopsy of this, on the fact of the most sophisticated information about fraud with statistics on the covid and corpses from it, became possible only after the appeal to the court of Lisbon citizen of the country. The Court of Lisbon simply had to provide verified data on the mortality from couidiosis. 

All the "remainers," according to the court, died for various reasons, although their PCR test, which even its creator, the Nobel laureate, successfully for Schwab, Gates and other friends of the U.S.-certified king of paedophilia, said that THE PCR is not intended to search for viruses at all, and that its main "target" is DNA, about the creation of a base of which we have in Russia was issued a law. 

"We live in an unprecedented scale of fraud," wrote Dr. Andre Diasandre Diaz, who published the court documents online, "The data is taken from the Sistema de Informa'o dos Certificados de bito (SICO Death Certificate Information System), the only such system in Portugal. The reference to 152 death certificates issued "under the control of the Ministry of Justice" is false, since all death certificates are issued under the auspices of the Ministry of Justice, which is the only agency that issues them. In response to the popular lawsuit, it took a court order for the ministry to respond, desperately trying not to expose itself. Anyone responsible for processing "cases" and "deaths" data can then be held accountable for a crime only if any dignity is maintained within the rule of law. If these figures are of the same order and magnitude for other countries, there is no doubt that Portugal is not a special country and is not much different from the rest of the world, and there is no reason to assume otherwise, then the Plague is a hoax of unprecedented proportions, and crimes against humanity have been committed on a huge scale."

EXCLUSIVE assessment of WHO accelerators/boosters for vaccines #COVID19 needed annually for the most vulnerable.

WHO predicts that the people most vulnerable to COVID-19, about whom former IMF head Lagarde, who believes that the pension should be abolished as an event, and who said that the elderly have become too many and the world economy will not bear them, some time ago, who traveled around the country, ordering their governments to do something with pensioners and generally with the elderly and to carry out pension reform, will need to receive an annual amplifier of vaccines to be protected from options. 

The paper shows that WHO considers annual accelerators for high-risk individuals as its "indicative" baseline scenario, as well as boosters every two years for the general population... What is interseding and much to say is the UN agency, which is effectively controlled by the CPC and a friend of convicted paedophile and slave trader Epstein Gates, declined to comment on the contents of the internal document.

Not to understand what is happening now in the World on a global scale, after the WHO revelation that it even refused to comment on its own document, and that the population reduction plan that Gates wanted to carry out by connecting universal compulsory vaccination to "Planned Parenthood" in its most active phase, Friends must probably be a complete idiot. Either a participant in collusion and a criminal, which in general - then we do not exclude for a separate category of suspects by us and on that there is a good reason.

Darwin q Nietzsche q neo Marx Schwab /Transhumanism.

From its historical roots to the technological revolution of the 21st century, transforming human lives around the world, these are the goals of the transhumanist movement.

Along with the theory of evolution, Darwin introduced the concept of Kabbalah - the human mind as a result of evolution will turn into a god - into the world of science, and he created the infrastructure of this faith among scientists. The club of those who consider themselves the world's elite ensured that the theory of evolution was accepted by the public completely and without exceptions.

In the view of transhumanists, or simply put, those who lost their beliefs and knowledge and stirred them up, because human evolution had stopped, it was necessary to move it forward with machines, drugs and drugs. One of Huxley's favorite friends, who was also the first director of UNESCO, was Jesuit priest Pierre Theyar de Charden. Teiyar was known to society as Catholic Darwin. He was the lead actor in the Piltdown man fraud, in which the human skull and jaw of an orangutan were combined to demonstrate a transitional form in evolution, a development that went down in history as a scam and a self-in-the-nation scandal.

Piltdown man: Britain's greatest hoax

On December 18, 1912, newspapers around the world published several sensational headlines - mostly the following: "The missing link was found - Darwin's theory was proven." On the same day, fragments of a fossil skull and jawbone were presented to the world at a meeting of the Geological Society in London. These fragments were quickly attributed to "the earliest Englishman - Piltdown man" ...

However, Friends, some 40 years later, on November 21, 1953, a group of British scientists, when they were not yet famous for their findings and were not memes, exposed the Piltdown man as a deliberate fraud. 

Instead of being a million years old, the skull fragments were only 500 years old, and the jaw actually belonged to an orangutan.

💉 Crispr-Cas Synthetic Gene Activators for transcription reprogramming of humans. Or rather bacteria that are apparently found in humans. 

In addition to using CRISPR gene activators for THE WORLD, they studied ways to reprogram bacteria for a variety of applications, including human diagnosis and treatment, as well as a wide range of engineering applications. For more information, read the introduction to the article 👇

💉 Trust the government. States 🚫

1. Poisoned millions of barrels of alcohol during the dry law, killing, according to experts, 10,000 people

2. Tuskegee syphilis experiment 1932-1972 - experiments to observe the progression of syphilis in members of the black community

3. Operation Sea Spray is a 1950 biological warfare experiment conducted by the U.S. Navy in the San Francisco Bay Area.

4. Operation to cover a large area - 1957-58, modeling a mass biological attack throughout the Midwest with the release of compounds that are radioactive and carcinogenic

5. The MK Ultra project included various routines and spanned almost two decades (of which we know) for willing and undesirable subjects. 



6. Operation Dew I and Dew II - the release of large amounts of zinc sulfide and cadmium in several states of South America.

7. Operation Big Itch is an entomological warfare experiment using "armed" ticks that spread Lyme disease. "Gates is also concerned about entomology and has released mosquitoes with a vaccine to "treat" people from all kinds of sun-soaked diseases.

8. Operation May Day, Operation Kick, Operation Big High and Operation Vozhak are all experiments to test the spread of biological agents by releasing mosquitoes. Hello again, friend of the king of paedophiles and slave traders Epstein Gates. 

9. Current Examples:

(A) In 2018, a study found that the Pentagon had infected more than 40,000 facilities across the U.S., exposing hundreds of thousands of people to dangerous chemicals.

(B) In 2017, the Department of Homeland Security announced that it would conduct chemical spraying operations over the city of Oklahoma to collect data.

10. On Military Personnel:

(A) Project 112/SHAD - 1962-73 U.S. Navy ships are conducting an experiment to determine the ability to detect and respond to acts of biochemical warfare on their own sailors. They used sarin gas and VX - two of the most dangerous neurological agents.

(B) Agent Orange - "One of the deadliest mixtures ever created" used indiscriminately against combatants and civilians, as in Vietnam.

(C) Since the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan, 3.5 million soldiers have been exposed to toxic burns that cause respiratory and other diseases due to exposure to harmful fumes.

11. Experimenting and testing on vulnerable members of society, such as children and prisoners.

The Manhattan Project - The 1940s and lasted decades. Mass experiments on people using radioactive material - from injections to newborns to feeding mentally retarded children with radioactive oatmeal... More than 4,000 radiation experiments were carried out on 20,000 unwitting victims. And these are only the figures that have become known.

(B) Eugenics Programs - forced sterilization of tens of thousands of Americans, people who belonged to the lower class and were considered "unfit for reproduction." This was signed and approved by the American Legislature. For years, there have been stories of unauthorized sterilization still occurring. If someone thinks it's over, I think the person is wrong.

12. Vaccination campaigns

(A) The 1955 Rezac incident, the laboratory released an injection, allegedly a vaccine, with a live polio virus that infected 40,000 people, hundreds were paralyzed and hundreds died. In India, the victims and victims of Gates, or rather, from polyomelite after his vaccines, numbered in the hundreds of thousands. 

(B) Monkey Virus 40 (SV40) - 1955 and 1963, the polio vaccine was again infected with SV40, a known probable carcinogen. 98 million were made such a prick.

(C) 1976 swine flu vaccine

Disruption of supply chains, scrapping food supply chains. The desired drought is a necessary problem for farmers to slump the harvest and the widespread famine of huge masses of people. This is the number one task of the conspirators. One lie about viruses is not able to carry out their communist - fascist revenge . 

Who in the business they will understand us. 

Let's explain the rest briefly on our fingers; it is the monopolization of farmland for the production of artificial food. And he is congratulated on these. With modern technology, it's not at all difficult to supply the shit 💩 from Good Bill with various additives to reduce fertility and other side effects implemented by the planned plan to reduce the world's population to 1.5-2.0 billion by 3,000. And also on top of the profits, because when you're hungry, you'll even eat his worms and drink 🥤 water from purified shit. Amen 🙏

Agricultural 👆s sketching - sketches of food terrorists 👇

What happens today, we all see and do not even think that someone will slip unnoticed . We already fit you into a new paragraph with the status of communist, faschisoid, medical global / kagal .

The plot scenarios of the global kagal, directed against livestock, are so fantastic and far-fetched that it's hard not to go crazy reading this nonsense in the media.

A couple of quotes:

🔹Yst the way we get tired of the terrible American ritual of mass murder, cows all over the country decided to do something else and go somewhere...

🔹Rethion of the Cows Has begun. Across the country, cows search for their open pastures and find mostly pavement and death.

🔹Power reported that by 10:20 they had collected the majority in a dead end and were driven into trailers. Except for one girl in this media called a cow that wandered free until the police tracked her down in the park on Thursday! In the local animal sanctuary, her throat was not slit when she was hanging upside down with her comrades...

I would like to ask many, and when we want to do it confidently: - how do you with the head and brain 🧠? They catch a cold and instead of mean intentions green snot 🤧 ? 

You understand, Friends, why so stepped green and amateurs of animals and other of animal breeders animal food, according to plans Global Kagal should be eradicated from the menu /human diet by 2030

Kashmiris from Kamal's homeland can be congratulated and told "welcome to Hell, Friends." 

WASHINGTON, December 29 (S.C.) Vice President Kamala Harris vaccinated her for a vaccine against coronavirus live and urged all Americans to follow suit.

"I'm now vaccinated... I want to encourage everyone to get vaccinated. It's relatively painless, it's really fast, it's safe... My husband will do it today. I'm waiting to get the second part of the vaccine. It's literally about saving lives. I trust scientists," she said after the minute-long procedure.

She said she was vaccinated with Moderna.

The minute-long procedure of Kamal's injection when reviewing and analyzing the video by professionals, turned out to be a tough divorce or a banal deception of fake 👇

They were visited by a "vaccination team." No matter where you are, Friends, this obsession with vaccines, inchae it can not be called, if you follow the logic of events and stop too is simply impossible until the arrest of all suspects. This frenzy of Al will continue indefinitely.

Fresh video of 👆encee of real violence in India 

It is funny and sad to simultaneously observe the adherents of vaccines and the freedoms of data given to God. It is understandable that no one is given the right to take these rights away from other people. Giant, mere space-based taxpayers' sums are stolen for advertising and law enforcement, while they could go to support a small business that is deliberately killed by blocks and surreal rules as the outmoded atavism of capitalism. 

The authorities deliberately prefer to pour fantastic sums of money to snug without shame and conscience unknown slurry in a syringe. If the People saw the danger of a pandemic, if the people understood that there is a pandemic, and that the covid has on the off. CDC data. fatality comparable to the flu and only slightly different from it, according to various data, in the "worst" and "best" side is really terrible and kills hundreds of thousands, he would have run for a shot. Almost two years have passed and people have long been largely figured out what is what. And to draw a conclusion about the criminal logic of the actions of the authorities, or rather anti-logic, it is enough to look at the scale of their advertising campaign and the opening of flights to the country against the background of the closure of everything and everything and horrors on TV. 

🇩🇪💉🤡The German media about the dramatic scenes in hospitals 

💉In some countries, it is already allowed to inject children, give them vaccines and other similar injections, despite the fact that children are simply not prepared to make these kinds of medical decisions, only by their consent and without informing their parents. That's exactly what the perverses want.

You understand why the Constitution was "children" and "health" amendments.

The inscription on the billboard: 

"Children are 50 times more likely to die from the Covid vaccine than from the Virus." (c) Ex-Chief Scientist and Ex-Vice President of Pharmaceutical Giant Pfizer Inc., the most informed person in the field, 

Dr. Michael Eydon.


Heritage Party leader, writer, Christian and conservative, life, free speech advocate and other David Courtenay

Just in case: 

We harness (the horse 🐎) and jump and drive very fast. 

You know how to write, write, talk, talk, teach- teach, sue - judge, fight- fight. 

It's time to dig up all your buried talents, for for this will be asked.

George Soros, back in 2009, raved about the plan of global elites to establish what he called the "New World Order" in an interview with the Financial Times. In his view, China should lead this New World Order by "creating it with words and owning it," just as the United States "owns the current order."

In general, listen to the ravings of these red-hearted idiots is no more power. 

Ethnic Magyar Soros is in interest with the Wuhan laboratory, and he 💰 💰 is not alone in the great interest there sits the red communist ass . the elite, made up of deviants, has never concealed what it does; they reveal everything in their dry interviews and documents/patents, while the media publishes distracting, emotionally charged, easy-to-understand tales of what Gates and Soros are like as a "good guy" and how afraid they are with the "bad guy", as the cathos now act as a covid.

In fact, this Hungarian-American young man said; once their plans have reached their climax, the world will be ruled by a multipolar new financial and political order in which China will become the most important country to supplant the United States.

In fact, Soros says that it is necessary to involve the Chinese in the NWO/NMP to help create it. 

This is not a new idea, the Rockefellers hinted at a similar strategy back in 1961 in their book of projects NWO (New World Order).

The problem - brazen, stupid, meager, evil crowd of idiots in the form of the ruling elite seeks to steal everything and kill everyone. (Artificial Movement for Truth)

The reaction is that people are both angry and scared, they want to put an end to the old system and start something new.

Why is China 🇨🇳? Why does the world elite based mainly in Europe initiate the Chinese leadership to openly join their New World Order and help create it?

The Chinese people would rebel against open foreign domination, but would take their place in the New World War if they believed that he had everything under control and he was the main in the world.

The Chinese were badly affected by Western imperialism, as did much of the world. As a result, the world's elites will have problems with the participation of countries in the New World Order. The elite decided to use their own legacy of destruction to their advantage. 

Their strategy consists of two parts:

1. They formed an alliance in China as a force against the Western alliance.

This part of the strategy was hinted at in the main press in a 2002 UPI article entitled "China wants its own "new world order" opposing the American version." It is common practice to use opposing forces for their own purposes, and they always ensure that they have influence or control over both sides.

They have driven the world into the hands of the Chinese alliance. They widely promoted the abhorrent New World Order planned by the Western powers, simultaneously promoting the auspicious New World Order planned by China and its allies.

They provoked outrageous and provocative actions, both economic and military, by Western powers.

They have widely exposed damaging information about Western countries, especially the United States (WikiLeaks, Snowden and thousands of smaller revelations). 

And after Snowden disclosed information about the NSA's activities, where did he go to hide? First to China (Hong Kong), then to Russia. China and Russia (BRICS alliance) is the place where they are fleeing from the United States, Western allies. 

The world elite, including Soros, built a sentinel alliance in the BRICS, a kind of rabbit hole for the laundering of criminal proceeds. Such a well-informed safe hole - break through, there they hide a lot from danger. 

Rockefeller's "Perspective of America" (page 60) says something similar to what Soros says: "The modification of the nation is confused by the fact that the aspirations of peoples around the globe find expression today in the slogan of nationalism. What drives these peoples is the determination to quickly and definitively emerge from the colonial era. They go somewhere, but it's a real question whether they go where they think they're going... In short, the ravings of the 60s of the last century century elders - crooks denounced in the well-known family David Rockefeller medical factor (virus 🦠 ). Elders and communist agents confused all, it was not difficult to do it with the basic knowledge of the administrations of the world at the level of 0 (zero). Under the guise of overcoming a possible potential schism between East and West, implies the Magyar cigan /conman, as well as how life in the West is arranged, type is an important factor in the cohesion of broad unity, as well as specific relations with individual countries. 

He also sees friendship and interesting ties with the East; "We must not allow emotions or differences in ideology to close the door to the opportunities for better relations with the Chinese people that may arise in the coming years. In defending human freedom and inalienable dignity, the United States cannot see itself cut off from any continent or country."

Here you can tell us please and answer our question: who is this, except that he is a financier and an ancient fossil - an artifact from the red book of 📕, as well as the second agent Of Kisa - the same age as the Civil War in Bolshevik Rossi. What a fuck these complete marasmatics do in the improvement of the world. What the fuck are the doctors 🥼? What kind of do you have pindos? 

In a leaked video from 1991, Rockefeller speaks openly about the new world order. The video is understandably removed by the glorious Komsomols from You1ub, but not everywhere! Note! 

And in 1994, Rockefeller said at a dinner at the United Nations: "We are on the verge of global transformation. All we need is the right serious crisis, and countries will accept the new world order."

And in 2002, David wrote in his memoir: "Some believe that we are part of a secret clique working against the interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as "internationalists" colluding with other people around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - one world, if you will. If it's an accusation, I'm guilty and proud of it.'

However, these quotes are not fully revealing. How far the elite club of perverts has gone in the formation of a new world order with a single government can be judged by the leak of 1991, when it became known about the collusion of a small handful of people with the media, which together initiate the creation of a single world with a single ruler.

In fact, it is important not only that someone openly complains about the new world order, but also that long before 1991 the media knew about it and not only did not disclose this information to the public, but also actively promoted this agenda. The media turned a blind eye to 👀, which is not surprising, because hand-trained media eat with the hands of this elite. 

We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time magazine and other media outlets whose directors have attended our meetings and kept their promises for nearly forty years. It would be impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we were exposed to the bright light of advertising all these years. But the world is now more sophisticated and ready to go to world governments. The supranational sovereignty of the intellectual elite and the world's bankers is certainly preferable to the national self-determination practiced in past centuries," Rockefeller said in 1991, not thinking the video would be published anywhere else.

The media exercise mental control over the masses, skillfully keeping the population in the dark and ignoring events that could destroy the illusion. 

Marshal, generalissimo, generalissimo with our unfinished tailor's uniforms, J.J. Rockefeller, said this, thus David confirmed the unprecedented scale of collusion of some elites with the largest media in order to create a single World Government.

📹 David Rockefeller talks about over population and population control 


💉🤡 Communist Fascist Censorship at the march. 

Nova Scotia's chief medical officer, Strang Robert, recently warned: 

"Another purpose of the injunction is to prevent the spread of groups that intentionally disseminate false information that may actually pose a risk; information itself, if listened to, also poses risks to the public. There is a need to deal with this misinformation"

Don't throw away books 📖, Friends. Perhaps your children will find a time when they will be on the weight of bullets.

Since you're clearly not smarter from birth, instead of national administrations, armored car parks and crazy state dolmaebo domos, we'll put robots on tax collection and public order. And you are sent to grow potatoes 🥔, rice 🍚 and corn 🌽. Let's all go.

New 👇enubs, although the previous ones above is enough to send so many to the dock on a whole bunch of state criminal offenses 👇

       I think we've made this clear.

        👇's Shadow Game

By the way, we remind our readers of different social and

Nuremberg is a military court and the prosecutors in it were military generals. 

Ⓟⓡⓞⓢⓔⓒⓤⓣⓞⓡ ⓖⓔⓝⓔⓡⓐⓛ Ⓑ+

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