California Odyssey 666. Secret 2 part.

California Odyssey 666. Secret 2 part.

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Rockefeller took "Guernik" Picasso from the UN.

The tapestry depicting the bombing of the Spanish city of Guernica on April 26, 1937 by Nazi Germany and fascist Italy, commissioned by Nelson Rockefeller in 1955 and woven by the French workshop of Jacqueline de la Bom Durrbach, who had been hanging in front of the UN Security Council hall since 1984 to remind diplomats of the dangers of war, returned to its owner Nelson Rockefeller Jr. 

Neither the UN nor the Rockefeller Foundation have yet made any comments, but there is an opinion that the picture has become less relevant and it is time to start a new war ... 

In the photo is the same Marina Abramovic (right), the so-called "artist" "Spirit Cooking", who was once photographed with Lord Jacob Rothschild at the picture of 1797 under the title "Satan calling his legions", and which starred in a scandalous promotional video for Microsoft Bill Gates.

David, the generalissimo's uniform is almost ready. The tailor works with the cocard. It's a star ruby. Star ruby. The ruby variety is aniolith - a unique rock consisting of green cyosite with ruby jewelry. Ruby is widely used in jewelry. They can be decorated with absolutely all jewelry ... Everything you love, David Illusion Is a Magician.

Everyone will be very interested 🧐 pdf👇

💉7804 adverse reactions to COVID-19 vaccines documented with VAERS pdf 👇

🇺🇸- The government came to me with an offer to sell them all my property to turn it into FEMA camps.

Because of the delicate nature of this shit, I'm obviously not going to reveal every last detail, although I'm sure it's far from a unique case.

I was associated with a corporation (globohomo) that owned a certain area surrounded by barbed wire next to interstate fences, a railway yard and helipads. 

It's not a walmart/big box store, but there are a lot of them nearby, which makes me think they want this property for what you might call it then "camp administration".

This property is a piece of shit, and we've been wanting to get rid of it for a long time, but no one's going to buy it because of the constant unpleasant sounds of the train. Today (the day after the inauguration) the city government came to offer us a deal to sell this property in a very strange way. Today (the day after the inauguration) the city government came to offer us a deal to sell this property in a very strange way. I can't be too specific because I'm fucking myself, but let's just say that this city is very much associated with the "black helicopters" that people see all over the country. A small hint for autistic people: cia mi-17

They didn't use outstanding power or oppressive government tactics, as they usually see, and it was more like a mafia-style racket. They need property, and if we give up, they'll take a bunch of homeless people and throw them into the parking lot (especially drug addicts/schizophrenics/criminals) until it terrorizes so many tenants/clients that they'll lose business and stop paying rent so we can no longer pay property or maintenance tax. They would also use the state and federal governments, like the IRS, as leverage.

Part of the contract is that the money they give to our corporation for takeover should be used in a very specific way. This MUST be spent exactly as they indicated, otherwise they will fine us/conduct an audit/involve the IRS until we wish we were dead.

It was all very sinister. It's something they kind of hinted at in some weird, idiotic way, like in a TV show. 

Hello. My name is John Davison Rockefeller. You may not know me, but if you've heard of the Spanish flu, you should have heard of me.

I'm the person behind the mass vaccination that killed millions of people around the world, in fact, my institute, the Rockefeller Institute, used an experimental meningococcal serum that was obtained from horses and then administered to those who had flu-like symptoms. This bacterial infection (bacterial pneumonia) is what killed millions of people, not the usual flu.

We cannot guarantee the authenticity of the document and therefore only pass on its contents. Although under the plan the crown based on the Rockefeller Lockstep plan (described in our previous materials) it is quite similar to the truth.

💉🤡In the network appeared allegedly leaked documents about the permanent closure of the UK in 3 weeks.

We will be as frank as always with our reader. Moreover, we have previously written and talked about possible false maneuvers of governments. The Singapore crime syndicate of the administration realized that the communist - a fascist conspiracy to establish a dictatorship of the worm false epidemic completely disclosed. 

These people are more cunning than the rest and it's quite obvious. Look below these liars aesthetically want to avoid responsibility. 

We changed our shoes 🥾 🥿 in the singapore-June bumblebee. Announced a new trend for new normality. The operation goes into the shadows under a fake flag. And de facto they are trying to jump off (disavow) their criminal acts within 

1, 5 years and a preliminary criminal conspiracy, at least since the start of the covid tests in 2017.

Included 'fool' is called. 

Won't come out Wong, Yong, Kung! 

1) The policy towards COVID-19 will be similar to that of other endemic, permanently present diseases, such as influenza.

2) The goal of reducing the transmission to zero is no longer set. The number of infections will not be reported, only hospitalizations/severe cases and mortality (as for influenza). The travel quarantine will be lifted. Isolation of close contacts of the sick will be abolished.

3) Testing and vaccination will continue. Vaccination can not stop the infection, its goal - to reduce the number of severe cases, completely like in flu vaccinations. Testing will go from nasopharyngeal strokes performed by medical staff to antigen tests and breath tests designed for self-use.

The plan is not introduced immediately, it will be introduced on the situation, including on (voluntary) vaccination, which is a key part of the strategy. The plan, outlined by the Ministers of Health, Finance and Labour (they run Singapore's coronavirus headquarters), says 

"It has been 18 months since the beginning of the pandemic. Our people are tired of fighting. Everyone asks: When and how will the pandemic end? The bad news is that covid-19 may never disappear. The good news is that we can live normally with a virus among us." 

"The virus will continue to mutate, and therefore survive in society. Influenza is an example of such an endemic disease. 

Every year, many people get the flu. The vast majority recover, they do not need hospitalization and minimal medication or none. But a minority, especially the elderly and people with chronic diseases, can become seriously ill; some die."

"We can't eliminate the virus, but we can turn a pandemic into something much less dangerous, like influenza or chickenpox, and move on with our lives."

"History has shown that every pandemic itself comes to an end."

"History has shown that every pandemic will run its course."

In the photo are Ministers Wong, Yong and Kung.

The falsification of the pandemic is obvious, as well as the fact that tomorrow the sun will rise again 🌞 and there will be a New Day. And attempts to evade criminal responsibility are quite understandable from a human point of view. In the near future, we will begin to observe very soon 🔜 similar confessions from all the administrations of the world. Allegedly, they did not know something and did not calculate. Don't take any word from these liars.

 In the spring of 2020, they filled everything with rhinestone using pre-scheduled scenarios of emotions instead of numbers and logic. Fake videos showing allegedly overcrowded hospitals and morgues, which are 100% staged or arose from the provocations of the administrator of a situation in which the hospitals could not be empty. But this has nothing to do with the fake Covid-19.

 Refusal to mention the most obvious counterarguments: for example, the media has never compared the number of deaths from influenza in recent years with those from Covid-19.

 Total censorship of all opinions that do not agree with the narrative in the mainstream media, even those that come from recognized experts.

 We have witnessed many fake stories being falsely published, such as the CNN report on bodies left on the streets of Ecuador, which was later refuted. We often saw hysterical headlines that were not supported in any way by the content of the article.

 Finally, national as well as local coverage is always vague, never saying exactly who is sick and what they have, or whether they are at home or in a hospital, and never saying how they are treating the disease. The vagueness of the media is a sure sign of a lie.

 Regardless of reality, the media continues to buzz ominously that this is the new norm, and that we might as well get used to it, that the world will never be the way it was before the coronavirus. This is nothing more than a classic psychological propaganda and information biological attack against the population. De facto a war against the population.

 Why does a viral outbreak require “psi-operations” if something bigger hasn’t happened?

 Mainstream media, as usual, refer to anyone who objects to their version of events as "conspiracy theorists."

 However, beyond the usual list of skeptics like James Corbett or Del Bigtri, we now have many established scientists and doctors publicly questioning the version of events presented by the mainstream media and governments.

 Some of them are: Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, professor emeritus at the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz and former head of the Institute for Medical Microbiology; Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, PACE member; Professor Dolores Cahill, Vice Chair of the IMI Scientific Committee (she has more important titles than I can fit here); Dr. Peer Eifler from Austria; Dr. Klaus Könlein; Dr. Scott Jensen, Senator for Minnesota; Harvey A. Risch, professor of epidemiology at the Yale School of Public Health. And finally, the lawyer Dr. Rainer!

 Each of these smart, eloquent and trustworthy people with top qualifications disagrees with the official story.

 All unanimously accuse the media, governments and WHO of fabricating the Covid pandemic and abusing their powers by taking extreme measures in the face of an illness that shows no signs of being worse than typical seasonal flu.

 Some of these doctors add even more troubling accusations, namely that some patients died due to doctors using the wrong treatment protocol, that medical authorities were advised to list "coronavirus" as the cause of death, even when they were not tested for coronavirus that many deaths were caused by the placement of people with active Covid-19 in nursing homes and, finally, by the fact that the population is denied a medicine that can save hundreds of thousands of lives.

 The question before us is whether this campaign of fear is a spontaneous reaction to a new virus, or was it organized to achieve malicious goals? We have already given the answer in our materials. This is a criminal group of top officials of the world's administrations, doctors, police and special services. Everyone knew everything either a very long time ago, or found out in the spring of 2020. Someone was bought, someone was blackmailed, someone was even killed, thereby showing small elite groups what could be for disobedience to criminals. The pandemic is indeed 100% fake, and the worldwide media campaign was produced by government officials and the WHO. This whole bunch of freaks are bribed and forced.

 Long before this "pandemic", we heard talk that we are living in a period of crisis, but it seems that no one has been able to fully identify the crisis or its causes. In our opinion, a false pandemic is closely related to this crisis, and it is impossible to understand current events without a clear understanding of the crisis.

 A short answer to the above questions: we are living in a unique time, at the tail end of a European colonial project that has existed for 500 years, making Europe and the United States the richest and most influential parts of the world and the envy of the majority. its inhabitants.

 From the end of World War II to the 1960s, this colonial project gradually gave way to neo-colonialism, almost entirely controlled by American plutocrats. In the past 10-20 years, neo-colonial systems have begun to collapse due to the economic rise of China, as well as due to the degeneration of Western elites. In recent years, what we call the Free World has maintained its way of life, simply sinking deeper and deeper into debt.

 This situation cannot continue indefinitely, and very soon one can expect a sharp drop in living standards in the United States, Great Britain and most European countries, accompanied by huge social upheavals. The US plutocracy has no economic or military means to stop this collapse.

 A smart solution would be to place the blame on a natural event, such as illness, and then justify any amount of violence necessary to keep the problems posed by the crisis under control.

 The US plutocrats conveniently control most of the world's media and have a huge network of "charitable" foundations and associated NGOs around the world. This network has been used for generations as a tool to influence the media, educational institutions, governments and international organizations, for social engineering and ideological control.


 Is there anyone who is capable of organizing a worldwide media campaign with the support of governments and international organizations?

Yes, we can be sure that such players exist because we have a recent example of one such media campaign that was clearly artificially created.

 Coincidentally, this campaign was also aimed at convincing the population that we are in immediate danger and that drastic measures will be required to save us.

 For example, the project ‘’ talking head 🗣 ‘‘ uneducated child Greta Thunberg.

 In no time, the 13-year-old girl without charm was elevated to worldwide fame by mysterious agents. We know who was involved in this project and was able to organize Greta's speeches at the UN, the European Parliament, the Davos Economic Forum, and so on. In addition, Amnesty International presents her with an award.

This does not make sense if Amnesty International is not directed from the same center that operates the "independent" mainstream media.

 Greta was awarded the first prize

 Gulbenkian Foundation for Humanity in the amount of about one million euros. Gretta is already cast and stands in the form of a monument. Isn't a monument too early for her age, George? You always go too far and thereby give yourself away with giblets. She was called "one of the most remarkable figures of our time", an expert and "a charismatic and inspiring person." But she cannot answer very simple questions without preparation. Apparently, therefore, in Davos 2021 it was protected more than presidents from the approach of the press.

 It is unlikely, to put it mildly, that journalists around the world would be simultaneously fascinated by this little girl and the ingenuous message she was taught to convey. It is equally unlikely that the UN, the Davos Forum and the European Parliament independently decided that her platitudes were something interesting and important to them personally. All these people are outright corrupt whores are not so insane as to sincerely believe in the greatness of Greta.

 Believing that this campaign was driven solely by Greta's virtues would be as naive as believing that there was a Soviet media campaign in the 1960s glorifying a “simple Soviet girl” who wanted to sacrifice her eyes to a blind communist leader. the US party to Henry Winston. Because of a sincere journalistic interest in this "heroine", and not because of the fact that she is led by the Politburo.

 Thus, we confidently conclude: the forces capable of organizing worldwide media campaigns and influencing the corridors of power do exist.

 Volumes have been written on plutocratic control over the American media, including Industrial Consent by Edward Herman and Noam Chomsky, Media Monopoly by Ben Bagdikian, Removing Risk from Democracy by Alex Carey, and Controlling the Media. and Necessary Illusions by Noam Chomsky.

 As early as 1928, Edward Bernays, considered the father of public relations in America, wrote:

 “In almost every action in our daily life, be it in politics or business, in our social behavior or in our ethical thinking, we are dominated by a relatively small number of people ... who understand the mental processes and social models of the masses. They are the ones who pull the wires that control public opinion. "

 Noam Chomsky put it more bluntly:

 "Any dictator would have admired the uniformity and obedience of the American media."

 Note that control over the US media is achieved without the need for direct ownership of them. Herman and Chomsky quote Sir George Lewis that the market will propel these papers.

 "Taking advantage of the preferences of the advertising public ... advertisers thus obtained de facto licensing bodies, since without their support, newspapers were no longer economically viable."

 Of course, only large advertisers can exert significant political influence over the media. We add here the so-called "charitable" funds of Clinton, Obama and others, and we get the Washington Regional Committee of the US Communist Party 🇺🇸 2: 0.

 To a large extent, the mainstream media outside the United States is also controlled by American plutocrats.

 Control is achieved in large part because the vast majority of newspapers around the world receive their international articles from three (3) news agencies. Two of the three major news outlets, Reuters and the Associated Press, are directly controlled by American plutocrats.

 The role of news agencies is analyzed in the article "Propaganda Multiplier" published in the Off-Guardian. In one particular case, geopolitical coverage in nine leading dailies in Germany, Austria and Switzerland was examined for diversity and journalism.

 The results confirm a high dependence on global news agencies (from 63% to 90% of content, excluding comments and interviews) and a lack of in-house research.

 More direct methods of control are described, for example, in Dr. Udo Ulfkotte's book Journalists for Hire: How the CIA Buys News. Dr.Ulfkotte died of a heart attack at a relatively young age shortly after the publication of his book in 2014. An English translation of his book has been listed on Amazon as "Currently Unavailable" for many years.

 The invisible hand of the free market refuses to bring this book to its readers. Although Dr. Ulfkotte only mentions the CIA in the title of his book, he makes it clear that "charitable" foundations are also actively involved in controlling foreign media.

 The hardest thing to understand is how governments around the world have embraced media tales during this false pandemic.

 It is clear that most governments do not have a rudimentary brain and independent capacity to assess medical events in order to accept the WHO recommendations for the concluded agreements from 2014. In addition, after January 2021, the influence of the new US administration and globalist medical organizations has been fully used.

 We no longer have incomprehensible topics on the general concept of a false pandemic. The details will be learned by the investigators and the court.

It's 👇

No word is more transparent than the virus 🦠

More elegant flower roses.

Sprinkled blue knocks Ulysses

On glass nights of the side.

Bald stern man,

Aliens conqueror of hearts,

He's tried a lot of wine,

As well as queens and maidens.

The burned Troy is forgotten.

Under the canopy of the eternal heavens

He's rowing, he's had three companions with him.

The fourth is the tertiary lues.

And he thinks not tired

tear flashed in her eye:

"Wife, Penelope is a native !

I'll bring you a rose!"

Silent shire stars.

Only the wind can be heard singing...

Penelope Cruz, 1999.

 Have a nice day, everyone !


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