obvIOus iNcReDIbLE frOM TRibULe

Chronology of the Agenda of the "Great Reset"

How the ideology of the great reset pitched its tent in the "new normal life" camp:

By Tim Hinchliffe

Global Research, May 15, 2021

The Sociable November 1, 2020

It was 2014, you've had the idea of a technocratic Great Communist Reset of the world economy for a long time, but it only works if the entire planet is shaken by a pandemic. How do I sell my idea?

"The pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, rethink and reset our world to create a healthier, fairer and more prosperous future. – Klaus Schwab, WEF

If you are the founder of the World Economic Forum (WEF), Klaus Schwab, you are trying to sell your vision of a global utopia through the Great Reset of the World Order in three simple steps:

1. Announce your intention to renew every aspect of society through global governance and keep repeating this message; 

2. When your message doesn't reach you, simulate fake pandemic scenarios that will show why the world needs a big reset; 

3. If fake pandemic scenarios aren't convincing enough, wait a couple of months until a real global crisis occurs and repeat the first step.

It took Schwab and the Elite of Davos about six years to see their great reset ideology transform from a tiny Swiss seed in 2014 to a European superflower that will pollinate the entire globe in 2020.

The so-called "Great Reset" promises to build a "safer, more equitable and more stable world" if everyone on the planet agrees to "act together and quickly to renew all aspects of our society and economy, from education to social. contracts and working conditions."

But it would be impossible to imagine the realization of such a comprehensive plan for a new world order without a global crisis, whether it was provoked or caused by an accident that shook society to the depths of its soul.

"After all, the result was tragic: the most catastrophic pandemic in history with hundreds of millions of deaths, economic collapse and social upheaval" - Clade X pandemic simulation (May 2018)

So, in May 2018, the WEF, in partnership with Johns Hopkins, simulated a fictitious pandemic dubbed "Clade X" to see how prepared the world is if it ever faced such a crisis.

Just over a year later, the WEF teamed up again with Johns Hopkins and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to host another event to combat the pandemic called Event 201. in October 2019.

Both simulations concluded that the world was not prepared for a global pandemic.

And a few short months after the conclusion of Event 201, which specifically simulated the coronavirus outbreak, the World Health Organization (WHO) officially announced that the coronavirus reached pandemic status on March 11, 2020.

"The next major pandemic will not only lead to serious illness and loss of life, but could also cause serious cascading economic and social consequences that could significantly affect global impact and suffering" - Pandemic Simulation Event 201 (October 2019)

Since then, almost all the scenarios described in the Clade X and Event 201 simulations have come into play, including:

⚠️ Governments Quarantine Around the World

⚠️ The decay of many industries

⚠️ Rising mistrust between governments and citizens

⚠️ Spread adoption of biometric surveillance technologies

⚠️ Censure on social media in the name of fighting disinformation

⚠️ You want to flood communication channels with "authoritative" sources.

⚠️ Global lack of personal protective equipment

⚠️ The decline of international supply chains

⚠️ Mass unemployment

⚠️ Syeyeye on the streets

⚠️ I much more!

After the nightmare scenarios fully materialized by mid-2020, the WEF founder stated that "now is the time for the 'Great Reset' in June of this year.

Was it a great prediction, planning and simulation by the WEF and partners that Clade X and Event 201 turned out to be

so prophetic, or was there something else about it?


Below is a condensed timeline of events that tracks the agenda of the Great Reset, which has evolved from just "hope" in 2014 to a globalist ideology touted by royalty, the media and heads of state around the world in 2020.

2014-2017 : Klaus Schwab calls for the Great Reset and the WEF repeats the message

Ahead of the 2014 WEF meeting in Davos, Switzerland, Schwab said he hoped the WEF would press the reset button for the global economy.

The Great Reset: The Technocratic Agenda That The Global Crisis Has Been Waiting for Years

📹 WEF chairman hopes forum will help push "reset" button on world economy 

The WEF will repeat this message for years.

Between 2014 and 2017, the WEF called for changing, restarting, resetting and resetting the global order each year, each of which was aimed at solving various "crises".

⚠️ 2014: The WEF publishes the agenda of the meeting entitled "Changing the World: Implications for Society, Politics and Business";

⚠️ 2015: The WEF, together with VOX EU, publishes an article entitled "We need to start resetting the global economy";

⚠️ 2016: WEF holds a panel "How to reboot the world economy";

⚠️ 2017: The WEF publishes an article that says, "Our world needs a reset in the way we work";

Then, in 2018, the Davos elite turned to modeling false pandemic scenarios to see how prepared the world would be for a new crisis.

2018-2019: WeF and the Johns Hopkins and Gates Foundation simulate fake pandemics

On May 15, 2018, the Johns Hopkins Health Safety Center conducted a Clade X pandemic exercise in partnership with the WEF.

Clade X's exercise included bogus videos of actors giving scripted news reports about a fake pandemic scenario (video below).

The Clade X event also included discussion panels with real politicians who assessed that governments and industry were not properly prepared for a sham global pandemic.

"In the end, the result was tragic: the most catastrophic pandemic in history of hundreds of millions of deaths, economic collapse and social upheaval," according to the WEF's report on treasures X.

"There are serious unmet global vulnerabilities and international systemic challenges caused by pandemics that will require new and robust forms of public-private cooperation" - Pandemic Modelling Event 201 (October 2019)

📹 Clade X Pandemic Exercise: Segment 1 

Then, on October 18, 2019, in partnership with Johns Hopkins and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the WEF is holding a 201 event at Rockefeller Plaza New York.

During the scenario, the entire global economy is shaken, riots have occurred in the streets, and high-tech surveillance measures have been required to "stop the spread."

📹 Clade X Pandemic Exercise: Segment 1 

Two fake false pandemics are modeled in the two years that led to the real coronavirus crisis.

"Governments will need to collaborate with traditional and social media companies to research and develop agile approaches to combat disinformation" - Pandemic Simulation Event 201 (October 2019)

On January 24, 2020, the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Safety issued a public statement explicitly stating that Event 201 is not intended to predict the future.

"To be clear, the Center for Health Safety and partners did not make predictions during our benchtop exercises. For this scenario, we simulated a fictional coronavirus pandemic, but explicitly stated that it was not a prediction. On the contrary, this exercise has identified preparedness and response issues that can arise in the event of a very serious pandemic."

Intentional Event 201 "brought to the fore" the "fictional" problems of the pandemic, along with recommendations that go hand in hand with the great reset program that created a camp in the nefarious "new normal."

"The next major pandemic will not only lead to serious illness and loss of life, but could also cause serious cascading economic and social consequences that could significantly affect global impact and suffering" - Pandemic Simulation Event 201 (October 2019)

Together, the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, the World Economic Forum, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation presented seven recommendations to governments, international organizations, and global businesses to follow in the event of a pandemic.

The recommendations of Activity 201 call for closer collaboration between the public and private sectors, while stressing the importance of building partnerships with non-elected global institutions such as WHO, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and the International Air Transport Organization to respond centrally.

One recommendation calls on governments to partner with social media companies and news organizations to censor content and control the flow of information.

"Media Companies Must Commit to Prioritizing Authoritative Reporting and Suppressing False Reports, Including the Use of Technology" - Pandemic Simulation Event 201 (October 2019)

According to the report, "Governments will need to partner with traditional and social media companies to research and develop agile approaches to combat disinformation.

"National public health agencies should work closely with WHO to enable them to rapidly develop and publish consistent health reports.

"For their part, media companies must commit to prioritizing authoritative messages and suppressing false reports, including the use of technology."

Everything is familiar! 

Throughout 2020, Twitter,

Facebook and YouTube have censored, suppressed and flagged any coronavirus-related information that contradicts WHO guidelines.

in line with the policy, as recommended at Event 201, major tech companies also used the same content suppression tactics during the 2020 U.S. presidential election – putting forward "controversial" claims about content that calls into question election integrity.

2020: WEF says: "It's time for a big reset"

Calling for a big reset in 2014, the crowd in Davos repeated the same ideology for several more years before moving on to simulating artificial pandemic scenarios.

A few months after the WEF determined that no one was ready to fight the coronavirus pandemic, the WHO declared a coronavirus pandemic.

Suddenly, the narrative of the great reset that the WEF Communists had cherished for six years found a place to pitch their tent in the "new normal" camp.

"The pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, rethink and reset our world to create a healthier, fairer and more prosperous future," Schwab said on June 3, 2020.

That's where we are today? 

⚠️ Elytes of Davos said they wanted a global reset of the economy many years ago;

⚠️ Thye have played out what will happen if there is a pandemic; 

⚠️ As now they say that the ideology of the great reset is the solution to the pandemic and it needs to be put into effect quickly.

The Great Reset is a means to an end.

Next on the agenda is the complete transformation of society under a technocratic regime of unelected bureaucrats who want to dictate how to run the world from the top down, using invasive technology to track and track your every move, while censoring and sneering anyone who dares to disobey.

We have long told you that the United States is preparing 🇺🇸 for liquification ? 

The document hangs including on the official website of the University of San Carlos and is given, obviously, as an example of writing such papers for future lawyers. Examples for students can be, of course, very different, but this is a very peculiar example.

This is not a UN Directive and it is not a real directive, at the same time this document is 📃 is not a fake conspiracy theorists. Most likely, the document was thrown into the network by some serious uncles to study public opinion and gradually accustom the brain activity of the American population of the United States 🇺🇸

UN Directive 001, dated 4 July 2025. </span></p>

United Nations Directive 001

United Nations Directive 001

United Nations Directive 001

All of the United States of America will be immediately known under the new name and the corresponding number. For example, the former nation of Canada will now be called America Area 0001, the former United States of America will now simply be known as America Area 0002. The former Central America, including the former nation of Mexico, will now be known as Central America 0003, and the rest of the former nations of South America will together be called America 0004.

The former nations in Europe together will continue to be called Europe 0010, with a new map to define the boundaries between Europe 0010 and Asia 0020. All the new names of former nations on various continents of the world are listed in an addendum to this directive, along with new maps to establish the boundaries and location of the main United Nations Centers of Control (UNCC), which will govern all future governmental, administrative, military and police functions.

On March 17, 2025, the former United States of America has transferred its military and police force to the United Nations for control and responsibility, and it will be disbanded or integrated into our global United Nations force as soon as possible.

The former United States of America, as the last country to cede power to the United Nations Security Council, has created incalculable problems and delays for the plans of the United Nations and will soon feel the brunt of the rapid and decisive changes necessary to achieve our planned goals and those of one world government.

The entire executive power of the former Government of the United States is hereby revoked, since the united Nations leaders we have elected will assume those responsibilities, together with an approved administrative board that will assume those responsibilities.

The judicial branch of government is also dissolved immediately, as United Nations judges have been selected and are waiting to take on their task. However, the legislative branch will remain in office until these persons are progressively relieved of their duties by United Nations representatives who have not yet been elected or appointed to perform these duties.

Matters relating to this directive should be deferred until United Nations representatives have arrived in your area to resolve all possible organizational problems.

At the moment, you can continue your life as you did in the past, however, the instructions below are not in doubt and are not disputed. Everyone will have plenty of time to understand and follow these and future directives, orders and regulations as they are formulated and issued.

Please don't panic and you will find that our new world is transforming into a society of planetary perfection.


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Dr. Jessica Rose presented another presentation based on her analysis of VAERS (Vaccine Side Effect Reporting System) data from the CDC and FDA.

Dr. Jessica Rose holds a bachelor's degree in applied mathematics and a master's degree in immunology from Memorial University of Newfoundland in Canada. She covered her ph.D. in computational biology from Bar-Ilan University and then defended her first doctorate in molecular biology from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

She recently gave a presentation to the World Health Council, and her analysis of data in VAERS showed that in 2021, the number of deaths after VACCINATION against COVID-19 increased by 5427%, and the number of adverse reactions after COVID-19 vaccination increased by 1373%. 19 vaccinations compared to all other vaccines given in the last 10 years.

Vladimir Zev Zelenko, med. doctor:

"The hunt will begin on the hunters.

All the degenerates and perverts who planned and committed the most horrific crime in history must be brought before international tribunals.

If they are found guilty of crimes against humanity, they should be executed by lethal injection of covid-19 poison.

The media, academia, politicians and industry tyrants who lied and killed millions must be held accountable.

Doctors, aka Nazis, who "just followed orders" must be held accountable.

Not Lynch's justice, but international tribunals.

Let the world know and know what happens to sociopathic parasites when they defile God's creation.

Justice and glorious days of peace are coming."

Vladimir Zev Zelenko, med. doctor:

"I'm a conspiracy realist.

Vanguard and Black Rock are stakeholders in all industries, media, academia and politics.

Vanguard and Black Rock invest in each other through so-called circular ownership.

Thus, Vanguard and Black Rock are the monopoly that owns everything.

With due diligence, you will find that the main participants in this monopoly are:

 - Rothschild family

 - DuPont family

 - Rockefeller family

 - Carnegie family

 - Orsini family

 - American Bush family

 - British Royal Family

They use the following funds to foment chaos around the world:

- Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

- Soros Open Society Foundation

- Clinton Foundation

These funds contribute to geopolitical destabilization.

They need chaos for their business and power grab.

And only a divinely inspired force can defeat this Goliath.

The world will be redeemed by works of goodness and kindness.

We need a collective divine consciousness to deserve divine intervention.

The owners of the Vanguard/Black Rock monopoly are the embodiment of the primordial [archetypal] snake.

I am VERY optimistic about the upcoming redemptive event that will change the balance in our dark world.

Fasten your seat belts and enjoy the ride."

Ford Plant. late 1960s.

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