The World Socialist Revolution, the necessity of which the Bolsheviks have always talked about, took place 104 years later in 2021. 

The World Socialist Revolution, the necessity of which the Bolsheviks have always talked about, took place 104 years later in 2021. 

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In 2009, the WHO was accused of planning the genocide

Henry Makov, Ph.D., Canada

January 28, 2021

In 1995, Canadian physician Ghilslaine Lanctôt warned that the elite and their cronies were planning to introduce mandatory vaccinations that would contain a deadly virus, and that it would be used as a eugenic weapon to "massively and purposefully reduce the world's population."

We are experiencing the culmination of a decade's conspiracy

Kurt Nimmo wrote this in 2009: 

Given the track record of the world's elite, the government-sanctioned vaccination program that is now being developed, as Gilaine Lonktu and Jane Burgermeister warn in their writings, will serve a eugenic plan to reduce the world's population. An artificial pandemic will also be the final stage for the imposition of martial law, a high-tech control system and a police state.

Kurt Nimmo uses Ghilslaine Lanctôt's 1995 book The Medical Mafia to introduce Jane Bürgermeister's 2009 lawsuit.

Canadian doctor. H1N1 vaccination: A weapon of eugenics for "mass and targeted population reduction."

Kurt Nimmo

Canadian physician Gilaine Lonktu, author of The Medical Mafia, 1995 (Pdf),

drew particular attention to the recent lawsuit filed by Austrian journalist Jane Bürgermeister against the WHO, the UN and several senior government and corporate officials. Bürgermeister has documented how an international corporate crime syndicate plans to spread the deadly flu virus and implement a compulsory vaccination program.

"I come out of the long silence on the topic of vaccination, because I feel that this time the stakes are huge. The consequences could be much greater than expected," writes Lonctou, who believes the A (H1N1) virus will be used in a pandemic planned and organized by the WHO, an international organization that serves military, political and industrial interests.

Lonctou warns that the elite and its cronies will introduce mandatory vaccinations that will contain a deadly virus, and this will be used as a eugenic weapon for "massive and targeted reduction of the world's population."

In addition, according to Lonctou, the pandemic will be used to establish martial law and a police state and activate concentration camps "built to house rebels" and eventually transfer power from all nations to a single United Nations government and thus carry out the sinister plans of the New World Order.

She writes: 

For medical institutions, the topic of vaccination was taboo. Unknavously, I opened Pandora's box. "I have found that, despite official statements, vaccines have nothing to do with public health. Behind the government's clichés of approval lie deep military, political, and industrial interests.

During her trial in 1995, Lonctou used an episode from the March 11, 1979 television show "60 Minutes," which covered a massive vaccination program imposed on Americans allegedly in response to the 1976 swine flu outbreak.

The CDC later determined that the virus originated from Fort Dix, New Jersey. "The fort Dix outbreak may have been a zoonotic anomaly caused by the introduction of an animal virus into a stressful population in close contact in crowded rooms during a cold winter," said Joel K. Gaidos, Franklin H. Top Jr., Richard A. Hodder and Philip K. Russell.

According to the Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health in Baltimore

it was also described as "a rare example of an influenza virus with documented human-to-human transmission". "It is believed that this virus is a direct descendant of the virus that caused the 1918 pandemic," explained Richard Krause, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

Public health experts, fearing a possible repeat of the 1918 pandemic, have begun an intense debate about how to respond. Eventually, they launched a nationwide vaccination campaign that President Gerald Ford announced in March. By the end of the year, 48 million people had been vaccinated," write Robert Ros and Lisa Schnirring of the Center for Infectious Disease Research.

But the dangerous pandemic never materialized."

Instead, many people developed Guilnain-Barré syndrome, a paralyzing neurological disease, after taking the government-touted vaccination.

Like atypical flu and bird flu, this fear of swine flu is absurd.

More than 33 years later, according to Dr. Russell Bleylock, a board-certified neurosurgeon, "We hear the same alarming cries from a similar lineup of virologists. Pharmaceutical companies are busy developing a vaccine for swine flu in the hope that the administration will make the vaccine mandatory before another vaccine disaster destroys their company. Like SARS and bird flu, this threat of swine flu is utter nonsense. Just take a large dose of vitamin D3 (5,000 IU per day), eat a healthy diet, and take a few immune-stimulating supplements (e.g., beta-1, 3/1, 6 glucan) and you won't have to worry about this flu."

Echo of the present

According to a source known to former NSA employee Wayne Madsen,

"A leading United Nations scientist who studied the outbreak of the deadly Ebola virus in Africa, as well as victims of HIV/AIDS, came to the conclusion that H1N1 has certain "vectors" of transmission, which suggest that a new strain of influenza was genetically manufactured as a military biological weapon.

In April, military criminal investigators were investigating the possibility of virus samples from biolaboratories at Fort Detrock being lost. Chad Jones, a spokeswoman for Fort Meade, said CID

(The U.S. Criminal Investigation Command Division) is investigating the possibility of missing samples of the virus from the U.S. Army's Infectious Diseases Medical Research Institute," frederick News Post reported.

Clearly, in light of current fears of swine flu and the possible synthetic origin of the new strain, the fact that samples of the virus may have disappeared from the same Army research laboratory from which the 2001 anthrax strain was released is extremely disturbing," Paul Joseph Watson wrote at the time.

2009 Bürgermeister trial 

Jane Burgermeister "argues that the entire business associated with the swine flu pandemic is based on the mass lie that there is no natural virus that poses a threat to the public," writes Barbara Minton for Natural Health News.

It provides evidence to suggest that avian and swine influenza viruses are actually bioengineering developments funded by WHO and other government agencies. This "swine flu" is a hybrid of partly swine flu, partly human influenza and partly avian influenza, which, according to many experts, can only be reproduced in laboratories. 

Minton continues:

Under the pretext of "swine flu," the defendants [in Burgermeister's lawsuit] planned in advance the mass murder of the U.S. population through forced vaccination. They set up an extensive network of FEMA concentration camps and identified mass grave sites, and participated in the development and implementation of a scheme to transfer power over the U.S. to an international crime syndicate that uses the UN and WHO as a cover for illegal racketeering and organized crime in violation of treason laws.

Journalist accuses WHO and UN of bioterrorism and intent to commit mass murder

First source

One of the most knowledgeable people on the planet about BigPharma and how it works, former Pfizer CEO Mike Yidon sent it on Thursday, Friends. In his opinion, we are approaching the 5th stage.

"Phase 5: Establishment of chaos and martial law. (November 2021 - March 2022)

Most people still think we're going back to normal!?"

The inscription on the check: "Delivery with zero contact. Please knock loudly and leave at the front door. 

Covid is a brutal hoax to establish the NWO well-presented Agenda 21 Neanderthals from the UN quarter of 🇺🇳 in New York, made up of strange creatures of misunderstandings of 21st century life — socialists rolling hearses around New York, Capitol Hill and often soiled on the white house lawn 🏡 

The Path to a New World Order from Henry Makov, Ph.D.:

Phase 1: Simulate threat and create fear. (December 2019 - March 2020)

Mount a planetary fear.

Kill tens of thousands of elderly people.

Increase in cases and deaths

From the outset, position vaccination as the only solution.

Focus all your attention on Covid. The result, (almost) general panic

Phase 2: Sow the tares and divide the Nations. (March 2020 - December 2020)

Introduce many unnecessary, libertarian and unconstitutional coercive measures.

Paralyze trade and the economy (killing small businesses-lockdowns, happening right now. breaking supply chains).

Watch the subjugation of the majority and the resistance of the rebellious minority.

Brand rebels and create horizontal divisions.

Censorship of dissident leaders.

Punish for disobedience.

Summarize PCR tests.

Create confusion between cases infected, sick, hospitalized and dead.

Disqualify all effective treatments and effective leks. means.

Hope for a life-saving vaccine.

The result is (almost) general panic.

Phase 3: Bring an insidious and deadly solution. (December 2020 - June 2021)

Offer a free vaccine for everyone.

Promise protection and a return to normal life.

Set a goal of immunization of the herd (numbers, all the time changing-disorientation, panic).

Simulate a partial economic recovery. Praise the vaccine (I personally saw this in Israel, which closed after vaccination due to a record increase in deaths and diseases and opened (for a while), praising the vaccine)

Hide statistics of side effects and deaths from injections.

Pass off the side effects of injections as the "natural" effects of the virus and disease.

Restore the concept of variant as a natural mutation of the virus (and not because of the vaccine provoking its mutation/probable amplification).

Justify the preservation of coercive measures without applying the threshold of herd immunity.

Punish medical workers for illegal provision of medical care and treatment.

The result, doubts and a sense of betrayal among the vaccinated, despondency among opponents.

Step 4: Install Apartheid and QR code. (June 2021 - October 2021)

Volunteer to plan a deficit.

Put a pass, tavro for the vaccinated (QR code) to reward the vaccinated, and punish the resilient. (there is absolutely no sense in tavro)

Create apartheid privileged to others.

Take away the right to work or study from the unvaccinated.

Withdraw the offer of basic services for the unvaccinated.

Charge PCR tests for the unvaccinated.

The result is the first stage of digital control, the impoverishment of opponents

Phase 5: Establishing chaos and martial law. (November 2021 - March 2022)

Exploit the shortage of goods and food.

Cause paralysis of the real economy and the closure of factories and shops.

Let unemployment blow up the markets and the world.

Set the mandatory third dose(s).

Engage in the murder of still alive, surviving old people.

Introduce mandatory vaccination for all.

Reinforce the myth about options, vaccine effectiveness, and herd immunity.

Demonize anti-vaccinationists and blame them for the dead.

Arrest opposition leaders.

Impose a digital identification on everyone (QR code): birth certificate, identity document, passport, driver's license, health insurance card...

To introduce martial law in order to finally win, to eliminate those standing behind the People (opposition to the global kahal and their puppets, the so-called national governments).

The result is the second stage of digital governance, imprisonment and elimination of opponents.

Step 6: Cancel debts and dematerialize money. (March 2022 - September 2022)

Provoke economic, financial and stock collapse, bankruptcy of banks (we are talking about all banks, including the Central Bank).

To save the losses of banks, use the accounts of their customers.

Activate the "Great Reset".

De-materialize money.

Cancel debts and loans.

Impose a digital portfolio. (Digital Wallet)

Seize property and land.

Ban all medications.

Confirm your commitment to vaccinate every six months or annually.

Introduce food rationing and a diet based on the Codex Alimentarius.

Extend these measures to developing countries.

The result is the third stage of digital management, the spread of WWO to the whole planet. 

              Finish 🏁Casses 

It seems that the princes we have not hung out in a loop for a long time and have not been stabed with legs for a long time. 

These are dynasties of families that own the Bank of England, the Federal Reserve (USA) and their associated cartels. They control the World Bank, the IMF and most of the world's intelligence services (CIA, Mossad, MI6). Their names are unknown to us, but the Rothschilds are definitely one of them. The Bank of England was nationalized in 1946, but the money-printing power remained unchanged.

 England is an oligarchy controlled by the Crown. The word "Crown" does not mean the queen, but the City of London. The City of London is - in turn - run by a private corporation called the Bank of England. The City covers an area of ​​one square mile and is a sovereign state in the heart of the city of London itself. The City is the Vatican of the financial world and is not subject to British laws.

 On the contrary, bankers dictate laws to the British Parliament. In 1886, Andrew Carnegie wrote: "Six or seven people have enough power to plunge the country into war, without consulting parliament." Vincent Vickers, director of the Bank of England from 1910-1919, blamed the City for the world wars. (The Empire of the City, 1943, p. 60)

 The British Empire is an extension of the financial interests of the bankers. All the colored colonies (India, Hong Kong, Gibraltar) were Crown colonies. They belonged to the City of London and were not subject to British law, although British citizens fought for them and paid for them. (meaning "paid in taxes" by the translator's note). The Bank of England gained control of the United States during the Roosevelt reign (1901-1909), when British agent J.P. Morgan took over 25% of American business. (Anthony Chaitkin, Betrayal in America, 1964)

 As reported in the American Almanac magazine, the bankers are part of the Club of the Isles network, an informal organization composed primarily of old European families, including the Queen. The members of the Club own approximately $ 10 trillion. dollars. He controls such giant corporations as the Royal Dutch Shell, the Royal Chemical Industry, Lloyds of England, Unilever, Lonhro, Rio Tinto Zinc, and Anglo-American Deaths. The club also controls the world circulation of oil, gold, diamonds and many other valuable minerals; The club manages these values ​​in accordance with its geopolitical interests.

 Goal: to reduce the population from the current 5 billion people to 1 billion over the next few generations, and literally "sort the human herd" in order to maintain their own global power and the feudal system on which this power is based.

 Historian Jeffrey Steinberg may have spoken about the United States, Canada and Australia when he wrote: “England, Scotland, Wales and especially Northern Ireland are just slave plantations and social engineering laboratories that serve ... the City of London ... "

 “… These families (members of the Club) represent a financial oligarchy; they are the power behind the Windsor Throne. They see themselves as heirs to the Venetian oligarchy, which infiltrated English society from 1509 to 1715, establishing a powerful new Anglo-Dutch-Swiss oppression of the oligarchic system, whose roots go back to Babylon, Persia, Rome and Byzantium ... The City of London is closely intertwined a group of corporations that involves the market for natural resources, finance, insurance, transport, food production, and controls the lion's share of world markets, the fate of world industry is decided by its will ”.

 Steinberg belongs to a group of historians ideologically associated with the economist Lyndon LaRouche. They traced exactly how the world's oligarchy migrated from Venice to England over three centuries ago.

 And although these historians do not state this directly, it looks like most of the members of this oligarchy were Jews. Cecil Roth writes: “Venetian trade was concentrated in the hands of the Jews, the wealthiest merchant class. (Isroia of the Venetian Jews, 1930)

 As William Guy Carr points out in his book Pawns in the Game, both Oliver Cromwell and William Tychiy were sponsored by Jewish bankers. The English Revolution (1649) was the first in a series of revolutions that were conceived as a means of establishing world hegemony. The establishment of the Bank of England in 1964 by Prince William was the next major step towards this hegemony. Despite its Anglo-Saxon appearance, England has been a Jewish state for over three hundred years. (pp. 20-24)

 Jewish banking families developed the custom of passing off their daughters to English profligate aristocrats. According to Jewish law, children born to a Jewish mother are considered Jews. (Male heirs marry Jewish women, although Victor and Jacob Rothschild are the exception to this rule.) For example, in 1878, Hannah Rothschild married Lord Rosebery, who later became prime minister. In 1922, Louis Mountbatten, uncle of Prince Philip and cousin of the Queen, married the daughter of the Jewish banker Ernest Kassel, one of the richest men in the world. Winston Churchill's (Jenny Jacobson Jerome) mother was Jewish. At the beginning of the 20th century, there were very few English aristocratic families that did not mix with the families of Jewish bankers. The rest of Europe never ceased to wonder why the appearance of the English aristocrats was becoming more and more Jewish.

 According to publisher L.J. Pyne, the Jews were “so closely intertwined in the English peerage that their interests were completely shared. Lords and Jews are so mingled that a blow to one will not be slow to affect others. " (Tales of the English Aristocracy, 1957, p. 219)

 Many European aristocrats consider themselves to be the descendants of Biblical Jews, even if their families did not have any marriages with Jewish daughters. The Habsburgs are married to the Merovingians, who consider themselves descendants of the tribe of Benjamin.

 In addition, many aristocrats can be said to belong to the British Israel movement, whose members believe that the British monarch is the head of the “Anglo-Saxon Lost Tribes of Israel” and that the apocalypse will restore the British Empire.

 According to Barbara Aho, Rosicrucians and Freemasons who believe in British Israelism want to establish one of their ancestral lines on the throne of the newly erected Temple of Israel. The plan to establish the throne on a false messiah, whom the world will worship as Christ, has been carefully pursued for centuries. According to Barry Kamish, "there will be no modern state of Israel without British Freemasonry."

 In the 1860s, the Freemasons initiated the so-called British-Israeli movement. Its goal was to establish a Jewish-Masonic state in the Turkish province of Palestine ... British Jewish Masonic families such as the Rothschilds and Montifiore sponsored the creation of an infrastructure in this country ready to receive a wave of immigrants. However, it was not easy to lure Jews to Israel. They liked living in Europe too much, and they did not want to give up this life. Therefore, Europe was to turn into a nightmare for the Jews (here we are talking about the Holocaust during the Second World War).


 I wasted too much time in my life receiving a traditional education. And now I have to learn from scratch.

 It seems that the world is in the tenacious paws of the world behind the scenes, which in its actions resembles a vampire in relation to humanity. This world behind the scenes represents political, economic and cultural power. Western society and its culture are bankrupt. Democracy is just a form of the social, and the structure of media and education is solely for brainwashing.

 In the end, it all comes down to whether we believe that man was created in the image and likeness of God to serve the ideals of truth and goodness. Of course, this idea is not suitable for monopolists and they tend to give such interpretations that correspond to their interests. They teach us that God is dead, and man is just an animal without a divine soul. Modern culture is vicious, devoid of morality or any kind of morality. We are endlessly stuffed with banal and degradation.

 Some elite Jews are an integral part of this neo-feudal backstage. Throughout history, they have had a symbiotic relationship with the aristocracy. But ordinary Jews, like slaves, were completely under the control of elite Jews and were often persecuted by them.

 True Judaism and Christianity believe in the supremacy of God as a spiritual power. A genuine Jew, like a Christian or a Muslim, cannot commit an immoral act. The time has come for people to finally begin to believe in God.

 Henry Makow Ph.D.

 May 30, 2004

Henry Makow

For more than a decade, Mr. Makov has been keeping a blog where he covers the New World Order, Feminism, the Illuminati, and others.

The author of several publications, Mr. Makov is one of the few writers of our time who boldly and confidently declares about real events taking place in the world, but which are hushed up by the media.

Mr. Makov reveals the true essence of modern doctrines imposed on all mankind.

His blog is read by many people around the world, his ideas are gaining more and more recognition, and books are published not only in Canada, but also in Europe, as well as in Japan.

Some of Mr. Makov's arguments may seem controversial to you, but the main idea that runs through all his works remains beyond doubt.

You can read the originals of his articles, as well as ask him a question personally on the website of the

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