The International Crime of the Century – The World Crown 🤴 19

The International Crime of the Century – The World Crown 🤴 19

1,000 scientists, engineers and other experts from more than 40 countries agree: there is no climate crisis. Our planet is doing well: There is a sharp downward trend in the number of weather and climate disasters.


Welcome to our world of books dear children and their parents. In the children's section of our cute bookstore, we recommend you read about Mega Criminals and Sexual Perverts of the 21st Century: the six pedophile Gates / Barry Obama, the swindler Tony Fauci and, of course, on our intimate shelf in the golden collection of literature for children the most flamboyant heifer and mommy dumb in the history of the United States Vice President, former prostitute Kamala Harris, as well as other fuss from under the nails .... We kindly ask you dear children and our future, into the world of our island bliss.

         USSR - Rassia 2:0

WuXi AppTec Address : 666 Goaxin Road. China: China, Soros, Gates, the BOZ, and the United Nations are working together to implement the New World Order. As drugmakers accelerate their efforts to find a new drug due to the coronavirus outbreak that has caused a worldwide panic, the Chinese pharmaceutical company has just announced the start of mass production of an experimental drug from Gilead Sciences that "has the potential to fight the novel coronavirus." BrightGene Bio-Medical Technology, a Suzhou-based company, announced that it has developed a technology for synthesizing the active pharmaceutical ingredients remdesivir, a drug developed by Gilead Biosciences. Its share price rose 20% in Tuesday morning trading in Shanghai. However, Gilead refuses to grant the patent for Remdesiver to China. And the fact is that Gilead Biosciences closely cooperates with the company Wuxi Pharmaceuticals (Wuxi AppTec), owned by the "philanthropist, manipulator and operator of the New World Order, the swindler George Soros. As you can see, the production of Wuxi pharmaceuticals is conveniently located in the very epicenter of the outbreak near the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which was involved in the production of covid-bioweapons. China's population density, which would not have allowed the COVID outbreak to be contained and eliminated in such a short time as we have seen in other countries with lower population densities, is giving up, china has both biological weapons and medicine. But the story doesn't end there. George Soros also owns Gilead Biosciences. According to The Gateway Pundit, doctors at providence Regional Medical Center successfully treated a coronavirus patient within hours using the drug Gilead Remdesivir. Given the current outbreak, which has taken the world by surprise, is it important to look at all the current players and how Soros's Gilead Biosciences relates to this viral outbreak?Gilead Biosciences is part of a drug procurement group called UNITAID, whose mandate is to create a "patent pool" for pharmaceutical companies to share their "drug patents" with other companies to produce generic drugs for distribution to poor African countries. Royalties from the sale of these generic drugs are paid to patent holders. UNITAID emerged from the 2000 UN Millennium Declaration, which has now evolved into the UN Global Compact. UNITAID has several financial funders, including: WHO, which is managed by Gates, UNAIDS, the Global Fund and the Roll Back Malaria Partnership. One of the billionaire investors behind UNITAID is George Soros himself. Not only that, UNITAID is also funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and also partners with the Clinton Access to Health Initiative (CHAI). And interestingly, both UNITAID and Gilead Biosciences supported Hillary Clinton in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. In 2009, the UNITAID council voted to exclude China and some other countries from the pool. However, things have changed since then, and now UNITAID has included China in its patent pool. The minutes of the UNITAID Executive Board of 5-6 December 2018 in Marrakech, Morocco (which coincided with the signing of the UN Global Compact on Migration) state the following . "A WHO REPRESENTATIVE informed ExCom about a recent meeting coordinated by WHO with several global health partners (GPEI, GFF, Gavi, Unitaid, Global Fund) to support the development of a common health narrative. With regard to interaction with Parliament, he reported on the new Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between WHO and the Inter-Parliamentary Union and encouraged Unitaid to enshrine this commitment in its country work. He stressed the important role of Council members in supporting the Unitaid Secretariat, opening new doors and building on existing political and other connections. He also gave positive feedback on Unitaid-WHO's recent visit to China, during which opportunities for collaboration were explored." And now, a year later, we have what is called a global pandemic coming from mainland China, and the Chinese are the holders of a patent for a drug to treat COVID, and they are also included in the UN UNITAID initiative, which will allow them to benefit from lower drug prices as a "poor country". In addition, Gilead, a major supporter of UNITAID, also announced that he is collaborating with Chinese health authorities in clinical trials of Remdesivir as a treatment for the coronavirus. And once approved, Gilead will retain global rights to sell antiviral drugs. Cheque 🧾 

In fact and substance, UNITAID is the COMMUNISTS of the UN, and it is a tool of biological warfare, where they control the medicine. China did not steal Gilead's patent. Gilead was a volunteer participant, and they are even working with the Chinese government and all are also with the Kremlin in the same communist submarine over clinical trials. The economies of the countries of the world have suffered enormous damage and are de facto hostages of the Sino-Soros-Gates - Obama - Clinton - Putin - globalism / Satanism / medical fascism / imperial communism .

There was no outbreak and no coronavirus, information terror was used on the world's population, a tool of the global Jewish black gang of bandits through George Soros, Bill Gates and the United Nations to implement the New World Order. 

Orderlies of the Third Reich Teacher Joe Biden


Personally for Cuomo, so that he could more accurately calculate the 🧮 of his sentence 👇

Fake: In New York, the dead from coronavirus are buried in mass graves...

Ordinary everyman after watching such a video begins to beat in convulsions, say here, what is happening in New York. So it's all gone. America can't handle the graves of the dead.  And this is not the fault of the doctors, because they simply followed the prescribed protocol, which was assigned to them by the Ministry of Health. But nevertheless, this is a serious case. As serious as the recent case, which should be brought to the attention of the court. That within one week the Italian government approved the intravenous use of interferon. When the instructions for interferon clearly indicate: do not inject intravenously. Deadly dangerous! Within one week it was used intravenously and it is not known how many people they killed. A week later, they saw all these dead people and stopped, canceled the intravenous use of interferon. This is another criminal thing. Journalist. This is blatant. No one else can be trusted. If you are hospitalized you only need to pray! And this is the result of experiments 👇

Pfizer documents confirm that people vaccinated against [COVID19] can "throw away" spike proteins and harm others.

People vaccinated against COVID19 produce excess spike proteins that are able to cross the blood-brain barrier, causing irreparable damage to the brain. 

The latest AFLDS review warns that spike proteins derived from experimental COVID-19 gene therapy vaccines have the ability to:

1) pass through the "blood-brain barrier", causing neurological damage;

2) be "spilled" vaccinated, causing disease in children and adults; 

3) cause irregular vaginal bleeding in women.

The stated purpose of the document, published last week titled "Identifying Post-Vaccination Complications and Their Causes: Analyzing Patient Data with [Covid-19]," is to "provide concerned citizens, health experts and policymakers with additional information on adverse events and other post-vaccination problems associated with the three experimental COVID-19 vaccines currently being administered under the EUA (Authorization for Use in Emergencies)" of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The nonprofit has drawn attention to thousands of side effects associated with these "vaccines" and reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the Vaccine Side Effects Reporting System (VAERS). "However, these complications have attracted only part of the attention paid to J&J's controversy about blood clotting," they lamented anxiously, asking, "Why?" On closer inspection of this data, the AFLDS presents "some major categories of issues that have not yet been publicly addressed by either the FDA or the CDC," arguing that the failure of these regulators to "account for these and other 'known unknowns' is an omission.
While we danced 👯 after 1945 and couldn't stop, most dancers during that time became afraid of freedom and didn't want to bear the burden of having to think for themselves. Professor Matthias Desmet and his constant verdict: "We tend to believe that people want to be free, but most people don't want that. Most people are afraid of freedom. Freedom brings with it responsibility; it brings problems. It makes you think. You need to do some mental work; you need to think about your life, [and] you need to think about the decisions you have to make... Most people choose not to do that and prefer to look for someone to tell them what to do."

Orwell: Invite Ninka Jankovic to the white tango dance of broken hearts, oh God, this is the third significant fool in the company of the communist us menopause orderly Joe "Minister of Truth" Biden

Jack Helper: "It's certainly against the Constitution under the First Amendment... ‘’

Athletes drop dead, cardiac arrest rises: What we are now witnessing is truly unprecedented.

Chris Gillespie: "In one year, the number of European footballers killed increased by 500%; an increase of 500%.’’

Deep blood clots in large arteries: why did Dion Sanders need to have his toe amputated? It's also good that his penis did not fall off, the finger is a trifle, without one finger you can live. But without a penis it is no longer life, if someone does not think so, ask the US orderly Joe Barry, these guys nurses know a real thing about this, and they know completely different sides on 180 * know: one in front, the other in the back knows. 

Dr. Peter McCullough: "Dion Sanders is taking the vaccine. Ok.

Douglas Murray on Administrator Biden: "... they lie all the time."

“... they lie all the time... in my experience, anyone who obsessively talks about misinformation does it themselves."

Outright criminal longing for the electric ⚡️ chair scammer Tony Fauci suffers one setback after another in his rampant lies for decades : No man who calls himself "Science" can be so incompatible with his message

2004: "She had the flu for 14 days. She's as protected as possible because the best vaccination is to get infected yourself."

May 2021: "Vaccines are very effective; they have better [protection] than the traditional reaction you get from a natural infection."


Where is Comirnaty? Why can't anyone in the States get a licensed [COVID19] vaccine?

Dr. Robert Malone may refer to:

The Ministry of Truth is the official print organ of the Pravda newspaper. 

It is registered in the form of a state-owned state-owned enterprise with the powers of a strategically important ministry within the Russian government. It stands guard over the public interest. Responsible for planning, optimizing, managing and regulating absolute truth. The main task of the Ministry is to counter the false anti-Russian Western, Eastern, Western Middle Eastern, Southeast-Western, American, pro-American, Zionist, Estonian-fascist, Zhidobander, National Bolshevik, Sotonist, anarchist, monarchist, radical Islamic, terrorist and other vile propaganda. The concept of a central state body for the management of truth was proposed by George Orwell in 1984, and was implemented shortly after the publication of the first issue of the mass workers' Bolshevik daily Pravda on May 5, 1912. The modern Mini-Right of the Russian Federation relies on pre-revolutionary Bolshevik traditions forged in heated propaganda battles by Pravda masters of the printed word, who in search of the truth traveled around the Russian Empire and resisted the false propaganda of the tsar, priests, landlords and capitalists. The Ministry of Truth is located in the highest building in Moscow - the Ostankino TV Tower, in a restaurant adapted for clerical work of ministry employees. The staff of the ministry contains a muezzin, which rises to the top of the tower 24 times a day and dullly, but persistently, tearfully and loudly sings the truth approved by the ministry so that it can be heard throughout Russia. Also, the officially approved truth is conveyed to citizens by transferring it through special boxes, which, under pain of the death penalty, are obliged to keep at home with joy all residents of the Russian Federation, with the exception of nomadic reindeer herders and homeless people, who were given 12 thousand boxes for free, specially designed to store freshly frozen truth in permafrost conditions. The Ministry also produces huge quantities of jelly, the consumption of which is increased to one hour per day per capita.

On the territory of other states, there are also their own Ministries of Truth, which also convey only truthful information to their citizens. And all the contradictions between the MP of different countries are explained by the fact that each country has its own physical and logical laws, and thus what is black in one country turns into white in another. Mini-rights exist only in Russia and the United States because Russia and the United States are the only big countries that I can afford to tell people the truth openly and for free. In other countries, there is no truth and there was not, so there are no Ministries of Truth, but only the Ministries of Vile Lies, which not for free, but for huge babkas pump the heads of their citizens with vile lies and make groundless attacks towards the truth of the United States and the Russian Federation. What is black in one country will always be black, and what is white will always be white.

"The author should have died after finishing the book. Not to get in the way of the text,' wrote Humberto Eco in the preface to The Name of the Rose, making a reference to Roland Barthe's iconic essay "The Death of the Author." By Eco's definition, George Orwell is a near-perfect writer. On November 7, 1947, he finished a draft version of the main work of his life, and on January 21, 1950, six months after the first publication of the novel "1984", he died. From now on, the text spoke for itself and chatted such that it would hardly have occurred to its author. In the USSR, the novel "1984" was immediately declared a malicious anti-Soviet, a slander against the socialist system and included in the lists of banned literature: the gray city, hung with portraits of the mustachioed leader, the wretched life under the unceasing murmur of the radio point, the Ministry of Truth and the Ministry of Love, doublethink and newspeak, turned out to be too recognizable. But "1984" rumbled not only in the Soviet Union – the loud echo of this explosion continued to sound, and now the echo of this explosion flew to the territories of the former democracies of countries without any visas.

For more than half a century, around the world, doublethink is remembered and used when meeting with any manipulation of facts for propaganda purposes, and Big Brother is compared not only with political opponents, but also with leaders of the IT industry claiming a monopoly in their industry: Donald Trump, Joe Biden, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, a newly minted journalist from space, a specialist in brain chips for macaques Elon Musk. Not to mention the slogan "War is Peace," which pops up during every post-colonial military campaign from Algeria to Afghanistan. In any incomprehensible situation, refer to Orwell - he will have a quote for every taste. "1984" provides such rich fodder for different interpretations and speculations that you do not immediately remember: the book was written in a different era, in a completely different political and ideological atmosphere. Yes, Stalin's USSR did become one of the obvious prototypes of Britain of the future, "runway number 1." According to the writer's biographer Peter Davison, the idea of the novel appeared in Orwell in August 1944, after John Baker's report on the falsification of science in the Soviet Union. This book was also influenced by the author's experience gained in 1936-1937, when Orwell participated in the Spanish Civil War, where the Communists, with support from Moscow, used the situation to fight not so much with the Francoists as with yesterday's comrades in the party.

George Orwell on BBC radio station. 

In many ways, the novel is autobiographical, as is the vast majority of Orwell's works since Pounds of Dashing in Paris and London (1933). Literary historians like to recall that Eric Blair's office at the BBC, where the writer worked as an editor of foreign broadcasting since August 18, 1942, wore the same number as the famous "room 101" – the torture dungeons of the Ministry of Love, in which the heroes faced their most terrible nightmares. Orwell's diaries show that it was during this period that the author of "1984" intensely reflected on the mechanisms of propaganda and the phenomena of mass consciousness. Orwell himself prepared programs for India, but at the same time listened carefully to German, Soviet, American, Japanese news reports. And he made conclusions - often inconsolable and not too flattering for the English man in the street: "German propaganda is inconsistent in a completely different sense, that is, deliberately, completely unabashedly offers everything to everyone. <...> This is quite reasonable from the point of view of propaganda, as I believe, because we see how ignorant the majority is politically, how little is interested in anything other than their immediate affairs, and how little is sensitive to inconsistency." Insensitivity to inconsistency is the cornerstone that underlies the world of 1984. Logic is powerless against propaganda, facts are nothing, interpretation is everything. "In the end, the party will announce that twice two is five, and you will have to believe in it," the hero of the novel reflects. Her philosophy tacitly denies not only the correctness of your perception, but also the very existence of the external world. Heresy from heresies is common sense. And the terrible thing is not that you will be killed for the opposite opinion, but that they may be right. In fact, how do we know that twice two is four? Or that there is gravity? Or that the past can't be changed? If both the past and the external world exist only in consciousness, and consciousness can be controlled, then what?"This quote itself contains a hidden internal paradox, a logical trap, a clever substitution of concepts. The subtlety is that the party does not simply declare "common sense" to be heresy and proclaim the triumph of subjectivism. First of all, it arrogates to itself the status of the only objective instance and an infallible judge who has the right to decide what is two plus two at any given time. Today twice two - five, tomorrow - three, today we are told that Oceania is at war with Eurasia and has always been at war with Eurasia, and tomorrow - with Ostasia, the news will be announced in a timely manner by a radio point. Yes, you can not believe in our time to anyone, sometimes even yourself. Tribule is possible .  Manipulation of mass consciousness is a topic that goes far beyond both the personal experience of George Orwell and the local German, British, Soviet or American experience of the first half of the twentieth century. It is this motif that makes the story of Winston Smith's desperate rebellion and crushing defeat universal and timeless. Yes, such universality has its downside: for more than 70 years, "1984" has been excitedly smashed into quotes by right and left, reformers and conservatives, sincere fools and clever demagogues…

During the election campaign period and even a little earlier, Ari has in its own separate program on black stars. Now all good experts understand why he did it. Yes, the money 💵 in the first place, the rest is still behind the scenes.

Ari, baby, my sweet Jewish boy! Our information partners from the national intelligence of the mausoleum inform us that this is the torso of the CIA on the left hand of you my Jewish sin of youth son, in early January 2020 skated on the ice of Red Square in Moscow on figure skates for girls, with large foot 👣 sizes characteristic of Russian intelligence officers who put a tola under a corset and dressed in a woman's dress 👗. By the way, we are told that the body was delighted with the beauties of the Kremlin and the square. It, this body of the CIA, apparently given the poor education, did not know that it was riding in the cemetery 🪦. By the way, Ari, who sent the body to ride in the communist red square? Was that your favorite grandmother Hillary Clinton? Or your older brother Bill Gates and his family of Soviet negro pidaras Barry & Misha? Remember my sweet shit son, who sent this torso to Moscow and why? I don't think this is your personal tourist idea of the two poor hunger strikers of the island. 

Fucking, mindless vaccine fanatics, the so-called vaxers that flood all the media and TV, are the cause of death: 15-year-old boy kills himself after bullying his so-called "vaccination status". In January, a 15-year-old boy who was targeted because of rumors that he was unvaccinated was mercilessly bullied until he took his own life. One student started spreading the rumor that tenth grader Nate Bronstein had not been vaccinated.


 🔻 Quarantine is when the movement of sick people is limited.

🔻 Tyranny is when the movement of healthy people is restricted.

 🔻Propaganda is when the media deliberately lies to mislead the population

 Dot . ☠️The most dangerous injection that Dr. Jackson has ever given:….

Steve Kirsch: …. Dr. Robert Jackson: "Yes." Guys can not understand that this is not a mistake, this is a hellish plan to depopulate (reduce) the population, and de facto it is a direct premeditated mass murder, genocide of the nation and citizens of the world.

The Jewish gang has everything turned upside down. Lies on lies. Pedophile Epstein's friend real-life WHO chief Gates/Barry unveils global pandemic quarantine team at TED 2022 . "We really had countries that did a good job – Australia is an example."Meanwhile, freedom fighters in Melbourne, Australia, are demanding the termination of Dan Andrew's mandate for injections for all workers. "The right to choose! Right to work!"

🇺🇸Naomi Wolfe: "Censorship is a hallmark of the modern left"

You can be concerned if you suddenly got pregnant at the wrong time, Naomi, and this is a criminal article about treason and an attempted coup d'état in the United States 🇺🇸 and here the feeling of anxiety is not appropriate. When special forces carry out arrests, they have no such feelings of doubt, they work and they have no time to suffer concerned. Dot.

🇨🇳 Covid terrorists, Xi's White Guard stormtroopers are forcing a Chinese man to take a [COVID19] test against his will. They do not see or understand that they are involved in what is no longer a dictatorship, for these events are the forerunner of slavery, 😈 the pure red evil 🦹 of the Chinese Communist Party.

Dog Terror Muzzles 

There are a lot of SERIOUS studies about the non-effectiveness of masks, which prove their ineffectiveness and even harmfulness. A study conducted in the UK found microplastic particles in lung tissue in 11 of the 13 patients who underwent surgery.

Here are two more studies: 

Perhaps the most important study is volume 18/ issue 8 of March 20, 2021, cited in the well-known journal MDPI. The study concludes that the widespread wearing of masks can cause a variety of side effects, from shortness of breath, fever to skin diseases from humidity to by no means rare psychological effects. Quote: "Prolonged wearing of masks by the general population can lead to consequent consequences and serious consequences in many areas of medicine."

A peer-reviewed study in the journal Medicine looks at the "Faugin Effect" —

the mechanism by which masks contribute to an increase in deaths from [COVID19], and it also shows that there is no relationship between "compliance with the mask mandate (use of a mask) and the number of cases [of COVID infection]," but there is a statistically significant positive relationship between "mask compliance" and deaths. 

In other words, the more people use masks, the more covid deaths there are. Masks for the infected aggravate the course of the disease ("Faugin effect"). 

The conclusion of the German Hamburg Environmental Institute echoes the English study mentioned above: "... the fibers are then separated from the material and enter the lungs along with the breathing air." The so-called "fact-checkers" immediately refuted this very obvious conclusion, without citing their facts at all, simply stating, "De this is a lie, although this is not the first such study of scientists.

Ullmann, a member of the JCPOA and professor of infectology, is convinced:

Assessing the actions of politicians during the Covid crisis will take place in any case, even if Drosten is no longer in his place. There's plenty of data. He warns that he blames Lauterbach and/or his predecessor, Spahn, for the erroneous decisions. Obviously, this should happen – an assessment of the actions of politicians. It should not be the norm, much less everyday life, that you can do what you want, that takes dozens of lives and worsens the lives of millions, and not be responsible for it. It should not be the norm that you make an injection and expect a side effect or death. How can this be related to the Hippocratic Oath?

Meanwhile, Germany's Federal Finance Minister Christian Lindner (video) is unequivocally stating that after the covid plan [COVID19] they will in any case establish a New World Order ..., and in fact for some half a year, maybe a year ago, the NWO was considered a conspiracy theory. An interesting, if emotionally verbose, lawyer monologue about Pfizer's recent disclosure to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). While Pfizer is legally immune to law enforcement, if its "vaccine" [COVID19] harms, kills, or doesn't work (with the exception of fraud, which is notoriously difficult to prove), the company doesn't have that immunity when it injects investors, not plebs, who are going to inject, into such a fornicator. In order not to mislead investors, Pfizer must disclose significant risks and uncertainties. Surprisingly, this latest SEC filing states:  "Although our vaccine is currently subject to emergency approval, if we fail to provide sufficient evidence of efficacy or safety to receive formal, permanent approval, our financial targets could suffer." All the SEC reports are very verbose. There is always a risk that a product will not be approved. But this particular pearl of BigPharma's anxiety is very surprising to those who don't yet know that this is all just a deliberate data fraud and nothing more.

Sober-minded, psychotic, reputable doctors understand that "the WHO is an absolutely corrupt organization" that must disappear - Dr. Ryan Cole "WHO is owned by a pharmaceutical company; 70% of its funding comes from a pharmaceutical company. The rest comes from Bill Gates, China [and other national donors]... Who is an absolutely corrupt organization... [and the Pandemic Treaty, which all countries must sign] is that the WHO is literally trying to become a world dictator, to abuse you and force you to take [injections] that you don't need."

While we were dancing.

Your tax dollars fund propaganda: "This is what you see in dictatorships." Tulsi Gabbard: "This body will do two things. First, it will use taxpayer dollars to work through the mainstream media and flood the airwaves with any propaganda narrative they promote at any given time, and try to silence anyone who holds alternative views. And second, they will silence dissenting voices through intimidation."

Dr. McCullough: Don't be coerced; use the power to say "No" and society will be corrected

Dr. Robert Malone describes how mRNA vaccines suppress the immune system.

"What seems to be increasingly seen now with multiple shots is that people's immune systems are damaged."

Dr. Guy Hatchard – An Alarming Increase in Heart Problems

🔻 "We have to insist that information become public because it is hidden around the world."

🔻 [Uk and New Zealand governments] "do not publish the number by heart.

🔻 "One hospital provided information that the number of people hospitalized for heart problems increased by 400 percent."

🔻 "Someone in Palmerston North wrote that his doctor referred him to a specialist for a heart problem. [They] replied that I was so overwhelmed that I couldn't handle it. You just need to make the most of it."

🔻 "This is a medical emergency that affects a large number of people associated with the disease, which is already the leading cause of death."

New Zealand Health Research Institute

Full Interview: VFF Odysee - April 28, 2022

"I think if people just changed jobs and schools, market forces would react. It's amazing how quickly companies drop these mandates [when people say no]. FedEx, Starbucks, United Airlines: gone." Scientific fraud: [COVID19] vaccination recommendation for pregnant women was based on a biased study in rats Dr. Naomi Wolf: "This 42-day study on 44 pregnant rats led them to conclude that 'there was no effect on female fertility', [but the people who conducted this study] were hired and owned shares of either Pfizer or BioNTech. I'm going to say it again. The doctors who concluded, based on 44 French rats, that the vaccine was safe for pregnant women, were hired by Pfizer or owned BioNTech or Pfizer stock."

"It's Mass Crimes" - Dr. Naomi Wolfe cites sad statistics on pregnant women

"In this [Department of Defense] database ... the rise in congenital malformations has increased dramatically from a baseline of 10,906 cases per year in 2021. to 18,951 congenital malformations [only] for part of 2021. During part of 2021, [congenital malformations] nearly doubled in the fetuses of our brave women... who submitted to what our President said they were supposed to do. Because the Commander-in-Chief [imposed] this experimental vaccine, their children suffered! Their children were hurt!"

🇺🇸Governor DeSantis says what every sane American thinks. - "I don't always see everything you do day in and day out, but if you're being attacked by NBC and CNN, I know you're doing a hell of a job."

🇨🇳Shanghai. While China continues to disrupt supply chains and cut itself out of global trade and the ways in which goods move, there are more and more deaths in Shanghai due to starvation, suicide or denial of medical care. Here are three minutes of Shanghai's Covid scenery.

The "Great Reset" must be destroyed along with its notorious criminals who violate the national constitutions of states. Millions of people around the world realize that their lives and the lives of their children are at risk because of the impending digital and vaccine hell. There is a growing awareness that these immediate and obvious threats to all are only parts of a complex overall plan to implement a technocratic system of world government, digital fascism, slavery from pre-depopulation to a necessary and acceptable number of slaves; It is possible to describe as a neo-feudal system aimed at seizing political, financial, economic, social and religious power, illegally increasing and strengthening power and criminal wealth. Billionaires and the richest clans and families around the world will destroy any possibility of autonomous individual behavior. The goal of these psychopathic elites is for us "humans" to literally become an extension of their will, through technological intrusion into all aspects of our lives, leading to a complete loss of our ability to feel, think, and act for ourselves. This is Hell. When people begin to experience physical and psycho-torment, it will be too late to understand, there will be no way out, the trap will be slammed shut. Maniacs' obsession with complete control over all nature and life means that they, these perverts of under-elites, are actually so rigid in sin, in nothingness, in hell on earth, that they do not even realize what it means to be alive and love, and they see everything around them as something that needs to be turned into power and money, numbered, systematize, streamline, bureaucratize and control in order to achieve the "ideal" state of existence. Because they are so fundamentally criminal and insecure and know that humans will not voluntarily give up their existence to become their slaves to the global kagal, they use the most powerful weapon to gain control – this is the Mega Lie. They try to make us believe that it is in our best interest to give them control over us by giving them freedom. In fact, we give them control over our own lives when we make superficial, meaningless decisions. Seriously. Either they are these Mega Criminals of the 21st century, or we are free citizens of the world.

World communist revenge consisting of national criminal officials from state administrations and their attempted coup d'état. De facto, it is the seizure of power by deception and the repeal of national constitutions and international laws.

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