World communist revenge consisting of national criminal officials from state administrations and their attempted coup d'état. De facto, it is the seizure of power by deception and the repeal of national constitutions and international laws. 

World communist revenge consisting of national criminal officials from state administrations and their attempted coup d'état. De facto, it is the seizure of power by deception and the repeal of national constitutions and international laws. 

Tribule Bureau 

India 🇮🇳 

The Supreme Court ruled that compulsory vaccination is illegal, vaccine mandates are not justified. The government must provide evidence that THE UNVACCINATED pose a greater risk.

The main ideological fascist of the NWO. 

It is incomprehensible to the mind, but all this about the plans of the global kagal one of the architects of the NWO speaks to the plebs on TV, and he, as high priests, mentions Jerusalem as the capital. It's serious...)

Attali: «Ukraine»

Someone: "We're on the edge...?"

Attali: "We are on the verge of world war"

Someone: "World War?"

Attali: "Yes, because I do not control the specialists, we are in a state of civil war in which we should not have intervened. It is a civil war between "pro-Russian" Russians and "other Russians." They are part of Ukraine. This civil war could, if we intervene, lead to a world war, absolutely."

Someone: "Attali tells us that the solution is a world government, a central world bank and..."

(everyone interrupts each other for about two seconds...)

Someone: "Let's conclude by mentioning this topic, of course, intellectually he should mention this, this is his usual duty."

Attali: "It's important, but I think we should strive for a world government as a strategy, today's government is an illusion, a kind of belated attitude before the world government. We are moving towards this, will we achieve world government during this world war or after the world war? I don't know, but we have to strive for it."

"In fact, the continuation of this ideal is a city that should become the world capital of the planet. We can imagine a world government, we can even imagine Jerusalem as the capital of a planet that will one day unite around a world government, it is a wonderful place for a world government."

"And I can tell you third, we're going to go together to a new world order and nobody, and I mean, nobody can stand up to it."

Jacques Attali's Open Conspiracy Is Being Implemented."A new form of totalitarian society is created by medicine"

Dr. Robert Malone: "[COVID19] - It's just shooting - we have a much bigger problem"

"[The WEF] has a clear agenda that is inconsistent with the U.S. Constitution ... They are actively trying to promote the idea of a One World Government that will replace national governments. I really feel like this COVID situation is just a shooting, and a bigger battle is being waged against censorship, control, and rising global totalitarianism."

Yes, Robert, you're right, but things are even worse than you think. Behind the WEF is Putin.

ᑭᖇᝪᒍᗴᑕᎢ ᎢᖇᏆᗷᑌᏞᗴ

The establishment of a New World Order will be decided 22-28 May 2022 through WHO

The U.S. administration is carrying out a coup d'état and handing over our sovereignty to the WHO Regional Directors and give them the right to "CONTROL" us and "CONTROL" the world, one region at a time for one Ethiopian word. 

Amendments to the International Health Regulations will be submitted and may be approved by the World Health Assembly, scheduled for 22-28 May 2022. These amendments, hastily made and in a very secretive manner, these decisions will deprive countries of their sovereignty over their own response to the pandemic. They will establish a worldwide framework for the World Health Organization (WHO) to maintain authoritarian and undemocratic control over and respond to the challenges of pandemics. If we allow these amendments to be adopted, the WHO Director-General will not have to listen to opposing voices that can soften his final decisions.

Imagine every outbreak of influenza or localized measles turning into a pandemic — with repeated quarantines, travel restrictions, school closures, and vaccination orders. Life would really turn into a dystopia!

These proposed amendments would give the WHO Director-General the unilateral power to declare a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) (pronounced FAKE), despite the objections of any sovereign country dealing with an outbreak of any disease.

The amendments will also give some criminal dark Ethiopian WHO terrorist the right to unilaterally declare an Interim Public Health Alert (IPHA) even despite the objections of a sovereign country dealing with the outbreak.

The amendments will also give 6 WHO Regional Directors the power to unilaterally declare a Regional Public Health Emergency (PHERC) despite the objections of a sovereign country dealing with the outbreak.

The proposed amendments would transfer additional sovereignty, control and legal authority to the World Health Organization.

If adopted by a simple majority of WHO's 194 Member States, the proposed amendments would NOT require the approval of 2/3 of the United States Senate, as the U.S. has already signed the IHR.

For a more in-depth study of this issue, please follow the link:


- They were unable to determine the origin of SARS COV2, which apparently confused the evidence of a leak from the laboratory.

They failed to recognize the catastrophic flaws of the RT-PCR test for accurate diagnosis of active infections.

They failed to acknowledge and recommend the scientific evidence underlying vitamin D and zinc supplementation to prevent disease and death from COVID-19.

They failed to recognize and recommend scientific evidence and the vital importance of early medical treatment for COVID-19.

They have failed to stop, slow down, or even question the introduction of the still experimental, proven ineffective, harmful, and lethal gene therapy for false COVID, which they intend to falsely present biological weapons as "vaccines." 

The decision of nation-state governments to transfer our national sovereignty to the WHO, de facto, without referendum, abolishes the constitutions of nation-states, frightens populations, has a direct impact on our personal sovereignty, freedoms and rights in the field of health. 

Nations and peoples around the world demand a transparent, scientific and democratic public review of WHO's current failures and its funding mechanisms.

We also demand transparent, independent of administrative pressure investigation, scientific and democratic public scrutiny of this investigation, consideration of failures and response measures from the investigation to this false special operation pandemic.

Freedom of health is our inalienable right and enshrined in the laws of all countries of the world - we demand that the current governments respect it and stop their criminal encroachments on our sovereignty!

Coup d'état and usurpation of power by a non-statutory group of persons under the guise of

»Pandemic Agreement»

How does it really look like! 

No war, not even a nuclear war, can stop David Rockefeller. Only arrest 🚔 will stop him. So David continues this mockery called the pandemic. It was put out for a short time while the war in Ukraine was being spun, and now that the war has been lost by the executor of David's will and his burnt check, everyone is confidently walking into their utopian paradise of new false epidemics and a false strain. 

📰 The press and TV again, though not like in 2020, is tearing to pieces its deceitful naked ass by ramping up the theme of everyone's favorite fear of the virus.

"A new wave of the virus is spreading in Europe, the States must be on the alert," warns

"The number of Covid cases is rising across Europe, including in France, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Switzerland, Finland and Italy, and is approaching or exceeding record levels in Germany and Austria," the journal said. Ubiquitous experts are already attributing this growth to the easing of pandemic restrictions, weakened immunity, and a more contagious variety of omicron.

The terrorist orderly Joe Tony Fauci was on TV again. With the words: "If we see an increase in the number of cases, we must "be able to be flexible and quickly return to the restrictions of Covid-19." Another Ethiopian Soviet terrorist, the Hamith Tedros Adan Ghebreyesus, also tells about the early lifting of restrictions. It's good that my assistants wrote me the name of this degraded black macaque today. 

In fact, there is a new terrorist attack on the world's population in the sixth phase of the attack on the world's population with an obvious focus on returning to restrictions, primarily for those who have not been pricked with poison and the next round of vaccination of the population with biological weapons. Thus, they solve two problems: ideologically justified the need to adopt a Pandemic Agreement and the need for vaccination on a regular basis, since without it immunity, as the false "experts" try to instill, does not exist.

The first extended meeting of the Pandemic Agreement will be held in the third decade of May. At the same time, the Ethiopian Ghebreyesus should be re-elected for a second term, unless of course he is arrested earlier, or simply does not live to see 22/05/22. The solid symbolism of the numbers they have . Accordingly, at the same time there will be a peak of squeals and screams in the press about the murderous sixth wave.

The terrorist state of Russia is also preparing to contribute to this in an unexpected way. They talked about the sixth wave, which will come before the summer. So far, at the level of regional doctors and epidemiologists. And the Kremlin's Rospotrebnadzor issued new recommendations for testing for omicrone back in March, and the Kremlin is still preparing and registering the AstraZeneca vaccine. Lies on lies and lies are chased. 

The Russians will walk not only under machine guns and sanctions, but also with Putin's QR codes, experts will be resuscitated, and their terrorist Murashko, as if nothing had happened, will go to discuss the Pandemic Agreement. Russia was not excluded from the WHO. 

G20 Conspirators Prepare to Deploy Global Website to Scan and Check travelers' "vaccination" status

Indonesia's G20 chair has begun talks with members on standardizing medical protocols for travel, Indonesia's health minister said on Monday, stressing the importance of harmonizing regulations and technologies for global travel.

Indonesia's assistant health minister, Setiaji, said countries are preparing to roll out a global website to scan and check the vaccination status of travelers.

Speaking at a separate press conference in Yogyakarta, Garrett Mehl, head of WHO's digital health technology division, said standardization of medical protocols for travel is crucial because currently certificates issued in different countries are incompatible with each other, making travel more burdensome.

A standardized certification system "would ensure that it would function in another country, be trusted and verifiable," the criminal torso said.

The beginning of the construction of NWO in the paradigm of all counted and nod in the system 666 of global identification, understandable. The false coronavirus pandemic is certainly just an excuse for that, not a cause. And the so-called "vaccination certificate" is actually a personal identifier that will be tied to a person's digital profile. And of course, we must all believe these criminals that they are doing all this solely for the purpose of taking care of the convenience of those who travel. 

The Pandemic Agreement covers up the criminal act of coups d'état and the establishment of the NWO. 

Back on March 30, 2021, a landmark letter-appeal from 25 to 23 heads of state and heads of the European Council and who appeared in The Telegraph entitled "No government can cope with the threat of pandemics alone - we must unite." What a blatant 😈 lie 🤥 you haven't had any pandemic. 

... The main goal of the treaty should be to promote an "all government and society" approach that should lead to greater mutual accountability and transparency.

The Ethiopian terrorist director-general has called for a legally binding pandemic preparedness and response agreement that will only address all the underlying shortcomings. Again, he made frightening predictions: "Have no illusions: this pandemic will not be the last... The very nature of evolutionary processes allows us to say with confidence that another virus will arise, even more transmissible and deadly than this. " Yes, what are you carrying a hui hamit, who does not even know English, fucking you Soviet - Ethiopian macaque Barry / Bill 


First, there is a system of financing that is not controlled by states. The main financial sponsors of the above processes are the World Bank and the Bulgarian terrorist Georgieva, the IMF and other international conspirators development banks (MDBs). On April 2, 2020, the World Bank presented the "Strategic Preparedness and Response Program for COVID-19", the expected date of closure of the disease after the UN declares a new world without states – March 31, 2025. that the false Bank and the false international community will play a key role in responding to the false COVID-19 by following the technical false guidance of the false WHO. 

Secondly, preparations are underway to approve a unified regulatory framework for combating the pandemic based on their international standards. To this end, the WHO, the United Nations Development Programme, the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS and the Institute of Law at Georgetown University have created the COVID-19 Law Lab, which has created a database of all legal documents, regulations and activities introduced in response to the fight against COVID-19 in more than 190 countries for use.

In the case of such universal unification, each state will be obliged to reconcile the laws that affect health and go beyond the field of health, not with national interests and values, but with international obligations to respond to existing and "new threats" to health.

Thirdly, a single ideological basis is being formed to justify methods of combating a false pandemic, for which, in particular, a new false "science" was proclaimed - an infodemyology designed to combat "infodemy", which is understood as unreliable information during epidemics, weakening the effectiveness of global measures. The Ministry of Truth from the centimeters of the White House freaks and mental cripples. Even before the so-called "pandemic" was declared, Andrew Pattinson, who's head of digital operations, held a roundtable and signed an agreement with Google, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and 30 companies to censor all unverified information, that is, inconsistent with the ethiopian approach of the WHO.

The relevant initiatives of the COMMUNISTS of the UN and Ethiopia WHO consider the solution of the problem of "infodemy" as an important part of the fight against the false pandemic. 

Clearly, we are talking about an agreement that will legally enshrine the right of a narrow elite circle of criminals who adhere to the NWO conspiracy, Mega Lies with a eugenic communist worldview, to illegally concentrate in their hands a very significant power and determine the goals and objectives of nation-states and world false medicine from the Ethiopians to the Hami terrorist. And given that universal mandatory vaccination is becoming a priority, it is clear that we are talking about the creation of a new fascism through a medical false order in which the terrorists of Beijing and Moscow will take their leading place as a terrorist. 

The world that defeated fascism, which achieved the protection of man, the Nuremberg Trials and the adoption of the Nuremberg Code of 1947 at the cost of tens of millions of lives of 70 countries, does not have the moral, moral, human right to take part in such a criminal show 🎤 with the Pandemic Agreement, under the guise of which the "new world order", once already declared by Adolf Hitler, is openly being implemented.

We, the citizens of nation-states and the World, have the right to know what kind of future these unaccountable global world agencies have in store for us, just as we have the right to decide whether we accept it or not 👎. 

An attempted communist coup and revenge by a group of well-known old ideological Marxists – communists, seated by David Rockefeller in all the top positions in nation-states and international institutions, through the chief technical operator of the criminal fascist project of the NWO Communists, the failed Ethiopian Marxist terrorist and simply outright biological terrorist Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. By the way, this macaque from Soviet Ethiopia, the only uncontested candidate, put in this position by David Rockefeller, the Chinese, the Russians and Bill/ Barry, precisely for this criminal work of carrying out national coups d'état. 

Klaus Schwab is the nominal owner of the WEF Marxist criminal project. It's the old idea of the crazy communist fascists of the Club of Rome.

Now they have only got their hands on new technologies capable of killing at least 4 billion "useless eaters". This extermination plan is calculated until 2050 with the help of state mandatory injections in the arm with biological weapons, with the help of famine and limited dollar wars, as in Ukraine, organized false epidemics and quarantines of de facto house arrests of entire countries, the launch of deadly fast-acting diseases. For a criminal non-elite, energy, food, and water must be maintained at a living wage, starting with the white populations of Western Europe and North America, and then spreading to other races. The populations of Canada, Western Europe and the United States are already declining faster than on other continents, until the world's population reaches an acceptable level of 1.5-2.0 billion people, of which 500 million will consist of representatives of the Chinese and Japanese races, selected because they are people who for centuries were slaves and accustomed to unquestioning obedience to power. From now on, there will be artificially invented food, water shortages and poor quality of medical care that will remind the plebs that its very existence depends on the goodwill of the 300 committee.

The most difficult wall that man must overcome in his life, and which can never be overcome by the Swabian, is the wall of his own individual self. 

A serious obstacle in this is one's own laziness and need to deceive oneself and others, as well as one's own inability to accept anything that has a place to be, but that a person stubbornly does not want to see it.

It's time for very intelligent and professional Wolves driven by smell and intuition. They, often without knowing it or understanding it, will show you the right way. And the ability to find such people is no less valuable than the uncontrolled ability of these people to find the right vector of the path.

The Nuremberg Code of 1947, human rights, as well as national constitutions are in the first place of any state in the world.

The first principle of the Nuremberg Code states: The voluntary consent of a person is absolutely necessary. 

This means that the person in question must be legally able to give his or her consent; it must be able to make a free decision without any elements of violence, fraud, deception, coercion, undue advantage or other form of coercion or violence; and the person must have sufficient knowledge and understanding of the elements of the subject matter in question to be able to make a reasonable and enlightened decision.

The Nuremberg Code, which mainly deals with the use of human beings in medical research but is also seen as the basis for the right to informed consent to medical procedures at risk of injury or death, was followed by the adoption by the World Association of Physicians of the Helsinki Declarations in 1964. Like the Nuremberg Code, the Declarations of Helsinki emphasize the human right to voluntary, informed consent to participate in medical research that may or may not be useful to the individual patient, science or humanity.

As an illiterate Ethiopian WHO and his small company of communist degenerates from the island of bad luck, in connection with all this is going to promote his dictatorship, it is simply difficult for us to understand, or rather our high mind is generally incomprehensible to imagine that we are all here cut down to discuss seriously, being adults and have long dealt with girls. 

Six Rockefeller/Rothschild family, Gates/Barry and their stupid communist Ethiopian terrorist, who is waiting at home to try genocide, are trying to seize power in the US and the world. 

1) Most people have never heard of the International Health Regulations. .

2) On January 18, 2022, the United States Administration introduced a number of amendments to the IHR, which serve to give even more sovereignty and significantly expand the capabilities of this criminal office to the WHO, to restrict the rights and freedoms of Americans related to health.

4) The 75th World Health Assembly will be held from 22 to 28 May 2022. The Assembly will vote on amendments to the IHR. It is very likely that they will be adopted and incorporated into international law.

4) These amendments to the International Health Regulations do not need to be approved by countries. All have already agreed to abide by the IHR by virtue of membership in the United Nations and WHO. Everyone has already given up some sovereignty, including the criminals of the disgraced office of orderly Joe/Barry. These amendments are designed to confuse Member States in order to give away even more of their sovereignty.

5) In addition to the proposed amendments to the IHR, WHO has also established an Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) that is actively negotiating an international "Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response Treaty". The proposed "Treaty to Combat the Pandemic" is separate from and complements the above-mentioned proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations.

6) The pandemic compact does not yet exist. It's being developed and discussed right now. The discussions surrounding the Pandemic Treaty are important, but they are also part of a sophisticated diversion to confuse people and make them ignore the pressing issue of the IHR amendments being considered by the World Health Assembly on 22-28 May.

7) It is time for decisions and aggressive action in upholding the U.S. Constitution and our rights. A gang of bandits who have seized power in nation-states and the United States specifically, are waging war against the peoples of the world with all their might. The WHO Ethiopian criminal communist is their technical tool of deception. Since when do we voluntarily give Soviet Ethiopian monkeys who do not even know English into the hands of our centuries-old freedom and the U.S. 🇺🇸 Constitution, and why do we agree to be subject to their communist phobias and abstractions, which take away from us a significant part of our legitimate national rights?

United States: 12,548 children suffered serious side effects due to [COVID19] [vaccines]; 106 died

Official CDC data shows post-vaccination events for children: 

🥁48,033 - Adverse reactions

🥁12,548 - Serious adverse reactions

🥁106 - Deaths


The CDC is an illegal espionage organization and activity. Those involved in our big investigation acquired mobile phone number data from a criminal group of a former Saudi Intelligence boss to track U.S. and other nation-state citizens under the pretext of infiltrating the U.S.

The CDC paid criminal data broker SafeGraph, backed by Saudi Arabia's former intelligence chief, $420,000 for annual access to mobile phone location data for tracking.

Additional information and materials in the telegram channel

L_Tribule Factor 

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