The material is in the status of unexplained facts.

The material is in the status of unexplained facts.


 Some awkward maritime coincidences

The yacht of the aerospace company Blue Origin and the owner of The Washington Post. Jeff Bezos "Flying Fox" off the coast of Turkey.

Bezosovskaya yacht was in the Big Bitter Lake, there "rested" megacontainer carrier EverGiven 

Yacht S.Y. Vertigo owns an American entrepreneur, media mogul, owner of media, film companies and publishers in the United States, Australia, Europe, Latin America and Asia, founder, chairman of the board and CEO of the holding companies News Corp and 21st Century Fox Rupert Murdoch was also in the Great Bitter Lake. 

Even then, we were wondering what kind of fishing 🎣 Igor Kesaev's yacht participated in the Suez Canal, if you "reel" a little time and look at the previous geolocations of the Merdokvo yacht Vertigo and its trail. The trail leads directly to the Sky superyacht, owner Igor. 

Pski: "We will go door to door to Americans who have not been vaccinated."

Evergreen Line, whose tanker recently successfully broke supply chains, helping the countries breaking their own anti-cancer blockades to organize the coming famine, and which is not written about by the company, distracting people from reality, is owned by the Swedish company Greencarrier, The CEO of which is Johan Jemdal, who worked in top management ericsson, the first company to launch commercial 5G networks on four continents (70 percent of the leading service providers evaluated in the global tests of public networks 4G, use radio communication and base bandwidth Ericsson, which are the key to 5G performance), as well as in the global telecommunications company and the flagship Investor AB, owned by the Venberg family.

The Wallenberg family's motto is "Esse, non videri," which means "to be, not to appear." The first Wallenberg Foundation was founded in 1917. It is a Swedish public and also a faith private foundation, founded in 1917 by Knut Agathon Wallenberg and his wife Alice Wallenberg, and it was created to support research in science, technology and medicine by providing long-term grants for basic research of the highest international class. That is, people were planted not only on honey traps, dirty initiation processes, filmed on camera, but also on money. 

According to the Information Aggregator of Research Grant Support, the foundation sponsors and/or has relationships with many Russian foundations and companies.

In this regard, everything seems clear with the location of the two yachts and one more detail is interesting: Jen Psaki is the founder of Evergreen Consulting. 

DeepState, Clinton and Co-Breakdown of Supply Chains began with this scenario as a trial balloon 🎳 

"EVERGREEN" and applied across its side, coincides with the nickname of Hillary Clinton - Evergreen (Evergreen), which is used by the uprooted pedophiles correspondence.

"Thank you for coming. The frustration is very great. Can physically delete texts, tapes, etc. ??? We have it all. The right people have the information. Reliable dudi act on the basis of information. I think Goog. I think so. Think about many projects. Many common users [foreign and domestic]. Variable access. Codes. Fake letters. Ommi Forum Game. New information has emerged today. Gmail (emails) comms. Decide Evergreen. When do you call a plumber? Ongoing investigations require this," Hillary Clinton received similar messages from DeepState operatives when it became known that there was a leak of letters from the Dem server. Party.

Bill Clinton's codename is Eagle, Hillary Clinton is Evergreen, Chelsea Clinton is Energy. 

By the way, in the photo below next to the stuck vessel is also visible another vessel and its name "Baraka".

In the photo China and also "EVERGREEN"-Codename of H.R. Clinton. Another name for the tractor with a container, as you know, could not be.

No less interesting is the call sign of the mega-container ship, which continues to break supply chains - H3RC. 

H3RC = Hillary Rodham Clinton. 

De facto in this plot there is only one unknown - this is the owner of this member on the water surface painted container ship. 

On March 20, the Russian Navy deployed a significant part of the navy in the Mediterranean Sea

The U.S. Navy's 5th Fleet has conducted several operations in the Arabian and Red Seas, the Suez Canal, and the Gulf of Oman over the past week.

Suez Canal - Russian Navy on the one hand, on the other - the US Navy.

A vessel with the call sign H3RC called Evergreen blocks the entire channel and stops all traffic, breaking supply chains. Hundreds of cargo ships were trapped. Not without three sixes, which are in the coordinates of the bulk carrier. Combine this with all the other matches described above. 

Jen Psaki performs the White House press campaigns. In this photo, she is with two Russians and in an earflap with the communist symbol Hammer and Sickle.

It seems to us that right now someone should call the old Mueller and demand the next Russia Collusion investigation. 

And since now there is no evidence of the involvement of the "hijackers" in the terrorist attacks, it means that al-Qaeda seems to have nothing to do with it, and it is not necessary to bomb Afghanistan. 

But within days of the skyscrapers falling, the U.S. "suddenly" had a video of Osama bin Laden's confession of December 14, 2001. She was allegedly found in a house in Jalalabad. And it is this record that forms the basis of the final conclusion of the official commission – the 9/11 attacks were carried out by Osama bin Laden and, of course, al-Qaeda. 

But immediately draws attention to the fact that this video is of very low quality. And the man himself, who according to the FBI's assurances is bin Laden, does not look like him at all, and this is clearly visible even despite the poor quality. It is denser, it has a different shape of the nose, lips, eyebrows and cheekbones. The FBI dossier says that bin Laden is left-handed, and in the video he records something with his right hand. In addition, he has a gold ring on his finger, and Islam, as you know, forbids a man to wear gold jewelry, and there is not a word about this in the dossier on bin Laden.

We will offer our reader a few Bin Laden, and the reader himself has the right to choose anyone who is more like a real terrorist: 

These photos below are purely for visualization of the terrorist 👇

Two Bin Ladens + Two Bin Ladens barry Obama and Hillary Clinton. So, we were not mistaken? 

   All White House staff received the email.

FDA Approves First COVID-19 Vaccine? I wonder how and on what grounds? 

The FDA manipulates and engages in the substitution of concepts in the document. The vaccine did not receive a license, its emergency use was extended indefinitely. As proof, we suggest that you carefully study the FDA document, especially pages 11, 12 and 13. 

For example, on page 12 of the FDA document: "All descriptive printed materials, advertisements, and promotional materials relating to the use of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine should clearly and clearly indicate that:

This product has not been approved or licensed by the FDA, but has been approved for emergency use by the FDA under the EUA to prevent COVID-19 for individuals aged 12 years and older; and• Emergency use of this product is permitted only for the duration of circumstances justifying an emergency permit and use of a medical product under Section 564(b)(1) of the FD&C Act, unless the announcement is terminated or authorization revoked earlier."

The father had three sons. And all three are fools. Dodge, Bill and Barry. They bored my father worse than bitter radish. So he gathered them and said.

- My children, it's time for you to gain mind-mind. Go wherever you want, but don't go back crazy.

There's nothing to do. Then the brothers let their arrows in their pants and walked along the rope, which was tied to the arrow. How long did the brothers walk until they saw the house 🏡 on chicken legs. 

Nikola Tesla had an assistant (Nazi spy) named George H. Scherf Sr. This assistant had a teenage son, George H. Scherf Jr., whom Nicola so often caught rummaging through his equipment and papers that Nicola compared him to a "mischievous little monkey" and nicknamed him "Curious George." This boy grew up, changed his name and became the head of the CIA and the 41st President of the United States, George W. Bush.

According to Otto Skorzeny, the photo shows the Scherff family and several friends (cirously 1938). By the hand of "mother" Scherff on the left holds Martin Bormann. Ahead of Reinhardt Gehlen. Behind is Joseph Mengele, and to his right is Skorzeny in his youth. In the center on the right (in german Navy uniform) George H. Scherff Jr. and his father George H. Scherff Sr. Bormann became Hitler's deputy. Reinhardt Gehlen was a senior SS officer and assassin who was smuggled out of Germany as part of Operation Paperclip. Skorzeny was Hitler's bodyguard and an SS spy/murderer who arrived in the U.S. after the war as part of Project Paperclip. Skorzeny and Bush were instrumental in merging Nazi (SS) intelligence with the OSI to form the CIA with "Wild Bill" Donovan and Allen Dulles. These guys also participated in CIA mind control experiments like the MK-ULTRA. SS officer and physician Josef Mengele, the infamous sadistic "angel of death" from Auschwitz, fled Germany for South America. George H. Scherff Jr., as described above, became the 41st President of the United States.

An article published in the Idaho Observer, which also talks about all this, has been deleted.

Hitler gives Reich Marshal Goering a painting by Hans Makart "The Lady with the Falcon" (1880). Both Hitler and Goering were passionate art collectors: by 1945, Hitler's collection numbered 6755 paintings, the Goering collection 1375.

Hitler's "New World Order" is a "world concentration camp"

On August 29, 1941, the world media announced the German-Italian declaration on the establishment of its "new order" in Europe. Today, few people know about the content of this document and other similar plans. 

Joe Biden swore allegiance to the New World Order in a 1992 article.

An article written by the great commander Joe Biden in 1992 shows how he swore allegiance to the New World Order system.

In the Wall Street Journal, titled "How I Learned to Love the New World Order," Biden, then a senator from Delaware, explained his plans to cede America's sovereignty to the United Nations and create a one-world government by "breathing life into the UN Charter."

Most Americans, myself included, reject 1930s-style isolationism. They expect to see a strong hand of American leadership in world affairs, and they know that economic retreat will bring nothing but a lower standard of living," Biden wrote.

"They also understand that many security threats — the proliferation of high-tech weapons, environmental degradation, overpopulation, drug trafficking, migration — require global solutions."

Joe Biden in 1992: How I Learned to Love the New World Order

Watch a video of Joe Biden's speeches discussing the New World Order and analyze his 1992 Wall Street Journal editorial titled "How I Learned to Love the New World Order":

In Russia, the registration of a PCR test began 5 days before the appearance of the virus strain and 10 days before the appearance of the first cases.

This is a registration certificate for one of the first in the Russian Federation, PCR tests for the well-known virus. 

On 6.03.2020, the certificate was already received by the manufacturer, the Center for Strategic Planning and Management of Medical and Biological Health Risks of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. And if we pay close attention to the second date - the date of the registration dossier, we will see - 21.02.2020. Let's turn to the chronology of events. On December 24, the Central Bank of Wuhan sent a sample of bronchoalvelary lavan fluid (rather than purified virus) from an unauthorized clinical case to the sequencing company Vision Medicals. On December 27 and 28, Vision Medicals informed the Central Bank of Wuhan and the Chinese CDC about the results of a test showing the novel coronavirus. And on January 3, Chinese services reported 44 cases of pneumonia to the WHO (total) in the city of Wuhan, Hubei Province. The pathogen turned out to be a novel coronavirus that had not previously been detected among the human population. On 30 January 2020, in connection with the Covid-19 outbreak, who declared an emergency of international health importance (which is not so rare - Stoppanika note). 

February 26. /TASS/. 

Russian scientists have received a strain of coronavirus, now they are developing an appropriate vaccine, Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova told reporters on Wednesday. "We have a strain. We got it," Golikova said, adding that the strain was not obtained from China. 

STOP 🛑 on February 26, Russia received the strain, and the documents for registration of the PCR test were submitted to it five days earlier? How can this be? The test should be done with an understanding of what exactly it is performed. The product must be tested, undergo clinical trials. At that time, there were no expedited registration procedures. And what to register if there are tests, but there is no virus. The first patient in Russia will appear only on March 2? And on what basis of what protocol of decision this first patient appeared, as well as all subsequent patients with influenza or something else? 

From the official statistics of export-import operations on trade in goods between countries we see ; COVID-19 tests have been purchased by countries since 2017. 

We open a specialized site 

"Use WITS to obtain commodity trade statistics (exports, imports) by country from UN COMTRADE, tariff profiles from UNCTAD TRAINS and WTO CTS IDB. The World Integrated Trade Solution (WITS) software provides access to data on international trade in goods, tariff and non-tariff measures (NTM). View the Country Profile section to get country statistics on exports, imports and tariffs, as well as relevant development data." 

So, let's begin:

Import of COVID-19 testing kits (300215) by country in 2017 (click on the link to verify)

Additional product information: diagnostic reagents based on immunological reactions

Category: COVID-19 Test Kits / Diagnostic Testing Tools, Equipment

Please note that in the table the product COVID-19 Test kits, which were imported by countries, including the Russian Federation, the code is indicated: 300215. See the directory of HS codes (HS - commodity nomenclature of foreign economic activity of the Eurasian Economic Union, classifier of goods used in customs operations).

DIRECTORY OF HS codes, code 300215  

Description: "Immunological products packaged in dosage forms or in retail molds or packages."      

So there is no discrepancy. It was immunological products, tests for Coronavirus that have been purchased since 2017.

In the name of the coronavirus, the number 19 (COVID-19) does not carry the meaning of the year 2019, when this virus was allegedly detected. After all, its name was given to it long before the onset of 2019 and even in 2015 such a name was registered in the Netherlands by a certain Richard Rothschild.

Let's see how much, where and for how much Covid-19 tests were imported in 2017 by the Russian Federation:


Additional product information: diagnostic reagents based on immunological reactions

Category: COVID-19 Test Kits / Diagnostic Testing Tools, Equipment

The Russian Federation imported COVID-19 testing kits worth $40,161,150 and 179,789 kg.

Let's look beyond 2018 and 2019, when the purchase of tests was already made in large volumes.


Additional product information: diagnostic reagents based on immunological reactions

Category: COVID-19 test kits / Tools, diagnostic testing equipment.


Additional product information: diagnostic reagents based on immunological reactions

Category: COVID-19 Test Kits / Diagnostic Testing Tools, Equipment

 Warning - This video exceeds your sensitivity preference!

aluminium-based lifeforms found in vaccines under microscope - Dr Franc Zalewski - English

Original lecture published by Dr Franc Zalewski in Polish deleted after 3 days on youtube reaching around 130k views

Cities and local and regional cultural leaders meet in Izmir to shape the future of humanity

plenary sessions were held throughout the Summit. At the opening plenary, entitled “Culture, care, health and environment in the post COVID-19 era”, Tunç Soyer, Mayor of Izmir, welcomed all participants, physical and online, with an inspiring speech which emphasised the power of “culture as a cement that teaches us how to live in harmony with nature, with the past, with the change, and between ourselves”.

The UCLG Secretary General, Emilia Saiz, stressed that “Culture helps us get through the worst and the best of times, and therefore should be integrated in every single policy and solutions to global challenges. What we are proposing is that culture shapes our future, as the backbone of our Pact for the Future and a key in the UN global common agenda”.

The opening session also counted with the physical presence of Louisa Vinton, Resident Representative, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Turkey, and an online intervention from Rosanna Binacchi, Director of International relations, Ministry of Culture of Italy, representing the Chair of G-20. After their interventions, Ekrem İmamoğlu, Mayor of Istanbul; Uğur İbrahim Altay, Mayor of Konya, and UCLG Co-president; Yavuz Selim Köşger, Governor of İzmir and Mehmet Nuri Ersoy, Minister of Culture and Tourism, Republic of Turkey, recalled the importance of culture in development and as a means for fostering local democracy. They promoted culture as the 4th pillar of sustainable development and stated that the recovery strategies should take cultural elements into account in order to be inclusive.

This is what the "health passport" looked like in Nazi Germany. The inscription on the bottom: The owner must always carry the passport with him.

Have a productive working week for Lady and Gentlemen! 

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