NOAA, the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, which is cited by carbon sectarians, overestimated long-term forecasts of a 30-50% increase in global temperature due to the incorrect location of climate stations (they were located in urbanized areas with higher temperatures or showed incorrect data due to the effect of heat sink through artificial materials, such as asphalt and concrete.) The study was conducted by the management itself after massive criticism of their department for non-compliance with its own rules.


A field experiment was performed in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, with four instrumented towers placed over grass at increasing distances (4, 30, 50, 124, and 300 m) from a built-up area. Stations were aligned in such a way to simulate the impact of small-scale encroachment on temperature observations. As expected, temperature observations were warmest for the site closest to the built environment with an average temperature difference of 0.31° and 0.24°C for aspirated and unaspirated sensors, respectively. Mean aspirated temperature differences were greater during the evening (0.47°C) than during the day (0.16°C). This was particularly true for evenings following greater daytime solar insolation (20+ MJ day−1) with surface winds from the direction of the built environment where mean differences exceeded 0.80°C. The impact of the built environment on air temperature diminished with distance with a warm bias only detectable out to tower B′ located 50 m away. The experimental findings were comparable to a known case of urban encroachment at a U.S. Climate Reference Network station in Kingston, Rhode Island. The experimental and operational results both lead to reductions in the diurnal temperature range of ~0.39°C for fan-aspirated sensors. Interestingly, the unaspirated sensor had a larger reduction in diurnal temperature range (DTR) of 0.48°C. These results suggest that small-scale urban encroachment within 50 m of a station can have important impacts on daily temperature extrema (maximum and minimum) with the magnitude of these differences dependent upon prevailing environmental conditions and sensing technology.$002fapme$002f58$002f6$002fjamc-d-19-0002.1.xml?t:ac=journals%24002fapme%24002f58%24002f6%24002fjamc-d-19-0002.1.xml

Previous criticism and research:

The authorities artificially inflated temperatures due to the location of stations in urbanized areas with higher temperatures.



Convention Center, Great Hall, Main Stage

The control artificially inflated the temperature due to the incorrect location of the stations in the mountains.

Artificial amplification of warming trends across the mountains of the western United States

Jared W. Oyler, Solomon Z. Dobrowski, Ashley P. Ballantyne, Anna E. Klene, Steven W. Running

First published: 09 January 2015

Illustrative examples of mass incorrect location of stations:

All claims of observed warming since 1973 are explained by NOAA adjustments made to take into account the performance of incorrectly located climate stations. Prior to post-facto warming adjustments, there was no warming.

Regional U.S. Population Adjustments To Surface Temperatures Since 1973: Still Little Warming

After adjusting for population density near U.S. climate stations, the trend toward global warming evaporates completely.

New U.S. Population-Adjusted Temperature Dataset (PDAT), 1973-2012

All U.S. climate data from the last 40 years is FALSE 🤥

The world is a complete invert. Those who are shit to them, those who are Gold to the universe. And they, the "golden billion" call themselves that, because in the true light, it's the other way around.

The elitist Sarkozy-Bruni family waited for the Elitist child... Consider the events in the period 1969 - 2011. The grey squat building is only thirty-four floors long. Above the main entrance is the inscription "CENTRAL LONDON HATCHERY AND EDUCATIONAL CENTER" and on the heraldic shield is the motto of the World State: ‘’COMMONALITY, SAMENESS, STABILITY". Aldous Huxley's Brave New World. Every word of the motto inspires a rejection of the harvest of a fascist society in which people are raised like a bird in an incubator cage. Let's try in a large analytical review to look at and understand the plans of the Mount Sinai Medical School in New York and the American Planned Parenthood Federation, funded by the Rockefeller Foundation.  When working with the material, the information of the site was used

AIDS - Virus 🦠 ? 

Fear. People rot from the inside out of fear. They carry it in themselves like a contagion. It will enter the soul of everyone who picks it up. He has already confused your peace. I didn't raise you to live in fear. Rip it out of your heart, don't bring it into your home. (c)

Multipass. According to fauci, a young swindler with a worldwide reputation, the "universal vaccine" is the ultimate goal of BigPharma. 

Today, BigPharma is closer to the goal than ever before. The ultimate goal is a multi-vaccine, a multi-passport, a multi-subject akin to a green macaque with a brand pass to life, qr code, chip....

The name of the abbreviation hides a different interpretation, not the phrase Human Immune Deficiency Virus. The inscription reveals a different process of "society's disease", or rather the disease of world elites infected with the idea of the "Golden Billion". In our case, the elite is called the family or, as they say, the clan of oligarchs, the bourgeois, bankers, the financial and industrial groups of the Rockefellers and other well-known figures who financed the AIDS project. Let's call these clans and other world elites who support the idea of the "Golden Billion" with one word "Elite". The idea of the "Golden Billion" has been floating around in the selfish heads of the fascist Elites for a long time and it is simple. It was voiced not only by the hunter Kissinger (Kisa), and as an approved project, it was also voiced by THE US Secretary of State Albright, the kingdom-heavenly ex-prime Minister of Great Britain Thatcher, and before them, financed by the elite, Hitler, and, in general, this old idea in its implementation should leave a small part of people to live on Earth. In the elite version, on Earth it is necessary to get rid of overpopulation and leave a billion inhabitants on Earth in the face of elites and service personnel - people of workers. At the same time, the Earth itself is the territory of their own possessions, so it gives them its resources, and they control, regulate these resources on it, as well as the number of serving workers. So it turns out that the option of creating an incubator of Commonality, Sameness and Stability on Earth, already implemented by them for centuries, has been put into action and is being tried, then through Hitler's Nazis, then through the Bolsheviks - communists, then socialists, now through liberals and neoliberals or democrats. Dictatorships, monarchies and other totalitarian regimes hinder the elites, since they do not allow them to act throughout the territory of the Earth, creating an incubator from it, the fascist capitalist elite will be at the head of the incubator according to plans. Yes, fascist, it is this term that defines elitism, since at the head of everything is the accumulation of property and power over property. At the same time, people working for the elites are also property. How does the Golden Billion Project work in particular through the AIDS sub-project? Hidden in the abbreviation AIDS is the real phrase Agent Investment Development Sex. Notice the phrase. That is, the Virus itself is an Agent. Thus, the Virus is the very object of investment, which has an Agent performing the task of the Investor (creator of the virus) and reinvests, that is, acts on behalf of the Investor and creates conditions for the development in the minds of people of the desire to have only Sex, but not to have children. Let's call the above conclusion the Process. For everyone who understands the purpose of investment, it now becomes clear that the result of investment is a "profitable" result and this result is Sex, as such. Thus, the task of AIDS, created in a closed laboratory, is to kill not only people, exhausting them with a murderous "treatment", but to kill during their lifetime, their example of the torment of the desire in other people to have sex capable of leading to procreation. That is, the Virus kills not a person as such, but his desire for love for the birth of a child through the contact of the flesh without protection. Since sometimes and often love arises, where and when the flesh is naked. Love loves responsibility and comes when people become indebted to each other, touching the flesh and at that moment already take on the responsibility of having children. The creators of AIDS have created the perfect Agent - Investor - Killer who kills the desire of billions of people who are ready to conceive a child, but have a fear of risk of getting the Virus. Aids therefore kills not hundreds of thousands of people on continents, but billions of desires across the Earth. Naïve is the man in the street, infected with the idea of a world conspiracy, who says that they (the conspirators) did not have the option with AIDS, since AIDS does not kill people by the billions. A naïve man in the street, since AIDS has fully fulfilled its task, killing billions of desires and unborn people. As a fact of work, AIDS is the real aging and extinction of Europe, in which the number of people living in the white race is decreasing catastrophically. The elite have achieved their result and are clearing their territories for living. The process is launched and covers more and more territories of the Earth, since in unison with this Project, there is not one Process within it, but cascades of Processes In addition, the Golden Billion project provides for other variations involved with Sex and this distracts people from life, family, childbirth, since the entire juvenile system is aimed at the fear of continuing the genus, at the realization that, that happiness is not in children. Any variants of voluptuous pastime from shopping to gluttony, from music to cinema, from pedafilia to pedarastia - this is all for there to be an incubator and Elite fascism to lead and control COMMUNITY, SAMENESS, STABILITY. The main slogan of AIDS– safe sex. That's how the word "security" turns the whole thing upside down, so that people cannot guess the true plans. By the way, the elite do not really hide their geopolitical plans for the "Golden Billion". Since there is no point in hiding anything and information flows through professionals serving the Elites. But the leakage of information does not affect, since no one really resists what is happening. Society perceives information by the volume of lies, and not by interspersing the truth with this lie. Society perceives the information that is happening in terms of the comments that the elites gave them through the media under their control. In the flow of information of lies, a truthful inclusion about the fascism that has come on the planet is considered as a fantasy. The incubator already operates on Earth and is developed into an ideal system controlled by national elites in the west, east, south and north. The two most powerful Elites of the West (Atlantic) and the Eastern (Pacific) or Asian are about to join forces, and the World Order for the World Incubator will come to Earth. Safe Sex in the Incubator is Sex without conception, since in the incubator everything must multiply under the control of the elites. Under the control of the elites, workers must grow in quantity and quality. On the subcortical consciousness, under the fear of intercourse of the flesh, this process is fixed as simply "Sex" without consequences, including without consequences to have a child. The immune deficiency virus actually becomes an Investment Agent for the Development of Sex, but not the development of child fertility. As you reflect, you should see and begin to realize how some aspects are intertwined with others in terms of the management of human society by an elite that has turned into a real corporate fascism by its designs, in most of the population does not evaluate and does not resist the coming Totalitarian World Behind-the-Scenes Order, because they did not see and did not realize. In the name of children and love - fight for our peace and human civilization, which is threatened by the fascist elite. In the name of children and love, insert and go against the lies and violence of the elites who are trying to take away your children from you at the expense of the juvenile system, at the expense of AIDS to deprive you of the joy of love, at the expense of homosexuality, lesbianism to destroy your families, to frighten you with a future that threatens your children with pedophilia. In the name of children and love – strike, stop, produce and make political rather than social demands of your government, elect new governments from among your work collectives, create new unions that serve you, not the elites.  In the name of children and love – Resist the system of minority rule over the majority, fight the lawlessness of fascism. If you do not resist, then in 30 years there will be nothing left of the world familiar to us, it will become an incubator with the laws of similarity to broiler chicken production. Is Politics Elites Safe Sex? The result of Agent Killer action 1 (Process 1). Sex Development Investment Agent (AIDS) is a Technology Goal. One goal is proclaimed, and the other goal is real. This technology is widely used as a deceptive feint, as a deceptive maneuver in the management system of external and internal state-legal relations. The slogan of such Technology Goals is "Everything has two goals". The first goal is imaginary, ostentatious; it forces people to accept [something] and the second goal is real, and it will contribute to the tasks of establishing a new system. During the decision of the embodiment of the "shot" in the Goal, those who lead the processes of managing society are guided by the slogan: "But in any other way it is impossible, in any other way it is impossible!".  This slogan "But there is no other way, there is no other way!" looks like a kind of apology from someone who is "doctor is death". That is, the one who governs society takes upon himself the mission of God to control people's lives. On the one hand, "they" promoted the slogan "everything is for the good of man, everything is for the sake of man", but on the other hand, these people, for whom the slogan is smaller in number than those who are killed? That is, the one who governs society, directing it through "democracy" (the power of the people), "openness" (truthful information), "freedoms" (permission to lead a life as a declaration of independence), "equality" (all people, regardless of religion, sex, political views are equal before the law), proclaiming the "absence of the death penalty" (abolition of execution) on the continents with one hand signs a payment for the payment of a deputy lobbyist for the adoption of the law "on the abolition of the death penalty", but with the other hand he signs a financial payment to pay for the work of the laboratory that creates AIDS. The result of Agent Killer action 2 (Process 2).Sex Development Investment Agent (AIDS) is a Sex Purpose Changer Technology. AIDS gives control over the population through sex. AIDS brings to life the slogan of the arbiters of humanity's destinies: "Sex must be separated from reproduction."  They ("our benefactors," replace God) say, "Sex is too much pleasure, and the instincts are too strong to expect people to give it up. Using chemicals in food and in water to reduce sex drive is not practical. Therefore, the strategy will be aimed not at reducing, but at increasing sexual activity, but in such a way that there are no children."The result of Agent Assassin 3 (Process 3). Sex Development Investment Agent (AIDS) is a Technology .Contraception available to everyone and everyone or Sex Technology "to everyone and everyone". The first factor in "everyone and everyone" sex technology is contraception. "Contraception will be very much encouraged, and in people's minds it will have to be closely associated with sex. At the mere thought of sex, they will automatically think about contraception, and contraception will be universally available. In pharmacies, contraceptives will be exhibited in such a way that they catch the eye, along with cigarettes and chewing gum. They will be in plain sight, not under the counter, so that people do not have to ask about them, ashamed that someone will hear their words. Such openness will make it possible to suggest that contraceptives are as natural an element of life as any other items sold in a store or pharmacy. Contraceptives will be advertised as well as distributed in schools during sex education classes." (From a report during a meeting of the Pittsburgh Society of Pediatricians, at which Dr. Richard Day was a speaker; died in 1989, professor of pediatrics at Mount Sinai School of Medicine ("Sinai Mountain") in New York [taught at the said school in the period 1968-71].The result of Agent Killer action 4 (Process 4). Sex Development Investment Agent (AIDS) is a Sex Education Technology as a tool for the development of sex without fertility. Sex education is necessary in order to get children interested in sex even before their puberty, rooting [in their minds] the connection between sex and the need for contraception. School teachers teach children to fight AIDS in certain lessons. This is an advertisement for the distribution of contraceptives among students. This is the conduct of seminars on sex education in the school and student curriculum. The idea is that the connection between sex and contraception, introduced and imposed on students, was later transferred to family life. Indeed, if young people decide to marry when they grow up, the very idea of marriage and family will be diminished. Most people will probably still decide to get married, but for sexual activity [marriage] will no longer be considered necessary. The result of Agent Killer action 5 (Process 5). Sex Development Investment (AIDS) Agent is a state-funded abortion financing technology for demographic control. In 1969, four years before Rowe v. Wade, professor Day said, "Abortion will no longer be a crime." Abortions will be taken for granted, and for those who cannot pay for them, they will be paid for from the budget. Thanks to funding from the budget, contraceptives will become available to everyone, so that no one can do without them. The likelihood that school sex education workshops would lead to an increase in the number of pregnancies in children was not seen as a problem. On the contrary, it was expected that parents who oppose abortion on moral or religious grounds would change their minds when their own daughter became pregnant. Thus, it will help to overcome disagreement with abortion. And soon only the most "stubborn" will continue to oppose abortion as something unacceptable, but their voice will no longer matter. " The result of Agent Killer action 6 (Process 6). Sex Promotion Investment Agent (AIDS) is a Technology for Promoting Homosexuality. In 1969, Dr. Day's seminar said, "People will be allowed to be homosexuals. They won't have to [anymore] hide it. In addition, older people will be provoked to continue an active sex life until old age, as long as it is possible. Everyone will be allowed to have sex and enjoy it as soon as they please, in any way they want."The result of Agent Killer 7 (Process 7). The Sex Development Investment Agent (AIDS) is the Technology of Accessories (Mods). In the same regard, clothing is developing. "The style of dress will become more stimulating and provocative." As a fact, 1969 was marked by the fashion for miniskirts, which were very short and very frank. The Rockefeller Family Planning Center slogan is "Not the amount of nudity that makes clothing sexually seductive. Often other, more inconspicuous things lead to obscene thoughts." For example, gait, the cut of clothes, the type of fabric and the location of accessories. "If a woman has an attractive body, why shouldn't she show it?"  If you trace how clothes have changed since the 1960s, it is obvious that jeans are now cut in such a way that they fit more tightly to the perineum. Folds are formed, and folds are, in fact, arrows that direct your attention to a certain anatomical area. Around the same time, the "burn your bra" movement became popular. "Many women, in order to be more attractive, should wear a bra, so that after the ban on bras and their burning, bras will come back again" (said in 1969 by Day). Since then, the fashion for bikinis began to develop rapidly, and bras became thinner and softer, which allowed the movements to be more natural. A thin bra, much more frankly demonstrates nipples than heavy bras, which were in fashion at the time. The result of The Killer Agent's action 8 (Process 8). Sex Development Investment Agent (AIDS) is Sex Technology and Reproduction Technology. It was said that "... sex and the topic of reproduction will be separated. There will be sex without procreation, and [with the help of] technology, reproduction will do without sex. Everything will happen in the laboratory. A huge number of studies have already been done on the creation of children in the laboratory. "The result of Agent Killer action 9 (Process 9). The Sex Development Investment (AIDS) Agent is a Family Significance Reduction Technology. "[The number of] families will be limited...". As we see in China. It has already been mentioned that it will not be allowed to have more than two children. "Getting a divorce will become easier and [divorces] will become widespread. Most people will marry more than once. An increasing number of people will not marry at all. Unmarried [couples] will stay in hotels and even live together. It's going to be very widespread – and no one will even ask questions about it. This will become generally accepted and will be perceived in the same way as the cohabitation of married couples. More and more women will have to work not at home. An increasing number of men will be transferred to work in other cities, and the work itself will require frequent travel. Thus, it will become more difficult for families to remain intact. Over time, this will make the marriage less stable and, consequently, the desire to have children will decrease. Large families will shrink, and [moreover] become more divided. For a while, moving will be cheaper and more convenient, so that those who have to travel for a long time from work and to work, it seems that they can still return to the family, and so that they do not feel suddenly cut off from the family. But the result of the simplification of the divorce procedure, combined with the stimulation of relocation and the relocation of families from one city to another, will inevitably be family instability. If both spouses work, and one of them is transferred somewhere, then the other will have to either leave his job and move to a new place without guarantees of employment, or stay in the old place. " The result of Agent Killer 10 (Process 10). Sex Development Investment Agent (AIDS) is a Demographic Control Technology. AIDS and its monitoring and "treatment" system make it possible to establish a system of population monitoring and displacement teams. In order to control AIDS, all states create a family monitoring system and send data to interstate structures created under the territorial auspices of the United States and Great Britain.  "Our history makers" say that "... the population is growing too fast, and the number of people living on the planet must be limited – otherwise there will simply be nowhere to live. We will eat more food than we produce and pollute the world with our waste..." The result of Agent Assassin 11 (Process 11). Sex Development Investment Agent (AIDS) is a Technology Permission to Have Children. "People will not be allowed to have children just because they want to or if [pregnancy] occurs through negligence. Most families will have two children. Some [families] will be allowed to have only one, and outstanding people (through selection) may be allowed to have three children. This is due to the fact that zero population growth is ensured at a birth rate of 2.1 children per family. Therefore, approximately every 10th family can be given the privilege of having a third child." At the moment, this quote is fully embodied in China by its party leadership and government. "Population control" for us was primarily associated with limiting the number of babies born. However, the observation that people will be "allowed" and others that follow it makes it clear that "population control" means much more than just birth control. It is control over every aspect of the activities of all mankind. A much broader meaning of the term than we can ever assume. Remember, the task of AIDS is to stimulate the use of contraception, killing the idea of creating a child before the moment of conception, since the conception of a child or sexual contact can lead to the production of the Virus. Agree, the plans are very old and what is happening now with the newfangled SARS-Cov2 virus is a continuation of the task and goals of HIV and AIDS. The SARS-Cov2 virus with the false disease COVID 19 has become the same as HIV with AIDS information Agent, abbreviated as I-Agent. Compare HIV to AIDS and SARS-Cov2 to COVID 19 by proving their general purpose as an I-Agent! That is, in our time, the creators of laboratory viruses have drawn conclusions from the action of HIV and AIDS as a 1-I-Agent and strengthened it with a second 2-I-Agent, creating a new product SARS-Cov2 and COVID 19. Consequently, the creators of the second I-Agent have intensified the information and actively through the media supporting the launch of the virus into the human environment, showing how people on the streets and in hospitals fall, massively bury them. All of this was shown to catch up with the creepy. Look for the beneficiary And who through the media makes noise and orders from the media deadly horror, fears and panic? The first thing that comes to mind is that the creepy order is ordered by the one who needs to allocate money to deal with the problem, about which there is a buzz in the media. The second thing that comes to mind is that she himself solved problems and there is a bandit who orders the execution of the horror itself, pays for the deadly problems itself, and also pays the media so that the media makes noise and nightmares the population! But since I-Agent is a deadly virus, then the customer of its manufacture and all the nightmare around it is a terrorist who needs information support for the use of weapons created by him. Yes, that's right, the virus is a weapon because it kills.  In order for the I-Agent, aka HIV or SARA-Cov2, which give rise to the diseases AIDS and COVID19 (COVID19), to kill as a weapon "better", "better", "more effective" for it, you need to prepare for it. Destroy public medicine, reduce the number of hospitals in the provinces (destroy "unprofitable hospitals" in the districts), remove beds in cities, reduce staff (optimize medicine), eliminate regulations that effectively fight infections, etc. A wave of optimization of medicine swept throughout the world and everywhere (the key word "everywhere") everything was prepared for genocide.  The Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on Their Destruction (BTWC) was the first international disarmament treaty to prohibit the production of an entire class of weapons. The BTWC was opened for signature on 10 April 1972 and entered into force on 26 March 1975, when 22 States deposited their instruments of ratification with the SECRETARY-General of the United Nations. Currently, 163 states are parties to it, pledged not to develop, produce or stockpile biological weapons (BW). However, the absence of a verification mechanism has limited the effectiveness of the implementation of the provisions of the Convention. By July 2008, 13 more states had signed the BTWC but had not yet ratified it. White House Administration ratified the Biological Weapons Convention in 1972, but refused in 2001 to adopt a protocol to it providing for mutual verification mechanisms, with the result that it is not possible to actually verify Washington's compliance with the BTWC through international legal means.  The signatories to the Convention knew that they would not implement it.And the leaders of Soviet Russia, the United States and Great Britain are collaborators. What is an I-Agent, what is its noise, except for combat biological weapons, moving in new hybrid wars to information weapons? Take the comparative example of AIDS. Everyone knows that this is AIDS, that is, a disease generated by the HIV virus.But is it... only disease makes sense in this virus? No, AIDS is not only a disease, because when it was created in the laboratory (it means they created biological weapons for terrorism!), therefore, according to the rules of terror, in order to catch up with the horror, information support for the virus was created for the disease (the noise around the terrorist attack, so that it was terrible and nightmare those who are the target audience). Therefore, the virus is an information and biological weapon - it is an I-Agent. By I-Agent, the author means that the disease generated by a virus created as a biological weapon, bringing direct and indirect damage to humanity (illness and death, economic and political collapses, social cataclysms) is supported by the information media. The media creates noise around the damage, spins hysteria and panic, using the virus as an I-Agent for such noise.  All of the above suggests that those who have created information and biological terror against humanity are elitist terrorists. These elitist sociopaths are committing a mega-terrorist attack of world genocide by planting a virus into the human environment. The elitist terrorists are the super-rich sociopaths who have created biological and information weapons. For weapons to work flawlessly and without punishment for terrorists, they need to bribe scientists and pay off prosecution under the law that punishes terrorism. To do this, they need to create common content for all media that removes punishment from the rich. And this is a ransom and bribery, as well as financing, which can only be done by very rich people who call themselves "ELITE". That's how in a resource created by the international elite they write about themselves..."The elite (French lite, from the Latin eligo - "chosen; the best") in sociology and political science is a set of people occupying high leadership positions in the management of the state, the union of states and the economy. The elite is a stable community with deep connections of its members who have common interests and access to the levers of real power. Any elite performs the functions of managing society, and also regulates the development of new models (stereotypes) of behavior in the context of a change in paradigms of public life, which allows this society to adapt to changes in the environment or in the ethnic landscape. At the same time, structurally, the elite can be open to outside influence (democracy) or be completely closed from outside interference (authoritarian society)." The elites openly promote themselves in front of each other and suppress the creations of the majority of the people in order to assert in their thoughts the idea that "it has always been so and will always be so" - "we have always been and always we will be", "strive to become an elite, we, like your benefactors, create social elevators for you". The game, the game, the game and their actions the elite does not hesitate to openly declare. It even declares openly weapons that create, patent the disease they created and at the same time a vaccine in order to go down in history and consolidate their right, to earn money on a patent, having a share from the pharmacological business or creating it independently, as well as creating banks and media within their transnational companies (TNCs). For the sake of profit, TNCs become the customer and implementer of terror and the use of information and biological weapons.Why are terrorist attacks committed? "Terrorist attacks are committed to intimidate people, so that people in fear comply with the requirements of the terrorist. What is the terrorist's demand in our case? In our case, the terrorist's demand to be vaccinated or obey the new regime being created! Why does a terrorist need a vaccination or a new regime for the population? International elite terrorism, vaccinating the population, mark its QR code, with any passport and in all cases all the marking has a digital meaning for the introduction of restrictions on the movement of people, so that it is easier to count the population of the planet by numbers. Why label the population? The population is marked in order to create an incubator from it - a new order of movement and control. What is an incubator? The incubator is a condition for the content of human resources (as the population is called by international terrorists), in which qualitatively (the key word "qualitatively" at a new level) the entire vital activity of people is controlled and managed, the entire ecological environment of a person becomes controllable for terrorists. Who are they terrorists? National politicians, acting as leaders of their countries, under the control and under the order of the richest people on the planet, create huge incubators for people from their states. They create legislative-informational, commercial and medical, genetic and biological, information and environmental conditions and prerequisites for the launch of I-Agents. But the above genocide?  Yes genocide, genocide due to the admission of harmful (GMOs, palm oil and all sorts of "E" additives) products and vaccines to their countries. Genocide is effective if you suppress people's immunity and psyche. A qualitative decrease in immunity occurs due to the suppression of the human psyche. That's what the biological-information combination is for, that's what the new I-Agent weapon came for. If we compare systematically I-Agents 1 (HIV and AIDS) and 2 (SARS-Cove2 and COVID19), then their task can be attributed to the regulation of childbirth, increasing mortality for the project "Golden Billion", about which on the Internet you can read a lot of such things that goosebumps from the actions of super-rich sociopaths. The main goal of the anti-social super-rich who created I-Agents is to introduce a new regime of control over the oligarchy and electorate under their control. To do this, it is necessary to place the people in an incubator so that the genocide is of high quality. That is, that the unproductive (in terms of income in terms of consumption), poorly working (old or infirm) die and die. The incubator allows you to produce high-quality segregation of the murder of undesirables. Doesn't remind anyone of anything?  An incubator of the knowledge of our common history of the world, for example, the period of creation of concentration camps by rich sociopaths of Great Britain, Germany and Japan in the XX century, the Bolsheviks of the Gulag system?  A modern incubator, translated from a number on a person's hand, like a fascist tattoo, into a modern number in the program of the Internet resource in a QR code or plastic (passport), and in speed inside the body, has an important purpose in the project "Golden Billion". The beautiful name of the project "Golden Billion" among the maniacally genocidal rich schizophrenics provides for the quantitative segregation of logically nurtured and programmed lower oligarchs in regional countries and the transformation of the peoples of these countries into a herd controlled by restrictions on movement. And then, after selecting a quality bio-object (this is about us), creating rules and controlling its movement. Bio-objects should be together with 5-6 thousand rich elite sociopathic terrorists about 1 billion. Now it is clear where the phrase "Golden Billion" came from? Whoever stayed to live in the incubator he "should be glad" that he is in the "Golden Billion". Is the above funny?Probably not, since many suspect that their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren will not have the right to get into the incubator, that is, at best they will not be born or in the worst case will be killed. Incubators are already operating on Earth and are developed to an almost perfect system, which is controlled by the world's terrorist anti-social and small groups of the richest people on the planet - they are a marginal elite. Now they need to reduce the population in the incubators of each country to the "necessary" minimum. To do this, there are different subprojects and a cascade of processes. These are such processes as redirecting migration flows to create civil wars or artificial regional and interregional military conflicts. Or the creation of processes from the creation of economic chaos to political, from the organization of a decrease in the population of people (due to the impact on the climate) to the psychological impact on people, so that they do not give birth because of fear for their future, because of social chaos. The effect of the alleged pandemic is only part of the artificially created problem, but with the help of a drop in immunity, the vaccinated will get sick and die more often than the sick - this is a subproject of the project, that is, a cascade of processes. You need a huge noise, a huge chaos, incredible horror and super strong fear. They want to systematically nightmare us literally in everything, igniting the planet and its peoples from all sides. Therefore, when they look for meaning in the water of troops or the withdrawal of troops to any country, the maintenance of the conflict and its non-extinction, mass demonstrations and civil confrontation, hunger, cold and zhaou, fire or flood - this all systematically acts. The population is nightmarish to create stress from mass terror in everything, to drive into a state in which the population is with rich bandits, they are asked to serve political leaders to restore order! Order is accounting and control, regime and rules. As it was said in Nazi Germany: "Ordnung muss sein" That is why the role of I-Agents in this noise is an essential component and a necessity for terrorists to "restore order". The main terrorist is the world's elite dynastic clans of rich people, who are united in alliances. The union leading to the fact that it is a small (marginal) group of people destroying another group of people for profit, with the help of terror, is called FASCISM. That is, elite terrorists are also elitist fascists are those who have created, at the expense of their financing, a modern INCUBATOR on Earth that CONTROLS AND LOWERS THE POPULATION OF NORMAL PEOPLE FOR THE CONVENIENCE AND COMFORT OF LIFE OF RICH SOCIOPATHS.  Not any union can be called fascist, but only one that creates the conditions for genocide. In practice, incubators work perfectly, but not everywhere, since the incubator wants to destroy some countries whose national elites do not take into account the "wishes" of the world's elite terrorists - sociopaths. In these non-submissive countries there is a strong anti-fascist movement, as well as a strong class movement of the poor and poor against the rich, the learned and the educated against the rich sociopaths, patriots and the victims of power against the rich. Therefore, the world's super-rich sociopaths, acting as cosmopolitans (people without a homeland, the whole world in their power and worldview) bribe regional national elites. National elites, in turn, bribe the police, petty officials and some other professional leaders, including part of the people, forming an electorate loyal to them. Bribery is made not by money, but by the fact that for the people (in favor of the people), "their political leader" does not fully comply with the demand of international terrorists - elitist fascists. That is, in some countries, national elites deliberately create a system of non-subordination to elite international terrorists, as if not finishing "the homework that their teachers (masters) gave them." There are no systemic contradictions in the above-mentioned system of tricks, since the peoples of many countries are active anti-fascists, since for many years they were under colonial oppression or tasted injustice under socialism. These are some countries of Latin America, including Eurasia, the countries of the East, Russia. These countries are somehow on the brink. And now the WHO has declared a pseudo coronavirus epidemic a pandemic, restrictions have been introduced that are similar in meaning to the fascist regime conceived by the Golden Billion project. To this regime, rich marginal sociopaths have come up with the beautiful name of the "new World Order" and speak of it as "a new wonderful World." The leaders of non-executive countries are summoned to the carpet in Geneva, the financial center, in order to explain that vaccination should not be fake, but "real" so that everyone in their countries more actively introduces a common wonderful new order "Ordnung muss sein". Then the question will arise: who is at the head of this World and who is the leader in each country? Money from vaccination is HUGE MONEY! With the help of the coronavirus project and the regime it introduced, it is clear how technologies are being tested in the rehearsal of international terrorists. A sign of the super-active phase of the destruction of states will be a new system for improving the I-Agent. This is no longer a biological and information weapon, but a system of destruction of capitalism, super I-Agent of imperialism, which has already been launched, as HIV was once launched in the XX century - this is an electronic currency (money) on top of the I-Agent of the XXI century, a virtual and non-tangible currency, a complete psychological trash - let's call it "B-I-Agent. Bitcoin is one of the first and most active cryptocurrencies, which is created with the help of financing TNCs for the destruction of states, when without the control of the country, its borders are crossed by something that citizens pay within the state and the country's leadership cannot control the destruction of its financial system. The current state-monitary relations become unnecessary with the help of B-I-Agent, since people bypass state currencies and financial, civil law relations establish a system of mutual settlements among themselves. There are only a few months left before the mass planting of B-I-Agents. B-I-Agent also has its own vaccine - these are plastic financial cards, which are now actively sent by cryptocurrency centers by courier mail to the population of different countries. As soon as the percentage of those vaccinated with plastic exceeds those without plastic, all governments of all countries can be immediately deposed. Cryptocurrency is an information and energy weapon, as the B-I-Agent consumes a huge amount of electricity to store information about it on servers. Who has the most powerful energy production? China, Japan, Switzerland, USA, Russia. It seems that they prepared for this B-I-Agent by creating sites for servers at nuclear power plants. Russia and China are constantly expanding these sites, increasing the capacity of nuclear power plants for future mining. But, I would like to say that instead of spending electricity on useful products of human development, the elites schizophrenically disposed to the concentration of power and resources of the planet want to spend electricity on electronic money. The elites are not just sick with psychosis, and in the struggle for power they do not even have schizophrenia, but a kind of emanation that creates for them a kind of zombification more characteristic of macaques in the wild. That is, they have created or have created an egregore of capital that their mind has muddied and zombified with the desire to create something that will subordinate the World to them. Some do not believe that the energy of capital can generate an egregore that will subdue its admirer. Therefore, researchers logically talk about the superpower that controls sociopathic elites and quietly whisper about aliens in the floor of their voices. Do not look for a black cat in a dark room and invent aliens making them the culprits of self-zombification of the elites. Most likely, sociopathy and the desire to concentrate power and capital are generated precisely by the egregore of capital, which they created themselves. Turning away from God, creating a system of justification for their actions with the help of deism, they eliminated morality and morality, turning their goals into a disease. They are really mentally ill, and the egregore created by them, generated above them and let into them a certain essence, the name of the contra is Satan. Satan is embodied by sociopaths in something intangible and predicting events for them, whispering to them what to do, and they plan to do it and broadcast to the screen like oracles what to do to their peoples. Mental illness is akin to becoming enraged, as you would not call it super egregore created by the madman - Satan or the Predictor.   The globality of the "Golden Billion" project has no boundaries and it is clear that the actions have been going on for a long time and very powerful actions of world terrorists in order to make an alliance of the fascist elites of the West (they can be called Atlantic) with the Eastern (Pacific). As Western terrorists think: The Atlantic-Pacific alliance is about to join forces at the expense of the final betrayal of its nations by the elites of Eurasia, and a world order will come to Earth for an ideal world incubator, where only the world's sociopathic elitist terrorists are at the head of planetary power. It is impossible to say that this event took place, but the oracle states through elitist fascists, including in the form of Predictors, posting his plans as forecasts in the media, the film industry, social networks. The role of the world Predictor is familiar from the Bible, the Torah, the Quran with the prophecy of the coming of the Antichrist or Moshiach. Therefore, the Predictor broadcasts his plans, as his creator is mentally ill and schizophrenic, maniacally burdened with pride, the megalomania of his mission as a Forerunner or Messiah. One by one, a disruptive media outlet, literally and undisguised as "breaking news," is fighting for the role of Predictor's mouthpiece to give a prediction of the disaster. Then the rich sociopaths, having swept the peoples through breaking news, thuggishly take these peoples under their protection from all the troubles to come, predicted and created by them. The role of the Predictor is not only a PR campaign of elitist fascists, but also a clear diagnosis of psychiatric illness of super-rich people who are really, and not imaginary, sick with sociopathy. Sociopathy is the psychosis of dissocial behavior – it is a medical diagnosis. In fact, the very phenomenon of Predictorism is the fact of the formation of an information egregore financed by the world's elite terrorists, who not only monopolize their power, desiring it to the point of madness with all the fibers of the soul. But they are already fascinated (sick) by the formation of a new essence of power - its egregore, as something super natural - as a super power with superhuman abilities. And they do it deliberately. Elite dynastically super-rich sociopaths call their alliances to form the egregore of power Freemasonry, but in reality any alliance of marginals for the genocide of most peoples for the sake of super-power is an alliance of rich fascists. Together, an alliance of wealthy fascists is passionate about creating a collective egregore of power and in order to subordinate themselves to it (and not to one of their circle - there is no trust in each other), they create an ideal beyond the essence they worship. These rituals of creating a super entity with superpowers, pulling it out into the real World from virtual Worlds, are thousands of years old. This ritual is called occultism. The closest knowledge of the occult for all Freemasons is obtained from Ancient Egyptian sources. Nothing new on Earth. Even the Ancient Slavs and all other peoples from the white to the yellow and Negroid race have an idea of the other world and the rules of communication with it. Man learned long ago to communicate with otherworldly Worlds, so these practices became available to super-rich sociopaths from the moment they received wealth from their ancestors. The acquisition of occult knowledge and the mental illness associated with the accumulation of capital and the concentration of power occurs as a system from generation to generation and is inherited.All of the above indicates that the people of the planet who have reached super wealth are engaged in occultism. Elite fascists think in favor of the created egregore to monopolize power on Earth, but this will not work out and it will never be so, purely by nature! There will be no monopoly on power over all peoples, since the occult is a matter of base energies and there is no place for them at the top. Every cricket in the Universe knows his six and dies if he violates the canons. Every Christian and Muslim knows that darkness will not absorb light. Everywhere there is a balance, or rather harmony, which cannot be violated by a mortal sociopath. Moreover, harmony will not be broken by the enraged egregore, which is created by man. This egregore for wealthy psychopaths has a name. They already openly say that they worship Satan and in every possible way show us and each other with hand gestures in political and cultural events that they are adepts of this egregore. Under the fact that the mad belong to one egregore, they create scenarios of cultural events and their attributes. The fashion for signs and symbols surrounds them from the architecture of buildings to clothing. The game, the game, the game is naïve, but not safe, since the human mindset is hypertrophied and it turns out that the whole planet turns into a mental hospital ward. Any I-Agent is a product of the thought of occultists who have slipped into satan worship. Their future is a foregone conclusion - their egregore perishes with them, and they are mortal. This whole game of I-Agents and "Golden Billion" will end and end, banally: they wanted the best, but it turned out as always all through the ass. The unrestrained race with one eye covered and the worship of Satan in order to subdue themselves beyond the essence will force the infuriated over the rich without touching the egregore to appoint among each other such a Predictor from among themselves. And the name Predictor has long been given in Christianity – the Antichrist. But this infuriated man will not be able to hold on to his power, as a super man, for a long time, so the time of his reign is short. God or the canons of the Universe or Nature and the Cosmos, as you do not call the laws of the Universe, will not allow you to disturb harmony and balance. The forces of light will illuminate the darkness of the thoughts of peoples who create conditions for a small group of people to create that World that has no place in our World. Harmony will be restored and It should not be new, but the one (old), which has neither beginning nor end, for It is eternal. Therefore, everything will pass, as the Book of Ecclesiastes said... and the Antichrist will go.There will be a cleansing of the infuriated, but it is painful for everyone, because we and we are many, many people who admit that our rulers get sick, we do not treat them, we bribe their promises, we ourselves are sick with money. We all form an egregore for them. The coronavirus that once arose in Wuhan is an actor's fake, it was necessary to launch the destructive power of a new human fear of the invisible danger of death and which economically undermined nation-states. The task was to create economic chaos, a shortage in stores, non-payment of wages at strategic enterprises and in the sectors of the Economy. The false virus spread throughout the planet not because of its ability to infect others, but because of information support. Now it is clear to many, the SARS virus arose a long time ago before 2019, but without the support of the media, it would not have been an I-Agent would not have received the name SARS-Cov2. Humanity has also gained experience when, even with the support of the media, infections such as MERS and H1N1 did not create fears and lockdown, although viruses are more deadly than SARS-Cov2 and they did not make an I-Agent. The attempt to create the perfect I-Agent continues and the Predictor scares us with them.This is a subproject of "closing ties between regions" at the expense of the danger of spreading allegedly mass (the key word "mass") deadly danger. The dismemberment of a united Europe, entire regions with the help of I-Agent is carried out literally by medical means with medical accuracy. The I-Agent creates, through the media and the decisions of governments of all countries through the normative mouthpiece of the WHO's rabid sociopaths, social and economic chaos in order to dismember regions. Economics is the concentrated expression of politics, and politics is governed by ideology. Therefore, the I-Agent had to destroy the economy, and then politics and finally the ideology of freedom. Therefore, the actions of the I-Agent were planned much more broadly than it seems for this subproject of the Golden Billion project. The I-Agent, in the plans that failed, was the destroyer not only of the political regimes and economies of countries, but also had to destroy the very philosophy of the free world ideology. But it didn't work out and won't work out on such a universal scale. Any subproject of the Golden Billion project operates at the expense of mental fears and the murder of physically weak and consumerally superfluous, non-able-bodied people. All its sub-projects are elements of terrorism. The coronavirus should kill national economies and old or infirm people (read few paying people in the system of a consumer society). The virus, having destroyed the strong national economies competing with the economies of TNCs (namely TNCs, not other states) belonging to the world's dissocial elites, must then be quickly stopped. And=The agent will stop acting as if he is no longer there. It is enough to give a command to the media and the Governments of the national elites of regional countries and they will keep silent about the I-Agent (the epidemic and the pandemic will end there, and we are already seeing this, to put on the brakes, as if it did not exist). The coronavirus will not actually die out, but legally, as the media will stop working on the COVID-19 disease subproject with the next SARS-CoV-2 virus. Examples of attenuation of the information background abound, since already before SARS-CoV-2 there were other infections that received their lifelong residence in human society. Any virus is not as scary as "the devil who is painted." The action of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus is just like a white day - a cascade of processes from COVID-19 pneumonia and the consequence of the disease will kill many weak and not powerful, destroy the economies of the strongest states for the introduction of rule over them by TNCs. The practice of using viruses to achieve power and enrichment is many years old. From the experience of the formation of the statehood of the United States, when the generals of Great Britain destroyed the local population of the Indians, acting once from Fort Pitt and to the experience of Russia in Sevastopol, and then in St. Petersburg, when the military and doctors used the plague or cholera (it has not yet been established what was there) to criminally enrich themselves. In our modern times, the coronavirus, as an I-Agent, must impose its political lobby. This is terrorism in action. Elite terrorism is manifested in every country and the factor of vaccination against coronavirus in the country is sometimes not logic to save the population or follow the recommendations of the world's rich sociopaths, but the mercantile enrichment of those who are in power. The authorities of regional countries are subordinate to the technical terrorist of the WHO and in parallel carry out their personal plan of world terrorists to subjugate the people and for the sake of their enrichment.


The material is large and all not included in one block ending can be read in the Telegramm channel Tribule


In 91, Freeland graduated from Harvard (Bachelor of Russian History and Literature), in the 93rd year she was already a master of Slavic studies at St. Anthony's College, Oxford.Volumetric material for special operation corona 🤴 19 ⬇️

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