Kazan Crown Case 21 . Joint investigation of the Tribule Editorial Board with a group of Tatar-Mongolian and Polish partisans. 

Kazan Crown Case 21 . Joint investigation of the Tribule Editorial Board with a group of Tatar-Mongolian and Polish partisans. 





 I am glad to welcome you to the family of cities of the World Organization "United Cities and Local Authorities", the history of which dates back to 1913. For more than 100 years of its existence, the organization has become a powerful tool for influencing cities and local authorities in the process of making global decisions. Another proof of this can be considered the recognition of UCLG as a key UN partner on local government issues and the inclusion, at the initiative of UCLG, of the autonomous sustainable urban development goal in the list of Sustainable Development Goals until 2030.  UCLG is the only organization in the world that recognizes the Eurasian geopolitical region, and the Eurasian branch has been actively working towards Eurasian integration from the very beginning. We really have a wide and representative geographical coverage of cities in our region, serious organizational potential and high motivation for the consolidation of local authorities in the interests of promoting the Eurasian integration process.  In modern conditions of the global political crisis, cities bear a colossal responsibility for the preservation and development of municipal and intercultural ties, which is facilitated by UCLG, finding such ways of international cooperation and exchange of best practices that can be useful to all members of the UCLG organization. Participation in UCLG provides an opportunity to gain access to international experience, to enter the world community of cities, and also to present their socio-cultural and industrial potential.  Since 2004, we have enriched ourselves with significant experience in solving urban problems, entered a new stage of growth. Today, the Eurasian Branch is the main engine for the development of public diplomacy in the Eurasian space. We have big plans ahead. I am confident that, being together, united, we will achieve all our goals. The world organization with the Tatar Khan headed under the brand "United cities and local authorities" is located under the roof of the mechanic of the ORN, the socialist Guterres and sees himself as the ruler of the world in the image of the future kingdom of the Antichrist. The mechanisms for the utilization of the world's population have acquired a wide scope especially brightly this process started after the WHO exercises in the Republic of the Russian Federation Tatarstan, the city of Kazan and the opening in Moscow of the neo-Mars office Klaus Schwab with the loud name of the center of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in Moscow, and of course the membership of Kazan Khan and Mayor Ilyasov in the global organization at the UN - "United Cities and Local Authorities" played an important role. Why the WHO military exercises were held in Kazan. These are military joint exercises of the Government of the Russian Federation and some unidentified persons from the WHO, exercises with the use of military equipment camouflaged as virus equipment and why it is in Kazan that the globalist - members of the UCMW (political international organized crime group) implement their agenda. 

Why are large-scale exercises to counter the "epidemiological emergency" according to manuals and with the active participation of specialists from the WHO being held these days in Kazan? Investigating this topic, we came to one very curious and oldest of the currently operating, world organization - "United Cities and Local Authorities". The headquarters of the Eurasian branch of UCLG is located in Kazan, and the structure is headed (for 15 years) by the mayor of the capital of Tatarstan Ilsur Metshin. This NGO, without getting into the information field, but at the same time acting completely openly, covered more than half of Russia and 70% of the world's population with its tentacles. The study of the speeches of its representatives, its constitution and resolutions following the results of various summits and assemblies leads us to an unequivocal conclusion - we are dealing with the largest criminal project of the globalist communists of the UN 🇺🇳 to reformat the local self-government bodies of nation-states in the right ideological and political way of the "sustainable development goals", completely subordinates individual cities and regions to the new, world power, while nullifying the power and influence of national governments and leaders of countries that cement national sovereignty. You probably have not heard of UCLG, and we do not want to be unfounded - so we immediately go to the essence of the topic. From the official website of the world organization "United Cities and Local Authorities" we learn that the history of its creation goes back to 1913 (the structure created then was called the International Union of Cities). 


The need to create a permanent structure at the UN, which would coordinate the actions of local authorities, as well as speak on their behalf in the UN, was first stated at the First World Assembly of Cities and Local Authorities in 1996 in Istanbul. Subsequently, this led to the establishment of a renewed non-governmental organization – UCLG. 

The official website says that the recognition of UCLG as a key partner of the UN on local authorities and the inclusion of the autonomous goal of sustainable urban development in the list of sustainable development goals (SDGs) of the UN until 2030 at the initiative of UCLG can be considered proof of authority. 


"Participation in UHMA opens up an opportunity to gain access to international experience, enter the world community of cities, as well as present their socio-cultural and industrial potential," the website of the Eurasian branch of UGG says. 


Traditional common words, although already here, and we are observant people, began to ask questions: a key partner of the UN in interaction with municipalities around the world and one of the compilers of the SDGs – what political agenda will he adhere to? 

A few figures: UCLG unites 5 billion people from 240,000 municipalities around the world, which is 70% of the world's population. Its network has literally entangled the earth's surface with a web and covers every corner of the globe: cities, regions and megacities, as well as 175 associations of local and regional authorities in 140 countries. 

The UCLG World Organization consists of seven regional offices, as well as megacities and regional offices. We began to watch the Eurasian branch closest to Europe and Europe itself, representing how they declare the interests of local and regional authorities of Russia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine and Mongolia. You know, Ladies and Gentlemen, it's not much or less than 1/6 of the land and about 300 million people. The members of the branch in the Russian Federation are the cities of Veliky Bulgar, Veliky Novgorod, Derbent, Kazan, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Suzdal, Yaroslavl. The Eurasian branch of UCLG includes high regional and municipal officials from Samara, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Mytishchi, Perm, Krasnoyarsk, Novosibirsk, Neftekamsk, Rostov-on-Don, Ulyanovsk, Yekaterinburg, Krasnoyarsk, Grozny, Stavropol, Nizhny Novgorod, Bugulma - a total of 40 regions of the Russian Federation have settlements-members of this NGO. 

The scope is far from the ruble euro 💶 and the dollar 💵, the world network of municipalities under the mechanics of the UN 🇺🇳 New York even has its own constitution, adopted at the General Assembly of UCLG on May 5, 2004 in Paris. 


We are meticulous people and offer to study the key points:

"Taking into account the UN-Habitat agenda, the declaration of cities and other settlements of the new millennium, Agenda 21 of the UN (the program for the implementation of the "green economy" - approx. ed.) and the political declaration of the World Summit on Sustainable Development..." As many have already guessed, the global agenda and the UN SDGs are the basis of the UCLG concept. To call it an independent ideology or strategy, the language does not turn – before us is a classic aggregator of globalists, sowing seeds at the level of regions and cities around the world. "We take into account that the world is changing rapidly due to the change of economic, technological demographic, environmental and social forces. The traditional role of the state is deeply affected by these trends, national governments cannot centrally manage and control the complex systems of cities and towns of present and tomorrow. Population growth and the ongoing process of urbanization make the tasks of local authorities more complex, but increasingly important. We recognize the vital role of local authorities as a resource for sustainable development, urbanization and the rights of citizens; the key role of local authorities as a force promoting human rights – as enshrined in UN documents; our responsibility is to actively participate in responding to the challenges facing humanity: poverty, intolerance, discrimination, exclusiveness, degradation of the OCD. environment and cultural alignment".  Somewhere we've heard and read it all before, haven't we? Again, "sustainable development" is a definition first used by analysts at the Club of Rome (created by the late David Rockefeller) from the "Limits to Growth" report. This is the foundation of the current environmental and demographic policy of the globalist: in addition to the UN, it is implemented by the World Economic Forum headed by neo Marx Klaus Schwab, the World Bulgarian Bank of Kristalina Ivanovna Georgieva and many other network structures. The essence of the program in a simple way can be defined as "less people - more oxygen".. Well, or the exit to zero (in fact - even negative) growth of the population and industry of the planet. Let's pay attention to the direct attack on the main enemy of this agenda: "national governments, they say, cannot manage and control." It is quite logical: the national sovereign states of the world and their peoples are the last barrier and bulwark before coming out of the shadows of the world government, which will rule the entire planet directly. "We focus on strengthening local authorities in any country, as this strengthens the nation as a whole and the world community; international cooperation at the municipal level and decentralized partnerships, diplomacy, sister city relations, international initiatives – a vital path to building a sustainable world; the more local authorities come together at the national, regional and local levels, the more effectively they voice the will of the communities they serve." Here, the authors of the UCLG constitution are very disingenuous: decentralization of governance, of course, strengthens the "world community", i.e. global institutions, but not a specific "nation as a whole". And to voice to the authorities on the ground, who have received membership in the organization, it is not the will of its residents, but the same unified agenda of the WEF, the World Security Council and the UN. That is, the decentralization of power in a single state is a screen, it removes natural barriers for globalists, who actually create the most rigid communist centralized and unified management, which had no analogues in the history of the world and mankind. 

Let's move on to the "constitutional" tasks of UGG:

"Ensure effective political representation of local government in the international community, especially in the UN and its agencies.

Ensure racial and gender equality and combat all forms of discrimination that are prohibited under international law and/or illegitimate in accordance with the values and policies of the organization.

Actively cooperate with the UN, its agencies, and other international organizations. To become the world's main source of information on local self-government, local authorities, international solidarity and the exchange of innovations. Organize congresses and other events, increase the number of participants in order to increase the political influence and financial autonomy of the organization." Inclusion/exclusivity has already appeared above (a favorite story with the "renovation of capitalism" from the globalists), and now - here you have "racial and gender equality" (as part of the UCLG there is a whole Statutory Committee on Gender Equality - approx. ed.). That is, complete BLM and pederasty (almost everyone probably already knows that gender is a fake pseudoscientific "social sex", which was introduced into the world agenda for the reproduction of all sorts of perversions). "Increase political influence" and "actively cooperate" with the UN and its daughters, the leadership of UCLG needs everything for the same thing mentioned above - to subordinate the global agenda of local self-government bodies throughout the Earth. 

"Members of the organization should support, promote and adhere to the mission, goals and objectives of the organization.

Representatives of the World Council of the organization (meets at least once a year) must hold positions in local governments (for example, to be the mayor, head of a region or municipality – ed.) A member shall be excluded if his or her activities violate the obligations and principles established by this Constitution." It is the norm for such powerful global structures to demand full political and ideological consensus from their members. Simply put, if you do not like the theory of gender, tolerance for perversions, if you are against depopulation and deindustrialization, and the well-being of your country and people for you is above "inclusiveness" and "world common good" – be kind to go out.

Let's move on to listing UHOME partners who do not need additional comments: the European Commission, OECD, the World Bank, UN-Habitat (UN Human Settlements Programme), UN Women – UN Entity for Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment, UN Alliance of Civilizations (multiculturalism, unification of all nations and religions), United Nations Development Programme (support for the SDGs at all levels).


With the structure and orientation of this office - non-conors, we have figured out and will move on to the case of the Eurasian branch of UHMA (EO UGV) under consideration. Since 2006, it has been headed by the mayor of Kazan (permanent, has held the post since the beginning of 2006, when this position was established) - Ilsur Metshin. Candidate of Legal Sciences Metshin in his 52 years managed to visit the head of various administrations, a deputy of the State Council of Tatarstan, president of FC Rubin, is part of the Presidential Personnel Reserve of Russia, in 2019 received from the hands of Vladimir Putin the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" of the III degree. However, in 2020, Metshin became a defendant in the investigation of the FBK banned in the Russian Federation and now in the Russian prison Alexei Navalny: his video "Lucky Mayor" told about the real estate of the official in the amount of about 700 million rubles (including a chic family residence), allegedly acquired as a result of corruption.

"Lucky" Mayor Ilsur Metshin


Headquarters Navalny in Kazan. 

Multi-million dollar real estate, expensive banquets, weddings with the first echelon of Russian stars - all this the mayor of Kazan somehow managed to arrange for his relatively modest income.

But the main skate of Metshin is constant interaction with "respected partners" and on the official website of the UGGF proudly declares:

"From the very beginning of its activity, the Eurasian branch has been actively working towards Eurasian integration. We really have a wide and representative geographical coverage of the cities of our region, serious organizational potential and high motivation for the consolidation of local authorities in the interests of promoting the Eurasian integration process." Let's make a small correction: in fact, they are promoting not the Eurasian, but the world integration process. This is clearly seen in concrete examples. In 2018, the Congress of Local Authorities of Eurasia was held in Cheboksary under the title "Towards the implementation of sustainable development goals" that has been stuffed with scum. 


For the first time, the event was attended by Hayk Nikoghosyan, Senior Advisor of the European Healthy Cities Network of the World Health Organization. He thanked Metshin for the invitation and stressed that "both world movements have common goals." Following the meeting, Metshin noted that the participation of WHO indicates the growth of the organization, and at the end of the speech, he called on all Eurasian colleagues from the MLA to work intensively to implement the SDGs from the UN at the municipal level. Here everything is said very clearly - to wave to the globalists and repeat their mantras like a parrot, Metshin learned to perfection. To help the globalists and the digitalization of education - it is no coincidence that the mayor of Kazan invited to the congress a certain editor-in-chief of the Open School for Sustainable Development Ekaterina Perfilieva. She spoke about the "extremely important project" "Know Your Goals" – it is an open e-school, "a platform for promoting the ideas of sustainable development through providing information to the Russian-speaking population through online education", – commented on the "very useful" innovation from the globalists on brain fre. For his persistent promotion of the interests of the world government in November 2019, Metshin was appointed head of the UN Advisory Committee on Local Self-Government (it includes 323 thousand municipalities, megacities and regions around the world). 


This is the most powerful and influential structure focused on municipal needs. The main purpose of the advisory committee is "to defend the interests of local self-government in the UN, to promote dialogue between local authorities and national governments." 

So writes about this event RIA Novosti, focusing on the official press release. In fact, local authorities that are members of UCLG should persistently lobby the agenda of the globalists before their national governments, turn into a kind of foreign agents who think "decentralized and inclusive" - this is the kind of "dialogue" that Metshin will now promote.

Another landmark recent event under the auspices of the united cities and local authorities world organization is the meeting of cultural leaders from local government in Izmir, Turkey, at the end of September 2021, at which they were called upon to "create a shape for the future for humanity." 


The form is English shape, that is, "shapers" came to the summit - a word from the lexicon of Herr Schwab. The first community of shapers was established at the WEF in 2011. By 2020, the number of foresighters who "think" the global world has reached 10 thousand people. It is a global network that positions itself as one family and prides itself on erasing the boundaries of nation-states. By the way, the Russian bankster-transhumanist German Gref once said that the shaper is his "dream worker". 

And here is what Metshin said at the summit in Izmir:

"The pandemic has become a catalyst for the development of the cultural and creative industry, creating current trends and opening up new directions for urban development." 

On the street, globalists and their henchmen are a permanent holiday from the "pandemic" - they literally pray for Covid, because it constantly "acts as a catalyst", "promotes digital innovation", "inclusive economy" and so on. All the changes they have prepared for civilization in the long run can now be carried out instantly under the noise of a "pandemic". Even if there was no new coronavirus, they certainly wouldn't have refused to come up with it. You can consider all this a "coincidence" if you will.


In the final part of our review, we publish the decisions that were approved by the Assembly of the Eurasian Branch of UCLG under the leadership of the Mayor of Kazan in June 2021 in Yakutsk. 


We consider this important, because the globalists have finally lost their shores – it's time to make public and expose their destructive activities in Russia.

Thus, the Appeal of local and regional authorities of Eurasia to national governments was approved. What do Metshin comrades demand from the Government of the Russian Federation? Nothing less than to initiate at the regional and municipal level throughout the country the preparation of "voluntary national reviews" on how the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals are being implemented on the ground in Russia. 

And of course, this is an additional stimulation to their active implementation. We believe in other nation-states there are similar governors of Khana mechanics of the UN 🇺🇳 who also demand from national officials something similar and not selflessly and under the roof of the UN 🇺🇳 with the central office in New York, the US depository 🇺🇸. 

"We recognize that the Sustainable Development Goals are global in nature, but their achievement and the solution of the challenges they encompass occurs at the local, local and regional levels. We support the fundamental principle of the Agenda on participatory and inclusive processes. Stakeholder participation in the preparation of reviews of progress towards the SDGs contributes to sustainable decision-making by enabling groups affected by these decisions to communicate their needs, interests and visions." 

Do you understand this delusional Russian language? We are also not very - there is a direct (or rather, a curve) translation from English. The habit of fogging up with abstract phrases that cannot be interpreted concretely at all – the corporate identity of the drafters of the UN, UNESCO, WHO, G20 summit, etc. And this story fits perfectly into the series – we have little doubt that the resolution of the UCLG EO meeting was originally not made by Eurasians in English. 

"We appeal to the national governments of our countries to ensure our participation in the preparation of voluntary national reviews of the achievement of the SDGs by local and regional authorities (up to the review by chapters - what specific activities were carried out to achieve a particular goal - approx. ed.)". 

That is, this global structure (the Eurasian branch of UCLG) directly promotes the agenda of globalists in a still-like sovereign state, which is proudly declared by the federal authorities, Russian and other indigenous peoples of Russia (!). The government of the Russian Federation, according to the henchmen of the globalists, should provide regulatory and financial support for the implementation of the global SDGs in Russia. That's such an interesting mission metshin comrades.

The next point is even more stilted: it is proposed to implement the directive of the UCLG General Assembly on "involving cities and local authorities in promoting inclusive multilateralism." 

And it is explicitly stated that local and regional authorities, it turns out, have international obligations to the UN, which require further strengthening of ties with the UN, and not with the national authorities. 

Further, the UN methods for the use of "soft power" in the implementation of its manuals through local and regional authorities of individual states are described in detail. Very entertaining instructions that are openly used by the leadership of UCLG (UN Six) and all its units. This is a clear example of how global NGOs use the "institutional mechanisms" of the UN to interfere in the internal politics of countries around the world – and it would be good for federal controllers in the person of national special services, the Ministry of Justice, and other agencies to finally pay close attention to this gathering and begin to suppress issues, possibly within the framework of criminal proceedings on the fact of an attempt on national coups D'état. 

By the way, the fruits of The long "partnership" of Kazan Metshin with the globalists regularly pop up here and there, but they are noticeable only to an attentive observer. On September 20, 2021, a multicultural "national train" is launched in the Kazan metro, whose passengers for some reason will be taught to confess their love and speak tongue twisters in different languages of the peoples of the world. But on September 22, the mayor of Kazan defiantly comes to work by metro, thereby supporting the World Car Abandonment Day - a multicultural in the style of unforgettable work of neo-Marx Klaus Schwab the fourth industrial revolution, according to which you will have nothing personal in 2030, including no personal car, they decided so - the destruction of personal transport (although the official drowning in luxury is unlikely to give up luxury cars anymore, than for one trip) - all Metshin strictly according to the patterns of Davos and the UN. 

The conclusions are disappointing. A global state with global power has already come to nation-states. Through structures such as UCLG, the Cities Alliance, the UN Cities Summit, etc., globalists openly seize influence in local self-government bodies - local power, immersed in the debauchery of bribes and their agenda and linked the territorial authorities of nation-states with bonded cooperation / partnership obligations, the authorities simply cease to be sovereign and national. At the same time, federal authorities and national governments are excluded from the process of political governance – there is a decentralization of state management. And all this is happening under the false slogans of "genuine people's democracy". As we can see from the example of the documents adopted by UCLG, there does not smell of democracy at any level - the regional offices simply stupidly accept the globalists who are crookedly translated from English. This is how sovereign states are destroyed and control "on the ground" is completely intercepted. The result of this project of the World Wide Web of cities and regions with destroyed national power will be their reassembly under the rigid centralized hand of world power. In Christian terms, it will be the kingdom of the Antichrist. Let's ask ourselves and the relevant national law enforcement agencies a simple task: the mayor of any city of the national state, which is part of this Kazan structure Metshin, has in his office the goals of the national project "Demography", which he must implement. Here before him is the national Constitution and the National Security Strategy, which speaks about the priority of the spiritual over the material and the importance of protecting traditional values. And next to them is another document - the constitution of the world organization "United Cities and Local Authorities" at the UN, in which the mayor of Kazan takes the place of a big bump. And it says about the need to restrain the growth of population and industry, not to interfere with the propaganda of the "free choice" of gender and orientation, etc. If the conditional mayor, in the case we are considering, the mayor of Kazan Metshin somehow shows international "partners" that he thinks differently, his membership in UCLG will be canceled - these are their rules. So in whose interest will this character and similar national mayors act?  It was a rhetorical question - and now it becomes completely clear to us why emergency exercises of the WHO and Rospotrebnadzor are held in Kazan, and on the basis of the Saratov Center of the Russian Federation Microbe 🦠 organize a pan-European center for poisoning citizens. 



The WHO Collaborating Centre is an agency designated by the Director-General of WHO as part of an international collaborating network that supports WHO programmes at all levels.

WHO collaborating centres participate in activities based on a workplan jointly prepared by the centre and WHO in accordance with WHO rules. Activities can be carried out at the national, cross-national, regional, interregional and global levels. These centres also contribute to strengthening technical cooperation between WHO and countries, as well as directly between different countries, by providing them with information, relevant services and advice, as well as by stimulating and supporting research and training. WHO collaborating centres can be both institutions that demonstrate growing capacity to perform functions or functions related to the WHO programme, as well as institutions with high scientific and technological potential that have received international recognition.  Around the world, there is a network of WHO collaborating centres with great scientific and technological potential. There are more than 20 WHO collaborating centres in the Russian Federation with various functions. The Russian Federation has extensive experience in combating epidemics and outbreaks of particularly dangerous infectious diseases. Back in 1963, specialized anti-epidemic emergency response formations were created in the USSR on the basis of anti-plague institutions - specialized anti-epidemic brigades (SPEB). In 2007-2010, the material, technical and technological base of these formations was completely modernized. Currently, on the basis of five anti-plague institutes of Rospotrebnadzor, 10 SPEB operates. For more than 55 years of speBB's existence, a huge experience has been accumulated in the participation of these formations in the fight against epidemic manifestations of especially dangerous infectious diseases (plague, cholera, anthrax and others), in the prevention and elimination of epidemic consequences of natural disasters (earthquakes, floods), in ensuring sanitary and epidemiological well-being in humanitarian disaster zones. Over the past decade, within the framework of WHO's cooperation with Rospotrebnadzor, significant experience has been accumulated in responding to outbreaks of especially dangerous infectious diseases around the world, including, together with the SPEB of the Microbe Institute - in Africa, the Middle East, and Central Asia. For a number of years (since 2015), the Microbe Institute has been the leading implementer of a number of programs to provide logistical, scientific and methodological assistance to Russia's partner countries to counter infectious diseases and build national capacity to respond to public health threats of a sanitary and epidemiological nature with the support of the Government of the Russian Federation. The main areas of cooperation with the participation of RosNIPCHI "Microbe" of Rospotrebnadzor are the provision of material and technical support to partner countries through the supply of mobile laboratories, nutrient media, diagnostic drugs and consumables; carrying out joint work on epizootological examination of natural focal areas, performing joint research, training specialists and conducting joint exercises. Interaction is carried out with the CIS countries, as well as with Mongolia, China, Vietnam, the Republic of Guinea, the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

RosNIPCHI "Microbe" of Rospotrebnadzor has extensive experience in the development, creation and use of mobile laboratories of biological profile of various formats. These developments are protected by more than 20 patents of the Russian Federation.  Since 2018, the Institute has been working with WHO and GOARN on the standardization of mobile laboratories.  The purpose of creating a WHO collaborating center on the basis of the Microbe Institute is to use the scientific potential and practical experience accumulated in the Russian Federation in the field of combating infectious diseases, including through the use of mobile laboratories. The main task of the center is to increase the readiness of countries to respond to threats of a biological nature, including epidemics and pandemics of infectious diseases. The totality of the historical experience of the sanitary and epidemiological service of Russia in organizing large-scale anti-epidemic measures, ensuring biological safety and modern technologies in the field of creating new diagnostic and preventive tools, mathematical modeling in order to predict the epidemiological situation make it possible to ensure the effective implementation of measures aimed at curbing the epidemic spread of COVID-19 in the Russian Federation, which made it possible to avoid the introduction of large-scale lockdowns in Russia in the autumn-winter period of 2020-2021. The practical experience and new scientific knowledge gained in the fight against the pandemic undoubtedly require reflection and serious analysis. But it is already obvious that humanity must be prepared for such challenges. To do this, it is necessary to strengthen all components of the system of response to them, including the development of scientific research and increase the effectiveness of international cooperation in the field of prompt response to such threats.


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What do you think the Lady and Gentlemen how the story ended with the landing of Ethiopians WHO in the Russian Tatarstan and the city of Kazan? Tatars now working for us report: 

Tatarstan, against the background of the deterioration of the epidemiological situation, will limit travel in public transport in two weeks: citizens over 18 years old will now be able to travel only if they have a QR code or a certificate of medical leave from vaccination, elderly people over 60 years old who have not been vaccinated will be suspended from transport cards. Also, from November 9, employers in the region will remove employees who have not yet received the first dose of the vaccine.

The U.S. polity is the most appropriate combination of 🇺🇸 democracy and law to combat the unconstitutional actions of the Oval Office in today's challenging conditions of the Civil War of national governments against their own populations. 

At least 11 U.S. states have filed a lawsuit against the introduction of mandatory vaccination for employees of large companies. This was written by missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt on November 6 on his website. According to the Attorney General, against the introduction of mandatory vaccination, which is promoted by the Biden administration, were Arkansas, Montana, Alaska, Wyoming, New Hampshire, South Dakota, North Dakota, Missouri, Arizona, Nebraska and Iowa. Several organizations have joined this list.

"Today, I led a coalition of 11 states to file a lawsuit to stop the illegal mandatory vaccination announced by Joe Biden, I am challenging Joe Biden and his administration to court to protect personal freedoms, preserve Missouri's business and confront bureaucratic tyrants," Schmitt said.

Newfangled, Historic, Stylish parties in a private underwater bomb shelter without a certificate of state injection and Joe's QR code. The waters of New York await you near the mouth of the Hudson River within the city limits. How is that possible for a loyal party dude or dude to ask us? Oh, it's very simple guys, because we knew how to end and made our underwater club 👯 ♂️ Staten Island [ˌstæt.ən ˈaɪlənd] Capercaillie's Nest in the underground kingdom of Piranha. In case anyone doesn't know, this is one of the five boroughs of New York City, located on the island of the same name. The most geographically remote and least populated of all the districts of New York. The southernmost part of new York state; it is geographically the same as Richmond County and was therefore called Richmond County until 1975. It became an urban area of New York City in 1898.

You book your leisure time from us by booking places and service for your requests and the ability to pay for our luxurious meeting, including the transport component of the delivery of your bodies to the place of immersion of the bathyscaphe Tribule  to the bottom of the bay and your personal accommodation at the bottom in our luxury apartments and super program. All Girls, you can exhale. 


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