Fake ram virus has never been isolated or seen because of its complete absence in real life. But - from him already in vaccinated as much as 13 of the most different "vaccines"! And another 55 "vaccines" are waiting for registration and sale.

How many of you know how many CREATURES have in store ways to infect and kill people under the guise of "caring" about their health?

Clearly – for socially-smart zombey-sectarians = "witnesses of covid", fans of Rockefeller bigpharma, cattle-muzzles, cattle tests, cattle-vaccines and all the other labuda prescribed to them by the TV.

Many have not yet realized that there is not a war, but a legalized massacre = self-slaughter.

Thus, through a preliminary conspiracy with the American media and top journalists, a criminal community and an international criminal group was formed, in the common people called a gang.

The CDC is quietly removing 6,000 deaths from the COVID vaccine from its website.

The CDC-linked VAERS website released weekly data last Friday.

The site has recorded 11,140 deaths from a false vaccine against false COVID in the United States.

That's an increase from the 9125 reported deaths from the total number of COVID-19 false COVID-19 vaccinations last week.

The number of vaccine-related deaths has skyrocketed this year. According to the CDC's own data.

On Wednesday, the CDC posted on its website that there have been 12313 deaths from the false COVID vaccine since December.

But then a strange illegal behavior happened. After the CDC published this issue, they returned a few hours later and changed it to 6,079 reported deaths in the U.S. from a false vaccine against false COVID.

Infowars posted a video of screenshots from the CDC website on Wednesday.

The CDC has removed more than 6,000 deaths from a false vaccine from its website in 6 hours.

Why do you work so rudely Comrades criminals?

The injection site💉 is attracted by a magnet🤔

Joe with his sexy Delta here is not a new guy on the dance floor, such dancers who interfere with the eggs of 🥚 🥚 received roger

"In the U.S. Department of Defense, 2,000 vaccinated employees have contracted COVID-19.

The U.S. Department of Defense has faced approximately 2,000 cases of COVID-19 among more than 2 million fully vaccinated employees. 

41 of them fell ill with the Delta variant, CNN reported on Friday, July 23, citing Pentagon spokesman Major Cesar Santiago-Santini.

"As in the civilian sector, we are seeing an increase in the number of COVID-19 cases caused by what we believe is the Delta variant. 

We are closely monitoring the spread of chupacabra👻virus infection regardless of the type of variant, and we urge everyone to be vaccinated," Santiago-Santini said.

He noted that the identified cases of infection are both asymptomatic and symptomatic, while they account for less than 0.1% of immunized Pentagon workers.

41 cases have been confirmed as a Delta variant, but the major believes that this largely depends on the complexity and time required to conduct a full genome sequencing to test the variant.

"Whole genome sequencing (WGS) is a laboratory process for analyzing all of a person's DNA. <...> 

There are other restrictions on sequencing, such as a period of time of two to three weeks to process them," Santiago-Santini said.

In mid-July, Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said about 70 percent of U.S. troops had received at least one dose of liquid.

Is it not eable to transfer Delta data and the analysis test to an independent examination? 

What's up? There is no delta. And when the military finds out, another Delta will come for you. 

To what extent are the results of televirus tests at the airport, in clinics, in the hospital and at checkpoints reliable? 

On the evening of July 23, Channel 12 (Israel) stunned viewers with the findings of a journalistic investigation.

After the concepts of "negative" and "positive" became part of our lives, it turned out that both are unreliable: 

you can "get sick" with a negative test and be healthy with a positive one.

The overall result of the investigation can not be called anything other than a sensation: every third test gives an erroneous result.

Spouses Tal and Gil Prineta flew to Barcelona for a week – "after we were vaccinated and tested." 

Before returning to Israel, they were tested and tested negative. 

At Ben Gurion Airport, they were also tested. According to Gil, "Everything worked like clockwork. I've never left the airport at that speed in my life."

24 hours later, in the midst of shopping in the store, he received a phone notification from the Ministry of Health: "You are sick with coronavirus."

As Gil recalls, "We raced home and began three weeks of quarantine."

But his wife's negative test also quickly changed: "She went with her daughter every day to do a check. 

On the fourth day, she opened my door – and I had no contact with anyone – threw herself around my neck and said: 

"Now I have been informed that I am also sick with the "crown". Suddenly, her negative test came back positive."

How many such people are there in Israel? How many people have tested negative as carriers of the televirus? 

The head of the Department of Public Health, Dr. Sharon Elroe-Price, said in a July 23 interview with Channel 12: 

"Between 5 and 15 percent of those who tested negative may then end up positive and vice versa."

However, from her vague explanation, it followed that the number of people with erroneous televirus test results could rise to 30 percent.

How else? Virus fake, fake tests, doctors fake, presidents walking advertising agents fake. 

Daily Number of Deaths in Sweden from False Virus Reaches Zero

Sweden was slandered in 2020 for refusing strict isolation. 

The Guardian called this approach a "disaster" in the making, while CBS News said Sweden was "an example of how not to fight COVID-19."

And Sweden's policy of non-interference in the false pandemic continues today. 

Unlike its European neighbors, Sweden welcomes tourists. 

Firms and schools are open almost without restrictions. 

As for masks, not only is there no mandate, but Swedish health officials do not recommend them.

What are the results of the ridiculed Swedish policy of non-interference? 

The data shows that the 7-day moving average of deaths from false COVID yesterday was zero. And now for a week it has been at zero.

A year ago, it was clear that the hyperbolic claims of a "Swedish catastrophe" were false. 

But a year later, there is undeniable evidence that Sweden has largely handled the pandemic correctly. 

Sweden's overall mortality rate in 2020 was lower than in most of Europe, and its economy suffered much less. 

Meanwhile, Sweden is now freer and healthier than almost any other country in Europe.

As much of the world remains gripped by fear and countries are inventing new restrictions to restrict fundamental freedoms, 

Sweden remains a vital and vivid reminder that there is a better way to live – not to lie.

       Why wasn't Sweden bent?

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