Most likely, few people translated the words of the Nazi marches from German and few people thought about the meanings of the words of these marches 🥁 sounded in the squares of the cities conquered by the Wehrmacht. Namely, these marches 🥁 sounded from the propaganda machines to the trenches of the militias. Of all the words sneaking to the trembling march "Erika" and the incomprehensible word "erica". What did the Wehrmacht mean by this word? 

"Eureka!", that is, "Found!" Means that the Nazis found something like this and yell at all corners it is their "erica". If the fighters knew, what does the word mean?

"Erika" means "heather" in German. And the first words of the march sounded like this:

In the meadow, a small flower bloomed,

That heather flower.

And hundreds of bees are circling around him,

Sweet heather:

Beckons their magical aroma

Petals that tremble in the wind.

In the meadow, a small flower bloomed,

That heather flower.

And that's after the boom-boom-boom drum.

Next, a girl named Erica is woven into the words of the march:

And in the land of the birth girl lives,

Her name is Erica.

No it is more expensive and more faithful than it,

I'm happy with Erica.

Only heather will dissolve its color —

I send greetings to her in the song.

Let the sweet flower bloom soon,

Wait for me, Erica!

That's what they sang about and to what music the Wehrmacht marched, making the whole world tremble.

A little about the history of fascist songs. 

1923 Yuri Abramovich Khait, Pavel Danilovich German (USSR) published the song "Aviamarsh", the chorus began with the words:

"Higher, higher and higher..." 

The young terrorist Soviet state of the Bolsheviks needed hymns glorifying the Red Army, and this work hit exactly the target. Very quickly, the song became the official anthem of the Air Force of the Soviet Union. Soon it was sung by everyone, and the youth crowds fell into the circles of Osoaviakhim to enroll in the "red falcons".


Higher, higher and higher

We strive for the flight of our birds,

And every propeller breathes

The tranquility of our borders.

In the mid-1920s, the Civil War had just flooded the entire country with blood, which meant that the victory of world communism was approaching at the speed of light. The Soviet government supported "red" cells and parties all over the planet, including in defeated Germany. There (either in 1925, or in 1926) in a box with leaflets comes "Lied der roten Luftflotte" ("Song of the Red Air Fleet") - no less than a translation of the "March of the Aviators".


Drum höher und höher und höher

wir steigen trotz Haß und Hohn.

Ein jeder Propeller singt surrend (das Lied):

Wir schützen die Sowjetunion!

The leadership of the German Communists twisted a finger at the temple, because, tell me at the mercy, where in defeated Germany to apply the words: "We are aware of how the air fleet is growing stronger, Our first proletarian fleet in the world"? 

Neither the fortress, nor the navy, nor the proletariat somehow moves much. But, in pursuance of the instructions, this song was distributed among the workers. 

Well, don't the shock march go missing?

As time went on, the Nazis started in Berlin. At first, things were not going very well for them. Well, that's really bad. A full-time thousand people worked sluggishly, without a light. But then a young Joseph Goebbels came to Berlin and inspected the territory. Greatly surprised by the results, he took matters into his own hands, and since he was an excellent propagandist, they soon started talking about the Nazis as a real force, and new people reached out to them ... including from the Soviet "Mouth of the Front". Which brought with them the "Song of the Air Fleet".

It is not known for certain who reworked the words of the "March of the Aviators", but already in the late 1920s, the NSDAP stormtroopers cheerfully marched under the "Herbei zum Kampf...", which musically and sometimes verbally repeats the previous versions of the march.


Und höher und höher und höher

wir steigen trotz Haß und Verbot.

Und jeder S.A.-Mann ruft mutig: Heil Hitler!

Wir stürzen den Judischen Thron!

Confirmation can be seen in the newsreel or in the film by Leni Riefenstahl "Triumph of the Will", filmed in 1936, where cheerful "people with bright faces" are engaged in physical exercises to this tune.

The story surfaced in 1983, when radio presenter Seva Novgorodtsev was approached by the BBC with a request to choose music for newsreels about Soviet pilots. Then, in response, Seva sang them the "March of the Aviators", from the other side of the phone, after a little silence, they replied that it was somehow wrong to accompany the Soviet aviation with Nazi marches. Here Seva himself was surprised and climbed into the archives. The British archives did not give an exact answer, but the first girl he met in the corridor from the German department happily said: 

‘’ Ja, ja! Das ist „Horst Vessel“ 

Seva was even more surprised and began to dig deeper, as a result of finding a recording of the march "Herbei zum Kampf ...". Then, in the same year, the BBC broadcast on rock crops officially announced that the March of the Aviators was nothing more than a Nazi anthem with other words.

In the early 2000s, researchers proved that the March of the Aviators was published in May 1923 (before all other variants).

Today, none of the journalists and TV companies at all does not climb anywhere and does not even try to understand something. But this is just a march 🥁 and the lyrics of the song 🎶 need to understand. To understand that there is a targeted attack on the world and this will lead to the destruction of modern civilization.You were obliged to understand this truth for a long time, especially since you had a lot for such an understanding. 

COVID12 on the way, predicted in Rockefeller's Lock Step: 

Ex-CDC director warns that in the fall there will be an option more dangerous than Delta

Dr. Robert Redfield, warned that a variant of SARS-CoV-2, even more contagious than Delta, could hit the U.S. in just a few months.

"Unfortunately, I'm going to predict that within two, three, four months, we're going to have another option and that option will be more contagious," Redfield said. "The only thing we can all do to really resist the evolution of this next option, to slow it down, is to vaccinate our population."

The Covid-Plan/Rockefeller Lockstep 2010 tells us that a simulated global outbreak requires certain steps, different phases, overall timing and expected outcomes. We have seen all this and will see it again. And it was laid out in Rockefeller Lockstep 2010:

Create a highly contagious but very low mortality rate virus to fit the plan needed. Using SARS, HIV, a hybrid research strain created in the Fort Dietrich Class 4 laboratory from 2008 to 2013 as part of a research project to find out why corona viruses spread like wildfire in bats but are extremely difficult to infect humans. To counteract this, they added 4 HIV inserts to the virus. The missing key to infect humans is Ace-2-Receptor. 

Create a weapon-friendly version of the virus with a much higher mortality rate as a backup plan. Let it be ready for release in Phase 3, but only if necessary. SARS, HIV, MERS, an armed strain of Tribit created in the Fort Dietrich Class 4 laboratory in 2015. Transport the research strain to another Class 4 laboratory, the National Microbiology Laboratory in Winnipeg, Canada, and let it be specifically "stolen and smuggled by China" and delivered to China's only Class 4 laboratory, which is the Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan, China. The main scenario is its naturalness. The scenario is that China created it and released it by accident. 

Find all the talking heads: Fauci, Birx, Tedrosa and agencies, the World Health Organization, NIAID, the CDC, and the UN that will be involved in the pandemic response until the planned release of a research strain to control the scenario throughout the operation. 

Create and fund a vaccination and deployment plan so that it can be rolled out globally (Gates: Decade of Vaccines and Global Vaccine Action Plan, 2010-2020). Create and fund vaccination, verification and certification protocols, Digital ID, to ensure compliance/confirmation of the vaccination program after mandatory deployment is introduced. 

Model the lockstep hypothesis just before the planned release of the research strain, using a real exercise (Event 201 in October 2019) as the final war game to determine the expected response, time frame, and outcomes. 

Release the research strain at the Wuhan Institute of Virology itself, and then blame it on the release of a natural scapegoat - the seafood market (Wuhan wet market, November 2019). Just like in simulation. 

Downplay human-to-human transmission for as long as possible to allow the research strain to spread globally before any country can block the response to avoid the initial infection.

Once the country has seen the infection, block incoming/outgoing travel. Keep it transmitted domestically, let it spread as long as possible. Once enough people in a country/region are infected, impose forced quarantine/isolation on that area and expand lockdown zones slowly over time, inflating the mortality rate, tying the research strain to deaths that have little to do with the real virus to keep fear and compliance at maximum. 

If someone dies for any reason and is found to have COVID, consider it a Covid death. And if someone thinks they may have had symptoms of covid, let's say they don't have covid, treat it as a Covid death.

Keep public quarantine as long as possible to disrupt the region's economy, create civil unrest, disrupt the supply chain, and cause massive food shortages. And also cause a weakening of the immune system of people due to the lack of interaction with the bacteria of other people, the outside world, that is, things that keep our immune system alert and active. 

Downplay and attack any potential treatments and keep repeating that the only cure that is viable to fight this virus is a vaccine. Continue to stretch the quarantine over and over again at "two-week intervals" [the words "two weeks" are pronounced like spells], which will cause more and more people to eventually stand up and protest. Challenge them. 

And here's the key part for now: Eventually end the Phase 1 quarantine. Once they've got enough, publicly state that you think "it's too early to end the isolation, but I'm going to do it anyway." Once the audience bounces back, wait a few weeks and keep "typing."

Investigate the mortality rate of Covid strains, August-September 2020, and combine it with an increase in mortality due to people dying from common diseases, who will die at a higher rate than usual, due to a severely weakened immune system due to months of isolation [You should wear masks regularly, social distancing - the inability to naturally exchange bacteria, viruses and thereby educate, strengthen immunity]. 

After all, quarantine Phase 2, from October to November 2020, at an even more extreme level and blame the protesters, mostly people who no longer trust their governments, as the cause of a huge, terrible second wave when the media will say, "We told you that. It was still too early. It's all your fault because you needed to get a haircut. Your freedoms have consequences." [If all this unfolds in this way, the U.S. election will be canceled, postponed, or suspended, and there will be unrest in Russia]. 

Enforce phase 2 quarantine at a much more extreme level by increasing the penalty for disobedience. Replace fines with a prison term. Consider all travels inconsequential and impossible. Increase the number of checkpoints, including military checkpoints. Increase tracking with the required app. Take control of food, gas and create a large-scale shortage of everything so that people can access basic products or services only if they first give permission for a vaccine with all the ensuing consequences.

Keep the Phase 2 lockdown for a much longer period of time than the Phase 1 lock, continuing to disrupt the global economy – further deteriorating the supply chain and further exacerbating food shortages and the like. Challe any public outrage through extreme action or force and make anyone who challenges you appear to be the No. 1 public enemy to those who are willing to comply after a fairly long Phase 2 plus 6 month lockdown, and roll out a vaccination program and vaccine certification and make it mandatory for everyone by giving priority access to those who applied from the start, and let those who are for it attack those who are against it, saying "they are a threat and are the cause of all problems," using words like "we can't get back to normal life until everyone accepts the vaccine. And the people who challenge them harm our way of life and are therefore enemies."

Do we hope everything is clear? 

Turn people against each other, and riots and food shortages will justify military violence in all sorts of forms. That's their plan, we've been talking about it for a long time. 

If most people agree with this agenda, then the World will enter a new hellish system of values not only in the coming years, but also in centuries, and most likely, the world will 🗺 cease as a world of people altogether. 

      For the Children took up tightly. 

Walmart. Collection of dolls from New York. Doll-sized mask and protective face mask -$7.99. 

The last message of a terrorist with a big mouth.

"We want teachers to be vaccinated, we want school staff to be vaccinated, and we want children to have the right to do so ... get vaccinated."

YOUNG WORLD LEADERS: SHAPING THE FUTURE ACCORDING TO NEO Marx Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum. It's Klaus 

created the Young World Leaders Forum in 2004 to help the world tighten its belts and address these complex issues with these people: 

🥁Alexander Soros

🥁 Tulsey Gabbard

🥁 Daniel Crenshaw

🥁Mark Zuckerberg

🥁David de Rothschild

🥁Megan Rapinoe

Imagine, Friends, that this bag of shit and flabby muscles is telling anti-vaccivacationists if he's already told anti-maskers.

In the capital of Australia, Canberra, a "hard" lockdown is introduced. Melbourne is extending the lockdown as Sydney introduces a no-shot-no-work policy.

Tyranny of this kind during a special operation is painted and it is planned in all countries of the world. Australia 🇦🇺 shows no sign of allowing the government to do such obviously illegal acts. In Australia, 🦘 are experimenting and testing a terrorist military scenario and a plan to implement the enslavement of the population.

An Inca skull with a gold implant plate over 500 years old found in Peru.

It can be seen that the operation was carried out successfully and the plate partially fused with the skull, that is, the patient survived and lived for years after the operation.

Ϻɾ. Ѕμɾɠεση

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