Arrest 🚔, unequivocal arrest 🚔 or liquidation. It's a matter of time and nothing more. 

Arrest 🚔, unequivocal arrest 🚔 or liquidation. It's a matter of time and nothing more. 

When everything is built on 100% lies

"This is Patient X from the Brisbane Delta Cluster, Australia. He has a story that will not only terrify but anger anyone who finds themself isolated in south-east Queensland."

The problem is that the false media posted a photo with patient X from Australia, publishing England, as can be seen from the power outlets in the room. 

🇮🇱Force of false vaccines 💉: New cases of false COVID19 are confirmed daily in Israel. 

2020 (blue) and 2021 (orange).

In 2021, when all of Israel did what the most important doctors on the Planet — Semit Gates and his hamite doll Gebreyesus — said should end the pandemic, vaccinated, the daily confirmed cases are almost double the number in 2020, when no one was vaccinated.

The Schwabo freaks no longer hide. Now, before everyone's eyes, this terrorist scum is copulating their efforts to implement the NWO: Bill Gates and George Soros are buying out a British covid testing company.

"The Soros Economic Development Foundation and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation have announced the launch of a new initiative," Global Access Health.

Billionaires George Soros and Bill Gates are part of a consortium set up specifically to buy Mologic, a British manufacturer of covid tests, in a bid to expand access to "affordable modern medical technology" around the world, according to a statement released Monday.

The Soros Economic Development Foundation and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation have announced the launch of a new Global Access Health (GAH) initiative. The technology can also be used to test for dengue fever, bilgarsia and more. Mologic Ltd, best known today for the technology used to conduct rapid tests on COVID19.

Mologic Ltd, Bedford Technology Park, Terley, Bedfordshire, MK44 2YA, UK, +44 (0) 1234 780020,

Mologic is a developer of technologies, products and services for diagnostics and rapid diagnostics. Mologic works with companies, researchers, and clinicians to help them make fast, reliable, and accurate on-site diagnoses.

By the way, the consonant name of the company - Moloch - is a name or term that occurs in the Bible several times, mainly in the book of Leviticus. The Bible strongly condemns practices that are associated with Moloch, practices that included the sacrifice of children. 

Moloch apparently could denote the epithet of the supreme deity, just like Baal.

On 30 January 2020, the World Health Organization declared the outbreak a public health emergency of international concern and a pandemic on 11 March.

However, Friends, propaganda posters about covid passports were printed in advance, as early as JANUARY 2020, that is, before the so-called "pandemic", which speaks to what speaks ... 

White House Pool New York Times correspondent Annie Carney described guests at Obama's birthday party without masks as "sophisticated, vaccinated." During a cnN appearance, Carney said those present were a "sophisticated" crowd "taking all precautions," convincing the plebs that criticism of the Negro and his parties had been "overblown."

Meanwhile, numerous videos/photos show Obama and his guests without 🐏masks having fun in close proximity to each other, while "fully vaccinated" Americans are told to put on a rag and distance themselves from each other to stop the spread of COVID19.

In the second video, you can see one of the moments of the party of former US Obama.

Here Gates behaves as if he is the king of the whole world, and all his slaves. 

A close friend and colleague of Epstein, who collected sperm for his eugenic experiments and creation of a super-man, which Jeffrey was obsessed with, on his pedo island, is proposed to refuse unvaccinated elderly people like him to pay Social Security checks if they refuse to be vaccinated, he simply rusts, as if he offers not to deprive people of freedom, but to give it to them.

Just imagine the whole level of this democratic sur? Some sick state criminal sits and talks about medicine, not being a doctor, and proposes to limit the elderly, to whom he has nothing to do. And it's being feigned in the White House. And if tomorrow this guy says "let's eat people" then what then..?

2500+ VAERS reports of Bell's Palsy/Facial Palsy after mRNA/Vaccines from BigPharma

More than 500,000 cases related to Covid vaccines have been reported in the VAERS System. This video records people suffering from Bell's Palsy after mRNA injections.

2500 injuries, one for every five frames. 

Citizens outraged by Arkansas governor AND medical tyranny

A false PCR test set above 35 cycles yields 90% or more of fraudulent results.

🚩A government, business, and hospitals are massively testing healthy people with a fraudulent false test.

🚩Fully vaccinated still get infected with false COVID19 around the world through false tests 

🚩Experimental gene therapy (mRNA) revealed more side effects and deaths than all other vaccines combined.

🚩Blocking kills people, and wearing Petri plates is unscientific.

Arrest 🚔, unequivocal arrest 🚔 or liquidation. It's a matter of time and nothing more.

Arrest 🚔, unequivocal arrest 🚔 or liquidation. It's a matter of time and nothing more. 

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