📋 صداهای قلبی و ریوی در شرایط نرمال و بیماری ها 

📋 صداهای قلبی و ریوی در شرایط نرمال و بیماری ها 


(Prolonged expiratory phase with wheezing)

📍ویزینگ(wheezing): صدای مداوم موزیکال مربوط به باریک شدن یا انسداد نسبی راه هوایی

(Inspiratory stridor in croup)

📍استریدور(stridor):صدای خشن با تون بالا به دنبال انسداد راه هوایی فوقانی

📍کراکل(crackles): صدای ملایم، با تون بالا و منقطع در هنگام دم

Typical breath sounds heard over the trachea and areas of lung consolidation

📍صدای بم و بلند در قسمت قدام قفسه سینه و بروی جناغ و در بازدم بهتر شنیده می شود

(Normal Breath Sounds)

📍Typical breath sounds heard over most lung fields.

(A leathery sound that fluctuates with the respiratory cycle)

📍فریکشن راب(Friction Rub): صدای ناهنجار یا غژغژ موضعی، ناشی از مالش دو لایه ملتهب جداری و احشایی پرده جنب

📍Areas of consolidation cause a patient's vocalized "E" to sound like "A."

📍The murmur of a ventricular septal defect is similar to that of mitral regurgitation but is louder at the left lower sternal border than at the apex.

📍از طریق شنت چپ به راست موجب افزایش جریان خون پولمونری و بزرگی حفرات سمت چپ قلب می شود

📍Sound is that of fixed S2 splitting, ie, S1–A2–P2 at rest (“out”) and with inspiration (“in”). Splitting is fixed because the volume of flow through the right ventricle is increased, eliminating the normal delay in closure of the pulmonic valve associated with inspiration

📍The murmur of patent ductus arteriosus is classically continuous and machine-like in character. It may be accompanied by an S3 and a mitral diastolic flow murmur when left-sided volumes are large

📍موجب شنت خون از آئورت به شریان پولمونری می شود و این شنت ممکن است موجب بزرگی حفرات سمت چپ قلب گردد

📍Pertussis in a child, with whooping. Pertussis causes paroxysmal coughing; only about half of patients develop classic whooping. In this recording, the child coughs without inspiration until she has emptied her lungs of air, then breathes in with a whoop. The whoop is caused by vocal cord adduction during inspiration

📍Pertussis in an adult, with whooping. In this recording, the patient coughs without inspiration until he has emptied his lungs of air, then breathes in with a whoop. The whoop is caused by vocal cord adduction during inspiration.

📍Pertussis in a child, without whooping. Pertussis causes paroxysmal coughing; only about half of patients develop classic whooping. In this recording, the child coughs without inspiration until she has emptied her lungs of air, then breathes in. There is a slight pause between the paroxysm and inspiration. In severe cases of pertussis, this pause may be long enough to qualify as apnea; children may become cyanotic, and the apnea may be life threatening.

کودک مبتلا به سیاه سرفه در زمان حمله بیماری
(کودک به جلو متمایل شده و صورتش بر افروخته و چشمها پر اشک و زبان به صورت لوله شده خارج می شود)

خونریزی های ملتحمه در کودک مبتلا به سیاه سرفه

📍Friction rubs are frequently described as creaking or scratching but may sound like more common murmurs. This rub is triphasic, with a soft systolic component and 2 louder components in quick succession during early diastole.

📍صدایی که در بعضی از بیماریهادر اثر سایش دو لایه پرده محافظ قلب (پریکارد) به هم ایجاد می شود.

📍Sound is that of a normal S1 followed by a sharp or slapping S2 and a blowing, high-pitched, decrescendo diastolic murmur.

📍The 6th beat is a ventricular premature beat (VPB). The 7th beat illustrates post-VPB potentiation of the murmur due to increased left ventricular filling during the post-VPB compensatory pause.

📍S1 is soft; S2 is obscured by a soft regurgitant murmur and a louder, low-pitched, late-diastolic murmur. The diastolic murmur mimics mitral stenosis and is attributed to mitral valve leaflet vibration or mild obstruction caused by rapid regurgitant flow

📍A diastolic knock is a loud S3 caused by constrictive pericarditis

📍Sound is that of S4–S1–S2

📍Prominent mitral stenosis murmur with presystolic accentuation, described as resembling a growl and bark. Mitral stenosis murmurs are typically rumbling and low-pitched and crescendo through diastole.

📍Sound is that of S1–A2–OS with a relatively long A2–OS interval. The opening snap (OS), most commonly caused by mitral stenosis, is thought to be caused by abrupt downward bulging (snapping) of the anterior leaflet as left ventricular pressure drops below left atrial pressure during diastole. A2–OS can be distinguished from a split S2 by dynamic maneuvers (OS intensity increases with inspiration, A2–OS interval widens with standing), a triple S2 (ie, A2–P2–OS), and a louder volume at the apex.

📍Sound is that of S1 followed by a late-systolic click and S2.

📍High pulmonary artery pressures may dilate the pulmonary artery, stretching the valve ring and causing a click when taut cusps open rapidly.

📍The murmur becomes audible only with inspiration (“in”) because inspiration decreases intrathoracic pressure, drawing more blood into the right ventricle and increasing right ventricular outflow

📍Sound is that of S1–S2–S3.

📍سرم تراپی
📍دندان قروچه
📍انواع اسپری تنفسی
📍انواع اشک مصنوعی
📍آشنایی با انواع شیرخشک
📍دارودرمانی زونا و نورالژی بعد از آن
📍رژیم های هلیکوباکتر
📍واکسن گارداسیل
📍راش های پوستی شایع اطفال
📍هرپس تناسلی
📍خشکی واژینال
📍داروهای ضدالتهاب در بارداری و شیردهی
📍برطرف کردن جای جوش
📍انواع ضایعات پوستی حلقوی
📍آشنایی با داروی فاویپیراویر
📍استریا(ترک پوستی)
📍انواع ریزش موهای شایع

📝 کانال و پیج صرفا نسخه!!(51K)

💊 @noooskhe

📱 اینستاگرام ما را دنبال کنید(64K)


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📍نحوه تزریق انسولین با قلم و سرنگ

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