The historical parallels and crimes of the 21st century in the form of Covid terror are all too obvious to continue to pretend that we do not see or understand the essence of the crime taking place.

The historical parallels and crimes of the 21st century in the form of Covid terror are all too obvious to continue to pretend that we do not see or understand the essence of the crime taking place.

Project Tribule 

This little girl was separated from her family, but it was her only hope to escape, 1938.

As part of Operation Kindertransport, Britain has housed thousands of Jewish children on its territory.The unfortunate were drowned alive and burned in the furnace. Russia choked on blood and almost disappeared. The Red Terror was declared by the Bolsheviks under the leadership of Ulyanov - Lenin, now the Russians in some captured cities of Ukraine put up his monuments, morons.  And then they declared the Red Terror against their political opponents. Mass violence, a bloody wave swept Russia during the Civil War, forever changed the face of this country. There was also white terror, and where without it, because every action gives rise to reaction, this is Newton's law. Who did these savage Bolsheviks imitate when they started the Red Terror, and who then borrowed this specific method of power struggle from them?  The Bolsheviks officially declared the Red Terror on September 5, 1918, after uritsky's assassination and the assassination attempt on Lenin. American historian Alexander Rabinovich points out that in Petrograd it was proclaimed on August 28, 1918. Other researchers count the Red Terror from the moment the Bolsheviks seized power.  Alexander Rabinovich the American is wrong. One can debate when the mass murders of Russian citizens by the Bolsheviks, dubbed the "Red Terror," began, but they became a historical fact long before September 5, 1918. Also, they had their own backstory. In 1902, even before the formal division of the members of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party (RSDLP) into Bolsheviks and Mensheviks, Vladimir Ulyanov wrote: "Without denying violence and terror in principle, we demanded work on the preparation of such forms of violence that would count on the direct participation of the masses and would ensure this participation."

Oh this may-pamper, this may-sorcerer has sorted my soul here with his cybernetic ploughshare...

You've got May today,

You're in the juice, in the favor of growth.

Open your mouth and take it, 

Hooey, my sweet uncle is on a visit.

Because I'm wandering, 

On history imperishable. 

At this point,

For which there are no dates. 

For which the rightness, 

I'll get there, no matter how hard you fight.

If you want to, suck it up.

Be sad, or laugh.

When in the last days of May

The Dnieper leaves the islands,

With Twitter, still blind,

Foliage hatches,

When the Rook

Swings wires,

It's raining, fresh and quiet,

Water runs from Tarasovskaya,

When everything moves, everything is alive,

And the blue is the endless ringing,-

Then, in the hour of the hanging spill,-

I love both tone and halftone,

And in the wind a flying hair,

And those buzzing bridges,

And a whisper, and a loud voice,

And the whole universe, and you.

Ivan Vladimirov. "The Reds Shoot the Enemies of the Revolution." 

Thus, the founder and ideological inspirer of Bolshevism, the kind and mentally close to Klaus Schwab grandfather Ulyanov - Lenin, Klaus is modest and hides his ancestral preferences from us, even 15 years before the October Revolution, considered the necessary condition for organized terror "the direct participation of the masses" from the deep grassroots, that is, the marginals. It was on them that the Leninists relied, who sought to establish a one-party dictatorship in Russia. At the same time, the participation of other socialist parties in the management of the state, not to mention liberals and even more so monarchists, was categorically excluded.

What was the purpose of these terrorists of the Holodran alcoholics in the Red Terror?  The Bolsheviks wanted to use terror to break the will of their opponents to resist; terror was an instrument of radical reformatting of Russian society. Instead of promoting a program of social elevators and broad reforms, Ulyanov, after seizing power, suggested that revolutionaries pit urban and rural marginals against the most cultural, successful, enterprising, independent groups of the population with the aim of their physical destruction and violent change in the structure of Russian society. In fact, it was about the extermination of part of the population by the Communists on the basis of class, about negative selection. It's not even genocide. More like a stratocide (from the Latin stratum, strata - layer, layer). It implies the destruction and persecution of certain social, social, professional groups. The point of social class killings was to make society submissive to the socialist experiment.  Doesn't the special operation of the world crown and their false vaccine remind you of anything in this story, Ladies and Gentlemen? To do this, it was necessary to exterminate representatives of those social groups that, due to their cultural level, religiosity and independence, under some favorable conditions in the future could become organizers or catalysts of resistance. Roughly speaking, the Russian peasant Vendée, which the Bolsheviks had foreseen, was to be left without field commanders. This was also the meaning of the Red Terror in other countries - in Spain during the civil war of the 1930s or in Kampuchea during the reign of Pol Pot.

"You killed the individuals, we will kill the classrooms"

This experience of management was practiced in the ancient Eastern despotisms. For example, the Assyrians, as the historian Karl Kautsky wrote, "paralyzed the forces of the defeated people in such a way that they took away their heads... the most noble, educated and combat-ready elements." As a result, "peasants and small artisans represented a poorly bound mass, unable to offer any resistance to the conquerors." The political terror of the early twentieth century is the terror of brave lone fanatics, ready, first of all, for self-sacrifice in the name of liberating the people from autocracy. At least in the way they understood this liberation. Since there were no representative bodies of power in Tsarist Russia before 1905-1906, society and power did not have a culture of civilized dialogue and communication. Therefore, pressure on the authorities was carried out by various extremist methods, including political terrorism. Naturally, the victims of terrorists were individual representatives of the authorities and the bureaucratic apparatus. Lenin considered real terror possible only with the participation of the broad masses. ( You need to inject everyone with a vaccine ). At the suggestion of Ulyanov's hereditary terrorist Lenin, and his brother was executed for attempting to assassinate the Russian Tsar, Klaus Schwab's briskly whispering grandfather believed that terror would only be effective with mass use. Only in these conditions of mass character does terror become effective, as well as truly revolutionary.  What was the point of killing "class enemies" one by one? You understand the scale of Klaus Schwab's grandfather's thought. What are your Islamists, thought the grandson of his beloved grandfather and did the practice of terror of the world and mass loss of snot to his own grandfather. By the way, the Russian military brings with them to Ukraine busts of the leader and put up monuments in the cities of Ukraine out of their own love for Lenin? Or is it a Putin/Schwab directive? 

Why do young illiterate Tatar-Mongols have such love for Lenin? What our may sorcerer 🧙 Klaus Schwab says — Mr. Fucking You're a Freak in your mouth 👄 

Do you know what inscription the Bolsheviks made on the obelisk installed on the grave of their Don associates Fyodor Podtelkov and Mikhail Krivoshlykov, executed by the Cossacks in May 1918?

A promise of revenge.  The inscription is eloquent: "You killed the individuals, we will kill the classes." 

In the USSR, the memory of Sofia Perovskaya, Andrei Zhelyabov, Ivan Kalyaev was immortalized, but at the same time, the authorities seemed to be afraid of arousing an increased and unhealthy interest in their activities, especially among young people – God forbid they create an example to follow. Therefore, the Red Terror of Lenin and the state terror of Stalin, being interrelated, acquired a special and independent significance.The Red Terror was not a forced situational decision of the Bolsheviks in difficult circumstances for them, but a conscious and long-thought-out method of political struggle. As early as October 1905, on the eve of the Highest Manifesto, which granted the State Duma legislative rights and society the first political freedoms in the history of Russia, Ulyanov instructed the militants in St. Petersburg:

"Go to the youth <...> Immediately establish fighting squads everywhere and everywhere, both among students and workers especially <...> Let them immediately arm themselves, whoever they can, whoever can, who with a revolver, who with a knife, who with a rag with kerosene for arson, etc. <...> Detachments must immediately begin military training <...> Some will immediately undertake the murder of a spike, the bombing of a police station, others - an attack on a bank to confiscate the means for the uprising < ... > Do not be afraid of these tentative attacks. They can, of course, degenerate into extremes, but this is the misfortune of tomorrow < ... > Let each squad learn at least from beating the city: dozens of victims will pay off with more than what hundreds of experienced fighters will give, who tomorrow will lead hundreds of thousands."

"Cut off the head of the gendarme"

It sounds bloodthirsty. Yes, the criminals of the homeless Leninists heard the calls of their leader. For example, the Ural Bolshevik Pyotr Yermakov (1884-1952), convicted in tsarist Russia for robbery and who participated 100 years ago in the murder of eleven people in the Ipatiev House in Yekaterinburg, became famous for cutting off the head of a gendarme. In 1934, in the USSR, he became an honored pensioner. With such "loyal Leninists", it is not surprising that 70 years ago, during the "Yezhovshchina" in the Vologda UNKVD, the Chekists-Stalinists not only shot "enemies of the people", but also chopped off their heads with an axe. Therefore, 1937 in the USSR became a natural and natural continuation of 1917. The October coup was actually a rebellious seizure of power in Russia by one party, paving the way for mass violence. After the Bolsheviks liquidated freedom of the press, the institutions of law and property in November-December 1917, the murders of "class-alien elements" became only a matter of time. Within a week of the coup, Lenin intended to deprive the representatives of the "bourgeoisie" of bread cards and "fight with bread cards" against class enemies. It was about the use of hunger as a repressive tool of Bolshevik power, about the cruel social war of the "poor classes" against the "haves".  And now they need a hunger to establish an NWO. What's wrong, my curious zero-cycle ecologists? 

Moreover, this war had nothing to do with the emergence of insignificant in terms of the number of White formations in the South and East of Russia at the end of 1917. So at the end of December 1917, Lenin wrote the famous article "How to organize a competition." Its author proclaimed the usefulness and expediency of "cleaning the Russian land from all kinds of harmful insects," including "bedbugs are rich." Some "insects" Ulyanov proposed to put in prison, others - to force to clean the sorters. The third (after the punishment cell) - to turn into outcasts, giving them special "yellow tickets" for identification (almost a QR code 🔐 in the phone, or like yellow stars 🌟), the fourth - to shoot after a dozen. For the sake of such a grandiose purge, the grandfather of Klaus Schwab, Lenin, proposed to expand the "competition of communes and communities", and the most "talented" and distinguished comrades - to open up opportunities for career growth (the young reserve of the WEF). A frank article made an eerie impression even on the associates of the fierce leader. Therefore, it was published in Pravda only in the winter of 1929, on the eve of Stalin's collectivization, during which the destruction of "insects" in lenin's state was completed. But the plans and priorities of Lenin, obsessed like the fool Bill Gates with viruses and vaccines, class hatred, this "extremist" text characterized in full.

The conquest of Russia took place according to the rules of primitive savages. And isn't what they're doing now with their vaccines the savagery of primitive savages? It's something else, right?  And this is then, all in wartime conditions, when the Germans at any time could resume hostilities. Everything is the same as then, and all the last two years our analytical international group was clear: Putin is preparing for war. And we gave these materials closed to general publications made and gave acquaintances to a number of people, but they, these Western degenerate high-ranking officials, continued to walk in public in their rags and with a syringe from door 🚪 to door 🚪. 

This is another story that clearly characterizes the Bolshevik terror. Having destroyed the old Russian army, having given it, in the words of Ulyanov, "for scrapping", the Bolsheviks remained unarmed before the Germans and in February 1918 began to hysterically call for defense against "the hordes of bourgeois-imperialist Germany."

And is the pronounced desire and actions of Soros / Barry Obama to eliminate the police, and the army in the states is something else? No, it's the same thing. And how else can the United States be placed under the protectorate of the UN 🇺🇳 Communists? 

Nohow. It is necessary to demoralize the police and the army with injections with biological weapons, those who disagree with stabbing this crap are fired. It's the same with doctors and teachers. So you're making a great replacement for white America. What's wrong? It's like that! 

Anti-Bolshevik poster, 1918. 

In the decree "The Socialist Fatherland in Danger!", adopted by the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR on February 21, Lenin demanded the creation of battalions for digging trenches, where "all able-bodied members of the bourgeois class, men and women, under the supervision of the Red Guards, were to be mobilized; those who resist should be shot."  What is the pain of the new Führer Putin's sore head now in 2022? In the same way, nothing more. The same sick schizophrenic as Klaus Schwab, the mental grandfather of the terrorist Ulyanov - Lenin. EVERYTHING IS ALSO 100%. The organizers and executors of terror were local authorities, the very "communes and communities" whose initiative Lenin called for to encourage. In the end, from the end of October 1917 to the summer of 1918, thousands of Russian citizens and ordinary people in different cities became victims of Bolshevik murders on a social class basis. The Bolsheviks always presented the Red Terror solely as a response to the White Terror. For example, the murder of Volodarsky and Uritsky, as well as the unsuccessful attempt on Lenin. But in fact, the Bolshevik terror began earlier. Now as for the whites. By April 1918, all the scattered armed forces of the Russian counterrevolution, called the White Movement — on the Don, kuban, in the Turgai steppes in the East — probably did not have a total of 10,000-15,000 fighters. And this is for a hundred million adult population of Russia! At that time, the White movement was of a regional nature, and the Red Terror had already become part of the Bolshevik policy, since it corresponded to the doctrine of the class struggle. It was about a violent change in the social structure of old Russia, which, according to Lenin, was "conquered by the Bolsheviks." It is not for nothing that Nikolai Golovin, a professor, lieutenant general of the General Staff, a scientist, researcher and military theorist, wrote: "The recognition by the leaders of the Bolsheviks of extreme terror as the main method of asserting their power became a natural < ... > In order to remain the leaders of the savage mobs, Lenin and his supporters had to be guided in their bloody conquest of Russia by the rules of primitive savages." "White terror is a cruel excess." But after all, white terror also existed, it cannot be considered an invention of red propaganda. With regard to the period of winter-spring of 1918, the White Terror is, first of all, the shooting of prisoners who participated in armed resistance to volunteers. But the same practice existed with the Reds. Alas, these are the cruel realities of the Russian Civil War. In war, there is no other way. Robberies, violence, murders, punitive actions against villages and hamlets in the areas of operation of the Red partisans, especially in the east of Russia – these are historical facts that it is pointless to deny.

A shot from the Soviet film "Once upon a time there was one woman"

However, the Bolsheviks did the same, especially in the Cossack regions or in the suppression of the Tambov uprising of 1920-1921. The Civil War abolishes moral laws and exposes the primitive instincts of the majority. But for all the mutual atrocities of the Russian Civil War, the leaders of the White movement never set themselves the goal of exterminating entire social groups or classes. They were not going to arrange negative selection, forcibly destroying the social structure of old Russia. Whites did not conquer their own country or seek to preserve a one-party dictatorship for decades. On the contrary, in the summer of 1920 in the Crimea (Ukraine), for example, General Wrangel tried to find a common language not only with the peasant population, but also with the workers. The Whites sought to protect those social institutions (primarily cultures, rights, self-government, property, and the church) that the Leninists fundamentally sought to destroy. Therefore, white terror, as a rule, is the cruel excesses, the extremes of the Civil War. The Red Terror is not so much an excess on the ground as a well-thought-out doctrine and a purposeful policy. Its goal is the destruction of entire groups of the population (nobility, clergy, merchants, Cossacks, rural bourgeoisie) for the sake of creating a new "socialist" society. And if we compare the number of victims, the victims of the White terror in the Crimea in 1919-1920 are estimated by local researchers at several hundred people. But when, after the evacuation of the army of General Wrangel in November 1920, the Bolsheviks seized the Crimea, the number of victims of the Red Terror was in the thousands, and according to other sources - tens of thousands of people. So compare.

Russian officers during the revolutionary terror in the Crimea were not only shot, but also drowned in the Black Sea with their hands tied and stones tied to their feet. A shot from the Soviet film "Admiral"

"Burned in the furnace of "Truvor""

The scale of Bolshevik violence was staggering. The first priest was killed by the Red Guards on October 31 (Old Style) 1917. It was the rector of the Catherine Cathedral of Tsarskoye Selo, Archpriest John Kochurov. His guilt lay only in the fact that he called on his compatriots to stop internecine strife and be guided by the laws of God. More to come. Already on December 16-17 in Sevastopol, on the initiative of the local revolutionary committee led by the Bolshevik Yuri Gaven, 62 officers were shot on Malakhov Kurgan. Over the next few days, officers were killed without trial on the streets and private apartments, using address books and telephone directories to search for them. The victims of the December killings were approximately 128 officers. This number included the former chief of staff of the commander of the Black Sea Fleet, Rear Admiral Mitrofan Kaskov, Lieutenant General Yuli Ketrits, as well as other ranks of the navy and army. That is, the Red Terror in the Crimea began not in 1920, when Bela Kun and Rosalia Zemlyachka became "famous", but at the end of 1917. In January 1918, mass murder swept across the Crimea. In Simferopol, the number of killed officers was estimated at several hundred people, especially the ranks of the Crimean Cavalry Regiment. In Yevpatoria, hundreds of officers who were recovering here were arrested. On the transport "Truvor" and the cruiser "Romania" the unfortunate were drowned alive, one officer - staff-rotmistr Nowatsky (or Novitsky) was burned in the furnace of "Truvor". St. George's cavalier, Major-General Baron Peter Wrangel, who lived in Yalta as a private citizen, was arrested on January 11. He escaped death by a miracle - he was courageously exhausted and saved from execution by his wife Olga Mikhailovna. Take Ukraine now. In the battles of January 25-26, 1918, the Bolsheviks under the command of the Left Socialist Revolutionary, former Lieutenant Colonel Mikhail Muravyov stormed Kiev. After that, the city began the merciless extermination of Russian military personnel, "bourgeois elements" and the intelligentsia. Approximately eight thousand Bolsheviks rampaged in a huge city with a population of 600,000 people, of which about 30,000 were officers of the old Russian army. Grandfather's dreams Klaus Schwab Lenina came true. Kiev was then a predominantly Russian city. This is well described by Mikhail Bulgakov. "Contra" was shot in the Mariinsky Park, on the ramparts of the Kiev fortress, on the slopes of the Tsarskoye Garden, in the forest near Darnitsa, in the Anatomical Theater, near the walls of the Mikhailovsky Monastery, near the fences of the Tsarsky and Merchant Gardens, on Alexander Descent and in other places. About two thousand officers who arrived for "registration" were hacked with swords. Metropolitan Vladimir (Bogoyavlensky) of Kiev and Galicia was robbed, shot, and then bayoneted with bayonets. In general, the number of clerics of the Orthodox Russian Church killed by the Bolsheviks in the period from October 1917 to Easter 1918 exceeded two dozen people. For example, in January-February 1918, the Bolsheviks shot processions and meetings of believers in Voronezh, Tula, and the Perm diocese. The total number of victims of kiev murders in the last days of January 1918 probably exceeded five thousand people. This number included about three thousand former officers and several hundred pupils of the Kiev Vladimir Cadet Corps. The murders were accompanied by rampant looting of "bourgeois" houses. According to the testimony of the professor of the Kiev University Mykola Mohylyansky, Kiev in the winter of 1918 experienced a tragedy that had not been "in its history since the capture of the city by Baty in the XIII century."

Still: "The White Guard" movie

Such rampant violence was not only in Kiev alone. In Sevastopol, on February 22-24, after receiving a decree-appeal of the Council of People's Commissars signed by Lenin "The Socialist Fatherland is in Danger!", the local Council and the city revkom headed by Gaven imposed an indemnity of 10 million rubles on representatives of the "bourgeoisie" and initiated mass murders of "exploiters", which were cynically called Bartholomew's nights. Their victims were more than 600 people. Among those killed in February 1918 were public figure G.A. Bronstein, philanthropist merchant of the 1st guild A.Y. Gidalevich, donors to education M.A. Kagan, artist M.M. Kazas, Vice Admiral S.F. Vasilkovsky, cavalier of the St. George arms Vice Admiral N.G. Lvov, members of the trade and industrial committee of Sevastopol M.E. Ostroverkhov, F.I. Kharchenko, L.M. Shulman and many other worthy and honorable people. That is, the flywheel of mass violence was spinning slowly but inexorably. Of course. The dreams of Klaus Švab Lenin's grandfather came true – the "masses" were involved in terror. Here are some more examples. In March 1918, in Glukhov, Chernihiv Governorate, on the initiative of local authorities, several hundred representatives of the "bourgeois-exploiting classes" were killed. In the early summer of 1918, the Ural Bolsheviks began to shoot servants who came with the family of Nicholas II from Tobolsk to Yekaterinburg, and then arrested. The very murder of the royal family, as well as its cook, doctor and two servants on the night of July 17, 1918, became both a political and a criminal offense. The list goes on. And all these murders had nothing to do with the fight against the small Volunteer Army. And here is the culmination of terrorist madness. It is known that the Bolsheviks liked to imitate the figures of the Great French Revolution. When unleashing mass violence in Russia, they used the experience of Jacobin terror.  Thus, in December 1917, Lenin, when discussing the candidacy of the chairman of the Cheka, proudly called him "his Fouquier-Tenville", remembering the bloody accuser of the revolutionary tribunal of the French Revolution. Of course, the Leninists took into account her experience, assessing, by the way, the harm of public executions. Murder in the basement seemed more appropriate, since there was nothing left of the murdered man - no words, no traces, no grave. By the way, the fates of apologists for revolutionary terror often developed in a similar way. As you know, in France, Antoine Fouquier-Tenville had his head cut off on the guillotine. And in Russia, many organizers and inspirers of the Red Terror (Gleb Bokiy, Yuri Gaven, Bela Kun, Mikhail Kedrov, Martyn Latsis and others) died in Stalin's purges. It is difficult to give exact figures on reliable data on the number of victims of the Red Terror. The range of estimates is very large, and all of them are more or less speculative. After all, even the general assessment of the demographic losses of the population of Russia during the Civil War remains debatable. Between 1917 and 1922, it may be acceptable to talk about the number of victims of the Red Terror in the range of half a million to a million. More is possible. Although it is officially believed that the Red Terror in Russia ended in 1921-1922 with the end of the armed struggle of the Reds and Whites, in fact the policy of Bolshevik repression simply took other forms. According to official data of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, for the period from 1921 to 1938, 4,835,937 people were arrested by the Cheka-GPU-OGPU-NKVD, including 3,341,989 people for "counter-revolutionary crimes". During this period, approximately 700-750 thousand "counter-revolutionaries" were shot (mainly in 1937-1938).

Historian K. Alexandrov at the site of mass graves of NKVD victims shot during the years of "Yezhovshchina". Dubovka, Voronezh region, 2018. Photo from the personal archive of K. Alexandrov. 

Comparative assessment: in tsarist Russia for 37 years (1875-1912) for all compositions (including serious criminal offenses and sentences of military field and military district courts) no more than six thousand people were executed, mostly those convicted of criminal offenses. Putin classified the archives until 2047 and still does not know the statistics of the death penalty in the USSR for the 1920s and 1980s in criminal cases. The culmination of terrorist madness and the fabrication in 1937 by employees of the Leningrad UNKVD of the group case of deaf-mute Leningrad residents, for example. Then the deaf-mutes were accused of creating a "fascist-terrorist organization", preparing terrorist attacks and distributing "counter-revolutionary" literature. As part of this case, the Chekists arrested 55 people, of whom 34 people were shot, and 19 people were sent to camps. In addition, during the pre-war decade (1930-1940), up to about one million dekulakized peasants and their families died during the stages of deportations and in special settlements for the dekulakized. About half a million people died in the Gulag during this time. Another 6.5 million people, according to estimates of demographers and the State Duma of the Russian Federation, are victims of the famine of 1933. What's there to talk about 🗣? 

The mass murderer of all times and peoples Dzhugashvili- Stalin was a faithful and diligent student of Lenin. And today we are dealing with their followers, grandchildren, modern communist fascists, they are also orderlies of the psychiatric hospital 🏥 "COVID19". 

Good afternoon 😃 A young fighter on a smoke break after the expulsion of Libyan troops from a border town conveys to you fiery 🇱🇾 greetings from Chad 🇹🇩 Libya conflict, 1987.  
Historical parallels and today's documents 🪪 on the special operation World Crown 🤴 19 as part of fairly well-studied portraits of the defendants in this crime of the 21st century are too obvious to continue to pretend that you do not see or do not understand the essence of the crime taking place. It is no longer possible to ignore these materials and it is obvious. Don't be such stubborn sheep and be like drug lord Pablo Escobar sitting carelessly at Disneyland, 1981. It will be eliminated later. 

The commandos knocked down the door and broke inside. At that moment, Escobar's bodyguard El Limón opened fire from a window on police officers who were trying to storm the house. El Limón was wounded and fell to the ground. Immediately after that, with a gun in his hands, Pablo Escobar himself leaned out of the same window. He opened indiscriminate fire in all directions. He then climbed out the window and tried to get away from his pursuers through the roof. A Colombian police sniper, who was hiding on the roof of a nearby house, wounded Escobar with a shot in the leg, and he fell. The next bullet struck Escobar in the back, after which the sniper approached Escobar and fired a control shot to the head. There are numerous testimonies and theories about who exactly fired the fatal shot that caused Pablo Escobar to drop dead on the roof of one of the houses in Medellín. The autopsy report mentions 3 bullet wounds: the first in the shoulder, the second in the left leg, and the third, fatal, in the right side of the head. Juan Pablo Escobar is sure that the fatal shot was made by none other than his father, since the drug king repeatedly told his son that if enemies surrounded him, he himself would shoot himself with his favorite pistol of the German brand "SIG Sauer" in the right ear to avoid capture alive. This proves that in the famous photo of the body of Pablo Escobar on the roof next to him lies exactly this gun, which was always with him, while his other pistol. Glock" was lying in a holster.

Pablo Picasso always had a revolver in his pocket, with which he shot at those who asked stupid questions, such as: -  What do your paintings mean?

𑀉_Triδᥙᥣᥱ Fᥲᥴᴛ᧐r

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