Murzilka 67.

Murzilka 67.

Ͳɦε Ɗαʝɭγ Ɠαʐεʈʈε'ʂ 🎸'Βεɾϻμɗα Ͳɾʝαηɠɭε Ѕαγʂ'🎙


Rockefeller took "Guernik" Picasso from the UN 🇺🇳

The tapestry depicting the bombing of the Spanish city of Guernica on April 26, 1937 by Nazi Germany and fascist Italy, commissioned by Nelson Rockefeller in 1955 and woven by the French workshop of Jacqueline de la Bom Durrbach, who had been hanging in front of the UN Security Council hall since 1984 to remind diplomats of the dangers of war, returned to its owner Nelson Rockefeller Jr. 

Neither the UN nor the Rockefeller Foundation have yet made any comments, but there is an opinion that the picture has become less relevant and it is time to start a new war ...

David Rockefeller Speaks 🖕at the UN about population control (1994)

How the Rothschilds hired their cousin Karl Marx. 

A political ideologue and extremist of the 19th century, who presented as a journalist and economist, a cousin of Rothschild Karl Heinrich Marx (May 5, 1818 - March 14, 1883) a student of his mentor Moses Hess, who created a supposedly "scientific" theory known as Marxism.

Karl Heinrich Marx was born in Prussia on May 5, 1818, in Trira, the son of Ashkenazi Jews Hirschel Mordechai and Henrietta Pressburg, who named him Haim Hirschel Mordechai. It is known that the genus Marx comes from the Talmudic rabbis, and his paternal ancestors were in the Trier rabbis since 1723 position; the last time his grandfather held this "duty."

During the Napoleonic War in 1883, Hirschel Mordechai became a Freemason, joined the Ansetic Loge L'Ltoile (Hanseatic Star) in the beautiful feudal Osnabrueck. After the war, in order to better infiltrate Prussian society, he feigned conversion to Lutheranism and pretended to be an "assimilated" bourgeois enlightened liberal interested in "freedom of thought." One of Marx's grandmothers was Nanette Salomon Barent-Cohen, who belonged to a wealthy Amsterdam family. And her cousin married Nathan Mayer Rothschild and gave birth to Lionel Nathan Rothschild, a "baron" and a member of parliament from the richest City of London.

2014. The story that an engineer who worked for Bill Gates for 10 years, and whom he knew as a snul, was arrested for child pornography. 

Despite the fact that the man was arrested right in the mansion of Bill and Melinda Gates Mansion and he found more than 6000 photos of the rape of children, Gates, of course, did not know about anything like this, and he had nothing to do with it, of course ...

Only a complete idiot, Friends, can believe that the paranoid Gates, who owns the full range of networking and AI capabilities when analysing the identity of the employed, did not know that his employee was a paedophile with all the ensuing.

By the way, which was predictable, paedophile Jones Ballard was never imprisoned, and he was simply ordered to stay away from all children ...

🎚In a photo of Mother Teresa with a conman, the father of Epstein's paedophile girlfriend, Gillen Robert Maxwell, an Israeli Mossad agent.

"Assimptomics" - the term took out of the dusty closet scam with AIDS and again offered the same rotten can in connection with a new scam. This term refers to ordinary people, and they cannot be the propagators of a cooid.

A friend of Gates, head of the CDC Fauci a year ago (28.01.2020.): "Even if there is some asymptomatic transmission, in the history of respiratory viruses of any type of asymptomatic transmission has never been the cause of outbreaks."

The doctor also told asymptomatic patients of AIDS.

HIV doesn't exist! (House of Numbers)

Spanish media published a video from an AIDS conference recently held in the country. Dr. Willner spoke in 1993, in front of many doctors and journalists, who tried to explain why he considers the virus a fabrication and a hoax. The doctor then injected HIV-infected blood with a syringe. However, after many years he survived.

Dr. Willner explained his act, which he did just over 20 years ago. He said he wanted to prove that AIDS theories and various methodologies for combating it were scientific fiction, and modern medicine should confirm that the virus did not exist.

Dr Robert Willner Injects "HIV" into himself on

Who with the brain and over noticed the similarity of the two brothers and the methods of their spread in the world. We are talking about AIDS and Kovid-19. Yes, the special operation of the 19 covid approached more seriously and thoroughly, took into account all the past shobs. If you think that new people with terms such as coviddissidents were invented in the past 2020, then this is not the case. And in those years, AIDS deniers were called speeddissidents.

Find 10 differences 👇 or five at least ...

The first conference on the promotion of the new disease was held in the United States, in Atlanta in 1985. Among the deceitful heroes of promotion, well known to us all the son of mother Teresa, and now an expert on coronavirus hysteria - Doctor evil 🦹 Fauci 👇

Left to right: speed - Corona 👑 - flu. 

Have you found 10 differences? 

💉Seed, a nurse who advertised vaccination died after being vaccinated. 

Advertised the vaccine on her profile proudly, happily and with a smile, telling everyone how to take the vaccine, straight high. Michela Foderini (January 14 and February 5) made the vaccine at Silvestrini Hospital:

The vaccine is made. This is the only "weapon" that protects us... It doesn't hurt...

The second dose of the vaccine... Italy is reborn with a flower of anti-vaccination. Umbria/Kovid vaccination has been taken.

IT: "February 26, Michela suddenly left us at 49 years old... Tomorrow she would have turned 49, and that night a cardiac arrest led to the death of Michela Foderini, whom everyone loved and knew...". 

Two more deaths after the vaccination of two propagandists (English and Polish doctor) - read here

Stop trusting all the splashing poisonous saliva from the monitor screen, pharmacists and some doctors who are harming not only you personally, but our society as a whole by following WHO orders run by China and a friend of epshain paedophile slave traders, sperm collectors and psychopaths who came up with a plan to reduce the world's population by vaccination, Gates.

Inform 🖕sby and protect your children SAMI, Friends, that would, as they say, then "... it wasn't excruciatingly painful...".

💉29-lazy nurse died by coercion.

Another nurse dies after receiving an injection from a cooida, which she was forced to do by her employer. FEBRUARY 20, 2021

Janet Moore, an assistant nurse in the U.S. at Admiral's Pointe Nursing and Rehabilitation in Huron, Ohio, died within 48 hours of receiving a #Covid vaccine her employer forced her to do. Moore had no known underlying health problems and was found unconscious in her car outside her apartment complex on December 31, 2020.

Janet L. Moore: 1981 - 2020

Born in Akron, she graduated from Springfield High School in 1999, received a STNA certificate and worked as a nurse's assistant in

Admirals Point (Nursing Home) and Speedway. Janet has a husband.

Michael, sons Brandon and Logan Selby, parents Brenda (James) Gregory and Louis (Harriet) Noland, grandmother Ellarut Noland, brothers Louis Noland and Jacob Gregory, nephew Joseph Gregory and niece.

🔜 The doctor and biological weapons expert believes that cooid vaccines are a form of "armed medicine" or biologically controlled biological weapons against all humanity on the planet.

The award-winning spinal surgeon and former president of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons believes Dr. Lee Merritt believes that mRNA vaccines that alter human DNA, and are now distributed in the U.S., rewrite our genetic code to make us vulnerable to a second virus that will be released later. Based on his experience researching biological weapons, Merritt believes that we live in an era of "fifth generation wars" when secret biological agents, economic warfare and propaganda are most effective. 

Dr. Lee Merritt studied biological weapons while working as an orthopedic surgeon in the U.S. Navy for 9 years, served on the board of the Arizona Medical Association and published many peer-reviewed articles.

Organizations that check the facts on social networks are not independent public health watchdogs, which they expose. Fact-checking funds for Facebook are funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which has donated more than $250 million in media management grants.

These organizations are engaged in what is described as a commitment to "combat the spread of misinformation" and that Facebook says it is working with "independent third-party fact-checking organizations" to verify content and take action against what is considered "viral misinformation" or fake news.

Facebook's CEO, Mark zuckerberg, said that when a message is identified as misinformation, meaning it is assigned a warning label as such by Facebook, it causes users not to click on it 95% of the time. Although it is presented as a tool to protect the public, it is a clear censorship that can easily put certain agendas on public display, silenced others. Facebook, again, declares its impartiality, but some of its fact-checking partners receive funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, raising serious questions about the conflict of interest.

Africa Check is a fact-checking organization that began operations in 2018 in five countries in sub-Saharan Africa. In 2019, they announced that they were expanding their reach to prevent fake news from spreading to 10 other languages, including Swahili in Kenya, Wolof in Senegal and Afrikaans in South Africa. 

In August 2019, the Gates Foundation paid Africa Check $1,478,700 for stated advocacy purposes to improve the accuracy of "health" statements made by public figures and to facilitate the use of evidence from the media and others. An additional $445,760 grant was also awarded to the Gates Foundation in 2017.

Journalist Tim Schwab of the Columbia Journalism Review said he found 16 examples of media allegations about Gates, and all but one amendment on incorrect malaria statistics - supported or defended Bill and Melinda Gates and/or their foundation.

The Poynter Institute is another beneficiary of the Gates Foundation, which received a $382,997 grant from Gates in November 2015 "to improve the accuracy of global media reports on global health and development." 

The International Fact Checker Network (IFCN) of the Pointer Institute certifies Facebook's fact-checking organizations that must adhere to their code of principles. Facebook is also a major sponsor of Poynter and its subsidiary PolitiFact. 

Bill Gates became an influential figure in public health, despite the lack of medical education and, for all, an obvious mental illness and mind-blowing. In addition to being WHO's main sponsor alongside China, which has the warmest relationship, the Gates Foundation funds a number of mainstream media outlets, providing a potentially troubling level of control over the free press.

According to Schwab, "I recently studied about twenty thousand charitable grants given to the Gates Foundation before the end of June, and found that more than $250 million was spent on journalism." Among the recipients of the Gates Foundation grants: 



Al Jazeera


National Journal

The Guardian



The Financial Times

The Atlantic

The Texas Tribune


Washington Monthly

Le Monde

The Center for Investigative Reporting

Thus, all the major media and the Internet are flooded with things praising the charitable efforts of the Gates Foundation. USA Today's Gannetta is one example that has protected Gates from criticism, including claims that he will profit from the drug remdesivier.

PolitiFact of the Poynter Institute, another Facebook fact-checking partner, also countered claims that the Gates Foundation would profit from the COVID-19 vaccine, saying, "False allegations about the Gates Foundation's connection to the new coronavirus are known" and such "fake news" on social media will be "marked as part of Facebook's efforts to combat false news and misinformation in its news feed." And this is despite the fact that Gates himself on the question whether he will be able to raise 200 billion on vaccines!! dollars, replied "Oh-oh-oh, yes-a-a-a-a

Schwab also said that how far Gates' puppet strings extend in the media remains unknown, as the foundation only discloses charitable grants, not contracts, except for one with Vox.

"Just as the media has given Gates a huge voice in the pandemic, the foundation has long used its charitable donations to shape public discourse on everything from health care in the world to education and agriculture - the level of influence that Bill Gates has reached in Forbes' list of the most influential people in the world," Schwab wrote. 

In a lawsuit filed against Facebook, zuckerberg and fact-checking organizations, Science Feedback, Poynter Institute and its subsidiary Politifact, the nonprofit group Children's Health Defense (CHD), alleges that Facebook censored information about vaccine safety and HEALTH problems due to 5G. 

In their lawsuit, they compared Facebook to 17th-century English printing houses through which the government controlled free speech. They allege that government agencies, namely the CDC and WHO, have actively partnered with Facebook to censor speeches by doctors, doctors and politicians critical of anti-medical lockout policies.

The lawsuit alleges: "At a time when the social media platform and its creator claim to be proponents of free speech and the scientific method of discovering the truth, this case suggests otherwise: they are indeed censors, and opponents of real science and open debate."

💉Neo-Marx, Chairman and Founder of weEF Schwab studied with Churchill: "Pandemic is a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, rethink and reboot our world.’’

Winston Churchill: "Never let a good crisis get a waste of time"

Shamefully covering the image of the Creator in themselves they do not stand before the Almighty: the action looks like a satanic ritual .

All medics know about it, but for some reason everyone is silent.

No "pandemic" in 2020 was not in sight, and the total mortality and mortality per 1000 people of the population remained within the usual statistics of all previous years, in which all quietly lived without any lockdowns, general quarantines, closed borders, medical masks with gloves, etc., etc., all their life every year ordinaryly experiencing regular seasonal outbreaks of various ARVips and not paying any attention to it. The dead were recorded in a covid for various reasons. And we don't need to show this circus 🎪 

"Today we celebrate a truly gloomy, heartbreaking chapter. 500,071 dead. More Americans died in the year of the pandemic than in World War I, World War II and the Vietnam War."


Mathematical analysis of U.S. 🇺🇸 death 🖕statistics since 1950 shows no excess deaths in 2020. There are good reasons to believe that the statistics 📊 grossly falsified. 

🇺🇸💉Friend a friend of paedophile slave trader Epstein Gates, head of the CDC, a real maniac and conman Fauci:

"There are things even if you are vaccinated that you will not be able to do in society. For example, indoor restaurants, theaters, places where people gather...". 😂

According to the UN, 10,000 children die during quarantine in one month, 550,000 children are malnourished, and 1.4 million die of tuberculosis.

Nearly 7,000 scientists, virologists and infectious disease experts recently signed a declaration against isolation measures urging citizens across the West to live a normal life, and that isolation rules in both the United States and the UK cause "irreparable harm." Professor Dr. Sunetra Gupta of the University of Oxford was one of the authors of the open letter, along with Dr. Martin Kulldorf of Harvard University and Dr. Jay Bhattacharya of Stanford.

The statement is consistent with other studies suggesting that isolation "will destroy at least seven times more years of human life" than it will save.

Researchers have found that the effects of worldwide blockage will be much more deadly than the virus itself. Meanwhile, according to all available data, mortality from the virus itself is equal to or much less than that of influenza for most age groups.

The Infection Mortality Rate (IFR) is the total number of deaths divided by the total number of people carrying the infection, whether they have clinical symptoms or not. IFR is a chance of death after contracting a virus.

Woman: "The only reason I assume the covid is going down is that..."

Medic: "People are sitting at home, amm, but you had a bit of, in my opinion, a little rigged anyway. It was just a scare tactic to get people to stay at home longer.

Another male voice: "So they didn't even check a lot of people, they just were coy if people were dying. Because the hospital gets paid for it, which says it's a covid..."

Greg was born on the Mornington Peninsula, where he lives with his wife Paula and two children.

Greg graduated from Melbourne University in law and received a Fulbright Scholarship to receive a master's degree in international relations at Yale. While living in a kibbutz in Israel and cycling around the EU.He cycled one from Melbourne to Sydney and "just knocked on people's doors and asked if I could sleep in their garage." Remarkably, this overseas adventure was carefully planned with the help of a Jewish MP in Victoria who persuaded the kibbutz organisers to let Hunt stay, telling them: "You never know, maybe in 25 years this guy can do something with the government here."

Now Hunt is the Australian Federal Minister of Health and his table book is the book of WEF founder Schwab's book "The Covid-Great Reboot."

😳💥Snow that this is the New World Order. 

Following the NSW Minister of Health and Medical Research, Wakehurst member Brad Hazzard, who called for the NWO to comply when he said: "... We must recognize that this is a new world order..." such a statement is made by the British MP. Member of Parliament Tobias Ellwood, in his congratulation to Barbara Woodward (Britain's new ambassador to the UN), said it must "force the UN to urgently adapt to the New World Order." 

Interestingly, the same woman who "should convince the UN of adopting the NWO" is also Britain's ambassador to China, which is one of the main sponsors of the introduction of the new normality.

"Congratulations to Barbara Woodward, our new ambassador to the United Nations," Ellwood writes, "She has brought tremendous experience to this role, not least because of her recent appointment as our ambassador to China. This is a critical time for the UK to force the UN to urgently adapt to the new world order."

Yes, now, just recharge 🖕and recognize the point of "Y." 

🇺🇸 This pretty and cheerful woman is Lindsey Boylan. She's a former special adviser to New York Governor Cuomo. And now she accuses him of sexual harassment, and claims that Cuomo molested her like many other women in his inner circle, and she says Cuomo's behavior was "normalized" in his entourage. 

At one time, another loving bought off from a prostitute and star Stormy Daniels, who extorted from this guy - a terrorist money for a hack, we are interested to see how the adventures of Cuomo, given even more serious circumstances in the form of the coe-like corpses of false New York 👇

What else does the unfortunate ignorant part of the plebs have to say to make him understand: Cuomo 🔜 you're a criminal👇

Jill Biden (far right) with her sisters (from left) Bonnie, Kelly, Kimmy and Jen. Photo:

Jill Biden with her sons Beau (left) and Hunter (right) in 1976. Photo: 

Joe and Jill Biden a year before their wedding in 1976. Photo:

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