Ritual murders of children in Belgium

Ritual murders of children in Belgium


Transcript of testimony about ritual murders of children in Belgium 



A series of publications-translations about satanic ritual violence, which begins this material, is intended for those who have strong nerves, a stable psyche and a certain goal - to understand the real structure of the power system in our world. 

History is not made by "transnational corporations," "committees," parties, or even governments, but by specific people in these systems and structures. People who are united with each other by their common spiritual qualities, addictions and objects of worship. Only by tracing these qualities and objects of worship can we explain to ourselves the conditions of life around us.

Issued by the International Court of Justice, Brussels.

Copyright ITCCS 2014 All rights reserved.

My name is Anne Marie van Blijenburgh. For twenty four years my husband was Kees van Korlaar. Along with his three brothers, Kees van Corlar is part of a criminal organization known as the Octopus Syndicate (editor's note: in Holland, this is the slang name for Ndrangheta, the modern Italian mafia). They have operated from 1960 to the present day. By order of Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, they organized the torture, rape and murder of children in public places. They organized this through juvenile detention centers [juvenile colonies] in the Netherlands.

 These centers offered to the Dutch court to transfer some teenagers, children for a certain period of time at the disposal of Queen Beatrix as workers. The centers were glad to have such cooperation with Bektrix, as with a very famous public figure. All formal issues of the transfer of children were resolved in consultation with a high-ranking officer of the court of Queen Beatrix.

 From these children, a child was selected who had neither a family nor relatives. He was sent by train to Zwolle, where he was taken to a building that was equipped as a hotel. It was not a hotel, although many people in the lobby gave the impression that it was a working hotel.

 The child was put on the table and given some kind of narcotic drink to drink. There was a building near this "hotel" where the spectacle took place. People were sitting in the hall, at a certain moment they brought this child in, tortured, raped and brutally killed in front of them.

 The audience revolved around Prince Johann Friso, Queen Beatrix's second son. I was told that Johann Friso was kind of crazy and had an unhealthy interest in young children. The psychiatrist was with him every day. His name is Guus Pareau Dumont.

 Queen Beatrix paid for these murders. Together with Johann Friso were his friends and relatives, so that the whole building was filled with the most famous people in the Netherlands: ministers, high-ranking officials. The members of the syndicate actively contributed to their invitation to this event, where they photographed these people so that later they could be able to blackmail them for their own purposes.

 Question: Could you name someone present?

 The people I recognized were Prince Johann Friso, his psychiatrist Gus Paro Dumont, I recognized Johann's wife Mabel Wisse Smit, she was there with the old man, I think it was George Soros, I recognized Mr. Donner [Donner], the former Minister of the Legislative Department, ..., I recognized Mr. van den Emster [Emster], he was the head of all judges in the Netherlands for many years, I recognized Dick Berlijn, the former head of the Netherlands War Department. I recognized one very famous journalist. I recognized Carla Eradus, the wife of the psychiatrist Friso, Karl was the president of the court in Amsterdam, the judge. I recognized Mark Rutte, he was the Prime Minister of the Netherlands at the time. I recognized Geert Wilders, at that time he was the head of the political party PVV and the head of the Dutch parliament.

 There were about fifty people every time I was taken there. I've been there three times. Every time I saw them kill a child. Two boys and one girl. I believe they were children from the Netherlands, I think they were taken from juvenile detention centers.

 Question: You said that the officials of the detention centers thought that the children were eaten?

 I asked the journalist of the newspaper "Telegraph" in 2005 or 2006 if it is possible to publish information in the newspaper about what is happening. The journalist told me that he checked my story by examining all the detention centers for juveniles in the Netherlands and spoke to people in those centers where they believed the children were being sent at the request of Queen Beatrix's court to work. Some of these people thought that Queen Beatrix ate these children, because no one ever heard of the children sent to Zwoll on the train.

 Question: Do you know what happened next with the remains of the murdered children, where are they buried, what did they do to them?

 Yes, unfortunately I know. They were first thrown into a cooling container behind that building. After several performances, the container was delivered to Belgium, there was a piece of land on which the children were thrown into a pit.

 Question: Do you know the name of this place in Belgium?

 I have to see him, I found him, but I have to see him.

 Question: What would you like to see as the result of all this?

 I want these criminals to be imprisoned forever.

 Question: You said that you did not receive any assistance in the Netherlands.

 Never, no, it's terrible, from 2004 to the present day. I spoke with every police officer I could talk to, with every official, with representatives of Interpol, I was in court to testify for an indictment in court and to investigate the case. The court told me that this is not my problem, but a problem of society, and the court does not consider it necessary to order the prosecutor to conduct an investigation. I did my best. I think everything stops because Queen Beatrix and the Dutch court are involved. And everyone who tries to investigate something is given a hand, because Queen Beatrix does not want it.

 Question: Are you ready to testify in this case in another court, say, in the Common Law Court?

 Yes. I have no objection to this. I am very, very indignant. If you saw what I saw ... It will always stay with me. I can't get away from it because it's one of the cruellest things I've seen, it's terrible, it's really terrible. Idiots. Once, when I was returning to my house, my husband took me (he was selling drugs), gave me the opportunity to see. On that trip when I came to my senses after the murder of the child ... I began to cry. My husband said, "Don't worry, they are orphans, they are just rubbish, it doesn't matter if they are killed." It's horrible. I cannot describe it. These people sat there and watched ...

 Question: Is your husband still alive?

 He is alive and he is still killing children. If you just think how many people they've killed since 2004, ten years later, they kill maybe ten or twenty people a year, if not more, that's terrible. I showed the police four locations in the Netherlands that they use to hide the bodies of the people they killed. Never, never a single policeman will look there, they are afraid.

 Question: Can you name these four places?

 Yes, I can name them, I can show them, I will let you know about them by email. But the criminals know that I told the police, they had every opportunity to hide the evidence, but I know two places in which it would be difficult for them to do it ... As a rule, in the Netherlands, when traces of a murder are found in a house, the police send 20 or 30 people to investigate. But when I tell the police that I know four places in the Netherlands that are used as a cemetery and that each may have 20 or 50 or even 100 bodies buried, no one is going to organize a search in those places.

 Question: Can you tell us your name and today's date? Please.

 Today is the 5th of June 2014, my name is Anna-Marie van Bliedenburg.

 Copyright ITCCS 2014 All rights reserved.

Cult of the Ninth Circle of Satanic Sacrifices

Ritual abuse practiced by hierarchs of the Roman Catholic Church, members of royal families, prominent politicians, representatives of governments and big business, united in the Cult of the Ninth Circle of Satanic Child Sacrifice 


From itccS Tribunal press releases.

This review contains press releases published on the Child Abuse Recovery website in the author's judy Byington section. 


A brief overview of Judy Byington's materials. The chronological order of publications has been preserved.



A series of publications-translations about satanic ritual violence, which continues this material, is intended for those who have strong nerves, a stable psyche and a certain goal - to understand the real structure of the power system in our world. 

History is not made by "transnational corporations," "committees," parties, or even governments, but by specific people in these systems and structures. People who are united with each other by their common spiritual qualities, addictions and objects of worship. Only by tracing these qualities and objects of worship can we explain to ourselves the conditions of life around us.



Judy Byington, January 6, 2014

"I saw Joseph Ratzinger, the former pope, kill a little girl," an eyewitness victim of the Black Mass told the International Tribunal for Crimes of Church and State. - It took place in a French castle in the autumn of 1987. It was terrible and happened more than once. Ratzinger, Afrink (then a Dutch Catholic cardinal) and Prince Bernard (the founder of the Bilderberg Club) were among the famous individuals who took part in mass."

Since the 1980s and until now, there is an act called Crimean Solicitations, according to which Catholics are excommunicated from the church and even receive a prison sentence if they complain or ill-treatment by high-ranking Vatican hierarchs.

Nevertheless, it became known about the use of children by the Catholic elite in black masses. In 2014, there were 9.9 million victims of sexual abuse by Catholic priests worldwide. In addition, 139 respondents to the 2007 Extreme Violence Survey reported that they had been abused as children, at least one of them having fallen victim to a Catholic priest as the object of a satanic ritual. According to surviving victims, during satanic rituals and black masses, children are usually killed.

The founder of the International Tribunal for Crimes of Church and State, Kevin Annette, collected evidence for the 2014 international court of common law investigation proving that the Vatican's top hierarchs held black masses with child sacrifices. On October 28, 2013, dutch therapist Toos Neuenhuis testified that as a child she witnessed the murder of a child involving Ratzinger, Afrink and Bernard. 



Details of the 9.9 million victims of Catholic priest violence have yet to be issued by the Vatican, even after a UN request. If an internal investigation into priest abuse ever becomes public, it probably won't include information about murder victims. Several witnesses reported murders of babies by Catholic nuns and priests, cases never tried in court.

"There were newborn babies. Many of them were premature, and I knew they were going to be killed," the former Catholic nun testified. She was taken to a monastery at the age of 14, her attempts to escape were unsuccessful. She was punished, for example - closed in a coffin for 9 hours, hung by the wrists for several days and deprived of food and water. By her own admission, she "became a mechanical doll, a creature belonging as property to Rome." 



Last February, Pope Ratzinger left office after the International Court of Justice in Brussels found him and 29 other members of the world elite involved in the case of 50,000 missing Canadian children. "We are preparing several investigations for the International Court of Common Law for 2014," Annette said in a recent telephone interview. "One of them in New York city on satanic ritual abuse in the Catholic Church."

Cases of murder of children without guardians almost never reach the court. A well-known example is when a Jesuit Catholic priest ordered the burial alive of a baby under the floor of his mission-school of St. John. Mary near Omaca, Washington. The Jesuits ran their own boarding schools in Washington, Oregon, Idaho and Alaska until they closed after a lawsuit by 500 victims over child abuse.

Another example, October 3, 1997, with the growing number of witnesses describing the deaths and even murders of children at a Catholic boarding school in Alberney, Canada, Constable Peters Jerry said, "We have never been able to investigate all the deaths of students at school. That would be too much of an investigation."

The Jesuits are a Roman Catholic military order with a history of 500 years. The Jesuits believe that they can commit any crime, and it will not defile their soul in any way. Obviously, they believe that their souls are not defiled by the crimes committed in boarding schools. Catholic priests avoided murder charges, as they did with those 500 victim witnesses. They contributed their $166 million to the largest sexual assault trial by a Catholic priest [to try to hush up the case].

Another murder committed by Catholic priests and nuns was included in the charge against Ratzinger. Part of the evidence presented to the ITCCS tribunal was that of Irene Favel. "They threw the baby into the oven and burned him alive," said Irene, 75, recalling the terrible events of her childhood spent at Mascovegan Saskatchewan Boarding School, Canada. - We heard a shout of "Uh-uh!" and that's it. And they smelled fried flesh."


The school was one of 80 schools run by the Canadian government and mainly by the Catholic Church. Since 2008, 29 mass graves of children have been discovered in the territories of Canadian boarding schools. Annette was denied permission to excavate these mass graves.

Another fact of genocide, which did not cause any legal consequences, was published on December 5, 2013 in the newspaper "Alberni Valley News". Surviving victims said that in addition to physical and sexual violence, they were used as test subjects in experiments of the American and Canadian governments. More than 1300 children held in Alberni boarding schools have been the subject of a decade-long test to study the effects of malnutrition on children's health. "We used to sell balls for leftover food," recalled one of the victims. - Hunger. I will always remember what it means to be hungry." 

In 2007, 513 respondents to Extreme Violence Investigations described their experiences as ritual abuse and mind control. Jesuit Catholic priests or "Enlightened" priests, such as those who abused 500 children in American Indian boarding schools, appear in the investigation as mind control experts. The Jesuits were Hitler's advisers before and during the war. The practice of Black Masses, inherited from Babylonian-Egyptian child sacrifices to God Moloch and used in Hitler's concentration camps, later became the basis for CIA mind control programs. Illegal experiments on children began in the 1950s with the involvement of Nazi specialists in Satanic rituals in the United States and Canada.


Jenny Hill of Garden Grove, California, testified to this in her biography: "Twenty-Two Faces: The Life of Jenny Hill in Her Twenty-Two Personalities" (Tate Publishers, Oklahoma, 2012) ... 

In this video, Jenny Hill describes how she witnessed a child sacrifice on the summer solstice on June 21, 1965, the murder took place under the control of a Nazi mind control specialist who was brought to the United States to work for the CIA:


There are eyewitness accounts of two Black Masses with the sacrifice of children, similar to those described by Jenny Hill. They took place near the Vatican in Rome. At the age of 12, a san Diego woman said she was brought to the catacombs near the Vatican as a girl and saw the sacrifice of a 3-4-year-old boy under the influence of drugs. About a similar satanic rite in the same catacombs of the Vatican told another witness. 

One Black Mass was the subject of consideration in a US court. Catholic priest Gerald Robinson was found guilty of murdering a nun in a sacristy chapel on Holy Saturday before Easter in 1980. During the ceremony, he carved a satanic symbol on the heart of Margaret's sister Ann Pal with a knife. Investigators reopened the murder case when Catholic priests in Toledo were accused of sexually abusing children. 

In December 2013, Catholic Pope Francis Bergoglio ignored the UN request and did not provide data on the Church's involvement in child trafficking. Bergoglio left Ratzinger under his protection in the Vatican, refusing to assist the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child in investigating cases of child sexual abuse in the Catholic Church.


What can be done now?

"We're preparing several common law lawsuits," Annette said, "and we're going to let survivors of violence speak their stories."

Information about the abuses of the Catholic Church can be brought to the lawyers of Kevin Annette. 

Survivors of the CIA's mind control experiments are asking Congress to investigate the activity. They argue that these government programs are still ongoing. You can sign this petition. 

Kevin Annette has documented hundreds of physical evidence in the case of 50,000 missing children in the book "Hidden No More." The book can be found ⬇️ 





Judy Byington, January 10, 2014










Diane Keaton and Al Pacino on the set of The Godfather, 1972

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