Previously, they tried to hide stupidity, now they flaunt it, boast and are proud of stupidity. If you disagree, turn on CNN and other defendants from the green lawn. 

Previously, they tried to hide stupidity, now they flaunt it, boast and are proud of stupidity. If you disagree, turn on CNN and other defendants from the green lawn. 

Communist contagion 😷 

Crowned sadists, murderers, necrophiles poke syringes and treat through the screen 📺. This is a kind of record of triumphant stupidity. 

A Spanish nurse confirms that most of the patients admitted to the hospital suffer from various inflammations of the organs due to vaccination, but doctors have been ordered to remain silent about this.

And strenuously conduct PCR tests on these patients to show a positive result, to classify these patients as mythical Covid, when in fact these are the consequences of vaccination.

Material is supplemented by the substance of the case. 

A good example of the correspondence of form and content is a uniform fool.

American grandfather 👴 burns again. And the more you do it, the more we catch you media scammers pindos on total lies and the greatest crime. 

Many banally posto and frankly stupid like a cork from under a bottle of Soviet port wine 777 and confidently screw yourself a nut on your own, and in translation on a legal ulcer de facto increasing your personal responsibility and punishment for the crime of the crown 🤴.

We warned, do not jump out of your pants, advertising agent Bio - fak - KGB. 

Everyone has a head with hair, but not everyone with brains.


Stupidity is not just limitless, it is infinitely fanatical, flawed, stubborn, angry, aggressive, boring, dreary-dull, incorrigible, dogmatic, incapable of inference. 

Stupidity does not always make a person evil and belligerent, but anger and hatred always make people aggressive cretins.

Knowledge is power, stupidity is power! Therefore, stupidity, like time, never ends. The mind takes one barrier after another, stupidity knows no obstacles at all.

It is better to be silent and considered stupid than to speak and dispel all doubts. 

When the fool is taught by the sages,

They throw sowing into salt flats,

And no matter how much it is wider than yesterday,

Tomorrow will be a stupid hole! (Jalaleddin Rumi)

Stupidity is a kind of spiritual blindness, but it is not optical blindness, but blindness, the ablepsy of the mind that does not want to see. And often - just a kind of insanity ...

Delusions and mistakes are inherent in all people, but only perplexed people can persist in delusions and nonsense, insist on their mistake. Persistence in opinion, as well as frenziing, is the first sign of stupidity.

What is called a difficult fate is actually a set of committed madness. This applies not only to specific people, but also to entire nations. It is no accident that hundreds of ancient peoples disappeared, leaving behind only shards and ashes.

The measure of the human mind is criticality, the ability to doubt and reflect, the measure of human stupidity is medieval credulity, infantile gullibility, absolute malleability to deception and brainwashing, also leading to insanity, a stormy stream flowing from television screens.

Alas, fools do not even suspect how much they do not know and to what extent they can be deceived.

The blind fanaticism of a stupid person can do much more evil than the efforts of twenty crooks who come together.

There is no need to downplay the stupidity of contemporaries - it is really limitless as the universe. Human stupidity gives a more accurate and adequate idea of infinity than the most sophisticated thought. For genius there are limits and limitations, but for stupidity - no.

There are only two infinite things: the universe and human stupidity. However, I'm not sure about the universe. (Albert Einstein).

The education of fools sooths their stupidity. Universal education camouflages the fullness of stupidity. I'm Educated assholes — the most dangerous. 

From the fact that the law is not written to fools, it does not follow at all that they do not take part in their writing. In no former times, like the present, laws were not written and not approved in their Dumas - thoughtless ...

If someone said to you, "Fool!" don't be in a hurry to think that he is smart, perhaps he just introduced himself.

Because 306,666,666 million people believe in stupidity, they only intensify. There are always millions of flawed fanatics who are ready for idiotic acts in the name of a stupid idea. Zombification-dumbing down turns stupidity into the norm or into a habitual form of behavior.

Stupidity is the mentality of gopniks and spahns, that is, those who from a young age are accustomed to admire grayness and mediocrity. 

The absence of a king in his head and the severance of ties with reality are not compensated by the title of autocrat. The leaders were complete degenerate perverts. 

The party of fools is numerous, a new path is paved by the most sophisticated scoundns. 

It's silly to fight in a falling elevator! But how they fight!

Stupidity, like metastasis, is inoperable.

The fool most of all does not like when he is prevented from speaking, and the smart - when he is prevented from thinking.

A fool and an ignorant person have five signs: they are angry for no reason, they speak unnecessarily, they change for no one knows why, they interfere in something that does not concern them at all, and do not know how to distinguish between who wishes them good and who is evil (Indian saying).

Along with the ordinary there are large-scale bewilderments, longer doing stupid things, but real disasters and this is our client. The price of stupidity tends to infinity, and the experience of all North Koreas is a vivid confirmation of this. By the way, it seems that not only the DPRK today is close to another mass famine, and some countries may feel it in the winter of 2022. The Western countries allies of the United States are finally omitted in the eyes of the entire civilized world.

Lying and spitting in the face of the whole world, seeing some enemies everywhere on social networks is tantamount to beating yourself in your filthy face.

Don't argue with the fool! Stupidity is invincible (Giacomo Casanova).

I don't believe in progress, but I believe in the persistence of human stupidity (Oscar Wilde).

There is nothing more dangerous in the world than sincere ignorance and honest stupidity (Martin Luther King Jr.).

The love of a fool or a scoundrel is an insult; his hatred is praise (Pierre Boist).

If a person is a fool, it's for a long time (Voltaire).

Stupidity comes forward to be seen; the mind is held behind to see (Carmen Silva).

A fool is one who tries to cover up his own nothingness with the merits of his ancestors (Heinrich Heine).

All our opportunities are open to us, but most are better and more comfortable when they are closed (Aishek Noram).

Dull, swollen, unstoothed and unencumbered by the intellect of the faces of the chosen ones in the screen, the nonsense, ignorance that they carry in favor of David laughing at them, such is the modern face of the "elite" of the United States today 🇺🇸 

Do not respond to the foolish by his stupidity, lest you become like him (Solomon).

There are countries where it is not ashamed to look like a fool, where they are everywhere - in honor.

There are countries that are imprisoned for stupidity, and we know what kind of countries they are. These countries are focused on stupidity, exploit ignorance and stupidity as unspoken bonds. The most important ally of the rulers of such countries, its cave rulers was human stupidity. 

The foolish ruler is involuntarily mercilessly cruel to his people. He has nothing to rule except by force, by mortal fear.

All those who died "for a great homeland" gave their lives for stupidity, miscalculations, radical mistakes or whims of the regime. This is not easy to do, but very simple. To do this, the gangster regime is only required to be able to pretend to be a "homeland". It takes effort from the gopnic regime to keep the patriotic web strong, sticky, and poisonous.

And it's not even that when the people are zombified, it is easy to manage, the fact is that the authorities are sure that force is to trample everyone to victory, then they will be respected. If you want this is a manifestation of the plebeian intuition of the authorities, who understand that any increase in intellectual activity, intellectual activity is dangerous, since under a smart electorate it will show all its dilapidation and it will become clear to everyone that this political system cannot function with a smart population, that it is simply doomed. And in order to remain indefinite and "nationwide", it must impose a sense of idiocy in society, a sense of growing idiocy (in its language - "advanced" and "highest spirituality") with very subtle propaganda techniques. And this requires permanent brainwashing, bordering on what I have dubbed yehuism, or the obscenity of the masses with the most primitive ideologies. And then no enemy is terrible, "for for any trick we will come up with SUCH stupidity..."

Yes, it is true that a world in which stupidity is cultivated and intelligent people are not loved very much is doomed. But, as we see, it may well exist for centuries, pressing, repressing, destroying and expelling the best, decent, worthy and talented people ...

Keanu Reeves back in 1980 was buzzing looking at you red-assed morons. 

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