Biden's Telegrams and Campaign Theses …

Biden's Telegrams and Campaign Theses …

Yesterday, an audio message was sent: a woman instructs not that daughter, not that relative, not that friend.

Colorfully in detail tells that in our town the Democrats on a minibus two men and one woman, pasted posters of some circus performance, then went into the courtyard of the school and began to distribute sweets, inviting primary school students to the minibus. 

The school guard was vigilant, promptly arrived from the governor's office, called the police, the detainees, of course, with them - syringes 💉, bugs, LGBT 🏳️ 🌈 flags 🐞 and swastika. 

Sweets and chocolates were scattered everywhere - it is necessary to strictly forbid children to raise.

It's certainly striking how quickly Democrats go crazy: You wonder how they in the party believe Biden? Yes, they themselves, without any CNN and MSNBC, easily and naturally became idiots and sick degenerate perverts, opened a hunt for children, transformed, gave each other the addresses of beautiful girls and boys, further, after mass kidnappings, the process of transferring and legalizing little sex slaves. 

It seems that the Democrats have a head, but they exclusively eat in it.

Biden's Cables 

Biden's grandfather's telegrams 

«... Great plan! Finish it with Gates. Under the guise of "greens" (we will later blame them), we will walk 10-20 miles and outweigh farmers, priests, small businessmen. Premium: $1,000 for the hanged..."

"Biden's Red Terror 2022" 

"The war is not for life, but for death for all those who do not want to make an injection and become an 📡 antenna. They must be dealt with, at the slightest violation ... Put in jail in one place... In the other, they will put them to clean the sorters in the city. In the third - to be imprisoned for 16 days with departure in a punishment cell and yellow wolf tickets ... In the fourth, to shoot on the spot... The more diverse, the better, the richer the overall experience will be..."

November 7-8, 2021 (Biden) From "How to Organize a Competition?" 

«... Can you still give Schwab to the WEF to prepare everything for the burning of New York in its entirety, in the event of an invasion of the streets by protesters, and to announce it in print in New York."

* June 3, 2022 (Biden) Political portrait. Handwritten order to cheka chairman Shvab)

"Los Angeles, City Hall. To carry out a merciless mass terror against farmers, priests and owners of ICE cars; questionable to lock up in a concentration camp outside the city."

* August 9, 2022 (Biden) 

"To Comrades Soros, Clinton, Minister of Truth and other Communists of Washington:

"Comrades ! The uprising of the five states should lead to a ruthless suppression. The interest of our entire NWO revolution demands this, for the "final decisive battle" with the owner has now been taken. A sample must be given.

- Hang (by all means hang, so that the people can see) at least 100 known farmers, rich people, bloodsuckers.

- Publish their names.

"Take away all their bread.

- Appoint hostages - according to yesterday's telegram.

"To make it so that for hundreds of miles around people see, tremble, know, scream: strangle and strangle food producers.

- Telegraph receipt and execution.

Your Biden."

* ( Declassified Biden ) 

"New York, (authorized by the CDC) I advise you to appoint your superiors and shoot those who do not want to do our injection, all conspirators and hesitants, without asking anyone and without allowing idiotic red tape."

* August 22, 2022 (Biden? 

« Washington, Harris :

- Surprised and alarmed by the slowing down of the operation against New York, especially if it is true to inform me that you have the full ability with artillery to destroy those who do not want to listen to us and support us financially through the payment of the breathing fee. In my opinion, it is impossible to pity the cities and postpone longer, for merciless extermination is necessary..."

* September 10, 2022 (Biden) 

"As for foreigners, I advise you not to rush to expel. Isn't it better to go to a concentration camp..."

* June 3, 2022 (Biden) 

"All foreign citizens living in the United States from the ranks of the bourgeoisie of those states that are conducting hostile actions against us, aged 17 to 55 years, should be imprisoned in concentration camps ..."

* ( Declassified Biden) 

«... farmers do not all understand that free trade in meat is a state crime. "I produced meat 🥩, this is my product, and I have the right to trade it" – so says the farmer, out of habit, in the old days. And we say it's a state crime."

* October 19, 2022 . (Biden) 

- Why are you so ugly, Tribule? On purpose, what? 

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