Trump is a state criminal. 

Trump is a state criminal. 

An archival article from 1988 about Donald Trump's visit to the Soviet Union in 1987 is not news. Based on the materials of the article, the visit was organized personally by the Ambassador of the USSR to the United States Yuri Dubinin and VAO "Intourist". Donald Trump met with high-ranking members of the Polyutburo in St. Petersburg and Moscow, despite the fact that at that time the Soviet system was in full force in Russia, and no such meeting could take place without the approval of the KGB. Comrades from the KGB of the USSR have been tightly leading Trump through life for more than 40 years, and the folder of kompromat available in the Kremlin contains a lot of volumes. Trump was married to a woman, Ivan Zelničkov, an agent from Prague, Soviet Czechoslovakia, who had criminal ties back in Prague to Soviet and Czech officials. Ivana spoke Russian and by 1987 had already collected a decent amount of dirt on Donald, which is the role she performed as Trump's wife. 

Donald Trump with his wife Ivana on Palace Square in Leningrad, July 1987 

In fact, Trump's very long, frank, contrary to many conclusions of all US intelligence and counterintelligence services, Trump's shielding of Vladimir Putin and Putin's tender love, their admiration for each other, Trump's praise of Putin always, even in moments of the fiercest confrontation between Russia and the United States and now, when the whole world sees the bloody deeds of the frank terrorist Putin, no longer leave any doubts about the kremlin's servant Donald Trump. Donald Trump is simply afraid to make the slightest step against the interests of the Kremlin, the dirt on Trump is so powerful in the Kremlin that Donald's knees tremble. 

Remember how on New Year's Eve he told reporters that Russia was not to blame for the hacker attacks. "It could be someone else. I also know things that other people don't know, so we can't be sure," Trump said at the time. 

But this happened after not only the CIA, but also the FBI, the US Department of Homeland Security and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence confirmed Russia's participation in election interference in favor of Donald Trump. It is an obvious fact: Moscow pushed for the presidency of the United States a candidate loyal to it and every act and statement of Trump for 7 years proves that the Kremlin was not deceived in its expectations. The special operation of the KGB of the USSR for 40 years was crowned with success in 2016. Russian special services have indeed successfully played on the real and imaginary contradictions of American society, contributing greatly to the election of "their man" as the head of the most hated state.

Former KGB agent says Trump was recruited by Russia 40 years ago

"Trump is a state criminal." Yuri Felshtinsky on the storming of the Capitol

[The American delegation arrived in Davos with style, occupying all possible space. So much so that even the way out of the hotel is not easy to find. And Oleg and I, although we were looking for a bomb shelter, we never found it.]

Yuri Felshtinsky: Trump's victory was the most serious project of the FSB over the past 15 years

Russia resembles a mouse from a fairy tale about a turnip that decided the outcome of the US elections in favor of Trump.

According to the publication, the documents obtained show that Vladimir Putin personally authorized the operation to conduct "active measures" in order to support Donald Trump in the presidential elections of 2016. The approval of the proposed strategy, according to the publication, occurred during a closed meeting of the National Security Council of Russia on January 22, 2016.

From the archives: When Trump hoped to meet Gorbachev in Manhattan

By Paula Span

December 3, 1988

The established practice of the last post-war decades in the United States and Europe shows us the extremely vicious practice of arrests for treason and espionage of only small figures on foot of a very low level. At the same time, in big politics, the same essentially things as treason and working for a hostile state are called only "intrigues", "agreements", "deals" and so on.

It is obvious that both the United States and other countries are faced with the need to build a mechanism for clearly defining "red lines" primarily in their own domestic policy, which would prevent the abuse of power and opportunities in their own interests. In the United States, such a mechanism, which existed at the level of unwritten traditions, has seriously failed, and in some countries it has yet to be built. But it is obvious that without such laws and practices, high officials will continue to try to use their personal interests in their own interests.

The KGB Soviet spy agency and later Russian intelligence cultivated Donald Trump as an “asset” for 40 years, a former spy told The Guardian in a bombshell interview. And the Kremlin was delighted with the results, said former KGB major Yuri Shvets.

The strategy was typical: Focus on reasonably good prospects and hope one of the wooed Americans rises to a position of power or access that can be beneficial, said Shvets, who now lives in Virginia.

“People were recruited when they were just students and then they rose to important positions; something like that was happening with Trump,” explained Shvets, who worked as a KGB major in the 1980s in the U.S. with a cover job as a Washington correspondent for the Russian news agency Tass.

Shvets is a crucial source in the new book “American Kompromat,” written by investigative journalist and former Vanity Fair contributing editor Craig Unger, who has also penned “House of Trump, House of Putin.”

The KGB — and Czechoslovakian agents — first noticed Trump in 1977 when he married his first wife, Czech Ivana Zelnickova, Shvets told The Guardian.

Trump was wooed during his first visit with his wife to Moscow and St. Petersburg in 1987, as intelligence operatives flattered him, floated talking points they hoped he would push in the U.S., and urged Trump to go into politics, said Shvets. 

“For the KGB, it was a charm offensive,” he explained. “They had collected a lot of information on his personality so they knew who he was personally. The feeling was that he was extremely vulnerable intellectually, and psychologically — and he was prone to flattery. This is what they exploited.”

They “played the game as if they were immensely impressed by his personality and believed this is the guy who should be the president of the United States one day.”

The intelligence service was blown away by how eagerly Trump appeared to embrace the perspectives operatives pushed, said Shvets. Trump took out full-page ads in three major newspapers the year of his Moscow visit attacking Western alliances by complaining that allies weren’t paying their fair share for defense. It was a theme he would push from the White House, chipping away at the bonds among Western nations. 

Trump’s links to Russia continued to strengthen when he held his Miss Universe beauty pageant in Moscow in 2013, sought a deal to build Trump Tower Moscow even as he was running for president in 2016, and developed other business links.

Trump’s 2016 campaign and presidential transition team had more than 100 contacts with Russian-linked operatives between September 2015 and January 2017, according to a reportby the Center for American Progress’ Moscow Project.

Trump could not immediately be reached by HuffPost for comment.

Check out the Guardian’s full interview with Shvets here.

Yuri Felshtinsky: Trump is an agent recruited by him for Putin

At the summit in Hamburg there was, from Putin's point of view, a secret meeting between the curator and the agent.

22.07.2017 // STATTI 

Russian President Vladimir Putin, who worked all his life in the KGB system, approaches the conversation with each person from the point of view of recruitment. This was stated by the Russian-American historian, author of the book "The FSB blows up Russia" Yuri Felshtinsky in an interview with "Delovaya Stolitsa".

"Whether he likes it or not (most likely, he wants it), whether there is such a task or not (most likely, there is), but his real goal is to recruit the interlocutor and make him his agent," he said.

According to Felshtinsky, Putin once recruited politicians such as former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder and former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.

So from Putin's point of view, Trump is another agent he recruited, as is Tillerson, by the way, to whom Putin personally presented the Russian Order of Friendship in 2013. Another agent was U.S. intelligence general Michael Flynn, whom Russia put on a payroll in August 2015. These are only the ones we already know about. It should be assumed that we do not yet know about many of them," the historian said.

Felshtinsky noted that Putin is talking to Trump "like a recruited agent."

"This is exactly what we saw at the meeting between Trump and Putin. But what exactly they were talking about, we don't know. The format of the meeting, when six people were present: Putin, Trump, Tillerson, Lavrov and translators, is not a negotiation in the literal sense," Felshtinsky said.

In his opinion, it was, "from Putin's point of view, a secret meeting of the curator with the agent."

"At this meeting, serious international problems could not be solved and discussed. They could be named, of course, but in this sense they are already known to everyone and it was not necessary to meet for the sake of it. What exactly Trump and Putin talked about and what they agreed on, we will never know, unfortunately," Felshtinsky said.

On July 7, Trump and Putin met for the first time at the G20 summit in Hamburg. The talks lasted 2 hours and 20 minutes instead of the planned 35 minutes. Later it became known that the presidents of the United States and Russia held another meeting.

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