HELP: Bot Settings in @MenuBuilderBot

HELP: Bot Settings in @MenuBuilderBot


Description of the purpose of the menu buttons in the «⚙️ Bot Settings» section.

 To change the settings, go to your bot:

☞ 🔐Admin | ⚙️Bot Settings

Due to the limitation of the length of the text, it is not always possible to formulate and give the button a name that allows one to sufficiently unambiguously interpret its purpose. The HELP section documents are intended to correct this deficiency. They contain descriptions of the system buttons of your bot's menu. Links to such help documents are located in the menu, the functionality of which they reveal.

We know that "other bot constructors" are maybe popular, but they are really inconvenient for bot creators. When creating @MenuBuilderBot constructor we always trying to achieve maximum comfortability of interface and features itself. All described features are optional - you can perfectly use your bot without changing any of the default settings.

⬛ Bot Settings

In the Admin section of your bot there is a section named «⚙️ Bot Settings».

To get to the settings, go to your bot:

☞ 🔐Admin | ⚙️Bot Settings

All settings are switched by pressing the buttons.

The setting status is displayed on the button itself and in the message in the Settings section.

Below you will find the description of existing bot settings available for you.

Maintenance (mode)

Modes: Off ⏹️, On ▶️

Closes access to the bot for everyone except admins, showing a message about the enabled Maintenance Mode.

After activation, the entire bot switches to the "Admin only" mode, making its functionality inaccessible to the regular user. Admins see everything as usual. They can edit the menu, navigate through it in view mode, etc. For users, for any of their actions, a following "stub" will be shown:

This mode can be used while making changes in menu structure or any other significant changes in bot's functionality. To make local changes use «Admin Only» button mode by switching it for particular part of the menu in Buttons Editor.

Read HOW TO about "Admin only" mode.

❗️ATTENTION: If your bot suddenly started showing this message, it means you accidentally switched this setting.

New user. Notification

Modes: Off ⏹️, On ▶️

Enables a notification about each new user in your bot and displays users total number. Once enabled admin will receive message (in bot's chat) upon every new user enter.

Default notification, becides its own text will contain:

• Total number of users

• Name of user that came

In future we planning to add more features for this message.

❗ATTENTION: This function consumes "Mailing Messages". One user - One Message. Deduction performed after every 100 messages.
To check the remaining number of messages, go to your bot:
☞ 🔐Admin
❗️ IMPORTANT Sometimes, during intensive new users income, Total user number may freeze, being repeated from message to message few times in the row. Despite that fact the total number of users in main statistic being counted in a right way and after intensity of income will lower the data displayed in message will come back to normal.

New user. Captcha

Modes: Off ⏹️, Ref 🆕, All 🆕

Enabling a user verification by captcha allows you to protect your bot from robots.

Captcha - it is a digital picture or any other type of a puzzle the main goal of which is to tell computer and human users apart, preventing any automated activity of robots such as registration or performing actions instead of user on protected resource.

Captcha in Menu Builder helps to restrict access of robots, not allowing them to wind up the indicators of the referral system, and offers a task (in the form of distorted letters) that can be easily solved by a human, but to one degree or another is difficult or resource consuming for a computer.

Captcha works in 3 modes:

• Turned off

   • Triggers only on new users via referral link

   • Triggers on all new users

Captcha Menu Builder can protect START.

To switch modes:

☞ Admin - Settings

Сaptcha can protect either button's functions or button's messages (or both) in the bot: look here for details.

For example, feedback forms of QnA chat to prevent robot auto spam. 

Capcha for messages can be added same as the Questions of the form itself, or any message through:

☞ Post Editor - Add Captcha

Capcha for button can be added through the button settings:

☞ Button Editor - Captcha

❗️IMPORTANT: If captcha is ON for the particular case - no person will be considered as bot's user unless captcha is solved.
Nobody get any payments, bonuses or any other types of benefits what so ever, neither user himself, nor his referral parent - unless captcha is solved by new user, whether he came by referral link or not, if captcha is enabled for his type of case.

At the moment, there are 2 types of captchas that differ in appearance.

Free - available to everyone from the very beginning in the settings.

Paid - to add, go to your bot:

☞ 🔐Admin | 🧩Extensions | 📂Protection

Inform Ref. parent

Modes: Off ⏹️, On ▶️

Enables or disables notification of the referral parent if a new user comes via his referral link.

Brief interface

Modes: Off ⏹️, On ▶️

Setting aims to create more compact interface. Brings changes to the editors of buttons and posts.

It created for those admins well familiar with bot's interface and not needed button's titling which uselessly occupying screen space to operate it.

The buttons of regular interface will look this way:

The buttons of brief interface will look this way:

You can definitely switch between those modes at any time.

Delete Inline

Modes: Off ⏹️, 1⃣, 2⃣

Once activated will automatically delete the message(s) and its the inline menu, after any of the command buttons which belonged to this menu was pressed.

If mode 1 is enabled, one message will be deleted, if 2 - then two messages.

Menu Builder constructor allows you to add inline buttons creating full-fledged inline menus under you messages.

At the time of this manual being created there were 3 types of inline buttons available:

  • Url/Share
  • Pop-up window
  • Command

Full description of inline buttons is located here.

First two types of buttons once pressed are not causing appearance of any additional messages in a bot's chat, while inline buttons with commands, in a most case scenario, will contain messages appearance of which in a bot's chat inevitably causes the "slide" of inline menu - making it irrelevant, useless, or simply inconvenient to use.

In order not to confuse the user with irrelevant buttons scattered in the chat's body, this function was made. It allows you to automatically delete old menus, avoiding unwanted clicks.

Modes: Off ⏹️, On ▶️

Setting determines the state and at the same time letting you switch Links Preview for all posts in bot created in «As Admin» mode.

Full description of link preview options is located here.

Public static

Modes: Off ⏹️, On ▶️

Letting you to turn on and show public static of your bot to any user if he send the following command with your bot's address:

to the head bot of @MenuBuilderBot constructor.

Used to provide guaranteed correct statistics of user's amount and their activity in your botm for example, for advertisers.

"Copy" button

Allows you to enable the function of copying buttons and their functionality in the bot.


Off ⏹️ - the function is disabled.

On ▶️ - the function is enabled.

ATTENTION: the function consumes 100 "Additional Tokens of Functions" for 1 copied entity - a button or a message. Tokens must be purchased before function can be activated.

When activated, adds a copy button to the post editor. The function allows you to copy a button you created earlier with all the functionality added to it, sub-menu's buttons and messages. If the copied button contains paid functions, the required number must be purchased in your bot in advance.

Time zone

Here you can configure the time zone of your bot. Now only affects the operation of macros:

%date% and %time%

and allows you to display the time of your region to users.

Time Zone is one number from -12.00 to 14.00

Minutes (if applicable) should be separated by "." (dot).

If you know your time zone as GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) you can use it for UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) - in this case, it's the same thing.

➠ For example:

To set UTC -08: 00 send bot -8 (or -8.00)

To set UTC +3 send bot 3 (or 3.00)

To set UTC +3: 30 send the bot 3.30

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