Gauleiter 👑 2021

Gauleiter 👑 2021


Gauleiter der NSDAP (German: Gauleiter der NSDAP) is the highest party position of the National Socialist German Workers' Party at the regional level.

J. A. Eggeling, Gauleiter of Saxony and Anhalt, Ober-President of the Province of Halle-Merseburg in Prussia.

NSDAP is an abbreviation. And the full name of the Nazi party is quite decent - the National Socialist Workers' Party of Germany.

For unknowing German and something else, the word Gauleiter in the context of the Nazis may sound ominous. But if you translate, it is quite peaceful and even in a masterly way somehow.Gauleiter is just an ordinary head of the region (governor / mayor). A member of the NSDPA is a member of the party - all members of the party were also called cute - comrade in the party. Between the members of the CPSU was adopted exactly the same appeal to each other. 

 Mikhail Gorbachev and Nicolae Ceausescu . 

Comrades in the party included all the Communists and Comrades of Eastern Europe, from 1945 to 1989 (the countries of Eastern Europe occupied by the USSR). 

Nicolae Ceausescu (Russian: Nicolae Ceausescu; Nicolae Ceaușescu; January 26, 1918, Skornicești, Olt County – December 25, 1989, Targovishte) was a Romanian statesman, politician and party leader, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Romanian Communist Party (RCP) since 1965, General Secretary of the RCP since 1969. Chairman of the State Council of the Socialist Republic of Romania (SRR) from 1967 to 1974 (formally - up to 1989)[1], President of the SRR from 1974 to 1989[7].

From 1945 to 1989, the Communists made great strides, educating their population by force in the paradigm of their personal vision of happiness and health. The countries of the socialist camp were in semi-fainting, economic and social devastation.

Romania 🇷🇴 Ceausescu is no exception. There was real devastation in the country. Due to the lack of external funding, it was necessary to introduce a card system, often there was a shortage of food. So in December 1989, thousands of Romanians took to the streets. Residents of the city of Timisoara protested against poverty and lawlessness, which became the norm of life. Nicolae Ceausescu was openly called a dictator and a Stalinist. An angry mob demanded the removal from power of the 71-year-old man and his wife Elena, who was also a very influential person.

Romanian soldier on the background of the flag with the carved coat of arms.

Like many communist terrorists who had before him, Ceausescu ordered fire on the crowd demanding his resignation. But the army, which entered the capital on tanks, refused to shoot at civilians. When it became clear that the revolution could not be stopped, Nicolae and his wife Elena fled Bucharest by helicopter. But they didn't fly far. In the city of Targovishte, the spouses were arrested and arranged an urgent trial, or simply a COURT.

Tanks in Bucharest, December 24, 1989.

The trial took place on December 25 in the premises of the military unit. Nicolae and Elena Ceausescu were charged with the destruction of the national economy, an armed uprising against the people, the destruction of state institutions, genocide.

The trial of the communist ruler of Romania, Nicolae Ceausescu.

The place of execution of the Romanian dictator and his wife has become a popular tourist destination.

  Execution of Saddam Hussein ( hanged ) 

Muammar Gadhafi (Livia) is raped in the anus with a wooden shovel cutting. 

The colonel was tied to a car after the execution and drove around the city for about 3 hours. 

Soviet tanks in the suppression of the uprising of the workers of the GDR. Berlin.1953 year.

The pathological craving of communists for the violence of society is known and studied by historians. The pathological lies of the communist authorities are also known. They always classify their own crimes and history.

In 1953, on the territory occupied by Soviet troops of the GDR, which was called by Soviet historians "fascist rebellion" and which modern Russian historians do not like to remember, there was an uprising of the Germans. That is, just 8 years after the liberation, the Germans realized that they had been recapscaped by terrorists. 

The root causes of the "Berlin Uprising" are purely economic. On May 14, 1953, the Socialist Unity Party of Germany (SED), created by the Kremlin on the territory of the Soviet occupation, decided to increase the production rates by 10% "in order to combat economic difficulties." Increased rates led to a reduction in workers' wages to 25%.

And this is in addition to the fact that in April 1953, two months before the June events, there was a significant increase in the prices of public transport, clothing, shoes, bread products, meat and sugar-containing products.

The decision of the SED "to raise production standards" predictably provoked discontent of the population, which already lived in very difficult conditions of post-war Germany.

On the morning of June 17, a general strike began in Berlin. A rally began on Strausberger Platz, in which more than 200,000 people participated.

Along with economic demands, the demonstrators also put forward political ones: the resignation of the government, the resignation of the trade union leadership, the holding of free elections, the admission of Western parties to the elections, the reunification of Germany and the withdrawal of Soviet troops. Young men removed the red flag from the Brandenburg Gate and tore it to the jubilation of the crowd.

In a short time, popular unrest swept across East Germany. According to recent studies, demonstrations and strikes took place in at least 701 localities of the GDR and more than a million people participated in them.

The frightened puppet government of the GDR urgently requested military assistance from the Soviet Union.

Lavrentiy Beria arrived in Berlin. Soviet tanks were thrown to suppress the uprising. In total, 16 Soviet divisions participated in the punitive operation, of which only in Berlin three divisions with 600 tanks. A crowd of demonstrators who tried to throw stones at tanks and broke antennas was opened fire. Clashes between demonstrators and Soviet troops and police continued until the evening of June 17, and resumed the next morning. In Berlin, shots were fired until June 23.

As a result, the uprising was brutally suppressed.

There are no exact data on the number of victims among German workers, they vary from 55 people (SED) to 507 people (Western data).

But the victims were not only German workers.

On June 28, 1953, 18 Soviet soldiers of the 73rd Infantry Regiment were shot in a forest glade near Biederitz near Magdeburg for refusing to shoot at protesters. Among them are corporal Alexander Shcherbina, Private Vasily Dyatkovsky and Sergeant Nikolai Tlyulyakov. Another 23 Soviet servicemen were shot these days at the slaughterhouse in Berlin-Friedrichshain.

Shot, hanged and burned. Hungarian uprising of 1956. 

In 1956, hungary experienced an uprising against the communist regime, which in the USSR was called a "counter-revolutionary rebellion." 

At that time, Mátyás Rákosi, a great admirer of Stalin and a lover of persecuting people for any dissent and sending them to camps, was in power in Hungary. His draconian policy was very unpopular among the Hungarians (but generally suited the Soviet authorities). Therefore, the attempt to overthrow him turned into the intervention of Soviet troops and the bloody suppression of the rebellion. Among the Hungarians that year, 2652 rebels were killed, 348 civilians were killed and 19,226 were wounded.

We present only official documents and archival photographs.

Information of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR in the Central Committee of the CPSU on the situation in Hungary as of 12.00 on November 4, 1956.

A special folder. Owls. secretly. Copies. № 1

At 6:15 a.m. on November 4 of this year, Soviet troops began an operation to restore order and restore people's democratic power in Hungary.

Acting according to a predetermined plan, our units captured the main strongholds of reaction in the province, which were Győr, Miskolc, Gyöndyes, Debrecen, as well as other regional centers of Hungary.

During the operation, Soviet troops occupied the most important communication centers, including a powerful broadcast radio station in Szolnok, ammunition and weapons depots and other important military facilities.

Soviet troops operating in Budapest, breaking the resistance of the rebels, occupied the parliament buildings, the Central District of the VPT, as well as a radio station in the parliament area.

Three bridges across the Danube River, connecting the eastern and western parts of the city, and an arsenal with weapons and ammunition were seized. The entire composition of the counter-revolutionary government of Imre Nagy disappeared. Searches are underway.

In Budapest, there was one major hotbed of rebel resistance in the area of the Cinema "Corvinus" (south-eastern part of the city). The rebels defending this stronghold were presented with an ultimatum of surrender, in connection with the refusal of the rebels to surrender, the troops began to storm.

The main garrisons of the Hungarian troops are blocked. Many of them laid down their arms without serious resistance. Our troops have been instructed to return to command Hungarian officers removed by the rebels, and officers appointed to replace those removed to be arrested.

In order to prevent the penetration of enemy agents into Hungary and the flight of the leaders of the rebels from Hungary, our troops occupied The Hungarian airfields and firmly blocked all roads on the Austro-Hungarian border. The troops, continuing to perform the tasks, clear the territory of Hungary from the rebels.


APRF. F. 3. Op. 64. D. 485.

Information of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR in the Central Committee of the CPSU on the situation in Hungary as of 9.00 on November 7, 1956.


A special folder of Sovs. secretly. Copies. № 1

Soviet troops during the night of November 7 continued to eliminate small groups of rebels in Budapest. In the western part of the city, our troops fought to destroy the center of resistance in the area of the former Horthy Palace.

During the night, there was a regrouping of rebel forces in Budapest. Small groups tried to leave the city in a westerly direction. At the same time, a large center of resistance was revealed in the area of the city theater, the park east of this theater and in the adjacent quarters.

On the territory of Hungary at night it was calm. Our troops carried out activities to identify and disarm rebel groups and individual Hungarian units.

The Government of the Hungarian People's Republic left Szolnok and arrived in Budapest at 6:10 a.m. on November 7. The troops continue to carry out their tasks.


Note: "Tov. Khrushchev is familiar. archive. 9.XI.56. Dolud.

AP RF. F. 3. Op. 64. D. 486.

Information of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR in the Central Committee of the CPSU on the situation in Hungary as of 9.00 on November 9, 1956


A special folder of Sovs. secretly. Copies. № 1

During the 8th of November, our troops cleaned up the order in Budapest, combed forests in parts of the country, caught and disarmed scattered small groups of rebels, and seized weapons from the local population.

District military commandant's offices have been established in Budapest. Normal life is gradually being established in the country, a number of enterprises, urban transport, hospitals and schools have begun to work. Local authorities are deploying their activities.

According to preliminary data, the losses of Soviet troops during the period of hostilities in Hungary from October 24 to November 6 of this year amount to 377 people killed, wounded - 881 people, including 37 killed and 74 wounded.

Our troops disarmed about 35,000 Hungarians. Captured during the fighting and taken under protection as a result of disarmament a large number of weapons, military equipment and ammunition, the accounting of which continues.


Note: "Tov. Khrushchev is familiar. archive. 10.IX.56. Dolud.

AP RF. F. 3. Op. 64. D. 486. P. 43.

Information of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR in the Central Committee of the CPSU on the situation in Hungary as of 9.00 on November 10, 1956.


A special folder of Sovs. secretly. Copies. № 1

During 9 November, our troops continued to eliminate small rebel groups, disarmed former members of the Hungarian army and seized weapons from the local population.

Stubborn resistance was offered by a group of rebels in the suburbs of Budapest - on the northern outskirts of the island of Chepel. Three of our tanks were hit and burned in the area.

The political situation in the country continues to improve. However, in some places, hostile elements are still trying to prevent the restoration of order and the normalization of life in the country.

The situation in Budapest, where the population lacks food and fuel, continues to be difficult. The government of János Kádár, together with the Command of the Soviet Troops, is taking measures to provide the population of Budapest with food.


Note: "Tov. Khrushchev was in his intance. archive. 10.XI.56. Dolud.

AP RF. F. 3. Op. 64. D. 486. P. 96.

Telephone message of I.A. Serov from Budapest to N.S. Khrushchev on the operational work carried out by the Soviet and Hungarian state security agencies 


Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee Comrade Khrushchev N.S.

Yesterday, the Minister of Public Security, Comrade Münnich, sent an order to the regional organizations, in which he indicated that state security bodies were being created on the ground, contrary to the government's prohibition. Therefore, he orders all employees of the state security agencies to stop working on the formation of bodies and go home.

Taking into account that the special departments of the divisions are carrying out all the work on the removal of counter-revolutionary rebels through the Hungarian employees of the state security organs who appeared after the occupation of the cities by units of the Soviet Army, today I spoke with Comrade Münnich and asked how he further intended to carry out work to identify and arrest the counter-revolutionary element after such an order.

Tov. Münnich replied to me that he had issued the directive on the basis of instructions from the Government as provided for in the Government's Declaration.

After some time, Comrade Kadar came to Comrade Münnich's office and said that he would like to talk to me as well. During the conversation, Comrade Kadar dwelled on the following issues:

1. He had representatives of certain regions, in particular the Salnyk region, who informed Kadar that the officers of the Soviet Army were arresting a lot and, along with the arrest of a counter-revolutionary element, were also arresting ordinary members of the insurgency.

He believed that this should not be done, as people involved in the rebel movement were very afraid of retaliation from the Government, while the Government's Declaration had stated that those who laid down their arms and stopped resisting would not be punished. The Hungarian Government should not take revenge and be cruel to such persons.

A representative of the Salnyk region told Comrade Kadar that when 40 people were arrested in the region, representatives from the workers came and said that they would not start working until the arrested were released. In other regions, there were rumors that 6,000 people were arrested in Salnyk.

Tov. Kadar pointed out that the reactionaries are being arrested by former state security officers whom the government has dissolved. It is not profitable for us before the people that state security officers in Hungary are involved in arrests. You must take into account that the mood of the masses plays a big role in our country. Soviet comrades and our employees of the state security agencies by arrests can cause indignation of the masses.

I said that the state security forces in Hungary were now doing a positive job in removing counter-revolutionary rebels. In a few days, when persons posing a danger to the current Government are isolated, then these employees should be moved to another job. Tov. Kadar and t. Münnich agreed.

I explained to Comrade Kadar that the special departments of the divisions had been instructed to arrest all the organizers of the rebellion, persons who resisted the Soviet Army units with weapons in their hands, as well as citizens who incited and incited the hatred of the people (during the Nagy government) towards the Communists and employees of the state security agencies, as a result of which some of them were shot, hanged and burned.

As for the ordinary participants of the uprising, they are not arrested. Tov. Kadar and Comrade Münnich agreed that this instruction was correct.

I further added that it was possible that individuals who did not belong to the categories listed could be arrested. Therefore, all those arrested are carefully filtered and those who did not play an active role in the rebellion are released.

Taking into account the liberal attitude shown by the leading employees of Hungary to the enemies, I instructed the special departments of all those arrested to be sent faster from the regions and cities to the Chop station, and also explained the issues of organizing the political department in the regions.

2. Further, Comrade Kádár said that in the Ministry of Internal Affairs (Budapest city), where a large number of state security officers are concentrated, an unhealthy situation has been created, since among the employees of the bodies there are persons who worked in the bodies under Rákosi and played a negative role.

Therefore, he believes that these employees should be immediately removed and hired for another job. In addition, he considers it expedient to disband the security department, as these are dishonest people.

I expressed the wish that Comrade Münnich would quickly issue an order, as we agreed, on the organization of the people's police and staff it with the most loyal honest officers, and also formalize a "political department" (state security department) that could begin its work. Then this issue will be removed.

At the same time, we agreed with Comrade Münnich that the political department of the center would have no more than 20-25 people of the public composition, and the rest of the employees would pass through the unofficial staff.

The political department will include: foreign intelligence, counterintelligence, secret and political service, investigation and special service of operational equipment. Tov. Münnich said he would sign such an order tomorrow. I will report on the number of those arrested in the regions and the weapons seized in a separate note.

I. Serov

AP RF. F. 3. Op. 64. D. 487. pp. 78–80.

Telephone message of I.A. Serov and Y.V. Andropov from Budapest to the Central Committee of the CPSU on sending the arrested Hungarians to the territory of the USSR


Central Committee of the CPSU

Comrades Kádár and Münnich (individually) repeatedly called us throughout the day, informing us that the Soviet military authorities had sent a train of Hungarian youth who had taken part in the armed rebellion to the Soviet Union (Siberia).

Kádár and Münnich stated in this connection that they did not approve of such actions on our part, since these actions caused an alleged general strike of Hungarian railway workers and worsened the domestic political situation in the country as a whole.

Tonight, Budapest Radio Kossuth broadcast a tendentious message about the export of Hungarian youth to Siberia. Tov. Münnich asked the command of the Soviet troops to make an official statement in the press that it did not export anyone and will not export from Hungary to the USSR. On our part, Comrade Münnich was told that we would find out this question and inform him of the answer tomorrow.

In fact, today, November 14, a small train was sent to the Chop station with the arrested, the investigative cases of which are registered as active participants and organizers of the armed rebellion. The train followed the border.

When moving the train, prisoners at two stations threw notes out the window, in which they reported that they were being sent to Siberia. These notes were picked up by Hungarian railway workers, who reported it to the government. On our line, instructions have been given to send those arrested in closed vehicles under reinforced convoy.

Tomorrow, at the meeting with Comrade Münnich, Comrade Serov intends to tell him that in view of the absence in Hungary of a prison sufficiently prepared for the detention of prisoners, where an objective investigation could be ensured, we had in mind a small group of detainees to be placed in a room close to the Soviet-Hungarian border. Comrades Suslov and Aristov have been informed of this.



AP RF. F. 3. Op. 64. D. 486. pp. 143–144.


According to statistics, in connection with the uprising and fighting in the period from October 23 to December 31, 1956, 2652 Hungarian rebels, 348 civilians were killed, and 19,226 people were wounded.

The losses of the Soviet army, according to official data, amounted to 669 people killed, 51 missing and 1251 wounded.

According to official figures, the losses of the Hungarian People's Army amounted to 53 killed and 289 wounded soldiers.

The total number of lost military equipment is unknown.

2nd gv. MD, the first to enter the rebellious Budapest, lost 4 tanks on October 24, 1956.

The 33rd MD during Operation Whirlwind lost 14 tanks and self-propelled guns, 9 armored personnel carriers, 13 guns, 4 MLRS, 6 anti-aircraft guns and other equipment, as well as 111 servicemen.

According to Hungarian communist sources, after the liquidation of armed groups, a large number of Western-made weapons fell into the hands of the Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the police: German MP-44 assault rifles and American Thompson submachine guns.

Budapest suffered as a result of street fighting between Soviet troops and rebels, 4,000 houses in the city were completely destroyed and another 40,000 damaged.

Totalitarian tankers and Liberal Magyars. Hungary. - 1956 The Taming of the Shrew



Hungary 🇭🇺 

Communists🏴 ☠️

Prague Spring 1968. 

An overview of all the terrorist actions of the Communists on the violence of the population is a huge amount of materials. Technically, they cannot be collected and shown in one place. There are also documentary materials on Prague, but we will only outline the topic.

Events of the Tragedy of the Czech Republic. 

On the night of August 21, 1968, the Prague Spring ended. As a result, the country was occupied by Soviet troops. In 36 hours, an estimated 130 to 400 people were killed. Many were later arrested, fired from their jobs or forced to leave. Czechoslovak stagnation continued until the fall of the communist regime in 1989. 

The occupation of Czechoslovakia by Soviet troops, who arrived mainly from the GDR, put an end to the Prague Spring of 1968 and was a serious trauma for Czech society.

Meeting of the winners in Moscow, August 22, 1991. Several hundred thousand people came to the demonstration after the failure of the putsch to the White House. Speaking at the rally, Boris Yeltsin announced that the tricolor, which became the flag of resistance to the State Committee for Emergency Situations, would be the state flag of Russia. 

At noon, the flag was raised over the building of the Supreme Council.

Nikola Tesla had an assistant (Nazi spy) named George H. Scherf Sr. This assistant had a teenage son, George H. Scherf Jr., whom Nicola so often caught rummaging through his equipment and papers that Nicola compared him to a "mischievous little monkey" and nicknamed him "Curious George." This boy grew up, changed his name and became the head of the CIA and the 41st President of the United States, George W. Bush.

According to Otto Skorzeny, the photo shows the Scherff family and several friends (cirously 1938). By the hand of "mother" Scherff on the left holds Martin Bormann. Ahead of Reinhardt Gehlen. Behind is Joseph Mengele, and to his right is Skorzeny in his youth. In the center on the right (in german Navy uniform) George H. Scherff Jr. and his father George H. Scherff Sr. Bormann became Hitler's deputy. Reinhardt Gehlen was a senior SS officer and assassin who was smuggled out of Germany as part of Operation Paperclip. Skorzeny was Hitler's bodyguard and an SS spy/murderer who arrived in the U.S. after the war as part of Project Paperclip. Skorzeny and Bush were instrumental in merging Nazi (SS) intelligence with the OSI to form the CIA with "Wild Bill" Donovan and Allen Dulles. These guys also participated in CIA mind control experiments like the MK-ULTRA. SS officer and physician Josef Mengele, the infamous sadistic "angel of death" from Auschwitz, fled Germany for South America. George H. Scherff Jr., as described above, became the 41st President of the United States.

When there is no agreement in the comrades,

Their business will not go well,

And it's not the case that will come out of it, only the flour.

Once the Swan, Cancer da Pike

To carry with luggage cart undertook,

And together the three of them all got into it;

Out of the skin climb out, and carry all no move!

The luggage would seem easy for them:

Yes Swan bursts into the clouds,

The cancer is pulled back, and the Pike is pulled into the water.

Who is to blame, who is right, is not for us to judge;

Yes, only the cart is still there.

Madame, can you offer us other dances 💃. We are bored with this chaotic genre of harmony 🪗. Yes, Dodge did it incendiary and everything worked out due to his close pedigree. But we're younger than Dodge and want to dance with you 💃 🕺🏼 twist.

        Stalin in the Kremlin, 1932.

To different things Of course always at all times and everyone has a different attitude. We talk about our understanding of current events based on knowledge, experience and deep immersion in a specific topic of special operation corona. The letter of the doctors given below, Certainly deserves respect, Absolutely. But at the same time, we see a certain object captured by terrorists. A group of people taken hostage does not wait for the help of public services. A group of citizens captured by terrorists writes a letter to the leader of the terrorists and asks them not to kill slowly and painfully, but to take pity and finish off everyone at once quickly without suffering. 

A group of New Zealand doctors has published an open letter.

We are a group of doctors, dentists and scientists who are concerned about the spread of the COVID-19 vaccine to the general population, as well as the consequences from the outside. 

The New Zealand Medical Council and the New Zealand Dental Council on incompetence if we don't fully support the COVID-19 vaccination program and do not vaccinate ourselves.

Our group has published an open letter to the Government of New Zealand expressing our concerns. Copies of this letter were sent to the MCNZ (Medical Council of New Zealand), 

DCNZ (Dental Council of New Zealand), RNZCGP (Royal College of General Practitioners of New Zealand) and NZMA (Medical Association of New Zealand).

In short, our concerns are as follows:

Distribution of the vaccine to the general public, despite the fact that clinical trials are still ongoing. As such, unknown:

Effectiveness of preventing human infection with COVID-19

Effectiveness in preventing the spread of COVID-19

Effectiveness of mitigating clinical illness in those infected with COVID-19

Adverse events profile

The legality of prescribing and using a drug approved only on a temporary basis. 

Once the New Zealand government was found to have violated the Medicines Act, it hastily changed the law without consultation.

The uncertainty of this intervention in assessing and discussing the risks and benefits of patient counseling.

Use of non-professional vaccinators who would not be competent to conduct informed consent procedures with people.

In response to our open letter, MCNZ and DCNZ stated that they expect all doctors and dentists to be vaccinated if there are no medical contraindications. 

They went on to say there was no room for anti-vaccination messages.

RNZCGP did not respond. The NZMA responded that it agreed with the MCNZ guidance statement, and went on to state that "in this case, the science and our responsibilities are clear."

It is immediately obvious that the old woman respected this type of sex - a Only a true connoisseur of professional can protect so fervently, this is clearly not a lover of single acts, but a real multi-vector sex fighter of mixed martial arts 🥋 Gauleiter 2021.

What does Marx's neo-Schwab want? 

Creating a giant digital trap 🪤. They lure into a single comprehensive system of social and financial control. 

1) Digital health passports – require people to download a scanned QR code to their mobile phone, which will allow companies to know everything about them; 

2) Global digital identity card - a new global digital identification system capable of working in combination with digital health passports and a new set of medical 💉, de facto we are talking about replacing the national passport; 

3) Digital currency is a programmable digital currency based on blockchain technology. Private companies will be able to track expenses and disable for any reason (other options); 

4) Internet passport - designed to remove all dissident votes from the Internet, people will be subject to comprehensive control; 

5) Total King and not Freedom of Space will automatically lead to a global catastrophe of war criminal communism with all its charms. The world 🗺 plunge into the darkness of obscurantism and totalitarianism completely; 

6) Another social and economic utopia already achieved by lies and violence will lead to even more lies and violence. It is a law of nature. 

7) This should never be done. It is never possible to create this kind of monetary relations and implement such a monetary policy of the country. In this form, 100% loss of control of the state apparatus over the country is guaranteed. It's a real Hell. 

Singapore: Security officers can enter homes without a search warrant to check compliance with COVID-19 rules

According to the Urban Development Authority (URA) from Monday (Aug. 2), law enforcement officers can enter, inspect and search "various premises, including apartments" without a warrant to check, to comply with COVID-19 regulations.

The agency released the clarification after actor Nick Michael posted videos on social media showing his home being inspected by police officers and URA officers, whom he initially described as employees of the National Environment Agency (NEA).

In a seven-minute video that was viewed more than 100,000 times on Instagram, Nick Michael asked why police entered his home without a search warrant or court order.

He said he was not home at the time and his wife, who was vacationing at home, let the officers in. He also asked why the male officer had escorted his wife to another room when there was a female officer in the house at the time.

Video captured by a surveillance camera was also uploaded to his Instagram account and shows officers inside the house. By Monday evening, the video had been viewed more than 60,000 times.

In its explanation, the URA stated that it contacted Nick Michael to settle his concerns."

The agency said officials responded to "repeated complaints" by residents of the settlement that some homes, including Nick Michael's house, had "gatherings with more than the permitted number of visitors."

During Phase 2 (high readiness), the group size for social events is limited to two people. In addition, the number of visitors is limited to two people per family per day.

"In response to the feedback, officials from various authorities have been sent to the village to investigate possible violations of COVID-19 rules," the URA said in a statement.

"Law enforcement officers have the right to enter, inspect and search various premises, including homes, without a warrant to check, to comply with COVID-19 rules.

"However, officers will adjust their approach for each individual room depending on the circumstances of the case.

URA also submitted a report on the inspection of Nick Michael's home. On Saturday, six officers - three URA security officers and three police officers - jointly inspected some residential buildings in the village, including the house of Nick Michael, the agency said.

"Upon arrival at Nick Michael's home, police found the gates wide open and the lights were on in the house," URA reported. "They also noticed two cars parked in front of the house and checked to see if there were visitors in the apartment and that the number of visitors was within acceptable limits."

According to authorities, employees knocked on the door of the house and introduced themselves. They explained the purpose of their visit after the woman opened the door.

"She agreed to give the officers access and showed them the whole house to make it easier for them to check," URA said. "All three officers of the URA, one of whom is a woman, followed her in a row during the inspection and basically kept each other in sight.

It will be everywhere.

In Australia, a simple Facebook post about protests against the lockdown could soon cost $11,000.

           Gauleiter 2021

Across Australia, there are calls for harsher penalties to combat the spread of "misinformation" about covid online, including heerous fines for merely posting about protests against the blocking on social media. Under the plan, an $11,000 fine would be imposed on anyone who share information on social media about the "illegal" protests and ask others to "illegally" participate.

Organizers of the rally will be fined $20,000. Illegal participants will face a fine of $ 5500. The current fine is $1,000.

"We have to throw the book to these idiots who spread misinformation and lies along with the Delta variant," said Shadow Police Secretary Walt Secord, who apparently stopped treating citizens as people and treats them like animals.

The usual practice of communists: pressure on business and in general on any issues of life through any organizations. And all without any reason, telephone law. Today there is still e:Mail to help . Lenin's Telegrams :

By the end of the year, every employee of central Ohio's hospital systems will have to be vaccinated against #COVID19.

On Tuesday, OhioHealth, Ohio State University's Wexner Medical Center and National Children's Hospital announced that they would need vaccinations. Mount Carmel Health System announced this requirement on July 8.

All of the local hospital announcements came a day after the Ohio Hospital Association recommended that its members individually develop policies requiring staff to be vaccinated.

The association, which represents some 245 hospitals, cited a rapidly spreading version of the delta for its new policy."

New York Will Require Confirmation of Vaccination against #COVID19 to Access Indoor Activities

New York city will soon need evidence of a COVID vaccination for premises. Mayor Bill de Blasio announced it Tuesday, making it the first major city in the U.S. to introduce such restrictions.

The new requirement, which will take effect on August 16, applies to closed restaurants, gyms and indoor entertainment venues. Last week, the mayor announced that all city employees would have to be vaccinated or tested weekly for Covid.

De Blasio also said Monday that he "strongly recommends" that everyone wear masks in public spaces.

        Gauleiter of New York 2021

Who is this? Who is this hui? Base? 

Where is the threat? Where's the virus? Who is this? Is he the Constitution? Is he the supreme court of 👨 ⚖️? What is this fuck and what does it say? 

In Charlotte, USA, Doctors and nurses protest against mandatory vaccines as they face the loss of their professional careers [they are not going to be vaccinated] and everything they have worked for, including reputation, in exchange for an injection into Russian roulette!

Oval has been engaged in violence for 6 months. Further camps will be.

A coupon of 50 yuan (about $0.7) to the supermarket for those who have been vaccinated against Covid as the second component.

Poland. Certificate of refusal of vaccination. 

certificate in pdf





Yes clubfoot Bear

We started playing a Quartet.

Got notes, bass, viola, two violins

And sat on a puddle under the sticky, -

To captivate the light with your art.

Hit the bows, fight, but there is no sense.

"Stop, brothers, stop! Monkey shouts. —

Wait up!

How do music go? You don't sit like that.

You're with the bass, Mishenka, sit down against the viola,

I, prima, will sit against the second;

Then the music is not the same:

We will dance the forest and mountains!"

Sat down, started the Quartet;

He's still in a good way.

"Wait, I've found a secret?"-

Donkey screams, we're going to get along, right,

If we sit next to each other."

Listened to the Donkey: sat in a row;

Still, the Quartet is fine.

That's the pushcha of the former went to their analysis.

And disputes,

To whom and how to sit.

It happened Nightingale on the noise of their fly.

Here with a request all to him to solve their dubious.

"Perhaps," they say, "take patience for an hour,

To get the Quartet in order:

And we have notes, and we have instruments,

Just tell us how to sit down!"

"To be a musician, so you need to be able to

And your ears are gentler,-

They are answered by the Nightingale, -

And you, friends, no matter how you sit down;

It's not a good thing to be a musician."

"To be a musician, so you need to be able to

And your ears are gentler,-

They are answered by the Nightingale, -

And you, friends, no matter how you sit down;

It's not a good thing to be a musician."


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