In support of Vitaly Minenko

In support of Vitaly Minenko

Relatives, Cossacks, human rights activists and other fighters for justice

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The kidnapping of me - january 2019

Оpen appeal to the Municipal Unity Party "Unity" and the Cossacks

An open appeal to the President of the Russian Federation from Vladimir Podatev. Municipal Unity of Unity "Unity"

Оpen appeal to US senators and congress

Briefly about Vitaly.

Vitaliy Minenko, 41, is married and has an underage daughter. Until April 2017 he lived on a permanent basis and worked as a tourist guide and an individual entrepreneur in the Dominican Republic (a citizen of that country) in Punta Cana.

What happened to Vitali?

In early April 2017, Vitaly was beaten and kidnapped by three armed men. They spent several days in a room in handcuffs with no windows and beds, they only gave water. All of Vitali's requests that he be taken to the police and be given a lawyer, they ignored. Who these armed men were that had stolen Vitaly, we have not the slightest idea so far, as Vitaly did not see any documents, badges or uniforms on them. After 3 days, these armed people took Vitaly to the territory of the international airport in Punta Cana where they were handed over to two Russian policemen in the cabin of the plane. After that the plane flew to Cuba, and from there already by direct flight to Moscow.

Where is Vitali now and what is happening now?

Currently, Vitaly is in the pre-trial detention center Novocherkask Rostov region. In April 2017, he was sent from SIZO-5 (Moscow) to SIZO-1 in Rostov-on-Don (Rostov Central), where Vitaly was charged (in three articles) in crimes that he did not commit. For 15 months that Vitali is imprisoned, we finally lost faith in Russian justice and learned from our own experience what Russian "servants of the law" can do, only not to tarnish the "honor" of the uniform, and in simple words to whitewash ourselves in order to hide responsibility Because, due to different circumstances, they missed the real criminals.

What is this site about and why did we create it?

This site and the materials posted on it, was created in order to highlight as much as possible all the stages of our common struggle against the lawlessness and lawlessness that Vitali feels every day. Here the indifferent person will be able to see the facts of bureaucratic inaction and how this system of honest and decent lawyers makes ruthless slaves of higher authorities who need an ideal statistics of "uncovering" undisclosed cases.

Are we some kind of Navalny?

No, we are citizens of the Russian Federation, relatives, Cossacks, human rights activists and other fighters for justice, helping Vitali achieve his constitutional rights.

Because the investigation, this is a pure farce. Vitali has a 100% alibi, and the investigation has no evidence, no direct evidence, no circumstantial, nothing. But since the crow does not turn off the crow, and for the illegal imprisonment of Vitaly in prison, someone must bear responsibility, these "ministers of the law" have already dragged the trumped-up case to court by all untruths. This is absurd, the prosecutor should not support the indictment in a fabricated case, but he did it, which means there will be a court, unless the public expresses his opinion and forces to remove from Vitaly all charges and stop criminal prosecution for crimes to which it has nothing to do with it.

Do you know that the share of acquittals in Russia is less than 1%? And what can anyone grab, just because so anyone from people in epaulets? Together, this means that a criminal case against you personally or anyone you know can fabricate (make the appearance of the work done and falsify the case materials, for example, by changing the name of another criminal case) and you will be judged 99.9% if you there is no one to help. This happens every day, but it should not be so and we will continue our struggle and will publicize all that legal chaos that has already occurred in relation to Vitaly Minenko.

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