Оpen appeal to US senators and congress

Оpen appeal to US senators and congress

Relatives, Cossacks, human rights activists and other fighters for justice

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Minenko Vitaly (Vitaly Minenko) is a businessman (and a citizen of the Dominican Republic) from the Dominican Republic, of Russian descent, native of the Khabarovsk Territory (Far East of Russia), born in 1977. In July 2011, he immigrated permanently and irrevocably from Russia forever and until 2013 he lived and trained in the art of Thai kickboxing in Bangkok, the Kingdom of Thailand, and also visited the American Christian Church as well. In 2013 Vitaly moved to his permanent residence in the Republic of Dominican Republic and moved his civil wife and young daughter (5 years) to the same place. He lived and worked in Punkta-Kana in the tourist business (guide) and was engaged in organizing wedding ceremonies for tourists. In 2016, the basis of his company was "Viminex Group SA" which had activities in tourism, real estate and the extraction of blue amber in mini-mines.

Somewhere in March 2017, Vitaly and his family filed three applications (for obtaining 10-year tourist visas for a trip to the US) to the US Consulate in Santo Domingo and on July 19, 2017, an interview and removal fingerprints in the US Consulate in Santo Domingo (Consular fees have been paid and the questionnaire may still be available in the system). But this was not allowed to be realized, the plans were rigidly, cynically and unprincipledly broken (probably for many years of suffering, torment and toil) on a fabricated criminal case against Vitaly and illegal (with violation of the Criminal Procedure Code) Rostov Region (Rostovskaya oblast, Rostov-na-Donu city), Russian Federation. By the way, investigative bodies from the same province of Russia kidnapped Nadezhda Savchenko (at this stage a well-known politician from Ukraine), where she was convicted by the Rostov Regional Court and then exchanged (Nadezhda Savchenko).

Early in the morning on April 5, 2017, in the village of Punta-Cana, Dominican Republic, Vitaly was abducted by three armed men in civilian clothes who arrived on a large black jeep with tinted windows. Without reading his rights, without presenting service certificates and badges, Witli was beaten, handcuffed, abandoned as a sack in a car and taken to an unknown destination. His pleas and the request to call a lawyer, call the police officers and take Vitaly to the police department for the proceedings were ignored. Then Vitali was thrown and placed without taking the handcuffs to an empty room where he slept on the bare floor in the same handcuffs for three days, he was not fed for three days, did not give access to lawyers, exerted moral and psychological pressure (kidnapping - a common phenomenon in Latin America ). Then, early in the morning, in another car with darkened glasses, accompanied by 3 armed men in civilian clothes, he was taken to the airfield (through the emergency gate, bypassing the main airport building) where he was transported without a passport (the passport was left at home) the plane's ramp and in the cabin of the plane was handed over to two police officers of Russia and taken to Gavana (Cuba), where it was transplanted to an Aeroflot plane for one hour on a flight to Moscow, Russia. It seems to us that this was a well-planned action, a sort of special operation to be taken out bypassing transplantation at European airports (where Vitali could have declared my abduction and asked for help). In Cuba, they too were well planned and arranged with the Cuban airport staff. In the search base of Interpol, Vitali was not, friends and relatives made a request.

Then from Moscow, Vitaly was transported in a wagon for prisoners and placed in the detention center of Rostov-on-Don, where he was already more than 1 year old on a fabricated criminal case and charged on the basis of conjectures and assumptions (without evidence), based on lies and slander in the testimony of a childhood friend, in crimes that he did not commit and for which they want to imprison him for 20 years of suffering and suffering in places of deprivation of liberty in a country that is itself one large camp (a special regime colony). His physical, psychological health suffered a huge damage / blow, as well as to his family members (his wife's health and psyche were undermined, and his daughter was left without a father, his father lies in bed with a neurologic and serious illness for 72 years, his mother is almost 70 years old at the 3rd stage of lung cancer and after chemotherapy he does not get out of bed as an invalid.A three months after the criminal abduction Vitaly was in a shock and stressful state, almost without realizing what was happening, not understanding where he got, but he got into a real, the criminal hell of the Russian meat grinder and the conveyor of torture from the law enforcement system called the "Criminal State" in the entire civilized world! In addition, its business from the Dominican company suffered enormous material damage, as a commercial transaction was broken for a significant amount (in dollar equivalent) with one company from Latin America, in connection with his kidnapping and forcible detention in prison by the Russian side.

In short, the essence of the absurd fabricated (with a false accusation) of this criminal case is as follows: Without evidence, on the basis of conjectures and assumptions, as well as on the basis of lies and slander in the testimony of a childhood friend's slanderer, Vitaly was charged by the investigative authorities of the Rostov region, was engaged in smuggling from the territory of China (Khunchun) through Zabaikalsk, the Russian Federation sent drugs to Rostov-on-Don to this childhood friend who lived in Rostov-on-Don and along with him spread in Russia. But this is a heinous lie and slander, since Vitaly spent the whole of 2015 in the Dominican Republic and this amounts to 12,000 kilometers from Rostov-on-Don, 19,000 kilometers from Zabaikalsk, Russia and 20,000 kilometers from Hunchun, China. In Russia, Vitali was not in 2011 and in China there was only one time in 2009 with his wife on a tourist trip. The investigators do not have any facts confirming his involvement in the acquisition, distribution and storage of narcotic drugs!

They also do not have confirmation of Vitali's contacts with drug traffickers in China and Russia (via telephone, Internet, correspondence, etc.). Vitaly was allowed to run in the lawless mess with impunity in the Rostov region, the Russian Federation and most of all in Russia! There is no evidence and can not be - because Vitali did not commit this crime!

In Russia, a criminal clause 228 is a convenient tool to imprison an innocent person for years to come (throw drugs, take the path of a competitor or an interfering person, earn big money for extortion for freedom, implement a plan for the detection of particularly serious crimes and get for this award or the next rank from the authorities). It is not for nothing that the people call this article "popular" or "political". The Russian authorities do not like it when they are poking their noses, as they say unprovenly on the basis of unfounded accusations (the history of scandals about doping, the case of poisoned Scripal, etc.) on the world stage, so why are you Russian authorities without evidence, imprisoned for many years But citizens are destroying their lives, families !?

For all the time (more than 1 year) of the criminal and forcible retention of Vitaly in a damp prison in the territory of the Russian Federation, he was subjected to moral and psychological pressure to admit that he did not commit; threats and blackmail; extortion of money; bringing to exhaustion and nervous breakdown; intimidation and imprisonment of controlled prisoners in order to provoke oneself; bringing to suicide and opening the veins and so on. In addition, all this time he had to stay and stay in damp, mold and fungus conditions; in unsanitary conditions among bloodsucking and small insects, rodents and insects of peddlers; dirt and stench; infernal stuffiness and cold; pathogenic environment; emotionally and mentally pressing on the soul and body of troubled conditions and so on and so forth. Which, in turn, has a very negative impact on the moral, psychological and physical health of Vitali! As far as he still has the strength and health, we do not know. Vitaly's life is actually broken by the Russian criminal law enforcement system and the authorities of this criminal state, led by the present authorities to indulge this lawlessness, this legal bureaucratic officialdom was going on and did not cease to exist! In today's Russia reigns demoniacism, neo-feudal self-importance, bureaucratic lawlessness, cynical lawlessness, permissiveness of corrupt power structures and obscurantism of ruling elites related to the common people arrogantly as to cattle, as subhuman! In most cases, in this aggressive country legal chaos is not carried out by courts of acquittals.

Because of the cohesion of all branches of power (legislative, judicial and executive), it is not profitable for the system to justify an innocent person, since it is then necessary to rehabilitate a person, pay him monetary compensation for the moral and physical harm of pastime in captivity, plus the money spent for maintenance in prison, payment of bonuses investigators, an increase in statistics on the detection of crimes, and so on, and therefore, mainly convictions are pronounced.

I would like to mention one more incident: In the first months of violent and criminal detention in the remand center, at the time of a shock and very stressful condition, when Vitali was treated and used medicines to treat the head (brain, from mental damage and nervous breakdown), in the evening it was illegal The presence of his lawyer was visited by two officers of a well-known special service. Who took advantage of his sick and depressed psychological state of mind - pressed on Vitaly threatening and blackmailing themselves to stipulate, threatened to poison relatives in the Dominican Republic (where they have their own people), forcing Vitali to read and learn the text and tell him in a rush answering their questions. Again, under strong threats and violent pressure, Vitaly was defeated, did not perceive adequately the reality and what I say; as it was a hypnotic influence by one of those present and how it seems to him that on that day substances that act specifically on the human psyche were mixed into his food and water.

In today's Russia, violations by the authorities and law enforcement agencies of the criminal code and the criminal procedure code and the permissiveness of officials occur everywhere and daily and there is no government for it and nobody can stop it and stop it, and ordinary people, ordinary Russians suffer and suffer from this! In this country of lawlessness and legal outrage with Vitali anything can happen at any moment, Vitali is not afraid of death, the only thing he regrets about is that his little daughter will be left without a father and that Vitaly will never see America as a symbol of freedom, democracy and respect for human rights.

Against the backdrop of all that is happening, we appeal to all not indifferent people and politicians of the Western civilized world to help Vitali and his family inform, spread this information, legally, politically, provide shelter to the Vitali family and support morally.

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