Оpen appeal to the Municipal Unity Party "Unity" and the Cossacks

Оpen appeal to the Municipal Unity Party "Unity" and the Cossacks

Relatives, Cossacks, human rights activists and other fighters for justice

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To the Chairman of the Municipal Unity Party "Unity"

To the Supreme Ataman СКРиЗ

Cossack General

V.P. Submission

from the member of the Municipal Unity Party "Unity" and SCRIS,

Cossack illegally accused

and forcibly retained

Minenko Vitaliy Anatolyevich,

Rostovsky central - SIZO





           Dear Vladimir Petrovich, and take the Cossacks Abroad and Russia! I appeal more to this appeal to the Cossacks of the Far and Near Abroad. First of all, I sincerely and humanely thank you Vladimir Petrovich for the actions taken, the written appeals, the time spent in organizing the assistance in my support, as well as many thanks in a human way to those Cossacks and people who spread in social networks, the media, the World Wide Web information about this legal, bureaucratic lawlessness created in today's Russia, in particular in the Rostov region.


           One year has passed since my criminal abduction, forced transportation from the Dominican Republic (of which I am a citizen) and forced retention in a dungeon in the Rostov Region, Russia.


           The evidence base for this trumped-up criminal case is not available. There is no evidence, except for contradictory and inconsistent testimony of the person who slandered me, made a reservation. The charge is 100% false. An confrontation was held on which the slanderer refused to give evidence by taking Article 51 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Nevertheless, the prosecution continues to bend its line based on assumptions and guesses, hoping through Article 30 part 3 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, without demonstratively extending the case to the court. In the case full of violations (investigators and operatives of the former FSKN), the CPC RF and the Prosecutor's Office as a controlling body had to identify them, but this was not done and the case is being prepared in this form for transfer to the regional court of the Rostov region.


           Blatant legal, bureaucratic, police lawlessness occurring in the Rostov region has reached enormous proportions, the coalescence of all branches of power (executive and judicial) going against the rights and freedoms of ordinary citizens, ordinary Russians - is inhumanly staggering and reached the boiling point and indignation !!! And this concerns not only a fabricated criminal case against me. There are hundreds, a thousand such cases about the fate of people who were convicted without evidence (through Article 30 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) for long terms and years of unjustified suffering and torment, for which no one stands, who no one could help, who did not have anything and a lot of climbed. This is mercilessly inhuman, it's a conveyor, it's a criminal millstone, it's not easy to get out of a meat grinder, because in Russia today there are almost no justifiable sentences, it's unprofitable to rehabilitate the system and pay compensation to the illegally accused and admit that the system was wrong. It's like 1937, on Stalinism! Someday, books about this vague period will be written, and many of the names that participated in this lawlessness and the breaking of human destinies and lives will be mentioned in these books. In the meantime, I ask you to spread the Cossacks' information through the Cossacks living in the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South America, Asia and Europe - in the media, social networks, newspapers and newspapers. My health is deteriorating, I do not know how long I will last, the case of the sent Skripal is widely heard. At this time I will finish. Thanks again!

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