Forced vaccination – fascist experiment of the Third Reich

Forced vaccination – fascist experiment of the Third Reich

New York Governor Andrew Ouomo has broken away from reality and his false powers. This war criminal Nazi completely lost the shores calling for the forcible landing of New Yorkers in some vehicles and lead to an injection in the arm. This fascist monkey is guilty of organizing fake news and organizing a series of fake death reports in the spring of 2020 with a pile of fake bags filled with sawdust for corpses. Material below in the link ⬇️

Ordinary everyman after watching such a video begins to beat in convulsions, say here, what is happening in New York. So it's all gone. America can't handle the graves of the dead.

Dozens of pages with hundreds of videos about the effects of vaccination💉

Bolivia. People who have not been vaccinated are no longer allowed to move freely in the city of Sucre, which has a population of 28,000.

"Everyone must be vaccinated or they will not be able to move freely around the municipality of Sucre," Mayor Elvira Giulia explains unequivocally. 

Anyone who wants to shop in the area or go to a restaurant should show their vaccination card. 

For violation of the law, a fine of 220 euros is charged, and recidivists face a prison term.

Unvaccinated people are only allowed to leave the house in exceptional cases, such as to go to a doctor or get vaccinated. 

Initially, this measure is valid for 8 days, but then can be extended again. Of the 28,000 residents, only about 10,000 were vaccinated.

The experiment on people in the form of forced vaccination is a repetition of the historical experience of Nazi Germany. 

In the history of mankind there is already this example, then people were forcibly vaccinated en masse. These experiments were conducted on people in the Nazi concentration camps of the Third Reich. Those who choose to forcibly vaccinate the population de facto and de Jure commit a crime. This is fascist Germany, and how it all ended is known to almost everyone.

Forced vaccination with the use of unknown drugs for an unknown disease invented by the TV equates all those who conduct it with fascist researchers who conducted experiments on people in the concentration camps of the Third Reich. 

This is really an experiment with an unknown result. People conducting such experiments do not differ from those German doctors who conducted experiments in concentration camps. 

The mayor of New York city, the first contender for arrest 🚔 and the court with his tempting offers to put in the car and lead to the injection by force. It is quite understandable why he carried out mass fakes with corpses in New York in the spring of 2020. New York City Mayor Yura Kuomo is a real state biological terrorist. 

Personally for Cuomo, so that he could more accurately calculate the 🧮 of his sentence 👇

Fake: In New York, the dead from coronavirus are buried in mass graves...

Oh my God, what climatologists scientists 👩 🔬 gathered, in the eyes of ripples ...

Germany's Nazis are notorious for their concentration camps, as well as the horrors that took place there. The horror of the Nazi camp system consisted not only in terror and arbitrariness, but also in those colossal in scale, experiments on people that were carried out there. Scientific research was organized on a grand scale, and its goals were so diverse that it would take a long time to at least name them. 

In German concentration camps, scientific hypotheses were tested on living "human material" and a variety of biomedical technologies were tested. Wartime dictated its priorities, so doctors were primarily interested in the practical application of scientific theories. For example, the possibility of maintaining the performance of people in conditions of excessive loads, blood transfusions with different Rh factors, trials of new drugs were investigated.

Among these monstrous experiments are pressure tests, hypothermia experiments, the development of a vaccine against typhus, experiments with malaria, gas, sea water, poisons, sulfonamide, sterilization experiments and many others.

In 1941, experiments were conducted with hypothermia. They were supervised by Dr. Rascher under the direct supervision of Himmler. The experiments were carried out in two stages. At the first stage, they found out what temperature and how long a person can withstand, and the second stage was to determine how to restore the human body after frostbite. To conduct such experiments, prisoners were taken out in winter without clothes for the whole night or placed in icy water. Hypothermia experiments were conducted exclusively on men to simulate the conditions in which German soldiers on the Eastern Front were, since the Nazis were ill-prepared for the winter period of time. For example, in one of the first experiments, prisoners were lowered into a container with water, the temperature of which ranged from 2 to 12 degrees, in the costumes of pilots. At the same time, they wore life jackets that kept them afloat. As a result of the experiment, Rascher found that attempts to bring back to life a person caught in icy water are almost zero if the cerebellum was supercooled. This was the reason for the development of a special vest with a headrest that covered the back of the head and did not allow the back of the head to sink into the water. 

The same Dr. Rascher in 1942 began to conduct experiments on prisoners, using changes in pressure. Thus, doctors tried to establish how much air pressure a person is able to withstand, and what time. To conduct the experiment, a special pressure chamber was used, in which the pressure was regulated. At the same time there were 25 people in it. The purpose of these experiments was to help pilots and parachutists at high altitude. According to one of the doctor's reports, the experiment was conducted on a 37-year-old Jew who was in good physical shape. Half an hour after the experiment began, he died.

The experiment involved 200 prisoners, of whom 80 died, the rest were simply killed. 

The fascists also conducted large-scale preparations for the use of bacteriological weapons. The emphasis was mainly on fast-moving diseases, plague, anthrax, typhus, that is, such diseases that in a short time could cause mass infections and death of the enemy.

In the Third Reich there were large stocks of typhus bacteria. In the case of their mass use, it was necessary to develop a vaccine to disinfect the Germans. On behalf of the government, Dr. Paul was engaged in the development of a vaccine against typhus. The first to experience the effects of vaccines were the prisoners of Buchenwald. In 1942, 26 Roma were infected with typhus, who had been vaccinated before. As a result, 6 people died from the progression of the disease. This result did not satisfy the management, since the mortality rate was high. Therefore, research was continued in 1943. And the next year, an improved vaccine was again tested on humans. But this time the victims of vaccination were prisoners of the Natzweiler camp. The experiments were conducted by Dr. Chrétien. 80 Roma were selected for the experiment. They were infected with typhus in two ways: with injections and airborne droplets. Of the total number of subjects, only 6 people became infected, but even such a small number did not provide any medical care. In 1944, all 80 people who were involved in the experiment either died of illness or were shot by concentration camp overseers.

In addition, in the same Buchenwald, other cruel experiments on prisoners were conducted. So, in 1943-1944, experiments with incendiary mixtures were conducted there. Their goal was to solve the problems associated with bomb explosions, when soldiers received burns with phosphorus. Basically, Russian prisoners were used for these experiments.

Here experiments with the genitals were conducted, in order to identify the causes of homosexuality. They involved not only homosexuals, but also men of traditional orientation. One of the experiments was a genital transplant.

Also in Buchenwald, experiments were conducted to infect prisoners with yellow fever, diphtheria, smallpox, and also used toxic substances. So, for example, to study the effect of poisons on the human body, they were added to the food of prisoners. As a result, some of the victims died, and some were immediately shot for autopsy. In 1944, all participants in this experiment were shot using bullets with poison.

A series of experiments were also conducted in the Dachau concentration camp. So, in 1942, some prisoners aged 20 to 45 years infected with malaria. A total of 1200 people were infected. Permission to conduct the experiment was obtained by the head Dr. Pletner directly from Himmler. Victims were bitten by malaria mosquitoes, and, in addition, they were also poured into spores that were taken from mosquitoes. For treatment, quinine, antipyrine, pyramidon, as well as a special drug called "2516-Bering" were used. As a result, about 40 people died from malaria, about 400 died from complications from the disease, and another part died from excessive doses of medicines. 

Here, in Dachau, in 1944, experiments were conducted to turn sea water into drinking water. For the experiments, 90 gypsies were used, who were completely deprived of food and forced to drink only sea water. 

In the Auschwitz concentration camp, no less terrible experiments were conducted. So, in particular, throughout the entire period of the war, sterilization experiments were conducted there, the purpose of which was to identify a quick and effective way to sterilize a large number of people without large time and physical costs. During the experiment, thousands of people were sterilized. The procedure was carried out with the help of surgery, x-rays and various medications. Initially, injections with iodine or silver nitrate were used, but this method had a large number of side effects. Therefore, irradiation was more preferable. Scientists have found that a certain amount of X-rays can deprive the human body of producing eggs and sperm. During the experiments, a large number of prisoners received radiation burns. 

Particularly cruel were the experiments with twins conducted by Dr. Mengele in the Auschwitz concentration camp. Before the war, he was engaged in genetics, so the twins were especially "interesting" to him. 

Mengele himself sorted the "human material": the most interesting, in his opinion, were sent to experiments, the less hardy - to work, and the rest - to the gas chamber. 

The experiment involved 1500 pairs of twins, of which only 200 survived. Mengele conducted experiments on changing the color of the eyes, making injections of chemicals, as a result of which complete or temporary blindness occurred. In addition, he made an attempt to "create Siamese twins" by stitching twins. In addition, he conducted experiments with the infection of one of the twins with an infection, after which he conducted autopsies of both to compare the affected organs. 

As Soviet troops approached Auschwitz, the doctor managed to escape to Latin America.

Not without experiments and in another German concentration camp - Ravensbrück. The experiments used women who were injected with tetanus bacteria, staphylococcus, gas gangrene. The purpose of the experiments was to determine the effectiveness of sulfonamide drugs. 

Prisoners made incisions, where shards of glass or metal were placed, and then bacteria were planted. After infection, the subjects were carefully monitored, recording changes in temperature and other signs of infection. In addition, experiments on transplantology and traumatology were conducted here. Women were deliberately maimed, and in order to make it more convenient to monitor the healing process, they cut out areas of the body to the bone. Moreover, limbs were often amputated, which were then taken to a nearby camp and sewn to other prisoners. 

Not only did the Nazis mock concentration camp inmates, they also conducted experiments on "true Aryans." So, recently a large burial was discovered, which at first was mistaken for Scythian remains. However, later it was possible to establish that there were German soldiers in the grave. The find terrified archaeologists: some of the bodies were decapitated, others had sawn tibia, and others had holes along the spine. It was also found that during their lifetime people were exposed to chemicals, and incisions were clearly visible in many turtles. As it turned out later, these were victims of the experiments of the Ahnenerbe, a secret organization of the Third Reich, which was engaged in the creation of a superman. 

Since it was immediately obvious that such experiments would involve a large number of victims, Himmler took responsibility for all the deaths. He did not consider all these horrors to be murder, because, according to him, concentration camp prisoners are not people.

In the Shadow of the Reich: Nazi Medicine / Cross and Star / Window to the Camp (UK) 1997

 "Nuremberg Code", but the World Health Organization of the UN and the heads of state, who actively engaged in the vaccination of their peoples not fully studied biochemical liquid, should be reminded. And this reminder should sound from every citizen whom politicians and officials from medicine began to "voluntarily-forcibly" and other legislative tricks to instill "as if for the benefit and health of the population" who did not vote for such their power over themselves?    

Let's not ask ourselves about the legitimacy of the government, because each country has its own Pinochet - virologists - false doctors. And someone recently received a very dubious mandate from his voters, which causes even homeric laughter among the democrats - slave owners of "Ancient Greece and Rome".

On November 19, 1945, the victorious Allied Powers established the International Military Tribunal, within the framework of which war criminals, supporters of Nazism, who held senior positions in the political, military and medical spheres, were held! Contact your lawyers, you will need them very soon, as well as slackers of the presidential administrations, in order to find out what you did not learn while skipping school: 

the first trial, conducted by the Nuremberg Military Tribunal in 1947, became known as the "Doctors' Trial", in which "23 doctors from the Nazi Party of Germany were convicted of crimes against humanity for the brutal experiments they conducted on prisoners of war and civilians." Many medical experiments were conducted in the Auschwitz concentration camp, where Slavic and Jewish prisoners were covered with identification numbers - a kind of prototype of modern QR codes. 

We will not remind you - who was the first and where, in 1895 came up with the "campos de concentracion", who and where first began to "chip" people as animals. But the current fighters for "democracy" should remember that the trial of doctors was officially called "the United States of America against Carl Brandt et al." Of the 23 accused, 16 were found guilty, seven of whom were sentenced to death and nine received prison sentences giving them 10 years to life imprisonment, and only 7 were acquitted. But how many such "healers" have eluded the justice of mankind?! How many such doctors are operating in modern prisons, special hospitals, mental hospitals, "state security agencies" around the world today? How many of these members of the peaceful profession serve as instruments of political assassination?

This trial led to the creation of the "Nuremberg Code", having developed at the international level ten ethical principles permissible for experiments on people. They read:

1). The voluntary consent of the subject is required.

2). The results of experiments should be of great benefit to people.

3). Human experiments should be only after animal experiments.

4). Experiments should be conducted without human suffering and harm.

5). No experiments should be conducted if death or disability is possible.

6). The risk should not exceed the possibility of benefit.

7). Experiments should be carried out in equipped laboratories.

8). Experiments should be carried out by qualified specialists.

9). Test subjects should be able to opt out at any time.

10). The head of the experiments should be ready to refuse further experiments at any time.

Based on these international principles of the Nuremberg Code, several fundamental documents were later adopted, which became fundamental unchanging principles of good clinical practice (GCP). Without it, it is simply inconsthible not to provide everyone who participates in such research with the protection they deserve. With the advent of digital technologies in clinical trials, new challenges against human health, many practices have "evolved": scans, electronic records, signatures and much more. They, of course, have created some new legal circumstances, but should be aimed solely at ensuring the safety of research and experiment data. 

Over the past 75 years, the Nuremberg Code has been supplemented by the Declaration of Helsinki, the Belmont Report and the Common Rule, yet the basic ten principles have remained unchanged. The main goal has always been and will always be to conduct ethical clinical trials and protect people!

And we do not understand at all what officials and politicians, the media of disinformation, "doctors without pharmacological boundaries", "running ahead of the locomotive" of unfinished research are counting on and hoping for?! Today, Covid Passport is being introduced, restricting a person's natural rights to "freedom of movement" depending on a particular false vaccine. 

Why is everyone involved in "conspiracy theories"?!

 Why do you give reason not to believe in your "good intentions" towards your citizens?

Why are international laws and projects declared at the UN level that deprive all citizens of basic rights – "the right to choose life or death" ?

Who gave you the mandate to pour chemical and other waste from planes plying the blue sky on the heads of the population, turning a bright day into a joyless carcinogenic smur?

Who among you created our planet and humanity in order to destroy it now? 

Who gave you the mandate to own the resources of the earth in their own selfish interests, destroying the "living water" without which we all living beings cannot live?

Additional Titles

Mandatory Vaccination is an Assault on Individual Liberty


By Attorney Jonathan Emord

Author of "The Rise of Tyranny" and

"Global Censorship of Health Information" and

"Restore The Republic"

March 23, 2015

Legislators in thirteen states have introduced bills that would severely constrict or eliminate exemptions from compulsory vaccination, with the intended aim of coercing, cajoling, or forcing those who have not been vaccinated to become so. Those states are California (SB 277); Illinois (SB 1410); Maine (LD 606); Maryland (HB 687); Minnesota (SF 380 and HF 393); New Jersey (S 1147 and A351); New Mexico (HB 522); Oregon (SB 442); Pennsylvania; Rhode Island (S381); Texas (SB 1114; SB 538; HB 2006); Vermont (H212; S87); and Washington (HB 2009). Amidst hysteria arising from a relatively small number of cases of measles (some 600 last year and some 150 this year), law makers would take away everyone’s rights to liberty and personal autonomy. Given the likelihood that at least some of these draconian measures will pass, it is wise to reflect upon our history to see from whence this peculiar deviation from ordinary protection for liberty rights comes. It is also wise to appreciate that the law favoring compulsory vaccination is now scientifically anachronistic and that modern understanding of immunology enables us to employ measures that reduce the risk of disease carriage and transmission without forcibly tying down children and adults and injecting them with substances they do not wish to have in their bodies.

It will surprise many to learn that the concept of compulsory vaccination has national socialist roots in our country that spring from the same drive for a “master race” that led the Nazis to embrace eugenics (including forced sterilization) and dysgenics (including execution of the Jews and others deemed “undesirable”). It will surprise many to learn that the person most responsible for eliminating constitutional protections against such intrusions (the Fourteenth Amendment) is one regarded as among America’s greatest jurists and legal scholars, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. Holmes believed in eugenics and even dysgenics (execution of those whom he regarded as “feeble-minded,” “undesirable,” and “inadequate”). Horrific to any reasonable person in any age, Holmes relished in the idea of creating a “pure” American bloodline through government mandated infanticide and sterilizations. It was therefore of little consequence to him that individuals be forcibly vaccinated, because in his view the science of eugenics and purification of the race were far more important to protect and advance than the individual’s right to liberty.

When the law gives sanction to compulsory vaccination on the theory that the public interest trumps the individual right of personal autonomy and liberty, precious little defense remains for individuals to dissent from all manner of government health-based impositions. If those in power can compel a person to receive an injection against his or her will to ward off diseases said to be communicable, than what is to stop the state from forcibly requiring that all Americans be tested for, say, heritable disease and sterilized if they are found genetically predisposed to pass on diseases that burden society like certain forms of breast cancer , Down syndrome, cystic fibrosis, Haemophilia, polycystic kidney disease, sickle-cell disease, or Tay-Sachs disease? Setting aside whether these diseases are, in fact, heritable rather than the product of environment and whether they would arise even if people who have them were sterilized, it is the popular medical dogma (as it is with diseases for which vaccines have been created) that elimination of them can only be achieved by one sure method : eliminating the culprit genes from heritability.

There is in this compulsory thinking an elitist motive with strong ties to the notion that the power of the state should be marshaled against a minority of those resistant to the popular will in favor of vaccination, taking from them their freedom to ensure that they conform. Indeed, it is an elitest conception of conformity that drives both mandatory vaccination and mandatory sterilization. If you do not see in this compulsion the hallmarks of national socialism, antithetical to our Constitution of Liberty, you must revisit world history from the age of Enlightenment to the end of Nazi Germany. In between, you will find that the same foul doctrine of authoritarian control over the individual existed in this country as in fascist Germany, Italy, and Japan, as in Communist China today. Indeed, that doctrine was given legal approval by Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.

In Law Without Values: The Life, Work, and Legacy of Justice Holmes, University of Chicago Professor of Law Emeritus Albert W. Alschuler records Holmes reasons for favoring deprivation of individual liberty to serve the ends of medical science. To quote Holmes, he favored “substitut[ing] artificial selection for natural by putting to death the inadequate.” He professed “contempt” for “socialisms not prepared . . . to kill everyone below standard.” He envisioned “a future in which science shall have passed from the combative to the dogmatic stage, and shall have gained such catholic acceptance that it shall take control of life, and condemn at once with instant execution what now is left for nature to destroy.” He thought it worth “whatever the cost” to achieve the goal of keeping “certain strains out of our blood.” He believed in “restricting propagation by the undesirables and putting to death infants that didn’t pass the examination, etc., etc.” He believed that we should “prevent continuance of the unfit.” We see comparably repulsive favoritism for ending the lives of others with whom he harbored disdain in a decision by Holmes holding forced sterilization constitutional under the Fourteenth Amendment, the infamous 1927 decision of Buck v. Bell. In that decision, holmes wrote that it was within the rightful power of the state to “prevent our being swamped with incompetence. It is better for all the world, if instead of waiting to execute degenerate offspring for crime, or to let them starve for their imbecility, society can prevent those who are manifestly unfit from continuing their kind.” He crudely added, “the principle that sustains compulsory vaccination is broad enough to cover cutting the Fallopian tubes. Jacobson v. Massachusetts . . . Three generations of imbeciles are enough.”

Holmes relished the opportunity to transform American law in ways that would elevate the power of the state over the individual such that medical procedures deemed to be for the good of society could trump the individual right to personal liberty and autonomy. His first foray into this realm as a jurist was the 1905 decision of Jacobson v. Massachusetts. In that case, a Massachusetts law permitted forcible vaccination whenever the board of health of a city or town determined it to be necessary “for the public health and safety.” Smallpox had appeared in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and the city adopted a regulation compelling vaccination of city inhabitants. Jacobson did not want to experience any risks arising from the vaccine and had a Fourteenth Amendment liberty right to refuse. Broadly construing the state police power, Holmes argued that the liberty right of the Fourteenth Amendment was not absolute and that to protect the safety of members of society, the interests of “safety, health, peace, good order, and the morals of the community” could override liberty. Holmes therefore ruled that Massachusetts could compel Jacobson’s vaccination.

Decided in 1905, the Jacobson decision has become quite dated, scientifically. While still followed by state courts, the law has failed to keep pace with the evolution in the science of immunology. In 2015, the scientific and medical communities have a far better understanding of the nature of disease transmission and of the relative levels of risk associated with disease. There are numerous less restrictive alternatives to vaccination that provide as great, if not greater, protection against individuals becoming carriers of disease. For example, we now understand well those circumstances that must be present for a disease, like measles, to be transmitted.

Let us assume, for example, that there is an outbreak of measles in a public school in Newark, New Jersey, and your child who is not vaccinated attends school in Camden, New Jersey. Let us assume further that upon consultation with an expert in immunology and based on that consult, you insure that your child takes specific and extensive steps to avoid becoming a carrier of the disease. For example, among other risk reduction strategies, you have your child at school wear a face mask covering nose and mouth and hygienic gloves and avoid any interpersonal contact with other students during the time public authorities say there remains a risk of measles contagion. Because vaccines are not 100% effective, including the measles vaccine, there will be children who will become carriers and may transmit the disease to others even when vaccinated. It is the case, however, that your child, having observed these alternative steps will be at no greater risk of contracting the disease than a child who is vaccinated.

In short, the presence of obvious, less intrusive alternatives to vaccination in aid of reducing to zero or near zero the risk of disease transmission raises a new basis to reverse Jacobson and restore full Fourteenth Amendment protection to the liberty right of the individual who wishes not to be vaccinated. Even in Jacobson, Holmes saw fit to cite United States v. Kirby for the proposition that laws must be given a sensible construction and that “general terms should be so limited in their application as not to lead to injustice, oppression, or an absurd consequence.”

Compulsory vaccination statutes today are a throw back to a repulsive era in our own nation’s history from the dawn of the Twentieth Century to the end of World War II of national socialism, of eugenics, when the rights of man were made to take a back seat to the quest of nations to develop a master race, free of disease and of all “undesirables,” to quote Holmes. Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. was a strong advocate of this form of national socialism, believing wholeheartedly in the creation of an American master race in which forced vaccination, sterilization, and extermination of “undesirables” were lawful measures to advance the cause.

That repulsive view, even in the slightest application, has no place in a nation that defends liberty to its fullest rightful extent, as Thomas Jefferson understood it: “unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others.”

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In protecting the rights of all, we must especially protect the rights of the minority, because each of us will at some point be a part of a minority standing against the will of a majority with political power. To ensure adequate protection for individual rights, we must ensure that no measure of compulsion adopted by the state is allowed to trump Fourteenth Amendment and, in the case of free exercise of religion against vaccination, First Amendment grounds when there are obvious, less intrusive alternatives to the compulsion. In the case of vaccination, we have reached that point of scientific knowledge whereby it is no longer necessary to traumatize children who wish not to be vaccinated or parents for that matter, so long as they are willing to undertake reasonable alternative measures to reduce the risk of disease carriage and transmission.

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