We go out one by one, hands behind the head, the weapon thrown down and away from himself to the side. Step to the left 👈 step to the right 👉 shoot without warning 08/05/2021 wine 🍷🕯🍷 

We go out one by one, hands behind the head, the weapon thrown down and away from himself to the side. Step to the left 👈 step to the right 👉 shoot without warning 08/05/2021 wine 🍷🕯🍷 

Ͳɦε Ɗαʝɭγ Ɠαʐεʈʈε'ʂ 'Βεɾϻμɗα Ͳɾʝαηɠɭε Ѕαγʂ'🎙

Let's go! 

In 1999, the book "Dress Bill" was published, where there was a very sensible thought 💭 Yes, it is very late for this idea, but being quite sensible obliges us to make it a reality and finally dress Bill in his everyday costume, because he deserved it with his murders. 

Some facts: 

INDIA : After a long review of hundreds of articles and testimonies: we are witnessing a textbook case of a massive increase in the level of antibodies to vaccines. Vaccinated people, especially those who receive their first dose, are therefore by definition the least protected and most frightened and are in a state of panic and stress, which already increases cytokines even before the disease, exposed to the wild virus in the same hospitals in which they are vaccinated or through contaminated water, since SARSCoV2 can reproduce in bacteria (Bro etgna al, 2020). 

Subsequently, a small percentage of them may develop the ADE vaccine of enhanced form of couid, which also increases symptoms and therefore increases the spread among family members, some of whom may also develop the ADE vaccine. The cycle repeats and repeats itself: more vaccinations, more v-ADE, more infections, more deaths. The only way to stop this is to stop vaccinating immediately and return to treatment. 

For example, zinc,ivermectin and doxycycline is a good example of effective combination treatment. 

Remdesivir is relatively not so effective and may even exacerbate the increase in dependence on antibodies to the vaccine.

"THE EXCLUSIVE EAST - Why injections against a cooid can increase mortality when faced with a wild virus: "Antibodies can worsen the disease in coronavirus infection in animals and possibly in humans. Sub-newer antibodies can contribute to the virus's penetration into cells" :


Remember, your natural immune system, both antibodies and T cells is the best protector and right now develops to fight the variants of coronavirus and its mutants. Don't be afraid of them if you have natural immunity.


And in general, stupidly afraid of disease with coef. survival, according to the CDC, is more than 99%. 

In India, about which the world media say that a couple of weeks ago they wrote about Brazil, a miracle happened. 

The corpse, which was apparently about to be taken to the funeral pyre, suddenly opened its eyes when a funeral officer pointed his phone at him. But then, apparently realizing that there was nothing left in this world that might interest him and that many would like, as he does now, to leave this world, which, thanks to the swabians and other gates, into a continuous panopticon, the corpse closed its eyes and returned to death ☠️😂


To answer questions whether this kind of staging is necessary for us from India, where without, as reported by the media, corpses are more than enough to be filmed for a picture to inflame panic and tantrums around the world, we are not sure . But why such a ruling is organized, we kindly provide international investigators! 

Pfizer: $4.7 billion in fines for false statements, drug and medical equipment safety violations, unauthorized promotion, corruption practices, kickbacks and bribery.

Moderna: Never brought the vaccine to market since its inception, despite the 9th vaccine candidates, none of which have been clinically tested in Phase 3.

Johnson and Johnson: Mentioned in hundreds of thousands of lawsuits for toxic and/or dangerous products, including medicines, shampoos, medical equipment and baby powder contaminated with asbestos (the trial is underway right now).

Astra'eneca: Suspended in European countries due to severe, fatal adverse reactions such as blood clots.

Don't worry, your life and health are in safe hands. Incidentally, the World Vaccine Congress recognized Moderna as the best kovid vaccine.


1. COVID-19 does not exist. Because no scientist or laboratory in the world has isolated this virus as a separate one;

2. What everyone calls a vaccine is not a vaccine in the conventional sense; 

Why is that? 

"First of all, you can't come up with a cure for 💊 from a disease that doesn't exist and no one has presented it with documents in their hands;

- secondly, the second vaccines 💉 make from 3-7 years, passing all clinical trials prescribed in national laws of countries. They are presented to the public, register and supply the drug with a large instruction to use and contraception;

"No one has ever in history awarded prizes for an injection or done much of what we know to this day. Including never politicians and famous people have not advertised their medical procedures 

How and why do they do it? 

"Everyone has different goals and objectives. 

One thing unites them - boundless lies and audacity 👇 

Good Morning, Day, Evenings, Nights and Spirits of the Spirit. So what we have today: 

As the technological giants of the unknown liquid called the vaccine move forward into our lives, without instructions, no composition, no contraindications, no safety evidence, no safety studies, no giants' responsibility in case something suddenly goes wrong, the giants continue to tie people under themselves, making them slaves, which can be instantly excluded from society, disconnecting them in a moment. by making their VaxPass passport invalid, the honey vaccine. BigPharma vs. COVID19 giants of 2015 does not give hope to the plebs, not providing lifelong immunity, which will make all people little different from drug addicts, as the vaccine will have to do every year-six months, so that those. and also suddenly you will pass on the false cow, and it does not eliminate the wearing of masks and social distancing, it does not eliminate the need for travel bans, does not eliminate the need to close the business, does not eliminate the need for locks.

And remember how it started in the spring of 2020: 

✅ locking, wearing masks, new dorm rules that only a crazy terrorist and an idiot could come up with, far from medicine, for only a couple of weeks; 

✅ until people start vaccinating

Now, we have not "as long as" but forever, which no one will ever tell you, but it stems from everything that people make from the global kagal. Schwabians and quiet friends and girlfriends, as well as colleagues of eugenicist and paedophile Epstein from the category of gates-like continue to disfigure our world, society and life.

They themselves will not stop and this is a fact. 


Pfizer's mRNA vaccine is under the microscope. It looks like living biological objects. 

The Johns Hopkins Institute, which hosted "Event 201" and apparently bears a fair share of responsibility for what is happening in the world today, now wants you to believe it 👇

We move on to the main known to date defendants in the future criminal case. The plan of the epidemic they inscribed in October 2019, New York, Rockefeller Plaza . 


"Self-spreading vaccines are genetically designed to move around populations like infectious diseases, but instead of causing disease, they provide protection. The vision is that a small number of people in the target population can be vaccinated, and the vaccine strain will then circulate in the population as a pathogenic virus, leading to a rapid and widespread spread of immunity.

In the event of a serious public health threat, self-spreading vaccines could potentially be used for widespread vaccination of the population. As in the case of animals, only a small number of vaccinated persons will be required to protect the population, eliminating the need for mass vaccination operations.

... there is a significant risk that the vaccine virus will return to wild virulence, as is sometimes the case with an oral polio vaccine that is not intended to be fully virulent or transmitted, but which in rare cases becomes both neuroviral and transmitted. This is both a medical risk and a risk to public perception; the possibility of a vaccine-induced disease will be of great concern to the public."

Incidentally, the text also includes an attempt to acquit Gates and remove all responsibility for the disability and murder of a total of more than 400,000 children who have taken his polio vaccine, which has infected them with polio, which has been recognized even by WHO. 

Below, we present the addresses of this terrorist cell, which were included in the sale of fear from the very beginning, by falsifying data on sick and death, selling this lie to the world:

Johns Hopkins University is a private research university founded by Johns Hopkins in Baltimore, Maryland. The university also has branches in Nanjing, China, and Bologna, Italy.

In 2013, the university ranked 17th in the Academic Ranking of Universities in the World. 11th place in CSIS's ranking of the largest contractors of military orders (and 7th place in 2014), it is associated with the scientific and research activities of 36 Nobel Prize winners who have worked here at different times.

The largest university in the United States, after the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and probably worldwide (the amount approaching a billion dollars a year for military research exceeds the military budget of many countries in the world). He is the founder of the international scientific Gordon conferences.

In the photo, a sample of the products of the University's Applied Physics Laboratory is a non-contact fuze of the Second World War period. For a long time, the university is one of the 20 largest contractors of the U.S. military research and defense

The university comprises five campuses, comprising eight schools, the Peabody Conservatory and the Applied Physics Laboratory. Baltimore has three university campuses. The Homwood campus in the northern part of the city is home to the Krieger School of Arts and Sciences, an engineering and teaching school. The East Baltimore campus is home to the School of Medicine, Nurses and the School of Public Health and Health, as well as Johns Hopkins Hospital. Downtown Baltimore is home to the Peabody Business School and the Peabody Conservatory, which was incorporated into the university in 1977. The Paul Nitze School of Advanced International Studies is located in Washington, D.C., one of the world's leading schools specializing in the training of graduates in international relations, world economics, diplomacy and politics. It has branches in Bologna, Italy and Nanjing, China. The Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) is a division of the university based in Howard County, near Laurel, Maryland. The lab does not conduct educational activities, but is engaged exclusively in research work, including classified, and acts primarily as a defense contractor, fulfilling orders for the U.S. Department of Defense and NASA.

The university's libraries include the George Peabody Library at the Peabody Conservatory.

Italy 🇮🇹 days earlier.


Producers of cat-like horror should start to fear. Italian fascists have included in their lists Schwab, Gates and other friends of paedophile Epstein, they are classified as a target group, which they would like to eliminate as a phenomenon 😂 in the first place . 

Marleson Ballet of unspecified parts and sold-out.


Continuation of our production of the 🎭 of the Merleson Ballet 🩰, a truly best crime ballet of the first half of the 21st century. 



The Trilateral Commission originated from Bilderbergers Bilderbergers when one of its main members, David Rockefeller of Esso or Standard Oil came into conflict with one of its fellows on whether to include Japan in the club. After reading the 1970 book "Between Two Ages," David Rockefeller lured the writer, Professor Brzezinski, to the Bilderberg Club. Thus, aside from Columbia University, he became Chairman and Co-founder of the Trilateral Commission in 1973. Brzezinski, who went on to inspire Jimmy Carter's new foreign and national security career, is still a recognized guru of politics, as all liberal media say today. Using the same principles of collectivist thinking, purpose and premise as in the creation of the Council on Foreign Relations, the Council on Foreign Relations or CFR, Rockefeller financed and created the New York-based Trilateral Commission, led by Brzezinski, as its intellectual architect, as Brzezinski described in his book.


The end of our Marleson World Ballet came to a logical conclusion, as well as all criminal performances in the history of the world. Such a large-scale crime cannot be hidden, in the age of modern communications. Everything has come to the end point and r…


Medical fascism and segregation was not invented by Gates, these options were invented by Hitler.


Nuremberg Code (1947)


"A child is born a philosopher, asks questions, listens, considers answers; then comes an adult with his" "you can't understand," "it's just the way it is," "when you grow up, you'll understand," "listen to what I'm saying to you because I'm older," "shut up when adults say," "it's like this, it's always been like that," "your job is good at school." Slowly the flames go out, and a living child becomes a dead adult." (c)Egon Schiele



So easily Joe can get rid of only fools, or sign a decree 📜 on elimination ....? ... But you can't eliminate them, Joe! 

 🎁 👇


Doctor warns of new vaccination technologies 💉 

Dr. Carrie Madei, a physician for internal diseases and osteopathy, ran two clinics in Georgia, USA, for 19 years. She had long been interested in vaccines. Why are COVID-19 more more problematic than others? 

Is humanity in the midst of a great experiment? 

If you've never heard of DARPA hydrogel, luciferaz and Bill Gates' international patent 060606 in relation to 5G technology, then this stuff is below for you. 

Full patent number WO / 2020/060606

From the patent:

"The activity of the human body related to the task provided to the user can be used in the process of intellectual analysis of the cryptocurrency system. The server can provide the task to the user's device, which is communicatively connected to the server. Sensors communicatively associated with the user's device, or the chips contained in it, may perceive the activity of the user's body. Body activity data can be generated. A cryptocurrency system that communicates with a user's device can check how body activity data meets one or more conditions set by the cryptocurrency system and provide cryptocurrency to a user whose body activity data is verified...' 

De facto it is a continuation of richard Rockefeller's patents 👇

Richard A. ROTSHIELD filed 19 patents to protect the following inventions. The list includes pending patent applications as well as patents already issued by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).


And the Gates Patent refers to the human body and currency, a frank connection with revelation and the sign of the beast, which refers to the ability of man to buy or sell. In the

The Antichrist is not a man, for he was labeled a "beast" in Scripture. No place says it's a human being. Born does not mean born biologically, which means he has appeared. That is, its nature as if from a living, but inhuman. That's the case with AI. He is born a living man's mind, but there is no Man, this is the Antichrist and the great mystery. 

They want to subdue us. 

And it will be subordinated to many through the zR code, which, as everyone knows, there is a number of beast (AI) 666, without which the code is not readable. It's obvious everything and fell into place. 

Apocalypse is coming, watch closely, we all walk on the edge, dangerously ⚠️ on the edge of the abyss go. 

It's a pity not everyone understands it . . . 

Although it seems to understand here especially and nothing, because - ISTOY - THIS IS VERY LOVE. 

The plague is in our house. We can't treat it. Moreover, we are not even able to make the correct diagnosis. And those who have already become infected often do not notice that he is sick and contagious. 

Dr. Lawrence Britt analyzed the fascist regimes of Hitler (Germany), Mussolini (Italy), Franco (Spain), Salazar (Portugal), Papadopoulos (Greece), Pinochet (Chile) and Suharto (Indonesia). He found 14 characteristics common to each of these modes:

1. Powerful, incessant nationalism. Fascist regimes very actively use patriotic mottos, slogans, symbols, songs, etc. National flags hang everywhere - on buildings, on clothes, on cars - they are customary to publicly demonstrate

2. Contempt for human rights. Because of the hysteria and the fear of enemies, as well as the need for security, people are being persuaded that human rights can be ignored in some cases because of the highest "necessity". Publicly approve of torture, executions, murders, prolonged detention, etc.

3. The definition of the Enemy for the unification of society is introduced - people must unite for the need to eliminate the threat/enemy: it can be racial, ethnic or religious minorities, liberals, communists, socialists, terrorists, etc.

4. The military and security forces have a disproportionate role to play in the governance of the country. The cult of army and military service has been developed.

5. The governments of fascist countries are almost exclusively men. Under fascist regimes, traditional gender roles become very rigid. There is a fight against divorce and abortion. The state appears as a defender of the institution of the family.

6. Control of the media. Sometimes directly by the government, sometimes indirectly. Censorship, especially in wartime, is mandatory.

7. Obsession with national security - fear is used as a tool of government over the masses.

8. Religion and government are closely intertwined - governments in fascist countries seek to use the most common religion in the country as a tool to manipulate public opinion. The religious rhetoric and terminology of government become very similar, even if the basic principles of religion are diametrically opposed to government policy.

9. The close plexus of the political and business aristocracy. Creating favorable conditions for companies that helped the rise of state leaders to power.

10. Labour movements are suppressed - because this is a real threat to the fascist government. Trade unions are either banned or deprived of any real power.

11. Contempt for the intelligentsia - fascist countries encourage open hostility to higher education and the scientific community. The profession is censored or arrested. Art is strictly regulated.

12. Under fascist regimes, the police are given almost limitless powers. People are ready to ignore the abuses of the police and even to renounce civil liberties in the name of patriotism.

13. Total corruption and nepotism - Fascist regimes are almost always governed by a small group of friends and associates who appoint each other to public office and use state power to protect their friends from responsibility. National resources are coming under the control of state leaders.

14. Election fraud or imitation. Smear campaigns against undesirable parties are unfolding, up to the murder of opposition leaders. Fascist countries also routinely use the judiciary to control elections.

This set was developed by the British political scientist Lawrence Britt, according to his calculations, if the coincidence of points more than seven, the state embarked on the path of fascism.

Umberto Eco. Fourteen signs of fascism

"Eternal Fascism" is a lecture given by Umberto Eco at a symposium held by the Italian and French branches of Columbia University (New York) on April 25, 1995, on the anniversary of the liberation of Europe. Published under the title "Eternal Fascism" in the New York Review of Books on June 22, 1995.

 “In my adolescence there were two such years, when there were SS men, fascists and partisans around, everyone fired at each other, I learned to dodge shots. A useful skill.

 The term "fascism" is used everywhere because even if one or more aspects are removed from the Italian fascist regime, it still continues to be recognized as fascist.

 To overcome this confusion, in my opinion, it is necessary to isolate the list of typical characteristics of Eternal Fascism (ur-fascism); in fact, it is SUFFICIENT THE PRESENCE OF EVEN ONE OF THEM FOR THE Fascist fog to begin to condense.

 1) The first characteristic of ur-fascism is the CULT of TRADITION. Traditionalism is older than fascism. It dominated counter-revolutionary Catholic thought after the French Revolution, but it emerged in the late Hellenistic period as a reaction to the rationalism of classical Greece. It follows from it that there is no place for the development of knowledge. The truth has already been proclaimed once and for all; it remains only to interpret her dark words. It is enough to look at the "clips" of any fascist cultures: they include only traditionalist thinkers. German fascist gnosis was fed from traditionalist, syncretistic, occult sources. The most important theoretical source of the new Italian right, Julius Evola, confuses the Grail with the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, alchemy with the Holy Roman Empire. The very fact that, in order to enrich their horizons, part of the Italian right has now expanded the clip to include De Maistre, Guénon and Gramsci, is a brilliant demonstration of syncretism.

 2) Traditionalism INEVITUALLY LEADS TO DISPOSAL OF MODERNISM. Both Italian fascists and German Nazis seemed to adore technology, while traditionalist thinkers generally branded technology as a denial of traditional spiritual values. But, in fact, Nazism enjoyed only the outer aspect of its industrialization. In the depths of his ideology, the theory of Blut und Boden - "Blood and Soil" dominated. The denial of the modern world was carried out under the sign of the denial of capitalist modernity. This is, in essence, a denial of the spirit of 1789 (and also, of course, 1776) - the spirit of the Enlightenment. The Age of Rationalism is seen as the beginning of modern depravity. Therefore ur-fascism can be defined as irrationalism.

 3) Irrationalism is strongly associated with the cult of action for the sake of action. The action is beautiful in itself and therefore is carried out outside and without reflection. Thinking is an unmanly business. Culture is viewed with suspicion, being a potential bearer of critical attitudes. Everything is here: Goebbels' statement “When I hear the word“ culture ”, I grab a pistol,” and cute commonplaces about intellectual swindlers, egg-headed intellectuals, radical snobbery and universities that are breeding grounds for communist infection. Suspicion of the intellectual world always signals the presence of ur-fascism. Official fascist thinkers were mainly engaged in accusing contemporary culture and the liberal intelligentsia of deviating from eternal values.

 4) NO FORM OF SYNCRETISM CAN ENDURE CRITICISM. A critical approach operates with distinctions, while distinctions are an attribute of modernity. In modern culture, the scientific community respects disagreement as the basis for the development of science. In the eyes of ur-fascism, disagreement is betrayal.

 5) DISAGREE IS STILL A SIGN OF INVOLVEMENT. Ur-fascism grows and seeks consensus, exploiting the innate fear of the alien. The first slogans of the fascistoid or pre-fascistoid movement are directed against foreigners. Ur-fascism is thus, by definition, implicated in racism.

 6) UR-FASHISM IS BORN FROM INDIVIDUAL OR SOCIAL FRUSTRATION. Therefore, all historical fascisms relied on the frustrated middle classes that suffered from any economic or political crisis and fearful of the threat from the irritated lower classes. In our time, when the former "proletarians" are turning into the petty bourgeoisie, and the lumpen is withdrawing from political life, fascism will find an excellent audience in this new majority.

 7) For those who are generally socially disadvantaged, UR-FASCISM SAYS THAT THE ONLY Pledge OF THEIR PRIVILEGES IS THE FACT OF BIRTH IN A CERTAIN COUNTRY. This is how nationalism is forged. And the only thing that can unite the nation is its enemies. Therefore, at the heart of ur-fascist psychology is an obsession with the idea of ​​a conspiracy, if possible international. People should feel beleaguered. The best way to keep your audience focused on a conspiracy is to use the springs of xenophobia. However, an internal conspiracy is also suitable, the Jews are well suited for this, because they are both as if inside and as if outside.

 8) THE JOINTS SHOULD FEEL INSURED BECAUSE THE ENEMIES SHOW WEALTH, BREAK FORCE. When I was little, I was taught that the British are "a nation of five meals a day." The British eat more intensely than the poor but honest Italians. The Jews are still rich, besides they help their own people, they have a secret network of mutual assistance. This is on the one hand; at the same time, the members are convinced that they will be able to defeat any enemy. So, thanks to the oscillation of rhetorical strings, enemies are drawn at the same time as too strong and too weak. For this reason, fascisms are doomed to always lose wars: they are unable to objectively assess the enemy's combat capability.

 9) FOR UR-FASCISM, THERE IS NO FIGHT FOR LIFE, BUT THERE IS LIFE FOR THE SAKE OF FIGHT. If so, pacifism is unequivocal fraternization with the enemy. Pacifism is reprehensible because life is an eternal struggle. At the same time, there is also a complex of the Last Judgment. Since the enemy must be - and will be - destroyed, it means that the last battle will take place, as a result of which this movement will gain complete control over the world. In the light of such a "total solution", the coming of the era of universal peace, the Golden Age is supposed. However, this contradicts the thesis of permanent war, and not a single fascist leader has yet been able to resolve the resulting contradiction.

 10) FOR ALL REACTIVE IDEOLOGIES, ELITARISM IS TYPICAL, IN THE FORCE OF ITS DEEP ARISTOCRATICITY. Throughout history, all aristocratic and militaristic elitism has held on to contempt for the weak. Ur-fascism is a populist elitist. Ordinary citizens are the best people in the world. The party is made up of the best ordinary citizens. An ordinary citizen can (or must) become a party member. However, there can be no patricians without plebeians. A leader who knows that he received power not through delegation, but seized by force, also understands that his strength is based on the weakness of the masses, and this mass is weak enough to need the Rider and deserve him. Therefore, in such societies, organized hierarchically (according to the militaristic model), each individual leader despises, on the one hand, the superior, and on the other, the subordinates. This strengthens mass elitism.

 11) EVERYONE AND EVERYONE IS TRAINED TO BECOME A HERO. In myths, the hero embodies a rare, extraordinary being; however, in the ideology of ur-fascism, heroism is the norm. The cult of heroism is directly related to the cult of death. It is no coincidence that the motto of the Phalangists was Viva la muerte! Normal people are told that death is upsetting, but it will have to be met with dignity. Believers are told that death is a passive method of achieving supernatural bliss. The hero of ur-fascism, on the other hand, longs for death, foreseen to him as the best compensation for a heroic life. The hero of ur-fascism is unbearable to die. In heroic impatience, let us note in parentheses, he is much more likely to kill others.

 12) Since both permanent war and heroism are rather difficult games, UR-FASCISM TRANSFERS ITS STRIKE FOR POWER TO THE SEXUAL SPHERE. This is the basis of the cult of masculinity (that is, disregard for women and the merciless persecution of any non-conformist sexual habits: from chastity to homosexuality). Since gender is also a rather difficult game, the hero of ur-fascism is played with a pistol, that is, an ersatz of the phallus. Constant war games have their background in the inescapable invidia penis.

 13) UR-FASHISM IS BUILT ON QUALITATIVE (QUALITATIVE) POPULISM. In a democracy, citizens enjoy individual rights; the totality of citizens exercises their political rights only if there is a quantitative (quantitative) basis: decisions of the majority are executed. In the eyes of ur-fascism, the individual has no personality rights, and the People appears as a quality, as a monolithic unity expressing the total will. Since no number of human beings can actually have an aggregate will, the Leader claims to represent everyone. Having lost the right to delegate, ordinary citizens do not act, they are only called - part for the whole - to play the role of the People. Thus, the people exist as an exclusively theatrical phenomenon. You don't have to go to Nuremberg Stadium or Rome's crowded square in front of Mussolini's balcony for examples of quality populism. In our near future, the prospect of high-quality populism is television or the electronic network of the Internet, which are able to present the emotional reaction of a selected group of citizens as "the judgment of the people." Standing firmly on its qualitative populism, ur-fascism takes up arms against the "rotten parliamentary democracies." The first thing Mussolini said in his speech in the Italian parliament was: "I wish I could turn this deaf, gray room into a gym for my children." He, of course, quickly found a much better haven for "his children", but nevertheless he dispersed the parliament. Whenever a politician questions the legitimacy of the parliament, since it supposedly no longer reflects the "judgment of the people", the smell of Eternal Fascism is clearly smelled.

 14) UR-FASCISM SPEAKS IN NOVOYAZ. Newspeak was invented by Orwell in 1984 as the official language of Ingsoc, English socialism, but elements of ur-fascism are common to all kinds of dictatorships. Both Nazi and fascist textbooks were distinguished by poor vocabulary and primitive syntax, wanting to limit as much as possible the set of tools for complex critical thinking for the student. But we must be able to isolate other forms of Newspeak, even when they have the innocent look of a popular television talk show. "

We live under the same sky, but everyone has a different horizon...

Konrad Adenauer 

All human organs sooner or later get tired, but not language.

Konrad Adenauer 

It seems that some people queued three times when God was handing out stupidity.

Konrad Adenauer 

If two people always have the same opinions, they are both unfit.

Konrad Adenauer 

When others think you're done, that's when you should start.

Konrad Adenauer 

Korrad Hermann Joseph Adenouer was the first Federal Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany (Germany) (1949-1963).

There are no questions 👎. That's nice that there are no questions 👎 

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