Transcripts and additions to protocol 13/66 

Transcripts and additions to protocol 13/66 

𑀗꤀𐌌𐌌꤯᥉᥉꤯꤀ꤙꤕ꤅ 𑀗ꤌ𑀱ꤌꤙʆꤕ

🇺🇸Gates famously has America.

The Gates-Epstein connection and what they were doing was revealed. 

Microsoft founder, philanthropist and richest man In the world Bill Gates was associated with the late financier Jeffrey Epstein. Their close relationship was reported by The New Yorker back in 2019, which received emails from MIT Media Lab directors saying that the convicted sex offender "gave instructions" to Gates to donate $2 million to a research lab in October 2014.

The two are known to have met, including a meeting in New York in 2013 that preceded Gates' trip to Palm Beach on one of Epstein's private jets. It is also known that Gates' former chief scientific adviser was appointed an alternative executor of Epstein's will. 

Despite this, a spokesman for Gates told Business Insider that "although Epstein persistently harassed Bill Gates, any history of business partnerships or personal relationships between them is categorically untrue."

However, flight records, general interests in biotechnology and internal emails do not lie. The two men had more in common than meets the eye. Both had a common interest in eugenics, a perverse form of science that seeks to genetically modernize the human population (think of the RNA vaccine against the cooida that reprograms your DNA). Bill Gates speaks openly about depopulation, and Jeffrey Epstein was passionate about creating a genetically superior race, using his sperm to impregnate selected women. According to scientists who spoke with Epstein, he expressed interest in impregnating up to twenty women at a time at his ranch in New Mexico to create "genetically superior" children from some of the most successful people in society. 

NBC reported earlier that it was a shock to us that Gates-Epstein's connections were coming to light.

In connection with quite the above, we consider it our duty to re-bring what our source told us about Epstein's ranch, as it finally connects all the points in this story: 

"Tonight I was at a party with a friend I'll call "Frank." Frank is quite rich and has very good connections thanks to his work, which I will not go into details for obvious reasons. Towards the end of the meeting, he invited me into his office, and we were just chatting nonsense when he talked about Maxwell's arrest: "You know, the public misunderstands everything."

I was obviously intrigued, so I decided to continue. Here's my recollection of what he said to me then:

Epstein and Yizlen were not just sex traffickers, but the owners of a major secret operation. The island he owned, little St. James, was at the center of it all. Although there is a mansion and several other objects scattered on the surface, they are nothing more than a distraction.

When the FBI finally obtained the appropriate search warrants after his final arrest, what they found was like "something from a sci-fi movie." Beneath the surface of the island is a massive compound "imagine a nuclear bunker on steroids."

A dormitory the size of a football field with hundreds of beds. A huge warehouse for storing food/water/fuel and other different items. School, cafeteria, even a recreation area with tennis courts, ping pong tables, basketball hoops, etc.

There was also a medical facility - and this is where everything becomes really strange. Row behind a number of cryogenically stored sperm and eggs. Carefully organized and with tagged samples - albeit under a pseudonym (e.g. RJ150709).

Researchers believe that sperm and eggs have been donated by numerous visitors to the island, although to date they have not found any information that links specific people to conker samples.

The "America's Salvation Plan," which includes the measure, was passed by a party vote and supported by the Dems. Interestingly, the Democrats' $1.9 trillion bill "buried" $3.5 billion for the foundation of a friend of paedophile slave trader Epstein Bill and his wife, Melinda Gates. 

💉Part of Gates and the CPC says that countries should still use the Astrazeneca vaccine; and that's after several countries suspended its use because of reports of side effects. 

And despite the fact that even the media has information about it, in particular that "the flu is disappearing in Colorado" (video 1) and "Gripp disappears in Wisconsin" (video 2), the closest friend and associate of the billionaire paedophile Eugenit Epstein, not a doctor Gates, who is on a par with China and the CPC the main sponsor, in fact, the private bench who runs his doll Ethiopian Gebreisus, still predicts the next, for any sane person either modeled/organized or fake pandemic, but now he says that "in the next pandemic everything will be fine" (video 3)👇

Interestingly, Fauci, who actively called on the world society to atomization, and declared the need for separation, that almost word for word repeated by many throughout 2020 during what was called the pademia of the kovid.

The doctor all 2020-2021 called to wear masks everywhere and everywhere, as soon as the cameras turned off took off his mask and can be seen as Faust is nervous . 

In this video, the inventor of the PCR tests, the Nobel laureate, Carey Mullis, who also stated that THE PCR tests are not designed to detect viruses and died straight before what the pocket organization of globalizers was called the pandemic of the kovid clearly, clearly, clearly and unequivocally makes it clear that is each other paedophile Epstein "necha", "nevratorologist" Gates, "nevirus" 👇

"He doesn't understand electron microscopy or medicine, and he shouldn't be in the position he is now."

In the last few pages of the $1.9 trillion COVID-19 bill, the shocking situation of pdf👇

Page 613 of the Democrats' 628-page aid bill contains a provision calling for the deposit of "at least $3.5 million" into the global fund to fight AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria, which the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation describes as a "key element and partner."

Donating money to fight AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis around the world is remarkable, Friends, but it's not clear why $3.5 billion of Americans' money should be donated to the paedophile friend Epstein's foundation and his wife, Milinda, guilty of at least 400,000 vaccine-damaged lives in India and millions in Africa. 

Bill Gates Health Empire: Part 1.


Products abandoned by the West are an illusion of choice for African women and children . Bill Gates Health Empire: Part 2.

Criminal contract between the Israeli government and the Pfizer campaign Below is an analysis of the contract between Pfizer and the State of Israel 🇮🇱 with illustrations of selected items 👇

Analysis of the treaty between Faiser and the State of Israel 🇮🇱 

SCOOP - October 13, 2015 Patented covid-19 testing method 😷 EUROPE, ROTHSCHILD.

💉Astra'eneca fell down to its peak. In 4 months it lost more than 20% in value, which is about 25 billion euros, of which 8 "gone" in the last 30 days.

After the mass deaths among vaccinated and a dozen countries stopped vaccinations of this company, the stock exchange stopped putting not only on the shares of Astrazenek, but also Pfizer and Modern. 

Dr. Tal Sachs, Chief Medical Officer of the infamous Moderna Inc. 

"We've seen this phenomenal digital scientific revolution, and I'm here today to tell you that we're really hacking into life software and that it's changing the way we think about disease prevention and treatment," Said Then-Sachs, "In every cell there's a thing called an RNA messenger or for the short of mRNA, which transmits important information from DNA in our genes to a protein from which we are actually made all of us. This is the most important information that determines what the cell will do. So we see it as an operating system. So, if you could change that, if you could enter or change the line of code, it would turn out that it has serious consequences for everything from flu to cancer. We're actually hacking into life software. Imagine that instead of giving the virus protein to the patient, we give them instructions on how to make protein, how the body can make its own vaccine. When you think about what we're trying to do. We have taken information and our understanding of this information and how this information is transmitted in a cage, and we have taken our understanding of medicine and how to produce medicines, and we combine them. We call it information therapy. Information therapy. It's like a computer code."

These pseudo-scientists really believe that the human body is nothing more than a digital machine that can be hacked and reconfigured according to the programmer's instructions.

💉😷In some schools (EU, USA) honey. fascism has become almost official. 

From the editorial: 

"My daughter came back today from school with this button on her blazer. I asked her what it was? She told me that the school asked her to wear it to be recognized as not being tested and not wearing a mask. Some might say it's nothing, but to me it means more than just a button. It's not just a button. This is the first step to selecting people, as in Germany did with the Jews. Now masks and tests and soon they will sort grafted and unvaccinated people as circumcised and uncircumcised in Germany. I cannot agree with this procedure. What do you all think of that? What do we do?".

💉Medical Fascism on the March: Rutgers University is the first in the U.S. to require students on campus to be vaccinated against COVID for the fall semester.

On Thursday, Rutgers University officials announced that all students who will attend classes on campus in the fall will have to be vaccinated against #COVID19 kovid - presumably the first mandate of its kind in the country - while faculty and staff are "strongly encouraged" to receive one of the available vaccines.

"We are committed to ensuring health and safety for all members of our community, and adding COVID-19 vaccination to our student immunization requirements will help ensure a safer and more reliable college experience for our students." said Jonathan Holloway, president of Rutgers University, who said the vaccine was not the second or third phase of clinical trials, making its claim criminal under the Nuremberg Tribunal's ruling.

🇺🇸 Percentage of Coid Survival by Age (CDC)

National Security Study Memorandum NSSM 200

National Security Study Memorandum NSSM 200 Implications of Worldwide Population Growth For U.S. Security and Overseas Interests (THE KISSINGER REPORT) ...

Henry Kissinger was a former national security adviser to the President of the United States and Secretary of State from 1973 to 1977. He was one of the authors of the policy of "discharge" in relations between the United States and the USSR. In 1973 he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

In October 2016 he was elected a foreign member of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Bild reported on December 26, 2016, that Kissinger was developing a plan for Trump to restore relations with Russia. According to the newspaper, the plan assumes that Russia "will guarantee the security of the eastern part of Ukraine," and the West, in turn, formally calling Crimea Ukrainian, recognizes the right of Russia to the peninsula occupied by it and "will not make a problem out of it." 

Putin's classmate, ex-KGB intelligence officer Shvets: Henry Kissinger, known in our department as Kis, and did not have time to officially include in the agency. 

Henry Kissinger was recruited by the Soviet State Security Committee just two weeks before Richard Nixon became president of the United States, and he became an assistant for National Security, said Yuri Shvets, a fellow russian President Vladimir Putin and former KGB intelligence officer of the USSR.

Former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger was an agent of the Soviet State Security Committee, but was not included in the agency. This was reported by former KGB intelligence officer of the USSR and a fellow of Russian President Vladimir Putin on the KGB institute Yuri Shvets in the author's program of Dmitry Gordon "GORDON" on the TV channel "112 Ukraine." 

"This is a separate story, which is worthy of the pen of the great master. That was the situation. Henry Kissinger, known in our American department as Kisa, met with our opera operator Borey Sedov. What is an agent? A KGB agent is a foreigner who consciously cooperates with the State Security Committee and voluntarily performs his tasks. And now Mr. Sedov meets with Professor Kissinger, sends dispatches to Moscow, to the center, from which it seems that it turns out that it turns out - he is an agent," Shvets said.

He noted that Kissinger was recruited just two weeks before Richard Nixon became president of the United States.

"And Kissinger (became. "GORDON) is a National Security Assistant (he later became U.S. Secretary of State)," Shvets said.

"The first department writes a report to the head of intelligence, which outlines the essence of the case, the object is assigned a task ... "We ask, taking into account the above, to include in the KGB's agency apparatus as an agent." Goes up, comes to General Kirpichenko, deputy, the most experienced master (he sat there all his life, knew everything and everything)... He scratched his head and said, "Comrades, well, you can imagine, now we're going to sign this and report it to Brezhnev, and he's appointed an assistant, and then Brezhnev calls and says, "Look, tell your agent that America will stop twisting with China. I don't like this. Give him a job!" What are we going to do? We will, and he, of course, will not do it. And then they'll give us a hat," the ex-intelligence officer continued.

He noted that Kissinger did not have time to enter the KGB's intelligence apparatus.

"In short, his hand, which had already been brought in to sign, stopped. And thank God, because in two weeks, Kisa becomes an assistant. They didn't have time to include it in the agency," Shvets said. 

The KGB of the USSR in later Andropov time (after 1978) had the status of an autonomous union State Committee on the rights of the allied-republican ministry and officially numbered about 400,000 employees (including about 100,000 - border troops, then the KGB troops, special forces and a whole army of free-for-the-counters and servicemen, personnel operas had something 100-200 thousand, it is impossible to determine more precisely, because the KGB has always concealed its figures). At the same time, this arithmetic did not take into account the huge unspoken apparatus of "voluntary assistants" or "knockers" (agents, trusts and proxies) - about 5 million Soviet and foreign citizens. 




1. illegal scout "in the field" (the "Special Reserve" of the KGB of the USSR), in a long-term overseas trip (DKK) in the developed "first class" capstrana, the Western world (USA, England, France, Germany, Canada, Japan, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Australia, New zealand, Italy, Spain, Norway, Denmark, netherlands, Belgium, Austria, South Africa, Israel, etc.)

2. Illegal intelligence officer of the Center (operating the current reserve of the KGB of the USSR "under the roof" or the 1st department of the central apparatus of illegal intelligence (management "C")), constantly and regularly traveling "in the field" on short-term business trips and on separate, one-off illegal tasks around the world

3. Illegal intelligence "in the field" (the "Special Reserve" of the KGB of the USSR), in the "second-class" country, in the most developed of the so-called developing countries of capitalist orientation (Argentina, Mexico, Peru, Chile, Hong Kong, South Korea, Brazil, India, Kenya, Turkey, Morocco, Latin American, Arab, African countries, The Countries of Southeast Asia, or The Southeast Asian Union)

4. "C" management's operating officer, who is on special training in illegals under the 3rd Division or a candidate for admission to illegals 

5. Special Operations Officer (Special Forces) special unit "Vympel" 8th Division "C" (sabotage, sabotage, terrorism, guerrilla and raid war in the deep rear of the enemy in any country of the world)


6. The operator of the "legal" residence in the DKK in the developed country of the Western world, working "in the field" on the line of illegal intelligence ("N") or the operating officer of the current KGB reserve "under the roof" in civil ministries, institutions, institutions and organizations in the USSR on preparation for the DSC (MID, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, GKNT, GKES, SKES, TASS,

7. The operator of the "legal" residence in the DKK in the developed country of the Western world, working "in the field" on the line of political intelligence ("PR") or the operator of the current reserve of the KGB "under the roof" in the institution in the USSR on preparation for the DKK on this line

8. The operator of the "legal" residence in the DCC in the developed country of the Western world, working "in the field" on the line of scientific and technical intelligence ("X") or external counterintelligence ("KR") or the operator of the current reserve of the KGB "under the roof" in the institution in the USSR on preparation for the DCC on this line

9. operational "legal" officer of the central apparatus of illegal intelligence (management "C"), regularly traveling "in the field" to one-off "legal" special tasks around the world

10. operational "legal" employee of the prestigious geographical departments of PSU or departments "T" and "K" of the central apparatus (PSU), regularly traveling "in the field" to one-off "legal" special tasks around the world

11. The operator of the "legal" residence in the DKK in the developing country of capitalist orientation, working "in the field" on the line of illegal intelligence ("H") or the operator of the current reserve of the KGB "under the roof" in the institution in the USSR on preparation for the DSK

12. The operator of the "legal" residence in the DKK in a developing country of capitalist orientation, working "in the field" on the line of political intelligence ("PR") or the operator of the current kgb reserve "under the roof" in the institution in the USSR on preparation for the DKK

13. The operator of the "legal" residence in the DCC in the developing country of capitalist orientation, working "in the field" on the line of scientific and technical intelligence ("X") and external counterintelligence ("KR") or the operating staff of the current KGB reserve "under the roof" in the institution in the USSR on preparation for the DCC

14. Operating officer of the central apparatus of illegal intelligence (management "C" Yasenevo), working in the Center in the prestigious geographical department inside the illegal intelligence (4th or 5th)

15. The operative of the Central Foreign Intelligence Apparatus (PSU, Yasenevo) KGB, working in the Center in the prestigious geographical department of the entire PSU (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th or 7th)

16. The operator of the central control apparatus "T" or management "K" (Yasenevo), working at the Centre in the prestigious geographical department of its management

17. The operator of the central apparatus of illegal intelligence, working at the Centre in a low-prestigious geographical, functional or auxiliary department (2, 3, 6, 7 and 8 "C" departments)

18. Opera staff of the Central Foreign Intelligence Agency (PSU in Yasenevo), working at the Centre in the low-presyst geographical department of the PSU (e.g., English-speaking or French-speaking countries of Africa, near-socialist countries of SWA)

19. Officer of the central office "T" and "K" of foreign intelligence (PSU), working in the Center in a low-prestigious geographical, functional or auxiliary department of his management, or a member of the low-authority management or service of the PSU (NTO, Legal Service, Archives, NIIRP), or a teacher of KI 

20. listener of the Basic (three-year) faculty of the KGB of the USSR (official diploma of the USSR of a single state model on the second higher education).

21. student of the two-year faculty of the KGB OF the USSR (the KGB's internal certificate on professional development).


22. operative of other lines of the KGB, working in the DKK in the developed country of the Western world (security officer, encryptor, operational chauffeur, NTO technician, etc.)

23. A KGB officer working in the DHC in a developing country of capitalist orientation (security officer, encryptor, NTO technician, etc.) or "legal" and official KGB adviser in "hot spots" (Angola, Mozambique, Nicaragua, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Iraq, Cuba, Algeria, Vietnam, etc.) 


24. The operator of the central official office of the KGB in the capital of the social country in the DZC, working on the line of illegal intelligence

25. The operator of the central official office of the KGB in the capital of the social country in the DZC, working on the line of internal intelligence from the territory of social countries and on other lines of activity of the KGB

26. The official KGB office in the social country in the DZC, working on the internal intelligence line in the provincial branch (intelligence in social countries)

27. The operative of various lines of the KGB in the DKK in the social country, working in the province or in the group of Soviet troops (GSV)

28. Opera staff of the 11th division of the PSU (internal intelligence from the territory of social countries) or the operating staff of the current reserve of the KGB of the USSR "under the roof" of Soviet organizations of external orientation (SSD, KMO USSR, Committee for the Protection of Peace, Committee of Soviet Women, Olympic Committee, etc.)

29. The operator of the central apparatus of the RT in Moscow (internal intelligence from the territory, the first line of activity of the territorial bodies of the KGB)

30. The operator of the first department (internal intelligence from the territory in the structure of the territorial bodies of the KGB) of the OCGB on Moscow and the Moscow region

31. participant of one-year courses at the Andropov Red Banner Institute of the KGB of the USSR (KGB certificate on training for internal intelligence from the territory of the USSR and social countries) 

32. The operator of the central apparatus of the KGB of the USSR (second chief and other administrations) in Moscow

33. First Line operating officer (internal intelligence from the Soviet Union) of the district departments of the OCGB in Moscow and the Moscow region

34. The operator of the first departments (internal intelligence from the territory, the first line of activity of the KGB) of the republican, regional or regional apparatus of the UKGB in the capital of one of the 14 allied republics or in a large provincial city and/or a major seaport (Leningrad, Klaipeda, Riga, Vladivostok, Odessa, Novorossiysk, Sevastopol, Batumi, Murmansk, etc.) or an employee of the current

35. The operator of the central apparatus of the republican, regional and regional UCGB of the USSR (counterintelligence, etc.)

36. First line operator (internal intelligence from the territory) of the district departments of the UKGB in the capital of one of the 14 Union republics or in a large provincial city and/or a major seaport (Leningrad, Klaipeda, Riga, Vladivostok, Odessa, Novorossiysk, Sevastopol, Batumi, Murmansk, etc.) 

37. Opera staff of the first departments (internal intelligence from the territory, the first line of activity of the KGB) of the regional apparatus of the OCGB in non-prestigious areas of the RFSR and the Allied republics

38. First-line operative (internal intelligence from the territory) of the district departments of the OCGB in the non-prestigious areas of the RFSR and the Union republics

39. Operating of other lines (general, military, economic, transport, ideological counterintelligence, etc.) of the OCGB in the capital of one of the 14 union republics or in a large provincial city m/or a large seaport (Leningrad, Vladivostok, Odessa, Novorossiysk, Murmansk, etc.)

40. Operating staff of other lines (general, military, economic, transport, ideological counterintelligence, etc.) in the territorial bodies (district departments) in the province or a staff officer-border

41. The cadet of the Higher Red Banner and the name of the Dzerzhinsky School of the KGB of the USSR (counterintelligence, diploma of the first higher education) or a student of the Higher courses of the KGB

42. listener of the operational courses of the KGB of the USSR (certificate of professional development) or a cadet of the border school

43. not a certified (free-for-the-due) KGB officer of the USSR or a super-termer, or a contractor 

1. In the KGB of the USSR on a geographical basis there were two completely different and incomparable intelligence: external (real - in the developed countries of the West and in the most developed of the so-called developing countries) and internal (surrogate - intelligence from the territory of the USSR, social countries and poor satellite countries) 

2. Accordingly, there were significant differences in the prestige of the position inside and outside the KGB - in the rest of Soviet society. Thus, in the USSR in general it was considered prestigious to go to any "abroad" (even in such backward and poor social countries as Mongolia, Romania, Bulgaria, Cuba, Syria or North Korea), and inside the KGB neither many developing countries, nor, especially, socialist, to the prestigious did not belong to the prestigious at all. Even capstras like Finland. Because of this difference of perception between intelligence professionals and amateurs, the latter seems to think that Putin's trip to the GDR is a career success, although in reality it was considered in the PSU how to end up in a dump or in a dump.

3. My report card about the ranks of prestige refers exclusively to the operational, but not to the superiors of the KGB.

4. The structure of this table is only quantitatively pyramidal. That is, the lower categories are much more numerous (tens of thousands) than the higher ones (only a few hundred and dozens of people). But they have no official dependence on each other.

5. The transition of an opera officer to the management team could significantly change its prestige, but it is outside the presented scoreboard, because it becomes too difficult (impossible) for an objective assessment. What is better and more prestigious: to be a simple lieutenant in the "illegal" residence of foreign intelligence in Paris or Washington or a general in some provincial "Uryupinsk" at the head of the regional administration of the KGB?

6. In the KGB of the USSR, the operational staff could grow from a junior lieutenant to a lieutenant colonel (in the rank) and from a junior commissioner to a senior assistant to the head of the department (in his position). Prior to the lieutenant colonel inclusive, the assignments were made by internal orders of the chairman of the KGB of the USSR. Already in the GDR, Putin reached within the KGB the limit of automatic growth of the operating staff (colonel, senior assistant to the head of the department) and would never rise higher (he was old and did not have the necessary education and qualifications for further growth), even if he wanted to.

7. Starting with the colonel, the procedure changed, radically complicating, making it available to units. Assigning military ranks, starting with the colonel, fell into the nomenclature of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. At the same time, it was necessary: the successful completion of the leadership courses (in Moscow at KI or Alma-Ata), the presentation of the College and the Chairman of the KGB and the approval in the Department of Administrative Bodies of the Central Committee, and the appropriation was carried out by decree of the Presidency of the Supreme Council of the USSR.    

8. It is very important not to confuse the prestige of the position in this ranking table with profitability or material benefits. For example, a simple encryption officer working in the DPC in the most sniffy country and receiving currency, was financially provided much better than any of the most prestigious officer in Yasenevo. Thus, the senior commissioner Major Putin, being in the DKK in the provincial point of internal intelligence from the territory of social countries in Dresden (GDR) received more (for 4 years accumulated on the new "Volga") than the colonel of the most prestigious department of real foreign intelligence (PSU), but on this material side of the case its advantages ended. 

9. It should be said that full training in the KGB 'KI' was not mandatory to work in "internal" intelligence - in surrogate intelligence from the territory, on the first line of the territorial bodies of the KGB in the USSR and social countries. For this, six-month refresher courses were required in Kiev, Gorky, one-year in Minsk or at KI in Moscow. Therefore, when Putin got to the year-long courses in Moscow, it was already clear from the outset that his staff did not plan to do any foreign intelligence. That's why he returned to St. Petersburg and went only to the GDR, to the official KGB office at the Stasi, where real scouts at the beginning of his career were practically not sent. 

10. Putin began his career in the KGB (from 1975 to 1991) from the lowest 43rd position (a free-for-the-see member of the secretariat, an unqualist legal adviser of the Leningrad OCGB), then rose to 42nd. For the most part of his career in the KGB was in the territorial bodies of the KGB in the provincial Leningrad on the 39th position of 43rd in my table on the ranks of prestige in the KGB, gradually moving to the 34th position (internal intelligence from the territory of the USSR in Leningrad). Nine months before leaving for the GDR, he moved to Moscow for 31st position, and then very briefly (for four months) back to Leningrad for 34th. At the time of the DPC in the GDR (1986-1990), Putin temporarily rose to the 26th position, and this was his highest achievement in the structure of the KGB of the USSR. Immediately after returning from the GDR (1990-1991) he moved back to Leningrad for the 39th position.

11. The fact that Putin was in office as President of the Russian Federation is completely unrelated to his non-existent "successes" in the KGB, and, especially, in the "external intelligence" in which he never served (it starts from the 21st position and above in the table on the ranks of prestige). He just found himself in the right place at the right time: in 1991-95 (under Sobchak in St. Petersburg City Hall) and, then, in 1997-99 (in the management of president Yeltsin's affairs). Yeltsin's "family" and a group of oligarchs led by Berezovsky, mistakenly appreciating Putin's grayness and executability as his main virtue, made their main bet in an attempt to keep the elusive power on him as a puppet at the highest office in the state. And he "threw them all" over time. That's the explanation. It has nothing to do with Putin's "merit" in the KGB. 

Insist: Don't engage with meaningful discussions without reading carefully or thinking about it all. 

CRISPR is used to create dual-core computers inside human cells

The CRISPR gene editing system is known for helping scientists treat genetic diseases, but this technology also has a number of possible applications in synthetic biology.

Researchers from ETH zurich used CRISPR to create functional biocomputers inside human cells. Living organisms have long been and all lime-sized by whom are considered as computers - their cells act as a logical gate, taking input from the outside world, processing them and responding to certain metabolic processes.

"The human body itself is a large computer," said Martin Fussenegger, lead researcher of the study, "Since time immemorial, its metabolism has relied on the computational power of trillions of cells. And unlike a technical supercomputer, this big computer only needs a piece of bread to generate energy."

Using these natural processes to build logical circuits is a key goal of synthetic biology. The ETH team found a way to insert dual-core processors into human cells by changing the CRISPR gene editing tool. Typically, this system uses RNA guide sequences to target certain segments of DNA in the genome and then make changes. For this project, the team created a special version of the Cas9 enzyme that can act as a processor.

This special Cas9 reads the RNA guide as input and in response expresses certain genes. This, in turn, creates certain proteins on the output. These processors act like digital semi-sumators - in fact, they can compare two inputs or add up two binary numbers and issue two exits. To increase processing power, the researchers were able to squeeze two processor cores into one cell.

To create powerful biocomputers to diagnose and treat diseases eventually these dual-core cell computers can be combined with billions of the same. For example, the team says they can look for biomarkers and react by creating different therapeutic molecules, depending on whether one, the other or both biomarkers are present. The study was published in the journal PNAS.

"Imagine a micro-tissue with billions of cells, each equipped with its own dual-core processor," says Fulsenegger. Such "computing bodies" could theoretically achieve a computing power that far exceeds the power of a digital supercomputer - and at the same time consumes only a small fraction of the energy."

Earlier, a team of scientists from Stanford University, together with colleagues from the Lawrence National Laboratory in Berkeley for the treatment of coveid created a tool based on CRISPR, developing a method of directional influence on genes, which is active against kovid #COVID19. The article is published in the journal Cell.

Also, we remind that Epstein's friend, eugenicist and billionaire Gates, who actually manages WHO, has invested millions in CRISPR- in the development of inexpensive gene-editing procedures. 

"We believe that within the next decade we will be able to make this breakthrough," the billionaire said at the American Association for the Advancement of Science's annual meeting in February.

Recently, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has provided several grants to biotechnology companies, academic organizations, and nonprofits to achieve this goal. All of this is part of an initiative announced last year in which the Gates Foundation and the U.S. National Institutes of Health pledged $100 million to develop affordable gene therapies.

At the February AAAS meeting, Gates called the approach "very promising." Gates and Intellia Therapeutics, which received a $2.8 million grant from the Gates Foundation in November, envision a simple human gene editing procedure that does not require chemotherapy, hospital stays or cell modifications outside the body.

But some years ago, before the beginning of the copy history, people were afraid to buy and eat GMO products, and now about editing the human genome all talk as something ordinary. People are used as guinea pigs, using the covid as an "excuse" for further experiments. 

On 25 March, the patience of French farmers, puzzled as to why the media did not cover their plight, ended and instead of admonishing their politicians, they began to take active action demanding fair prices for their products. 

It must be said that they chose to forget the good manners, and now hundreds of tractors drive up to government buildings to fill them with shit 👇

🚜Clermont-Ferrand, France ️ ️

On March 25, about 800 tractors and 4,000 to 5,000 demonstrators went to The Jude Square in Clermont Ferrand to flood government buildings. Farmers demand fair prices. 

💉Reeds of special forces on the homeownership of those who were recorded, but did not pass the PCR test for the covid.

Australia. Imagine it's 1 a.m. Your house and surrounding area are cordoned off by a special police squad. Destination. And all because of you and not because you're a criminal, but because you didn't pass the flu test, that is, sorry, covid. Then they drag your husband away while your two young children sleep in bed.

This family has been through a lot and they are still struggling. They were scheduled to have a trial on 25 March.

Let's watch this world premiere of the theatre of the absurd to the end. 

Actually, this can be facilitated by two contract applications, A and B, which can be seen in the old material. But here is another interesting quote explaining the intrusive concern of the Prime Minister of Israel 🇮🇱 and his cabinet and even local authorities. In fact, it can be easily extrapolated by having little analytical ability on any government making such deals, including individual states and U.S. federal authorities 🇺🇸 including. I've written before, the path from witness to accused is very short. This is only evidence and quality of work of investigators, nothing more 👇

CORONAVIRUS is not a pandemic, or a medical problem. This is an information biological attack of unprecedented scale created by the world mafia, with the aim of obtaining new and permanent super-revenues from national state budgets (plundering national budgets, with the aim of reducing the population and establishing a new world order👇

Ꭲhᴇ Nurᴇʍʙᴇrg Ꭲriᴀls ᴏr ᴛhᴇ Ꮖnᴛᴇrnᴀᴛiᴏnᴀl Ꮯriʍinᴀl Ꮯᴏurᴛ in ᏀᎪᎪᏀᎪ" ?

For great connoisseurs of creative photos we recommend 👇

"Give me control over the national money supply, and I don't care about your laws," Mayer Amschel Rothschild (founder of the Rothschild dynasty).

How Satanists demanded to comply with WHO's recommendations on wearing masks.

The "Sitting on Satan's Lap" event took place on December 19, 2020 at the University of New Mexico at Johnson Field. The announcement of the event was accompanied by a request to donate $6.66. 

On the website, the fundraiser noted:

"While Santa is in quarantine at the North Pole, leaving us to fend for ourselves, another man in a red suit comes to our aid!" Sitting on Satan's Lap" collects donations for Direct Relief, a group that improves the health and lives of people affected by poverty and emergencies in the U.S. and around the world. Most importantly, they provide SIS such as masks.

How many people were saved by prayer? zero. How many people were saved by wearing a mask? 130 000!

God: zero.

Small piece of cloth: 130,000.

The numbers don't lie!

Don't put money in a plate of church collection; instead, use them in practice.

Don't send thoughts or pray. Donate $6.66 today!

Calmly come to "sit on Satan's lap" on December 19 at 2 p.m. at the UNM Johnson Center in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and tell him what you want as a Christmas present..."

One of the cards game "Illuminati", released in 1995 and won the award as the best card game - 1995 Origins Award for Best Card (The goal of the game is to build the New World Order).

"This card allows you to play, on your part, a personality that duplicates the one who was killed... You automatically control the new card. The original Personality is no longer considered "destroyed" for the purposes of whoever killed her."

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