RHBZ (w/h 44026)

Address, Moscow region, gorodok Sergiev Posad 6, Oktyabrskaya str. 11, HF 44026, zip code 141306

Research Institute of Sanitation of the Ministry of Defense

Sector of Virology at the Research Institute of Microbiology of the Ministry of Defense

Virological Center of the Research Institute of Microbiology of the Ministry of Defense

The Military Biological Institute Zagorsk-6 was established in Zagorsk (Sergiev Posad) in 1954.

Zagorsk-6 specializes in the creation of biological weapons based on viruses, rickettsia and toxins. The activities of generals N.N. Vasiliev, D.V. Vinogradov-Volzhinsky, A.A. Vorobyov, V.A. Lebedinsky, A.A. Makhlai, S.I. Prigoda and others are connected with this institute.

Specialists of Zagorsk-6 learned to cultivate viruses of smallpox and Venezuelan encephalomyelitis of horses in embryos of chicken eggs. Immunoglobulin has also been created here to prevent Ebola fever. Generals L.A. Klyucharev and A.A. Vorobyov were engaged, among other things, in the genetics of viruses.

In Zagorsk-6, work has been carried out and is underway with such pathogens of dangerous infections suitable for use as biological weapons as smallpox, monkeypox, Bolivian (Machupo) and Argentine (Junin) hemorrhagic fevers, marburg, Ebola and Lassa hemorrhagic fever, Rift Valley hemorrhagic fever, Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis and a number of other encephalitis (eastern and western encephalomyelitis of horses, encephalitis of the Murray Valley, encephalitis of St. Louis, etc.), as well as weapons based on botulism toxin and many other toxins.

The first in the USSR industrial production of biological weapons based on the smallpox virus was organized in Zagorsk-6. The standard Soviet stock of "gunpox" was about 20 tons.

‼️🏴 ☠️ No. 060012000526 was registered on September 😎 11, 1991. 📣‼️Territorial body — State Institution — Pension Fund Administration of the Russian Federation No. 12 Sergiyevo-Posadsky District of the Moscow Region.


No. 503400228350341 was registered on November 24, 2010. 

The territorial body is Branch No. 34 of the State Institution - the Moscow Regional Branch of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation.

Zagorsk-6 (Pos. 67 km., military unit 44026) near Sergiev Posad. 

In this place: Lyceum No. 24 named after the Hero of the Soviet Union A.V. Koryavin, Hospital of the Ministry of Defense No. 1137, the house of officers, post DPS 67km, Cafe, Slavyanka, Central checkpoint, Monument to Lenin.

Everything as it was and works together with Lenin. 
Klaus Schwab and Lenin 

David Rockefeller with his mop in the Kremlin kisses Khrushchev on the sucker.

David Rockefeller and Soviet Prime Minister Kosygin discuss their sinful deeds.

David Rockefeller and Gorbachev discuss their sinful deeds.

Ursula von der Leyen would like vaccination to be mandatory for the whole EU.


Ursula von der Leyen is married to Heiko von der Leyen.


Heiko von der Leyen is the medical director of Orgenesis Inc.


Orgenesis Inc. is a biotechnology company that aims to harness the potential of cell and gene therapy.


mRNA vaccines have a very high potential for further conversion into effective cell and gene therapies.


       Biologe erklärt mRNA

Richard Rothschild has long been concerned about the depopulation of the planet, deliberately causing harm and death to billions of people. Somehow, he patented #COVID19 in 2015. Not only that, almost all of his patented shit is about Man and the ways in which he can be controlled. Richard A. ROTHSCHILD applied for patents to protect the following inventions. This list includes patent applications that are pending, as well as patents that have already been issued by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). He registered the first patent relating to biometrics already in 2009, as if he knew what was coming - "A system and method for using biometric data and displaying biometric data."

Richard Rothschild's patents can be seen here

🏴 ☠️ System and method of individual optimization of preferences

🏴 ☠️ The system and method of diagnosing human health and / or well-being using advanced telemedicine tracking vital signs, 


🏴 ☠️ Personalized Preference Optimization System and Method

🏴 ☠️ System and method of using, processing and displaying biometric data

🏴User Status System and Method

🏴 ☠️ System and method of individual optimization of preferences

🏴 ☠️ System and method to improve user productivity in sports activities


🏴 ☠️ System and method of providing advertising to the recipient of web page data

🏴 ☠️ System and method of advertising on the receiving device

🏴 ☠️ System and method of using, processing and displaying biometric data

🏴 ☠️ The system and method of using social media to target people who may be receptive to at least one advertisement.

🏴 ☠️ The system and way to add ads to a private message...

The digital apartheid app was created by the Rockefeller Foundation, which created Lockstep.

Project Commons is a non-profit community foundation created with the support of the Rockefeller Foundation to create platforms and services that will severely regulate your life after Covid. This initiative is part of the World Economic Forum, which implements the agenda of the "Great Reset" of Rothschild (Schwab on the father). The Commons Project website describes its role as follows:

Project Commons is a nonprofit community foundation created with the support of the Rockefeller Foundation to create digital services that put people first. The Commons project fills the void between tech companies, government agencies, and traditional nonprofits that create and operate the digital services that make up public infrastructure in the digital age.

The Commons project includes three apps for COVID.

1. General health

2. Checking COVIDcheck

3. CommonPass

According to the founder and executive chairman of the WEF, Klaus Rothschild (Schwab on his father), the forum is guided by the goal of positioning "private corporations as trustees of society" to "solve social and environmental problems." In July, Rothschild (Schwab) published a 195-page book, COVID-19: The Great Reset, in which he called on industry leaders and decision-makers to "make good use of the pandemic" and not let the crisis go to waste. TIME magazine (owned by Marc Benioff, a wef board member and architect of the Great Reset), recently collaborated with the WEF to highlight the "Great Reset" and present "a look at how the pandemic presents a unique opportunity to change our way of life."

The Great Reset must be comprehensive. WEF partner organisations include major players in data collection, telecommunications, arms manufacturing, finance, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology and the food industry. Controls data collection, telecommunications, arms manufacturing, finance, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology and the food industry, including S/X-Controls the World.

One of the leading figures in establishing NWO besides Klaus Rothschild (Schwab on his father) is Peter Schwartz, a futurist, one of the authors of the script "Operation Lockstep", who predicted COVID with terrifying accuracy. He is another NWO architect.

+ Hollywood Science Fiction Film Consultant (Minority Report)

+ VEF moderator

+ Works for Marc Benioff (architect Vel.Per. Gr3at Res3t)

He openly advocates for the repeal of privacy in our "global village", which will have "much more electronic interaction ... our digital footprint will be everywhere." This is a key concept of Great Res3t. Schwartz participated in the Deloitte/Salesforce collaboration in planning scenarios in "A World Remarmed with COVID-19," through the Global Business Network consulting group. He also co-authored with Doug Randall the Pentagon's "Abrupt Climate Change and Its Implications for United States National Security." He has also worked as a consultant on several science fiction films, including Minority Report, Deep Impact, and others, which speaks to the level of experts building the New World Order. He serves on the board of directors of the Long Time Foundation, the board of directors of the Center for a New American Security (CNAS) and the Asian Internet Coalition (AIC). In 2007, Schwartz moderated a forum titled "The Impact of Web 2.0 and New Social Networking Patterns" as part of the World Economic Forum in Davos. He is also involved in research by the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Council of Singapore and was appointed as an International Officer in the Prime Minister's Office in 2014. He was also inducted into the Futurists Hall of Fame by the Association of Professional Futurists in 2012. Interestingly, Peter "Nostradamus" Schwartz has escaped to an extremely isolated island where there is always summer, sea and sun, and where there are no lockdowns. "I do think it's a big problem, but I also think the truth is that – for safety reasons, for convenience reasons, and now for health reasons [because of covid] – gradually we're going to agree to a much bigger observation. And at the end of the day, we won't be too concerned about it because — in fact, for most people in most situations — there will be more good than harm," Schwartz says of total surveillance and surveillance. But for 99% of people, 99% of the time, it will mean you won't have to show your ticket to get to BART; this means that you do not need to place an order in a supermarket; This means that when someone has stolen your child's bike, it will be visible. Oh, and these unhealthy people will be discovered before I get on the plane. My guess is that we will find ourselves in a world with a much stronger electronic interaction. There's a lot more digital technology in that regard, and our digital footprint will be everywhere.

... We are now in a global village where the truth is that you can know everything about everyone. You can see my hot tub on Google Earth. (Thankfully, I wasn't there when they took the last picture.) We are really moving into this world of the global village, and we have to assume that everyone knows everything. And I think that's going to be the new reality... For most of us, this is the deepest crisis (covid) we've ever experienced. And it won't end anytime soon. The economy will struggle; we're going to see more disease, more deaths, and so on. I don't want to embellish this in any way. But crises in the right sense of the word can cause remarkable changes. This one invites a rethink... I hope that if we sit here and talk in a year, a lot will happen. We will have new political leadership at the national level, and we will have a kind of unifying response for the country, not a divisive one.It's going to be a very different world, but I think - overall - rather for the better. Many of us rethink and reinvent. For me, that's the positive side. Every crisis invites you to do that. To get out of this with new tools, new features...". On April 21, 2020, just under a month after the start of Covid, the author of the covid tyranny practice "lockstep," the Rockefeller Foundation released another White Paper titled "The National Action Plan for Testing COVID19 – Pragmatic Steps to Open Our Workplaces and Our Communities." Privacy concerns should be set aside in the era of COVID-19, allowing most Americans to "access and confirm" the infection status of most Americans in necessary and voluntary conditions. At the same time, the status of infection must be known so that people can participate in many public functions." "Those screened should be assigned a 'unique patient identification number' (covid id), which will be linked to information about the virus, antibodies and, ultimately, the patient's 'vaccination status' in a system that can easily interact with other systems to speed up the return of normal social functions."

The first in the USSR production of biological weapons based on the smallpox virus was organized in Zagorsk. The most virulent combat strain of smallpox (strain "India-1"), was isolated in 1967 after work began with the bringing of smallpox in 1959 to the USSR from India by a group of tourists and a response expedition of Soviet military microbiologists to India. The trophy of that expedition was the Variola major strain. Work on the combat use of smallpox was carried out without any connection with the interests of the international community and, in particular, from such an achievement of the World Health Organization (WHO) as the "complete" removal of smallpox from the planet (this was reported on May 8, 1980, since the last case of smallpox naturally occurred in 1977). The WHO report and the subsequent sharp reduction in vaccination work in the world only spurred the interest of the Soviet Army in the effectiveness of using smallpox as a weapon. Officially, it was believed that in the Soviet Union there was only a small stock of a strain of smallpox - in depository storage at the Institute of Virology named after D.I. Ivanovsky of the Academy of Medical Sciences in Moscow (another depository is Atlanta, USA). In fact, in the underground part of Zagorsk-6 at that time, powerful production lines for the production of ammunition based on the smallpox virus were and are still in mobilization readiness. The standard Soviet stock of "gunpox" was 20 tons. Storage place — Zagorsk-6. The Military Biological Institute in Sergiev Posad (Zagorsk) was established in 1954. He specialized in the creation of biological weapons based on viruses, rickettsia and toxins. The activities of generals N.N. Vasiliev, D.V. Vinogradov-Volzhinsky, A.A. Vorobyov, V.A. Lebedinsky, A.Makhlaya, S.I.Prigoda and others The current name of the Institute is the Virological Research Center of the Institute of Microbiology of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. The Institute has been and is working with such biologically suitable pathogens of dangerous infections as smallpox, monkeypox, Bolivian hemorrhagic fever, Argentine hemorrhagic fever, Marburg fever, Ebola fever, Lassa fever, Rift Valley fever, Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis and other encephalitis, as well as weapons based on botulism toxin. Smallpox-based weapons were produced and stored. In Zagorsk, they learned to cultivate viruses of smallpox and Venezuelan encephalomyelitis of horses in embryos of chicken eggs. At the Institute, under the leadership of General A.A. Vorobyov, active work was underway to create toxin weapons. In addition to the toxins themselves, it was possible to create many genetically modified microorganisms that are able to produce various toxins. The scale of achievements in this direction can be judged by the fact that the decree of the Government of russia of October 20, 1992 regulates the export from the country of 13 species of such microorganisms: botulinum toxins, toxins of gas gangrene, Staphylococcus aureus toxin, ricin, saxitoxin, dysentery toxin, conotoxin, tetrodotoxin, verotoxin, abrin, cholera toxin, tetanus toxin, Trichocene mycotoxins. General A.A. Vorobyov was engaged in work with rickettsias - the causative agents of such especially dangerous infections as Q fever and a number of others. It was possible to cultivate rickettsia Q fever in embryos of chicken eggs. Generals Klyucharev and Vorobyov were engaged in the genetics of viruses. Work on the creation of new types of biological weapons, against which the potential enemy was not yet prepared, would have been unthinkable without a large-scale dragging into the Soviet Union from all over the world strains of the most dangerous pathogens. Despite its size, the USSR could not have on its territory all the fundamentally possible ecological niches for the existence of a wide variety of pathogens that could be taken as a basis for the creation of combat strains. The extraction of strains of deadly diseases was carried out by the scientific and technical intelligence of the KGB of the USSR (structurally part of its First Main Directorate; now it exists independently under the name of the Foreign Intelligence Service of Russia). Mention is made of the involvement of the DoD Main Intelligence Directorate in this process. 

A few examples. 

The most virulent combat strain of the smallpox virus (poxvirus variolae), which received the name India-1 from Soviet military microbiologists in Zagorsk, was the heir of the Variola majo strain, isolated in 1967 after their expedition to India. The strain of the Bolivian hemorrhagic fever virus (Machupo virus) was imported by Soviet scientific and technical intelligence from the United States. The history of the Popp strain of the Marburg hemorrhagic fever virus (Magburg virus) entering the Soviet Union is quite tragic. European scientists "received" it in 1967 from East Africa, after which they began work in Germany to create an appropriate vaccine. The path of the scientists who carried out these works was not strewn with roses. In any case, several participants in the work died from the virus quite soon in Marburg. This is was a tidbit that did not go unnoticed by Soviet scientific and technical intelligence. Brave Soviet guys exhumed the corpses of the dead and secretly brought samples of contagious tissue culture to the Soviet Union. They seemed to be staring into the water. In any case, even in 1989, according to official Western data, it was stated that there was no specific prevention and treatment against the Marburg virus in the world. Biological weapons based on the Ebola virus, first discovered in 1976 in Zaire (Africa) in the Ebola River region, were created by 1990. Perhaps this is so, given that the general himself was awarded the title of Hero of Russia for this feat. However, he was silent about the way in which the strain of the Ebola virus got to Russia and was made available to military microbiologists. And this was a serious reconnaissance operation to transfer a dangerous pathogen from one state to another across half the planet. Now that everything has become known, even the unymiling General V.I. Evstigneev elegantly calls the method of obtaining a dangerous strain of the Ebola virus "confidential". The Lassa fever virus strain, which is related to both the properties and the African origin of the Ebola and Marburg haemorrhagic fevers, has also been mined in Africa. Only the operation to steal a sample from Nigeria was carried out by a representative not of scientific and technical, but of political intelligence A.V. Baronin.

Lassa fever 

In the early 1990s, in the USSR, the city of Zagorsk completed the creation of biological weapons based on monkeypox, as well as Lassa hemorrhagic fever. Weapons based on the Lassa fever virus were particularly attractive to the Soviet military. In those years, the "probable enemy" had no means of either specific prevention or treatment, although the mortality rate from Lassa fever (in the absence of treatment) reached 36-67 percent. Meanwhile, among the ways of spreading Lassa fever are not only airborne and contact (from person to person), but also food. The way to use this weapon is to spray the recipe in the air. 

Ebola fever 

Biological weapons based on the Ebola haemorrhagic fever virus were created in Zagorsk by the end of 1990 after many years of work were able to solve the difficult problem of cultivating this virus. Gamma globulin was also created here for prevention against the Ebola virus. This terrible weapon (mortality without treatment - 50-80 percent) is considered very effective, since there is no vaccine against it. The method of use of the weapon is to spray the recipe in the air. At one of the most closed facilities of the Ministry of Defense - in the Virology Center of the Institute of Microbiology of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the only test system in the world has been created that allows you to accurately diagnose the SARS virus that causes atypical pneumonia. Here, in Sergiev Posad, where the Virology Center is located, the world of deadly microorganisms is separated from the rest of the planet by five thick armored doors. The road to the laboratory, where virologists in uniform work every day with the most dangerous viruses of the first group of pathogenicity, takes about half an hour. Prepare for it in advance, the day of a specialist going to the work module begins with a mandatory medical examination, doctors will certainly force the researcher to eat an additional breakfast. Extra calories will not hurt, because sometimes for 3-4 hours spent in a special laboratory a person can lose up to two kilograms of weight. Scientists are sent to work in special underwear, over which the suit of increased biological protection "Anti-protein" is worn. Monitoring of the condition of this armor is carried out constantly, the costumes are inflated daily with a powerful stream of air, to which tear gas - chloropicrine is mixed. The slightest hole - the smell of gas will instantly be felt by the workers of the laboratory, where they check the costumes.The road to the virus is a dozen and a half meters. The strictest safety requirements are observed. Approaching the first armored door, scientists connect their suits to a centralized system that delivers repeatedly filtered air. Then they switch to autonomous breathing apparatus, with which the researchers will have to overcome four disinfection gateways. The journey back will be about an hour. The suits will be subjected to repeated treatment with special sass, guaranteed to kill any microorganisms that appear on the protective clothing. These are the realities of modern microbiology of Russians. In all developed countries, work with viruses of the first pathogenicity group is trusted only by the military, on the whole planet there are less than a dozen scientific centers where studies similar to those conducted in Sergiev Posad are allowed. But the SARS story has once again made it clear that Russian military microbiology remains the envy of the United States and its NATO partners. It is worth recalling the history of the creation of a prophylactic immunoglobulin against the Ebola hemorrhagic fever virus, which in a matter of days turns human entrails into a bloody mess. Scientists of the Virology Center created a unique drug in 1995, in 1996 the former head of the center, Major General Alexander Makhlai, was awarded the title of Hero of Russia for this development. Russian authorities have donated 100 doses of immunoglobulin to the World Health Organization. However, the subsequent fate of the development is sad. According to a number of operational data, the entire batch ended up in the United States, where it disappeared under unclear circumstances.  The US administration is making every effort to ensure strict control over all biotechnologies in the world. We are talking about hundreds of billions of dollars of net profit annually. For a number of years, the Oval Office has covered its efforts in this field with the "fight against biological weapons". Later, more and more modern screens were invented in the alleged fight against international terrorism. Throughout the 90s of the last century in Geneva, specialists from different countries worked on an additional Protocol to the Geneva Convention of 1972, prohibiting the development, production and accumulation of biological weapons. It was about establishing a truly effective mechanism for monitoring compliance with the Convention. Stockpiles of chemical weapons and nuclear warheads can be counted, but with biological weapons this technique is unacceptable. It was possible to agree on a list of 33 microorganisms considered potential agents of biological weapons. But in the summer of 2001, official representatives of the US administration refused to put their signatures under the Protocol, counting in it as many as 37 articles, allegedly not in the national security interests of the United States. Well, everything is already well understood about the interests of these people. All work on the Protocol was curtailed, and just a couple of months later, after the arrangement of oval degenerates tart with the skyscrapers of the World Trade Center in the United States, a new hysteria with postal envelopes and a mysterious "white powder" was concocted. The word "anthrax", the essence of the bacterium - the causative agent of anthrax has become common. But it is worth remembering that in early 1991, the US Army began universal vaccinations against this disease, but soon this vaccination program was unexpectedly curtailed. Why? Because these are the financial interests of the leading BIOTECHNOLOGY corporations in the United States. And the widely advertised envelopes with "white powder" are a media advertising project by the way.

Not the first ten years in the scientific community there is a term "plastic virus". The microorganism, like any living creature, is trying to survive by mutating, it is waging its own war with drugs. As a result, the most modern drugs, the development of which spends trillions of budget funds, are absolutely useless in a matter of weeks. Huge natural bioreactors continue to work on the planet, in the depths of which the hemorrhagic Ebola fever was born. But few people know that no less deadly Colombian, Argentine, Brazilian and other hemorrhagic fevers came out of there. In the top-secret laboratories of the Virology Center, where, by the way, the only "Chinese" strain of atypical pneumonia in the whole of Russia is stored, there are more than 20 samples of a collection of hemorrhagic fever pathogens. The people affected by them cannot yet be cured. It has long been known that the richest collection of pathogens is carefully stored in the Virology Center of the Research Institute of Microbiology. Former Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Anatoly Kvashnin and former Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation Gennady Onishchenko are well aware of what can happen if the power supply at a top-secret regime facility is turned off at least for a few minutes. Over the years of work, Anatoly Chubais for the debts of the Ministry of Defense to RAO "UES of Russia" power engineers have repeatedly turned off strategically important facilities of the Space Forces, the Air Force and the Russian Navy. In Sergiev Posad - the Virology Center instantly switched to the "submarine mode", carefully hidden underground autonomous generators provide energy autonomously for a unique collection, a nursery of experimental animals, and if necessary, they will also provide energy for a residential town. The main thing in the end is the people who managed to get close to the gene code of the next "plague of the XXI century" - the SARS virus is located near Moscow.

Secrets of numbered Zagorskov 

Monkeys were carried, horses were carried, the source and inhabitant of the so-called Clean Zone. - And how many rats were transported here, darkness and darkness! Did you think that Sergiev Posad is icons, excursions and all that. No. There's a lot of all around! Previously, Sergiev Posad was called Zagorsk. And he wasn't alone in that. Near the city, mixed with a snow-covered spruce forest, there are already several villages with exactly the same names. In order not to get confused, they were numbered. In Zagorsk-6 (a military unit on one side of the entrance to the city) they were engaged in bacteriological weapons, and in neighboring Zagorsk-7 - nuclear weapons. In the latter, test results were brought from the Semipalatinsk test site, and already in the Moscow region, scientists studied the subtleties of the effects of radiation on all living things, the flight paths of missiles, etc. Semipalatinsk Russia lost, and then from January 1, 2001, Zagorsk-7 was closed. More precisely, it was discovered. Now anyone can enter the town. Although the locals do not like to talk about what once was here. Not much. Some, especially the new generation, don't really know what a secret military unit was doing a few years ago. 

- Radiation, fever, smallpox? The teenagers shrug their shoulders at the former gate to the unit. - We were told something about anthrax in geography... And so, no, we don't know. And smallpox actually settled not far from them, in containers and bunkers just three kilometers away. This is Zagorsk under the number "6".  The other day, behind a concrete fence, the Virological Center of the Research Institute of Microbiology near Sergiev Posad (Zagorsk-6) is serious and sinister. The "sixth" was created in 1954 in order to produce killer microbes and chemical warfare agents. Zagorsk-6 is associated with many names of geniuses and leading military specialists. Biological weapons based on viruses, rickettsia and toxins were successful for Soviet specialists and the USSR in this area is ahead of the whole planet. For the first time in history, it was in Zagorsk that biological weapons based on the smallpox virus were created. In 1959, a group of Indian tourists who arrived in the USSR brought smallpox with them. The virus seemed promising to Soviet scientists, and military microbiologists during a return visit brought a little smallpox for research. As a result, eight years later, the USSR received a combat strain of smallpox "India-1". According to unofficial data, the average Soviet stockpile of smallpox was 20 tons. The permanent storage for our smallpox reserves was the home of Indiya-1, that is, Zagorsk-6. Following the smallpox in the secret part, they learned to cultivate the virus of Venezuelan, and then Japanese encephalomyelitis of horses. The case was put on a grand scale. The extraction of "exotic" types of death for experiments was carried out by military and foreign intelligence. What the Russians could not steal from the immediate hearth was "borrowed" from colleagues. The fever virus, later called Marburg fever, was first brought from Africa by German specialists. During the process of creating a vaccine against one of the world's most terrible viruses, several participants in the work died. Soviet spies exhumed the corpses of the dead and delivered samples of infected tissue from Germany to the Soviet Union. The first attempt to strike at the production of deadly viruses was made on April 10, 1972, when Soviet Secretary General Leonid Brezhnev, among other one hundred and sixty leaders of states, signed the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development and Dissemination of Biological and Chemical Weapons. It seemed that mankind had agreed that bacteriological weapons were evil, exchanged assurances of intent, shook hands. And the next day I was concerned about obtaining new samples of deadly strains.  Zagorsk-6 remained alive in order to continue to produce death. The USSR did, perhaps, the same thing as other parties to the Ban Convention. In this area, the nuclear powers also sought to "catch up and overtake" each other, despite all conceivable agreements. The secrecy of work in Zagorsk-6 at that time reached its apogee. The world's best expert on biological weapons, the brilliant Vladimir Pasechnik at the end of 1989 asked for political asylum from England. He revealed to the Western special services all the Soviet "bacteriological" secrets. "Officially, the USSR was engaged in the development of vaccines and plant protection products," Pasechnik said. "They were actually developing the production technologies of a giant biological warfare program." The defector told about the association "Biopreparat" (which included several laboratories in Moscow, the Moscow region and Novosibirsk), created to work on deadly viruses and bacteria in 1981. It turned out that Pasechnik for a long time did not suspect the whole terrible scope of his brilliant developments. And when he realized, he could not come to terms with the scale of death that the Soviet Union had received with his help. In 1987, a method was obtained for the production of "supertemum" (the most dangerous form of the pneumonic plague virus) in a terrifying production size - 200 kilograms per year. Data on the production of fevers and smallpox were also heard. In those distant years when professionals still worked in Western countries, one after another there were mentions of the terrible and terrible Zagorsk-6 in the newspapers in connection with research in the field of viruses and bacteriological weapons. The Soviet authorities were grimly silent. Gorbachev had a very unpleasant conversation with Margaret Thatcher on this matter. Proceedings into violations of the convention lasted until the beginning of the Yeltsin era. Boris admitted that such a program exists, but he will order its closure. In April 1992, Yeltsin issued a decree to stop work on offensive biological weapons, which we officially recognized as preparing for offensive biological warfare. The result of this decree was the freezing of military-biological objects outside Russia. And on the territory of Russia, in the cities of Yekaterinburg, Kirov, the work has not stopped. Zagorsk-6 is still alive. The next fiasco of Soviet bacteriological terrorism suffered after the desertion in the United States of the second person in the hierarchy of the military-biological complex alibekov. Ken Alibek gave out sensation after sensation in American newspapers. In particular, he told the world about the use of the sapa virus during the war in Afghanistan. Another scandal that broke out did not lead to anything special. International experts began to travel to Russia, but they were not allowed everywhere. However, all the doors of all laboratories and institutes in nation-states are closed. All administrations have been doing the same thing all these years, only the success is different for everyone. Huge steel underground rooms with poles to which experimental animals are tied, sprayed viruses and lethal injections ... these are not pictures from a thriller. "This" is behind secret concrete fences next to the devout Sergiev Posad. Zagorsk-6 is still divided into two conditional zones - Clean and Technical. And if the first checkpoint is guarded by civilians, the second is guarded by soldiers of the unit located around the Virus Center, and the third is already an officer. Key bunkers and laboratories are safely hidden underground in such a way as to withstand a bomb strike. Their security is a separate conversation. Source: experiments are carried out on mice, rats, rabbits, dogs, horses... Rats are often brought. Dogs and horses were visible, they were still healthy, right behind the fence walked. Getting a job even in a civilian position is difficult. Biographies require up to great-great-grandfathers, the absence of relatives abroad and other information i️ Which is not surprising, because many tried to get to combat viruses. In particular, there is evidence that in early 2000 representatives of Chechen separatists tried to establish contact with the center. Russian special services recorded a tambourine interest in viruses near Moscow from some field commanders, as well as simply enterprising natives of Chechnya, who expressed their willingness to purchase some poisons to optimize the fight against field pests. According to some sources, all the production facilities of the underground part of Zagorsk-6 are kept in perfect order, including lines for the production of ammunition based on the smallpox virus. Yes, the Russians are ready for biological warfare. Scientists say that in the Sverdlovsk region there was a leak of anthrax, as a result of which a hundred people of the local population died. Although the army authorities stood and stand on the fact that there was a mass poisoning with low-quality meat. In the Rostov region and in the Stavropol Territory, about 10 years ago, the Congo-Crimean hemorrhagic fever raged, but no one said whether there was a leakage of the virus from laboratories or people became infected in a different way ... And in Zagorsk and the outskirts there were no such CHA. There have been isolated cases. In 1996, a laboratory assistant died. She worked with the Ebola virus. Making injections to rabbits, the woman inadvertently pricked her finger. But she didn't tell anyone, and with that she signed her own death warrant. When her illness was noticed, it was no longer possible to help. They were buried in a zinc coffin with the obligatory use of drugs that constitute a military secret - so that the virus, God forbid, would not get out of the grave. Fevers live for decades. In the popular masses of Sergiev Posad, there is a version that the unfortunate laboratory assistant broke a flask with a deadly infection, and this tragic incident has already managed to overgrate with myths and speculations. One thing is certain: Ebola is still one of the most formidable agents of biological weapons, because it does not miss - in 90 cases out of 100 it causes imminent death. The military learned to stuff bombs with germs and viruses, developed a lot of ways for the infection to penetrate the people ... But when man-made viruses break out like genies from bottles, the case most often turns primarily against their own nanny-creators.  For example, according to some reports, the combat strain of Marburg fever, well known to Russian specialists, was created only in 1988, when the microbiologist Ustinov became infected with this fever during research work. After his death, a mutated virus was extracted from his tissues, which was later named "U" in honor of the deceased scientist. In May 2011, an incident similar to Zagorsky occurred in the center "Vector" of the Novosibirsk region. Presnyakova's senior laboratory assistant died - a woman was injecting guinea pigs infected with the Ebola virus, and accidentally pricked with a syringe needle. She was immediately treated with an injected heterogeneous gamma globulin against Ebola, but the miracle drug did not save the unfortunate from death. She was ill for two weeks and all this time was in a special banker of the center.  The village of Turakovo is located in the middle between the two military Zagorsks. Local grandmothers say that for many years they lived side by side with radiation and fevers, they never guessed about what is hidden behind concrete fences.  "In the 90s, we climbed through the fence to Zagorsk-7," they admit. "We had empty shelves in our stores, and the military was kept perfectly. There was no food in the officers' stores. We even made lists for products to be purchased centrally. And when they didn't put it on the list, we went over the fence...  - Wasn't it scary? Still smallpox, radiation... Not much.  " Our government only poisoned us with smallpox. Baby, when life is a dog, then radiation is not terrible.  Zagorsk-6 is the Virological Center of the Research Institute of Microbiology under the Ministry of Defense near Sergiev Posad, still a powerful organization. After the mysterious SARS virus went around the world from China and some scientists suggested that they were dealing with one of the samples of biological weapons (developed or illegally acquired by the Chinese on the black market), it was the specialists of Zagorsk-6 who went to work on the border with China. The Virological Research Institute contains the color of Soviet virology and microbiology. And the creation and research of deadly infections always has a second side - the creation of vaccines, emergency prevention, drugs that allow you to fight these deadly infections. Many of Zagorsk's peace developments have no analogues abroad. And therefore absolutely secret. And dividing virological research into "offensive" and "defensive" has always been a challenge. The Cold War continues for Russian military microbiologists. The Canadian newspaper "The Globe and Mail" noted that microbiologists die like flies. Under strange circumstances in Salisbury, the aforementioned Vladimir Pasechnik died suddenly, experts called the cause of death a stroke. Tanya Holzmayer was killed next. An emigrant from Russia, who was engaged in molecular biology, was shot dead by a friend, by the way, also a microbiologist, Guyang Huang. And then he committed suicide... The most famous Russian virologist Vladimir Korshunov was found dead on a Moscow street with a broken skull. The terrible chain of deaths consists of more than a dozen links.



Research Institute of Sanitation of the Ministry of Defense 

Sector of Virology at the Research Institute of Microbiology of the Ministry of Defense 

Virological Center of the Research Institute of Microbiology of the Ministry of Defense


Liquidated on May 08, 2008

Termination of activities by reorganization in the form of accession








assigned 04-Mar-2004

Registration Date

September 24, 1953

Legal address

141307, Moscow region, Sergiyevo-Posad district, Mr. Sergiev Posad-6, Pobedy str.

6000 hostages of a closed town near Moscow

 11.02.2014 g. 22:44 Andrey TROFIMOV

In the village of Zagorsk-6 located on the territory of military unit No. 44026 in Sergiev Posad near Moscow, residents complain about the intolerable conditions of the secrecy regime that made 6,000 people hostages. Zagorsk-6 is a military-biological institute established in 1954 specializing in the creation of biological weapons based on viruses, rickettsia and toxins. Residents of the village, former military and members of their families, are deprived of the elementary choice of what bread to eat and what milk to drink. For them, such issues are decided by the command of the unit, which allows some entrepreneurs selling food, and does not let others in. People are forced to go for normal products in the shops of the city located ten kilometers from the village, which is formally considered part of Sergiev Posad. There is virtually no cellular communication in the village. The roads are cleaned only for the arrival of the military authorities, or, as in my case, for the arrival of candidates for the head of the district and journalists. There is a severe access regime. And all these "joys" are superimposed on the problems of housing and communal services typical for most military towns of the Moscow region, which are also in charge of the notorious "Slavyanka". A management company that is engaged only in the collection of rent. Residents have long been asking to make the village open and move the checkpoint to the fence of the institute itself.  Dr. Naomi Wolf: "Dr. Fauci should be afraid of investigations – there is clearly misconduct going on there." Dr. Naomi Wolfe joined Steve Bannon at "War Room" Monday morning after Dr. Fauci's bizarre appearance on Sunday shows, where he declared himself the true and legitimate voice of "science" and then lied again about the debunked bat soup theory as the origin of the Covid pandemic. It is widely known that Soros, Gates, and Fauci himself funded the Wuhan laboratories that created the virus, and that Fauci's associate Dr. Peter Dashak publicly admitted to creating such a virus in Chinese laboratories back in 2016. Naomi Wolf warned Fauci that an investigation was coming to him and that he would not receive an indulgence once they understood Fauci's policies of inflicting pain, destruction and mass murder.

Dr. Namoy Wolf: I wouldn't be surprised if he (Fauci) is already preparing his legal defense, as he should. Something you won't read about in the New York Times is that Bill Gates was prosecuted by the Indian Bar Association on murder charges... I read the complaint and it is a complaint based on international law on medical coercion. We have all lost sight of the fact that every law in a democratic State requires full informed consent. ... I just mentioned, 20 states don't report vaccination risks to the CDC... This is not informed consent... Dr Fauci and Dr. Valensky..., there are calls for them to be investigated for intentional misconduct. And that's something... Sooner or later, after the intermediate results, their friends (who cover them, Skurathoff's note) may be out of business, and investigations will begin. And there will be subpoenas, and you'll see emails that are now edited. And a lot of people died and a lot of information was hidden. I think Dr. Fauci should be wary of an investigation. There's clearly something criminal going on here...

People who receive the Johnson & Johnson vaccine have an increased risk of developing Guién-Barré syndrome. According to a new study, people receiving the J&J COVID-19 vaccine are at increased risk of developing a severe autoimmune disorder that can cause paralysis. Most of them occurred after 13 days of vaccination. The incidence rate of confirmed cases per 100,000 person-years was 34.6 within 1 to 21 days of administration, much higher than the historical rate of 2 per 100,000 person-years.

Given the deaths, pericarditis, myocarditis, side attacks from injections, the number of which has already exceeded the number of all side signs from all vaccines combined for all time, we have a large-scale terrorist act with an attack on the population of nation-states and with the most global genocide and scam in the History of Mankind.

Additional materials on the topic of the special operation COVID19 against the population of the nation-states of the world in order to reformat the world and establish a totalitarian communist dictatorship on the basis of false medical fascism ⬇️

A view of the nebulous 🌫 new York skyline and a Rolls-Royce, 1952. Yes, that was the time of John J. Edgar Hoover. And now a circus with cauldrons of pidaras, degenerate perverts. Fucking is more oval than chmo. 

Mr. Fantomas raged. 

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