Evenings in the hills. Documentary story in several volumes. 

Evenings in the hills. Documentary story in several volumes. 

ᱬ𐍂. ዘᱛ𑀉ᱬꤕႽ ꤍ𐍂ꤕꤕᱚ

Vi Coactus (V.C.) is a Latin term meaning "having been forced" or "having been compelled". In Latin, cōgō means "to compel" or "to force". The passive participle of cōgō is coāctus, meaning "having been forced" or "having been compelled" or "coerced" .

Played cards 🃏 to undress, Alya as always lost. Well, we will not show you all the details, so as not to bring you unconscious. In this case, you will not save the world 🗺 and yourself, and this is the main task, Friends!

We work 🏎 

The Lucis Trust website showed the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation as a financial partner with a subsidiary of Lucis Trust, a new group of global servers: 

"The people of goodwill who cooperate are part of a new group of servants of the world working to implement the plan."

Behind these leaders and people of goodwill who cooperate, are the Keepers of the Plan, "the inner spiritual government of the planet." The web page also states "this kingdom is not a Christian kingdom" but rather "these are the people who are building the new world order." They are also called "enlightened."

"Today the World Teacher, Christ, will reappear, he is expected

millions, not only those who profess the Christian faith, but

and those who profess any faith that awaits the Avatar under other names - Lord Maitreya, Krishna, Messiah, Imam Mahdi and Bodhisattva..."

We've known this for a long time. Now only official confirmations are coming out.

Former FEMA informant Celeste Solum explains that the "test" for pcr-om cowid is implantation. Thus, PCR "tests" have never been tests at all. They implant chips, inject nanobots, called nanites, with payloads into the brain, while collecting DNA for national DNA databases 🧬 


The PCR tampon is inserted directly into the nasopharynx behind your nose and forehead, where your eyes are, into the blood-brain barrier, next to your pineal gland. Some people believe that this is how they knock people out and kill human intuition, your ability to cognitively see what they do to us. They turn off our senses and target our brains. 
As countries began banning the crypt, El Salvador began accepting Bitcoin as a legal means of payment. 

However, there are some strange moments with President Tracib Amando Bukele allowing this. On his official presidential website: 


Print symbols are very similar to the symbols we've noticed before, such as the Masonic pyramid on a dollar bill. But the most serious surprise comes when you click the "Digital Agenda" link. 

Right on this page falls the Globalist "color wheel", the icon of which many of the global kagal as henchmen of the Great Reboot wear on the lapel of his jacket. Not everything is what it seems, Friends. 
"having been compelled" or "coerced" .


Clinton called for censoring anyone who questions BigPharma's vaccine.

The number of votes in support of total suppression of votes and questions about BigPharma's activities is multiplied day by day. Interestingly, the bulk of those advocating censorship, when it comes to BigPharma, vaccines, vaccine deaths, side-by-side and their multibillion-dollar profits, are people with a reputation not only in the conservative part of society; and this reputation, like that of the same friend of paedophile Epstein notorious Gates, who advocated the reduction of the population of the earth by "planning the campaign" and vaccination, which he now "rescues" the people he was going to cut, is not a plus. 

Thus, the multi-vote of pro-censorship and total suppression of voices asking uncomfortable questions about the movide and vaccines/vaccines of mRNA was joined by the famous for her strange manner of wearing the Crucifixion upside down Chelsea Clinton. 

Remarkably, the voice in favor of this she filed not somewhere, but in the Vatican, the possibility of a presence in which people with an upside-down crucifix, we Friends, can not yet imagine 

Speaking during an online meeting at a conference at the Vatican, Chelsea Clinton, 41, responded to a question about the so-called "indecision on the COVID-19 vaccine" and called for a global crackdown on anti-vaccination messages on social media, saying global efforts were needed to combat critically-needed messages on social media.

"I personally strongly believe that more intensive, focused and coordinated global regulation of content on social media is needed," said Hillary's daughter, No less known for her love of lies and murders that we all saw across her face, the laughter and outright pleasure on her face when watching the video of the moment Colonel Gaddafi was killed and raped, which was like ecstasy, "We know that the most popular video in all of Latin America in the last few weeks, which has now garnered tens of millions of views, is just an anti-vaccination, anti-trump, anti-trump newsletter that YouTube has refused to delete."

Married at the temple with an interesting guest in the front row, Satan Clinton also added that anti-vaccine content created in the United States is "thriving" around the world through social media platforms and said she personally worked hard to remove the conet, but her efforts were unsuccessful. Let's omit the strangeness in this behavior and perseverance not doctor Chelsea : for what can be common in vaccines and Clinton, besides profits and money that headlights. giants could promise her for lobster.

"We know that - because I tried - that the calls for the leadership of these companies to do the right thing just didn't work, and that's why we need regulation," said the vice president of the Clinton Foundation, whose help her mother, like the maniac Gates, is laundering money and paying for dirty work, Chelsea. 

Appearing at an online meeting with Dr. Paul Farmer of Harvard Medical School and Dr. Walter Riccardi, the Italian president of the World Federation of Public Health Associations, Clinton also said that the Clinton Foundation is doing everything possible to convince "those who refuse to vaccinate" and "those who refuse the vaccine" to take doses of the vaccine against #COVID19. 

She also said, what her foundation thinks about "how we talk to black Americans, Native Americans, Latinos who know that members of their community are often abused or even manipulated or manipulated by our health care system" and that the Clinton Foundation advises people who are trusted by these communities (negroes, Latinos, and others) to convince them to become guinea pigs.

"At the Foundation, we're really trying to help "process" trusted messengers, whether in health care or not," Clinton said, "We've worked with a number of different religious communities, including some of our Catholic partners, to really help make sure that anyone who can have a conversation can actually anticipate or answer any questions that people might have. And we will continue to communicate and try to help you get used to it. So we're just doing everything we can... and we are increasingly thinking about how we can participate in this work and globally, because unfortunately, indecision about vaccination and the rejection of the vaccine are not just America's problems." 

BigPharma's experimental vaccines against kovid were central to the recorded discussions broadcast by the Vatican's Pontifical Council for Culture. 

In addition to Clinton, vaccine manufacturers, oligarchs of major technology companies (BigPharma's interests have never been more closely related to BigTech interests), abortion activists, and other well-known and not-so-named names, including gene, also spoke at the Vatican conference. Director of the infamous Pfizer and Moderna, the first of which produces pills for abortion; NIH Director Francis Collins, who advocated the so-called "anti-participation" practice of using the tissues of a slain/abortion fetus in research projects, including ecstasy. Vaccines Google Health CEO David Feinberg; and, in fact, the conman himself, a friend of Gates, the head of the CDC Fauci.

In addition to Clinton, another Salesforce CEO, Marc Benioff, distinguished himself with his history of promoting LGBT issues, whom TIME describes as "one of the most outspoken leaders" on pederasty and other perversions and sexual deviations.

Other speakers included UN representative and "conservationist" Jane Goodall, who supports population control (reduction); New Age activist Deepak Chopra; Rock guitarist Joe Perry; Mormon Elder William K. Jackson; Sheikh Asim Yusuf, Executive Chairman of the British Council of Scholars and Imams; A pro-abortion model, Cindy Crawford; and the disgraced ex-prefect of the Secretariat for Communications, Monsignor Dario Egano (not to be confused with the Orthodox informant of the Vatican, Archbishop Carlo Maria Vgano, who condemned all this coven). Despite the fact that the whole gathering was on behalf of the Vatican, among the 114 speakers there were only two Catholic clerics.

For our part, we are involved in this PR campaign with the material below ⬇️ 

🇺🇸☠️ Clinton corpse. 

A journalist who told the story of a secret meeting on a flight field in 2016 between former President Clinton and then-Agent Lynch amid the scandal of hillary's unauthorized use of a email server was found dead Saturday morning. The death of 45-year-old Christopher Signe is predictably being investigated as a suicide.

Sacred Sacrifice. 

Bright memory 🕯 

In the third part we will explain briefly what a sacred victim is. In this situation it is advantageous to intimidate journalists and everyone who speaks on the merits of the problem. They are very afraid that people will learn the truth about their exorbitant lies and the cruelest plan of establishing world tyranny under the guise of medical therapy and endless pandemics, painted in internal secret plans and documents with different stages of establishing the dictatorship of the communist, fascist model with total censorship. Censorship, de facto, has already been established all-out. 

"We share our deepest sympathies with Christopher's loving family and close friends. We have lost a distinguished colleague whose indelible imprint will forever remain a hallmark of the journalist's decency and honesty. We can only hope to continue his legacy. May his memory be blessed." 

Wikileaks: Clinton's chief of staff John Podesta is a real Satanist

Wikileaks has revealed that Hillary Clinton's campaign chief John Podesta is engaged in Satanism. Participating in Spirit Cooking by Crowley with the artist-occultist Marina Abramovich, reported on one of the pages of VK.

Clinton Campaign Chairman Invited to Bizarre at Satanic Performance

Plot on TV 


📹 Hillary Tied to Bizarre Occult "Spirit Cooking" Ritual

The brother of Clinton's campaign chief practices occult rites. John Podesta knew about it and was once invited to this "ritual dinner."

Podesta participated in the satanic ritual with her brother and Yugoslav artist Marina Abramovic. On one of which he ate blood mixed with sperm and breast milk. There's also a letter about Moloch's sacrifices. But that's not all. Hacked his mail, where a lot of very strange emails about food like "order pizza for an hour. And this time I hope there will be no hair in the pizza" and "this time I'll take a hot dog without a bun." The encrypted letters are very similar to the description of private parties, where with children and acts of cannibalism take place. 

God bless America.

In general, the entire publication by WikiLeaks of emails of John Podesta, Hillary Clinton's campaign manager, revealed a lot of facts about the internal mechanisms of U.S. political life. But the letters, which are not directly related to the former first lady's policies and presidential campaign, paint an even more bizarre picture.

Former telecommunications lobbyist and political technologist John Podesta in his spare time from the leadership of the campaign Hillary Clinton time led a very entertaining life with hobbies of ufology in correspondence with prominent UFO hunters and conspiracy theorists. According to The WikiLeaks publications, Podesta is no stranger to contemporary art with an occult hue.

"Dinner of spirits" with Marina Abramovic

In a letter dated June 28, 2015, the famous Yugoslav artist-actionist Marina Abramovich asks lobbyist Tony Podesta if his brother can come to her for the so-called perfume dinner.

"Dear Tony, I'm looking forward to the upcoming perfume dinner at my house. Could you let me know if your brother will join us? Love, Marina," reads the letter published on the WikiLeaks website. 


Tony Podesta addresses the question to John Podesta, naming the artist Marina, which indicates her close acquaintance with the brothers-lobbyists. 

© Wikileaks

"Dinner of spirits" is an action of Marina Abramovic, in which the artist applied records on the walls of the art gallery, using instead of paints a solution, the main ingredient of which is blood.

Marina Abramovic's installation "Dinner of Spirits," 1997.



In the video, dated 1997, Abramovich puts an inscription on the wall referring to the works of the British occultist Alistair Crowley, who also used paints from blood, breast milk, honey and other human secretions in his rituals, as well as making special squirts from them. In the video, Abramovich records Crowley's recipe on one of the walls.

It is unclear from the letter whether Abramovich planned to hold another such demonstration at his home for the Podesta brothers or whether he would actually organize a dinner with Rockefeller that would use the ingredients.

Pictured is the planet's chief moneylender and political missionary Jacob Rothschild next to the occult Serbian (Yugoslav) artist Marina Abramovic, they pose against the backdrop of the painting "Satan summons his legions"

 (1797) by Thomas Lawrence. 

The photo taken on November 18, 2019, October 19, 2019 in Rockefeller showing New York will host the exercises 'Event 201' and soon 🔜 in China will begin to fall people (Chinese Folk Theater 🎭) on the streets . 


Event 201. The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event 201, a high-level pandemic exercise on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY. The exercise illustrated areas where public/private partnerships will be necessary during the response to a severe …

This will be called before the outbreak of covid in Wuhan, before Abramovich's speech at a lecture at the Royal Academy of Arts, organized by the Rothschild Foundation. 

By the way, for reference: the virus has not been isolated by any scientist and no laboratory in the world so far. 

Hot dogs for Barack Obama

In another letter from 2015, former White House Secretary of State Todd Stern, who succeeded John Podesta in 1995, tells his colleague that he misses him and a fairly specific meeting place.

"The next three months will be heavier than in Beijing. Between the 7th and 1600 no fun. I hope you're okay. I dream of your hotdog stand in Hawaii," the letter reads.

The word "hot dog" is probably portable here.

However, this cryptic message may become a little clearer in light of other WikiLeaks publications - correspondence of the management of the private intelligence and analytics company Stratfor.

Aharik Eisenstein,"s chief executive, addressed to a number of senior executives, including the company's vice president of counterterrorism, Fred Barton, discusses preparations for an event called "Chicago Hot Dog Friday."

"Let's roll out a holiday in your honor, hot dogs. Aarik, join us!" wrote the company's president, Don Kuikendal.

"If we are served by the same waitresses, I'm all over !!!," Eisenstein responds enthusiastically. The word "waitress" in the answer is quoted.

© WikiLeaks

"They say Obama spent about $65,000 on delivering hot dogs and pizza from Chicago for a private party at the White House not long ago if he used the same channels as us," says Fred Barton.

UFOs of the highest category

In one of the previous publications WikiLeaks found correspondence Podesta with the famous musician Tom Delong. He offered to introduce the political scientist to high-level officials who can allegedly share with him information about UFOs, which are interested in Clinton's chief of staff.

"I want to bring two very important people to your meeting in Washington. I think they will interest you, as they are the leaders in projects related to our sensitive topic. Both were at the head of highly responsible units dealing with the secret research and projects of the Ministry of Defence. In other words, they are Category A officials," Delong writes.

One of the most unexpected finds of WikiLeaks was the documentary evidence of the Clinton campaign manager's fascination with ufology. This is evidenced by John Podesta's correspondence with astronaut Edgar Mitchell, who warns the political scientist about the upcoming "war in space" and "aliens from the adjacent universe."

"Dear John! As the war in space heats up, I wanted to warn you about some factors before our Skype conversation. Remember, non-hostile ETI (reasonable extraterrestrial beings) from an adjacent universe are ready to help us with zero energy technologies on Earth. They will not tolerate any military action either on Earth or in space," reads the letter, the text of which is published on the WikiLeaks portal.



On the account of pizza and hot dogs without a bun - this is the designation of girls (pizza without hair - in the course means immature) and boys, because the occultists all revolve around the female and male genitalia, which they shove everywhere, even in architecture - for example, a round area and standing among her obelisk. The area, as well as pizza - feminine, obelisk, as well as sausage from hot dog - male. And sexual acts with children, especially perverted - it is they on cheers goes, on the principle that the greater this abomination before God, the better.

Wikileaks also sewn to this topic earlier sashwar Hilary and her assistant Huma Abedin (whose husband of teenagers seduces) in the case of mass abduction of children from Latin America - probably kidnapping for these very.

amusingly. While many think that religious views are an attribute of the lower classes of the population, and it turns out that the higher, the more enlightened and freer from the religious contemplation becomes a man - en, that's how it turns out: the political elite is engaged in occultism.

By the way, they noticed in the text of the very first picture of the description of the ancient Egyptian movement about the wife of Osiris, whose name is spelled in English exactly as the name of the Islamic State - ISIS . Now you understand why this group even originated, got such a name and is supported hidden by a number of Western elites?

And we are told that there is no God. To manage the masses you need to atheize the population, depriving it of immunity to lies and manipulations, that's all you need to know ...


Dish and you, I'm dangerously dangerous walk ...

Elvis Presley at the service 

‘’The Clintons laundered $100 million a month through MENA in Arkansas ... including providing children with cocaine for sexual services"

Larry Nichols.

A lawyer investigating Schultz and voter fraud in Texas, who was supposed to testify about what he knew, was Berantton J. Wiesenant on a beach in Florida.

Alan J. Weicher (Clinton's security chief, Clinton's former bodyguard, explosion in OK City, 19.04.95).

illustration from the article "Another "NearClinton" death."

Hillary Clinton's death list: Stories of 81 corpses framing her way up.

JAN A. MARENKA followed in the footsteps of Seth Rich, who was killed near the White House, and for the first time in the Czech Republic an updated list of the dead around the Clintons was presented.

On Sunday, July 10, 2016, a promising member of the party, Seth Rich (27), was shot dead in Washington shortly before the Democratic presidential convention. It happened a few blocks from the White House, shortly after the still undisclosed theft of compromising documents that were later published on the WikiLeaks portal.

Seth Rich worked as director of the Voter Gathering. He had access not only to electronic correspondence, but also to the server from which compromising materials were stolen. The ensuing scandal triggered an earthquake in the party, cost the chairman of the committee (Hillary Clinton's right hand) and split voters into two irreconcilable camps.

This was by no means the first mysterious murder that was directly related to the Clinton couple's political career. Their way up frames an incredible number of corpses - 81, among them opponents, mistresses, lawyers, bodyguards, secret service agents, journalists, drug dealers, doctors, security members, witnesses, etc., all the victims died a mysterious death, and their cases were never solved. 

List here 👇


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