Murzilka 48. 

Murzilka 48. 

"ᝪẞᜱᜧᝪᝀ𐍃 ᜧᜬᢗᜠᠻ᠗ᜧẞ᠘ᠻ ᜬᠻᜦ𐍃"

🇺🇸Witter Lady Gaga: "I pray that tomorrow will be a day of peace for all Americans. A day of love, not hate. A day of acceptance, not fear. A day for dreams of our future joy as a country. A sleep that will not be violent, a dream that provides safety for our souls. Love, from the Capitol." 

Fallen Angel 🎵 🎤 

Positive moments are remembered more and more often.

Whoever said that, but I managed to touch happiness.

And you can't forgive and you can't be hopeful.

But I love you again, leaving you unclothed.

I'm asking you, tell me.

That's all I want to hear.

The closer I am to you, the farther away from me is my roof.

Kilometers of clouds, all the pain is frank.

Everything would be fine, but only you are a girl - treason.

Be with him...


You're my fallen angel, you're always rushing outside.

Turning is impossible, and the voice is cold.

I should come back later.

For an hour, I'm your bottomless God.

And I'm disarmed by you in life.

And you're my fallen angel, always rushing outside.

Turning is impossible, and the voice is cold.

I should come back later.

For an hour, I'm your bottomless God.

And I'm disarmed by you in life.

I won't forget, I won't forgive, I won't forgive and I won't forget.

I won't say I don't, but I won't love you either.

Everything you want to say is passing by anyway.

I don't need details, but what do you know about love?

I hear the answers in your eyes,

see earlier than the questions.

What I'm not going to ask, don't be afraid to look serious.

Let my peace of mind make you climb the walls.

I'd forgive you, I'd forgive you, but not treason.

Believe me. 

 🇺🇸 That's how vaccination is turned into the Official Religion.

"... Organ music was played when hundreds of people over the age of 80 were given injections from a couid in Britain's most impressive and historic centre, Salisbury Cathedral (the spire they said Petrov and Boshirov came to watch).

Louis Godwin, 95, a former Royal Air Force sergeant, showed his thumb up after being vaccinated at the cathedral, which dates back more than 800 years. He described getting the Pfizer/BioNTech jab as absolutely miraculous."

Whereas in the past the Cathedral communion of the Bodies and Blood of Christ, that is, "became a part", now people take in it a vaccine containing parts of the victim of murder, an abortion human material, DNA of the unborn and killed in the womb of Man. So the anti-sacrament will replace the Sacrament.

Old songs about the new.

As in the communist international:

"We will destroy the whole world of the villa

Before the foundation, and then

We are ours, we will build a new world:

Who was nothing, he will be everything."

History is cyclical: 1917.

When we are driven to the extreme, we have to take the sword: "We can repeat."👇

But let's just not go to extremes 🖕

History must go in a new way, without meanness and dirt.

Don't sin, the carving will break, then we won't stop ...

Biden has an ethnic Chinese 🖕bodyguard like Lenin did during the revolution. 

In China, they said that they are beginning filming the series, the main characters of which were Chinese bodyguards Vladimir Lenin.

The red ass of Xinhua also broadcast about the magnificent scenario of a multi-series film with real historical artifacts in the form of the carcass of the leader of the world proletariat lying down to this day in a marble cottage on red square : in particular, after the October Revolution of 1917, tens of thousands of Chinese joined the ranks of the Red Army and thus contributed to the formation of a socialist state.

The red-beers of the series referred to the transcripts of the Russian archives, according to which the Bolsheviks recruited a group of bodyguards of the main terrorist of the Communists of Russia.

Director Hu Mingan said that the prototype of the main character of the new movie was Lee Fuqing, a man who was one of the seven guards of Lenin. The series was planned to be filmed in Russia, the time of its release was planned for the end of 2017 - the beginning of 2018. We do not know the fate of this masterpiece. We only give the texture below the 👇

The Chinese guarded Lenin back in St. Petersburg, then in Moscow.

 In the head of the Bolsheviks comes as always a brilliant idea - to create a detachment of Chinese guerrillas who will guard Lenin. They don't speak Russian, they are executive, young and, most importantly, they are not sorry.

That's how Lenin as a guard appeared a young Chinese Lee Fuqing, and next time talk about his working days with the leader of the proletariat.

Lyrical retreat.

The Xinhua article states that two Chinese were honored to be buried at the Kremlin wall for their courage and struggle to raise the peasant class. Their surnames are Li and Chang (墓碑上仅刻有"张"李"两个大姓), but with the help of the project "THE WORLD 100 YEARS OF THE FREE OF THE FREE (the project, by the way, absolutely amazing - take a couple of minutes to read about the most important cemetery of the USSR) we managed to find only the Chinese with the surnames of Wang.

Wang (... - 1917) - a chinese citizen. Red Guardsman of the Tushin Squad. The exact circumstances of the death are unknown.

Chang (... - 1917) - a citizen of China. Red Guardsman of the Tushin Squad. The exact circumstances of the death are unknown.

Not only Lenin, but also Trotsky, as well as a number of other prominent members of the party were guarded. Comrade Yakir led the security.

For this, along with Tukachevsky, he was enrolled in brilliant strategists, without which the Red Army in 1941-45 fought worse than it could. At the same time, it should be remembered that the Chinese were brought to Russia thanks to the policy of Nicholas II. It was the tsarist government that began to import the Chinese as cheap labor, not wanting to imagine the consequences of such a step. The consequences were visible in Vladivostok and other places of the Far East, where the Chinese independently sought and often settled even illegally. Poaching, trafficking in smuggling and drugs, kidnapping, closed from neighbors life of a single community, corruption decomposition of local officials. The Bolsheviks then knew perfectly well who to choose as accomplices. Chinese protection of Lenin, Trotsky and others often changed. The mature footage was then sent to the detachments of the Czech Republic and the punitive units. The Bolsheviks studied and added Chinese skills to their set of torture and atrocities. They looked at the Chinese as a set of people ready for money and rations for the dirtiest business, besides easily perceived to the kokmmanist ideology. Intoxicated by ideas about their own greatness, the Bolsheviks did not understand the degree of ability of the Chinese primarily to protect their own interests. After the Civil War, the Bolsheviks faced an extremely unpleasant phenomenon. Instead of sitting at the party meetings forever and admiring the Bolshevik speakers, and then injecting at the machine from dawn to dawn, the Chinese preferred private business - laundries, restaurants, retail and, of course, the drug trade. The Chinese did not seek to come home in the name of the export of the revolution. Most came to Russia from Manchuria and Northern China, but it was there that the communist movement in the 1920s was virtually absent. It turned out that the agents of the Comintern took money, started a private business at home, and the party cells on their return to their homeland did not want to create. The greatest disappointment was waiting for the Bolsheviks, when the visiting Chinese required urgent help to strengthen the parts of Sun Yat-sen and Chiang Kai-shek, which were actually led by the Communists. The Chinese did not want to go home and fight for the revolution. Only a very small part of the Chinese became communists in spirit and behavior. Most turned out to be what they were originally - cruel parasites, besides with bourgeois bias, that is, the desire to have their own business. Angry at the failure of his policy in China, when Chiang Kai-shek took Shanghai, negotiated with foreign powers and militarists, and then staged a massacre of the Communists and threw out conscientious advisers won, the Bolsheviks took a course to repression against the Chinese. They sit in Russia, do not obey the authorities, have arranged their mafia, and for the revolution do not fight. The Bolsheviks were finally angered by the consequences of the conflict on the KVJD in 1929. Most of the Chinese sympathized with Chang Tsolin, the militarist who controls Manchuria, not the USSR. The Chinese as the fifth column were sent home, and the Koreans, because Korea was occupied by Japan, were sent from the Far East to Central Asia and Central Russia. 

The ferocity of the Chinese especially appreciated Jonah Yakir - in Ukraine and southwest Russia about it with a shudder remember until now. 

🇨🇳As the world froze in a kind of madness and negative from the point of view of the economy, the economy of the birthplace of the Chinese folk theater of the dead on the streets from the kovid of China continued to grow as the fortunes of billionaires, soaring against the backdrop of the impoverishment of the rest of the world.

The Chinese economy grew to 100 trillion yuan (15, 5 trillion U.S. dollars) in 2020 from 67.9 billion yuan in 1952. It is still difficult for us to understand who should be and what to wear around the neck, so as not to understand and not to see what is really happening. 

Interview by Rainer Fuelmich.

Rainer Fuelmich. One of the most influential lawyers in Germany is currently preparing a lawsuit against WHO, cdc, Bill Gates and others. because of a fraudulent pandemic.

The scale of advertising, which the world has never seen before the village, will be visible in decades.

- "... However, whether this is true, it will be clear only 10 years after many years of application and analysis of the results of vaccination." 

J.F.K on the testing and safety of the "vaccine" 👇


More than 32 TB, consisting of millions of videos, images and text messages from Parler (including the January 6 coup attempt in Washington, D.C.), are now available on the DDoSecrets wiki.

🤡"The man asks if the feeling that his testicles are trampling is "normal" after receiving a mRNA injection."

A leaked Pfizer study found that vaccine particles are sequestered in OVICHNIK🤦🏻 😂 

🤡 Rockefeller "Population and american Future: Commission's Report on Population Growth and the American Future"

The 1969 report discusses the elimination of livestock farming and the transition to synthetic meat and the "closed agriculture system" as a possible "solution."


We can cope with population growth for another half century if necessary; The question is whether we want that. We can cope with a lack of resources - if we can't mine a resource, we can import, design around it, find a replacement or reduce consumption. Where there is a threat of water scarcity, we can choose between increasing the cost of using it, moving people and industry to other parts of the country and building longer and larger canals. If emissions of pollutants are unacceptable, we can change production processes, improve treatment, separate pollutants from their victims, treat symptoms or simply produce less pollution-causing products.

Congestion during commuter hours can be eliminated by restricting the use of private cars, the development of public transport and staggering working hours. Congestion in recreational areas can be dealt with by building additional facilities, improving management, encouraging substitutes such as overseas travel, and, if necessary, with stunning holidays. 

Even the lack of land for agriculture can be overcome, if there is enough time, by growing in the sea, changing our diet, developing synthetic 

Nevertheless, it is this perspective that our analysis of what the rapid population growth of the United States implies points to.

This pattern emerges when we combine the feeding requirements of a rapidly growing population with sensible environmental policies that limit the use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers. There are a number of reasons to believe that the nation will wish to limit the use of these chemicals. But it will slow productivity gains per acre. This means that more acres of land must be used to produce a certain amount of food. It is likely that, under such restrictions, all high-quality land will be returned to production by the year 2000. Consequently, the task of feeding a faster-growing population will force us to produce an additional 50 million acres of relatively substandard land.

It is an expensive enterprise that requires a large investment in equipment, fertilizer and labour, for which farmers should be compensated. As a result, in 50 years, the population, with an average of 3 children, may be forced to pay about 40-50 per cent more for agricultural food than otherwise. The needs of the population at a lower rate of growth could be met with little or no price increase.

A larger population could avoid rising prices by switching from livestock consumption to vegetables and synthetic meat. Perhaps it will shift to a closed system of agriculture, food from factories. Either way, a solution can be found. The challenge for a growing population is to explore possible solutions and choose the ones they don't least like.

We are very interested to know, this famous family is familiar with the usual arithmetic in addition to counting money 💵? 

The U.S. population in 2019 was 328.24 million, making it the third-largest country after China and India. At the same time, the country is characterized by a constant population growth due to natural growth and migration. However, the United States is not a high-density country. This is due to a fairly large area of this state. By the end of 2019, the population density in the United States was approximately 35.88 people/km2 ❗️

Resettled residents unevenly, historically the most densely populated part of the country is the northeast. On the Atlantic coast were the first 13 colonies, the unification of which was the beginning of the U.S., and from here moved the colonists to the west. There is also a high population density in Florida and parts of the Pacific coast (e.g. Los Angeles and San Francisco). The least populated are the Great Plains, the Rocky Mountains and Alaska.

The highest density of residents is typical of the Federal District of Columbia (not included in any state) - 4,466 people/km2. Among the states, the highest scores in New Jersey were 466.3 people/km2 and Rhode Island was 395.6 people/km2. The lowest population density in Alaska is only 0.5 people/km2 and in Wyoming it is 2.3 people/km2.

Below is a map of U.S. density by county👇

Again, misappropriation of the budget. The local apparently. The snable criminals gathered in the U.S. 🇺🇸 in different government positions. 

Governor of Ohio is the chief executive and commander-in-chief of the state's National Guard. The position is occupied by the

John Kasich 

January 10, 2011

Form of treatment

The Honorable


Ohio Governor's Mansion

We think you've stayed in the residence of the Honourable Bragger of People's Money 💵 

🤡What is this such a super dangerous disease, caused by a super-dangerous covid, that people need to be motivated in such an enchanting way? 

Meet the 22-year-old winner of the $1 million Vaccine Lottery in Ohio: Abbygail Bougainke won the first prize of $1 million in the Ohio New Vaccine Lottery, and a 14-year-old boy also won a full-year college scholarship. 🤦🏻 😂

💉Global shenanigans with changing the threshold of PCR did not remove the boilers from the injectable/vaccinated. 

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said Tuesday, May 25, that of the more than 101 million Americans who have been fully vaccinated against #COVID19 as of April 30, more than 10,000 have been reported.

However, the Food and Drug Administration acknowledged that the number of breakthroughs in the report was likely significantly underreported. The national oversight system relies "on passive and voluntary reporting, and the data may be incomplete or representative." 

In the states, vaccination does not save against couidiosis, but is most likely the cause of it.

🤦🏻 😂

🤡There the last weEF propaganda article this time promotes "Mindwriting" - software that can turn thoughts into words and sentences. You have to be a complete idiot and ignorant to think that transhumanists who dream of shrinking the population and getting rid of the elderly and the infalyids are developing this for people with disabilities.

Researchers at Stanford University combined artificial intelligence software with a device called a brain-computer interface implanted into the brain of a person with complete body paralysis. The software was able to decode information from BCI to quickly convert a person's thoughts about handwriting into text on a computer screen.

If there is this and it is already shown to the public, then imagine, Friends, what exists and what the public is not talking about.

💉🤡Whoget: A woman dies 15 minutes after receiving what BigPharma calls the vaccine for #COVID19 kovidiosis. The cause of death is unknown.

In the west, millions can die like this easily, visiting a doctor's office or a cubicle in a supermarket or zoo, making yourself a prick from a cold, off. survival rate from which is higher than 99.9 (7)%, and die. And it will still be said: "The reason is unknown."

⚠️ the Covid Passport was blocked - "The Beast's Label" is getting closer and closer.

Algorand (ALGO) launches the first "passport" COVID based on blockchain in Latin America. A digital passport called VitalPass was created to track couidiosis vaccination using Algorand's advanced blockchain technology to ensure safety, traceability and transparency during the vaccination process across Latin America. All ethics and mythical mystery was decided to despise.

Starting this month, the system will be launched in hospitals in three major Colombian cities: the Las Americas Clinic in Medellin, the Porto Azul Clinic in Barranquilla and the Cardioinphantil Foundation in Bogota.

PS: 70s-New Ice Age.

80 - e-Acid rains.

90 - e-Destruction of the ozone layer.

2000-years-global warming.

Then they had to change global warming to climate change because global warming was too obvious a lie. 40 years of total lies in the name of instilling fear for power and money, plus now couridious.

🤡"Diet, injections and prescriptions will be combined from an early age to shape the character and beliefs that the authorities consider desirable, and any serious criticism of the authorities will become psychologically impossible." (c) Bertrand Russell

The UK government is secretly monitoring the recipients of the vaccine #COVID19 to examine post-vaccination "behavioural changes," which says they were expected to eat. Apparently, talk of changing the psyche of the vaccinated is not a fiction, but perhaps a consequence of the fact that the vaccine killed the "gene of God" that Gates was talking about and which he dreamed of "killing", which he also talked about.

The U.S. administration, by the way, also signed contracts with Google and Oracle for the same.

A spokesperson for Big Brother Watch said: "Citizens will be alarmed to discover that they are unwittingly tracked and subjected to behavioural analysis using phones. No one expects that when they receive the vaccine, they will be monitored and monitored by their own government. This is highly frightening and can seriously undermine public confidence in medical confidentiality. Between the looming coid passports and this surveillance, the government, under the guise of cowidosis, is turning the UK into a state of total surveillance, the State of The Big Brother. This should be a wake-up call to all of us."

However, the government insists that the clandestine data collection did not violate any privacy laws and was ethical: "All the data sets used in this study are set out in a document that clearly shows that the mobile phone location data used complies with GDPR requirements and was provided by a company that collected, cleaned and anonymized data. The data is on a cellular tower, not at an individual level, and researchers were given access to a data set under an ethically approved research contract provided to researchers at the University of Oxford working on behalf of SPI-B."

🌎🤡Institute Tellus provides 3 scenarios for our world, where the pre-selected "winner" is called "GREAT BEFORE":

1. Ordinary World: The World They Are Currently Demonstrating.

2. Barbarism: Threat. A world in which they lose (or threaten us, depending on how you see it), and they still "win".

3. Great Transitions: "The Offer of Peace." A world where they own everything, and we are digital robot slaves.

🌎 Trafficking in humans and organ removal on a global scale are real.🤬

The freaks have spent the last century convincing people that there is no physical, active, threatening, extremely destructive and deadly enemy in today's world. We deserve to be tolerant physically and spiritually, and the negative consequences that this evil gives rise to if we do absolutely nothing about it. Embody the Holy Resistance to Evil in Yourself, Friends, and outside and do not be ashamed of your mission, taken on voluntarily, to spread the Truth, to expose darkness, and to fend off evil wherever it manifests itself. The word is what can kill them and abolish their power and power. The word is the only thing they fear, being a bunch with unlimited power and means.

𝓔𝓭𝓶𝓸𝓷𝓭 𝓓𝓪𝓷𝓽𝓮𝓼

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