Targeted Individual Update

Targeted Individual Update


Here is the prior post and the main post.

I just wanted to put up some good videos about gangstalking victims (I already posted some good videos about energy weapons/DEWs victims here):

Random citizen (experiment/training):


Another activist:

Only the government would has the means, history (google "FBI-King suicide letter"), and desire to do this.

Personally, it all sounds very similar to the Stasi in East Germany to me. Look up Zersetzung. That program happened in the 1970s and 1980s. That wasn't that long ago. And they used many German citizens to fulfill their objectives.

Williamson County is thick with Germans. I'm not saying all Germans would do that (it would be racist if I did), but a lot of them do seem to always have a cult/frat culture (fascists... *cough* Nazis *cough*) where they love to get and abuse positions of power like being a police officer, especially being an undercover agent. And probably the undercover agent with the most power would be a CIA agent (officer). I get the feeling the CIA is loaded with Nazis and Nazi-like people. Truman even called the CIA the American Gestapo and regretted making it.

No wonder the Gestapo (secret police of Nazi Germany) and Stasi (secret police of East Germany) were so popular with those people. If they weren't in the secret police itself, many Germans citizens would often cooperated with them.

Of course, there is Israel too when it comes to the abuse of power, but if you criticize the ==> GOVERNMENT <== of Israel you are somehow racist. It's almost like they control the narrative behind the scenes...

Per Carl Clark, both the CIA and Mossad (and the ADL) uses energy weapons to torture and silence people. So is seems Mossad is involved in gangstalking and touchless torture as well. So it looks like we have two evil groups here: Zionist Jews and "Nazi" Germans. One group prefers the socialist left and one the fascist right (though the right doesn't have to be fascist).

They both, however, will do messed up things to get their way.

Finally, this is a good post for those new to conspiracy theories to see the bigger picture.

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