Targeted Individual Update

Targeted Individual Update


Here is the prior post and the main post.

Thought I was done at the moment, but, of course, I find something else on the internet to share.

First here is a video of a former military man talking about the Targeted Individual program:

My name is David Voigts. I'm a former naval officer and a graduate of the United States Naval Academy. [...] While I was in the service I learned that there are groups of current and former members of the military and intelligence community who take contract jobs that involves stalking, harassing, and slandering targeted civilians in order to intimiate them into silence and to discredit them. [...] The perpetrators come from backgrounds in counterintelligence, special warfare, and psychological warfare. [...] These contractor stalkers are using a particularly advanced weapon in their psychological warfare campaigns. You may have heard of these weapons in the coverage of the attacks of diplomats in Cuba and China. These attacks on civilians are highly illegal and these weapons are only supposed to be used in a narrow set of circumstances on an enemy combatant in a declared war abroad.

Not sure which weapon he is talking about, but hitting innocent people with invisible weapons does fit the US military's modus operandi. The US Air Force was accused of zapping female protesters in England with microwaves in the 1980s. Think how much more advanced they are now.

Again, like I said in my main post, a lot of harassment and microwaving appeared to be coming from veterans and current military officers.

Here is some good evidence of microwave attacks:

Okay, I guess it can't be helped, but we're going to get a little sci-fi here. A lot of these things that are going to be described next I've never experienced (like V2K, or voice-to-skull), but they probably do exist.

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