Targeted Individual in Williamson County

Targeted Individual in Williamson County


My name is Thomas D. Collinsworth. I was gangstalked even though I was minding my own business. I later became a Targeted Individual for exercising my freedom of speech. This is my story.

Est. Timeline:

2016 Oct - Moved to an apartment in Williamson County, TX

2016 Dec - Moved to a house in Williamson County, TX

2017 Mid - Gangstalked in Williamson County

2017 Oct - Gangstalked nationally/online because of a propaganda script found

2018 Nov - Targeted Individual in Williamson County

2019 Jan - Targeted Individual in other Texas towns and in other states

Austin, TX

Georgetown is the main city of Williamson County.

Apartment Harassment

For the year of 2016, I had stayed between Ohio and Texas, between our home in Ohio and an temporary house in Texas next to Lake Travis, while we were trying to sell our house in Ohio to move to the greater Austin area for my dad's work. I believe in October or November 2016, we got an apartment in Williamson County (north of Travis County) next to Lakeline Mall. Indigo Apartments. Oddly enough, it is in Austin, TX, but it is part of Williamson County, not Travis County.

Main Entrance to Indigo Apartments in Austin, TX

Anyway, I was told by my parents the apartment office said if I stayed for a short period (2 weeks I believe) I didn't have to do anything. But if I stayed longer they would have to do a background check for about $150. We stayed there for about a month or two before we left for a house and they never bothered us about it, so I never did the background check. As I didn't have a car, I walked by their office just about every other day to go somewhere, so I obviously wasn't hiding myself from them. One day, a lady was knocking on our apartment door while I was there alone. She kept saying "sheriff" or "geriff" or something like that while knocking. She was wearing a metal box clipboard like she was giving out tickets. When I answered she said she was just conducting a survey for the apartment. We reported this strange behavior to the apartment office, but they acted like it wasn't a big deal. Again, they never brought up the need for me to do a background check. I assume they thought I had something to hide and thought I would be an easy target to mess with. I do believe, in hindsight, they reported me to the Williamson County Sheriff Department. Though, based off their body language, it was probably more for entertainment than anything else.

They were horrible. They never took care of our noise complaints and charged us the entire year lease even though they knew before we got the apartment we planned on staying there for only about a month or so until we moved into our house.

Gangstalking in Williamson County

Around December 2016, we moved to a house in Williamson County. While our address says Georgetown, we are actually in the unincorporated area of Williamson County. We were close to the crossroads of Ronald Reagan and the 29. The name of the neighborhood is Rancho Sienna. I noticed a Williamson County Sheriff Deputy van would often be parked next to a stop sign in our neighborhood, like he was waiting for someone to run the stop sign or do a rolling stop so he could pull them over. But he never pulled anyone over. I was forced to get an ID card for the neighborhood, which I got on January 6th 2017 (per my resident ID card). The office was in the community area which had a basketball court, picnic tables, a swimming pool, kid's playground, and a gym. The person who took my photo for the ID, who I believed is named Greg, didn't seem to like me very much, even to the point of being angry at me for no reason. I thought it would be wise to avoid him, so I decided to go to the gym only at nights. (Our paths did cross when he was jogging on the trails behind our house. I gave a friendly "hi" and waved, but he just gave me an angry face and showed a crawl with his two fingers (?) like he wanted to hurt me. I guess I was right about him.)

Main Entrance to Rancho Sienna by Newland Communities

Between early and mid 2017, I went to the gym one night like I had a few times before. The restrooms are outside. I used it and stood by the pool fence to watch the waterfall over the pool that is lit at night. Some jerk parked while shining his lights at me. I moved to get away, sat down, and continued to watch the waterfall. Out of the corner of my eye I see someone approach and they say, "Enjoying the view?" I turn to see a man with a handgun. It was in his holster. He was shaved to the scalp bald, tattoos on his left arm, and green shorts and a green shirt like he was going hunting. It freaked me out when I saw him as it was so unexpected at night and he had a gun. Then he asked me if I was by myself and before I could answer he got behind me and started yanking on the entrance doors to the break room. While I assumed he was private security or something, but he seemed extremely angry for some reason. He tried to open the locked doors in an aggressive manner like he was trying to break in or doing his best to scare me. I thought it would be best to leave the area. Instead of him finishing trying to open the doors (there were about 8 in a row), he stops what he is doing and he starts following me to the gym. Then he says, "I'm not scaring you off am I?" (I believe this was his true intention and said this to make it clear hoping I would just leave instead of facing more harassment from him. Unfortunately, I had no money or a car at the time so I couldn't leave Williamson County.) Before entering the gym I said something generic back to him to break the tension but it was in a nervous voice. I worked out for a few minutes and I left to get in my parent's car. Then I see a Williamson County Sheriff van parked in the parking lot with its lights on. I assume it was him and I believe it was the same van always at that stop sign. To be clear, he had no uniform on, no badge, and never identified himself as a sheriff deputy that day. I was forced to walk in front of his vehicle (camera?) to get into my car.

I told my parents that night what happened. We complained to the neighborhood management office the next day, since a complaint from them to the Sheriff department would probably be taken more seriously than from an individual, but they basically had an attitude that the deputies can do as they please and filing a complaint would be a waste of time. He ended the conversation saying, "Some people don't like their methods." I get the feeling they knew exactly what was going on.

After that, I was encouraged by my parents to NOT file a complaint to the Sheriff's department as they feared it would only make things worse.

Later, I was called on the phone by my mom was while I was out of the neighborhood. She told me that it looks like the entire Williamson County Sheriff department is behind our house (we have a park/walking trail behind us) looking for something. It was weird.

After that day, a Williamson County Sheriff Deputy Van would just about always be parked outside our house. First it was right in front of our house. I told my parents about the deputies parking there vehicle outside our house and I believed it was to try to intimidate me, but they wouldn't believe a word I said. He then started to park behind the mailboxes which is right in the middle of our main windows (our kitchen windows). At first, I just ignored it thinking that if they saw see it didn't bothered me that they would knock it off. Then one day, the deputy got out of his car. It wasn't the bald one but a heavy set blonde man with a buzz cut. With a sadistic smile on his face, he was trying to force open some gates next to where he was parked. It was clear to me he was rubbing it in how the other sheriff deputy messed with me that night by getting behind me while wearing a gun and yanking on those doors. It was also clear I needed to start doing something about the situation. I decided to take a photo of where his vehicle that was parked behind the mailboxes and started documenting everything. After I took a photo of his van park outside my house, he didn't come back for about a month.

(Between that time I did a reset of my phone and the picture went with it. I thought if they did it again, I could easily take another picture of the deputy van. That, unfortunately, proved to be very difficult in the future.)

Where the deputies would "hide" their vans

I thought that was the end of that as they probably didn't want evidence of their bad behavior and would probably move on to someone else. But, like I just said, about a month later they started parking in the same spot again. This time, when I would reach for my phone to take a picture, they would floor it out of there. I'm surprised they never hit a construction worker. My phone was too slow for me to get a picture off on time. At night, there would be a black van (an unmarked Sheriff van?) that looked similar in build to the marked Sheriff vans parked in the same spot. I never took a picture of that as I would have to go out into the dark night, it was pretty far if you look at the map, with someone I didn't know to do so.

However, I was able to get photos of the bald sheriff that followed me that day with a gun. I guess he lives in my neighborhood. I say that as I see him riding his bike there while wearing his gun. One day, November 29, 2017 around 3:40 PM, he stopped on the bike trail to stared at me while on the phone with an evil grin while I was working in my office. I went to another window and discretely took photos with my camera phone.

(The more I think about it, this is most likely a different sheriff deputy, as the bald one was pretty fit and this one has a gut. It is probably the fat blonde in these photos. The bald deputy, however, does ride around in our neighborhood with a gun. Me, my father, and my mother have seen him do it. And he likes to follow people while on his bike with an evil smirk.)

This is the angle I saw him at while I was working in the office.

Other odd things started to happen too. Construction workers (a lot of new houses were being built at the time) and neighbors would slow down next to me while I was walking the neighborhood and then rev and/or quickly take off. It would happen about 3-5 cars in a row when I walked one of the more major roads in our neighborhoods. Seems like they were still trying to scare me off. Don't know if "scared" is the right word, but I think I felt more disturbed than anything else that people, anyone, would do something like this to someone they don't even know. In one incident, a black truck floored it to a stop sign as I was crossing the street as if he wanted me to think he was going to hit me. I believe it was the same man who made my ID card at the office.

December 24, 2017 at 8:45 PM, my family while my brother and his fiance were visiting for the holidays we heard something like a a gunshot or loud firecracker go off in front of our house. The women panicked and opened the blinds to see a truck speeding off. 

December 25, 2017, a vehicle kept revving its engine in front of our house (my bedroom is at the front of the house). I didn't bother to look outside to see the vehicle as it'll probably only egg him on and several vehicles do it to me while when I walk the neighborhood anyway and they continued to do it after that day.

While I was in Georgetown downtown, as I was crossing the street with a walk light giving me the right of way, a parked Williamson County Sheriff Van slowly starts driving forward towards me as I crossed as if he was going to/wanted to hit me. I gave him a dirty look, but he could care less.

Back while we were living in the apartment, my mother and I ate in downtown Georgetown at a salad/vegan place. My mother notes that the waitress seemed very happy when I was eating my salad. About two-three days later, I felt a tingling on my upper lips. Then I broke out with herpes. I've never had a cold sore before and I hadn't been intimate with someone for years. I am fairly confident that the waitress in downtown Georgetown put something infected with the herpes virus in my salad dressing. I've never had anything like that happen to me before coming to this town/county and I believe it has mostly to do with sick behavior condoned by the culture in Williamson county/Georgetown, TX and, perhaps, in the greater Austin area. As they say: "Keep Austin weird" and this was all very weird.

I started to look into things and it appears I wasn't the only person who the deputies have done this to:

I was concerned enough of the trouble these deputies were that I didn't get a job while living there as I would have to drive everyday where I could be harmed by them. My concern turned out to be valid.

(With my dad's job, the reason we came to the Austin area in the first place, wasn't working out and it looked like we would moving to Dallas eventually. The Dallas area is where I grew up and I had other family, so the game plan was to get a job and a car when we moved there. I never thought this gangstalking would follow me there, but back to the story...)

Gangstalking nationwide & Electronic Surveillance

On January 28, 2018, I left to California for a week to get away from it all. I thought about starting over there with what little money I had made as the town I was going to stay in was somewhat walkable since I didn't own a car at that time. The Williamson County sheriff deputy parked his van in a weird place towards the exit/in the road as we left our neighborhood. He had never done this before when I was in my parent's car driving out of the neighborhood. It was almost like a message to not come back. But how could he have known I was possibly leaving for good? It's like he had been listening to our private conversations in our house...

After staying in California, I realized it would be way too expensive for me to live there, especially without a car nor being familiar with the city I was staying in, even though it was a small town. It seemed like the cops in that California town were also following me and pulling the same vehicle harassment just like the Williamson County Sheriff Deputies. Odd, they shouldn't even know who I am.

When I came back to Williamson County on February 2, 2018 it was night time. Driving on Ronald Reagan coming from the airport to go home, there was a car waiting to make a u-turn on Ronald Reagan. The strange thing was, ALL his lights were off and Ronald Reagan Blvd. has no lights of it's own on this part of the street. We kept driving and the car timed it just right... the car pulled out in front of us and slammed on his brakes. We had to slam on our brakes to barely avoid a collision. Then he turned on his police lights (!?!). While the car was unmarked, I can only assume it was the Williamson County Sheriff Department. That also means, since he was clearly waiting for me, they must have been tracking me on my phone's GPS.

The few months before this, around August 26, 2017, I went to a Casino in Oklahoma for my birthday. I wanted to travel by foot and public transit and get away from Williamson county. I was hoping to start over somehow, but I realized it wasn't practical without a car or without a good about of money saved up so I returned to Williamson County to my parent's around the 30th of August. That's when I decided to finally connect my Google account to my phone. (I had no idea my phone or anything in my house could have been hacked.) And that's when the nationwide/Internet gangstalking started. Weird things would happen to my account like auto fills popping up on the wrong website and it seemed like random people on the internet would know everything about me (though, this reveal was very gradual at first). Unbeknownst to me at the time, it appears that my phone had been hacked for a while but I pretty much only used it for texting and calling (I used a different phone number/device to secure all my stuff with), but once I connected my Google account to this phone, which I pretty much kept everything on, they had access to all my online activity and documents.

I get the feeling, based off some details I won't go into here, the Williamson County Sheriff Deputies hired a hacker to help me get into my stuff. I used a Chromebox (which as far as I can tell has never been hacked) for my computer stuff, so I guess they could only get access to my smartphone (which, based off of later research, appears to be often and easily hacked by government agencies). We later discovered we had some random anonymous devices connected to our WiFi router, which magically disappeared once we started to look into our router, and a lot of pings were coming from several Amsterdam IP addresses. It looks like whoever was hacking our network was hiding behind a proxy in Amsterdam and/or were neighbors connected to our WiFi.

Amsterdam, Netherlands IPs: (Den Haag)

Here is the screenshot of a slice of the router log at a later date:

First page

Second page

(Months later while visiting and helping my Aunt on my mom's side in Las Colinas, TX, she claimed the next day that all her accounts got hacked. She has money so she had her technology company she hires for consulting to look into it. They claim it was hackers from Amsterdam. I didn't say anything, but it was pretty clear to me it was the same hacker(s). I assume my cell phone's mic was hot and maybe they targeted her because she had money.)

I've always kept everything very secure: 2-step authentication, use a different phone number from my main one for verification, only use a Chromebox or a Chromebook, and use long, random, and different passwords for all my accounts. It didn't make any difference when it came to getting my account back. I assume it's because they had the security token from the hacked phone (the security token keeps you from having to retype your password every time you use a different Google service) and combined it with some other protocol to stay logged in as logging out all my devices, resetting my password, new phones, new phone numbers, and new authentication codes made no difference, they still had complete access to my account. Either that, or I can't help but suspect Google was giving some government agency full and secret access to my account and that agency was giving such information to the sheriff deputies who in turn was giving that information to their friends.

I know this sounds crazy, but even the local news seemed to be listening to our private conversations in our house. The things they would say and the graphics they would show, it just didn't add up otherwise.

Finally, one day I see a green light blinking on our security cameras (which my dad likes to keep facing inside the house). It means that someone is on the camera watching you. I called my dad to see if it was him, which he said "no." With my mom in the house, it must have been a hacker watching us on our security cameras. I took down all the cameras, and labeled them as evidence. While I am computer savvy, extracting the OS software and inspecting logs on an IoT device to expose hacking was beyond my skill set at the moment and I didn't have the money to give it to an expert at that time.

Evidence bag front:


Evidence bag back:


It seems like I kept getting harassed by random people for what I had on my Google account and what I did and said in the "privacy" of my own home. And the Williamson County Sheriff Deputies would still park outside my house and follow me around as I walked the neighborhood through my GPS. Again, they would always make sure to speed off before I could take a picture or show up somewhere in the neighborhood unexpected. They would always let a good amount of time pass from the last "attack" (that's what it certainly felt like) before they did it which would catch me off guard.

Besides the electronic stuff, other harassment continued with the neighbors:

On March 13, 2018 around 1:30 PM, I was outside watering my plants while across the street there was a meeting going on at the house on the corner. The house is used as one of the property offices for the builders. A Hispanic worker came out and kept saying "Hello. Hello. Hello." at me again and again in a taunting voice. I just ignored it and went inside.

I forget the exact date, but around this time one of the construction workers working on the roof of a house down the street would scream "HEY!" at me for no reason whatsoever while looking in my direction. He seemed extra angry when he did it.

On March 26th 2018 around 7:30 PM, a neighbor, I think it was that blonde sheriff deputy that lives in my neighborhood, was just standing in the middle of the grass in front of the nature/walking trail behind our house and staring into our house. This lasted probably 5 minutes straight before I closed the blinds. He obviously wanted me to see him.

On April 8, 2018, the bald sheriff deputy came behind our house to go fishing (we have three fishing lakes back there) with his daughter. I was outside watering the plants. When my back was turned to him, he kept saying, "Hey buddy. Hey buddy. Hey buddy" over and over again. He would just smile at me when I looked at him.

Continue to Part 2 of the story

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