Targeted Individual Update

Targeted Individual Update


Here is the prior post and the main post.

I thought I would note a few more things here.

It seems like ANYTHING I look up online is scrutinized. And people around me know what I look up: my cousin, my two uncles, though the older one doesn't seem to care too much anymore, my aunt, of course my mom, and now my dad is part of the group. I guess it was the "if you can't beat them join them" kind of thing. He probably went to my mother saying everyone seems to know what he talks about in private and what he looks at online, and I guess she revealed she is part of that secret society and has access to my Internet searches. Considering how computer illiterate they all are, besides my cousin, they are probably told that I am hacked for doing something stupid when the truth is the data collection by the NSA (Upstream collection and other programs like PRISM) is intensely vast and designed to be used against citizens (including my family members treating me this way) as blackmail material. (To be fair, some of my devices were probably hacked since it is the NSA we're talking about.) If you don't believe me, just look at William Binney's (NSA employee of 30+ years) AMAs on Reddit. Telling a target's friends and family his Internet search is probably a PSYOP to destroy his or her ego. They did something similar to the Unabomber. Apparently, he was part of the MK Ultra experiment.

Sure, I could do things to protect my privacy, but it is hard to be "on" at a Edward Snowden level all the time and keep a normal life. I want to be able to let my guard down and just google stuff.

But any tiny thing I do gets picked on. Even dumb things. For example, instead of watching some mindless TV shows like everyone else, I like to research things online even if they don't apply to me at the moment. But, apparently, I'll be made fun of by my friends and family if I do this. They make little rude comments to let me know they've been looking at my Internet history. Yet, they eat their animal meats, work for dollars that'll be useless one day, perpetuate a endless cycle of bullying and needless, degrading hierarchy, and I'm the idiot? You have to give people a safe space to explore and be creative or else you'll create a stale society that'll die of rigor mortis.

I guess I just wanted to get that off my chest. Now on to the important stuff.

I've talked about Dynology and ShadowGate before, but I wanted to mention some interesting things. Dynology's LinkedIn page had one of their recruiters looking for someone to work for their client at Fort Belvoir, Virginia. The United States Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM) is headquartered there. They have "significant responsibilities in counterintelligence, force protection, electronic warfare [DEWs], and information warfare." One of their visions states that they're about "exploiting leading edge technology." Sounds like the gangstalking program to me.

Another group headquartered there (though they just moved it a few days ago to Georgia) is the U.S. Army Cyber Command (ARCYBER) and INSCOM falls under them.

(For those wondering, there is the United States Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM) which is headquartered in the NSA that is made up of by the different branches of the military's cyber commands, including ARCYBER, except for the US Coast Guard. There is also Central Security Service (CSS) which is also headquartered at the NSA and that is made up by the signals intelligence of the different branches of the US military including some of their cyber commands. Man, the US military is confusing.)

It has been noted in articles that the entire US military's cyber commands have been taking more of an offensive rather than defensive approach. This probably includes IIAs.

Another interesting thing I learned is about my neighbor in Georgetown/Williamson County. Not the one across the street, but the one to the right of my house if you are walking into my house from the front. He is a black hawk, Apache, or whatever helicopter pilot. This is the "if I told you what I do, I'd have to kill you" guy. Well, I guess the idiot told my parents what he did, cause they said he worked for Cyber Command! I'm not sure which branch of the military, but it's probably the same one he was flying helicopters for. He was teaching cyber security to college kids online on the side, so I guess they wanted his skills.

I remember now in Halloween 2017 that this neighbor was talking to my neighbor across the street (the one where I first felt the DEWs coming from). They were both looking at me with disgust (I was outside with my mom giving out candy). After that time is when really weird things started to happen, more so than usual. I guess my neighbor across the street (ex-military, ex-cop, and I get the feeling he was and probably still is an undercover cop for the Williamson County Sheriff Department), somehow got some dirty on me that my helicopter/cyber command neighbor found disgusting and then he decided to give my name to his military cyber command buddies.

Maybe he flies helicopters for the Army and not the Air Force. This would explain my link to cyber stalking, DEWs, Dynology and, oddly enough, Michael Hayden.

That narrative would explain a lot.

My parents also noted how weird the neighbors across the street are: how they'll immediately go right into their garage and shut the door when getting home with a bunch of stuff covered up in the garage, how their names won't appear on their property when you look them up, and how weird people are there to watch their house when they are gone. Some of them won't let you see their face and will wait for you to get in your house before getting out of their car. One guy waited for like 15 minutes for me to go inside while he sat there doing nothing. I came out a few minutes later and sure enough he had gone in. They also have a threatening fence sign saying to beware of dogs. It's almost like they have DEWs in there...

My helicopter/cyber command neighbor also had some weird people in his house. My mom said it was similar to what I experienced, people who won't get out of their cars/trucks until you go inside your house so you never see their faces. (I'm pretty certain my parents have no idea that their information actually comes from the military.)

I'm just not sure how to expose this in such a way to put an end to it. I'm up against a literal army here and rogue citizens.

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