Tamaida Shimera's blog on Coronavirus. Retrovirus-What is it.

Tamaida Shimera's blog on Coronavirus. Retrovirus-What is it.

by Tamaida Shimera

A virus is small primitive lifeform that can cause an infection . Unlike bacteria which also can cause infections viruses are dependent on the human cells inner machinery (organelles) to live and function (like making copies of itself and producing proteins). The Genetic material in bacteria and more advanced lifeforms consists of DNA which is essentially a string of similar beads (actually small molecules called "nucleotide bases"). These bases make up genes of which there can be several on the string (called typically a chromosome). Genes code for proteins of varied types which again is a string of aminoacids. Viruses can either have DNA or RNA as its genetic material. RNA is also a slightly different string of "nucleotide bases" that codes for proteins.

In Iceland sheep farming has been an important part of the culture and economy since the middle ages. In the 1930's a serious illness began to afflict the herds. The affected sheep deteriorated physically and mentally and died totally wasted after some years. Because the sheep  wasted/vizened the disese is called visna. There was a big economic incentive to understand and prevent the spread of the disease. Bjoern Sigurdsson who was an Icelandic doctor did research on the ailment and he caught the attention of the Americans. After working in the US for a couple of years the Rockefeller Foundation financed a research facilty in Iceland where dr. Sigurdsson continued his research in trying to help eradicate the scourge with its financial and alimentary ramifications. He discovered that the disease-causing agent was a virus that had characteristics that were  astonishing to the scientific community at the time. Until the 1950's there was consensus among scientists that RNA only was made from DNA  and never the other way around. In this newly discovered virus the process was reversed. The virus produced an enzyme that converted its RNA into DNA that was spliced into the host's (sheep's) DNA. Since the copy-process went in the opposite direction from what was known until then, a new class of viruses was established called retro-virus ("retro" is latin for backward). The enzyme is correspondingly called reverse transscriptase. The virus was named Visna-virus after the disease. When Dr.  Sigurdsson died aged 46 in 1959 the research was continued in the United States.

The face of a benevolent and honorable man trying to solve a sheep husbandry problem with severe negative effects: socially (potential abandonment of the countryside by farmers), alimentary and financial.

A Good Man in Iceland.

Doctor Bjoern Sigurdsson. Did he get the wind of a plot to use his discoveries to construct viruses capable of mass human extermination? Did he pay with his life at a young age trying to protest against such an agenda? (editors note: see footnote 1)

Prominent American retrovirus researchers, among others, that took over from Dr.  Sigurdsson:

Richard Baltimore Nobel prize in Medicine 1975 among several other prizes. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Baltimore

Robert Gallo almost Nobel laureate in  Medicine 2008 but has received many other Medical prizes and accolades.


They both got their prices because of their work with retroviruses and HIV-virus.

 Maybe the Nobel Commitee decided that Dr. Gallo was more involved in the creation of the HIV-virus than its discovery and therefore decided not to give him the coveted prize. The official story is that a monkey version of the virus has been, decided by scientists with advanced scientific science (i.e. very very advanced (footnote 2)), in existence for tens of thousands of years. This simian- (monkey-) virus was transfered to rural dwelling blacks villagers by close contact with apes, bitten by aggressive infected rogue monkeys. I Wonder: why did theese monkeys wait for tens of thousands of years until reverse transcriptase inhibitors (Lamivudine) was discovered before they decided to bite humans. I mean if they (the monkeys ) had bitten earlier there would have been no humanity today. Remember during the 1980-ties the mortality was 100 % until antiretroviral drugs came along.

The HIV- virus is the result of an enhancement and modification of the visna-virus in the laboratory making it able to infect humans. (This of course not the official story but the only one that makes sense) The well known colonel Fletcher Prouty known for his revelations of JFK-assassination (based on personal experiences as a high ranking military officer and CIA liaison ) said that this was a matter of record.

Professor Jakob Segal , a Russian-born Professor of biology at Humboldt University in then East Germany, has established that HIV is almost identical, in some regards, to two other viruses. These are Visna, a deadly disease that kills sheep, but is not infectious to humans, and HTLV-1 (Human T-Cell Leukemia Virus) which though not fatal is highly infectious to humans. Published in a 1986 pamphlet "AIDS: USA Home-Made Evil. http://www.hiddenmysteries.org/health/aids/aidspentagon.html

The terrible thing about a retrovirus is that once a person is infected with it that person can never get rid of the virus because a blueprint of it is stored in the persons DNA. It will reactivate itself like herpes lip sore (although the reactivation method for herpes is different) the difference beeing that instead of beeing an inconvenience this reactivation can be deadly: (Ebola 70-100% deadly for each reactivation) (COVID-19 5% - 20% deadly for each reactivation)

It is kind of reassuring, is it not?, that people who lay the groundwork for/lay the final touches on man-made bugs that have the capability to wipe out humanity are given the highest praise that society has to offer.


The Ebola Virus hit West Africa with a peak in the autumn of 2014. A Liberian doctor named Gorbee Logan tried as a last resort the HIV- medicine Lamivudine that is a reverse transcriptase inhibitor (RTI) since no therapy used until then had showed any effect.

To his pleasant surprise, it worked on 13 of a total of 13 patients that were treatable and not moribund when they presented themselves. But the Ebola virus should not have been defeated by a drug that blocks an enzyme that it should not have according to for instance Wikipedia( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zaire_ebolavirus ). There it is classified as a RNA-VIRUS and not a retrovirus.

Dr. Logans discovery exposed to the world by a CNN-reporter is THE fact that has unveiled this terrible ongoing concpirasy against humanity. A concpiracy against the life and well-beeing of every human beeing on Earth! A planned culling of the human population to Georgia Guidestone levels!

Conclusion 1: The Ebolavirus of 2014 had been altered in a Laboratory since a transformation like this RNA- to retrovirus can not happen naturally/spontaneously.

Conclusion 2: Since the involved scientists have perfected the technique of transferring the genes responsible for replication in the retrovirus to an ordinary RNA virus they could do the transfer also to any other RNA virus in principle (And now they have done it again in the form of COVID-19, read on).

Conclusion 3: Signs that Genetic material had been transferred from the HIV-virus to the new Corona-virus came from Indian virologists (actually they found amino acid sequences identical to amino acid-sequences in the HIV virus and therefore one deducts that segments of the RNA are identical in both viruses since proteins/amino acid-chains are made from RNA). The Indian doctors have not tried to identify reverse transcriptase in RNA, but from the perspective of a virologist tasked with making the most deadly virus possible, then the reverse transcriptase-part is the interesting one in the HIV-virus. Chinese doctors have self-medicated themselves and have reported to the authorities/science journal that reverse transcriptase inhibitors had curative effect on the infection in the course of hours rather than days.

Deduction 1: This is a virus that cannot be used for warfare, which is to kill/incapacitate soldiers/inhabitants in a defined geographic area. This type of warfare-agent spreads, as all now can see everywhere and affects everyone - friend and foe alike. This is not a warfare-agent but a generalized extermination-agent and has nothing to do in a military lab or any other lab or affiliated lab.

Deduction 2: Since the motive is wholesale human extermination, it is no reason to believe that the release of the virus was accidental. Since reports from reporters Rappaport and Shimatsu ( se main article https://telegra.ph/Tamaida-Shimeras-blog-on-Corona---The-main-article-on-coronavirus-COVID-19-03-15 ) does not show any Chinese involvement, it must be deducted that the Chinese have not developed this virus. Wether the Chinese have released it willingly on their own population or a foreign agent has spread it, is uncertain and is in our current predicament totally irrelevant. The most effective way to spread the Corona-virus, which is described to be quite tough and hardy and survives for a long time outside an organism, is for instance to add it to water tanks connected to air conditioning systems in large buildings with many visitors, for instance a shopping mall. The highly overrepresented  occurrences in a Christian congregation(80%) and a mental hospital (100%) in South Korea is very suspicious and indicative of such a building-confined type of spread. The bats that has gotten so much attention is used in the laboratory to keep viruses alive and is not a smart /credible/effective  way to use as spreading vector for someone intent on viral spreading.

Deduction 3: Those who are behind the making and willful spreading of the deadly bug that is COVID-19 are, you might agree, not interested in committing suicide. There must be many million humans that are preselected to survive in order to keep a post-apocalyptic world functioning. These selected few (few in comparison to a world population of 7 billion) must be given effective prophylactive medication, i.e. a reverse transcriptase inhibitor like Lamivudine - it is important that the selected few will not become carriers of the retrovirus that can later reactivate so treatment after clinical symptoms of infection is not good enough.

In order to achieve this the select, designated few survivors should have received the medication before the outbreak started in earnest in December or early January. I think they realize that having anti HIV medication in their cupboards is very conspicuous and can draw unwanted attention from for instance housemaids. The medicine boxes would have had to be camouflaged as containing minerals or vitamins like the two examples/one example to the right. House-maids of the world - be observant!

Please see: https://telegra.ph/Tamaida-Shimera-on-corona-virus---How-to-release-a-killer-bug-and-save-your-own-life-04-27


Effective tablets against Corona not in the original package.

The Deadly part of the virus is not the replication mechanism per se.

The Deadly part of the Ebola-virus is a gene that codes for a proteins that clogs the human cell's microtubuli system. A microtubulus is as small pipe or channel through which material that is produced inside the cell is transported out of the cell. When these tubes (the plumbing ) don't work anymore, the cell actually swells and bursts.

The deadly part of HIV is that the virus attacks a special blood-cell(lymphocyte/T-helper cell) that is in charge of and coordinates the response to an infection.

The Deadly part of the COVID-19 is that elicits a very strong inflammation in lung/bronchial tissue and that it also attacks heart-muscle and produces a very strong inflammation in muscle-cells. Autopsies of victims have shown scarring replacing dead heart muscle-cells. Heart cells need to be healthy to propagate electric impulses. If not then cardiac arrest can occur. Inflammation in heart-muscle can explain apparently normal healthy looking young people walking then suddenly collapsing dead. It is similar to coronary arterial blockage from a blood clot causing death by lack of oxygen to heart-cells.

Again, the deadly part of retroviruses is not the replication mechanism by itself, but it facilitates the reactivation of the virus that can perform its deadly or debilitating attack over and over again. A deleterious/deadly physiological part combined with a capacity to reactivate itself ad infinitum, causes the extreme severity/deadliness of these designer/manmade retroviruses.

Links :

Donald W.Scott Interviewed on Black Op Radio - (Part Two) Donald W.Scott

Professor Donald W.Scott talks about HIV-virus and its origin in Visna-virus. He also talks about Mycoplasma.



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footnote 1:This title is a play on the title of the film: "A Good Man in Africa" starring Sean Connery who'se character made a nuisance of himself toward an autocratic ruler (Louis Gosset jr.) and paid the concequences https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Good_Man_in_Africa ) footnote 2: Inspiration drawn from Mel Brooks film "High anxiety" where most of the intrigue takes place in the Psycho-Neurotic Institute for the Very, Very Nervous.
Virology-scientists with advanced scientific science (i.e. very very advanced ) makes me and should make you very, very nervous - (Best of Luck to humankind from Tamaida Shimera)

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