Tamaida Shimera on coronavirus - The main points

Tamaida Shimera on coronavirus - The main points

by Tamaida Shimera

A preamble to our current coronavirus was the West African Ebola epidemic in 2014


The Ebola Virus hit West Africa with a peak in the autumn of 2014. A Liberian doctor named Gorbee Logan tried as a last resort the HIV- medicine Lamivudine that is a reverse transcriptase inhibitor since no therapy used until then had showed any effect.

Doctor Gorbee Logan

To his pleasant surprise, it worked on 13 of a total of 13 patients that were treatable and not moribund when they presented themselves. But the Ebola virus should not have been defeated by a drug that blocks an enzyme that it should not have according to for instance Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zaire_ebolavirus). There it is classified as a RNA-virus and not a retrovirus. Such a change of a virus metabolism cannot happen spontaneously. It has been made in the laboratory by splicing the genes that provides for replication in the HIV-virus into the Ebola-virus.

 If the untreated death rate (the two hopeless patients should be excluded) was 70 % then the probability of a 100% cure occurring by chance and not be related to the Lamivudine treatment is 0.3 ^ 13 =0.000000159 or less than 2 in ten million. That means Lamivudine is a beyond doubt effective cure for the Ebola-virus (version 2014) and that the virus with the same certainly has been manipulated in a laboratory to have the retrovirus genes mentioned above.

What is it about retroviruses that make them deadly? They implant a blueprint of their genetic material in the hosts/ humans DNA where it safe from elimination by the humans immune response. Later the virus is produced again from the blueprint and the infection starts all over again. A retroviral infection is therefore never eliminated from the human body.


President Putin, which was heavily involved in the West African Ebola crisis of 2014 from October that year. The epidemic fizzled out shortly after Russian medical specialists’ arrival after gaining steam for a year. I am sure that some/one of his advisers became aware of the CNN transmission, understood the dangerous implications, and alerted President Putin, which initiated the Russian relief action. I am sure he convinced the West African governments to use anti-retroviral medication in addition to other epidemy-prevention (i.e. isolation etc.).

The current coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19)

Since they souped up the Ebolavirus (v. 2014) in this way I became very suspicious about this new coronavirus when it was reported by Indian virologists that HIV-proteins was found in it. Also reports that the infection reactivated itself in patients and that doctors in the Wuhan region had used HIV- medicine of the type: reverse transcriptase inhibitor, analogs to Lamivudine on themselves with success.


The COVID-19 virus has been converted from a traditional coronavirus to a retrovirus and can be treated successfully with Lamivudine or other reverse transcriptase inhibitors. The treatment must be widespread and liberal to prevent that humans become chronic carriers. HIV/AIDS patients might forget to take their antiretroviral medication with no other than the detrimental effect on themselves, but a chronic carrier of the coronavirus will infect anyone in their surroundings by coughing. The virus attacks both lung and heart tissue. Heart infection has caused seemingly normal people walking in the street to fall to the ground dead in the Wuhan region, cardiac arrest. Video footage exists on the internet. Mortality is referred as high as 40-50 % in retirement home in Washington State to one to two percent. This a total apocalyptic situation facing humanity. I am sorry to say that the doctors in the task force are there to facilitate the spread not to halt it. They follow the orders of their handlers. Anthony Fauci, the current leading member of the White house Corona task force was totally uninterested September of 2014 when informed of dr. Gorbee Logans results. https://edition.cnn.com/2014/09/27/health/ebola-hiv-drug/



Please see https://telegra.ph/Tamaida-Shimera-on-Corona-virus-A-picture-gallery-03-15 and

the main information article:


The antiviral medication must start as soon as possible!

President Trump!

These so-called coordinators of the Corona-response: Dr. Fauci and Dr. Redfield are serpents that you nurture at your chest. They will give you (and the rest of humankind) a vicious bite. (Footnote 1)

Are the culprits interested in committing suicide? Probably not!

 Those who are behind the making and willful spreading of the deadly bug that is COVID-19 are, you might agree not interested in committing suicide. There must be many tens of million humans that are preselected to survive in order to keep a post-apocalyptic world functioning. These selected few (few in comparison to a world population of 7 billion) must be given effective prophylactic medication, i.e. a reverse transcriptase inhibitor like Lamivudine - it is important that the selected few will not become carriers of the retrovirus that can later reactivate so treatment after clinical symptoms of infection is not good enough.

In order to achieve this the select, designated few survivors should have received the medication before the outbreak started in earnest in December or early January. I think they realize that having anti HIV medication in their cupboards is very conspicuous and can draw unwanted attention from for instance housemaids. The medicine boxes would have had to be camouflaged as containing minerals or vitamins like the two examples/one example to the right. House-maids of the world - be observant!


Effective tablets against Corona not in the original package.

A little background information

The first retrovirus was found in sheep in Iceland. The virus, Visna-virus produced a disease called Visna and it caused the Sheep to waste/wizen and die typically after a couple of years. An Icelandic doctor, Bjoern Sigurdsson, who got funding from the Rockefeller foundation, isolated the virus. After Dr. Sigurdsson died at the young age of 46, American scientists continued the further research on retroviruses in American laboratories. The HIV virus is essentially a Visna-virus modified to infect humans. See link https://telegra.ph/Tamaida-Shimeras-blog-on-Coronavirus-Retrovirus-What-is-it-03-10


This is a compressed version of the information. Please see the links below especially https://telegra.ph/Tamaida-Shimeras-blog-on-Corona---The-main-article-on-coronavirus-COVID-19-03-15 for more comprehensive information/documentation


Please spread this information

Please spread this information on Facebook, twitter and any other social media. Please include the links below. Feel free to publish excerpts in any way you like, but please together with link(s). Please help make it go viral! Also, inform the President on his contact web page: https://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/

If you the reader has, or knows someone that has, direct contact with president Trump - please relay the information. The very survival of humanity depends on this.

Feedback on: tamaida_shimera@protonmail.com

Please see: https://telegra.ph/Tamaida-Shimera-on-corona-virus-----What-you-can-do-to-avert-disaster-05-06


Tamaida Shimera's blog
















Footnote 1 It will also be certainly deadly - as for the woman (in the story you have referred to) that took the snake in

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