Protocol 4

Protocol 4

𑀗꤀𐌌𐌌꤯᥉᥉꤯꤀ꤙꤕ꤅ 𑀗ꤌ𑀱ꤌꤙʆꤕ

Madame Arbidol. 

                   Editorial edition.

special. The issue is dedicated to this sweet girl 💐 with a noose around her neck, clearly gathered without saying goodbye and not even saying hello to us before our meeting 

MADAMA X 🍷 🍷 😗

💉Third an interesting date for investigators on the packaging of the vaccine 💉: March 15, 2020.

Maybe anyone remembers, Friends, when we heard about the first kovid vaccine?😳The world is known for another creative with its novelty and efficiency large area. For example, PCR in Russia appeared 5 days before the strain. Yes, yes, you haven't misheard and it's not a dream 😴. In Russia, the registration of PCR test is made 5 days before the appearance of the strain of the virus and 10 days before the first cases! Is that possible? And why not, if the tests themselves began their journey 🧳 🗺 around the world in 2017 with the blessing of the new world hospital 🏥 with the sign of the international bank 🏦 

Let's turn to the chronology of events. On December 24, Wuhan CDC sent a sample of the liquid for the bronchoalvelar Laban (rather than the purified virus) from an unresolved clinical case to the sequencing company Vision Medicals. On December 27 and 28, Vision Medicals informed the Wuhan Central Bank and the Chinese CDC about the results of a test showing a new coronavirus. 

And on 3 January, Chinese services reported 44 cases of pneumonia to WHO (ALLO) in Wuhan City, Hubei Province. The pathogen turned out to be a new coronavirus, which had not previously been found in the human population. On 30 January 2020, in response to the covid-19 outbreak, WHO declared an international health emergency.

February 26. /TASS/. Russian scientists have received a strain of coronavirus, and they are now developing a vaccine, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova told reporters on Wednesday. 

"The strain we have. We got it," Golikova said, adding that the strain was not from China. 

STOP 🛑 Madame Arbidol.

"In 11 years, the N.F. Gamalei Research Center has developed five vaccines, including Sputnik V. But the four previous ones were not registered. The center also had criminal cases, for example, concerning "AdeVac-Flu" - flu vaccine A and B. The case of multimillion-dollar embezzlement, I remind. The organization has been developing antiviral vaccines, each with billions. But where are these vaccines? They also worked on the MERS coronavirus vaccine, but also failed. We have a chain of defects with huge funding. Why should we be sure that everything is fine this time?"

On February 26, Russia received a strain, and documents for registration of THE PCR test to it were filed five days before ? How can it be? The virus test 🦠 scientific and medical task of scientists and virologists, it must be performed with understanding what exactly it is intended. The test should be tested, undergo clinical trials. But at that time there was no reason for this and the registration procedure itself could not be. And what to register something if you do not have the virus 👎 

The first patient 😷 in Russia was registered only on March 2. 

Russian super scientific 🧐 geniuses in the form of employees from the FSBU "CSP" managed for 21 days from the start without any virus not only to come up with their PCR test, but also to prepare a huge package of documents for a new product in the form of medical products ? How is that possible? For many decades you can not even create a remote control from TV, to design a washing machine for laundry 🩲, and here a whole test for a completely new virus. 

Maybe it's still those Covid tests 19 from good international bank 🏦 👇😂

Coronavirus: False claims test kits for 'Covid-19' were sold in 2017. ... The World Bank, one of the international organisations responsible for maintaining the list, says this was because ...

FULL CLAIM: "World Bank website shows COVID-19 testing kits purchased by countries in 2017 and in 2018" REVIEW Claims that the coronavirus pandemic was planned has been fanned by online posts showing data tables from the World Integrated Trade Solutions (WITS) website, developed by the World Bank and other organizations, which "allows users to access and retrieve information on trade and ...

The most pandemic pandemic in History. 

ATOMIC BOMBSHELL: ROTHSCHILDS PATENTED COVID-19 BIOMETRIC TESTS IN 2015. AND 2017. by Silviu "Silview" Costinescu OCT 04 2020 by Silviu "Silview" Costinescu It's not disputable, since the information comes from of몭 cial patent registries in the Netherlands and US. And we have all the documentation

Documents 🇺🇸 

🇺🇸 "in the deaths I ask to blame the dead": All themselves and voluntarily went to the reception of an experimental vaccine against the cooida.

🔹S no vaccine approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) vaccine to prevent COVID-19...

🔹Y understand that this product has not been approved or licensed by the FDA...

💉A.S. Vaccine Research, Moderna and Pfizer from the state clinical trial website tell us that the trials won't be completed until August 2022 and January 2023. 

We are guinea pigs 🐇 Friends.

Covid19 is perhaps the first "pandemic" in the History of the World, which requires round-the-clock and hourly marketing so that you don't forget that this "pandemic" still exists.

💉President of Brazil, Dolsonaro, stated that private legal and/or individuals who would buy and inject experimental anti-icid solutions to Brazilian citizens would be personally responsible for any lethal results or damages caused by the introduction of the solution to citizens.

The former vice-president 🖕of Pfizer, who previously stated that PCR tests are a common scam, now says that the "coronavirus vaccine" is not needed by 99% of the population, and any talk of "coronavirus passports" is illegal under international law. The UK has secretly tested a controversial tool to track websites and abs. all users who can register and store information about each person's web browsing.

🇺🇸Some American schools plan to make another day off for their staff and teachers to recover from vaccinations. 

One school district sent this email changing the county's calendar, apparently in anticipation that staff would suffer greatly from the side effects of the 2nd dose of the vaccine.

"Wed., March 9, 10:54 a.m. School district families:

I am contacting you today to inform you of the change in our school calendar on Friday, March 19. It is Friday, preceding our spring break week, which, we remind, falls on the week of March 22 to 26.

Friday, March 19...

I apologize in advance if this causes problems for your family. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me or the school where your child is studying. Respectfully, District Administrator."

It is felt that the anti-vaccine vaccination is so powerful that it takes rest...

Was the COVID-19 Pandemic Planned in Rockefeller's .

Like most conspiracy theories, "Operation Lockstep" is based on a small grain of truth: In 2010, the Rockefeller Foundation funded a scenario-planning exercise that envisioned how hypothetical ...

US Patent for Coronavirus Patent (Patent # 10,130,701 ...

DISCLAIMER: Coronavirus is a broad name for a family of viruses. This patent is NOT for the new COVID-19 virus and The Pirbright Institute does not currently work with human coronaviruses. If you share this patent online, be aware you are in fact sharing a separate patent for avian infectious bronchitis virus and porcine delta-coronavirus.

SOUTH -- Ethiopia's WHO has been holding large-scale support for the corona special 👑 for a long time. And at the beginning of this world premiere of Lies launched a shock joy Mega race and attracted girls to unseemly actions in the form of an online concert in support of the fight against the false coronavirus.

📹 Covid-19: Lady Gaga, WHO announce mega virtual concert to raise funds

📹 Watch Lady Gaga announce coronavirus relief concert (April 6, 2020 full WHO press briefing)

📹 Lady Gaga Addresses The Class Of 2020 l Dear Class of 2020 

💉Friends, do you really think that this gray-haired man was vaccinated against the kovid vaccine? 

😳Interesting, why is the covid hiding in the brain or somewhere near in the GEB?👇

Or are they just brainless followers 🖕of the Order? 

💉Third the Holy Dalai Lama receives the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine at the zonal hospital in Dharamsala, India, March 6, 2021.

"You should also take this injection for greater benefit. It's very important, so I accepted it," says the Dalai Lama.

India has purchased 500 million vaccines from the University of Oxford and Astrazeneca, 1 billion doses from the US novavax company and 100 million doses of Russian Sputnik V.

💉🌎This World has been plastered on a needle and what we see is friends against the backdrop of universal vaccination, which day by day is only gaining momentum around the world. The first faces were silenced and the coe restrictions were removed. But talk in Europe about the covid passport does not subside, sort through the stamps and frighten the population with new waves under the pretext of coe-like spikes in deaths from the covida so that in many countries are trying to reintroduce the toughest regimes of restrictions. 

If we didn't know that the vaccines used by the EU 🇪🇺 from the words of the local "experts" to eliminate the risks of contracting, we would definitely conclude that the vaccine kills, and in more part, those who are offered to recycle by eliminating pensions and determining in nursing homes, increasing the retirement age, worsening their lives and many other IMF heads.

💉This man Stanley Plotkin, godfather of vaccines and vaccinations. He is also a consultant to Moderna, one of the manufacturers of anti-vaccine vaccines. 

He under oath admits to using the tissues of an abortion baby, who did not even have time to be born and does not have even original sin, that is, in fact, the Holy. 

He also says that for the anti-sacrament he laid in all this, he would gladly go to hell. 

We do not know how you are, Friends, but we only need these words to understand that there is a vaccination, who its initiators/curators are, what purpose they pursue, and to draw our conclusion about all this anti-Christian fool.

Complete self-exposure of vaccinators. What Stanley Plotkin, the godfather of vaccines, said under oath. 

In the United States, there was one of many lawsuits between divorced parents regarding the future of children. One disagreement was the issue of vaccination, which the mother refused to do. The vaccine industry decided to make this process revealing and not only paid for the pro-vaccine grief-father of lawyers, but also sent there as a top expert of one of the most influential characters in the field, the author of the vaccine against rubella vaccinator Stanley Plotkin.This move turned out to be an absolute PR failure for them.

Pltkin, who agreed to testify as an expert, was forced to answer questions from his mother under oath as part of a procedure called "deposit".

During this interrogation Plotkin actually confirmed all the accusations and suspicions about vaccinations and vaccinators, which the industry and the press have a habit of rejecting with the label "conspiracy theory".

Plotkin was interrogated by a specialist with an honorary diploma from THE UC Berkeley School of Law and experience in the Supreme Court of Israel - Aaron Siri.

Almost immediately, the lawyer forced the vaccine expert to admit an open conflict of interest.

Plotkin confirmed that he actually came to testify in favor of forcing the child to introduce farm-perparates manufactured by Merck, GSK, Sanofi and Pfizer, each of which Plotkin himself regularly receives millions of dollars for decades.

Further, Siri, using the tax documents he had received in advance, forced Plotkin to admit that he had "mistakenly" about the pharmaceutical industry's lack of funding for his pseudo-public organization, Voices for Vaccines, and to confirm that, like the rest of the world-based similar "Parents for Even More Injections" his pseudo-OA exists for the money of the pharmaceutical industry.

The next round of questions Siri proved that Plotkin personally embodies all the signs of "corrupt science" as she was once described in a very famous article on the subject Marcia Angell - was. Editor-in-chief of the New England Journal of Medicine.


- Plotkin forgets to point out the conflict of interest that his work as a consultant in the same companies, whose products he evaluates,

- In addition to "advising" he sits on corporate advisory boards,

- has patent and royalty agreements,

- agreed to sign unknown by whom written in the interests of corporations pseudo-scientific publications,

- promotes pharma drugs at industry-sponsored symposiums,

- Welcomes from farm companies expensive gifts and travel.

Siri methodically walked through each of these points, having irrefutable evidence on his hands.

And in each of them, Plotkin was forced to answer "Yes."

In the part of the interrogation, which was devoted to the actual testing of vaccines, Plotkin under pressure provided by Siri evidence was forced to admit that

- Many vaccines from the current children's calendar were tested for safety only for a few days, which is insufficient (and this is also directly confirmed by Plotkin) to detect damage to the immune system,

- in the published test results, the data on adverse reactions are deliberately concealed or understated, while the effectiveness of the test is overstated,

- The effect of vaccination is weak and lasts only a few years,

- Reporting on adverse reactions in postmarketing surveillance records only 1 out of 100 real-life by-effects.

Plotkin has shown that he is an atheist, disdains someone else's faith and denies anyone's right to refuse vaccination on religious grounds.

After that, the Israeli lawyer decided to demonstrate the level of humanism of the doctor himself and moved on to the questions, which came in a two-minute form on the link:

Have you ever used orphans to test experimental vaccines?

" Yes

Have you ever used the mentally retarded in your vaccine research?

- I do not remember my participation in research involving the mentally retarded. In the 1960s, this was considered a common practice. Although, perhaps, I still participated in such research.

- Do you remember this article about the rubella vaccine?

"Yes, I do."

13 mentally retarded children were vaccinated with this experimental vaccine.

"Ok. Yes. In that case, I did it.

- Have you ever argued that it is best to put experiments on those who can contribute less to society, for example on children with disabilities?

- I don't remember exactly, but it is possible.

The lawyer cites Plotkin's article, which contains the statement that vaccines should first be tested not on healthy children and adults, but on children and adults, "which is people in form, but not in the sense of social potential."

"Yes, I do."

"It's very similar to Nazi philosophy.

"A yuga.

- Have you ever conducted experiments using an experimental vaccine on infants whose mothers were in prison?

"Yes, I do."

- Have you ever used people living in colonial-ruled countries to experiment with experimental vaccines?

" Yes

- Did you conduct these experiments in the Belgian Congo?

"Yes, I do."

- Did more than a million people participate in this experiment?

"Yes, I do."

The morning after this interrogation, Mr. Plotkin refused to participate in the trial officially.

You can read the full recording of the interrogation of the person from the very top of the world vaccine pyramid in person.

Here's this episode of the meeting in which Stanley says this:

(full recording of the interrogation at the trial of 11.01.2018 (playlist 9 videos by hour, total 9 hours on this link

Watch the shortened version 🖕 in our telegram channel 

You do not think that the one who gladly goes to Hell for all he has done, as he himself declares, pursues purely good goals and has the purpose-salvation of Humanity.

💉Reath of women who have lost a child as a result of cooida vaccination doubles in just 7 days. 

The number of adverse reactions to the Oxford/Astrazeneca vaccine is almost double that of Pfizer/BioNTech: 157,637 vs. 85,179. 

However, the data also show that the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine is much more dangerous than the Oxford/Astrazeneca vaccine when it comes to introducing pregnant women. Their number almost doubled in just seven days compared to the previous weeks and as of February 14, 2021, only on off. A total of eleven women lost their child, three of them from the Oxford Vaccine and eight by Pfizer 👇

🇺🇸Photograph by Reuters' Jonathan Ernst took a picture that gives an idea of what the White House plans to tell reporters - or what he thinks they will ask. 

Photo 1 - Kayleigh McInany's tips.

Photo 2Notes 📝 Psaki. 

It remains an open question, who hires people with such a level of organizational and cognitive abilities to the position of White House press secretary?

Kayleigh McEnany presented her notebook in the form of a whole portable file! Psaki, on the other, looks as if she hasn't finished high school, or whatever it's called. 

"Children's garden, pants on straps" ...

Carousel 🎠 

In Israel, two well-known journalists released the dock. "What if the whole world is wrong?"

They talk to different professors, epidemiologists, virologists, etc. who say that the measures taken are not justified, and that they are dictated by politicians contrary to the recommendations of doctors and scientists. Hospital failures say they have never had a system that has been loaded, and now they only have seven or nine people with a covid lying. The film was blocked for screening, and journalists were left without a job.

💉😱 Sky News: COVID-19: "The unbreakable link between cases, hospitalisations and deaths is now being eroded." 

Matt Hancock presents encouraging evidence on the UK's fight against covid as the vaccination programme accelerates.

"Anyone who has been at the centre of vaccination knows that the joy on people's faces during the injection lifts the spirits," Mr. Hancock said, as if he was a gas addict describing the drug den and the comings of its inhabitants during a mass shooting. 🤦🏻 😂

💉😱American planetary scientist, visiting scientist of the University of California at Berkeley, National Geographic award winner Eliza Skidmore Carolyn Porco:

"Today I finally arrived at the Promised Land. I got vaccinated.

It is not only a great relief, but also a painless, well-organized and warming heart in its unchanging sense of community.

Thank you, Joe Biden and the company, for taking care of me and all the other Americans."

💉American public figure Louis Farrakhan, leader of The Nation of Islam, on FoxNews tried to dissuade viewers from anti-vaccination, saying it was part of a conspiracy to reduce the population.

Addressing the audience at a virtual event of the National Summit of African and Black Leaders, Farrakhan said blacks are "most exposed to the COVID virus" and compared the vaccine to harmful water in Flint, Michigan.

No news organization should, if objectively and impartially, report the total number of cases without also providing context for the population and therefore the percentage of the population affected. 

This is what in the special operation crown 👑 which was called the 19th. 

It's irresponsible and criminal, no matter who does it, and it always means manipulation, that is, you're just brazenly lying.

"Now we have to survive because the death plan is in development," Farrakhan said, rightly suggesting that to fight COVID-19 people need more vitamin D than a vaccine, "You know why the virus doesn't penetrate the Caribbean the way it affects America and Europe? Now they're preparing us for the vaccine. Brothers and sisters, do you believe in Satan? How could you let him stick a needle in you, saying he was helping you?" 

🌑Friend paedophile Epstein: 'I'll block the sun'

Bill Gates financially supports the development of sun blackout technologies that could potentially reflect sunlight from the Earth's atmosphere, causing a global cooling effect.

The stratospheric controlled perturbation experiment, launched by Scientists at Harvard University, aims to study this method by spraying dust of non-toxic calcium carbonate into the atmosphere.

This time, the old neo Marx shaven naked promotes the "artificial sun" in order to suck money 💰 budget from the pockets of taxpayers around the world, and people to give happiness easier to gather again 🤦🏻 😂

The Times headline is "Children are cute, but it's bad for the environment." 

And then there's the whole tirade about how reducing children has a great effect on reducing CO2 emissions, even better than giving up meat. That's the analogy, of course. The philanthropist in the jumper has long said that the fewer people on the planet, the better the ecology will be and defeat global warming (global warming is an absolute myth). In general, all this Marxist ideology of recent decades for all the good versus all bad has an exclusively anti-human purpose. Eugenics hasn't gone anywhere. She lives and thrives only under new flags. And the lockdowns fit perfectly into this plan. The Guardian has already openly called for permanent loddowns to be carried out for the sake of ecology if the virus is defeated. No one is going to let anyone out as long as there will be a unipolar world. 

🦠💉🧬Evidably faces a clear task to produce people with altered DNA, the so-called human GMOs. Criminals masquerading as benefactors want to achieve the controllability of the population and fertility.

WHO quietly changed its definition of herd immunity just as Merriam Webster changed its definition of vaccine.


What is herd immunity? Herd immunity is an indirect protection against an infectious disease that occurs when the population is immune either through vaccination or immunity developed as a result of a previous infection. This means that even people who have not been infected or whose infection has not triggered an immune response are protected because those around them who have immunity can act as buffers between them and the infected person. The threshold for the establishment of herd immunity for COVID-19 is not yet clear.


What is herd immunity? "Herd immunity," also known as "population immunity," is a concept used for vaccination in which the population can be protected from a particular virus if the vaccination threshold is reached. Herd immunity is achieved by protecting people from the virus, but !️ not by exposure to the virus. 

The American company, publisher of reference books and lexical dictionaries, Merriam-Webster, Inc. (an affiliate of Encyclopsdia Britannica, Inc.) also quietly changed the definition of the term "vaccine" to include components of the injection of mRNA COVID-19, that is, the definition of the vaccine was specifically changed due to the anticocide vaccine #COVID19. 

🔹Finition of the vaccine from February 5, 2021:

"The definition of a vaccine: a drug from killed microorganisms, living weakened organisms or fully living virulent organisms, which is injected to produce or artificially increase immunity to a particular disease."

🔹B vaccine definition of February 6, 2021 added paragraph "b."

Simply put, if the "vaccine" used to be "a drug of killed microorganisms, living attenuated organisms or fully living virulent organisms, which is injected to create or artificially enhance immunity to a particular disease," which means that it has nothing to do with mRNA injections that are not alive, now the vaccine is also "b: a drug of genetic material (e.g., a thread of synthesized messenger RNA) that is used by the body's cells to produce an antigenic substance (e.g., a fragment of a virus spike protein) "changing your DNA to fight the disease."

We can see everything😂

Let's see this sur-performance of the theatre of absurdity together, while all our lunar panopticon is covered with a copper pelvis 😆

🐏 Another moment in the life of idiots, from the life of high-ranking idiots:

At the press conference, the Prime Minister of Thailand decided to sanitize the entire first, where reporters sat, while with his muzzle, which apparently should protect him from the kovid, he made strange manipulations.🤦🏻 ♂️😂

Agree, Friends, it's hard to call not sectarians of those who believe in what is said about the medicine of politics and rejects what the Doctors say, who still cares about reputation.

Fake, at the time: "... Melinda Ann (real name Melvin/male) Gates, Philanthropist/Eugene Foundation..." 

Armstrong Creek Manor, Geelong, Victoria, Australia. 2021: Don't take the vaccine. 

Political prisoners under dictatorships are people ahead of their time. They see what the masses do not see, namely, the mortal danger of the people who have seized power for the country and the people.

Political prisoners under Stalin and Hitler perfectly understood this at a time when the masses of Stalin and Hitler idolized. Not only political prisoners: Stalin's associates, arrested in 1937, for example, Bukharin, sinoviev, Kamenev, Radek, Pyatakov, Sokolnikov, Rykov, Rakovsky and others - becoming political prisoners, perfectly understood what constitutes a mustachioed Koba and what he will lead the country to. By the way, all of them at the Moscow trials also gave THE RIGHT. We are not talking yet because of too much material about what stakhanov enthusiasm caused all this in the masses ..

We are witnessing the aggressive birth of a new religion: Holy Medical Fascism.

She has priests: people who have graduated from medical school. And on one basis is better, smarter and more sacred than all the others. 

She has her own heretics: medics who have allowed to doubt the Great Protocol, bequeathed by St. Pharma and non-cleaning physicians who are looking for another, alternative way or ask many questions. They are urged to drive out of the profession, or even isolate, "from sin away." In any case, to deprive freedom of speech - because free should be only the right, faithful word.

Priests' rights from vaccination 💉 above the rights of all others. Moreover, by their command they can revoke the rights of others where other people's rights are an inconvenience to their holy mission. Because "they save society as a whole."

The new religion has its blessed places and is devoid of grace. Restaurants - spread the infection, and locked people in the clinic - correspond to dogma. Moving in a private car - haram, and ordering food from couriers - kosher.

It is a jealous religion in which there is a body, but there is no man, his soul and connections between people. For example, the gathering of people in many temples of the world contradicts the commandments. But the airport queue with passes is not. Father can not confess and communion sick, and a volunteer with a holy mask access to him. Relatives can not care for the graves, and someone else's employee of the cemetery - please.

The body of a sick man does not belong to him. It's a vessel of medicine and a letter in a new scripture called Public Health. This body needs to be edicam and controlled: where it goes, how long it takes, with whom it communicates. This new religion has many adherents. They can be easily recognized by prayers: "Want like in Italy?", "Want like in India" "Your rights end where the rights of another begin" and "Only thanks to the doctors you are alive."

In this religion, for the sake of the "good of society" it is customary to make human sacrifices. For example, a serious illness or death of a child "in a very rare case" from a post-vaccination complication is such a sacrifice to the new medical gods. Inevitable sanitary losses. From "friendly fire."

On the altars of the media and public are filled with fimamas icons "Society in general," "You are not an expert," "In the interests of other people's children" and "Holy vaccine"

By the way, what is the current international trend? It's euthanasia. Because the elderly and disabled are a serious burden on the budget. And the New Medical Religion loves to count money. 

It must be assumed that the Nuremberg Code, which prohibits medical intervention without the consent of the patient, will try to get out of history if the new religion is won. And all who will doubt at least a little that all diseases in the world were defeated solely due to vaccination, will be put in the observatories for falsifying history. Exclusively medical considerations will have to determine how you live, what to do, what decisions to make, when to leave the house and where to go, and where - it is impossible in any case. And all this will be done solely to protect you... No, not you, of course, but the Whole Society from Horrible and Terrible Diseases. Prophylactically. Save a lot of people's lives. That's just... Will there be any value in such a "life"?

The statue of Christ in Rio de Janeiro has already been dressed in a doctor's robe. 

Medical fascism and segregation were not invented by Gates, they were invented by Hitler.

Gates is not the first to introduce a passport of health/passport vaccination/covid pass, but as it happened with his notorious Microsoft, whose story with his words began in a dusty garage, where he, being an unknown boy, the son of supposedly unknown parents, with the likes of amateur programmers and enthusiasts who wanted to change the world, began to change the world's perception of computers.

In fact, Gates comes from the richest Luciferian family, where there was hardly dust in the garage, as well as where the garage itself was unlikely.

Gates's base was such that you have to be without hands and without legs and a complete idiot, so as not to become what he became. For example, Gates' father was a well-known man, co-founder of Planned Parenthood with Margrethe Sanger, who in a television interview in 1957 answered the question of whether she believes in something like sin: "I believe that the biggest sin in the world is to have children"

This mental maniac and pervert-eugenicist Bill Gates Sr. not only stood at the origins of the Planned Parenthood campaign, which promotes the murder of children in the womb, engaged in abortion vaccines and all the like and procured underage girls for sex and unlimited amounts of cocaine for school girls back in the early 1970s, but he was also a member of the three-line commission, which is the prototype of a single world government and was friends with the paedophile Epstein, as there is a record in Epstein's book and in the bearded magazine of his plane, with sadist Soros, who served in the SS and other Rothschild Rockefellers ...

Both Gates and, by the way, Bezos, both come from the outstanding families of the Deep State. And the whole story of pulling themselves out of the gloom of the middle class is a common deception. Bill Gates Sr. was not only a well-known Seattle lawyer and had close ties to the eugenic movement after World War II, which was later renamed "Population Control." The head of Planned Parenthood has many recognizable names in the New World Order since the mid-1970s, including Walter Rothschild.

The mother of the planet's main cutter from the "dust garage" is even more deep than his father. She comes from Maxwell's banking family. That her father was once on the Board of the Seattle branch of the Federal Reserve, should also give you an idea of the fact that Gates Jr. came well not from the abyss of poverty and the "dust garage."

Bill Gates - a narcissistic killer, one of the most massive killer maniacs in the history of mankind. Respect for Parents, Friends, the wrong, the only thing that "rodneyes" Bill with the human race, and otherwise, judging by his not once voiced by his own plans, he is an ordinary animal, which, as they are accepted because of the lack of any rudiments of spirituality, tends to expansion, in this case power-mental.

If someone was unlucky and Bill was across the street, he'd love to move your grandmother if he was told he'd get a $20 bill for it. In short, Bill Gates is a commonly ill, completely deceitful smack, who thinks about himself bride what.

Gates is not the first to enter using his WHO pocket pocket, where he is the main and main mega-donor, a health passport/passport vaccination/covid pass. His brain is simply incapable of producing, he is focused only on murder, lies and theft. He stole the idea of boiler-stolen vaccination passports, which he now very zealously promotes around the world, from the Nazis. The Nazis did so before him back in the 1930s, when the 3rd Reich introduced the notorious discrimination between "sick" and "healthy"

"In Hamburg, doctors passed the information to the Central Archives of Health Passports (circa 1934) entitled "General monitoring of life-related health." This folder was to contain reports from doctors, as well as courts, insurance companies, sports clubs, The Hitler Youth, the military, the labour service, colleges, etc.

So, Friends, what we're seeing now was and Gates is just a successor to Hitler's cause.

The only thing that is interesting, Friends, in connection with all this, as the calls of some of our Russian politicians to introduce passports vaccination/covid-passports in Europe winning fascism, where the winners of fascism are still alive, in the heads of these very euro politicians knit their proposal to introduce this hell and segregation with covid-passports with respect of Victory, with respect to the feat of our Veterans, who defeated fascism. Moreover, such nonsense as the initiatives proposed by them are directly and unequivocally condemned by the Nuremberg Process, which puts the callers themselves on a par with criminals, many of whom were executed.

📹 16th October 1946 - The End Of The Nazis (1946)

📹 The Nuremberg Trials (1945) 💾 

Can someone start answering these questions of interest to many nations and peoples of the world?

📹 General Anton Dostler, a Nazi war criminal being executed by firing squad in Aver... HD Stock Footage 👇

wwwWe brightened the silent 🖕 execution scene with an editorial voiceover on our musical 🎶 taste of the charming compilation of Dalida, Charles Aznavour and Edith Piaf. All for our readers. 

The biggest problem with the lack of a general consensus is that there has probably never been a general consensus, but we got along well.

Now, thanks to social media, we know all the crazy shit that's going on in our heads in real time. What's frightening is if you combine this with the onslaught of media that attract rage/anger/squalor/and so on, it could potentially put an end to civilization.

We don't really know what is true. Everyone lives in different versions of reality. 

For example, the same trampolines believe in one version of reality while old men believe in another; couididiotes believe in their own, coviddissidents in their own.

Science 🧫? Don't make me laugh. 

One group of scientists will tell you that reality is this and that and it is there and there and there, while another group of scientists will explain to you no less clearly that the opposite is true.

At the end of the "Day", standing well threshold of Eternity or approaching it, everyone will look for "confirmation" of his personal belief system and will gravitate to actions such as "jerk" or "abs. stagnation/mental self-isolation" where their belief system can never be questioned by anyone.

It's not a buzz. 

In that moment, Friends, when you stop challenging your own belief system, you stop growing, and this is the death of the true, as opposed to the false, physical. 

No man on earth has that abs. Correctness. Some hoped that this great communication technology, to which we are used today, would bring humanity closer together in the discussion and evaluation/reassessment/underestimation of THE REALLY RIGHT, but it seems to have led to even greater confusion and division.

Now it's simple: "I'm right," "You're wrong," with zero attempts by either side to understand THE TRUTH from the point of view of others.

Each point of view contains SOME truths. And no one, not even YOU, Friends, is an arbiter of absolute truth.

Your task is to incorporate the overview of all Truths from all points of view and angles into your own belief system and become wiser and stronger on its basis.

Most of you will be lost and confused, twisting the wheels to its own deadly ass. For no one canceled and will not cancel: born in abomination, vegable in vanity and graduated in snug diapers of a foul-smelling savvan.

Even then, in the last minutes of life, most of us do not repent, and someone will want, but will not, because he was far from an objective assessment of reality, naively and foolishly believing that he is the Arbiter, not who created it.

Even the Spiritual, the Great, who have graced humanity throughout history, and about which we cannot now say that they are still on Earth, have not been able to influence this human disease in any way.

In today's world, things are much worse than at any time in history. In today's society, deception is almost absolute.

People have given up righteousness in favor of injustice. Women do not respect men, men do not respect women. Races, religions, countries are constantly gnawing. Debauchery and perversion in one form or another have become the norm, promising in the future to make Normal People perverts. Society, through "freaks" and with full rethes of their own, poisons the minds of our children before they have a chance to learn "what is good and what is bad".

The only thing we can say about our world without going beyond our human competences, and being right, is that we are all Human beings. 

Will we EVER be able to stand together to elevate our common, collective consciousness to a more "divine" level? unlikely. It seems that the point of no return has already passed. But we can minimize the number of people going to Hell. 

Undoubtedly, the Court is approaching, for time is passing and children are faster every day. Open your hearts to the truth and look for it in everything you do.

Do not seek your confirmation, but look for the Truth, even if this Truth is completely contrary to what you previously considered "truth."

Be righteous in your thoughts and actions, for God stands next to the Righteous.

The truth can be found only by looking inside himself, for as He is outside us, so is he within Us. Self-analysis and an honest assessment of who you really are are crucial. You may never be sure of the truth around you in the physical world, but you will be able to learn the truth about yourself and who you are and understand the way in which someone can turn away from something that will give you the Crown. We need to focus on becoming better than you can become. By working on yourself to improve and grow, you will influence others and contribute to the betterment of the world. Our task is to individually reflect God's love and plan for the world - to love others as you love ourselves; Treat others the way they would like to be treated; enough simple human empathy to see the world through their eyes and understand the reasons for their confusion and fury from which they stand up for it. Each person must direct the positive energy of the Creator into the world around him. 

There is no agreed reality, as our Father told us, saying, "According to your faith, may you." 

Now go and do it! 

Knowing and understanding cyclicality is a great benefit for yourself, and for the leader also for the benefit of the country for the benefit of the people.

A classic example of a cycle that is undeniably a Cycle is a capitalist cycle.

The capitalist cycle is an ever-recurring movement of capitalist production from one economic crisis to another. 

Includes phases: 





As each of these phases develops, the conditions for moving to the next phase are created. And after the rise we can expect the next capitalist cycle, which again begins with the crisis.

Do people need history? Maybe people can live in the present without looking into the past? Why, generally speaking, do people keep their historical memory? Finally, what does history teach a person? Why does it even exist? Philosophers have long been interested in these questions. They not only accumulated facts, knowledge about past events, but tried to unravel the more general patterns of the historical process. This is the social dimension of history when it comes to how societies were born, different social institutions, how they developed and replaced each other. 

The degree of culturality and cultural level of the people are usually judged by the depth and versatility of their historical thinking.

Those who value their history, often turn to it, learn from it lessons for the present, bypass many misfortunes.

And people will often wonder how the events of the past are similar to those we are experiencing now. 

We have a strong belief and understanding: specific individuals and demons, ideological Marxists - fascists play the same drama characteristic of a cycle of 100 years. They do it in different historical and technological conditions, unfortunately, quite effectively and without much resistance of elite groups 

What do the family and the school teach us 🏫?

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