Protocol 33/66 today. 

Protocol 33/66 today. 

𑀗꤀𐌌𐌌꤯᥉᥉꤯꤀ꤙꤕ꤅ 𑀗ꤌ𑀱ꤌꤙʆꤕ

              June 8

1789 | James Madison invited the U.S. Congress to consider amendments to the Constitution, later adopted as a "Bill of Rights."

1861 | Tennessee was the last state to withdraw from the United States during the Civil War.

1906 | President Theodore Roosevelt signed a law allowing the U.S. government to create protected areas of "national monuments."

Devils Tower - the first U.S. National Monument 🇺🇸 

                   We're writing history 

In the beginning, we will open the veil of secrecy and reveal small editorial secrets for our favorite dear readers. 

The Protocol is a document that contains a consistent record of the course of discussion of issues and decision-making at meetings, meetings, conferences and meetings of collegiate bodies.

The protocol reflects joint decision-making activities by a collegiate body or a group of employees. From the minutes of meetings created in the management activities of organizations, it is necessary to distinguish the protocols of investigative, some administrative bodies and public order (e.g., the protocol of the sanitary inspector, the protocol of the accident, etc.), as well as the protocols of the contract type (protocols of disagreement, protocols for agreeing disagreements, protocols of price reconciliation, etc.).

Mandatory minutes are subject to meetings of permanent and temporary collegiate bodies (federal executive board, labor collective meetings, shareholder meetings, board meetings, etc.).

Minutes are drawn up on the basis of records made during the meeting (meeting), presentations of the talking points of reports and speeches, references, draft decisions and other materials.

The protocol is maintained by the secretary or other designated person. The chairman and the secretary leading the meeting are responsible for the correctness of the records in the protocol.

Minutes may be issued in full or brief, in which the discussion of the issue is omitted and only the decision taken on it is recorded.

The decision on what form of protocol to conduct at the meeting is made by the head of the collegiate body or the head of our organization.

🇺🇸☠️🇨🇳💉Fachi financed a Uhaan military scientist who mysteriously died after filing a patent for the vaccine #COVID19 before the pandemic was declared.

We now know that 54-year-old Chou was dead three months after filing a patent for the vaccine in February 2020.

The death of Chou in May 2020 largely went unnoticed, despite the fact that he was an award-winning scientist at the PLA Infection and Immunity Laboratory at the Beijing Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology. "There were no messages paying tribute to his life. His death was mentioned only casually in a chinese media report in July and at the end of a December scientific paper. In both of his names, the word "deceased" was in brackets. 

NOTE COMMITTEE Nuremberg2.0:

'Crown crisis needs to be renamed 'Crown scandal'

This is:

The largest tort case in history

The greatest crime against humanity ever committed

Responsible should be:

Criminally liable for crimes against humanity.

Claims for civil damages have been filed.


No country has excess mortality

Mortality from the corona virus is equal to seasonal influenza

94% of bergamo deaths were caused by transferring patients to nursing homes, where they infected elderly people with weak immune systems

Doctors and hospitals around the world were paid for the declaration - "deceased victims of Covid-19"

States with and without isolation have comparable statistics on disease and mortality.

An autopsy showed:

Almost all deaths are caused by serious pre-existing diseases 

Almost all of the dead were very elderly

Sweden (without isolation) and the UK (strict isolation) have comparable statistics on disease and mortality


Hospitals remain empty and some face bankruptcy

The population has T-cell immunity from previous flu waves

Collective immunity requires infection only 15-25% of the population and has already been achieved

Only if a person has symptoms can the infection be contagious


Many scientists call this a PCR test pandemic, not a corona pandemic

Very healthy and non-infectious people can give a positive result

The probability of false positives is 89-94% or almost always

Prof. Drosten developed his PCR test based on SARS, which has never "seen" the real kouid virus from Wuhan from China

The PCR test is not based on scientific evidence for infections

PCR tests are useless for detecting infections

A positive PCR test does not imply infection or that an intact virus has been detected

Amplification of samples over 35 cycles is unreliable, but WHO has recommended 45 cycles


The German government has blocked, introduced social distancing / wearing masks on the basis of a consensus

The blockage was introduced when the virus in their opinion was already retreating

The locks were based on non-existent infections

Former President of the Federal Government of Germany Constitutional Court doubts the constitutionality of measures in the case

Former UK Supreme Court Justice Lord Sumpsion concluded that there is no factual basis for panic or legal basis for covid measures

German RKI (CDC equivalent) recommended not to conduct autopsies

Measures to remove the kovide are not unconstitutional enough and should be lifted immediately

No serious scientist confirms the veracity of Neil Ferguson's infamous fake computer models, warning of millions of deaths

The main media have not been able to report the true facts of the so-called pandemic (sad for the Russian media, Friends, and for journalists, laughing after such files and lies, to start in the deputies, in the infamous EdRo, of course)

Democracy is in danger of being replaced by fascist totalitarian models

Drosten (PCR test), Ethiopian Tedros from WHO and others have committed crimes against humanity, as defined in the International Penal Code

Politicians can avoid falling with quacks and criminals by starting a long-overdue public scientific debate (but we don't even see it in our country, where the media continue to lie)


Politicians and the mainstream media deliberately drove the population to panic.

Children were deliberately forced to feel responsible "for the excruciating and painful death of their parents and grandparents if they do not abide by the rules of the

The PCR test is used to create fear, not to diagnose

The second wave is out of the question.

Injuries and injuries:

Evidence of enormous damage to health and economic damage to the population.

Anti-icing measures:

Countless people have been killed

Destroyed countless companies and individuals, lives around the world

Children are taken away from their parents

Children suffer mass trauma

Small and medium-sized enterprises are expected to go bankrupt


A class action must be filed in the U.S. or Canada, and all affected parties around the world have the opportunity to join it.

Companies and self-employed persons should be compensated for their injuries.

By the way, we talked about it in the spring of 2020 and not only talked to ourselves under our noses. We spoke loudly and even very loudly, but we apparently did not want to listen to 

👂 👂

Well, now it will be another story 👇

🇨🇳China's patent for a kovid vaccine filed with military scientists prior to the announcement of a global pandemic (media).

A PLA scientist with ties to both the deputy director of the Wuhan Laboratory and the U.S. research institutes reportedly filed a patent for the couid vaccine just five weeks after confirmation of human-to-human transmission.

The speed with which Yusen zhou filed a patent for the vaccine - and his mysterious death less than three months later - added fuel to the fire theory that China knew about the virus earlier than recognized.

The revelations came just days after Beijing announced it would no longer cooperate with further WHO investigations.

💉Fauchi lied in the Senate that he didn't fund the manipulation of coronaviruses. 

An optimistic Fauci, who swore in the Senate that he did not do so, announced in January 2018 that he would cancel a pause in "funding for the strengthening of functions" of coronaviruses, in which the Chinese infamous lab participated. at the NIAID Advisory Board meeting. 

If "Justice" in the states was not blind, then under the laws of the United States after such failures and such lies Fauci crouched down, and would have crouched for a long time. 

The full 2018 match was here, but it's already been cleaned up.

But as always, we put aside a gift for you 🎁👇

🤡💉There recently published emails from Fauci's scam show that he regularly communicated with Epstein's paedophile friend Bill Gates, knew her masks were working, and knew about the likelihood of a leaks from the lab.

Incidentally, a recent study in Denmark involving a sample of 6,000 participants found that "there was no statistically significant difference between those who wore masks and those who did not wear them when it came to covid infection" 👇

COVID19 😷🐏 FauciGate

James Willard Maxwell (born 1864), great-grandfather of Bill Gates, president of the National City Bank of Seattle 1911-1929 and director of the San Francisco Fed Branch. 

And so yes, a friend of the king of pedophilia Epstein and his colleague on eugenics, during which they collected and saved sperm, Gates quite an ordinary guy from the garage, who made himself ... We are still surprised by the island of 🏝 and those who believe in all this nonsense with the boys and girls who have made themselves, who rule the world. 

By the way, the Gates couple was the co-founder of the birth control office, read recycling, "Planned Parenthood" 

🤡In global - kagal can not decide how to better and quietly remove Fauci from the narrative.

"White House staff are actively discussing Dr. Anthony Fauci's exit strategy following the publication of his emails, according to WH's official statement," Posobiec tweeted 👇

Spike proteins of couidiosis vaccine attack male fertility

Synthetic "spike" proteins generated by "vaccines" from #COVID19 can harm not only women's reproductive organs, but also men, warns Dr. Roger Hodkinson of Western Medical Assessments, noting that for men this can mean the end of the possibility of conception and, consequently, the birth of children at all.

People who have received injections will regret it, warns Dr. Hodkinson, because many, if not all, of them will permanently lose their reproductive capacity. 

"In a world where we know that sperm count has fallen by 40% in the last 10 or 20 years - a huge unexplained drop in sperm count - we don't need any additional blows to male fertility."

🇺🇸🇨🇳SARS-CoV-2 has a combination of genome sequencing called "CGG-CGG". This is extremely rare, except in the case of "enhanced function" studies in laboratories. The study of "Enhanced Functions" of coronaviruses, like, ordered to stop funding Obama and, at the same time, most likely, Fauci did not.

WSJ: The genetic footprint of SARS-CoV-2 speaks of its artificial origin. 

The Wall Street Journal published an article by Dr. Stephen Kuay and Uc Berkeley Professor Richard Mueller. In it, scientists point out that the genetically characteristic feature of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which causes COVID-19, is likely to indicate its artificial origin. According to scientists, it has a different sequence of genomes, different from the coronavirus of natural origin. 

Scientists have discovered in the sequence of sars-CoV-2 genomes a combination of CGG-CGG, which is used by scientists in the laboratory to increase the effectiveness of exposure to the virus and is "extremely rare in nature." On this basis, American scientists have concluded that the virus occurred artificially. 

As a second evidence of the artificial origin of the virus, scientists cite the fact of the study that SARS-CoV-2 appeared in humans in an already adapted state and extremely aggressive version. However, for several months he did not have any serious mutations, which is uncharacteristic for the virus, which occurred naturally. 

🇺🇸🇨🇳Pentagon sent $39 million to EcoHealth Alliance, a "charity" that funded coronavirus research at the Wuhan Biolaboratory, accused of being the source of the kovid outbreak.

Federal data published on the Daily Mail website show that the Pentagon allocated $39 million, including $6.5 million from the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), the EcoHealth Alliance, which funded a lab in Wuhan, China, between 2013 and 2020.

DTRA is a military unit whose mission is to "counter and deter weapons of mass destruction and improvised threat networks."

Friends, if someone is not aware, right now, at least 59 laboratories of maximum level of biosecurity 4 (BSL-4) are planned, built or operated around the world in 23 countries, including the United Kingdom, USA, China, India, Gabon and Ivory Coast. Guess who uses them and who pays? 

We hope 🤞, no one needs to explain so many laboratories around the world and why they could be needed and how it will end.

🇺🇸Four Black Hawk at the U.S. Capitol this morning in Washington. 👇

Dr WHO is investigating himself. 

" ... Coronaviruses are pretty good, you can quite easily manipulate them in the lab, spike proteins in many ways affect what happens ... You can get consistency, you can build protein... insert it into the basis of another virus..." -

Dr Peter Dashak, President of the Ecohealth Alliance, patron of the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), and WHO Lead Investigator in the Couidiosis Investigation.

Copied from Mark Sexton a former police officer, a special unit.

"After numerous phone calls to NHS England, Public Health England, the Department of Health and Welfare and the yellow card system, I was given an email address by Nadhim Sahawi, the minister in charge of the vaccination programme. Also email, address of the coovid vaccination team in NHS England. I emailed them the following. Feel free to email them your problems, just like I do.

Dear Mr Sahawi and Covid Vaccs NHS England.

My name is Mark Sexton, I am a retired police constable from Birmingham.

I am contacting you to draw your urgent attention to some very disturbing facts and information that have become known over the past few days.

On May 31, 2021, a report by Dr. Brigham Briddle of Canada was published online. In the audio recording, he expresses some serious and serious concerns about vaccines against #COVID19.

This is a direct quote from the audio.

"We screwed up, we didn't realize that spike protein is a toxin, does that mean that all vaccinated people produce their own spike protein in their own bodies."

He goes on to say, "Spike proteins enter the brain, heart, kidneys and ovaries. This will cause serious problems for every vaccinated person."

On May 30, 2021, it was published. Twitter feed from Dr. Ah Han Sayed. The tape refers to a Pfizer study that identified major life-changing and life-threatening consequences associated with the COVID-19 vaccine.

The report refers to composites from vaccines settling in the ovaries and other organs. This is fully supported by the report of the Canadian physician Dr. Braam Bridl.

There are serious disorders of the menstrual cycle, reproductive dysfunction, inflammation of the heart and the formation of blood clots. There are reports that the number of miscarriages has increased by 2000%.

This information is of great concern, so disturbing, that I ask and demand that all COVID-19 vaccines be discontinued as a matter of urgency to protect the public from serious harm and death.

It has also been documented that polysorbat 80 is found in vaccines, and this is known to cause fertility-related problems.

Before these reports and on Tuesday, May 25, I visited four major hospitals in the West Midlands. The queen Elizabeth, Heartlands, City and Solihull Hospital.

I was sent a report on a study from Slovakia, which said that PCR tests are contaminated with hydrogel and lithium. Such was my concern that I reported it to the police, and they, in turn, referred it to the Special Branch for investigation. I believe that this is a targeted terrorist attack.

I have made a commitment to visit the four hospitals mentioned above so that they are aware of my problems with PCR tests.

Copies of the Slovakian report were provided and all PCR testing kits were removed.

All PCR kits are manufactured in China.

While I was in all four hospitals, doctors, nurses and administration staff confirmed to me that they had seen a significant increase in the number of patients. Patients suffer from heart inflammation, blood clots and serious menstrual disorders. All of these patients underwent both doses of vaccination.

Therefore, you, as the Minister overseeing the vaccination program, and the Covid vaccs team responsible for the introduction of these vaccines, are required to order an immediate halt to vaccination. We need to investigate these serious allegations, coupled with the disturbing information passed to me personally from all four hospitals, to suggest that these two reports are actually true." 

🇺🇸y is the name of desperation and coercin... and we do it not without good reason.

Harris" "Let's ensure that by July 4, 70% of adults will receive at least one injection of the COVID-19 vaccine. It will take time for all of us to achieve this ambitious goal#COVID19

🇺🇸💉A this is how Kamala was "vaccinated":

Americans and the world 🗺 everything, including the bending needle on the syringe. 

Right before you get on the plane, sitting a few miles apart: Be polite to other Passengers. Please keep the distance from each other 6 feet (1.8 meters) 🤦🏻 🐏

💉 India 🇮🇳 opposes the passport of vaccines, as stated at the G7 meeting by Vardhan, who noted that this is discriminatory 🇮🇳

"At this stage of the pandemic, it is also appropriate to discuss India's concerns about the idea of a vaccine passport. Given the fact that the vaccination rate of the population in developing countries is lower, unlike in developed countries, and given the still unresolved issues related to fair and affordable access, the supply and distribution of safe and effective vaccines, India believes that the introduction of a vaccine passport would be extremely discriminatory and unprofitable for developing countries," said India's Minister of Health, where, according to the media, people are dying mountains but what no one has yet been able to confirm is not a single blogger, and what is right to count for a complete tuft, a lie and a lie. 

In preparation for World War I, a massive military vaccination experiment was conducted, involving numerous previously developed vaccines in Fort Riley, Kansas, where the first case of "Spanish influenza" was reported.

The young pharmaceutical industry, sponsored by the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, had something they had never had before - a large supply of test people supplied at the first call of the U.S. military.

Autopsies after the war proved that the 1918 flu was not "GRIPPOM" at all. The death was caused by random dosages of an experimental "vaccine against bacterial meningitis" that to this day mimics the symptoms of influenza. Those who were not vaccinated were not harmed 👇

🇺🇸💉Y understand that the author specifically mentioned not to "blame" the Rockefellers. However, I would advise you to see the links between the Rockefellers and the Eugenics Laboratory at Cold Harbor and Paul Popano, who was a supporter of eugenics. He wrote a book in which he pointed to the need to get rid of unnecessary people using war as a method and specifically how to eliminate "infantry soldiers" who were from the lower class and thus increase mortality. I always suspected that the "Spanish flu" was created by man - and especially after The Covid occurred - there were too many similarities. Read Popano's book, published in 1912, which is basically a guide to how they established Jim Crow laws, inspired the disabled and used war to eliminate "useless people".

... I had a family member who was serving in Fort Riley, Kansas at the time. That was my grandfather. As a child, I remember that he had a lot of health problems, and when he asked my grandmother, and my father always answered simply, "His condition was caused by an experimental vaccine he was given when he was a young man in the army."

This vaccine left him with paralysis that looked like a constant tremor. Due to side effects, he was deemed unable to continue the service, so he was placed on disability.

At the time he was quite young, he was 21 at the time and he was vaccinated, but the funny thing is that we never thought about it twice. It was just life in the army. It stands out in my memory the most because as a child this shaking soothed me. As I got older, I was always curious, and no one in the family hid the fact that it came from an experimental vaccine. That was until I came across a virologist who was speaking about the covid, and it was also making a statement about the Spanish flu, and what really caused the epidemic was the vaccine. All this clicked in my memory... and because I never wondered what caused my grandfathers' disability... now it seemed strange to me that people were lying to hide the truth when I grew up knowing that the cause was a vaccine. This led me to digging... That's how I found your article. I'm sure there are a lot of people from that period of time who still remember this vaccine and how it affected their family members. My family never held on to the problems it caused, as they were all military personnel going back and forth. it was just part of the military service. It's life. Life goes on. But what confuses me now is... Why lie??

My grandfather died in the '70s. He was so dear to me. Someday I'll see him again...


During the Reagan administration, a top-secret Operation Sleeping Beauty was launched. Its purpose is to study the possibility of using electromagnetism to disrupt the functioning of the human nervous system. They examined a list of things that seemed impossible, but in fact technical reality.

Some of the ideas explored focused on using artificially generated electromagnetic fields for:

▪️ shake a person's mind;

▪️ paralyze the ability to reason and react;

▪️ trigger a fit of rage, panic, or lethargic state of indifference, all at the touch of a button;

▪️ Cause Physical Reactions.

From the article:

Persinger and his team of researchers in Canada worked to recreate alien abductions in the laboratory using electromagnetic waves...

Dr. Rauscher's band in San Leandro, California, played with effects of several different frequencies.

One of the frequencies is called "marijuana frequency" and makes us all laugh."

"Give me money and three months," Rauscher swears, "and I can influence the behavior of eighty percent of the people in this city without their knowledge. Make them happy - or at least they'll think they're happy. Or aggressive."👇

🤡Nee-Marx, neo-Dart Fader, Klaus Schwab : Companies that are not committed to his ESG performance and stakeholder capitalism "are on the wrong side of history"👇

💉First serious PR strike on the infamous mRNA technology comes from Singapore.

About 2,000 people have had "severe adverse reactions" to Pfizer's vaccine, Moderna in Singapore. 

There are already about 2,000 people who have experienced serious adverse reactions after the first dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna vaccine. They should not receive mRNA vaccine again, as reported by the Ministry of Health.

In a Facebook post on Saturday (June 5), the ministry said it was evaluating other suitable vaccines that do not contain mRNA: "We expect such vaccines to be available before the end of this year for use in our national vaccination program after vaccines are carefully evaluated and approved by the HSA (Office of Medical Sciences)."

Add to this infertility feminine and masculine, about which already in all trumpeted by many experts.

The fate of mRNA can be decided by the sum of decisions of countries. However, so far only one country is going to limit mRNA (due to the staggering number of by-side), Singapore.

🐏 This is how money is made... 😂

💉😳American economist nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize has called for the head of WHO to be held accountable for genocide in connection with his alleged involvement in the leadership of Ethiopia's security forces.

David Steinman accused 55-year-old Tedros Adhanom Ghebrejesus, who came to power at WHO three years ago, of being one of three officials who controlled Ethiopian security forces from 2013 to 2015 to be responsible for the genocide.

It's amazing how after all the world continues this criminal agenda ever since. It would be interesting to know if this Ethiopian said to dispose of all suspected couridosis, the administration of the WORLD also performed, as they performed "the destruction of the middle class", "consolidation of economic figures" and many other? 

🇺🇸Sliving Fauci and cleaning it up from the agenda is going on.

Gov. Ron DeSantis: "Florida preferred FREE from Fauci" 

💉🐏 What is the difference between mind control and brainwashing?

Steve Hassan makes an interesting distinction between mental control and brainwashing, saying that when brainwashing the victim knows that the aggressor is the enemy. For example, prisoners of war know that a person who is brainwashed and/or tortured is the enemy, and they often realize that staying alive depends on changing their belief system. They are forced, often by physical force, to do things they normally do not. However, when the victim eludes the influence of the enemy, the effects of brainwashing often disappear.

Consciousness control is more subtle and sophisticated because the person performing the manipulations is often considered a friend or teacher, as in the case of vaccines/depopulation, so the victim does not actually try to protect himself. In fact, he or she may be a "voluntary" participant, and believing that the manipulator is referring to their best interests, they often voluntarily provide personal information that is then used against them to continue controlling their minds.

This makes mind control just as dangerous, if not more dangerous, than physical coercion. In other words, it can be even more effective than torture, physical violence, drugs, etc.

It's worth knowing, Friends. In the control of consciousness there may not be physical coercion or violence, but in fact it can be much more effective in managing a person. Whole countries and continents can be controlled, and this is despite the fact that the units within them will understand this and for this they will all be driven, revering them as crazy at a time when it hurts /controlled from outside all society except these very units.

🐏 It is not violence against a person or its coercion, it is not brainwashing with all the ensuing, though not without its elements, it is the control of consciousness.

🐏 All of us, Friends, have days when we have to pinch ourselves to make sure that what we see is real. Because of the increased risk of drowning on the face should not be coating (masks).

I hope now you understand who the population has turned into thanks to the crime of the cat idiots and other ignorant media. Now people need to explain that you don't need to bathe in a mask 

💉Bomb for Pfizer is equal to being dumped on Astrazeneca.

Regulatory documents showed that Pfizer did not thoroughly examine biodispensation and pharmacokinetics related to its vaccine before submitting the vaccine to the European Medicines Agency (EMA).

In fact, in key studies, Pfizer did not use a commercial vaccine (BNT162b2), but instead relied on a "surrogate" mRNA that produced luciferase protein.

According to TrialSite News, EMA reviewers shared this recognition: "No traditional pharmacokinetic or biodistribution studies have been conducted with the BNT162b2 vaccine."

I'm sure those who have already been vaccinated by Pfizer will still justify this company, thanks to which many, if not all, according to a huge number of real experts, including two nobs. laureates, not the dressed, will become infertile. 

💉A wasn't all Pandemic related to the vaccine: Yes, it was always associated with injections and only with them

👨 🔬Can it be that the whole pandemic #COVID19 was linked to the vaccine and the global mass vaccination campaign to control the population?

👨 🔬In recent weeks, incentives for vaccination have increased significantly in the U.S.: from free doughnuts, cakes, fries, hot dogs and pizzas to game tokens, 10-cent beer, free season tickets to the state park, free rides on Uber and Lyft, free marijuana and tickets for Cincinnati Reds baseball tickets, the chance to win a full scholarship and even $5 million in prizes.

👨 🔬There, the U.S. vaccine reporting system has recorded more deaths after COVID-19 vaccination than all available vaccines combined over more than 15.5 years

👨 🔬Bea patients with COVID-19 are even being pushed to have an injection, even though they already have excellent immunity, and studies show that they have a much higher risk of serious side effects from the vaccine, and North Carolina has passed legislation that allows children as young as 12 to receive the COVID vaccine without parental consent.

👨 🔬Vaccines COVID-19 can act as a "depopulation weapon," causing antibody-dependent immune enhancement, making you more susceptible to severe COVID-19 when exposed to the virus. Antibodies against adhesive proteins can also attack the syncytin-homologous proteins needed to form the placenta, which can lead to infertility. In general, injections can destroy your innate immunity and set you up for the rapid onset of debilitating illness and premature death.

☀️🇺🇸 Short-term dryness: The following images show precipitation and percentage of normality from April 1st. The largest deviations are observed in the strip from the Southwest to Iowa. Given forecast to keep temperatures above normal and below precipitation, fears of drought


Note also, Friends, that Iowa is the heart of corn production - and a very low percentage of its crop is irrigated forcibly. And do not forget that there have just been frosts (2 weeks ago), which forced to transplant a decent amount of soybeans anew.

2021 is a very tough year for many farmers in the states. 

And it's not just the harvest, it's more about the government pinching them right now like no one else in the U.S. 

One violation of supply chains hunger does not do, you need a very large crop failure, you need a legal restriction of cultivation ... (((

Think about it very tightly, Friends.

According to a report published by the British news agency The Daily Expose:

"Since July 2020, the Corona Investigative Committee in Germany has been taking the testimony of a large number of international scientists and experts. The commission was headed by prosecutor Dr. Rainer Fuelmih, and he confirmed in an exclusive interview to James Delingpole that "in the next two or three weeks, a number of very large trials will begin, and then we will see if they end, the system is completely under the control of the other side, which I doubt."

Dr Rainer Fuelmih also said that the current agenda of WHO, the WEF and people like Bill Gates, his friend Fauci and Professor Neil Ferguson is "population reduction and population control, which is likely to be achieved through these vaccinations, which have already had extremely serious side effects. Another part of the agenda is the destruction of the middle class."

Fuelmih added that you won't read anything about it in the mainstream media because people like "Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates have invested a lot of money in a media company."

Fuelmih said in an interview that when the lockdowns were first introduced, he tried to sort them out and called his friend Dr. Wolfgang Vodar, a German doctor, who, according to Fuelmich, "played an important role and was probably the only person who stopped the swine flu fraud about a decade ago": "I called him and asked what was wrong, because I think I was that it's just the flu and someone trying to throw it all out disproportionately.

"Vodarg said, "You're probably right, I can't figure it out right now, but it really reminds me of swine flu." Even the main characters seem the same. There's a guy from England who made a complete mistake when he predicted millions of deaths, and this is, of course, Neil Ferguson, and there's this German named Professor Drosten, who's probably not a professor or a doctor, but a fake, he then predicted millions of deaths and promoted vaccines."

Following that phone call, Dr. Fuelmih created the Corona Investigative Committee, through which he was able to conclude that the alleged pandemic was an entire agenda that had been planned for at least a decade.

"Event 201 was a trial, and the WEF played an important role," he said, "the end result they wanted to achieve was to vaccinate everyone. But it's not even a vaccine. It's an experimental gene therapy that has never been tested."

Rainer Fulmih: Absolutely, yes. Every week, they changed the rules, so she had to sit at her desk at the weekend to figure out how to make these things work.

Brian Gerrish: That's right. And what is it ?Uncertainty and rule change: it's part of a psychological attack. Because uncertainty immediately puts people in a position of stress, anxiety and confusion. And if we go back to the professional world of applied psychology, people who are upset, confused are very receptive to further messages and instructions.

Tell the birds what's beckoning you to the high-cost, 

To me you have risen so boldly, 

Maybe that's why it's so easy for you to fly, 

That you don't want to succeed 

What do not torment you the insults of the past years, 

Winged years, beautiful years? 

Full, fly, fly, 

Through midnight and the sun is at its zenith. 

By verse to the world 

You hand out this song 

And the rains are mushroom silver threads. 

By verse to the world 

You hand out this song 

And the rains are mushroom silver threads. 

Tell me, birds, it's time to go, 

That our planet is a fragile glass, 

Pure sequoia, rivers and fields - 

On top of all this is more delicate than crystal. 

Will we hear from all sides 

Crystal ringing, farewell ringing? 

Mystery, fly, fly, 

Through midnight and the sun is at its zenith. 

By verse to the world 

You hand out this song 

And the rains are mushroom silver threads. 

By verse to the world 

You hand out this song 

And the rains are mushroom silver threads. 

Full, fly, fly, 

Through midnight and the sun is at its zenith. 

By verse to the world 

You hand out this song 

And the rains are mushroom silver threads. 

By verse to the world 

You hand out this song 

And the rains are mushroom silver threads. 

And the rains of mushroom silver threads... 

And the rains of mushroom silver threads... 

And the rains of mushroom silver threads...

When Britney and 💐 were very young we loved to sail and sing 🎤 on deck duet 🍷🍷😗

Be yourself. Stand out from the crowd. Leave your mark, Friends.

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