Murzilka 50.

Murzilka 50.

"ᝪẞᜱᜧᝪᝀ𐍃 ᜧᜬᢗᜠᠻ᠗ᜧẞ᠘ᠻ ᜬᠻᜦ𐍃"

In the photo is the same Marina Abramovic (right), the so-called "artist" "Spirit Cooking", who was once photographed with Lord Jacob Rothschild at the picture of 1797 under the title "Satan calling his legions", and which starred in a scandalous promotional video for Microsoft Bill Gates. 

🇺🇸Registration information

The name of the organization - United States Corporation

Business ID - 100009

FEI/EIN - 13-6149455

Registration date - 1925-07-15

The company is 95 years, 6 months and 30 days old.

The quotes "THE GREAT RESET" by Klaus Schwab, the founder of the WEF, who presented this book to Putin. 

🔹Crisis COVID-19 will plunge us into the most difficult times we have faced for generations. Millions of companies will die. The shock caused by the lockdown for the world economy is the most serious and sharpest in economic history. There will be a global crisis in the labour market of enormous proportions.

🔹One of the biggest dangers to the post-pandemic period are social unrest. In some extreme cases, this can lead to the disintegration of society and political collapse. For many of these States, the pandemic will be an exogenous shock that will lead them to failure and cause them to sink even further.

🔹This the most obvious impact on the richer parts of the world as economic suffering is that there will be discontent and hunger that will cause a new wave of mass migration in their direction.

🔹Reth of normal business will not happen, because it can never happen.

⚠️💉A.S. release of 1/15/2021 VAERS data:

There were 181 cases where the COVID19 vaccine was delivered and the patient died.

At least one death of an unborn child who died immediately after the mother received the experimental MRNA vaccine Pfizer during pregnancy has been recorded:

"the period of 28 weeks and 5 days of pregnancy when I received the first dose of the COVID19 vaccine. Two days later (25.12.2020 in the afternoon) I noticed a decrease in the mobility of the baby. The baby was found to have no heartbeat in the early morning of 12/26/2020, and I gave birth to a non-viable female fetus weighing 2 pounds 7 ounces at 29 weeks of pregnancy." 

As we have reported here in Health Impact News, the emergency injection guide for Pfizer's MRNA in the UK has warned pregnant women and women planning to get pregnant soon so they are NOT

received an experimental injection.

But FDA guidelines issued in the U.S. for the same experimental Pfizer injection did not include such warnings.

Unlike in the United Kingdom, the U.S. FDA allows pregnant and lactating women to receive the experimental Pfizer COVID vaccine. 

"I'm the one who creates these statistics, and I suggest you this: If you remove one thing from this, remove healthy skepticism even in relation to the most common core, national, CDC or other "scientific" statistics. What most people don't know is that doctors are not allowed to testify about anything that is not a NATURAL cause of death. The criminal case for THE WINNER should be instituted IN THE WORLD - Experimental injections SHOULD BE MUST BE OVER.

We are witnessing the mass murder of Americans right before our eyes and the genocide of our elderly


The accomplices of these murders are farm-controlled corporate media, which not only do not publish these statistics from the government's reporting system, but actually publish lies and fakes to encourage people to receive lethal injections.

As an investigative journalist, I have consistently presented evidence that should be used to arrest and indict the perpetrators behind this atrocity, which is nothing more than a REALLY AND crimes against humanity.

In the spirit and legal defense of the U.S. Constitution's Bill of Rights and First Amendment, which protects free speech and the freedom of the press to criticize government officials, here is a short list of government officials who should be immediately arrested and charged with intent to commit mass murder by lethal injection, among many other charges such as fraud. There are literally thousands, if not tens of thousands, who should be arrested and charged, but these are the top 3 most responsible and who should be immediately brought to justice..."

A little about a friend of Gates' sperm collector and his fellow paedophile Epstein: 

The New York Times: Epstein hoped to develop super-race people with his DNA. The registered sex offender hoped to sow the human race with his DNR, fertilizing 20 women at a time.

Jeffrey Epstein was not only a rapist of innocent children, but also a Malthusian and a transhumanist who wanted his

head and penis were preserved cryogenically. Epstein wanted to use his estate outside Of Santa Fe, New Mexico, as a insemination lab.

And despite the fact that all this is known, his friend and author of the idea of reducing the population by vaccinating Gates continues to vaccinate plebs. It's just amazing how malleable the Peoples, the Friends, and how rotten their elitist. By the way, it will be reminded that the last name of one of Mengele's assistants is Epstein 

🇺🇸🇨🇳Three of the Red Banner is a Chinese ideological slogan in the late 1950s, calling on the Chinese to build a socialist state. "Three Red Banners" is the General Line of Socialist Construction, the Great Leap Forward and the People's Communes.

💉🇧🇷Schey one fake high-profile vaccination. 

This time, the Public Health Minister of Brazil and her assistant in a medical gown conducted a PR campaign on the benefits and vital necessity of anti-custodies for plebs. It should be noted that the forgery was noticed not only by bloggers. How the Minister of Health of Brazil burned with a fake vaccine told on the air of one of the channels of Brazilian TV 📺 👇

💉Yst one of the co-vaccine illusionist clown 🤡 turned out to be some politician from Denmark

🇺🇸 We continue to find increasingly strange anomalies in our next episode of Twilight. 

Oddly enough, Biden's desk is missing what all of his predecessors as president of the United States had. As you can see, the predecessor on the table is a wooden "president's box" with a golden Presidential Seal and a red button on top. It's an emergency button. The Secret Service's Technical Security Division installed this special "phone button" so that the President could call the Secret Service at the touch of that very button. 

As you can imagine, Joe has this opportunity for reasons that we don't yet have.

🇺🇸There is a copy of the Oval Office next to the White House, called Castle Rock Studio.

Castle Rock Oval was used for Disney's "Nixon" and "Independence Day" by 20th Century Fox and was built in Los Angeles for the 1995 film "American President." That's where Joe's inauguration was recorded.

🇺🇸Thums at 7:42.

Keep an eye on everyone who stands in line for Joe and Jill. At 7:44 in the frame behind Joe and Jill appear a girl in pink and a girl in white.

At 8:01 they switch to another camera, the sound is not interrupted, but the two girls are no longer there.

📹 Jennifer Lopez on the anniversary of Telman Ismailov

📹 Jennifer Lopez spoke to Ksenia Sobchak about Pussy Riot

📹 Jennifer Lopez sang to the President of Turkmenistan for her birthday

📹 Jennifer Lopez and Philip Kirkorov sang at the birthday of the President of Turkmenistan 

🇨🇳Medical Fascism in Communist China: When You Don't Want to Wear a Rag 👇

🇺🇸Vice President Harris and San Francisco Senator Scott Wiener, who introduced a bill to decriminalize the sex of men with boys.

🇺🇸Epstein didn't kill himself 👇

To date, WHO is very convenient for the mafia and clicks has changed the definition of the case Covid. Positive PCR is no longer enough for a positive covid test. Now you must pass positive PCR twice in a row and have clinical symptoms of a covid. This "will bring down" the number of cases very significantly, pleasantly and as it is not time for a click . 

We hope, Friends, you understand what WHO is and who those who follow its recommendations are.

💉🇩🇪 Germany opens prisons for those who refuse to observe self-isolation, quarantine and other nonsense, which has nothing to do with health and medicine.

The facility will be fully fenced off and will be guarded by police and correctional officers.

Obviously, Friends who consider this kind of measure for good can be considered madmen in need of psychiatric and mental help. After all, it is no longer about protecting people, but about controlling them.

Shop owner and shop in Venezuela before and during Maduro's presidency ...👇

 💉🇩🇪 The first co-camp in Germany came out beautiful to fame.

It is reported that it will be possible to "settle" there, thanks to the refusal of quarantine or masks. 

💉Baar's digital covido vaccination certificate

The procedure has not been agreed with the local Ministry of Health, but the District of Altetting already issues vaccinated such cards with the mark of the beast, and there are already requests for such ausweis from other regions of the country.

The people living in the now blazing Eindhoven, prudently break the masts of the camera "big brother" during their protests against the blockade of the country👇

At the end of January, revolutions broke out all over the world, riots of anti-fascist groups, protests, chaos and aggressive crowds of young madmen in different countries are crushing, shouting and rioting. 

The world turns into a horror film: Europe, Denmark, Belgium, England, France, Germany, Russia, the United States, Tunisia and other, other, other covered by protests and chaos. Rockefellers and Rothschilds destroy the old world, wreak havoc, aggression and war.

We hope you now understand the words uttered by the former Deputy Secretary of State for International Organizations under Kennedy and Johnson, published in the April 1974 issue of the Council on Foreign Relations in an article titled "The Hard Path to World Order": "... the world order house"will have to be built from the bottom up, not from top to bottom...". 


In Eindhoven, a couple was shot with a water cannon, causing a young woman to throw himself against a wall and seriously injuring her.

Water cannons, people in uniform, urban armored dogs, snarling at people dogs ...

This is not a Nazi concentration camp, it is a place near the Van Gogh Museum in the capital of the "free" Holland Amsterdam.

💉🇮🇱Israil has agreed to become a giant testing laboratory for testing of COVID-19 vaccines from Pfizer. 

The Highest Helsinki Commission, which oversees human trials in Israel, will present a report to the Ministry of Health, which states that the vaccination campaign conducted by the Israeli government in conjunction with the infamous Pfizer is a clinical study, the "code name of human trials," which, according to the Committee, was necessary. The conclusion has already been formulated and is expected to be handed over to the Director of the Israeli Ministry of Health, Hezi Levy, in the coming days, perhaps even today.

"Reading the contract signed between the Government of Israel and Pfizer, it is clear, clearly and unequivocally, that this is a clinical trial, and therefore it should be approved by the Helsinki Committee," explained a senior Calcalist official, "And here's what will be written in the committee's conclusion: "On the contrary, there is nothing wrong with clinical trials, but clinical trials (human trials) must get the approval of the committee and, of course, , from the people on whom the process is carried out, and who are given the right to refuse to participate in the experiment. These are very basic questions." 

Professor Eitan Friedman, Chairman of the Helsinki Committee, declined to comment on the publication and stated that the committee was presenting its position in an orderly and normal manner, rather than through the media. Since the committee is a statutory committee (created by law), the practical significance is that it will determine that the human experiment that Pfizer is currently conducting in Israel is illegal.

The Committee may decide that the Israeli government should stop transferring information to Pfizer, which could lead to Israel's breach of the contract. If the Government decided to ignore the committee's directive, every Israeli citizen would be able to appeal to the Supreme Court.

The Committee may also require that all Israeli citizens be informed that the results of their personal vaccination will be handed over to a third party (COSENT) and to oblige the Ministry of Health to request the permission of vaccinated persons to conduct experiments on them, which is still being done in Israel without their consent.

A short letter from the Committee announcing that it disapproves of the experiment could make the situation much more difficult for Pfizer and the Israeli government, since as a result of this letter, Pfizer is not authorized to contact the FDA and request final approval of the vaccine. 

"It is inconceivable that the FDA would give final approval to the vaccine based on clinical studies rejected by the Helsinki Committee of Israel," the document said, as quoted by israelnationalnews.

Dr. Jaffa Shire Raz, a lecturer in health at IDC International School in Herzlia, said: "The question is: how did this scandal lead to a Green Passport (a co-educational passprot of vaccination)? Can the government continue to push us to force the experiment. The road to court has never looked so paved, and this time it's hard to see how they'll ignore it."

However, later, after the publication of The Calista Report, the Chairman of the Helsinki Committee, Professor Eitan Friedman, issued a rebuttal, stating that he and the entire Helsinki Committee continue to recommend the vaccine to those who do not have contraindications, stating that "the vaccine is not a clinical trial, based on clinical studies, on experiments. There is no link between the vaccine and the clinical trial."

He says that "the hype" is focused only on one issue, namely that "as the Supreme Committee, some of its members are lawyers, and they read parts of the agreement between the Department of Health and Pfizer, and we, as an ethics committee, want to guarantee the protection of the rights and privacy of Israeli citizens. In addition, when a clinical trial is conducted, which is a worthy trial, we really want to know from a scientific point of view what is happening, what are the effects of the vaccine, what are the side effects; yes, we really want to know a lot. But we want to know if these rights are protected under the Pfizer contract."

Dr. Tehila Schwartz-Altshuler, senior attorney at the Israel Democracy Institute, said: "Anyone who can claim that this is not a clinical trial is simply a liar. This is the most extensive study of people in the 21st century. Israel is becoming an experimental platform, not to mention a backyard for the world. It may be beautiful and altruistic, but it should have been shared with the citizens of Israel... There is no clearer research hypothesis than section 2.1 of the contract between the State of Israel and Pfizer, which states that the purpose of the "experiment" (mandatory vaccination of Israeli citizens) is to "measure and analyze". To say it's not a study is to tell a lie. In section 2.2, the word "data" appears over and over again, and the idea is that it's information from which you want to learn something else, rather than transferring it to the medical records of the patient you were treating. It's a collaboration for research, so there are also "Principles of Cooperation." Moreover, Schwartz-Altschuler explains that "Article 4 - like any medical research agreement - has conditions and terminations, and there are agreements regarding the safety of the project. This once again confirms the fact that this study. For example, under the paragraph, the agreement will be annulled if one of the parties deems it "scientifically insignificant."

And now the details of the day!! Nuremberg and the treaty between Faiser and the State of Israel 🇮🇱 what do these geographically different locations have in common? A common history, namely, the Nuremberg Process has become a precedent for international l…

Israeli counterparts have a strong enough argument 👇

Letter: Israeli Prosecutor General Avihay Mandeblit, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Health Minister Yulia Edelstein:



Meet the number 1 U.S. citizen

And now the details of the day!! Nuremberg and the treaty between Faiser and the State of Israel 🇮🇱 what do these geographically different locations have in common? A common history, namely, the Nuremberg Process has become a precedent for international l…

Empty British Hospital (video dated Sunday January 2021, approximately 17-20)👇

This winter, British Columbia health officials have yet to find a single case of seasonal flu in the community.

"I've had the flu for 20 years and I've never seen anything like it," the BCCDC expert said.

We join...

Excerpt from the sermon of Archimandrite Savva (1930-2016).

The Antichrist will take control of the world health care system and act through it... He will make sure that only his medicines will be sold everywhere, they will contain various poisons. For those who take such drugs, these poisons will cause poisoning and death. What I'm saying right now is not my own words. This is said, first, by people who have divine enlightenment, and secondly, those who look at the actions of the Antichrist through science.

He spreads the flu - this leader of planetary scale, who folds his fingers on his hand so that they depict the horns of the devil. It was on his orders that viruses developed. It is he who wants to perish people and creates all these situations.

They talk about a certain "world conspiracy" and a specially created disease. Experts believe that this antichrist flu does not occur by accident, but is artificially created. The goal of its developers - the extermination of the population of the earth, it is their mad and obsessive desire, their task, their program. Important scientific studies have shown that this flu has a strong association with the pathogenic virus and with the creation of biological weapons with the active participation of the U.S. government.

Have you heard on TV that a new vaccination will be created at the same time? A new vaccine has now emerged. For girls 13 years and older, supposedly that they do not get cancer. But its purpose is quite different. It is designed to cause infertility. To reduce the population of the earth. And especially - the population of Orthodox Greece, which they want to exterminate and make so that even its name disappears from the map.

We are warned that the flu is expected. How do they know that? They're just going to make it. This is not a normal seasonal flu epidemic, but the kind of flu they will launch themselves is a specially created disease from the United States. This disease will be similar to the flu, it will be caused by a microorganism type mycoplasma, which will be introduced into the vaccination. There's one thing you need to pay attention to here. People will be obliged to do anti-influenza vaccination, and meanwhile it will contain this disease. It is recommended to avoid all types of vaccinations.

Now you will tell me: what is O. Savva calling us for? Should we avoid doctors? I'm not telling you anything about myself, but I'm saying what I'm reading right now. And what I wrote is not me, but those who have researched this topic. There is information that the consequences after vaccination will be even more severe than the disease itself, the flu itself. Studies show that older people are more likely to develop Alzheimer's disease within 4-5 years of vaccination.

An archim. Savva Achilles (1930-2016)

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