Mirzilka 60.

Mirzilka 60.

Brown Dominated

 It's like a gestapo on the streets of India that kidnaps people. 


Goodbye May baby time 


The enchanting file of teenage climate activist Tunberg: merged all the background of the upcoming media attacks on India and Prime Minister Modi.

Gretta did not realize that she had been lowered from above that she was the only one to read, and that after reading she should have "eat" instructions on attacking India, blunted and posted on her Twitter a document that she had been sent, which contained tweets that she had been told to publish, plus the actions she should have taken in connection with the current protests in India. 

She deleted the tweet, Friends, but as you've all guessed, it was too late. 

"These are just a few suggested posts, but feel free to write your own. This is useful if you add images or videos to your tweets (some images below), but you can also take others. The potential tags listed above also put pressure on them

Also, be sure to like and retweet other tweets you see from other accounts to help! You can look for others

people on the latest hashtags

@BorisJohnson at @10DowningStreet @BPRDindia 

🔹"Police violated human rights by @Unitednations by shutting down the Internet, forcing millions of votes #FarmersProtest "@nhanna/ "

🔹" (Celebrityilnfluential Person)



🔹"Police and Prime Minister @narendramodi deprive @Indianfarmers_this human rights."

🔹"@UNHumanRights are you watching? "Boris. Johnson @100owningStreet #FarmersProtest #StandWitnFarmers." 

1. 4 and 5 February 2021 - from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Briefing zoom

2. Share a joint photo/video message by email stranfatmach on February 5, at the latest to February 6 (messages of solidarity for farmers on the Delhi border).

3. Email us at scrantarmachi@gmail.com you enjoy a session organized to understand a local competition involving environmental activists and experts in the field

4. Call/write to any of your government representatives and ask them to take action, sign online petitions and take steps to release monopolists and oligopolists such as Adani Ambani,

5. Organize a ground action near the nearest Indian embassy, media office or your local government February 13-14, 2020, share photos on social media and with us,


1. Share a joint photo/video message via email scranfacinasmemiat.com by January 25 (messages of solidarity for farmers on the Delra border).

2. Didital Strike Video/Photo Message - On or Before 26th lamwary.

3. TweetStorm - January 23 and beyond - 11.30pm UTC / 5pm IST - Feel free to celebrate @PMOindia, @nstomar (Minister of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare), your heads of state and others who should take note, including the IMF, WTO, FAO, World Bank

4. "Ask your questions" with a representative of stranfarmacti@gmail the Alliance for Sustainable and Farmers Coalition for Sustainable holistic agriculture on January 23, 2020 (We'd love to have another session.

5. Global Insta Live at 9:30 am UTC / 3 p.m. January 26 (Republic of India Day) with farmers in Delhi's Barders and environmental workers and activists around the world. Physical actions - near Indian embassies, government, departments, media (or even adani Ambani offices) around the world January 26....".

But we warned George not to show his feelings in public, and that the good thing about Tunberg would not end, that she would foolishly merge the entire office, and that Grettha would have to go to school. 

Although maybe it wasn't George Soros, but this pepper 🫑

Gretta Tunberg, not so long ago celebrated her adulthood, and this is important, you will agree, now she is an adult 😉s disgraced child. She leaked instructions on the attack on India and gave the local police de facto instructions. 

Louise-Marie Neubauer, "coach" of Greta Tunberg, is associated with the founder of Rothschildism Mayer Amshel Bauer, who changed his surname to Rothschild after returning to Frankfurt to take over his father's business. 

Louise Neubauer volunteers in a campaign founded by Bono and Bill Gates, which also has

connection with Soros.

🌎World Economic Forum in February postponed its annual gathering of pidaras, ostensibly due to travel restrictions due to the pandemic. 

In early February, the WEF announced on Wednesday that it would postpone a special annual meeting in Singapore, originally scheduled for May. Citing the complexity of various international travel restrictions and quarantine requirements, the organization announced that the postponement would be postponed to August. 

Initially, the meetings were planned in May and already once postponed for 12 days because of the previous change, but now the Geneva-based WEF has indicated new dates as early as August 17-20.

Under the pretext of the "pandemic" that ALL people know about, for the 2nd year Davos and Bilderberg also could not spend live and in person, as they did before.

Despite the fact that this is the only gathering in the world, which is attended by the participants of travelers 🧳, and 0.666%" owns all, and to whom these same restrictions did not prevent to fly there - here - here - there - there - here - here. We have routes 🗺 and sky 🌌, many of you know about it. 

If you ask us why so, we believe that these stupid criminals - paedophile Nazis have bitten off more than they can swallow and chew, and spring - summer season and diabolical program we have already broken, because they are afraid of publicity, but have not yet realized that very soon 🔜 capture groups will start working on them at once on all at once. 

We cannot confirm that this is a real document from the British Cabinet, but the agenda described in it is quite real and obvious, so it is quite possible and there is a real reality, Friends: 

«... The damage to the economy as a whole can only be achieved by introducing permanent measures to prevent trade between trade and services in general, regardless of the size of the organization. It is likely that there will be strikes and, more likely, public unrest that the government will struggle to quell without the necessary financial sweeteners, including generous benefit packages, as proposed in Sections 3a and 4 memorandum on emergency financial infrastructure. Any such event would be thwarted by a public health campaign that would include a mix of medical information, analysis and data provided by the Government and independent agencies. All ministers will participate in the publication of health directives using public and private media. The names of the independent institutions under consideration are listed in sections 11b and 11c of the memorandum. Proposed media organizations are described in Section 11e"

In the World there is a real struggle between Evil and Good. 

Robert David Steele, Chief Advisor to the Judicial Commission on Human Trafficking and Child Sexual Abuse, former Marine Officer, Ex-CIA Senior candidate for the 2017 Nobel Peace Prize, summoned by the International Natural Justice Tribunal (London Association, which brings together experts from around the world) as an advisor and chief adviser to the Judicial Commission investigating human trafficking and child sexual abuse: 

Kraft, Pepsi and Nestle use aborted babies' cells as flavors

Well-known food companies have used to create flavorings of the tissue of aborted babies.


Kraft, PepsiCo, Nestle are working with Semonyx, a California-based company that uses aborted embryonic cells to test fake flavors.

The interrupted line of human embryonic cells is known as HEK-293, and is used to see how the human palate will respond to synthetic flavors. Because most of today's processed foods taste un taste, companies like Semonyx are hired to develop flavors.

"What they don't tell the public is that they use HEK 293 - human embryonic kidney cells taken from a child who has undergone an artificial abortion - to produce these receptors," says Debi Winnege of the life protection group "God's Children for Life" , "Although they could easily choose for taste receptors cells of animals, insects or other cells expressing G-protein."

Apparently, we will 👆soon 🔜 add to this material an interesting linking plot ....👇

-I worked for the CIA in the Office of Secret Operations from 1979 to 1988, but I didn't fully discover paedophilia until the "PizzaGate" scandal broke, when I subsequently supported the book "Paedophilia and Empire: Satan, Sodomy and the Deep State," for which I wrote the foreword and whose name was offered by me, and until I was invited to become commissioner and chief counsel for the Judicial Commission investigating trafficking and child sexual abuse.

After many years of studying this phenomenon, I am convinced that paedophilia is the way in which the Deep State attracts key figures and supports power. The "paedophilia trap" (videos depicting famous personalities with children, Ed.) is mainly used by Mossad, but also by many other intelligence networks - the Epstein scandal is just the tip of the iceberg. 


This blackmail is carried out in every province and state in the world. In addition, there are many police officers, judges, prosecutors, police chiefs, publishers and famous people who are corrupted or blackmailed into knowing that if they break their silence about paedophilia, they too can be killed.

The silence of the media is such that no one wonders where thousands of children are recruited. Can you tell us anything about that?

-According to the most accurate estimates, about eight million children a year are being recruited worldwide, with life expectancy per affected child of about two years. Although many children disappear because they simply run away from home, on average most of those who disappear end up in paedophile networks where they are tortured and eventually killed, their blood drunk and their organs eaten, according to the evidence submitted to the Commission.

What do the victims say? Can you explain what paedophiles do to children, and is there any connection to Satanism as a way to achieve power?


-We have gathered the testimonies of some victims who speak about this connection between pedophilia and Satanism, a lot of information comes from secondary sources. It must be said that there is a difference between paedophiles who abuse children alone and those for whom paedophilia is an acquired attitude, a rite of passage to the higher and exclusive layers of the Deep State. Paedophilia is also closely related to sodomy, which is a special aspect of Freemasonry and secret societies. Perversion appears to be considered a rank-and-line privilege and includes so-called satanic ritual violence. The deep state is absolutely satanic, Luciferian and is associated with the synagogue of Satan.


There are three types of backgrounds for children. The most important is the cultivation of children as a profitable crop sold without registration at birth. The second is children recruited from the migration flow. We recently learned (from a conversation with a Department of Homeland Security employee) that Department of Homeland Security officials took custody of children on the southern border to sell them to paedophiles. The third is children on demand, who are divided into children of parents who sell them to paedophiles by the hour, and children abducted after selection from catalogues.

News of Germany, France and the UK revealed that the police as well as social services were often in cahoots with paedophiles. Is collusion a widespread institution?

-Collusion is widespread, but let me take a note from our experience. Often, organizations dealing with children, from UNICEF to Oxfam and the Boy Scouts (all of them involved in known scandals, Ed.) and child protection services are legitimate. Over time, however, they attract paedophiles who seek to keep in touch with children. Paedophilia eludes the control of the police, including Scotland Yard and the gendarmerie of all countries, because it is a privilege of nobles, ruling parties, billionaires and celebrities. This is also a form of cocaine because, in addition to the arousal that arises from the unpunished abuse of a child, there is also adrenochrome, blood soaked in adrenaline (fear, Ed.), which is the result of torture of the child before the collection of his blood.


So children's adrenochrome as a drug - it's not fantastic. It exists and can be frozen for transportation. The best way to explain its effects is to torture dogs by the Chinese, who cook them alive before they eat. Thus, the dog's blood is filled with adrenaline and changes the taste of meat. This is not fiction, but an atrocity known all over the world. In addition, there is an anti-ageing effect, as a result of which many celebrities seem dependent on the adrenochrome.

You were talking about children's organizations: in fact, two years ago there was a scandal about sexual abuse by Unicef staff, now we read that more than 3,000 UN staff abused 60,000 children. What do you think?

"It doesn't surprise me. The same thing happened when NATO forces and U.S. military operations were deployed. The mercenary explained that the only way to be sure that you wouldn't get a sexual disease was to buy a very juvenile virgin.


In America, with the explosion of "Pizzagate" appeared irrefutable facts: photos and videos of pizzeria Alefanti in his profile on Instagram (children blindfolded and tied hands, transgender people glorify sexual violence), pictures depicting children associated in the House of Podesta.., and despite this, the press closed the case with the word "fake news". How so?

There is no free press in the United States. However, Sky News has similar articles that acknowledge the spread of paedophilia in Hollywood.


Paedophilia is the "secret of pulchinella" that permeates all worldly societies. Less well known is that paedophilia is only the initial part: from here we move on to torture, the production of adrenochrome and satanic ritual abuses, which include the collection of fetuses and even the consumption of the flesh of children immediately after birth. After Epstein's arrest, it became clear that many people in power were involved in paedophilia, as several celebrities flew to his private island, where children were abused. Most of the victims were killed and their bodies cremated. I agree that Prince Andrew is a scapegoat, I consider him someone who contacted a 17-year-old boy, not a paedophile. It was used as bait. Instead, it's worth saying that Epstein, whom I called a fake billionaire in 2008 - funded by American billionaire zionist Les Wexner (rumored to be who also funded 9/11) - was just an insider.


Children have always been abused. Human sacrifice is not new, as is paedophilia. Children are the future of humanity, and 1 per cent of humanity believes that 90 per cent of humanity must be destroyed for stability on the planet. The Earth is at the epicentre of the war between good and evil, and child abuse is the focus of that war.


🇨🇳💉Kitai has become the most unabashed country in terms of disposing and bullying of the elderly: Covidtirania in the country has reached the limit and despises all moral standards.


The forced collection of old man's biomaterials for PCR testing, which, according to its inventor, the Nobel laureate, is not intended for this purpose, is not an approved diagnostic tool for clinical analysis.

💉They trample their reluctance to feel pain, like some kind of cowardice. objects, without any normal human empathy, as if children were robots, and doctors and people are just machines. Thanks to Bill Gates and the technocrats who brainwashed much of the plebs about the benefits of his vaccines. 


And why don't freaks and paedophiles like Gates leave other people's kids alone and start vaccinating their own? 

"Live" and moving fibers tampons for PCR tests: 


Probably, in tampons excess nanorobot 😂

The Israeli government's ties to the WEF over the years, especially in the past 2020, when Bibi joined benioff-led C4IR and participated in the WEF panel in October 2020, entitled "The Great Reboot: Reining in the Fourth Industrial Revolution", are now particularly relevant.

Start Up Nation Central, an organization focused on integrating Israeli start-ups with U.S. firms, created by Netanyahu's longtime economic adviser Eugene Kandel and American zionist billionaire Paul Singer, said Israel would play a "key role" around the world in the 4th Industrial Revolution after the Great Reset.

Microsoft is also part of the World Economic Forum and is an active supporter and participant in the Great Reboot program, with so much so that Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella has written the foreword to Klaus Schwab's book "Formation of the Fourth Industrial Revolution." 

With the WEF simulating a cyber "pandemic" and with the WEF with the head of Israel's National Cyber Directorate warning of an imminent "cyber winter," SolarWinds does seem like just the beginning, though perhaps a scenario that sets the stage for something much more serious. 

The cyberattack on Microsoft products around the world will certainly turn over much of the global economy and is likely to have more severe economic consequences than the COVID-19 crisis, as the WEF broadcast. 

By the way, Gref's adviser, but rather the warden - Khasis Lev Aronovich, has citizenship of Israel and the United States. He's the one who oversees Sber Technologies and Services. Former senior vice president of the same Walmart who participated in the Schwab reboot. 

Sberbank is a shareholder, on balance sheets it is not a state bank and became so half only on April 10, 2020. Before that, it simply used the Soviet name, but about 80 percent belonged to the United States, Canada, Great Britain and Switzerland. That is, it is clear to whom.

Another virologist from Even-grin. 

It's better to study the merry-🎠 🔬 


We are very interested, among the listeners of this academic there are able to put this fool cancer and blow so that would never open his mouth again 👄? 


We do not know whether this convinced mask-idiot has seven masks to escape from the covid and save from it others - yes, there - the whole World, but I think there is every reason to believe that such people and in their condition has no place in society, and they very bitterly and persistently cries Durd. 

It is amazing to see that a reasonable person and sane can be so susceptible to TV and propaganda of couididiotes and couidisters. 

Masks, definitely, Friends, go from the category of markers of imaginary kindness and the concern of their carrier about those around in the category of indication of the level of insanity of the plebs: the more rags on the face, the more people are inadequately perceives reality, erecting to the extent of existing and imaginary threats, which may indicate the need for forced hospitalization of such types in psychiatry. 

People experiencing this kind of psycho-emotional dependence on Petri dishes on their face we would suggest to call maskers

The 2020 study, False Promises: The Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA), is a report card of the Gates cartel's 14 years in operation. 

Beginning in 1994, Gates launched an international biopiracy campaign to achieve vertically integrated dominance over global agricultural production. His empire includes vast farmland and huge investments in GMO crops, patents on seeds, synthetic products, artificial intelligence and leadership positions at food giants such as Coca-Cola, Unilever, Philip Morris (Kraft, General Foods), Kellogg's, Procter and Gamble and Amazon (Whole Foods), as well as multinational corporations such as Monsanto and Bayer, which sell

The investigation finds that the number of Africans suffering from extreme hunger in the 18 countries where the person has "worked" has increased by 30 per cent. Rural poverty has also increased dramatically, and the number of hungry people in these countries has increased to 131 million.

In fact, under the Gates plantation system, the rural population of Africa in its own land has become slaves to the tyrannical serfdom and high technology, mechanization, rigid schedules, burdensome conditions, credits and subsidies that are the defining features of the "green revolution" of paedophile friend Epstein Gates.

The only organizations benefiting from gates' program are its international corporate partners, notably Monsanto, where the Gates Foundation Trust acquired 500,000 shares worth $23 million in 2010 (but later sold those shares under pressure from civil society groups). 

Gates himself even then filmed an advertisement for Monsanto GMO, touting it as a "solution" to the world's hunger.

Gates built an infrastructure of chemical and seed supply chains and forced African governments to spend huge sums on subsidies and draconian fines to force farmers to buy its costly resources and obey its dictates. It has forced farmers to replace traditional nutritious crops such as sorghum, millet, sweet potatoes and cassava, with highly productive technical crops such as soybeans and maize that benefit elite commodity traders but leave poor Africans with little or no food. 

Africans call gates' program "neocolonialism" or "corporate colonialism."

Gates also heeded Kissinger's advice: "Control oil and you will manage countries": Gates' personal investment in hydrocarbons includes huge stakes in all major oil companies: Exxon, Chevron, ConocoPhillips and Shell (and this is despite the fact that this person is in words for climate and against this kind of business and companies). He owns the world's largest private jet company. His commitment to coal includes giant investments in the dirtiest coal production, including the Canadian National Railroad and CSX Richmond, which is the largest coal transporter east of the Mississippi. 

Gates' energy collection, processing and data analytics centers are among the fastest growing sources in the world of rapidly growing energy demand. And, of course, Gates' chemical/industrial agricultural enterprises are the complete opposite of environmentally friendly companies: its GMO corn requires fertilizers, pesticides, agrochemicals from natural gas and other fossil fuels. 

These facts about Gates, which are publicly available, are enough to understand what he is, who he is, and what he deserves.

And if you add here, his nightmarish experimental vaccine schemes, which he imposes on 161 million African children every year, it's clear that Gates considers all of us, the whole world, his lab rats.


🤱 Visaut comments, comrads...

A political ideologue and extremist of the 19th century, who presented as a journalist and economist, a cousin of Rothschild Karl Heinrich Marx (May 5, 1818 - March 14, 1883) a student of his mentor Moses Hess, who created a supposedly "scientific" theory known as Marxism.


Karl Marx wrote his Communist Manifesto two centuries ago. However, too many people separate Marx as a man from evil created by the oppressive ideology and theory that bears his name. This is a serious mistake. Not only did the horrific results of Marxism stem directly from the perverted ideas of Marx himself, the scion of the family of hereditary rabbis, a cousin of Rothschild, but this man himself wrote absolutely diabolical things. Long before Karl Marx wrote about the hell of communism, he wrote about hell.

"So I have lost heaven, I know it very well," he wrote in a poem in 1837, ten years before his Manifesto. "My soul, once faithful to God, is chosen for hell." 

It is definitely a perversion and the whole essence of Marx and the foundation of his future ideology. 

Today, Schwab came to Marx's place. Not many people understand this, only those who know communism in person and very well and for a long time, and also has an understanding about reality. 

Speaking on February 6 in the next issue of War Room: Pandemic, MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell told host Steve Bannon that we're at the end of time. 

When Bannon mentioned a recent religious show in which Lindell appeared, and where he raised the theme of "The End of Times" during his speech, Lindell said, "I think we're on the communist path. This includes socialism. Everyone can see what happened in Nazi Germany. ... It's happening so fast that I see and "experience" the cancellation of people, the cancellation of jobs, they don't exist. When you remove all communications, it's like you're cleaning up communications, you're taking away everyone who can talk, now it's one world order, everything is in Revelation. That's what I'm talking about, and you combine that with this vaccine, it's all "Sign of the Beast." ».

Based on the materials of Igor Garin's book "Yehuizm" ("Totalitarianism"), vol. 2 (1), 1994, Kharkiv, "Folio", 480 p.

 From the angelic work will be demonic.


 Nothing, if with a dirty fellow, if the goal is great! Then everything will be washed, everything will be smoothed out.


 I would define the main lie of Marxism as a claim to the status of science. Marxism, Leninism, Hitlerism were created rather as anti-sciences, violating all conceivable and inconceivable criteria of rationality, scientific character and even the morality developed by mankind. The ideology of Marx was aimed not at the search for truth, but at the imaginary protection of the "interests of the proletariat." No, the Marxists were not looking for truth in philosophy, N.A. Lossky wrote, but only a convenient weapon to achieve their revolutionary goals.

 Karl Popper proposed the possibility of its fundamental refutability as a criterion for the scientific character of a theory. Contrary to this criterion (or Karl Popper's principle of falsifiability), Marxism was originally created as an impregnable fortress, did not allow verification by facts, organically did not tolerate criticism and angrily defamed the slightest attempts at objections. According to A. Burov, Marx's style had nothing to do with the scientific style - it was a self-confident broadcast of a quasi-prophet or demagogue.

 The very emergence of cognitive phenomena that are not subject to criticism, wrote the largest science analyst Paul Feyerabend, is associated with the pathological mentality of the creators of fortress systems. Even the critics of Marxism did not ask why the "greatest of teachings" one after another gave rise to tyrants, maniacs or ruling necrophiles. Or - why the history of the implementation of this doctrine is so bloody, fanatical, terrorist, ruthless and deceitful. Why did the “triumph of reason” turn out to be an endless, continuing devilry? ..

 The main arguments of Marx were not proofs, but social prophecies inherent in the messianic consciousness. In Open Society, Karl Popper showed by many examples that capitalism in the sense in which Marx used this term never existed anywhere, however, like the wonderful socialism that he predicted. In essence, Marxism is an endless set of clichés and dogmas that are contradictory and contradictory to reality.

 The unscientific nature of Marx's teachings is evidenced by the fact that the basic concepts of his ideology, such as "class" or "commodity," are nowhere defined. I'm not even talking about the fact that as a religious messiah, he always "knew" the result before starting the research. Claiming a scientific analysis of the existing order of things, Marx constantly condemned what is, in the name of what should be. The world order is vicious, and it will become correct only when humanity listens to him, Marx ...

 Before us is a typical religious fanatic, anti-Semite and Slavophobe, who gives the "cunning" of his own mind scientific forms. Marxist ideology is not so much the result of analytics as of erroneous self-identification, undefined social status and global claims that in no way correspond to the flawed scale of his personality or paltry natural talents.

 Marxism as a "science" turned out to be convenient because it generated a huge stream of ideological texts, demagogic promises and slogans similar to science, but requiring no scientific training (S. Gluzman).

 It was not by chance that the fartsovka Marx adopted the Hegelian dialectic - it gave him a fraudulent "freedom of action", that is, it allowed him to explain any mutually exclusive actions - "today to burn what he worshiped yesterday." Marx's dialectics became a reliable foundation of Marxist-Leninist voluntarism and a reliable means of stupefying the masses, and he himself did not even hide his dialectical trickery. This is evidenced by the surviving letter from Marx to Engels: “I had to temporarily replace you in the Tribune as a war correspondent ... It is possible that I will be disgraced. In this case, some dialectics can always come to the rescue. Of course, I stated my statements in such a way as to be right also in the opposite case ”(Marx to Engels, August 15, 1857, Collected Works, 2nd ed., Moscow, 1962).

 Marx did not even try to hide his Machiavellianism - he warned revolutionaries against generosity and conscientiousness, urged not to be afraid of sacrifices made "in the name of progress", became the first "philosopher" in the history of mankind, who called to change the weapon of criticism to criticism by weapon. Initially, he relied not on an idea, but on fear: "If the victorious party does not want to lose the fruits of its efforts, it must maintain its dominance through the fear that instills in the reactionaries ..."

 Revolutionary terrorism, the Bolsheviks' chambers of fire were by no means an invention of Lenin, but of Marx himself. The latter wrote in this way: in order to reduce the agony of the old society and the bloody pangs of the new, there is only one means - revolutionary terror: to twist the bourgeoisie into a ram's horn, to implement an energetic revolutionary dictatorship - this is not Lenin, these are genuine appeals of Marx. Like these: “Bloody struggle or nothingness. Such is the inexorable way of posing the question. " It is no coincidence that even in his student years, the characteristic of "a man without a heart" stuck to Marx. History has brought to us the endless complaints of a father about a dissolute and cruel son. Contemporaries emphasized his selfishness, narcissism, acrimony, intolerance, injustice and tactlessness. "Theorist", "humanist" and "scientist", Marx was an outspoken apologist for violence, without which, in his "scientific" opinion, no social reconstruction is possible.

 In private life, it is difficult to find a person more bourgeois than Marx with his burgher snobbery, unrestrained materiality and excesses, spiritual affinity with the shopkeepers of Trier. Denouncing capitalism, Marx played on the stock exchange, and while proclaiming communist morality, he adopted a child with his own servant, putting her in the support of his "friend and comrade-in-arms" Engels. “Great internationalist”, all his life he angrily denounced Jews, Slavs, Russia and everything Russian: “Europe has only one alternative: either to submit to the barbaric yoke of the Slavs, or to completely destroy the center of this hostile force - Russia ... Slavic barbarians are natural counter-revolutionaries, special enemies democracy. Therefore, a merciless struggle is necessary, not for life, but for death with the Slavs, betraying the revolution, for destruction, and merciless terrorism. "

 The Friend of All Mankind was categorical and intolerant in communication. Was it not from him that our leaders took an example, fiercely hating rivals and each other? Lenin's testament perfectly testifies to the relationship between our "helmsmen" and "slaves in the galleys". Had Marx written such a thing, it would hardly have been radically different from Lenin's ... Oh, how right Pyotr Struve was when he wrote that communism is a mixture of Russian booze with swill from Marx.

 However, Lenin's “best student” in all respects surpassed his teacher many times over in the creation of both “bloody science” and the science of “mass deception”. Posing as a philosopher and disciple of Marx, Lenin was an outspoken political adventurer who did not shy away from extreme means to seize power and led a bloody cattle to fulfill his necrophilous desires.

 Even the declarative credo of Mars and Lenin - "the main thing is to get involved in a fight, and then we'll see" - appears to be the slogan of aggressive gopniks and swindlers. Only boundless adventurism can explain the Bolshevik putsch carried out by Lenin. Lenin did not have armed forces (such as SS detachments of many thousands), his party was a narrow circle of outcasts terribly far from the people, and his whole biography until October 25, 1917 was a continuous chain of defeats. Only reckless adventurism, political promiscuity and devilish will to power can explain the inexplicable and unrealistic - the seizure of power by the Bolsheviks in Russia. And the dictatorship in the country was realized by criminals to match their leader - gopniks and bandyugans, infinitely far from the proletariat or the people. The site https://history.wikireading.ru/162512 contains a large number of documents from the book "Lenin's Dossier without Retouching", vividly illustrating what has been said.

 Leninism begins with false promises to the workers and peasants and does not end with millions of victims of the civil war. The notorious 37th is a natural result of the policy of provocations, shootings and repressions begun by Lenin in the 17th, violence so obvious and blatant that no one even tried to hide the Red Terror, the Ordzhonikidze massacre in Transcaucasia or the Donburo in southern Ukraine, countless executions inhabitants in all places where the "great and glorious" Red Army came.

 On February 20, 1922, Lenin gave instructions to the People's Commissar of Justice D. Kurskiy, demanding not "extraordinary, but everyday and" legal "terror, using his usual terminology:" intensify repression "," punish mercilessly "and" up to execution ":" everything it should be carried out systematically, persistently, persistently, with mandatory and strict reporting "...

 Eyewitness - Yuri Trifonov: “In vain they brush aside the proverb that was then walking around: they cut a forest - chips fly. They cut down the mast timber, drill. At the same time - undergrowth. And everything is around. " The source always contains the future, Martin Heidegger later commented ...

 No, Ulyanov did not transform into Lenin, but was him from the very beginning: fanatical, intolerant, merciless, paranoid cruel. And the whole "philosophy" of Lenin is the ideology of a terrorist conspiracy, robbery, violence, mass murder.

 And if they tell you to lie, lie.

 And if ordered to kill - kill ...

 Lenin had few ideas of his own. Basically he borrowed them from Marx, but more from Louis Auguste Blanca. In fact, he was a ruthless Blanquist, driven solely by the lust for power, a policy of mass violence and terror. And if he really created or founded something, then - the policy of revolutionary expediency and lawlessness. The cruelty and vindictiveness of the "great leader" overshadowed any diabolical standards and, in order to somehow hide it, the "faithful disciples" did not dare to publish thousands and thousands of documents that have only recently become available to researchers. Here is just one of the many. In a note to the chairman of the Revolutionary Military Commissariat E. Sklyansky dated August 1920, Lenin sets the following task: to penetrate deep into the territory of Latvia and Estonia, hang 100-1000 officials and rich people, kulaks, priests, landowners there, pay 100,000 rubles for each person hanged, and then "blame" all the crimes on the White Guard units based in Poland (Adolf Hitler, ay ...)

Here is Lenin's letter of August 11, 1918, addressed to “Comrades Kuraev, Bosch, Minkin and other Penza communists”: “Comrades! The uprising of the five kulak volosts should lead to a merciless suppression. This is required by the interest of the entire revolution, for now the "last decisive battle" with the kulaks is being TAKEN. A sample must be given.

 1) Hang (certainly hang so that the PEOPLE can see) NOT LESS THAN 100 notorious kulaks, rich men, bloodsuckers.

 2) Post names.

 3) Take away ALL bread from them.

 4) Appoint hostages - according to yesterday's telegram.

 Make it so that for hundreds of miles around the people saw, trembled, knew, shouted: THOUGHT and strangle the bloodsucking fists. Wire receipt and PERFORMANCE ...

 P. S. Find people PERFECT.

 Lenin ".

 “Be exemplary ruthless”, “Encourage the energy and mass character of terror”, “Terror is a means of persuasion”, “Respond with mass executions”, “Use force for ferocious and merciless reprisals”, “Secretly prepare terror: it is necessary - URGENT”, “Shoot without trial on the spot! "," Shoot in the administrative order "," Immediately shoot the hostages "," Prepare everything for the burning of Baku "," Increase the speed and force of repression! "," Mobilize another 20 thousand St. Petersburg workers, put machine guns behind them, shoot several hundred and achieve a real mass pressure "," Expand the use of shooting "," Discuss with rifles, not theses "," Learn from beating policemen "," Master all forms of violence without exception "," Send abroad ruthlessly "," Softness is murderous for communism "," Rot in prison! " - these are far from the most violent orders of Lenin to the executors ... Any hesitation, any refusal from intransigence or violence, Lenin considered a feature of the petty-bourgeois consciousness. The very words "liberal", "competition", "Western freedom" were abusive to him. So in Europe the Bolsheviks were called "thieves" and "robbers" for good reason. Even the anarchist Kropotkin could not resist, in a letter to Lenin he wrote: "Is there really no one among you to remind that such measures, representing a return to the worst times of the Middle Ages and religious wars, are unworthy of people who have undertaken to build the future on communist principles?"

 Once Lenin was asked if he would be tormented on his deathbed by his conscience for the millions of lives that paid for the revolution, famine, and civil war. The reaction of the “great leader” was unexpected: a long laugh with gurgling and tears, as one laughs in a circus. And then after the hiccups caused by hysterical laughter, shortness of breath and wiping away tears: “Lives? Whose lives? The lives of the class whags? " - And again a long, devilish, with a stutter, laughter ...


 The most striking example of the destruction of the economy by ideology is the collapse of the USSR. A.I.Solzhenitsyn in the 90s expressed this with the famous phrase: "Russia has lost the XX century." According to Academician Yu. S. Pivovarov, these words sound like a terrible sentence.

 In the 20th century, not only an economic but also an anthropological catastrophe occurred in Russia: the country suffered huge human losses. Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev, who was not only a chemist, but also an economist, demographer and statesman, predicted that the population of Russia in 2000, counting only the Great Russians, would be about 400 million people. Now, as we know, there are only about 142 million Russians left, of which only 116 million are Great Russians, almost four times less than Mendeleev predicted. “There was a completely wild catastrophe of extinction, murder and suicide of the country's inhabitants. The Bolsheviks destroyed the tsarist elite, Stalin put the grown Bolshevik elite under the knife. At the end of the 1980s, fortunately, not physically, but socially, the Soviet elite was destroyed ... the end of the 20th century was marked by a serious defeat for Russia, ”said Yu. S. Pivovarov.

 How ideology affects the economy is clearly illustrated by the fate of the two countries that escaped from the Russian Empire in 1017, namely, Finland and Poland. Independent Finland today tops the list of the happiest countries in the world, in which Russia is in 68 (!!!) place. And Poland, much later emerging from the Soviet influence and having no natural resources of Russia, overtook it in GDP per capita. The same can be said about the Baltic states. But the most amazing thing is that the combined GDP of the two small countries that broke away from Russia after the 1917 revolution - Finland and Poland - will soon equal the GDP of the huge and resource-rich Russia.

 The clearest examples of economic collapse under the influence of ideology are the fate of many countries of the world, but above all the DPRK, Venezuela and Iran. Comparing the economies of the DPRK and the Republic of Korea, one can quantify the role of ideology: DPRK - GDP of $ 16.8 billion against the GDP of the Republic of Korea - $ 2.029 trillion. - 120-fold difference (!!!), GDP per capita - respectively $ 39548 (Republic of Korea) versus $ 665.0 (DPRK) - 60-fold difference (!!!). In terms of GDP per capita, the DPRK is in 213rd place out of 230 countries of the world, and the Republic of Korea is in 11th place, by the way, ahead of the huge, super-resource and 3 times the population of the Russian Federation. I would very much like to hear comments about these stunning, difficult to fit in the minds of quantitative data of our great lovers of sovietism, Stalinism and Bolshevism ...

 The cheating or zombifying role of ideology is beyond the scope of this article. One thing is absolutely clear: without the enormous power of propaganda frenzy, it is impossible to explain the above. That is why huge, unthinkable funds are spent on fooling the masses in rogue countries.

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