Goodbye May baby time 

Goodbye May baby time 

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We have two news 📰 - one good, and the other not very. What's the best place to start?

Let's start with the one that's not good news for us. 

Guys the problem is that we have to solve the historical organizational issue from scratch, namely: 

We're going to have to detain the first officials of the state, there are a lot of them. The problem is not the capture teams, on this part we are negotiating with some unit commanders. They agree in principle because they themselves stood up to look at this ugliness. But they are asking for legal grounds for shares and additional funding. That's the problem. And financial issues are solvable, we believe we will cost within the prepayment of about $20,000,000 and the same amount after the work is done. Maybe another $10,000,000 as an incentive to the fighters. Yes, in the case of a fire to kill, they ask for an additional $5,000,000 for each shot carcass. This is quite normal, we believe in the Editorial Board. Give your vision of these small expenses. We do not think that many decide to resist, maybe carcasses 10 not Bolle. 

And the good news below is the colleague. Waiting for your reaction, consider, pretend, almost everything is ready 

Hospital staff in Bratislava, Slovakia, investigated the PCR test Doctors have concluded that cotton swabs, which are injected through the nose, are designed to be implanted into your darpa hydrogel body.

The analysis was carried out between November 2020 and March 2021 on test tampons in kits: SD Biosensor, Abbott and Nadal, in - for safety reasons - an unnamed hospital laboratory in Bratislava, Slovakia. 

At the ends of the test sticks were found hollow нейлоновые fibers with гидрогель DARPA - these substances are brought into the body, during tests. This "material" now remains in the back of the nasal cavity! Built-in hydrogel sensors,

continuously measured

chemistry of the body and give you the opportunity to see in real time what is happening to the person. 

Here's a link to the PDF study:

 DARPA's website

Link to an article about investigations tests:

toxic ethylene oxide in all COVID test tests - governments are deliberately poisoning people! (Part 2) And it is a "only" toxic substance that is even openly advertised on the packaging. This one I would like to again encourage certified laboratories to study test smears, as well as mask FFP2 to study all types of toxic substances. Now we need to make a big round.

War crime before you gentlemen lawyers and the Government of peace . 

Now it's only a matter of technology and everyone will be responsible for this pronto!

Goodbye May Baby. 


Disturbing news from Slovakia, where the staff of the laboratory of the hospital in Bratislava conducted a study 🔬 PCR tests on COVID and came to the conclusion that the test smears that clog your nose all the way to the brain implant . The U.S. Department of Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is the U.S. Department of Defense Research and Development Agency responsible for developing new technologies for use in the military. Originally known as the Advanced Research Projects Agency, the agency was created on February 7, 1958 by President Dwight D. Eisenhoir, USA.

From the study "Darpa Hydrogel (etalon)" is an artificial substance that creates a converter between the electromagnetic signal and the living cell, tissue and organ.

Converts an electromagnetic signal from a transmitter into a signal that understands a living cell and responds to. 💥💥💥

These nerve structures are injected into Darpa hydrogel, which was controlled by radio 📻 

Hydrogel Darpa and lithium block and destroy the pineal gland, forcing the thinking person to become a controlled biorobot. Hydrogel is a carrier of an active substance, its task is to deliver the substance to the body in the desired place."

Thus, Darpa Hydrogel is a key component, "actually it's nanoantenna," to connect to 5G and allow the global elite to literally control humans, such as the Beatle robots.

They cite the results of their tests, which show that Darpa Hydorgel is also deadly for human blood cells. When used in combination with lithium, which is very toxic, can destroy the pineal gland. The report also states: From this information it is clear that test sticks are a criminal tool of genocide among the population of Slovakia. This is a worldwide, thoughtful and carefully prepared crime against humanity.

Here's a link to the full PDF study: 

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Report Page