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Ron Desantis 

January 8, 2019, the Governor of Florida is the chief executive of Florida and commander of the state's armed forces. Responsible for enforcing state laws, has the right to assemble the Florida Legislature, to approve or veto laws passed by the assembly, and to grant clemency other than cases of impeaching.

🇺🇸Ron as a stranger among his banned passports vaccines #COVID19, secretly penetrates the point allowing forced vaccination for future pandemics. Too bad it's not fiction, Friends, but you can read it all in the Senate bill of 2006. 

"Order to examine, test, vaccinate, treat, isolate or quarantine a person for infectious diseases that have a significant incidence or mortality and pose a serious risk to public health. Persons who are unable or unwilling to be screened, tested, vaccinated or treated for health, religion or conscience reasons may be isolated or quarantined."

"Unless there is a practical way to isolate or quarantine a person, a public health professional can use any means necessary to vaccinate or treat that person."

Moderna's Secret Documents 

Secret documents show that Moderna sent her poison #COVID19 to the University of North Carolina a few weeks before the "pandemic."

Potential candidates for the coronavirus vaccine were transferred from Moderna to the University of North Carolina in 2019, nineteen days before the official appearance of the "pandemic" kovid. All these signatures were made before the new coronavirus was announced.

It was not until 31 December 2019 that WHO and its hamita Gebreisus became aware of an alleged cluster of cases of viral pneumonia in Wuhan, China.

Social media users are sharing posts claiming the World Bank's website shows that COVID-19 testing kits were purchased in 2017 and 2018, implying prior knowledge of the outbreak. This is false ...👇

Microsoft, Bill Gates, Patent 666, & 👆Microchipping Humans Explained

The political establishment of the United States (and not only the United States) has long been firmly tied to the Secret Societies. As a rule, young and talented people from wealthy and elitist families are taken into circulation in pre-promoted educational institutions. These institutions are well-known. They are usually found in England or the United States. There, young people enter all sorts of Secret Societies and undergo appropriate ritual "dedications." It is in this way that destructive Secret Societies are preparing new footage in for controlled and/or "robbery". 👇

"Oh, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio! (W. Shakespeare "Hamlet")

Terrible medical - terrorist documents from the Ethiopian WHO we regard as evidence of the seizure of power over the world . 

What does this Ethiopian terrorist organization offer?

It is a terrorist, because it is false on the example of the false pandemic 2020-2021 and preaches medical fascism.

The 2014 date of the document speaks of a large and long preparation for an informational, biological, terrorist attack on the world 🗺 

Friends, we," as always, we opened the Russians and that's what they found in the cup. Enough terrible documents from the Ethiopian Gatess WHO. De facto it is evidence of the seizure of power over the world, as similar documents are in every Ministry of Health of any national member state of WHO . There seem to be 140 of them?!

He will comment briefly on the example of Russia.

WHO document: "Russia 2014-2020 Cooperation Strategy" and "Health 2020." (Exactly the same documents exist for all countries of the world.)

It is important to understand that in order to clearly understand and read this document correctly, one must understand a lot and be able to see a holistic picture of what is happening, understand the context and take into account the dual meaning of words, that is, to see what all these beautiful words about "mutual cooperation" and "universal happiness" mean.

WHO operates in Russia and deploys synchronized work, including various Russian ministries. Of course, it says that all this is "for the sake of national programs." But it is clear that the national vaccination program of each country is an example. And it is very clear that the plan is very coherent as a team in all countries of the world liars and criminals support each other and burn out . Administrations of the countries of the world conduct a third party, directing their actions in one direction, beneficial for the conductor . The Ethiopian Besting WHO in this case is a technical manager, or operator masquerading as a world hospital. 

Almost everything is read in English and you can read in screens how WHO decides to provide "information and scientific" material in Russian language (national languages of the world) , and The Russian Federation (any country and budget, i.e. the taxpayer) commits to financing translation into Russian. De facto WHO sends its agitation orders, just as the fascists - communists, only this time you will still have to pay for their program of fooling out of their pockets!

In Ethiopian TERMINOLOGy, WHO aims to promote standards and policies for medical staff. You should all know, in the interpretation of medical terrorists medics called "human resource for health" that is, the methods of robots 🤖 crippling treatment protocols or indicating "asymptomatic patients" rewarding people with an unst earmarked, non-existent virus. But this is not all - the Ethiopian WHO makes a compliment to the Russian Federation and its Ministry of Health well-established in terms of teaching people and insists, de facto obliges to implement these "advanced methods" in neighboring Russian-speaking countries like "former" republics, including in the scientific environment. 

Who will tell us exactly how to work.

In paragraph 8, 8. An important point of the strategy is that the Ministry of Health is obliged to coordinate the work of different ministries, but earlier the text said that it was WHO's responsibility. We treat it this way: it is not about different things, but about the fact that the national Ministry of Health will do it in collaboration and under the guidance of (the disposal) of WHO.

As a result of this document, the WHO Regional Office for Noncommunicable Diseases (GDP for NCD) is based in the capital (any national member state/multi-member state). From this office, WHO broadcasts to neighboring countries to "positively influence their scientific environment", i.e. to determine the direction and results of research / or how the researcher should "think" that he should not discover what conclusions to draw, what drugs and how to create, with what goals and so on ...

WHO will maintain a "DAY relationship" with the Ministry of Health and conduct technical input - discharges, instructions, technical tasks, basic material and norms from which to start. 

We know how to read the documents - the local WHO office located in the capital of the national state every day will deliver data to the Ministry of Health from the head office of WHO. Moreover, it is not just "sharing information" but to dictate what measures to use at the entrance and what to rely on when making decisions; literally it translates as what they "should know."

The Ministry of Health is obliged to promote cooperation with WHO within the country, including to THED AND other departments of 🎁

Translated into human language 👅 - the national Ministry of Health signs an agreement with WHO, and then it (the Ministry of Health) gets into the Government to ensure that it supports and contributes in every way to WHO and this "strategic" agreement. It turns out that a separate medical ministry of truth promotes certain ideas and imposes cooperation under the direction of the inagent to the national government! Aren't the national governments that choose the development strategy, develop and sign agreements, determine the direction of national ministries, independently identify their partners and give them technical tasks? 

Are you national governments? You're jerks, you're dead, you're dead. 

And the cherry 🍒 on the democratic cakes of 🍰 countries. These people from WHO do not have a single word written for nothing and reservations are not random, binary expressions (read carefully all the screens). The document 📄 is full of mentions of the priority of work and process, as well as strategies - WARNING HEALTH!

Not preventing the disease, but health prevention. 

You may be told that this can be translated as "prevention," but health prevention is like? There is a concept of "disease prevention." We insist that this is about health prevention and it is explicitly stated in this text. 

Each country has its own document "Health 2020", it is mentioned in the text . It is beautiful and all the conspiracy theories and conspiracy theories in it are presented in direct text, legal language. 

Key talking points: genomic editing, molecular markers of human gene networks, genomic bank, use of nanoparticles, direct instructions on raising taxes, retirement age; Working with gender norms, roles and relationships; Introduction of entry fees into the city; the desire to take away the right of every person to control their life and health; Control of each person's health over the course of a lifetime; Frank plans for globalization; World Bank participation and more.

The document contained not general recommendations, but more than specific instructions imposed on implementation.

For example, gender roles, norms and attitudes: WHO and the globalist are now imposing the destruction of gender in principle as such, promoting the LGBT agenda, manipulating the concept of "transphobia", changing the definition of "gender", turning it into a social construct. 

Human gender, i.e. gender, is always directly related to the genitals. The words "gen" and "gender" have one root - gen. It's about turning the words "gender inequality" and so on into a weapon to cleanse society of the gender concept as a whole! In short, we are talking about the agenda on blurring of sex, about censorship in speech, rewriting science, redefining culture and total restriction of freedoms. 

In fact, the document was created in 2013, says that they openly lead propaganda, introducing an artificial, carefully and pre-made design, which is imposed on society through the media and social networks, and people are cynically called "ageing labor." They are very concerned about life expectancy (too big), it is clear, you need to pay a pension and socially support the elderly. They need control of sexual and mental development, influence on people's behavior and more.

Insolently, criminally, the uneished Ethiopian garbage can who unabashedly with his feet trying to get into national and world politics. Friends, this Ethiopian bra doesn't fit on our heads 😂 

Original document "Country cooperation strategy for the World Health Organization and the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation 2014-2020" 

Link to the document "Country cooperation strategy for the World Health Organization and the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation 2014-2020"

United States. Tightening the nuts is clear from whose filing continues. 

According to the memo, Morgan Stanley will prohibit employees and customers who have not been fully vaccinated against COVID-19 from entering the bank's Offices in New York.

"Starting July 12, all employees, customers and visitors will have to confirm that they have been fully vaccinated to access Morgan Stanley buildings in New York and Westchester," the financial Times said in a note obtained by the Financial Times from Chief Human Resources Officer Mundell Crowley. 

The memorandum stated that after July 12, those who do not confirm full vaccination will lose access to the building. Those who have not been fully vaccinated will continue to work from home.

According to the FT, "the vast majority of employees" have already reported that they have been vaccinated, according to the memo.

The bank said the policy would allow the bank to lift some COVID restrictions in the office, such as requiring masks and social distancing.

The FT reported that Morgan Stanley had already deployed "vaccine-only" places in some parts.

The bank's stringent requirements for vaccines are due to the fact that its leaders are striving for an early and complete return to the office. 

Last week, CEO James Gorman issued a stern warning to his employees, ordering them to return to office before Labor Day, otherwise they would face pay cuts.

Stand up, the trial is on. We don't have any other comments for you 👎 

9 interesting facts about the current head of THE WHO puppet Gates , his political career and connections leading to China and not only ....

Tedros Ghebreisus has been head of the World Health Organization since 2017, before being Ethiopia's Minister of Health from 2012 to 2016. Today I want to tell you the facts about his biography that make you think. Very seriously.

We are dealing with a hybrid information-terrorist biological attack on a world built on boundless lies and violence.This is a new type of totalitarianism and depopulation based on false theories of certain viruses, such as corona 👑 which are dragged into the heads of the world's population. Mortality is the only sign of an epidemic. Mortality in the world 2029 -2021 remained at the level of previous years, which is why many administrations of the world hid statistics or manipulated it.

Mathematical analysis of U.S. 🇺🇸 death statistics since 1950 shows no excess deaths in 2020. There are good reasons to believe that the statistics 📊 grossly falsified. 

That's why we were shown fakes with corpses. Biological wars that were practiced in the last century have now been transformed into information biological terror .

So the Ladies and Gentlemen, Richard Rothschild in 2015, together with some government organization and some physical body on the documents registered officially patent in the Netherlands . And different countries of the world began to buy this test COVID -19 in 2017 . All this information will be in our criminal excursion dear tourists. This is a small surprise from the Editorial Board for new tourists.

Aluminium in the vaccine 💉. We go through the chronology of research without emotions.

Part 1.

Aluminium in the vaccine 💉. We go through the chronology of research without emotions.

The end.


            London in 1932. 

Girls make incendiary mixes during battle for Bogside, 1969, Northern Ireland 💪

Albert Einstein teaches at Lincoln University. 1946

A lingerie refilm at Harper's Bazaar, September 1953.

According to the good old tradition a good end to our history.

Be, Friends, on its bright side. 

The main thing that would be the suit sitting, in our case a corset. 

𝓜𝓪𝓭𝓪𝓶 𝓧

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