Ear trade from a dead donkey 19-21 šŸ¤“Ā 

Ear trade from a dead donkey 19-21 šŸ¤“Ā 

The SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus has not been isolated in any laboratory in the world. It is not in nature. Tests to detect it were developed by a fraudster. And the death forecasts are made by a charlatan who has already predicted 200 million deaths from "bird flu".Ā 

Who declared the pandemic and how?Ā 

Back on January 30, 2020, the WHO, without convincing grounds (by that time China had declared 171 deaths from coronavirus, and who provided evidence of what killed 171 people in a country with a population of 1.5 billion?), declared a public health emergency of international concern. And the very next day, by order number 66 without seal and signature, the Prime Minister of Russia equated the coronavirus with the plague and other dangerous diseases, including it in the corresponding list. And on March 11, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said it "could be described as a pandemic" (or otherwise). There was no WHO decision on this matter, but the media received a planned carte blanche for misinformation and rushed pussy through bumps and potholes of selling fear. All within the framework of the agreements and paid procedures began to frighten the national population around the clock with terrible footage of fakes, also filmed as part of the global special operation Corona šŸ¤“ 19 with the ultimate goal of establishing the NWO. So far, the WHO has not formalized this pandemic as it should be under the organization's charter, since it does not exist. It's a fiction. That's how a pandemic was "declared" by deception, which the WHO itself did not declare. Including it was announced in all countries. In 2009, WHO was preparing for a special operation and lowered the criteria for a pandemic. If before that there was a need for simultaneous epidemics around the world with a large number of deaths, then in 2009 only the criterion of "universality" was left. That is, in many countries, several cases have been identified ā€“ and this is already a pandemic. It's just that we recorded the declaration of the COVID-19 pandemic ā€” it was 100% manipulation and a false precedent.

Tellingly, Ethiopian Ghebreyesus is the first head of WHO without a medical profile. That is, the pandemic was not even declared by a physician, and on the basis of his impression. And all administrations were enough to give part of the Ethiopian, taking under the visor of the cap to begin to destroy national economies and the lives of their own citizens. We're fixing that too. And this happened thanks to national agreements with the WHO, concluded in a bilateral format in 2013-2014. We believe the treaties were lobbied by Bill Gates and his youth friends Barry and Michelle Obama, in turn friends Bill Clinton and friend George W. Bush. As you can imagine, with such lobbying, the conclusion of criminal contracts was only a matter of pressure techniques and bribery of national administration officials ...

Ghebreyesus is a former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia (2012-2016), a Marxist, former minister of health. He studied in Britain, received the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. In particular, he was a member of the Council of Global Leaders on Reproductive Health of the Aspen Institute (USA). By the way, reproductive health (as well as "sustainable development", which Ghebreyesus also deals with) is the sign under which the Club of Rome promotes the idea of reducing the population of the national countries of the world. What is absolutely certain here is that reproduction as a reproduction of the population is not in question. Often it comes down to abortion, contraception, sex education, but not only to them ā€“ often hand in hand with gender ideology, sexual perversions and propaganda of such things. Ghebreyesus also worked with the Clinton Foundation and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. That is, this is a person closely connected with the listed individuals and their foundations and other structures, such as the UN, the international bank and other interested parties to the Crown project šŸ¤“ 19. Many of them have been identified and thoroughly suspected of an unconstitutional conspiracy. Last year, Ghebreyesus was sued by the International Criminal Court for his involvement in the genocide in Ethiopia during the hostilities when he was foreign minister.

The study of coronaviruses began in 1932. They have been identified in birds but have not been classified. They were classified by british virologist David Tyrrell. In 1965, he injected participants in the experiment with a substrate with the addition of mucus from a boy suffering from acute rhinitis, and this caused an acute respiratory reaction in the subjects. That is, he created a coronavirus capable of infecting a person.Ā 

Tyrrell is a longtime virologist in the service of American intelligence agencies. In 1951-1954, he was associated with the American biological weapons program. He participated in the Korean War, during which the United States used biological weapons against citizens of the DPRK, China and the USSR. In 1969, the United States published a review of the work carried out in the framework of the program for the development of biological weapons. It recorded seven ready-made biological agents and another 20, the research of which continued. Among them was the coronavirus, and Tyrrell was doing it. In the same year, the research was officially discontinued. In 1975, the U.S. Senate ratified the Geneva Protocol on the Prohibition of Chemical and Biological Weapons, but it was only about offensive use. And then the US administration refused to participate in any agreements providing for international control in the field of bioweapons. In 1969, the coronavirus was legally classified as a potential biological weapon.Ā 

SARS-CoV-2 has not been seenĀ but the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which was called a pandemic and announced on TV by people who have nothing to do with medicine. De facto, this is a huge number of journalists and media personalities, singers, actors, other dancers who arranged a Mega performance in the spring of 2020 with washing hands, wearing rags on the face and other medical advice to their admirers on social networks. All on different terms and on prepayment in different forms. We are asserting and let them try to prove that this is not the case, we will see how they succeed.

In February-March 2021, epidemiologists and microbiologists from 13 countries inspected facilities in Wuhan where the coronavirus appeared. So far, there is no clarity about this, but for some reason the WHO decided not to publish the report on the results of the inspection. Moreover, as the scientists themselves stated, they were not provided with sufficient access. However, on February 9, WHO experts presented the preliminary results of the investigation and said that they had no information about the presence in the wild of the coronavirus, which is a direct precursor to the SARS-CoV-2 strain. In this regard, the version that bats became the causative agent is unlikely.

But what's for sure, and this is the most striking thing, is that no one has ever gotten this SARS-CoV-2!

On January 23, 2021, Dr. Woo Zunyu of the Chinese Center for Disease Control told NBC that they had been unable to isolate the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which is causing COVID.

"And he's not the only one talking about it. Dr Sam Bailey: "So far, no one has isolated or cleared the SARS-CoV-2 virus. A reward of ā‚¬ 225 thousand has been appointed,but no one has yet been able to provide evidence, and there are few people who want to. " And what, then, do virologists operate with? Dr. Joe Risoli, Ph.D. in Virology and Immunology, in his article "Covid-19 is a hoax," writes: "Our lab tested 1,500 samples using a scanning electron microscope.Ā 


We didn't find Covid in any of them. The vast majority of the samples were with influenza A, some with influenza B, and no cases of COVID. We sent the remaining samples to Stanford, Cornell and California universities. They got the same results. We then turned to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control for COVID samples. They replied that they did not have such samples."Ā 

Also, the virus does not have the Robert Koch Institute, the leading scientific organization in Europe in the field of medicine.


California M.D. Thomas Cowan exposes the likely deception as follows. He writes:


"Instead of isolating the virus and analyzing the genome from start to finish, the doctors limited themselves to 37 base pairs from untreated samples of PCR probes. They looked at only 37 pairs out of 30,000 that are claimed to be the genome of the virus. They then took these 37 segments and placed them in a computer program that filled in the remaining base pairs. Creating viruses on your computer is a scientific scam!"

Dr. Risoli asks: How can it be that no one has the virus? After all, with such a prevalence of the disease, they should be everywhere, but no one has it and never has. All that is there are small fragments of RNA, the length of which is from 37 to 40 base pairs out of 30 thousand (!), which are allegedly part of the virus.

After conducting laboratory tests, we have come to the firm conclusion that COVID-19 is a fiction. COVID-19 is the flu. Most of the "COVID-19 victims" died from comorbidities after the flu weakened their immune systems, Risoli concludes.

We have already written about the fact that since the coronavirus appeared, the flu has practically disappeared. Is this circumstantial evidence of Risoli's correctness, and in light of the SARS-CoV-2 scam, does everything take its place? But what then is detected in patients?

ARE PCR tests a fraudulent invention?

Probably, many remember how the coronavirus panic was just beginning, and tests for coronavirus were already there. How can this be: nothing is yet known about the virus, and the tests are ready?

The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test was invented in 1983 by American biochemist Carey Mullis to detect HIV infection, which some predicted fatal consequences for humanity, but it did not meet expectations. The test is quite remarkable.

"A fragment of DNA or RNA is taken from a person, they are replicated, that is, their number is increased. Each cycle doubles the amount of genetic material. And the more cycles, the greater the likelihood of positive results. That is, the test result can be made positive by increasing the number of replication cycles."

''Positive test results do not mean clinical infection. All trials must stop because these are false numbers that they produce, and they cause public hysteria," said Roger Hodkinson, former committee chairman of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons in Ottawa.

But that's not the point. A PCR test to detect the never found coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 was developed in January 2020 by Christian Drosten. He did not have the virus itself and, of course, he could not test his technology. That is, the technology was obviously phony and at best purely theoretical? But the WHO, in violation of all scientific norms, has adopted this unproven technology as a protocol for detecting the virus! And this is a crime that will have to be thoroughly investigated šŸ•µļø .

And even this corrupt WHO was forced to admit in December 2020 that these Drosten tests give false positive results.Ā 


In Israel, Deputy Director of the Ministry of Health Itamar Grotto said that since 9 out of 10 tests give false positive results, it does not make sense to do them.Ā 

The WHO then called on countries to lower cycle thresholds for PCR tests to avoid false positives. But the WHO did not admit it of its own free will. In November 2020, a research team of 22 world-class scientists, including former Pfizer Corporation Vice President Mike Yidon, proved the unsuitability of the Drosten protocol for identifying the elusive SARS-CoV-2.


Drosten's case" caused a resonance. Dr. Markus KĆ¼bacher, who specializes in scientific fraud, found out who this Drosten is. It turned out that his doctorate is a fiction, that is, it is just a fraudster who created a fake technology to detect a virus that no one had? And who ā€” what a miracle! ā€” immediately accepted it.

So still all over the world people are tested from Drosten, get positive results and say that people are infected with a virus that no one has ever received, but is drawn on a computer on a tiny fragment, which is supposedly part of it.Ā 

Predictions of an experienced charlatan.Ā 

Another scam was the mortality forecasts, on the basis of which quarantines were introduced in the countries in March 2020. They were made by the British mathematician from Imperial College London Neil Ferguson. He calculated that within three months 2 million people would die in the United States, 500,000 in Britain. In 2002, he predicted 150,000 deaths in Britain from mad cow disease. Then about 200 died. In 2005, Ferguson predicted 200 million deaths worldwide from bird flu. Hundreds died. In 2009, he scared that 65,000 people would die from "swine flu" in Britain. The death toll was also in the hundreds. However, in 2006, after "200 million deaths", it began to be funded by Bill Gates, obsessed with universal vaccination of the world's population. And he didn't stop doing it even after all of Ferguson's obvious failed predictions. Apparently, because they were far from the truth, but close to Gates. Naturally, anyone can make mistakes. But this man has already established himself as a charlatan many times (it is significant that in the "independent" Wikipedia there is not a word about his "forecasts"). And on the basis of his new "prophecies", panic was inflated and severe restrictions were imposed.Ā 

As soon as the United States, France, Germany, Britain and other countries imposed quarantine, Ferguson sharply lowered his forecast: for Britain - to 20 thousand, for the United States - to 100-200 thousand.

As soon as he was no longer needed, he was fired with a ridiculous wording - a violation of the quarantine regime. And the British newspapers also kicked him for dating a married woman at the time. Much the same was done to another Mega Liar and Biological Terrorist, the loving mayor of New York City, Vuomo.Ā 

Ferguson was removed just before he had to report to the British Parliament on his false forecasts, which drew the attention of the presenter and analyst Dmitry Peretolchin. Another fact: Ferguson apologized for violating the quarantine, but never apologized for his false predictions. By the way, by July in the United States, where everyone who was diagnosed with coronavirus is recorded in the deaths of coronavirus, 140 thousand people died, and in Britain - 40 thousand, that is, the "mistake" of this charlatan with experience turned out to be more than tenfold! But with his forecasts, the general quarantines began.

Thus, tests to detect a virus that no one has are invented by a charlatan. The nightmarish predictions on the basis of which the panic was launched were also made by the charlatan. Finally, a "pandemic" was declared based on the feelings of a third charlatan who is at the head of the WHO. And all this has been going on for almost two years.Ā Then they offered us according to their plan ā€“ Delta and here is a Christmas gift šŸŽ for the cancellation of Christmas ā€“ Omicron.Ā 

So, the virus is a scam. Predictions are a scam. The use of PCR tests is also a fraud. What happens at the output? The perpetrators of the Covid scam are the state's best-off biological terrorists and under-trained fraudsters. They have at their service international organizations, the International Bank, the WHO, organizes all the Rockefeller Foundation, Gates and Black Rock, which both finance this whole situation and finance the WHO.Ā 

Everyone remembers October 2019 and Rockefeller Plaza of New York with Johns Hopkins University with the participation of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the World Economic Forum and their terrorist communist dawn in the form of pandemic exercises Event 201 to work out a pandemic scenario, and they, in particular, discussed the information suppression of skeptics. To this can be added the fact that it was not the doctors who gathered and almost immediately with the beginning of the "pandemic" the term "covid dissidents" was launched to marginalize all doubters.

Pandemic Project.Ā 

The conclusions of Risoli and other experts are correct, and after all the evidence, there is no reason to doubt this and the scheme works something like this. We are dealing with influenza, and dangerous complications are given by improper treatment and targeted poisoning, presumably by gas by the phosgene family. Chemtrailers, poisoning on the ground by various spraying, This is evidenced by the materials collected by us, there are a lot of them, and all the strangeness in the course of the disease is not at all surprising given these materials and long-standing studies of coronaviruses in the USSR, the USA and China as biological weapons.Ā The special operation was carefully prepared and multi-vector developments were used to create panic. Many should still remember, as it was constantly stated at the very beginning: the symptoms of COVID are very similar to the flu, but this is not the flu, but a new deadly disease. Although even then it was clear: most people recover safely. And the flu disappeared from the statistics of the disease. But hysteria has been and continues to be whipped up in the media. In these conditions, disastrous recommendations were deliberately given about the hospitalization of everyone in a row with the corresponding symptoms. Never before have all people with acute respiratory infections been hospitalized, and many doctors were outraged by this. As a result, in a short time, hospitals were overcrowded, the health care system was paralyzed, and medical care was difficult to access, which led to a sharp increase in mortality from other causes.Ā 

Paralysis of the health care system is planned and prescribed in a closed plan of special operation and created artificially, and all the dead who were found to have false COVID (and it is not difficult to find it thanks to false tests) were recorded in the deaths from COVID. As a result, the countries of the world have written mortality into Covid and tried to justify the further continuation of draconian measures. Propaganda and lies, lies and propaganda are based entirely on the belief that statistics are true. But in studies and many works, we see falsifications of the administrations of nation-states and multiple overestimation. Why overstated? Because earlier in the statistics of causes of death there was no column sars. Dying after SARS died from specific chronic diseases. Now there is a column of COVID19. How, under these conditions, can we say that all the dead died really from it? There is a change in the accounting rules, that is, a forgery of statistics.

Take the data of Rosstat of the Russian Federation, for example, there is like this: "Information on the number of registered deaths with an established diagnosis of coronavirus infection." Please note: with an established diagnosis of coronavirus infection, not "from coronavirus". And there's a column in there that said, "Leading cause of death." But how can you believe that Covid is the leading cause of death when the accounting rules are changed? After all, with such symptoms common to many diseases, there is no separation.Ā 

We are not saying that people do not get sick and die from their fears. But it is obvious that a fire was fanned from a spark, and now with the same insistence the idea is imposed that the only salvation can only be vaccination and a QR code šŸ”. No one is talking about treatment anymore. Only vaccination and QR skip. WHO has specifically changed the concept of herd immunity, completely eliminating its natural component. That is, if people are sick, it does not count, they have no immunity. Only vaccinated are considered. Can the WHO be trusted? Yes you can, if you are blind, deaf and crazy imbecile - a degenerate.Ā The WHO is a biological international terrorist and terrorist organization is something like Michelle Plateni, but the WHO is far more dangerous than harmless criminal sports and IOC bribe-takers.

That's how, with the hands of international information, biological terrorists and fraudsters plunged the planet into a nightmare, established a pandemic regime. We are witnessing totalitarianism and lawlessness all over the world. This allows criminals to do what seemed completely unthinkable two years ago.

Scientists refuse to publish the confirmatory results of the study showing the connection of the Covid vaccine with a sharp increase in heart attacks.

According to one world-renowned cardiologist from the UK, in a recently published study,Ā 


which was presented at a meeting of scientific sessions of the American Heart Association (AHA), claims that the risk of developing acute coronary syndrome (ACS) - a potentially life-threatening condition that leads to an increased risk of heart disease - increases significantly in patients receiving experimental vaccines against COVID-19 mRNA.

The researchers found that the risk of developing heart disease increases from 11% to 25% in patients receiving the Covid-19 vaccines developed by Pfizer and Moderna using new mRNA technology.

Study Titled COVID MRNA VaccinesĀ 


significantly increase endothelial inflammatory markers and the risk of ACS according to the cardiology test" was presented by renowned cardiologist Stephen Gundry at the AHA Annual Conference on November 8, 2021 and published in the Medical Journal of AHA Circulation.

The study concludes that mRNA vaccines "dramatically increase endothelial inflammation and infiltration of heart muscle T lymphocytes," which the researchers believe likely explains the increase in adverse cardiac or vascular events and side effects such as thrombosis, cardiomyopathy, and others in post-vaccination patients.

The whistleblower says the institution decided not to publish the results, but instead chose to hide the results for fear that it would lose research funding.Ā 

Malhotra explained that the whistleblower, who remains anonymous for his own safety reasons, was furious over the decision to bury the results, especially given the fact that the latest health data from the UK show that the number of cardiology-related deaths in the country has increased markedly since the provision of the experimental vaccine:

"In good science, we never rely on one study. We need to repeat those conclusions.

A few days ago, after this was published, someone from a very prestigious British institution, a researcher in the Department of Cardiology and an informant, contacted me to say that the researchers of (his) department had discovered something similar in the coronary arteries associated with the vaccine.

They had a meeting and these researchers have now decided that they are not going to publish their findings because they are concerned about losing research money in the pharmaceutical industry."

šŸ‡©šŸ‡ŖUtilization of Germans with an injection ...

Of. mortality ā˜ ļø in Germany per 100,000 people in each age group (as of 25 November 2021).

The chief medical officer of the United States decided to finish off the empathy of Americans completely.

The administration of the grandfather in the best traditions of the psychiatric hospital šŸ„ expands the requirements for rags in airplanes, trains, buses, airports, railway stations until March 2022:

The Administration of Environmental Orderlies will extend the requirements for all travelers, they will have to wear masks on airplanes, trains and buses, as well as at airports and railway stations until mid-March next year. This was told by sources informed exclusively on this issue.

The official announcement of the extension of the requirements until March 18 is expected today on Thursday (December 2).Ā 

The White Hospital and the non-structural unit Psycho Transport Security (TSA) declined to comment. In August, the TSA extended the order for the transport mask, which is valid until January 18.


Nurse with 14 years of experience in the emergency department, Midwest CCU/ER:Ā 

"Over the past 16 hours in our unit, I have cared for a 7-year-old boy with myocarditis (1 week after the 1st injection), a 19-year-old girl with Bell's palsy (1 month after the injection) and a healthy 36-year-old man who had a heart attack."

These tragedies should not have happened. It was just about a vaccine. Products that cause bodily harm, injury and so on respond with lightning speed. What is the reason for the delay in recalling these experimental vaccines? Is it about money, power, or something more nefarious?

I understand. It's a difficult choice for so many people for many different reasons. On the other hand, before they force us to take an injection, which is NOT mandatory, they first need us to sign a consent - a waiver of holding these people/company responsible for what happens to us after the injection, adverse/side effects... Are there ANY REAL doctors who understand that something absolutely terrible is happening?


" Union of German Women", dance during the Congress of the National Socialist Party in Nuremberg. Germany, 1938




This is a secret and impossible dream of many current national administrations of the countries of the world.Ā 


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