Cult of the Ninth Circle of Satanic Sacrifices

Cult of the Ninth Circle of Satanic Sacrifices

Ritual abuse practiced by hierarchs of the Roman Catholic Church, members of royal families, prominent politicians, representatives of governments and big business, united in the Cult of the Ninth Circle of Satanic Child Sacrifice 


From itccS Tribunal press releases.

This review contains press releases published on the Child Abuse Recovery website in the Judy Byington author's section at:

The review omits repetitive details of Judy Byington's materials. 

The chronological order of publications has been preserved.


A series of publications-translations about satanic ritual violence, which continues this material, is intended for those who have strong nerves, a stable psyche and a certain goal - to understand the real structure of the power system in our world. 

History is not made by "transnational corporations," "committees," parties, or even governments, but by specific people in these systems and structures. People who are united with each other by their common spiritual qualities, addictions and objects of worship. Only by tracing these qualities and objects of worship can we explain to ourselves the conditions of life around us.



Judy Byington, January 6, 2014

"I saw Joseph Ratzinger, the former pope, kill a little girl," an eyewitness victim of the Black Mass told the International Tribunal for Crimes of Church and State. - It took place in a French castle in the autumn of 1987. It was terrible and happened more than once. Ratzinger, Afrink (then a Dutch Catholic cardinal) and Prince Bernard (the founder of the Bilderberg Club) were among the famous individuals who took part in mass."

Since the 1980s and until now, there is an act called Crimean Solicitations, according to which Catholics are excommunicated from the church and even receive a prison sentence if they complain or ill-treatment by high-ranking Vatican hierarchs.

Nevertheless, it became known about the use of children by the Catholic elite in black masses. In 2014, there were 9.9 million victims of sexual abuse by Catholic priests worldwide. In addition, 139 respondents to the 2007 Extreme Violence Survey reported that they had been abused as children, at least one of them having fallen victim to a Catholic priest as the object of a satanic ritual. According to surviving victims, during satanic rituals and black masses, children are usually killed.

The founder of the International Tribunal for Crimes of Church and State, Kevin Annette, collected evidence for the 2014 international court of common law investigation proving that the Vatican's top hierarchs held black masses with child sacrifices. On October 28, 2013, dutch therapist Toos Neuenhuis testified that as a child she witnessed the murder of a child involving Ratzinger, Afrink and Bernard.


Details of the 9.9 million victims of Catholic priest violence have yet to be issued by the Vatican, even after a UN request. If an internal investigation into priest abuse ever becomes public, it probably won't include information about murder victims. Several witnesses reported murders of babies by Catholic nuns and priests, cases never tried in court.

"There were newborn babies. Many of them were premature, and I knew they were going to be killed," the former Catholic nun testified. She was taken to a monastery at the age of 14, her attempts to escape were unsuccessful. She was punished, for example - closed in a coffin for 9 hours, hung by the wrists for several days and deprived of food and water. By her own admission, she "became a mechanical doll, a creature belonging as property to Rome" (this video is here:

Last February, Pope Ratzinger left office after the International Court of Justice in Brussels found him and 29 other members of the world elite involved in the case of 50,000 missing Canadian children. "We are preparing several investigations for the International Court of Common Law for 2014," Annette said in a recent telephone interview. "One of them in New York city on satanic ritual abuse in the Catholic Church."

Cases of murder of children without guardians almost never reach the court. A well-known example is when a Jesuit Catholic priest ordered the burial alive of a baby under the floor of his mission-school of St. John. Mary near Omaca, Washington. The Jesuits ran their own boarding schools in Washington, Oregon, Idaho and Alaska until they closed after a lawsuit by 500 victims over child abuse.

Another example, October 3, 1997, with the growing number of witnesses describing the deaths and even murders of children at a Catholic boarding school in Alberney, Canada, Constable Peters Jerry said, "We have never been able to investigate all the deaths of students at school. That would be too much of an investigation."

The Jesuits are a Roman Catholic military order with a history of 500 years. The Jesuits believe that they can commit any crime, and it will not defile their soul in any way. Obviously, they believe that their souls are not defiled by the crimes committed in boarding schools. Catholic priests avoided murder charges, as they did with those 500 victim witnesses. They contributed their $166 million to the largest sexual assault trial by a Catholic priest [to try to hush up the case].

Another murder committed by Catholic priests and nuns was included in the charge against Ratzinger. Part of the evidence presented to the ITCCS tribunal was that of Irene Favel. "They threw the baby into the oven and burned him alive," said Irene, 75, recalling the terrible events of her childhood spent at Mascovegan Saskatchewan Boarding School, Canada. - We heard a shout of "Uh-uh!" and that's it. And they smelled fried flesh."

The school was one of 80 schools run by the Canadian government and mainly by the Catholic Church. Since 2008, 29 mass graves of children have been discovered in the territories of Canadian boarding schools. Annette was denied permission to excavate these mass graves.

Another fact of genocide, which did not cause any legal consequences, was published on December 5, 2013 in the newspaper "Alberni Valley News". Surviving victims said that in addition to physical and sexual violence, they were used as test subjects in experiments of the American and Canadian governments. More than 1300 children held in Alberni boarding schools have been the subject of a decade-long test to study the effects of malnutrition on children's health. "We used to sell balls for leftover food," recalled one of the victims. - Hunger. I will always remember what it means to be hungry." 

In 2007, 513 respondents to Extreme Violence Investigations described their experiences as ritual abuse and mind control. Jesuit Catholic priests or "Enlightened" priests, such as those who abused 500 children in American Indian boarding schools, appear in the investigation as mind control experts. The Jesuits were Hitler's advisers before and during the war. The practice of Black Masses, inherited from Babylonian-Egyptian child sacrifices to God Moloch and used in Hitler's concentration camps, later became the basis for CIA mind control programs. Illegal experiments on children began in the 1950s with the involvement of Nazi specialists in Satanic rituals in the United States and Canada.

Jenny Hill of Garden Grove, California, testified to this in her biography: "Twenty-Two Faces: The Life of Jenny Hill in Her Twenty-Two Personalities" (Tate Publishers, Oklahoma, 2012) ... 

In this video, Jenny Hill describes how she witnessed a child sacrifice on the summer solstice on June 21, 1965, the murder took place under the control of a Nazi mind control specialist who was brought to the United States to work for the CIA:

There are eyewitness accounts of two Black Masses with the sacrifice of children, similar to those described by Jenny Hill. They took place near the Vatican in Rome. At the age of 12, a san Diego woman said she was brought to the catacombs near the Vatican as a girl and saw the sacrifice of a 3-4-year-old boy under the influence of drugs. About a similar satanic rite in the same catacombs of the Vatican told another witness. 

One Black Mass was the subject of consideration in a US court. Catholic priest Gerald Robinson was found guilty of murdering a nun in a sacristy chapel on Holy Saturday before Easter in 1980. During the ceremony, he carved a satanic symbol on the heart of Margaret's sister Ann Pal with a knife. Investigators reopened the murder case when Catholic priests in Toledo were accused of sexually abusing children. 

In December 2013, Catholic Pope Francis Bergoglio ignored the UN request and did not provide data on the Church's involvement in child trafficking. Bergoglio left Ratzinger under his protection in the Vatican, refusing to assist the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child in investigating cases of child sexual abuse in the Catholic Church.

What can be done now?

"We're preparing several common law lawsuits," Annette said, "and we're going to let survivors of violence speak their stories."

Information about the abuses of the Catholic Church can be brought to the lawyers of Kevin Annette:

Survivors of the CIA's mind control experiments are asking Congress to investigate the activity. They argue that these government programs are still ongoing. You can sign this petition.

Kevin Annette has documented hundreds of physical evidence in the case of 50,000 missing children in the book "Hidden No More." 

The book can be found ⬇️


Judy Byington, January 10, 2014

Will the Queen of England be allowed to obstruct justice?

Queen Elizabeth facilitated yesterday's detention of British citizen David Kompan. He was forcibly held under anesthesia at Imperial College Psychiatric Hospital. No charges have been filed.

What was Kompan's crime?

Lawyer Kompan obtained the issuance by a court in Brussels of an arrest warrant for the royal couple for their involvement in the disappearance of ten children. On February 25, 2013, six judges of the International Court found Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip guilty of removing ten Indian children from Canada's Camploops Boarding School on October 10, 1964. After that, no one saw the children, they disappeared without a trace. 

If the elites eved responsibility for child trafficking, how can we be calm about ourselves and our children?

In Brussels, the International Tribunal for Crimes of Church and State ITCCS opened a criminal case on behalf of the absent relatives of 50,000 children. ITCCS was organized by Canadian pastor Kevin Annette at the request of the leaders of the Indian tribes of Canada. Prior to the establishment of the International Court, all efforts to bring to justice those responsible for crimes against children had been in vain.

The prosecution faced problems. In 2012, Harry Wilson, the first eyewitness to tell the public about his discovery of a dead teenager, died under mysterious circumstances. He suffered severe head injuries.

28 mass graves have been discovered at boarding schools across Canada. In November 2013, another was accidentally discovered by pipelayers. Children's mass graves are still unexcavated, despite the fact that Annette and a team of specialists, including one from the Smithsonian Institution, discovered human remains several years ago.

Witness victims described how school staff subjected children to gang rape, starvation, murder of pregnant or "disobedious" teenagers by beating them and keeping them without food or water. Children were infected with smallpox, provided for prostitution to police and politicians in exchange for cash payments.

The children were also the subjects of experiments, including drug testing, conducted in association with pharmaceutical companies such as Eli Lilly, Upjohn and Bayer. The pharmaceutical companies funded the United, Anglican and Catholic Churches, which ran 80 Indian schools in collaboration with the Canadian government and the British Crown.

In February 2013, Pope Joseph Ratzinger was convicted in Brussels, resulting in his resignation. Within four long months, the court considered and charged ratzinger, Queen Elizabeth and 28 other members of the world elite with crimes against humanity.

Ms Windsor did not respond to the November 2012 subpoena, which does not yet refute the evidence presented in court and the findings that thousands of Canadian children, her subjects, were abused and killed in boarding schools.

In July 2012, an informant told Annette that he was an employee at the head office of the Church of England in Toronto and was involved in efforts by representatives of the British Crown in Ontario, the Canadian government, the Anglican, Catholic and other churches to "commission from London" block the exposure of crimes.

The largest burial site was located at a school for the children of the Mohawk Indians in Brantford, Ontario. In July 2001, one of the victims filed a lawsuit against the Church of England and the Crown. Judge Heaths of the Ontario Supreme Court closed the case on the grounds that the lawsuit was barred by the Royal Act of 1953.

Charing Cross Hospital social worker Elizabeth Scully, at the request of the ITCCS tribunal, confirmed that Mr. Kompan was on the clinic's documents, but declined to provide further information.

An English law was recently passed allowing indefinite imprisonment of those deemed "fixated" on public figures such as members of the royal family. This was perceived by the public as a "mean police-state law", more details about this can be found here: 

ITCCS officials have called on employees of their affiliates in 21 countries to protest and demand the release of David Kompan and invalidate the new law, which is used to imprison innocent citizens without due process.

More information can be found at these links:



Judy Byington, January 17, 2014

Catholic Pope Francis Bergoglio this week received a request from the UN about his involvement in child trafficking during Argentina's "dirty war" and the Vatican's cover-up of more than nine million victims of violence by Catholic priests.

During the Argentine "dirty war" of 1976-1983, Bergoglio headed the branch of the Catholic Jesuit Order in Argentina. The victims said that they, like more than 30,000 missing orphans, were included in the international network of sexual trafficking and exploitation of children, including in the Vatican.

"We intend to bring in several prominent figures in the child trafficking and other crimes case," Kevin Annette said in a recent phone interview. "Witnesses, including a former Argentine official, have agreed to testify against Pope Bergoglio and other members of the world elite in a common law court in Brussels."

"The Pope, the British Crown and the Canadian government are preventing excavations at the sites of 29 mass graves," kevin Annette said. - Indians living on the reservation have no legal rights. In 2008, our excavations at a boarding school in Mohawk, Ontario, closed four days after human remains were found. The reports on the Mohawk School were closed by order of the Anglican Archbishop in London of Canterbury."



Judy Byington, January 21, 2014

This week it was revealed that Queen Elizabeth, implicated in an international network of child exploitation, had transferred her stake in the "business" to Prince Charles as successor.

As producer Bill Maloney, who is interviewed live on the BBC for Britain's News Column, tells the story of a film by an Andrew whistleblower recently told the daily Express Newspaper that he was engaged in prostitution for the British royal family on an international network of sexual exploitation of children.

Can this satanic ritual abuse by a network organized by the global elite be directed at our children? If so, do they have connections to effectively cover up the violence?

This international network of ritual exploitation of children includes prominent leaders in the British Parliament, show business, political, legal and medical fields...


The ITCCS tribunal may have a long list of defendants in cases of ritual abuse of children if there is no criminal prosecution by the State of persons accused of such crimes. For example, because the police refused to accept at least 138 of the 664 complaints from victims against the late Jimmy Savile, a British celebrity, these people were pursuing their own civil lawsuits against the BBC public broadcaster. Savile, along with his friends from show business and the world of politics, sexually assaulted up to 1,000 people at night parties where satanic ritual sexual abuse of children took place. 

None of these cases continued in the form of criminal prosecution, although many were guilty of pandering to Savilu. According to The Observer, the CEO of the New York Times was among the accused.



Judy Byington, January 29, 2014


Last week, a witness filed a complaint with the UK police that as a child he was used in narcotic sex parties of a satanic nature, organized by authoritative representatives of the state authorities of Europe. As reported in the English newspaper "Sunday Express" on January 12, "it is not only politicians, but also a number of celebrities with great connections with deputies and influential entrepreneurs." 

The witness stated that he was sold by Dutch intelligence officers to Amsterdam, where he was abused by a group of pedophiles, among whom was convicted (for now) infanticide Sidney Cook. Cook (at trial) said he abused teenagers and killed them in the Netherlands. A child abuse victim claimed that they were arranged for the filming of the Snaf Film (a film of the actual murder) by the pedophile Cook and another teenager was killed there - this is a common practice of satanic cults. This event took place in a children's boarding school on the British island of Jersey. Jersey is the sole property and political control of Queen Elizabeth. 

In 2011, the production studio Pie'n'Mash Films released a documentary "The Sun, the Sea and Satan" about satanic symbols, child abuse and murder on the island of Jersey, owned by Queen Elizabeth.

Why don't we see reports of satanic crimes in the mainstream media?

For centuries, satanic child sacrifices and pedophilia have been practiced within secret societies. Our society, which has already become a fait accompli, has buried information about these disgusting rituals under a layer of denial and apathy. However, these crimes were not news to the world elite, they were covered by the church, the state and the main flow of the media. 

This article on the real satanic crimes in the UK talks about the overt cover-up of sexual assaults committed by British celebrity Jimmy Savile:

Back on December 29, 1996, the Sunday Times reported on alleged satanic crimes that never made it to trial. "Five witnesses spoke last week and described how black masses were held, in which children were killed in front of spectators, among whom were prominent members of Belgian society ... Tentacles... apparently stretching beyond Belgium to Holland and even to America... Police have long suspected that Dutrou, a convicted pedophile, was part of an international network that deals with child abduction, child sexual abuse and child murder."

What can be done to protect our children?

Survivors of the CIA's mind control experiments, such as Jenny Hill, are suggesting some ideas. They made interesting comments in this petition to Congress about the organization of the investigation. To help stop the ongoing pipeline of these experiments, please sign the petition.



Judy Byington, February 21, 2014

Yesterday, the father of self-proclaimed Satanist Miranda Barbour denied that his daughter practiced serial murder as part of a satanic cult. Nineteen-year-old Miranda Barbour recently confessed to the murder of Troy La Ferrara and at least 22 others as part of her contribution to the cult of Satan: 

"Satanism is reality," Miranda's father admitted. "It's a growing cult that will go to great lengths to capture our children. You should not associate with the Church of Satan and worship him."

Denial that members of satanic cults regularly commit ritual murders is not uncommon. And it was unusual to see members of a satanic cult like Barbour confess to their crimes and end up as defendants in court.

Presumably, up to twenty-four priests participated in the black Catholic Mass of 1984, during which nun Margaret Pal was killed, but none of them appeared before the court, with the exception of Father Gerald Robinson. According to a January 14, 2013 article in Veterans Today, Robinson is serving a life sentence for the murder of Margaret Pal and a new trial has been launched against two other Catholic priests. The accusing party bases its position on evidence that at least seven, perhaps up to twenty-four, priests participated in the satanic ritual sacrifice in which Sister Pal was killed. But none of the priests were convicted.

During satanic ritual sacrifices, children are raped, tortured, and murdered. One of the goals of this is to gain mind control over young cult members. Often, worshipers sacrifice their own children who were born and were not registered. It is well known that young people are involved in rituals at a very early age. Miranda Babur admitted that she took part in satanic ritual murders from the age of twelve, in various places - from Alaska to North Carolina.

Unlike Barbour, many other Satanic criminals are rarely caught. According to commissioners in the Robinson case, during the trial, prosecutors chose not to provide their evidence on his colleagues - other Catholic priests. Investigative reporter Gordon Duff says he is confident that these priests "continue to practice Satanism in the church – torture, rape and murder. To this day, those who escaped punishment continue to do so": 



Judy Byington, March 3, 2014

Yesterday, thousands of women, children and young people at Glasnevin Cemetery paid tribute to the victims of those killed in Irish Catholic labor camps called the Magdalene Laundries. Approximately 30,000 girls suffered psychological, sexual and physical abuse and died at the hands of nuns of the Magdalene Order. Cases of murder by nuns of newborn babies born to women held in laundries became known:

The Vatican and the sisters of the Magdalene Order could at least apologize or pay compensation to the victims. For 44 years, victims have been waiting for justice. The scandal erupted in the 1970s, and the last "laundry" was closed in 1996, finally, in February 2013, on behalf of the Irish government of End, Kenny apologized for the pain experienced by women. He also promised to make available "a process to help women survive this trauma." 

Why did this violence go unpunished for 44 years after it was exposed in the 1970s?

As in the case of high-profile scandals related to the violence of Catholic priests, the sisters of the Order of Magdalene were afraid to make public negative information about the Catholic Church and its leaders. They were subject to an act issued by the Vatican called Crimen Solicitationas. By this act, the Roman Catholic Church obliged every priest, bishop and every nun to protect the reputation of the Catholic Church under pain of excommunication. For Catholics, breaking this act means to earn eternal torment in Hell.

Magdalene laundries in Ireland, Australia and the US were used to punish unmarried young women – many of them teenagers – for premarital sex. Some of them were imprisoned only because their Puritan families considered them too disobedicious.

The UN Committee on Countering Torture (UN Convention against Torture) examined the magdalene Laundry case and defined it as "hopeless horror: sadistic nuns tortured young women with impunity in the name of Catholicism."

A letter from Irish UN representative Felis Gaer said: "In particular, the committee received information from several sources showing that the McAlees Report (the Irish government's review of the Magdalene Laundries), despite its length and detail, did not conduct a fully independent investigation into arbitrary detention, forced labour and ill-treatment."

The headline of a September 28, 2002 New York Times article: "Slave Labor in Irish Monasteries as terrible Prisons: Victims of the Strict Moralism of Irish Catholicism." The review was based on Peter Pullan's film about Magdalene Laundries: 

The existence of these church labor camps run by the sisters of the Magdalene Order first became known to the public in 1970 with the discovery of the unnamed graves of the women who were held there. It was 43 years before last February when the Irish government apologized. The Vatican has so far not responded.

There is no exact data on the girls who were kept and worked in the eight "Magdalene Laundries" in Australia, which were administered by the Order of the Sisters of the Good Shepherd. Victims of the Sisters of the Good Shepherd also recounted psychological, sexual, and physical abuse and murder committed by Catholic nuns. The Magdalene Society in the United States, Philadelphia, existed in the 1800s and 1850s, but there is no available information about possible abuses that occurred there.



Judy Byington, March 6, 2014

Yesterday, Pope Francis, jesuit chief Adolfo Pahon and Archbishop of the Church of England Justin Welby were summoned to court to answer allegations of complicity and conspiracy to conceal evidence of rape, torture and exploitation of children. The trial against them and Queen Elizabeth is scheduled to begin on 31 March 2014 at the International Court of Justice of Brussels.

"We accuse Jesuit General Adolfo Pahon of being involved in the exploitation and murder of children for centuries," Kevin Annette said in a phone interview today. - Even in the United States, the authorities neglected to investigate the crimes of the Catholic Church. For example, in the spring of 2010 in Seattle, I met Clarita Vargas, an Aboriginal Indian woman who was raised as a child at a Jesuit boarding school in Ogaka, Washington. She said that in 1971, she, at the age of 14, and two other girls were playing on the grounds of the Catholic Church adjacent to the school. They heard screams. Clarita and her friends looked through the side window and saw two nuns holding a woman from the Indians, who was all in tears. Two Jesuits performed some kind of ritual with a newborn baby. One of them was holding a baby in his hands, and the other was reading a text from a book. The priest who read the text was chief among the Jesuits in this Indian school. "It was like a strange ritual of sacrifice or something," Clarita said.

After saying something that Clarita did not hear, the chief priest nodded to the other, and he placed the living baby under the wooden floorboards. Then they stabbed the boards in the floor above the child. Clarita never saw the child's mother again again, but later it became known that the woman had become pregnant by one of the Jesuit priests and conceived that child from him. Clarita told me that this priest was still alive and living in a nursing home near where we were talking.

In 2009, Clarita's lawyers sought local police, Sheriff Omaki and the FBI to finally excavate the school building where the burial took place. But they refused to do so on the grounds that they must first "obtain permission from the Catholic Church" before digging.

As reported in a 2009 New York Times article, $166 million was spent on the out-of-court settlement of the case of 500 victims of violence by Jesuit Catholic priests. The Jesuit Order operated boarding schools in Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, and Alaska. This amount was the largest investment of its kind for the Catholic Church. No charges were brought against the Jesuits, none of them were punished:

"Of the 14 boys from my village who were forced to live in Catholic boarding schools, only two of us survived," said Canadian Indian elders Sti-Mas and Wachtsek. One night five of my best friends were taken away and they never came back. Later we found their graves on the hill... We were regularly lined up in robes on the altar. We weren't allowed to wear underwear so the priest could always... Some children were burned in ovens... A British Columbia Supreme Court justice told us that our quest for justice is a fantasy."

Sti-Mas and Wachtsek were tribal leaders and became representatives of the International Tribunal for Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS). The ITCCS created international courts in 2013 and 2014 to investigate the fate of more than 50,000 missing Indian children. This video describes childhood in one of the 80 Canadian boarding schools for Indian children:

"The clergy raped young girls and then burned their newborn children in the furnace ... I was six years old when they took me out of my family... They took my brother and sister too. I couldn't talk to my sister under pain of punishment... None of them ever went to trial for the death of a child. Churches must leave our territory or stand trial," the elders said.


Pope Francis is disingenuous in his comments made yesterday. Italy's largest newspaper quoted Pope Francis as saying that the Catholic Church operated in conditions of transparency and responsibility in the topic of violence against victims by Catholic priests. In the Ash Wednesday newspaper, Pope Francis reacted to a Un report published in February 2014 that criticized the Vatican. As shown in this February 5, 2014 NBC report, a permit was approved allowing priests to rape children:



Judy Byington, March 10, 2014

"Evidence of Queen Elizabeth's involvement in the deaths of ten children appears to have been destroyed on the orders of the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby," Kevin Annette said today during an interview, based on data from a source in the office of Canadian Primate Fred Hitz. - My source said that Hitz did everything as ordered and destroyed the evidence. Welby made a call to Heatz in early 2012, just after he was appointed Archbishop of Canterbury."


"Welby apparently instructed Hitz not to report to the police the records linking Queen Elizabeth to the disappearance of ten Indian children," Annette continued. - Plus, Hutz was ordered to destroy evidence of the death of Mohawk children at a school subordinate to the Church of England. My source said that for the archbishop, Queen Elizabeth's reputation is so important than any criminal liability that he can force the destruction of evidence."

Queen Elizabeth, the authorities of the Catholic and Anglican churches still hide evidence of their child abuse?

Prior to archbishop William Combe's order, an eyewitness to Queen Elizabeth's abduction of children, claimed evidence in the form of human remains in a mass children's grave on the grounds of a Mohawk school in Brantford, Ontario.


In his video testimony, Combe said, "I am one of the surviving children held at a Roman Catholic Indian boarding school in Kamloops. I suffered terrible torture, mainly at the hands of a monk, Brother Murphy, who killed at least two children. I saw him throw a girl from the balcony on the third floor, she died. One night I saw him and another priest burying a child in the school garden. After I tried to escape, he locked me in a basement in Kamloops and beat me up, causing me to have several fractures.

On October 10, 1964, when I was 12 years old, we were visited by Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip. It was strange because they came simply, without any solemn ceremonies. But I recognized them and the principal told us it was the Queen. On the eve of her arrival, we were given new clothes and good food, for the first time in months. I was in that group of kids who went on a picnic with her and her husband and some priests down to the meadow near Dead Man's Creek. It was weird because we all had to bow and kiss her feet in white lace shoes. Seven boys and three girls aged 6 to 14 years, Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip took with them. Since that day, none of us have seen them again, even as we have become adults."


In the past, it has happened that supporters of the ITCCS tribunal have fallen silent, although their testimony has survived. After William Combe decided to be the main witness against Queen Elizabeth at a trial in Brussels in 2013, he died suddenly in St. Paul's Hospital, owned by the Catholic Church. Combe was perfectly healthy, but he was ordered to go to a hospital in Vancouver "for tests", where his health immediately deteriorated. He died of unknown cause on February 26, 2011. His video testimony, recorded for submission to the International Court of Justice, can be seen here:

Comb, not the only witness killed. Three police officers beat Johnny Bingo Dawson to death on December 6, 2009. What was his crime? His group picketed the Church of England to protest the unexplained disappearance of 50,000 children from Canadian Indian boarding schools.

Ricky Laval is the third victim. He witnessed the beating of Bingo and died suddenly, for an unsolved reason, on January 3, 2012.


All those who have committed crimes against humanity, even those who have a high status in society, must be brought to justice, otherwise society will sink into lawlessness and chaos, where no one will feel safe.

"We ask all people of conscience to remember and act not only for the children who are currently suffering and dying at the hands of church-protected rapists and drug traffickers, but also for countless children who are no longer alive," Kevin Annette told the ITCCS tribunal. - Those who have evidence relevant to this issue should submit it to the Office of the Civil Prosecutor of the Court.

... 2014 was declared the Day of Silence, dedicated to efforts to stop the Church's violence against children. The ITCCS tribunal and its affiliates invite people to consciously join them in praying for abused children.



Judy Byington, March 13, 2014

Yesterday, Pope Francis named five Catholic priests responsible for child abuse. To these victims, whose perpetrators are labeled as heartless, we can add hundreds of thousands more who suffered from Catholic priests.

"Recently released documents show that Francis, like the vast majority of his colleagues, is involved in this. It's painful to say, but it's important to understand whether children remain safe in this global empire led by Francis," said Barbara Doris, director of SNAP, the 15,000-member American Society of Abused Priests: 

Pope Francis Jorge Mario Bergoglio was Archbishop of Buenos Aires from 1998 to 2013 and President of the Argentine Bishops' Union from 2005 to 2011. During this time, Francis was silent about the phenomenon of priests' sexual abuse of children in Argentina.

Francis "to protect the Catholic Church" extended the act called Crimen Sollicitationas. This law, under threat of excommunication or even a prison sentence, prohibits Catholics from releasing information about Catholic priests involved in sexual violence.

Francis has announced five cases of priests' violence against children:

1. Julio's father César Grassi - Grassi was convicted in 2009 for molesting a boy from a shelter for street children, which Grassi founded.

After Grassi's conviction, Jorge Mario Bergoglio (now Pope Francis) commissioned action to convince Supreme Court justices of Grassi's innocence. This interference is believed to have been one of the reasons Grassi remained at large for four years after his conviction.

2. Father Ruben Pardo - in 2003, a priest with AIDS raped a boy, hiding from law enforcement in the house of a priest in the diocese of Buenos Aires, which was then headed by Jorge Bergoglio.

3. Brother of Fernando Enrique Pizochi. The victim discovered that the offender had escaped from justice from Argentina to the United States and made a personal request to Jorge Bergoglio to release him from the crime act of Crimen Sollicitationas. He conveyed his request through Bergoglio's private secretary. No assistance was provided.

4. Father Mario Sasso Napoleon - in 2001, after being diagnosed with pedophilia, he was treated in a church preventive center, Sasso was appointed pastor of a very poor parish with a public kitchen-dining room in the Diocese of Zarate Campana. In 2002-2003, he raped at least five little girls in his bedroom in the kitchen-dining room. In 2006, Sasso was in prison, but still not convicted. The parents of the girls asked for help from Jorge Bergoglio, then he was the head of the Argentine archbishop's association. That kitchen-dining room was only 25 miles from Bergoglio's residence. Bergoglio refused to meet with the girls' parents.

5. The Monk Maria Kalos Gona - Gona was a priest under the direct supervision of Jorge Bergoglio. In 2001, two girls complained that Gona had taken an inappropriate interest in them. Gona still works in his place, now he is a deacon and priest at the hospital - this suggests that perhaps Bergoglio considered the accusations credible, but decided to demote him in office rather than remove him from the ministry.

New documents released by SNAP show how Jorge Bergoglio, the current pope, examined the sexual crimes of his subordinates in Argentina. During this time, Bergoglio hid documents, the names of the accused priests, crime statistics and did not try to take any action or apologize to the victims.

Pope Francis was accused of trafficking children from Catholic shelters in Argentina in the 1970s during the "dirty war." A former member of the military junta provided the court with detailed recordings of Jorge Bergoglio's meetings with the junta and agreed to come out of hiding in Spain to testify. The junta is guilty of killing more than 50,000 political opponents, their children were transferred to Catholic shelters. The case will begin at the International Court of Justice in Brussels on 31 March 2014.



Judy Byington, April 5, 2014

"The Canadian government has finally admitted to committing the genocide of tens of thousands of its children," Kevin Annette said in a telephone interview today. - It outrages me that they kept it a secret for so long. I knew this 17 years ago when I found statistics on nearly 50,000 missing children in a public library."



Judy Byington, April 5, 2014

"A document from the Vatican Library's closed archives, called magisterial Privilege, gives the pope the right to kill children during satanic rituals," Kevin Annette said in a phone interview today. - According to this document of December 25, 1967, each new Pope, upon taking office, is obliged to participate in the Rite of the Cult of the Ninth Circle of Satanic Child Sacrifices, during which a newborn child is killed and his blood consumed. A copy of this Act is now accepted as evidence in court proceedings."



Judy Byington, April 12, 2014

Witnesses said they saw the participation of the current Pope Francis and former Pope Ratzinger in the rituals of the Ninth Circle Cult of Satanic Child Sacrifice as children, Kevin Annette said today. The ITCCS tribunal is investigating the case at the International Court of Common Law in Brussels, Belgium. As it was said, the murders were committed at Carnarvon Castle in Wales and in an unidentified French chateau. According to a former employee of the Curia in Rome, children from Catholic orphanages are regularly used in the satanic Cult of the Ninth Circle of Child Sacrifice. The rituals of the cult involve world leaders, including the current Pope Francis and the former Pope Ratzinger.

Court documents filed this week contain records that Pope Francis ran a network of mass trafficking and trafficking of children from the Vatican. Three witnesses claimed that a special office in the Vatican coordinated this global traffic. The children were supplied from the official family planning and foster care centre of the Roman Catholic Church.

The specifics of this special institution, created for the exploitation of children, were described under oath by a former employee of the Vatican Curia. Another witness also presented in written testimony to the court his knowledge of the structure of this trafficking network. According to the testimony of a third witness, Jorge Bergoglio was promised the position of head of the Catholic Church in Argentina if he organized the supply of children for this criminal network. These were orphans left without parents after the extermination of 150,000 political prisoners during the "dirty" Argentine war. The witness is a former Argentine junta official hiding in Spain who has extensive records of Jorge Bergoglio's talks with Argentina's military junta.

The child trafficking allegations are not new to the Catholic Church or the Vatican. The BBC documentary covers a 50-year-old scandalous story about child trafficking by the Catholic Church in Spain. More than 300,000 infants were taken from their parents:



Judy Byington, April 18, 2014

Two girls testified that Pope Francis raped them during child sacrifice rituals. Eight eyewitnesses have confirmed the allegations, according to data presented this week at the Common Law Court in Brussels. The rituals of the Cult of the Ninth Circle of Satanic Child Sacrifice took place in the spring of 2009 and 2010 in rural areas in Holland and Bella. 

Pope Francis, according to records obtained from the Vatican archives, participated in satanic rites of child sacrifice while still a priest and bishop in Argentina. A senior Vatican official, a former vatican official, provided the documents to the court. About such suspicions of satanic activities of the Vatican, this news from the ABC: 


A document titled "Magisterial Privilege", proving the involvement of the Jesuit Order, was submitted to the court by the chief prosecutor. An entry dated December 25, 1967, states that each new pope, upon taking office, is obliged to participate in the rituals of the Ninth Circle Cult with the sacrifice of a newborn child and the use of his blood.

From the speech of the chief prosecutor to 5 international judges and 27 members of the court (jury members): "Documents from the secret archives of the Vatican, presented in court, clearly indicate that for centuries the Jesuits in accordance with a clearly defined plan committed the ritual murder of newborn babies with the subsequent use of their blood. These actions stemmed from their perverse notions that in this way they extract spiritual power from the blood of the innocent and thereby ensure the political stability of the papacy in Rome. These acts of genocide were systemic and institutionalized. Since at least 1773, they have been carried out by the Roman Catholic Church, jesuits and popes."

Two witnesses claim that as children they had to observe child sacrifices with the participation of Pope Joseph Ratzinger. According to Vatican records presented in court, since at least 1962, Ratzinger has participated in child sacrifices as a "Knight of Darkness." Ratzinger was an assistant chaplain at the German concentration camp of Ravensbrück during World War II. Children for murder were transported from the death camp. The Nazi Order of the Knights of Darkness, the Waffen SS, was established by Hitler in 1933 and combined in its idea ancient pagan occult beliefs about the power of human sacrifice.

Chief Prosecutor: "Survivors of this ritual described newborn babies being cut into pieces on a stone altar and eaten. In rituals of the 1960s, some children were forced to rape and maim other children and slit their throats with ceremonial daggers."

Documentation of issue #232 of The Canada Gazette dated December 26, 1942, Ottawa, was also provided to the court. Apparently, and unfortunately, the Canadian Government and the Privy Council in London granted the Dutch royal family exclusive immunity for any criminal, civil or military jurisdiction. What have these world leaders done to exempt them from any law?

The Chief Prosecutor presented alleged links between British, Dutch and Belgian royal families in the disappearance of Mohawk children from a boarding school for Indian children in Brantford, Canada. In 2008, a mass grave of children was discovered on the territory of this school. When the remains of a small child were discovered, specialists from the ITCCS tribunal were forbidden to carry out further excavations.

Since then, more than 30 mass grave sites have been discovered in boarding schools for Indian children across Canada. The Catholic, Anglican and United Churches of Canada, the Canadian government and the Crown of England have denied the ITCCS tribunal its requests to excavate these graves.

Chief Prosecutor: "This week, compelling evidence of Catholic Church crimes against children was presented. The Catholic Church is the world's largest association, and it appears to be in cahoots with governments, police, and the judiciary around the world."


Yesterday, five judges of the International Court of Justice moved the trial to closed sessions. A closed-in judicial investigation this week took place in an unsaid location because of a notice that the Vatican had sent a special "strike force" of Jesuit killers in order to disrupt the process.



Judy Byington, May 28, 2014

The head of the Catholic Jesuit Order, Adolfo Pahon, announced his resignation this week after the International Court of Common Law in Brussels proved his connection to the Ninth Circle Cult of Satanic Child Sacrifice. Over the past month, the five judges "examined the testimonies of numerous eyewitnesses and data from the Vatican's archival documentation, which clearly link Pahon, Pope Francis, former Pope Ratzinger, Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby to the ritual rape and murder of children that occurred as recently as 2010," as announced in yesterday's bulletin of the International Tribunal for Crimes of Church and State ...

The prosecutor told the court: "The bizarre remarks made by the pope last week during a Middle East tour that 'Sexual violence itself is already a satanic mass' show that he understands that the rape of children in his church, in which he himself participates, is a satanic ritual.


Last week, the court adjourned for several days after receiving information that another planned ritual of child sacrifice of the Ninth Circle Cult was scheduled for August 15, 2014 in the underground crypt of Marie-Ren-du-Monde, a Roman Catholic cathedral in Montreal, Canada...



Judy Byington, June 7, 2014

About 800 bodies of brutally emaciated children found buried in the septic tank of Irish nuns...

The International Tribunal for Crimes of Church and State ICLCJ offers citizens and staff of the Crown of England and the Vatican who are willing to testify and testify under oath against Vatican officials and officials who have committed crimes, amnesty, as well as a reward for providing evidence in the amount of 10,000 euros or about $ 13,660.


The "Monks of the Helper" who organized this mass grave directed the "Mother and Child House" named after St. John the Baptist. Mary in Tuam, north of galway. The Catholic "home" was known among other similar institutions in Ireland for its 4 times higher statistics of child deaths. Single mothers were punished as "atonement for sins," forced to abandon their children, and forced to work for two or three years without pay.

... Catholic officials have always denied receiving payments for so-called "adoptions" and insisted that supporting documents were lost during the fire.



Judy Byington, June 12, 2014

Marks on the bones of nearly 800 children found in the septic tank of Roman Catholic nuns indicate they were ritually killed, an Irish police source said this week. An informant told five judges of the International Court of Common Law (ICLCJ) in Brussels that forensic experts had confirmed that the beheading and dismemberment of babies in this mass grave resembled typical signs of ritual murder. Last week, death certificates were issued for 796 Irish children between the ages of two months and nine, whose remains were found in the septic tank of St. John's Catholic Mother and Child Home. Mary in Tuam.

Evidence has emerged linking the deaths of these children to members of the world elite, united by the Cult of the Ninth Circle of Satanic Child Sacrifices...

Yesterday, the Irish government and the Roman Catholic Church could begin the process of concealing evidence by closing the mass grave site, declaring it the subject of their own "investigation". "This is a common practice of departmental cover-up," the International Court of Justice (ICLCJ) said in a June 11 declaration in Brussels.



Judy Byington, June 27, 2014



Judy Byington, July 11, 2014


As Peter McKilvey, a former uk child protection manager in the UK, told BBC reporters last week, at least 20 senior officials in the government purchased children as "pieces of meat" to abuse them.

"Exposition Is The Other Side of Jimmy Savile," a documentary that appeared online, says: "There are other pedophiles in the BBC and associated with the royal family, police, government, judges, social services, medical facilities, Hollywood and the music industry. Of course, we know about the Vatican, but these perverts are not in the Catholic Church alone. These dirty baskies are everywhere. They must be identified and castrated."



Judy Byington, July 16, 2014

The European mafia, known as the "Octopus" or 'Ndrangheta, has been said to make a lot of money by providing drugs and children to the highest echelons of power in the Catholic and Anglican churches, Queen Elizabeth, members of royal families, European, Canadian, Australian and American politicians and heads of corporations. "The Catholic Church is the largest supplier and trafficker of children in human history, it makes billions annually by selling newborns from Catholic orphanages, orphanages and other hidden sources," Antonio Barrero testified before five ICLCJ judges. "In Spain alone, between 1940 and 1980, the Catholic Church raised more than $20 billion in revenue from the sale of more than 300,000 children."



Judy Byington, August 16, 2014

Jersey was and remains the sole possession and administration of Queen Elizabeth. In this video, Bill Maloney's sun, sea and satan:

Jimmy Saville spent the end of his life on the island of Jersey. Hundreds of children have been victims of Saville's satanic sexual abuse …..

Author's material ⬇️

In the photo Stalin and his first mistress Vera Davydova. 

In just a couple of minutes, the leader will order to hang the girl, all because she said one rash phrase ... 

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